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  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    Martin Luther is arguably one of the most influential people in the past millennium. He is perhaps most notably recognized for nailing the "Ninety-five Theses" to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church, effectively initiating what is now Christian Protestantism. Luther was radical, wittily sarcastic, and rebellious against the traditional establishments of the Church. Whatever Luther could do to progress and defend Scripture, he did, even at the risk of his life. He is often referred to as the "Great Reformer" and the father of Lutheranism. His devotion and passion for the word of God would become his driving force. He would face ridicule, opposition, and at times, daily death-threats, yet his grasp on the word of God would ultimately preserve him for a lifetime of far-reaching accomplishment.

  • af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    On July 5, Pope Francis approved John Paul for sainthood, saying that Pope John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized together. The date has not yet been established, although December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception has been suggested. Irrespective of the details, John Paul's canonization appears imminent. From Poland, John Paul's longtime private secretary, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, rejoiced at the news. "I thank God that I will live to see the elevation to sainthood the person who I served with love to the last beating of his heart," he stated. Abraham Foxman, as director of the Jewish organization the Anti-Defamation League, received four audiences with Pope John Paul. He spoke for John Paul's numerous supporters when he said, "For many of us Pope John Paul is already a saint, this just formalizes it." John Paul's pontificate lasted nearly twenty-seven years, one of the longest in papal history. During that time he had an unprecedented amount of contact with the public, including Catholics, non-Catholics, and foreign leaders. He made 104 pastoral visits outside Italy, and 146 within. The Vatican estimates that more than 17.6 million pilgrims participated in his regular Wednesday general audiences alone. He made 38 official visits and met with government leaders on 984 different occasions.

  • af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    One part biography, one part prayer book, The Life and Prayers of Saint Michael the Archangel is an essential book for any Christian. Saint Michael is the Defender of the Faith and of our Church. As Christians we pray each day that he stands with us through this life and beyond. Saint Michael the Archangel is the most revered archangel within the Church throughout history and today but his pre-eminence transcends the history of the Christian Church.Saint Michael's role extends far beyond the war with the enemy here on Earth; it embraces every single member of the Church. His venerated name is invoked on a daily basis for protection, for healing, for consolation and by the dying as they make their final journey to God's Eternal Kingdom, seeking to avoid the desolation of Purgatory.

  • - The Messiah Behind Enemy Lines (Part II)
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    Jesus was a Messiah behind enemy lines - God come into a sinful world ruled by evil. He was on a secret mission to save humanity. To Jesus' first-century Jewish contemporaries, whatever the Nazarene might be, he was not simply 'another good rabbi.' Jesus was a polarizing figure. One believed either that this powerful preacher and wonderworker was uniquely of God or that he was an agent of the Evil One. As he said in Luke's Gospel, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" (Lk. 11:23).We often speak of the love, mercy, and compassion of Jesus, but Malachi also prophesied of him, "Yes, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts. But who will endure the day of his coming? And who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire" (Mal. 3:1-2). That is indeed how he came. Jesus was always moved by love of God and neighbor, but he was not always 'nice.' He was "meek and humble of heart" (Mt. 11:29) but never tame. Innocent though he was, it is little wonder that his boldness and zeal for righteousness provoked such powerful enemies; he knew it would be so. Jesus walked the earth at a time when human life had become cheapened, and prompt and brutal execution was a matter not so much of justice as of expedience. Ultimately, Jesus' paradoxical roles as fiery prophet and meek Lamb of God would intersect on the wood of the cross.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    One part biography, one part prayer book, The Life and Prayers of Saint Anthony of Padua is an essential book for any Christian. For centuries Saint Anthony of Padua, Thaumaturgist, Evangelical Doctor of the Church, has been regaled and venerated as a wonder-worker, eminent theologian, and preacher. To him infertile women, sailors, the poor, seekers of lost articles, to name a few, have prayed to intercede. Thousands upon thousands flocked to hear him preach, and witnessed his miraculous deeds. We hope that with this book, the reader might realize an invitation to call upon Anthony, not just to find lost things, but as a companion in a quest to find a renewed and challenged faith, hope, and love.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    From a life of self-indulgent vanity, the calling of God transformed the life of Inigo Lopez de Loyola beyond imagination. From the time of conversion, St Ignatius, Father of the Jesuits, sought only the will and glory of God. Today his spirituality continues to influence both Christians and non-Christians around the world, the legacy of a humble man who epitomized the motto of his order throughout his life. This holy, self-aggrandizing man turned his back on the self-indulgences of courtly life, seeking only God's approval and taking his word out onto the streets and to the sick and the poor. His ministry was his life and if all of life's activities represent the opportunity for prayer, as Ignatius fervently believed, then no life epitomized this more than that of Ignatius of Loyola. Following in the steps of Saint Ignatius, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected Pope Francis I on March 13, 2013 and is the first Jesuit pope.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    One part biography, one part prayer book, The Life and Prayers of Saint Francis of Assisi is an essential book for any Christian. Saint Francis of Assisi is quite possibly the most popular of all Christian saints. Perhaps it is his adoration for all living things or his unrelenting generosity that has made so many people open their hearts to him. Perhaps it is the deep conviction and piety expressed not only by the saint himself, but in his name, in the Franciscan orders throughout the centuries. Whatever the reason, in a world that is quickly developing in a direction diametrically opposite to the saint's own simple asceticism, Saint Francis of Assisi still stirs strong emotions and compassion. How close he found God, in the very nature around him, is inspiring.

  • af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    People are fascinated by the concept of royalty. The notion stirs up sentiments of love, admiration, and hatred. We see ourselves in them, and yet we criticize them at times with indignation. While most monarchies today have been put aside or at least limited in their power, the concept of royalty cannot be erased from human consciousness. In the words of Jesus, Christians pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." The ultimate and most perfect monarchy is that of God himself, the sovereign of all creation. Through David and the story of the kingship, God taught us about his governance of the world and of his people. David was only human and at times the worthy subject of both praise and severe criticism. But in his relationship with God, we find a model for the people both then and today: suppleness to God's will; wholehearted pursuit of righteousness; sincere repentance from sin; mercy for others; and true worship of God, who alone is worthy.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    One part biography, one part prayer book, The Life and Prayers of Saint Padre Pio is an essential for any Christian. The foundation for Padre Pio's work in the world was love. His love of God became intertwined with his love of humanity so that the two became inseparable and unwavering.Padre Pio is notable not for his erudition or even his teachings, per se, but for the man he was and the intercessor he continues to be. Pio gave himself to Christ as a spiritual victim for the souls of sinners. With sweetness, humility, and good cheer, he brought everyone who encountered him closer to Christ. People who met him understood immediately that they were in contact with a Christlike figure. Those who attended his Mass and saw his union with the divine felt as though they had witnessed in person Christ's Passion on the Cross. During his lifetime, Padre Pio brought vast numbers back to devotion to Christ, and, as he himself foretold, in death he has been able to do still more.

  • - Volume II (April - July)
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    The world needs saints to show it the way to true humanity. The Church needs saints to show it how to live out its calling. The witness of the lives of the saints is a powerful testimony to the reality of God's plan and the possibility for truly following it in one's life. So often, we do not see this witness. We see hypocrisy and mediocrity among Christians. That is why we must look to the saints - the ones who really followed the words of Christ and let them be carried out fully in their lives. The saints also give us a reason to hope. Saints were not born; they were made through a life of cooperation with God's grace despite many difficulties, weaknesses, and temptations. If we want to see the greatest and best of what Christianity is capable of, we must look to the saints.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Also known as Saint Jude Thaddeous, Saint Jude is known as the most powerful Patron Saint of Desperate Cases. Christians turn to Saint Jude for hope in what often seem like hopeless circumstances. Whether it an illness in the family, a dissolving marriage, or financial struggles, Saint Jude answers our calls when we are at our darkest hour. God rewarded Saint Jude with the incredible power to help the desperate. Saint Jude is a true friend, who we can look to when feeling hopeless and alone. During a time in our world when resources are few and families find themselves in desperate times, calls to Saint Jude are louder than ever.

  • - Volume IV (Octoberl - December)
    af Wyatt North
    133,95 kr.

    This book, The Lives of the Saints: Volume IV (October - December), brings to completion a series of four volumes on the lives of the saints, covering the memorials, feasts, and solemnities of the whole Church year, in addition to several of the many optional memorials. This last volume brings with it some of the most beloved of the saints, including St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the Holy Guardian Angels, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Cecelia, and St. Nicholas.

  • af Wyatt North
    133,95 kr.

  • - The Gospel of John
    af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    Wyatt North's A Reader's Study of the Gospels series, written by Michael J. Ruszala, contains an engaging narrative and commentary on each gospel.A Reader's Study of the Gospels: The Gospel of John assists the reader to understand the fourth gospel's theology and symbolism in presenting Jesus as God's eternal Word, the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd, and much more.

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was Professor of Anglo-Saxon (Old English) at the University of Oxford. His research on Beowulf is still considered a standard in the field. Tolkien, however, unlike most Oxford dons, stepped out of his role as professor to create popular literature. Tolkien's best-known writings were The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, in which he created a fully realized world known as Middle-earth, vaguely identifiable as Northern Europe in a pre-history that never was. To bring his world to life, he produced detailed geography and cartography as well as a legendary background. He peopled the world with diverse types of inhabitants and created spoken and written languages for them. By doing this, he essentially created modern fantasy literature and a standard for subsequent writers to chase and miss. A British poll at the end of the twentieth century named The Lord of the Rings the most important English-language work of that century. During his lifetime, Tolkien did not appreciate people focusing on him rather than on his writings. He felt that his writings were more worthy of attention. With apologies to the late gentleman, he is now due some notice.

  • af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    Angels are, indeed, everywhere. Their purpose is to serve God and guide us. They are formidable warriors against evil, guardians of the whole of God's creation, witnesses to God's sacred mysteries, and messengers of God's salvation.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Nearly every detail about Luke the Evangelist's life has been the subject of heated debate. The scholars of one era have provided explanations that entirely contradict the scholars of an earlier era. It is not as simple as a matter of religious tradition versus modern scholarship; tradition contradicts tradition, scholarship contradicts scholarship, scholarship contradicts tradition, and sometimes tradition and scholarship go hand in hand. Despite the debate, no singular conclusion seems to be available. It does not help that more of Saint Luke's life is shrouded in darkness than is available to us, even when taking into account the most controversial suppositions about him. That makes the quest for Saint Luke very difficult, but it is important that we try to find and to understand him nonetheless. He is, after all, a man whose work has influenced millions of people, and it is through him alone that we know several of the most popular parables of Jesus.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    This edition of Dark Night of the Soul combines the class translation with an original and concise biography written by Wyatt North Publishing. St. John of the Cross is widely considered one of the most prolific and important poets of his time. In fact, in Spanish poetry, the Spiritual Canticle and Dark Night of the Soul are two of the most important works of all time. He is known for his rich use of symbolism and imagery within his poetry.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    The Church has numerous fathers who have influenced its dogma in substantial ways. Although none of them can be singled out as the most pivotal theologian of Church history, it can certainly be said that Saint Augustine of Hippo has long been a central figure to Christian thought, informing both on the nature of God and the nature of Christian morality. He has been quoted throughout the ages by important Christian writers, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas, and has been listed as a strong influence by Pope Benedict XVI. Through his central place in the history of Christianity, some historians have appointed Saint Augustine particularly great importance in European and World history. They have called him the last man of the Classical Age, and the first medieval man.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Today, St Teresa continues to point the way from outer turmoil to inner peace for Catholics throughout the world. Above all, she is renowned for her mystical theology through books such as Life, The Foundations, The Way of Perfection and Interior Castle. Over 400 of her letters remain, together with Spiritual Testimonies, Soliloquies, Meditations on the Song of Songs and an assortment of poetry. Through all of her physical, emotional and spiritual challenges, she was unstinting in her declaration of her longing to serve God. Her life is evidence of both His presence and His enduring, unconditional love, a love she unceasingly and unhesitatingly sought throughout her astonishing life.

  • - Volume III: (August - September)
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    The world needs saints to show it the way to true humanity. The Church needs saints to show it how to live out its calling.The witness of the lives of the saints is a powerful testimony to the reality of God's plan and the possibility for truly following it in one's life. So often, we do not see this witness. We see hypocrisy and mediocrity among Christians. That is why we must look to the saints - the ones who really followed the words of Christ and let them be carried out fully in their lives. The saints also give us a reason to hope. Saints were not born; they were made through a life of cooperation with God's grace despite many difficulties, weaknesses, and temptations.If we want to see the greatest and best of what Christianity is capable of, we must look to the saints.

  • - Protector of Faith or Opponent of Progress?
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    No matter what one ultimately decides about Benedict, it remains incontrovertible that he is a remarkable man. Not only was he a world-class theologian before he was elected to the papacy, but he also gained renown on February 28, 2013, by becoming the first pope to resign freely since Celestine V. He has always been a man who is concerned with the direction of humanity and the triumph of truth, love, and goodness. His zest for life manifests itself not only through his dedication to the church, to theology, and to his ministry, but also through his love of Mozart, his affection for his cat, and his enthusiastic admiration of the beauty of creation.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    In understanding true poverty, practicing total detachment, lacking pride and demonstrating only obedience, John epitomized the call of Jesus Christ for his followers to take up their cross and follow him, before the true meaning of his words were even understood. While Jesus himself described John the Baptist as a burning and shining lamp, John understood he was born only to direct us to the light of the Savoir. Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the sacrifice, suffering and dedication to God shown by John the Baptist, all Christians today can bask in the light of Jesus.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    It is difficult in this day and age to imagine Christianity without the beneficent presence of the Blessed Virgin. Next to Christ, of all those who grace the pages of the New Testament, Mary is perhaps the one who touches us the most. Her motherly love often allows even the doubting to approach her. Her story - an unprepared teenage girl, charged with a daunting task and the scorn of her community, raising a son knowing always that she cannot protect him from the fate that will rob her of him - elicits our empathy. She inspires not only devotion and meditation, having mysteries and ritual of her own, but also song and poetry.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    One part biography, one part prayer book, The Life and Prayers of Saint Thomas Aquinas is an essential book for any Christian. Aquinas' genius lay in his ability to synthesize vast and disparate sources into intelligible and convincing discourse. After a thorough investigation of the scholarship of Thomas Aquinas, one might contend that only the intellectually stalwart could fully benefit from knowing this great man of the church; this is perhaps true. Likely, not many "average" Christians would choose Aquinas for their bedtime reading, just as most patients would not care to hear the scientific explanation behind the human genome. Yet, the implication of that discovery, just like the implications for Aquinas' groundbreaking approach to Christianity, has changed everything.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    One part biography, one part prayer book, The Life and Prayers of Saint Joseph is an essential book for any Christian. Saint Joseph is often called the hidden saint. Although there is so little written about Joseph in the Scripture and in the apocrypha, or perhaps because there is so little written, the life of Saint Joseph can be quite a complicated subject. The theological study of Saint Joseph, known as Josephology, shows us how differently the saint has been perceived throughout history, in different parts of the world, and in different denominations. As we go looking for Saint Joseph, we must be aware of this winding path. From the sometimes conflicting evidence, and our faith, we must make our own informed judgments.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Sublime poet, ecstatic exemplar, attentive guide-these are only three of the roles attributed to St. John of the Cross. Many consider the writings of this Carmelite priest to represent the pinnacle of Spanish poetry. Even centuries after his death, he remains a masterful model of spiritual attainment. And for anyone seeking to undertake a personal quest for God, he remains unsurpassed as a spiritual guide, for he is the Christian mystic par excellence, teaching a complete spiritual system for living as a means of attaining union with God. Pope John Paul II found John's teachings about faith to be so vitally relevant and important that as a young priest he wrote his doctoral dissertation in theology on the subject. Later, when as pope he celebrated the fourth centenary of John's death, John Paul extolled the ability of faith to re-evangelize believers and increasingly open them to Christ's teachings and light. On that occasion, John Paul expressed John's central message in this way: "living faith ... is the guide of the Christian, his only light in the dark nights of trial, an ardent flame fed by the Spirit."

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    Throughout her life, Mother Teresa worked to transform our ideas of home, love, and family. Her life teaches us that it is never too late to make a difference in the world. As a figure of the 20th century, she saw the rapid changes taking place in the world and among its people. She asked individuals to contemplate the meaning of ideas such as home, love, and family and to be open to new conceptions of these terms in the midst of our changing world. In doing so, Mother Teresa introduced a new, modern way of doing missionary work, led an international religious organization, and was beloved by people the world over for the work she did out of love for her family, which would one day grow to include all of humanity.Her life teaches us that it is never too late to make a difference in the world.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    One part biography, one part prayer book, The Life and Prayers of Mother Teresa is an essential for any Christian. Mother Teresa wanted to do "something beautiful for God." At the time of her death in 1997, there were nearly 4,000 Missionaries of Charity Sisters established in 610 houses in 123 countries. The congregation did not cease growing with her death. Today, there are more than 5,000 Sisters. The work continues to thrive as the network of Missionaries of Charity continues to operate centers in countries throughout the world. In 1985, Mother Teresa was invited to address the United Nations General Assembly. On that occasion, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, called her "the most powerful woman in the world." At the end of 1999, two years after Mother Teresa's death, Gallup published a poll of America's most widely admired people of the 20th century. Mother Teresa topped the list, ahead of such luminaries as Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, and Albert Einstein.

  • af Wyatt North
    133,95 kr.

    San Miguel es el Defensor de la Fe y de nuestra Iglesia. Nosotros como cristianos le rezamos a diario para que nos acompañe en esta vida y en la del más allá.San Miguel Arcángel es el más venerado de todos los arcángeles en la Iglesia, en la historia y hoy en día, pero su predominio trasciende la historia de la Iglesia cristiana.El rol de San Miguel se extiende más allá de la guerra contra el enemigo en la Tierra;abarca a todos los miembros de la Iglesia. Su venerado nombre es invocado a diario para pedir protección, cura, consuelo y por los moribundos que están terminando su viaje hacia el Reino Eterno de Dios y buscan evitar la desolación del Purgatorio.

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