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  • af Najoua Kamoun Turki
    2.067,95 kr.

    Research work has been continuously dedicated by the scientific community to improve or optimize the physical properties of thin films. In this present book, we bring into the attention an important research axis developed in our research group, i.e. the use of irradiation with intense gamma radiation and electron beam energy with the aim to improve and customize the structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of thin film semiconductors for space and terrestrial photovoltaic applications, dosimetry of ionizing radiation and photocatalysis for the depollution of water contaminated by organic dyes.The number of worldwide scientific contributions and publications in this area of research is considered low compared to other research areas, hence the desire to contribute to developing and enriching this research area of thin film semiconductors. Our work was carried out in collaboration with the National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (CNSTN) in Tunisia, which owns the industrial equipment for gamma irradiation. An agreement was signed between the LPMC (define LPMC) laboratory and the CNSTN to carry out several gamma irradiation campaigns for several types of materials. Another collaboration was made with the COFICAB industrial company that produces electric cables, which is a subsidiary of the CHAKIRA group, to offer us an electron beam time with their low energy electron accelerator.Irradiation by ionizing radiation is widely used in food preservation to extend their storage or marketing periods and also for the sterilization of medical products. Among the outstanding industrial applications of electron beam irradiation is its use to improve the physical properties of the polymers making up the sheaths of electrical cables. In fact, the electrons emitted by the accelerators entrain free radicals in the polymers, the recombination of which leads to an improvement in their resistance to the high temperature of fires and to harmful solvents. In addition, many research works use irradiation to study the resistance of materials to intense nuclear radiation or to increase their life spans and for certain other materials to strengthen their nuclear waste storage capacities. Hence our motivation to use gamma radiation or electron beam irradiation to try to find improvements in the physical properties of semiconductor thin films used in the photovoltaic field or photocatalysis. Indeed, irradiation could be considered as a powerful tool to modify in a controlled way the electrical, structural, optical and morphological properties of these thin films.The choice of materials was motivated by their role played in optical windows, absorbers or buffer layers, which are commonly used in the new generation of photovoltaic cells. The two families of materials are the transparent conductive oxides (TCO), such as Fe-doped In2O3, and sulfur-based compounds, such as In2S3, Cu2ZnSnS4 and Sm-doped CaSO4. The synthesis and growth of these materials have been developed and optimized in our LPMC laboratory through previous research works. To the best of our knowledge, our work on the irradiation of thin films by gamma radiation of thin films of Cu2ZnSnS4, In2S3 and In2O3 doped with iron and fluorine is novel and the results are of great interest for the scientific community.The main objective of applying irradiation is to systematically control and improve the structural, optical, morphological, or electrical properties of thin films by applying very precise doses of gamma radiation or electron beams. Irradiation can cause structural defects in crystal lattices, generate excitations, change, or transform energy levels or even break atomic bonds, which can be used to tailor the properties of thin film semiconductors for specific applications.

  • af George Roca
    527,95 kr.

    "Cryptography (or cryptology) from Greek κρυπτός kryptós (hidden secret); andγράφειν graphein (writing), or -λογία-logia (study, respectively) is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties (called adversaries). More generally, it is about constructing and analyzing protocols that overcome the influence of adversaries and which are related to various aspects in information security such as data confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. Modern cryptography intersects the disciplines of mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering. Applications of cryptography include ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce." (Wikipedia).In the pages below, I try to demonstrate that even poetry can be coded without losing its meaning or the reader's desire to access it. I believe that the verses in this multilingual volume are the first attempts worldwide to apply cryptography to this literary genre. In order for the experiment to have a broader appeal, I have tried to also apply it to the translation several languages present in this literary work. I thank the translators for their efforts in contributing to the realization of this book. (George Roca, Sydney, Australia, November, 15th, 2021)"Criptografia reprezintă o ramură a matematicii care se ocupă cu securizarea informaţiei precum şi cu autentificarea şi restricţionarea accesului într-un sistem informatic. În realizarea acestora se utilizează atât metode matematice (profitând, de exemplu, de dificultatea factorizării numerelor foarte mari), cât şi metode de criptare cuantică. Termenul criptografie este compus din cuvintele de origine greacă κρυπτός/kryptós (ascuns) şi γράφειν/gráfein (a scrie). Criptologia este considerată ca fiind cu adevărat o ştiinţă de foarte puţin timp. Aceasta cuprinde atât criptografia - scrierea secretizată - cât şi criptanaliza." (Wikipedia)În paginile care urmează încerc să demonstrez că şi poezia poate fi cifrată fără să-şi piardă înţelesul şi nici dorinţa citiorului de a o penetra. Cred că versurile din acest volum multingv sunt primele încercări de pe mapamond de aplicare a criptografiei la acest gen literar. Pentru ca experimentul să aibă un spectru mai larg am incercat să îl aplic şi traducerilor în cele douăsprezece limbi prezente aici. Mulţumesc tradu-cătorilor pentru efortul depus la apariţia acestei cărţi. (George Roca, Sydney, Australia, 15 noiembrie 2021)

  • af Nicolae N Negulescu
    452,95 kr.

    2020 is the year we celebrate 45 years since the founding of ARA.This Special Issue is dedicated in honor of Prof Maria Manoliu-Manea, ARA Emeritus President, on the occasion of her 85th birthday.

  • - The Nervous System and Analyzers
    af Mircea Ifrim
    1.007,95 kr.

    The monography entitled "Human Atlas of Topographical and Functional Anatomy. The Nervous System And Analyzers." developed by a prestigious collective coordinated by Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Mircea Ifrim, is an absolute editorial novelty. The approach of numerous aspects of the complexity of "the human phenomenon", which is the object of anthropology, is original through multiple aspects, out of which we mention the meta-psychological one, and at the same time, a reality that defines the constitutional typology in which we find multiple unknown data. At the same time, it is a reality which defines the constitutional typology. This monography contains fundamental elements, many resulting from both practical experience and author's own research. The coordinator of this monography is Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Mircea Ifrim, a medical doctor, a Univ. Prof. M.D Ist degree Scientific Researcher, General Secretary of the Romanian Medical Science Academy, Deputy General Manager of the Institute of Life Sciences of the "Vasile Goldis" Western University in Arad, a doctor in Philosophy of "Albert Schweitzer" International Academy of Medicine. Acad. Mircea Ifrim has climbed up on the medical hierarchical ladder, from a doctor in a regional practice to university professor and academician by hard work and international recognition of his professional achievements. He was awarded numerous honors and appointments such as General Inspector, Adviser to the Minister of Education, Governmental Adviser, State Secretary for UNESCO, Chairman of the Health Committee of the Romanian Parliament, etc. He has received the "Victor Babes" award from the Romanian Academy, the International Order of Merit IBC Cambridge, and the National Order "Steaua Romaniei" (2014) "In a sign of high recognition and appreciation for the prestigious and fruitful activity in the service of development of medical sciences, asserting Romanian research internationally" etc. Acad. Mircea Ifrim is a member of numerous organizations and international academic institutions and he is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Medical School of Beijing, Sao Polo, Taipei, Asia University, Tai-Tsung etc. His activity has been internationally recognized in different publications as follows: - World Who's Who Hall of Fame (I.B.J. Cambridge England CB23QP 1999); - The First Five Hundred at the new millennium (Redwood Books, Kermit Way BA14BPN England 2000); - Asia/Pacific Who's Who (2009 Rifacimento International New Delhi); - The Preeminent 500 (Bibliotheque Word Wide U.S.A. 2011); - Encyclopedia Intelligentia. A Compendium of Great Thinkers and Bright Minds of the 21st Century, Bibliotheque World Wide U.S.A. 2015; - Degree of Excellence, awarded by the Ministry of Health for meritorious activity carried out within Academy of Medical Sciences (2015). We mentioned only a few essential contribution that Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Mircea Ifrim had in the development of the Medical Science Academy through the elaboration of the 264/2004 Law. He acted as a vital component in making this institution functional once again, an institution that is among the first in the world of its kind, founded by the prestigious, world renowned scientist Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Daniel Denielopolu, in 1935.

  • - Materialele Teleconferintei Internationale a Tinerilor Cercetatori
    af Dumitru Todoroi
    297,95 kr.

    Teleconferinta internationala a tinerilor cercetatori coordonata de domnul Profesor Dumitru TODOROI a ajuns anul acesta la editia a VI-a. Materialele Teleconferintei internationale sunt publicate in acest volum sub egida Academiei de Studii Economice a Moldovei (Chisinau) si a Academiei Romano-Americana de Arte si Stiinte (California).Presedinti de Onoare a TELECONFERINTEI internationale au fost: Grigore BELOSTECINIC, Rector ASEM, prof. univ., dr. hab., Academician ASM, Membru de Onoare ARA, Chisinau, Republica Moldova, siRuxandra VIDU, Presedinte ARA, Prof., PhD, Assoc. Director California Solar Energy Collaborative, University of California Davis, USA.Presedinti de Onoare a TELECONFERINTEI internationale: Grigore BELOSTECINIC, Rector ASEM, prof. univ., dr. hab., Academician ASM, Membru de Onoare ARA, Chisinau, Republica MoldovaRuxandra VIDU, Presedinte ARA, Prof., PhD, Assoc. Director California Solar Energy Collaborative, University of California Davis, USAPresedintele TELECONFERINTEI internationale: Dumitru TODOROI, prof. univ., dr. hab., m. c. ARA, Chisinau, Republica MoldovaComitetul international de organizare: Dumitru TODOROI, prof. univ., dr. hab., m. c. ARA, ASEM, Chisinau, PresedinteRadu MIHALCEA, prof. univ., dr., dr., DHC, Illinois University, Chicago, Co-presedinteElena NECHITA, prof. PhD, Univ. "Vasile Alecsandri," Bacau, Romania, Co-presedinte, Alin ZAMFIROIU, as. univ., dr., ASE Bucuresti, Romania, Co-presedinteDan CRISTEA, prof. univ., dr., UAIC, m. c. AR, Iasi, Romania, Co-presedinteMarian SIMION, prof., dr., Boston Teologic Institute, Boston, USATinca BELINSKI, LYNN University, Florida, USAConstantin SASU, prof. univ., dr., UAIC, Iasi, RomaniaAnatolie GODONOAGA, conf. univ., dr., Decan, Facultatea CSIE, ASEMMarina COBAN, conf. univ., dr., prodecan, Facultatea BAA ASEM, Co-presedinteNicoleta TODOROI, drd, Academia "Gh. Dima," Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Co-presedinte, Diana MICUSA, m. c. ARA, UFCM, Co-presedinteAnatolie PRISACARU, conf. univ., dr., Sef catedra "Tehnologii informationale," ASEMPartenerii: Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, (ASEM), Chisinau, MoldovaAmerican-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, University of California Davis UCDavs, California, USAIllinois State University, (ISU), Chicago, USAAcademy of Economic Studies, (ASE) Bucharest, RomaniaBoston Theological Institute, (BTI), Boston, USA"Vasile Alecsandri" University at Bacau, (BU), Bacau, RomaniaLYNN University, Florida, USA"Al. Ioan Cuza" University at Iasi, (UAIC), Iasi, RomaniaMusic Academy "Gh. Dima" at Cluj Napoca, (MA), Cluj Napoca, RomaniaPolitehnica University of Timisoara, (TPU), Timisoara, Romania

  • af Mircea Ifrim
    967,95 kr.

    The monography entitled "Human Atlas of Topographical, Functional and Clinical Anatomy Viscera" developed by a prestigious collective coordinated by Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Mircea Ifrim, is an absolute editorial novelty. The approach of numerous aspects of the complexity of "the human phenomenon", which is the object of anthropology, is original through multiple aspects, out of which we mention the metapsychological one, and at the same time, a reality that defines the constitutional typology in which we find multiple unknown data. At the same time, it is a reality which defines the constitutional typology. This monography contains fundamental elements, many resulting from both practical experience and author's own research. The coordinator of this monography is Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Mircea Ifrim, a medical doctor, a Univ. Prof. M.D Ist degree Scientific Researcher, General Secretary of the Romanian Medical Science Academy, Deputy General Manager of the Institute of Life Sciences of the "Vasile Goldis" Western University in Arad, a doctor in Philosophy of "Albert Schweitzer" International Academy of Medicine. Acad. Mircea Ifrim has climbed up on the medical hierarchical ladder, from a doctor in a regional practice to university professor and academician by hard work and international recognition of his professional achievements. He was awarded numerous honors and appointments such as General Inspector, Adviser to the Minister of Education, Governmental Adviser, State Secretary for UNESCO, Chairman of the Health Committee of the Romanian Parliament, etc. He has received the "Victor Babes" award from the Romanian Academy, the International Order of Merit IBC Cambridge, and the National Order "Steaua Romaniei" (2014) "In a sign of high recognition and appreciation for the prestigious and fruitful activity in the service of development of medical sciences, asserting Romanian research internationally" etc. Acad. Mircea Ifrim is a member of numerous organizations and international academic institutions and he is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Medical School of Beijing, Sao Polo, Taipei, Asia University, Tai-Tsung etc. His activity has been internationally recognized in different publications as follows: World Who's Who Hall of Fame (I.B.J. Cambridge England CB23QP 1999); The First Five Hundred at the new millennium (Redwood Books, Kermit Way BA14BPN England 2000); Asia/Pacific Who's Who (2009 Rifacimento International New Delhi); The Preeminent 500 (Bibliotheque Word Wide U.S.A. 2011); Encyclopedia Intelligentia. A Compendium of Great Thinkers and Bright Minds of the 21st Century, Bibliotheque World Wide U.S.A. 2015; Degree of Excellence, awarded by the Ministry of Health for meritorious activity carried out within Academy of Medical Sciences (2015). We mentioned only a few essential contribution that Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Mircea Ifrim had in the development of the Medical Science Academy through the elaboration of the 264/2004 Law. He acted as a vital component in making this institution functional once again, an institution that is among the first in the world of its kind, founded by the prestigious, world renowned scientist Acad. Prof. PhD. M.D. Daniel Denielopolu.

  • af Ruxandra Vidu
    3.032,95 kr.

  • af Ildiko Peter
    467,95 kr.

    The aim of the present work is twofold. On one hand in the first part, the attention is focalized to give a brief but general idea on (i) the presence and importance of the different materials which surround us, including light alloys and more in details Al-based alloys, on (ii) some features on the actual state of the manufacturing of metallic alloys, and on (iii) some technical hitches appearing when metallic alloys are developed. On the other hand, some indications on how the metallic materials can be structurally characterized using complementary methodologies, namely microstructural analysis and X-Ray diffraction technique, including different real case studies, will be recalled. Additionally, a few aspects on how the data acquired can be managed in order to recognize the highest number of information bits about the investigated material and to holistically use them for finding a suitable application, or vice versa to find the right material for application drive processes, will be discussed.The present book is mainly addressed to students of materials and mechanical sciences, electrical and industrial engineering, and other relevant engineering specializations, where investigations on materials/metallic alloys are important.

  • af Ruxandra Vidu & Ala Mindicanu
    312,95 kr.

  • af Najoua Kamoun-Turki
    947,95 kr.

    New and modern nanoscience developments bring new nanomaterials with unique electronic and optical properties that are of outmost importance in modern applications. This book presents the spray pyrolysis technique that is used to produce thin films of metallic oxides on glass substrates. Also discussed are the process variables of the spray pyrolysis process used to manufacture specific structures such as nanostructured thin films. Building on the foundation set by the pyrolysis technology, several metallic oxides have been synthesized and characterized. The focus of research is on the linkage between the synthesis of binary oxides such as ZnO, In2O3, TiO2, and MoO3, physical characterization and the effects of doping on their properties. This book provides interesting insights into the literature on applied research, and each chapter contains details that aim to develop awareness of the topic and the physicochemical methods used, including the nanostructure, optical and electrical features. The four chapters present and discuss several comprehensive studies of metallic oxides for various applications, such as water purification, optoelectronic devices, photocatalysts, etc and give the research community and students the thorough grounding they need in spray pyrolysis applications in the nanotechnology of metal oxides.

  • af Andreea-Daniela Antochi
    1.297,95 kr.

    The treatise "Elements of psychological and metapsychological, motricity, morphofunctional medical anthropology", elaborated by a prestigious collective, coordinated by Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Ifrim, represents an absolute editorial freshness. The approach to these many aspects of the "human phenomenon" complexity, which is the object of anthropology, is original through multiple aspects, out of which we mention, the metapsychological one, in which we find multiple unknown data, but in the same time, it is a reality which defines the constitutional typology. The paper contains not only elements of fundamental level, some of the results of its own research, but also of practical ones with direct applicability, especially in the medical field.The coordinator of this paper is Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Ifrim, MD, Univ. Prof., Scientific Researcher of First Degree, General Secretary of the Romanian Academy of Medical Science, Deputy General Director of the Life Science Institute of "Vasile Goldis" West University, Arad and Ph.D. at "Albert Schweitzer" International Academy of Medicine.He climbed the entire medical hierarchy, from District Doctor to University Professor and Academician, based on competition and recognition of professional accomplishments. In parallel, he was also active in social activity, starting as General Inspector, Councillor of the Minister of Education, Governmental Councillor, Secretary of State for UNESCO, President of Health Committee of The Chamber of Deputies, etc. He received the Romanian Academy Award "Victor Babes", The International Order of Merit IBC Cambridge, England, the National Order of the Star of Romania, the Knight Rank (2014), "A token of high recognition and appreciation for the prestigious and fruitful activity in the name of developing the medical science, for highlighting the Romanian research at an international level", etc.He is a member in numerous organisations and international Universities and Doctor Honoris Causa at the Medicine Universities of Beijing, São Paulo, Taipei, Asia University, Tai-Tsung, etc.His activity was internationally recognized in many publications from which we mention: World Who`s who Hall of Fame (I.B.J. Cambridge England); The First Five Hundred at the new millennium (Redwood Books, England 2000) Asia/Pacific Who`s who (2009 Rifacimento International New Delhi); The Preeminent 500 (Bibliotheque World Wide U.S.A. - 2011); Diploma of Excellency given by the Ministry of Health for the commendable activity unfolded within the Academy of Medical Science (2015) We mention the essential contribution of Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Ifrim in the development of the Academy of Medical Science, through Law no. 254/2004, which he elaborated, an essential pawn in the reorganisation of this Institution, founded one of the first in the world, by the prestigious scientist, worldwide known, Academician Prof. Dr. Daniel Danielopolu.

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