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  • af Ahmet Yazici
    153,95 kr.

    I combined my books "The Return of Jesus" and "Armies of the Heavens" under the same title. Jesus Christ is going to be among us again, for sure. There are inevitably some signs of this blessed person's coming. So what are these signs? What causes Jesus Christ to be sent again on earth? How do we recognize him? What will change in the world after he arrives? While answering these questions, I have addressed some other individuals related to Jesus Christ, and some signs of doom. Jesus (PBUH) was crucified?Since Muhammad (PBUH) is the last of the prophets, why will Jesus (PBUH) come?What are the signs of his coming?What will he do when he arrives?Who are end-time individuals and how do we know them?What is the role of the Jews in the End Times?Why did God allow the establishment of the state of Israel? When talking about Jesus Christ, the indispensable word is the great antichrist. I specifically discussed the great Antichrist.Who were the antichrists who came in the 20th century?Which states sided with the antichrist and which sided with Jesus Christ in the 20th century?How will the struggle between Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and the Antichrist be in this century?There are various comings of Jesus Christ (PBUH) in the end times. The most important of these is that he comes down from the sky himself. When you read this work, you will understand the truth and secret of the coming of Jesus. A Christian commander asks Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan:"How do you come out victorious in every battle? Whatever we did, no matter what we tried, we couldn't beat you."Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan answers: "Why are we not defeated? Because we also have an army in the sky!" Wars that changed the course of history... Scenes of destiny's plan in human history... Nations assigned by destiny for special missions...This work deals with two main issues. Divine help and destiny plan...Besides, I made some explanations about angels that will remove doubts and delusions. The Ottoman navy, comprising 122 galley-style ships, is against the allied forces with 608 galleons and galley-type navies. Which side wins according to the ordinary flow of life, the laws of nature or the laws of physics? Allied navy, of course. However, this legendary battle was won by the Ottoman navy under the command of Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha. The side that the Almighty helps, not the strong side, wins wars and struggles... We cannot grasp these recondite secrets. However, the lived stories I have told can give us a familiarity with the secrets of the universe, like a drop in the ocean.

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    113,95 kr.

    Is time travel possible? Can man travel to the future or the past? Or can one travel to new dimensions by discovering new devices?The most general definition of time travel is the ability to travel to any time period or location of your choosing based on your own decisions. While science anticipates the issue, Sufism has been quietly living this experience within itself for 1000s of years, counting the saints in previous nations.In this material world, we are living a life of limited knowledge and experience, enslaved to worldliness. A century ago, technologies such as mobile phones, television, and the internet were considered to be quite far-fetched and impossible technologies and science fiction stories. So is a phenomenon like time travel. Although this has not been proven in terms of science, films made, books written, and articles published on this subject for years show that it is not impossible to travel in time.Leaving the part of the issue that concerns science to science, I will deal with the Islamic and Sufi and logical aspects. This work, which I have supported with the lived saints' stories, is also the first work I published in the year 2023. I hope you will like it.

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    88,95 kr.

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    248,95 kr.

    I intended to compile all of my works written before 2023 under one roof. However, I did not wish to include my books in this work, which have the same task but include politics. These works are: "The Return of Jesus" and "Armies of the Heavens." Except for these two works, all titles were collected in this work. Note: My work "An Islamic Approach to Time Travel", published in 2023, was later included in this work. What will this work give you?First, it will allow you to see the events of the universe through the eyes of wisdom.We are living in the end times. We live in a terrifying time when keeping faith is as difficult as holding a burning fire. We must demonstrate the same sensitivity that we use to protect our bodies from viruses in order to protect our hearts and faith from doubting arrows. If the virus kills us, our temporary world ends. However, if we lose faith, we endanger our eternal life. While this work answers doubting questions, it also serves as a template for similar questions that will be raised in the coming years and decades. The most important topics of the book "Human and Universe, Science and Religion" can be listed as follows:A Glimpse to the Unseen Realms:Prophecy:How Can Soothsayers Predict the Future?Since no one but Allah knows the future, how come the prophecies of some soothsayers always come true?How come the news of soothsayers like Nostradamus about the future always comes true?What is the difference between a saint predicting the future and a soothsayers' predicting the future?Who was the person who foretold the Ottoman State before its establishment?What's the secret of shooting stars?You will find the answers to the questions that confuse you in this section...Understanding the Presence of the Spirit:This work will help the minds to get rid of delusions and doubts about the soul...Unmaterial Molds:Even a simple house cannot exist by itself. So where is the engineer and architect of this enormous universe palace full of antique arts? What mold do these wonderful animate and inanimate objects come out of? How astonishing are the countless events that we witness at every moment? So why aren't we amazed? Could it be because we got used to it and it became commonplace to us?Big Crunch: Invisible Apocalyptic MachinesThe Hour is near.The countdown to the apocalypse has begun.It's like a ticking time bomb with ten seconds to go off. That's why we experience the truth that time speeds up when the apocalypse approaches.From time to time, different fields of the scientific world make statements such as, "A thousand years later, our earth will be in this situation; 10 million years later, the sun will be like this; this country will be in this situation, etc." What if I told you that the world doesn't have a life span of 200 years?We are about to count down to the apocalypse according to universe time.The Prophet (PBUH) said: "The lifespan of my Ummah will not extend past 1500 years."I'm sure the scientific truths revealed by the Qur'an and the prophet (PBUH) fourteen centuries ago astounded you. Your astonishment will grow even stronger as you read this book.How will the apocalypse break out?What are the possible apocalyptic scenarios with a scientific and heavenly approach?-Can God Create a Rock He Cannot Lift?-Quantum to EtherIn this section, I mentioned the relationship between theories such as string and quantum with the name Al-Qayyum. I also discussed the mystery of the ether substance.-An Islamic Approach to Time TravelIs time travel possible? Can man travel to the future or the past? While science anticipates the issue, Sufism has been quietly living this experience within itself for 1000s of years... -Genetic CopyNote: All titles in this book will continue to be available individual

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    103,95 kr.

    A Christian commander asks Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan:"How do you come out victorious in every battle? Whatever we did, no matter what we tried, we couldn't beat you."Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan answers: "Why are we not defeated? Because we also have an army in the sky!" Wars that changed the course of history... Scenes of destiny's plan in human history... Nations assigned by destiny for special missions...This work deals with two main issues. Divine help and destiny plan...Besides, I made some explanations about angels that will remove doubts and delusions.We cannot grasp these recondite secrets. However, the lived stories I have told can give us a familiarity with the secrets of the universe, like a drop in the ocean.

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    143,95 kr.

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    113,95 kr.

    "Can God Create a Rock He Cannot Lift?" is about how we can fight with doubts that come to mind about Allah and gives persuasive answers based on the concept of the deity in Islam. Could there be something that God's power is not enough for? Can God kill himself? Who created God? " And so on... Can such questions bring a deficiency to God's glory? Believing in God is the first of the six pillars of faith. But it is not enough just to accept that God exists. If we do not have a correct belief in Allah, our faith is ready to be shaken and leave us at any moment. This work is like a ready-made template. It can answer many questions about Allah...

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    113,95 kr.

    The Hour is near.The countdown to the apocalypse has begun.It's like a ticking time bomb with ten seconds to go off. That's why we experience the truth that time speeds up when the apocalypse approaches.From time to time, different fields of the scientific world make statements such as, "A thousand years later, our earth will be in this situation; 10 million years later, the sun will be like this; this country will be in this situation, etc." What if I told you that the world doesn't have a life span of 200 years?We are about to count down to the apocalypse according to universe time.The Prophet (PBUH) said: "The lifespan of my Ummah will not extend past 1500 years."In this book, I attempted to describe the apocalyptic scenes described in the Qur'an and hadiths using modern astronomical discoveries and predictions (e.g. black hole, Big Crunch...). My primary goal was to describe the apocalypse in terms of science and religion. The resulting work, however, is primarily about the secrets of the universe and the miracles of the Quran... I am confident that you will discover previously unknown secrets about the apocalypse and the universe.I'm sure the scientific truths revealed by the Qur'an and the prophet (PBUH) fourteen centuries ago astounded you. Your astonishment will grow even stronger as you read this book. How will the apocalypse break out?What are the possible apocalyptic scenarios with a scientific and heavenly approach?

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    103,95 kr.

    This book, in which I explain some issues related to the unseen realms in a simple and understandable way, consists of three issues.FIRST ISSUEProphecy: How Can Soothsayers Predict the Future?Since no one but Allah knows the future, how come the prophecies of some soothsayers always come true?How come the news of soothsayers like Nostradamus about the future always comes true?What is the difference between a saint predicting the future and a soothsayers' predicting the future?Who was the person who foretold the Ottoman State before its establishment?What's the secret of shooting stars?You will find the answers to the questions that confuse you in this work... SECOND ISSUEUnderstanding the Presence of the Spirit: What is the soul?Does man have a soul?Does the soul or the brain rule man?Can the existence of the soul be proven?What is the relationship between soul and body?This work will help the minds to get rid of delusions and doubts about the soul...THIRD ISSUEUnmaterial Molds:Even a simple house cannot exist by itself. So where is the engineer and architect of this enormous universe palace full of antique arts? What mold do these wonderful animate and inanimate objects come out of? How astonishing are the countless events that we witness at every moment? So why aren't we amazed? Could it be because we got used to it and it became commonplace to us? If the unseen realms are an ocean, the visible world is only a drop of water in the ocean. I cannot show you those realms, but I hope you will believe in the existence of those realms thanks to this work...

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    93,95 kr.

    This work consists of five issues. The first issue is "Wouldn't Eternal Life in Paradise Be Boring?" People have goals they want to achieve in this world. Most people never achieve their objectives. Some people get everything they want, but after a while, they become immune to their accomplishments and see them as ordinary, and no success or reward can satisfy them. They become dissatisfied with the world. Wealth and power, which once attracted their interest, no longer do. Everyone who enters heaven will have everything they want at that moment. So wouldn't Eternal Life in Paradise Be Boring? The second issue is "Do All Uncovered Women Go to Hell?" Do all uncovered women go to hell? Will all covered women go to heaven? These questions may drive some Muslims to become delusory or doubtful, just as they may cause non-Muslims to question Islam. This work was written in order to eliminate misunderstandings and delusions on this subject. The third issue is "Do Apes and Humans Have a Common Ancestor?"Wouldn't some similarities between humans and apes be considered proof of evolution? Couldn't apes and humans have shared ancestors? Why do apes' biological and behavioral characteristics resemble those of humans? Can the theory of evolution be proven if these similarities are found in other animals, or if more similarities can be found between apes and humans? I have only mentioned one correct answer that can be used to answer all such questions. The fourth issue is "Is Coronavirus a Divine Warning?" There are two aspects of the events in the universe. One is the letter meaning, and the other one is the name meaning. Letter meaning: It's looking at the creatures and the entire universe to see signs related to the existence of Allah. They are the arts and works of Him. So it doesn't make any sense on its own, but it points to someone else. Name meaning: it means looking at the creatures and the universe, which are manifestations, arts, and works of the Almighty, on its own account. In other words, looking at the creatures and the universe on their own behalf and cutting off their relationship with the artist. In this work, I've tried to look at the coronavirus issue in letter meaning, contrary to the agenda. The fifth issue is "If Islam is the true religion, then why did Muslim countries lag behind?" Is there an untruth in Islam?

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    123,95 kr.

    Jesus Christ is going to be among us again, for sure. There are inevitably some signs of this blessed person's coming. So what are these signs? What causes Jesus Christ to be sent again on earth? How do we recognize him? What will change in the world after he arrives? While answering these questions, I have addressed some other individuals related to Jesus Christ, and some signs of doom.

  • af Ahmet Yazici
    120,95 kr.

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