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  • - Volume III: The Protestant Reformation to the Twenty-First Century
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    The office of bishop of Rome, is one of the most powerful positions in the world. As an ancient institution stretching back for centuries, the papacy has a history that is marked by archaic and modern customs alike. The history of the men who have held this position is fraught with villainous and heroic actions that have left a profound impact on the development of civilization as we know it, both in the West and East. The popes led the early Church through persecution, acquired temporal power through the actions of Constantine, oversaw the universal Church in the early middle ages, were steeped in various scandals in the late middle ages, saw their secular power stripped in the modern period, and were instrumental in the rise and fall of various kingdoms and nations.

  • - The Didache
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Christian Writing Decoded provides the reader with a detailed history and analysis of the most important Christian writings. The Didache was rediscovered in the Monastery of the Holy Sepulcher in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) in 1873 by the Metropolitan Philotheos Byrennios, who would later become the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Nicomedia (Izmit, Turkey). This manuscript is the sole extant copy of the complete work in Greek and was written in 1056 by a scribe named Leon. The Didache's guarded but judicious approach to itinerant figures may be a reminder for us to be tolerant of outsiders who seek Jesus in truth, even if their ways are different from ours-as long as they do not teach us to alter our own practices. This book provides an original history and analysis of The Didache coupled with an appendix that includes the Christian writing.

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    It has become a cliche to say that one person can make a difference, but the life of Mahatma Gandhi confronts us with the enduring truth of that statement.It is impossible to say exactly what moved people to revere and follow him and be imprisoned and beaten on his behalf in the thousands. No doubt, his ever gentle demeanor had a hand in that. His perpetual grace and joy, even in the face of terrible hardship, surely won some hearts and minds. His genuine ability to treat all men - Hindu, Muslim, Parsee, Sikh, Harijan, Christian, and Zulu - as brothers must have won even more.

  • - Volume II: Middle Ages to the Protestant Reform
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    The office of bishop of Rome, is one of the most powerful positions in the world. As an ancient institution stretching back for centuries, the papacy has a history that is marked by archaic and modern customs alike. The history of the men who have held this position is fraught with villainous and heroic actions that have left a profound impact on the development of civilization as we know it, both in the West and East. The popes led the early Church through persecution, acquired temporal power through the actions of Constantine, oversaw the universal Church in the early middle ages, were steeped in various scandals in the late middle ages, saw their secular power stripped in the modern period, and were instrumental in the rise and fall of various kingdoms and nations.

  • - Complete Series
    af Wyatt North
    243,95 kr.

    The office of bishop of Rome, is one of the most powerful positions in the world. As an ancient institution stretching back for centuries, the papacy has a history that is marked by archaic and modern customs alike. The history of the men who have held this position is fraught with villainous and heroic actions that have left a profound impact on the development of civilization as we know it, both in the West and East. The popes led the early Church through persecution, acquired temporal power through the actions of Constantine, oversaw the universal Church in the early middle ages, were steeped in various scandals in the late middle ages, saw their secular power stripped in the modern period, and were instrumental in the rise and fall of various kingdoms and nations.

  • - Volume I (January - March)
    af Wyatt North
    133,95 kr.

    The world needs saints to show it the way to true humanity. The Church needs saints to show it how to live out its calling. The witness of the lives of the saints is a powerful testimony to the reality of God's plan and the possibility for truly following it in one's life. So often, we do not see this witness. We see hypocrisy and mediocrity among Christians. That is why we must look to the saints - the ones who really followed the words of Christ and let them be carried out fully in their lives. The saints also give us a reason to hope. Saints were not born; they were made through a life of cooperation with God's grace despite many difficulties, weaknesses, and temptations. This book, written from a Catholic perspective, provides an overview to the lives of the saints celebrated from January to March on the Roman calendar. It is the first in a series, which will cover the whole Church year. It makes for inspirational spiritual reading any time of the year, providing an introduction to the patron saints for many walks of life. Included are the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, Apostles like St. Peter and St. Paul, early martyrs like St. Perpetua and St. Felicity, early evangelizers like St. Patrick, medieval giants such as St. Thomas Aquinas, American saints such as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. John Neumann, and many others.

  • - The Way of Perfection
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Christian Writing Decoded provides the reader with a detailed history and analysis of the most important Christian writings. The Way of Perfection (Spanish: Camino de Perfección) is a method for making progress in the contemplative life written by St. Teresa of Ávila, the noted Discalced Carmelite nun for the members of the reformed monastery of the Order she had founded. This book provides an original analysis and summary of The Way of Perfection coupled with an appendix that includes the original text by Saint Teresa of Ávila.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Almost everyone, no matter their religious affiliations, will have his/her brush with variously shaped and delivered Christmas/Holiday and New Year greeting cards, Luke 2, gift giving from surfeit to simple, the Salvation Army bell, crèches, travel delays, "Jingle Bells," stockings, tinsel, wrapping paper, wreaths, weight gain, catalogs, evergreen scent, Handel's "Messiah," lit-up roofs and yards, fir trees, fake trees, plastic Santas, mall Santas, cookies and candy, and the list goes on and on. Whatever the word evokes for you, you may never have given thought-not for a long time anyway-to the beginnings, the customs, and the legends, and wonder, "how did it come to this?" This book addresses the Christian origins of Christmas, its dating, its establishment as a feast of the Church, its popularization, and the origins of popular customs in America. Not the least, it offers an invitation to Catholics to rekindle devotion to the "Christ" in Christmas with sincere intention and faithfulness.

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    St. Francis's call is a call to return to the basics of Christianity. It is a call to Christians to reach back to their roots so that their spiritual lives can draw strength from the pure waters of the Gospel instead of being choked by manmade traditions and worldly concerns. In the words of G. K. Chesterton, the coming of Francis "marked the moment when men could be reconciled not only to God but to nature and, most difficult of all, to themselves. ... his whole function [was] to tell men to start afresh and, in that sense, to tell them to forget" (124).While St. Francis of Assisi is one of the most beloved saints in history, the relevancy of St. Francis for our times in light of the election of Pope Francis has yet to be explored. This book is written with the intention of filling that gap. While it is biographical in nature, it also freely explores themes that relate to St. Francis but are not a part of his life. This book is about more than the life of St. Francis of Assisi; it is about the impact this beloved saint has had through his imitation of Christ, his love of poverty, the Franciscan movement, and his profound influence on Pope Francis.

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    A man of reason and vigorous discourse, and a renowned professor of literature and philosophy, C.S. Lewis, always "Jack" to family and friends, never shied from intellectual debate, and through his written works encouraged others to wrestle with the difficult questions of faith. A master of visual illustration and allegory, Lewis wrote with the intuitive understanding that his readers wrestled with the same questions about the Christian story, about pain, suffering, and notions of Heaven and Hell, as he himself had wrestled. He also understood that others found reason and imagination to be incompatible aspects of an understanding of God and the universe.

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Thomas Merton is one of the most famous American Catholic authors of the twentieth century. A prolific writer, Merton published thirty-six books and collections of poems while he was alive over the span of twenty-seven years, and has thirty-eight posthumous publications that bear his name. Even more impressive than his voluminous output, however, is his deep spirituality that enraptured generations of people seeking intimate union with God. This is the story of a man who sought God throughout his life and dedicated himself to a life of holiness.

  • - Love like a Saint
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Let's live a life of love. Let's reflect on and learn from the lives of saints.The word "saint" comes from the Latin word sanctus, a translation of the Greek word hagios, which means "holy." While all of us are capable of holiness, canonization is the Church's official recognition that a particular person displayed an extraordinary degree of holiness, or devotion to God, during his or her time on earth.There is much to be learned from the words, acts, and lives of the saints of the Roman Catholic Church. Each concise biography, from Saint Francis to Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, provides guidance for living a life of love.

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    133,95 kr.

    Nelson Mandela's legacy is known worldwide, and his life has been widely documented. His memory is preserved in statues, paintings, feature films, history books, and biographies. Yet to many Americans, Mandela may be somewhat unknown. Many people around the world consider Mandela one of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. He received hundreds of honors during his lifetime-among them the Nobel Peace Prize-for his work in helping free the peoples of South Africa from the oppression of apartheid. He earned the respect and love of people from all walks of life.

  • af Wyatt North
    148,95 kr.

    Los ángeles están, sin duda alguna, en todos lados. Su propósito es servir a Dios y guiarnos a nosotros. Son magníficos guerreros en la lucha contra el mal, guardianes de la creación divina, testigos de los sagrados misterios de Dios y mensajeros de la salvación de Dios.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    St. Benedict was not interested in fame, power, or legacy. He was only interested in living the Christian life to the fullest and helping those around him to do the same. The rest is history-and the work of Providence. St. Benedict is regarded as the Father of the Benedictine Order of both religious men and women that follow his Rule, a key principle of which is ora et labora-pray and work. Today, many people wear holy medals of St. Benedict, invoking his intercession for protection against the powers of evil. Not only consecrated religious but also many lay people find inspiration in his call to balance, discipline, and prayer. Historically, St. Benedict helped bridge the early Church with the medieval period by standing on the shoulders of the fathers of the monastic tradition and bringing that tradition solidly into a new era.

  • - From His Earthly Beginnings to the Sermon on the Mount (Part I)
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    To write a book about Jesus is a challenging task; to live a life like Jesus' is more challenging still. Though not primarily a work of theology or of spirituality, this popular history intends to help the words and deeds of Jesus come alive for contemporary readers. In Jesus' day, he was a polarizing figure; one was either for him or against him. Today, even many who are familiar with the story of Jesus are unmoved. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of them is that we have forgotten the history of which Jesus came to be part; and we have also forgotten how we fit in. When God acted in Jesus, he acted in history, and that history came with particular cultures, presuppositions, and memories of its own. Without an understanding of these things, Jesus' polarizing words and deeds become blunted because their backdrop has been removed.

  • - An Anthology and Introduction to Prayer
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    The Catholic Prayer Book is ideal for a Catholic individual who wishes to look up a prayer quickly. This book features over fifty of the most popular Catholic prayers and an introduction to Catholic prayer by Jeremiah Vallery. Enjoy an electronic database of traditional Catholic prayers for multiple occasions including Morning Prayer, Evening Prayers, Prayers at Mass, Prayers for Holy Communion, The Stations of the Cross, and more.

  • - In the Footsteps of Saint Francis
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    In an age that smirks at the mention of miracles, sin, angels, and demons, St. Pio of Pietrelchina has emerged as a figure of immense popularity, attracting fascination, veneration, and also emulation. Padre Pio, who once wrote in a letter, "I am a mystery to myself," is certainly a mystery to all who know of him. To those who moved beyond mere credulity, he became an inspiration to embrace the fullness of faith. Perhaps that is why his shrine in outlying San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, is second only to the Vatican itself in annual number of pilgrims and why Italian Catholics now report to praying more for St. Pio's intercession than for that of any other saint.This book is a concise introduction to Padre Pio's life, especially as compared to the example and journey of his spiritual father, St. Francis of Assisi. If St. Francis is said to be the most popular saint of all time, Franciscan Capuchin Padre Pio is perhaps the most popular saint of our times.Given that he passed only in 1968, it is remarkable to think that such a spiritual "superhero" could exist in our modern age. Through not spared from misfortune, he was spared those things that cloud us from perceiving the world in a truly spiritual way. Perhaps that is why Padre Pio offers us just the message we need to hear.

  • - The Good Pope
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    John XXIII was nicknamed "The Good Pope" because of his humble, loving, and open character and his gracious sense of humor. In possessing those attributes, he is viewed by many to be similar to Pope Francis today. Like Pope Francis, Pope John was wont to stroll about Rome by night and make pastoral visits to sick children and prison inmates. John's secretary, the Italian prelate Loris Capovilla, heard the news from Pope Francis himself and remarked how appropriate it was for the step to be taken by "the successor most similar" to John. Shortly before Pope John's death, the International Balzan Foundation, which is headquartered in Milan and Zurich, awarded Pope John its Peace Prize. Then, in December 1963, President Lyndon Johnson posthumously awarded him the United States' Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award. The canonization of Pope John XXIII was announced by Pope Francis shortly after the fiftieth anniversary of John's death. The date for canonization has been set for April 27, 2014, Divine Mercy Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Catholics have always had a special love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Devotions to Mary are wide-ranging and diverse. Within the pages of this book, we will explore a tremendous variety of Marian devotional practices, including prayers honoring Mary, such as the Rosary; devotional articles; and a Mary garden, filled with plants representing events from her life.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    For a saint about whom so very little is really known, Saint Lucy has a surprisingly impressive religious pedigree. Her relics have traveled the world. Her cult extends across oceans, and every year, large numbers of Italian-Americans travel "back home" to Sicily, a land they have primarily known through an increasingly distant heritage, to participate in the great festival there in her honor. She is the bringer of light and lucidity, things which are in fact her namesakes as Lucy, or Lucia as she was known in Latin, itself means 'light'. She is also the patron of the blind, and those suffering from ailments of the eye. Ailments of the throat are also one of her specialties. It would seem like Saint Lucy governs over seemingly small and unimportant aspects of life. Those who had not previously heard of her might expect her to be a small niche-saint. Yet, there she is, the light that once spread across all of Europe, from Spain in the west to Turkey in the east, and from Sicily in the south to Sweden in the north. She was one of eleven female saints officially recognized in the Roman Catholic Mass as early as the year 600. She makes an appearance in some of the most famous written works of western civilization. She is honored not only in the Catholic Church, but in the Orthodox Church, the Anglican Church, and even the Lutheran Church, which is noteworthy on its own on account of the Lutheran denial of saints.

  • - A Model for Our Times
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) is one of the most popular saints in modern times. What makes her life so outstanding and such an inspiration to so many people? She had no sustained spiritual visions, unlike St. Bernadette of Soubirous before her or the three children of Fátima after her. She had no stigmata, was not a martyr, was not a teacher during her lifetime, and did not start a religious order. Her life was sealed off, as it were, from the rest of the world in a cloistered convent. How did she become so well-beloved around the world?

  • af Wyatt North
    113,95 kr.

    Wyatt North has compiled a handy pocketbook of prayers. Included are traditional prayers, prayers for the morning and evening, famous prayers by Saints, and more!

  • - Pastor de la Misericordia
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Comprender de la vida de Jorge Mario Bergoglio es esencial para comprender cómo el Papa Francisco pastoreó a su rebaño - y la clave es la misericordia. ¿Qué es exactamente lo que la gente encuentra tan atractivo sobre el Papa Francisco? Hay algo en él que cautiva y encanta a la gente, incluso gente que no sabe nada sobre él. Aldo Cagnoli, un laico que desarrolló una amistad con el Papa cuando éste estaba sirviendo como un cardenal, comparte lo siguiente: "La grandeza del hombre, en mi humilde opinión no se encuentra en construir paredes o buscar refugio detrás de su sabiduría y su oficina, sino más bien en tratar con todo el mundo juiciosamente, respetuosamente y con humildad, y a estar dispuesto a aprender en cualquier momento de la vida; Eso es lo que significa para mí el Padre Bergoglio". Este libro descubre la vida del 226avo. Papa de Roma, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

  • - A Life Inspired
    af Wyatt North
    133,95 kr.

    Born Helena Kowalska on a clear August day in 1905, to a poor Polish family, she was the third of ten children. When Helena turned nineteen, she felt called by Jesus to go to Warsaw and enter a convent. After arriving, she was turned down by convent after convent, until finally, one accepted her. She took the name Faustina and stayed in the convent until her death in 1938. Little would have been known about her if it had not been for her extraordinary revelations. Sister Faustina's most extraordinary revelation-the one she is famous for-was of Jesus appearing to her with white and red rays protruding from his heart. Jesus told her that he wanted her to have a painting made of the vision and have as its banner, "Jesus, I trust in you."

  • af Wyatt North
    133,95 kr.

    A lo largo de su vida, la Madre Teresa trabajó para transformar nuestras ideas de hogar, amor y familia. Como figura del siglo XX, vio los rápidos cambios que se estaban produciendo en el mundo y entre su gente, y fue lo suficientemente intuitiva como para saber que el Catolicismo, así como su trabajo misionero, necesitaría re-dibujarse para poder satisfacer las nuevas y diversas necesidades. Sin embargo, ella promovió la transformación de una manera simple y sin pretensiones. Simplemente pidió a las personas contemplar el significado de ideas como el hogar, el amor y la familia y abrirse a nuevas concepciones de estos términos en medio de nuestro cambiante mundo. Al hacerlo, la Madre Teresa introdujo una forma nueva y moderna de hacer trabajo misionero, dirigió una organización religiosa internacional y fue amada por personas de todo el mundo por el trabajo que ella hizo, motivado por el amor a su familia, y que algún día crecería para incluir toda la humanidad.

  • - Volume I: Origins to the Middle Ages
    af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    The office of bishop of Rome, is one of the most powerful positions in the world. As an ancient institution stretching back for centuries, the papacy has a history that is marked by archaic and modern customs alike. The history of the men who have held this position is fraught with villainous and heroic actions that have left a profound impact on the development of civilization as we know it, both in the West and East. The popes led the early Church through persecution, acquired temporal power through the actions of Constantine, oversaw the universal Church in the early middle ages, were steeped in various scandals in the late middle ages, saw their secular power stripped in the modern period, and were instrumental in the rise and fall of various kingdoms and nations.

  • af Wyatt North
    123,95 kr.

    Though Joan described herself as "a poor girl who knew neither how to ride nor lead in war," she did know how to obey God. That simple skill changed the course of both her life and that of the entire nation. Twenty-five years after her execution, Saint Joan was pronounced innocent, and declared a martyr. Joan stood up for her belief and against all odds fought for her people. She was a true hero, and remains an inspiration to this day.

  • - A Witness to Love
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    While the twentieth century was o en a time of turbulence, sel shness, godlessness, and violence, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a witness to love. She was a clear reminder of the goodness within human nature and the beauty of being truly open to God.'Mother' was her religious title, but as she ascended to the world stage, it became her role for the world-to be like a mother to all, no matter their origins. She was accepting and welcoming towards all people, not only towards the good or the like-minded. She continues to serve as an inspiration to people of all walks of life and all creeds. Where the world was blind to poverty and misery, Mother Teresa led the path to love.

  • - A Life of Love
    af Wyatt North
    158,95 kr.

    Saint Matthew is an example of God's love and mercy not just for those who are saints, but also for those who are struggling with sin and feeling disconnected from God. The many layers of Matthew's story teach us about true love and the powerful and sustaining force God's love offers to us.

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