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  • af Xin Yao
    653,95 kr.

    A auto-reparação, enquanto fenómeno natural, tem sido amplamente observada e investigada numa variedade de domínios. Com a auto-reparação, as espécies vivas curam as suas feridas para restaurar as funções fisiológicas, enquanto os materiais não biológicos regressam aos seus estados originais, por exemplo, o crescimento de camadas superficiais finas ocorre na regeneração de cristais incompletos de KH2PO4. Aqui, desenvolvemos duas estratégias de sementeira para criar formas cristalográficas incompletas (ou seja, cantos côncavos em ângulo reto) de cristais supercondutores de YBa2Cu3O7-¿ (YBCO) com capacidade de auto-reparação em crescimento por fusão com sementeira superior. Uma delas é a sementeira de auto-montagem in situ, através da qual a auto-reparabilidade promove o crescimento de YBCO, enquanto a outra é a sementeira ligada verticalmente, através da qual a auto-reparabilidade desencadeia a nucleação de YBCO. Consequentemente, a cristalização rápida teve origem nos cantos côncavos e gerou rapidamente uma morfologia de crescimento inicial que se aproxima do equilíbrio. Além disso, estas regiões de crescimento rápido, incluindo o cristal côncavo ou a semente, funcionaram de forma inata como regiões de sementeira eficazes e consideráveis, permitindo o alargamento do sector de crescimento orientado para c e o melhoramento das propriedades dos cristais de YBCO.

  • af Xin Yao
    653,95 kr.

    L'autoréparation, en tant que phénomène naturel, a été largement observée et étudiée dans divers domaines. Grâce à l'autoréparation, les espèces vivantes guérissent elles-mêmes leurs blessures pour restaurer leurs fonctions physiologiques, tandis que les matériaux non biologiques reviennent à leur état d'origine, par exemple, la croissance d'une fine couche superficielle se produit dans la régénération de cristaux de KH2PO4 incomplets. Ici, nous avons développé deux stratégies d'ensemencement pour créer des formes cristallographiques incomplètes (c'est-à-dire des coins concaves à angle droit) de cristaux supraconducteurs YBa2Cu3O7-¿ (YBCO) avec une capacité d'autoréparation dans la croissance par fusion avec ensemencement par le haut. Il s'agit d'une part d'un ensemencement par auto-assemblage in situ, par lequel l'autoréparabilité favorise la croissance des YBCO, et d'autre part d'un ensemencement par connexion verticale, par lequel l'autoréparabilité déclenche la nucléation des YBCO. Par conséquent, la cristallisation rapide a pris naissance dans les coins concaves et a rapidement généré une morphologie de croissance initiale proche de l'équilibre. En outre, ces régions de croissance rapide, y compris le cristal concave ou l'ensemencement, ont fonctionné de manière innée comme des régions d'ensemencement efficaces, permettant l'élargissement du secteur de croissance orienté c et l'amélioration des propriétés des cristaux d'YBCO.

  • af Xin Yao
    653,95 kr.

    Die Selbstreparatur ist ein natürliches Phänomen, das in einer Vielzahl von Bereichen beobachtet und untersucht wurde. Mit Hilfe der Selbstreparaturfähigkeit heilen lebende Arten ihre Wunden selbst, um physiologische Funktionen wiederherzustellen, während nicht-biologische Materialien in ihren ursprünglichen Zustand zurückkehren, wie z. B. das Wachstum dünner Oberflächenschichten bei der Regeneration unvollständiger KH2PO4-Kristalle. Hier haben wir zwei Seeding-Strategien entwickelt, um unvollständige kristallografische Formen (d. h. rechtwinklige konkave Ecken) von supraleitenden YBa2Cu3O7-¿ (YBCO)-Kristallen mit der Fähigkeit zur Selbstreparatur im Top-Seed-Melt-Growth zu erzeugen. Dabei handelt es sich zum einen um eine In-situ-Selbstorganisation, bei der die Selbsttrennfähigkeit das YBCO-Wachstum fördert, und zum anderen um eine vertikal verknüpfte Keimbildung, bei der die Selbsttrennfähigkeit die YBCO-Keimbildung auslöst. Folglich begann die schnelle Kristallisation an den konkaven Ecken und erzeugte schnell eine anfängliche Wachstumsmorphologie, die sich dem Gleichgewicht näherte. Darüber hinaus fungierten diese Regionen mit schnellem Wachstum, einschließlich des konkaven Kristalls oder der Keimbildung, von Natur aus als wichtige effektive Keimbildungsregionen, die die Vergrößerung des c-orientierten Wachstumssektors und die Verbesserung der Eigenschaften von YBCO-Kristallen ermöglichten.

  • - 8th International Conference, Birmingham, Uk, September 18-22, 2004, Proceedings
    af Xin Yao
    964,95 kr.

    We are very pleased to present this LNCS volume, the proceedings of the 8th InternationalConferenceonParallelProblemSolvingfromNature(PPSNVIII). PPSN is one of the most respected and highly regarded conference series in evolutionary computation and natural computing/computation. This biennial eventwas?rstheldinDortmundin1990, andtheninBrussels(1992), Jerusalem (1994), Berlin (1996), Amsterdam (1998), Paris (2000), and Granada (2002). PPSN VIII continues to be the conference of choice by researchers all over the world who value its high quality. We received a record 358 paper submissions this year. After an extensive peer review process involving more than 1100 reviews, the programme c- mittee selected the top 119 papers for inclusion in this volume and, of course, for presentation at the conference. This represents an acceptance rate of 33%. Please note that review reports with scores only but no textual comments were not considered in the chairs' ranking decisions. The papers included in this volume cover a wide range of topics, from e- lutionary computation to swarm intelligence and from bio-inspired computing to real-world applications. They represent some of the latest and best research in evolutionary and natural computation. Following the PPSN tradition, all - persatPPSNVIII werepresentedasposters.Therewere7 sessions: eachsession consisting of around 17 papers. For each session, we covered as wide a range of topics as possible so that participants with di?erent interests would ?nd some relevant papers at every session.

  • af Xin Yao
    528,95 kr.

    Self-repairing, as a natural phenomenon, has been vastly observed and investigated in a variety of fields. With self-reparability, living species self-heal their wounds to restore physiological functions while non-biological materials return to their original states, e.g., thin surface layer growth occurs in the regeneration of incomplete KH2PO4 crystals. Here, we developed two seeding strategies for creating incomplete crystallographic shapes (i.e., right-angled concave corners) of YBa2Cu3O7¿¿ (YBCO) superconducting crystals with self-repairing capability in top-seeded melt-growth. One is in situ self-assembly seeding, by which self-reparability promotes YBCO growth, while the other is vertically-connected seeding, by which self-reparability triggers YBCO nucleation. Consequently, rapid crystallization originated at concave corners and swiftly generated initial growth morphology approaching equilibrium. Furthermore, these rapid-growth regions including the concave crystal or seed innately functioned as sizable effective seeding regions, enabling the enlargement of c-oriented growth sector and the enhancement of properties for YBCO crystals.

  • - Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, SEAL'98, Canberra, Australia, November 24-27, 1998 Selected Papers
    af Bob McKay
    570,95 kr.

    This volume contains selected papers presented at the Second Asia-Paci c C- ference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL'98), from 24 to 27 Nov- ber 1998, in Canberra, Australia. SEAL'98 received a total of 92 submissions (67 papers for the regular sessions and 25 for the applications sessions). All papers were reviewed by three independent reviewers. After review, 62 papers were - cepted for oral presentation and 13 for poster presentation. Some of the accepted papers were selected for inclusion in this volume. SEAL'98 also featured a fully refereed special session on Evolutionary Computation in Power Engineering - ganised by Professor Kit Po Wong and Dr Loi Lei Lai. Two of the ve accepted papers are included in this volume. The papers included in these proceedings cover a wide range of topics in simulated evolution and learning, from self-adaptation to dynamic modelling, from reinforcement learning to agent systems, from evolutionary games to e- lutionary economics, and from novel theoretical results to successful applications, among others. SEAL'98 attracted 94 participants from 14 di erent countries, namely A- tralia, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Iceland, India, Japan, South Korea, New Z- land, Portugal, Sweden, Taiwan, UK and the USA. It had three distinguished international scientists as keynote speakers, giving talks on natural computation (Hans-Paul Schwefel), reinforcement learning (Richard Sutton), and novel m- els in evolutionary design (John Gero). More information about SEAL'98 is still available at

  • - 14th International Conference, IDEAL 2013, Hefei, China, October 20-23, 2013, Proceedings
    af Hujun Yin
    583,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL 2013, held in Hefei, China, in October 2013. The 76 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 130 submissions. These papers provided a valuable collection of latest research outcomes in data engineering and automated learning, from methodologies, frameworks and techniques to applications. In addition to various topics such as evolutionary algorithms, neural networks, probabilistic modelling, swarm intelligent, multi-objective optimisation, and practical applications in regression, classification, clustering, biological data processing, text processing, video analysis, including a number of special sessions on emerging topics such as adaptation and learning multi-agent systems, big data, swarm intelligence and data mining, and combining learning and optimisation in intelligent data engineering.

  • af Xin Yao, Emilio Corchado, Peter Tino & mfl.
    1.692,95 kr.

  • af Edmund Burke, Hans-Georg Beyer, Xin Yao, mfl.
    1.127,95 kr.

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