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I Fra ønske til virkelighed indvier den kendte forfatter Wayne Dyer læseren i kraftfulde teknikker til at aktivere Loven om tiltrækning og manifestere det allerbedste i livet. Det handler om meget mere end blot lidt ønsketænkning i ny og næ og starter med en bevidstgørelse af de forestillinger, man har om sig selv. De fleste mennesker bærer rundt på negative tanker og overbevisninger, som fylder langt mere i sindet end de positive muligheder. For at kunne skabe det liv, man virkelig ønsker, er det nødvendigt at ændre på den forståelse, man har af sig selv, og hvad der er muligt. Fra ønske til virkelighed bygger på Dyers store erfaring med at manifestere og hjælpe mennesker til at nå deres højeste potentiale. Bogen er let læst, fyldt med nye indsiger, cases og praktiske redskaber, der leder læseren frem til en dybere selverkendelse og opnåelse af sine højeste ønsker – det være sig godt helbred, velvære eller velstand.
The author identifies the attributes of the all-creating universal mind of intention as creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expanding, endlessly abundant, and receptive, explaining the importance of emulating this source of creativity.
National BestsellerIn this inspiring book, bestselling author Wayne Dyer draws from various spiritual traditions to help us unplug from the material world and awaken to the divine with.With his trademark wit, wisdom, and humor, bestselling author Wayne Dyer offers compelling testimony on the power of love, harmony, and service. When confronted with a problem, be it ill health, financial worries, or relationship difficulties, we often depend on intellect to solve it. In this radical book, Dyer shows us that there is an omnipotent spiritual force at our fingertips that contains the solution to our problems. The first part of the book provides the essential foundation for spiritual problem solving, drawing from the wisdom of Patanjali, a Yogi mystic; the second half is organized around the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, whose legacy is one of love, harmony, and service. Each chapter contains specific practical applications for applying the teachings of these wise men to everyday problems, including affirmations, writing exercises, and guided meditations.Profound and thought provoking, yet filled with pragmatic advice,There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problemis a book about self-awareness and tapping the healing energy within all of us. As Dyer writes, "e;Thinking is the source of problems. Your heart holds the answer to solving them.
"En este libro revelador, Wayne Dyer comparte los sucesos de su vida desde que era niäno en Detroit hasta poco antes de su deceso. Detalla vâividas impresiones de sus encuentros y de las encrucijadas de su camino, transportâandonos a estas experiencias formativas. A continuaciâon, contempla los mismos sucesos desde la perspectiva actual, tomando nota de las lecciones aprendidas y de los principios espirituales que han guiado su dedicaciâon al servicio. Sentirâas que estâas ahâi con âel, que sus experiencias resuenan con las tuyas y te hablan personalmente. Tambiâen te sentirâas inspirado a mirar tu propio camino para ver que todo lo vivido te ha llevado a ser lo que eres. Aunque no seamos conscientes de "quiâen mueve los hilos", la vida tiene un propâosito, y cada paso tiene algo que enseänarnos. Como Wayne dice: "Desde la posiciâon de ser capaz de ver ahora con mucha mâas claridad, sâe que cada encuentro, cada reto y cada situaciâon son hilos espectaculares del tapiz que representa y define mi vida, y me siento profundamente agradecido por todos ellos."--
In this wonderful little book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer brings you a wealth of information that will inspire you to achieve success in all areas: personal, professional, and spiritual. By applying these positive thoughts to your daily life, you'll find that you will not only see improvements in yourself, but you will also serve as an inspiration to those around you. Soak up the wisdom--every day!
A guide to the secrets of leaving negativity behind and finding purpose in just 21 days. Discover your true life purpose, open your mind and your heart to opportunity and potential, and lead a happy, successful life. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer was considered to be one of the world's top spiritual teachers, known worldwide for his warm, insightful wisdom. This empowering guide will show you that in just 21 days you can let go of negative mindsets and move past long-term problems, become open to the joy that is present all around you, and find inspiration to lead the life of your dreams. The easy-to-follow principles in this short book give you all you need to find a goal in life that is spiritually fulfilling and overflowing with happiness. Living life with an open heart and a clear purpose is only 21 days away with these incredible life-lessons. Studies have shown it takes only 21 days for a new habit to take root. If there's a spiritual interest you've always wanted to take advantage of, the answer is here with the 21 Days series.
Si tiene hijos o niños a su cargo, con toda seguridad se habrá planteado esta pregunta:¿qué deseamos realmente para ellos? Para responder esta interrogante, Wayne W. Dyer ha escrito este libro con la convicción de que los padres pueden educar a unos hijos sin límites, que sean creativos, que se sientan útiles, que disfruten de la vida y estén motivados para crecer en todos los sentidos. Además, el doctor Dyer nos ofrece técnicas, ideas y estrategias para que gocemos en cada etapa del recorrido por la senda de la paternidad. Por todo ello, ésta es una obra de lectura imprescindible para todos los padres verdaderamente responsables. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION If you have children, then you have dreams for them. You want to see them growing up happy, healthy, self-reliant, and confident in themselves and their abilities. But if you're a typical parent, you've wondered if you'll be able to give them all this. There's good news: you can. Wayne W. Dyer shares the wisdom and guidance that have already helped millions of readers take charge of their lives -- showing how to make all your hopes for your children come true. You will learn: the seven simple secrets for building your child's self-esteem every day. how to give very young children all the love they need -- without spoiling them. how to encourage risk-taking -- without fear of failure. action strategies for dealing with your own anger -- and your child's. the right way (and the wrong way) to improve your child's behavior. the secrets of raising kids relatively free of illness. techniques that encourage children to enjoy life. It's all here -- straightforward, commonsense advice that no parent can afford to do without.
In this book, which collects some of his timeless words of wisdom in a new format, the internationally renowned speaker and author offers spiritual tools to transcend your current circumstances and old patterns in order to reach true fulfillment. He will show you how to become genuinely awake, aware of the power you have within to shift your thought processes, release attachments, and tame your ego--to name just a few topics covered in these pages. Wayne will help you understand what an illusion much of life is, so you can see the big picture and spark deep transformation (that is, "the ability to go beyond your form"), resulting in peace and harmony in all areas of your life.
Dos grandes referentes de la literatura de autoayuda, el Dr. Wayne W. Dyer y Esther Hicks, ponen de relieve los fundamentos de la Ley de la Atracción, en este libro revelador, estimulante y lleno de magia.Este libro nace del encuentro entre dos de los más inspiradores maestros espirituales de nuestro tiempo: el doctor Wayne W. Dyer y Esther Hicks, portavoz de Abraham, conciencia espiritual superior de la cual emana la Ley de la Atracción.Hicks defiende que las actitudes positivas o negativas influyen directamente sobre nuestras vidas. Por su parte, el doctor Dyer, que ha estudiado las enseñanzas de Abraham durante décadas, halla en este encuentro la oportunidad de discutir cuestiones fundamentales como la paternidad, la vida, el amor o el destino bajo el prisma de la Ley de la Atracción. Así, para Dyer es necesario acercarse a este libro con una mente abierta y positiva, pues, como él mismo advierte, «la Ley de la Atracción está funcionando ahora mismo, incluso mientras lees estas palabras, y, como Abraham me dijo, "el Universo no oye lo que dices, el Universo oye lo que sientes."
This book is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realising all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined.
Now in tradepaper is the first book of spiritual teachings in several years from international best-selling author and beloved spiritual teacher Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Audio lectures of Wayne's from the 1990s and 2000s are restructured in a cohesive way to offer a fresh take on his teachings. "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."This was something Dr. Wayne Dyer said often, and it was the inspiration for this book. The material contained within is taken from speeches and presentations he gave to many varied audiences, over many years. Yet it seemed that no matter who he talked to, he returned to a few themes over and over again, and these themes are woven throughout the pages of Happiness Is the Way. As Wayne will show you, there is no magic potion for getting what you want from life. All you could ever want or need can be found inside of you--you simply need to learn to reframe your thinking. No matter what your present circumstances are, you have the power to overcome them.This book will show you the impact of your attitudes, choices, and expectations, leading you to a great sense of empowerment; help you recognize how you are likely much more successful than you ever realized, regardless of the challenges you may be facing; and illuminate the importance of a personal mission. It also includes specific questions and journal exercises to help you chart the way to the life you've dreamed of. In the process, you'll discover that you contain the seeds for greatness within, leading you to a life of true happiness.
In this inspirational work, beloved best-selling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer shows you how to restore balance in your life by offering nine principles for realigning your thoughts so that they correspond to your highest desires. Imagine a balance scale with one end weighted down to the ground, and the other end--featuring the objects of your desires--sticking up precariously in the air. This scale is a measurement of your thoughts. To restore the same balance that characterizes everything in our universe, you have to take up the weighty thoughts so that they match up to your desires. The seasons reflect the overall harmony of life. For example, winter passes and the blossoms emerge. This is balanced by a need to have the trees rest, so autumn arrives on time and helps the trees ready themselves for another period of repose. This book is dedicated to the idea that we're a vital component of this creative process and have within ourselves the wherewithal to create all that we want if we recognize and revise out-of-balance thoughts.
Originally published in English as: The shift.
Five hundred years before the birth of Jesus, a God-realized being named Lao-tzu in ancient China dictated 81 verses, which are regarded by many as the ultimate commentary on the nature of our existence. The classic text of these 81 verses, called the Tao Te Ching or the Great Way, offers advice and guidance that is balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good.In this book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has reviewed hundreds of translations of the Tao Te Ching and has written 81 distinct essays on how to apply the ancient wisdom of Lao-tzu to today's modern world. This work contains the entire 81 verses of the Tao, compiled from Wayne's researching of 10 of the most well-respected translations of text that have survived for more than 25 centuries. Each chapter is designed for actually living the Tao or the Great Way today. Some of the chapter titles are "Living with Flexibility," "Living Without Enemies," and "Living by Letting Go." Each of the 81 brief chapters focuses on living the Tao and concludes with a section called "Doing the Tao Now." Wayne spent one entire year reading, researching, and meditating on Lao-tzu's messages, practicing them each day and ultimately writing down these essays as he felt Lao-tzu wanted you to know them. This is a work to be read slowly, one essay a day. As Wayne says, "This is a book that will forever change the way you look at your life, and the result will be that you'll live in a new world aligned with nature. Writing this book changed me forever, too. I now live in accord with the natural world and feel the greatest sense of peace I've ever experienced. I'm so proud to present this interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, and offer the same opportunity for change that it has brought me."
"Beloved spiritual teacher Dr. Wayne W. Dyer often shared his thoughts on the path and practice of enlightenment during his writings and presentations. He'd say, "This is not about self-help. It's about self-realization, which is way beyond self-help." In this book, which collects some of his timeless words of wisdom in a new format, the internationally renowned speaker and author offers spiritual tools to transcend your current circumstances and old patterns in order to reach true fulfillment. He will show you how to become genuinely awake, aware of the power you have within to shift your thought processes, release attachments, and tame your ego-to name just a few topics covered in these pages. Wayne will help you understand what an illusion much of life is, so you can see the big picture and spark deep transformation (that is, "the ability to go beyond your form"), resulting in peace and harmony in all areas of your life. He will also take you through the stages of enlightenment and instruct you in mindfulness practices such as visualization and meditation, ultimately helping you reach a higher consciousness. Indeed, as a result of reading this book, you'll feel as if you are absolutely living in the light, in tune with the magnificence of the Universe...and yourself"--
This text proposes that we hold the keys to solving any problems we face within us. The author sets out basic principles and foundations we can understand and practice in order to access spiritual solutions to any problems we are experiencing.
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