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  • af Arthur G Humes
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand publication. Associations of copepods with marine invertebrates are common, especially in tropical waters. In the 25 years before this review was written in 1982, a large number of new copepod associates were discovered. In 1982 the number of species of copepods known to be associated with marine invertebrates was estimated to be about 1,300. This review encompasses all copepods, ranging from loosely associated to endoparasitic forms, which are associated with Actiniaria (sea anemones) & Corallimorpharia (anemone-like forms). For each of the 42 species of copepods information is given on the host, the site on the host when known, & the locality. New species are fully described. For known species brief notes are provided. Illus.

  • af David Clay Large
    408,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand publication. Contents: Introduction: Bavaria in the Era of Revolution, 1918-1919; Part One: The "Einwohnerwehr" Movement in Bavaria: (I) The Organizational Development of the "Einwohnerwehr" State or Private Control?; (II) The Political Evolution of the Bavarian "Einwonerwehr"; Part Two: The Bavarian "Einwohnerwehr"; Part Two: The Bavarian "Einwohnerwehr" in National and International Policy: (III) The Orgesch and the Orka: (A) The Orgesch in Germany; (B) The Orka in Austria; (IV) The Allied Response: "Einwohnerwehr" Dissolution and the Crisis in Bavarian-Reich Relations; Conclusion; Bibliography.

  • af William J Mayeroakes
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand publication. In Jan. 1960, author Mayer-Oakes & Robert Bell began a program of field archeology in Ecuador, with their relocation & test pit excavation at the El Inga site near Quito. Initial studies of the surface collection convinced the two investigators that a major excavation was necessary. Contents of this study: (1) Summary History El Inga Surface Collection; Present Status & Future Prospects; (2) The Surface Collection -- A Descriptive Analysis: Collection Classification; Specimen Classification & Description; (3) Discussion: Macro-Scale; Micro-Scale; (4) Comparisons: Illalo Region: El Inga Excavation Data, & Surface Data; Ecuador Region: Excavation Data & Surface Data; (5) Interpretations; (6) Summary & Conclusions. Illustrations.

  • af Rodney J Morrison
    408,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand edition of a hard-to-find book. The development of economic thought of the mid-19th century is essentially a history of classical English political economy. The tenets of this school were communicated to the U.S., where the writings of Smith, Malthus, Mill, and Ricardo were adopted by early American political economists. But there was also a strain of political economy in the U.S. at that time that opposed the adoption of the philosophy of classical political economy. This was the nationalistically-oriented American school of economic thought, and the foremost member of this movement was Henry C. Carey.

  • af C Tsehloane Keto
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.

  • af Elspeth Whitney
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand ed. Since the Renaissance, historians, philosophers, and others have judged the positive and negative contributions of the Middle Ages (MA) to the development of Western civilization. These writers have assessed the extent to which medieval culture and institutions may have either hindered or fostered scientific and technological progress. Contents of this study: (1) Introduction: The History of the Problem; (2) Liberal and Illiberal Arts: The Classification of Technical Arts in Antiquity; (3) Crafts, Philosophy, and the Liberal Arts in the Early MA; (4) Paradise Restored: Hugh of St. Victor and the Mechanical Arts in the 12th & 13th Cent.; (5) The Mechanical Arts and the Aristotelian Tradition; and (6) Conclusion.

  • af James J Lorence
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.

  • af Ingrid E M Edlund
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.

  • af American Philosophical Society
    608,95 kr.

    Contents: (I) Amer. Philosophical Soc. (APS) Mission Statement; (II) Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge; (III) Officers & Committees: Pres. Annual Message; & Report of the Exec. Officers; (IV) Members of the Soc.: Resident; Foreign; Members Elected 2005; Classified List; Representation of Subjects; Professional Location of Members; Lists of Past Society Members; & Deaths of Members, 2004 & 2005; (V) Endowment & Trust Funds; (VI) Awards, Medals, & Prizes; (VII) Meet. of the Soc.: Autumn Gen. Meet., Nov. 12-13, 2004; Annual Gen. Meet., April 28-30, 2005; & Autumn Gen. Meet., Nov. 10-12, 2005; (VIII) Research Awards; (IX) Auditor's Report; (X) Charter, 1780, with Articles of Amend.; (XI) General Index; & (XII) Admin. & Staff.

  • af Albert E Wood
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.

  • af David Burr
    458,95 kr.

    Concentrates on a single problem in medieval theology: the relationship between Christ's bodily presence in the Eucharist & the conversion of the Eucharistic elements, bread & wine, into Christ's body & blood. Traces discussion of this problem in the Franciscan order during the late 13th cent. from St. Bonaventure to John Duns Scotus. Contents: The Thomist-Bonaventuran Thesis; Eucharistic Thought in the 1240s: Albert the Great, Wm. of Militona, & Richard Fishacre; Reception of the Thomist-Bonav. Thesis outside the Franciscan Order; The Franciscan Critique: Wm. de la Mare, Matthew of Aquasparta, John Pecham, Peter Olivi, Roger Marston, & Wm. of Falgar, Richard of Middleton, Vitalis de Furno, & Wm. of Ware, John Duns Scotus; Conclusion. This is a print on demand edition of an important, hard-to-find publication.

  • af Bruce Stansfield Eastwood
    408,95 kr.

    The mathematical, medical, and physical-philosophical traditions of medieval visual theory provide important insights and arguments in response to very specific questions defined by the respective interests of these traditions. Each of these three traditions also appears to have a larger framework of assumptions, within which it conceives, states, and solves its specific questions concerning vision. Within the medical tradition, the theory of Hunayn ibn Ishaq (A.D. 808-873) seems to have been the most important in the medieval Islamic world, and his theory involves a comprehensive set of assumptions which are only partially explicit in his Ten Treatises on the Eye. These assumptions are cosmological in nature, and they direct the thinking applied to specific questions at every stage of the theory's development. Hunayn's theory of vision is, in fact, a theory of the cosmological natures of the pathway from the brain to the perceived object. Contents of this study: Intro.; 1st tract: the nature and structure of the eye; 2nd tract: the nature and uses of the brain; 3rd tract: the working of the visual pneuma; The crystalline lens; Problem-solving and cosmology. Illus.

  • af American Philosophical Society
    408,95 kr.

  • af Arthur L Donovan
    458,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.

  • af James E Hassell
    408,95 kr.

    This is a print on demand publication. Revolution in 1917 brutally shattered old Russia in all its aspects. Something on the order of a million & a half people consequently fled or were expelled from the territory of the former Russian Empire. This study, undertaken before the advent of glasnost & perestroika, describes the experiences of Russians who arrived in the U.S. between the two world wars. But the spiritual center of the entire Russian diaspora was France, particularly Paris, so France must be part of the story. Many of the refugees who ultimately settled in the U.S. passed through France. Many had connections in France; therefore, some knowledge of the French situation is crucial for an understanding of the emigres in this country & indeed throughout the world.

  • af Roger D Simon
    518,95 kr.

  • af Ansley J Coale
    518,95 kr.

    This biography of one of the world's foremost demographers traces in addition to Ansley Coale's own life and work, the progress of worldwide demographic research in the 20th century. One chapter records the important work of his mentor, Frank Notestein, particularly on fertilty, and contraception's effect on it, as well as his founding of the Office of Population Research at Princeton, an institution vitally important in Ansley Coale's career. Coale's professional activities took him in such various directions as professor of economics at Princeton, studying population and economic development in low-income countries, research on the European Fertility Project, stabilizing analytical demography: including the study of stable populations, correcting bad data in the U.S. and other countries, and creating demographic models for mortality, fertility and marriage. As U.S. representative on the UN Population Commission he served as an advisor to Africa, Europe, Latin America and Asia and participated in the International Union for Scientific Study of Population. Coale directed the Office of Population Research between 1959 and 1973 and was Senior Research Demographer there until the late 1980s. One of his major focuses has been the social implications of atomic energy. He has received many honors and is the author of many articles and several books on population. Photos.

  • af Peter P Hill
    518,95 kr.

    Hill contends that French officials in the postwar decade had already perceived a deep-rooted Amer. indifference, even hostility, to a number of vital French nat. interests. The author examines the harsh disappointments & frustrations these officials experienced in their dealings with Amer. in the 1780s, whether on the high seas, or in U.S. courts & customs houses, in the halls of Congress, or in their encounters with Amer. attitudes. These essays add to what is already known about France's difficulties with the U.S. in this era. Not so well known, however, are: how French officials perceived these problems; what solutions they sought; or how keenly frustrated they became when, despite Amer. protestations of gratitude for French assistance during the war for independence, they found self-interested Amer. unwilling to heed the least claims of an erstwhile ally.

  • af Elizabeth A R Brown
    408,95 kr.

    In the late 17th and early 18th cent., Francois-Roger de Gaignieres (FRG) amassed an impressive collection of drawings of the tombs and other monuments of France. That collection is today divided between the Bodleian Lib. in Oxford and the Bibliotheque Nationale (BN) in Paris. Ironically, the 16 vol. of the collection now housed in Oxford include the drawings of the most prestigious French tombs. Contents: The Revolution and the Royal Tombs of France; The FRG Drawings and the Restoration of the Royal Tombs of France; The Oxford Collection of FRG Drawings and the Tracings of the BN; Kerrich's Drawings and Engravings of French Monuments; and The Disappearance of the Oxford Collection of FRG's Drawings from the French Royal Library. Illustrations.

  • af Estelle Haan
    518,95 kr.

    Chapters: (1) Milton & the Accademia degli Svogliati; (2) Milton & the Accademia degli Apatisti; (3) Florentine "Written Encomiums" Antonion Francini, & Carlo Dati; (4) Patterns of "Amicitia" The Milton/Dati Correspondence: (i) Reconstructing a Lost Dati Epistle to Milton; (ii) The Dati Epistles of 1647-1648; (iii) A Paradise Regained?: Francesco, Rovai, Gabriello Chiabrera, & Dati's "Consolatio" to Milton; (5) Milton & the Accademia dei Fantastici: (i) Giovanni Salzilli's "Written Encomium"; & (ii) Milton's "Ad Salsillum"; (6) "Voice & Verse" Leonora Baroni, Milton, & Italian "Accademici"; (7) Milton & the Accademia degli Oziosi; (8) From "Angel" to "Angle" Manso & Milton; (9) "Mansus" & Italian Encomia of Manso; (10) "Mansueti...Chironis" Manso, the Tame Centaur; (11) Milton, Ariosto, & the Singing Swan; & (12) "Amicitia" & Biography. Appendix: Milton's Latin Poems of the Italian Journey. Biblo.

  • af Estelle Haan
    458,95 kr.

    In this volume, Estelle Haan, one of the world's finest neo-Latinists, makes an important contribution to the study of so often neglected poetry. She uses context & commentary to create an unprecedented understanding of Joseph Addison's poetry. Haan adds to the corpus of neo-Latin poetry, & also offers to non-Latinists with an interest in Addison access to products of his creative imagination that were hitherto unavailable because of the language barrier. The inclusion of material unkonwn to previous Addison editors considerably enhances the volume's value. Illustrations.

  • af Ronald Edward Zupko
    1.083,95 kr.

    Zupco presents the legacies of the Middle Ages to the pioneering reformers of the Scientific Revolution; the monumental impact of math, physics, chemistry, astronomy, & technology on modern metrology; the creations, struggles, & successes of the Metric System; & the intense battles between metrics & customary metrologies that have waged since the end of the 18th cent. Includes insights into the personalities involved in metrological events: scientists, technologists, bureaucrats, ministers, members of scientific soc., & shows the impact of scientific experimentation & social revolutions. Includes a comprehensive biblio. of European metrology & the sources relevant to the underpinnings for this period in weights & measures history. Illus.

  • af William Croone
    458,95 kr.

    When William Croone published his small treatise, "De ratione motus musculorum" in 1664, it represented one of the earliest attempts to explicate muscle contraction in terms of the then current mechanical & chemical concepts. The work is significant not only because it provides an informative overview of the difficulties inherent in addressing the question of how muscles contract, but also because it derives from a series of experiments that form a logical framework for the notion that expanding muscle, like a bladder filled with air or water, can exert a force capable of moving parts of the body against considerable restraint. This vol. contains a brief biography of Croone; an introduction to his ideas & experiments; list of references; & the text in Latin facsimile & English translation. Illus.

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