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Bøger af William R. Miller

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  • - Støtte til forandring
    af Stephen Rollnick & William R. Miller
    478,95 kr.

    Den motiverende samtale (Motivational Interviewing – MI) er en effektiv metode til at støtte forandring. Denne nye udgave af bogen tager udgangspunkt i den nye MI-model, som omfatter fire delprocesser: engagering, fokusering, fremkaldelse og planlægning. William R. Miller og Stephen Rollnick demonstrerer, hvordan disse delprocesser udfoldes i praksis, beskriver en lang række praktiske anvendelser for tilgangen og gennemgår det voksende evidensgrundlag. Bogen er gennemsyret af respekt for og medfølelse med klienterne og indledes med en grundig gennemgang af ånden og metoden i MI. I afsnit om de fire delprocesser får læseren konkret vejledning i, hvordan man trin for trin opbygger en stærk arbejdsrelation, udvikler et klart fokus og en entydig retning, fremkalder og styrker klientens motivation for forandring og formulerer en konkret handleplan. De centrale kommunikationsfærdigheder, der indgår i MI, forklares; vignetter og uddrag af samtaler illustrerer levende, hvad der henholdsvis kan fremme og hindre et vellykket forløb i forskellige sammenhænge. Det diskuteres, hvordan man opnår kompetence i MI, integrerer metoden med andre tilgange og vurderer behandlingsintegritet. En oversigt over hovedpunkter som afslutning på de enkelte kapitler styrker bogens anvendelighed i forbindelse med uddannelse og faglig udvikling. Bogen afspejler vigtige fremskridt inden for forståelsen af og uddannelsen i MI og er centralt læsestof for behandlere inden for både fysisk og psykisk sundhed, herunder misbrugsspecialister, kliniske psykologer, psykiatere, familieterapeuter, vejledere, sygeplejersker og sundhedsvejledere og for studerende inden for disse områder.

  • af Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller & Christopher C. Butler
    328,95 kr.

    Rygning, fedme, manglende motion, medicinafhængighed, dårlige alkoholvaner, usikker sex m.m. er forhold, som påvirker menneskers liv og velbefindende. Motivationssamtalen i sundhedssektoren tilbyder professionelle de kommunikative redskaber, som skal til for at mobilisere patientens motivation for en ændring af livsstil.   Konkrete eksempler og cases levendegør metodens centrale principper og viser, hvordan denne evidensbaserede tilgang kan inkorporeres i hvilket som helst sundhedsregi og i hvilken som helst samtale mellem klient og professionel.   Bogen henvender sig til alle, som arbejder med menneskers ændring af livsstil: læger, sygeplejersker, sundhedsplejersker, diætister, psykologer, rådgivere, tandlæger, terapeuter, socialarbejdere, fysioterapeuter m.fl.   Bogens forfattere er metodens grundlæggere og på dansk er tidligere udkommet Motivationssamtalen.   Stephen Rollnick er klinisk psykolog og professor ved Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University, Wales. William R. Miller er Professor Emeritus i psykologi og psykiatri ved University of New Mexico, hvor han også leder Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions. Christopher C. Butler er professor og leder af Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University, Wales. I sin doktordisputats udviklede og evaluerede han adfærdsændrende rådgivningsmetoder.

  • af William R. Miller
    670,95 kr.

    "Now in a fully rewritten fourth edition, this is the authoritative presentation of motivational interviewing (MI), the powerful approach to facilitating change. It has been updated and streamlined to be even more user-friendly as a practitioner guide and course text. MI originators William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick elucidate the four tasks of MI--engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning--and vividly demonstrate what they look like in action. A wealth of vignettes and interview examples illustrate the dos and don'ts of successful implementation in diverse contexts. The book reviews the evidence base for the approach and covers ways to assess the quality of MI. The companion website provides reflection questions, annotated case material, and additional helpful resources. New to This Edition *Most of the book is entirely new. *Addresses the breadth of MI applications not only in counseling and psychotherapy, but also in health care, education, coaching, management, and other contexts. *Discusses delivering MI remotely, simple versus complex affirmations, strategic use of directional questions, ethical considerations, and other new or expanded topics. *Increased emphasis on using MI throughout a client's process of change and growth, not just in the preparatory stage. Pedagogical Features *New or updated online materials, including reflection questions and annotated cases. *Key points at the end of each chapter. *"Personal Perspective" and "For Therapists" boxes in every chapter. *Extended bibliography and quick-reference glossary. *New self-assessment tool that targets the component skills of MI. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers. "--

  • af Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller & Christopher C. Butler
    364,95 - 770,95 kr.

  • - How Ambivalence Shapes Your Life
    af United States) Miller & William R. (University of New Mexico (Emeritus)
    156,95 - 560,95 kr.

  • - Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes
    af William R. (University of New Mexico & Albuquerque) Miller
    346,95 - 733,95 kr.

  • - Tools to Make Moderation Work for You
    af William R. Miller & Ricardo F. Munoz
    180,95 kr.

    Interested in cutting down on your drinking without giving it up altogether? This encouraging, science-based book can help make that goal a reality. Distinguished clinician-researchers William R. Miller and Ricardo F. Muoz have spent more than 40 years studying whether moderation works, who it works (and doesn't work) for, and how to achieve it. They give you tools to evaluate your alcohol consumption, decide what changes you want to make, and create a doable plan of action. Learn new ways to enjoy social events, defuse tension and stress, and cope with difficult emotions--with or without a glass in hand. The updated second edition incorporates the latest scientific data and features a new chapter on mindfulness. Helpful forms and worksheets can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2"e; x 11"e; size.

  • - When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives
    af William R. Miller & Janet C'de Baca
    174,95 kr.

    Most of us walk through each day expecting few surprises. If we want to better ourselves or our lives, we map out a path of gradual change, perhaps in counseling or psychotherapy. Psychologists William Miller and Janet C'de Baca were longtime scholars and teachers of traditional approaches to self-improvement when they became intrigued by a different sort of change that was sometimes experienced by people they encountered--something often described as "e;a bolt from the blue"e; or "e;seeing the light."e; And when they placed a request in a local newspaper for people's stories of unexpected personal transformation, the deluge of responses was astounding. These compelling stories of epiphanies and sudden insights inspired Miller and C'de Baca to examine the experience of "e;quantum change"e; through the lens of scientific psychology. Where does quantum change come from? Why do some of us experience it, and what kind of people do we become as a result? The answers that this book arrives at yield remarkable insights into how human beings achieve lasting change--sometimes even in spite of ourselves.

  • - A Guide for Professionals
    af William R. (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque) Miller, AZ) Forcehimes, mfl.
    707,95 kr.

  • - Facilitating Self-Care
    af USA) Miller, USA) Steinberg, Missoula, mfl.
    364,95 - 751,95 kr.

  • - Understanding and Addressing the Sacred
    af Kenneth I. Pargament
    401,95 kr.

    From a leading researcher and practitioner, this volume provides an innovative framework for understanding the role of spirituality in people's lives and its relevance to the work done in psychotherapy. It offers fresh, practical ideas for creating a spiritual dialogue with clients, assessing spirituality as a part of their problems and solutions, and helping them draw on spiritual resources in times of stress. Written from a nonsectarian perspective, the book encompasses both traditional and nontraditional forms of spirituality. It is grounded in current findings from psychotherapy research and the psychology of religion, and includes a wealth of evocative case material.

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