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  • af David Pawson
    132,95 kr.

  • af David Pawson
    152,95 kr.

    Has God brought the Jewish people back to Palestine? How can both Jews and Christians be God's chosen people? How many covenants are there in the Bible? Do all Christian Zionists accept dispensational teaching? Does the God of Israel ever change his promises? These are some of the questions that must be faced in the light of current attacks on Christian Zionism by some evangelical writers. David Pawson believes that Christians need very clear biblical understanding before making political pronouncements about conflict in the Middle East.

  • - A new look at the 10 Commandments
    af David Pawson
    147,95 kr.

    King Alfred is perhaps best remembered for allowing cakes to become burnt, but he did something far more significant and of lasting value. He used ten commandments, given to the Jewish people centuries before, as the foundation of English law. He instinctively knew they contained the recipe for a safe and successful society. The secret they all contain is respect. Respect for God first, for his uniqueness, his nature, his name, his special day; then respect for each other, our families, life itself, marriage, property and reputation. Churches have urged members to memorise the Ten Commandments, along with the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed, often putting all three up on the wall as summaries of the Christian faith and life, as well as using them in worship. But how can principles laid down so long ago and so far away be relevant to contemporary society? Well, as one New Testament translator (J B Phillips) puts it: 'By the straight edge of God's law we find out how crooked we are.' Only after this discovery are we ready to consider the gospel of Jesus.

  • af David Pawson
    182,95 kr.

    The modern mood is that we do not want to argue about religion. We do not want to quarrel, but to be comfortable with each other. Galatians is not that kind of a letter. Paul argues with other Christians, not with unbelievers, and his message in the letter has in turn caused many arguments. Arguments can be good. If Luther had not been willing to get into an argument, the Reformation would not have occurred. When we come to Galatians, we are handling some of the biggest issues of all. There are fundamental issues without which you lose the Christian gospel, so, I am afraid, fighting is involved. Many of the biggest battles that Christians have to face are inside the church, not outside it. That is painful. Who likes a family that is arguing? Whenever the devil attacks the church from the outside, the church gets stronger and bigger. His attacks are much more successful when they come from the inside, and one of the quickest ways to do that is to pervert or corrupt or erode the gospel. If he can do that, he knows that he has destroyed the church from the inside. Legalism and licence are still with us. But so is true liberty. We must stay and walk with others along the narrow path, the wind of the Spirit blowing in our faces and the blessing of God's grace upon us. We are free not to sin and free to be bold, if we will only walk in the Spirit. Galatians is one of the most powerful letters you will ever read.

  • af David Pawson
    147,95 kr.

    The Letter of Jude has a sharp cutting edge which exposes raw flesh. That indeed is the real problem: flesh in the church. This little letter will cut through that and expose it, and that is going to sting. But we are sensitive, and the real reason that we neglect a passage of scripture is that we do not like it. The church can be destroyed from inside; it is not external dangers, it is internal dangers we need to be concerned about, and this is Jude's concern. Every Christian must live dangerously. This world is not occupied territory, so it is the most dangerous thing to be part of the church.

  • af David Pawson
    182,95 kr.

    It is an extraordinary story. An unknown young man of thirty abandons his job and launches into a new 'career' as a travelling preacher and healer. Immensely popular wit the general public, he quickly falls foul of the religious leaders of his day and then the political authorities. Just three years later he was dead, executed as a dangerous criminal. End of Story? Just the opposite! Three days later, his body had disappeared from his grave. That was only the beginning of the story of which you, the reader are now part.

  • af David Pawson
    172,95 kr.

    Eine richtig praktische Anleitung zum Gebet für jeden Christen. Vollgepackt mit klarer Lehre über: Zum Vater betenDurch den Sohn betenIm Geist betenGegen den Teufel betenMit den Heiligen betenAllein betenFür andere betenBeten ohne Hindernisse

  • - The Biblical Covenants
    af David Pawson
    127,95 kr.

    It must bewilder many Christians that teachers and preachers using the same Bible can come up with so many different interpretations and, more particularly, applications of God's Word. One of the main reasons for this confusion is their handling of the word 'covenant', which is so fundamental to scripture. The two key questions are: how many covenants has God made with human beings and how many of these apply to Christians today? Some say there is only one ('the covenant of grace') running right through scripture, though they might add a second ('a covenant of works') which applied only to Adam in Eden. Most think there are two (the 'old' and the 'new') corresponding to the Old and the New 'Testaments' (a synonym for 'covenant'). Others claim to have found seven (though they usually call them 'dispensations'). This author believes there are five which are basic to the story of our redemption - the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic and Messianic. Only one of these is 'old' and therefore obsolete; only one is 'new' but endorses the other three. With this insight we can 'rightly divide the word of truth' (2 Timothy 2:15; NIV has 'correctly handle'). See if you agree!

  • - Church History for beginners
    af David Pawson
    172,95 kr.

    This is an intensely readable look at the Christian Church down the ages, providing powerful messages for our own times. Many church members know little or nothing about the story of Christianity between the New Testament period and today. They therefore may not realise how much they have been influenced by traditions developed during that time. These can have both a negative and positive benefi t. Negative, because 'those who forget history are condemned to relive it'. Most of the mistakes we make and errors we fall into have happened before and we can learn from our forefathers to avoid them. Positive, because we have such a rich heritage it would be folly to ignore. We can draw inspiration and examples from the spiritual giants who went before us and, after all, we can look forward to meeting them personally in glory.

  • - Las Siete Maravillas de su Historia
    af David Pawson
    147,95 kr.

    Este libro es el resultado de toda una vida de contar "la más grande historia jamás contada" por todo el mundo. David, ahora en la octava década de su vida, la volvió a narrar a varios cientos de jóvenes en Kansas City, EE.UU., que la escucharon con un entusiasmo desinhibido, "twiteando" por Internet acerca de este "simpático caballero inglés" mientras hablaba. Tomando la parte central del Credo de los Apóstoles como marco, el autor explica los hechos fundamentales acerca de Jesús en los que está basada la fe cristiana de una forma fresca y estimulante. Tanto los cristianos viejos como nuevos se beneficiarán de este llamado a "volver a los fundamentos", y encontrarán que se vuelven a enamorar de su Señor.

  • af David Pawson
    337,95 kr.

    La reseña que hace Abramos la Biblia - Nuevo Testamento de la historia singular de la relación de Dios con su pueblo nos brinda una auténtica sensación del alcance de la historia bíblica y su implicación para nuestras vidas. Los libros de Abramos la Biblia reúnen las perspectivas de toda una vida de David Pawson, un escritor y orador internacional ampliamente respetado, del signifi cado de los sucesos y la enseñanza de la Biblia. La cultura, el trasfondo histórico y el signifi cado espiritual de todos los sucesos importantes son explicados, con un examen cuidadoso de su impacto más amplio, hasta el día de hoy. Estos libros son una estupenda oportunidad para captar la Biblia como un todo.

  • - The parables as oriental stories
    af Kim Tan
    147,95 kr.

    Whilst it is true that Jesus' parables are timeless, speaking to all people in all ages and cultures, they are essentially Middle Eastern stories set in a culture very different from our own. They really only make sense when understood in their oriental setting. Without seeing them as skilfully crafted oriental stories, we will miss their beauty and the impact of their message. This book sets out to ask the question: How did the original listeners understand the parables when they were first told by Jesus? It does this by setting the stories of Jesus in their cultural background and explaining the parables as they originally intended to be understood.

  • af Kim Tan
    162,95 kr.

    SO WHATS BEEN LOST? The zeal of the New Testament believers, and their practises too. Plus the freedom that comes from not being instituted. This book tells the story of the early church and Reformation - with a focus on the roots of the modern Baptist-Evangelical-Charismatic movement. *A gripping Account of how Christians of the first centuries dealt with the Roman state. *The compromise of the 'official' reformation of Luther and Calvin *Church - State relations, pacifism and civil disobedience *At every stage of history it asks whether this was the church Jesus intended to build and what are the lessons for today?

  • af David Pawson
    152,95 kr.

    International Spanish language edition of When Jesus Returns.

  • af David Pawson
    147,95 kr.

    Un estudio sobre la perseverancia y la herencia. El punto de vista evangélico mayoritario es que una vez que una persona ha aceptado a Cristo como Salvador tiene la salvación garantizada. Pero, ¿es seguro suponer que una vez que hemos sido salvados, somos salvados para siempre? David Pawson investiga esto a través de evidencias bíblicas, fi guras históricas como Agustín, Lutero y Wesley y suposiciones evangélicas acerca de la gracia y la justificación, la soberanía divina y la responsabilidad humana. Pregunta si se requiere algo más que nacer de nuevo para no perder nuestra herencia. Este libro nos ayuda a decidir si "una vez salvo, siempre salvo" es una seguridad real o una suposición engañosa. La respuesta tendrá efectos profundos en la forma en que vivimos nosotros y discipulamos a otros.

  • - The Reed and the Rock
    af David Pawson
    182,95 kr.

    Turning water into wine took Jesus a few minutes. Changing a reed (which 'Simon' means) into a rock ('Peter') took quite a few years. Which is the greater miracle, transmuting nature or transforming human nature? Many identify with Simon Peter's weaknesses, not least his knack of opening his mouth and putting his foot in it! On one occasion he even swore that he didn't know his best friend, just to save his own skin. Jesus taught this fisherman how to catch more fish, then how to catch people. He used that unruly tongue to preach the good news of his death and resurrection for the very first time, netting thousands for the kingdom of God. In this book David Pawson draws some unexpected lessons from Peter's failures and successes for both our individual and corporate lives as part of the Church of which Peter was the original pastor.

  • af David Pawson
    337,95 kr.

    La reseña que hace Abramos la Biblia - Antiguo Testamento de la historia singular de la relación de Dios con su pueblo nos brinda una auténtica sensación del alcance de la historia bíblica y su implicación para nuestras vidas. Los libros de Abramos la Biblia reúnen las perspectivas de toda una vida de David Pawson, un escritor y orador internacional ampliamente respetado, del significado de los sucesos y la enseñanza de la Biblia. La cultura, el trasfondo histórico y el significado espiritual de todos los sucesos importantes son explicados, con un examen cuidadoso de su impacto más amplio, hasta el día de hoy. Estos libros son una estupenda oportunidad para captar la Biblia como un todo.

  • af David Pawson
    109,95 kr.


  • - 如何给初信者的生命开一个好头
    af David Pawson
    200,95 kr.

    该手册的主题为属灵接生学,肇始于作者对许多基督徒被不当"接生"的深深关切。许多信徒后来出现属灵疾病,往往都可追溯至被"接生"入神国时的失当操作。接生手法愈发完备,意味着往后一个基督徒生命愈发茁壮成长。 基于对《新约》的研究,大卫-鲍森提议,应综合以下四项要素:"自由教会"强调的悔改、"福音派"强调的信心、"圣礼派"强调的洗礼,以及"五旬宗"强调的圣灵。他继而让这四扇"属灵之门"与归信和重生的概念发生关联。 本书考察了诸多关键且备受争议的经文,挑战了传统的诠释方式。在结尾谈及"福音派辅导"之处,作者质疑了常用的"决志祷告",认为单单这么做是不足够的。基于《圣经》和实际经验,大卫-鲍森给出了许多实用的建议,帮助预备做门徒的人们悔改、相信、受洗和领受圣灵。

  • - 真相比你所写的更糟!
    af David Pawson
    180,95 kr.

    过去三十年间,大卫-鲍森是教会界最德高望重的领袖和最具启发性的教师之一。 身兼牧师和传道人两种身份,大卫-鲍森在解经上素有先知性的亮光,信息清楚明确,毫不妥协,为基督徒的头脑和心灵带来善意的挑战。这一切为他赢得了美誉。 大卫自称是"非正统福音派",毕生忠于《圣经》中所启示的上帝之道,不惜代价,不计后果。这也导致他偶尔会与解经上意见相左者产生冲突。 在书中,大卫以一贯真实、清新、明晰的风格披露了自己的生活和教导事工。他追忆了童年、成长时期及早期服事中一些颇具影响力的关键片段,并在结尾处描绘了教导事工背后那一位鲜为人知的男性:他的旅途见闻、兴趣爱好,以及家庭生活带来的乐趣和挑战。不过,本书对后世最大的意义,莫过于作者对其最迫切、最重要的神学思想的总结,及其对自己布道风格和技巧的精彩叙述。 本书包含由克里夫-里查德爵士和詹妮弗-里斯-拉孔布所写的前言。

  • - 对整个旧约的独特概述
    af David Pawson
    368,95 kr.

    如何整体阅读圣经 旧约《新旧约纵览:旧约》纵观上帝与他子民的独特故事,让我们真正了解圣经历史的脉络及其对我们生命的影响。大卫-鲍森是广受尊敬的国际作家和演说家。《新旧约纵览》系列丛书汇集了大卫-鲍森一生对圣经的见解。对所有重大事件的文化、历史背景和属灵意义进行了解释,并仔细考察了它们迄今产生的更广泛的影响。这些书是一个绝佳的机会,让我们可以全面理解圣经。

  • - 《圣经》如何看待离婚及其结果
    af David Pawson
    121,95 kr.


  • af David Pawson
    96,95 kr.

    很多基督徒一定感到困惑,为什么教师和传道人虽使用同一本《圣经》,传讲时却有着许多千差万别的解释,特别是在"神话语"的应用上。产生这个困惑的主要原因之一在于如何处理"约" (covenant)这个词,这也正是经文的基础。关键的问题有两个:神与人立了多少约?以及,有多少约在今天仍适用于基督徒?有些人认为,只有一个约("恩典之约")贯穿《圣经》始终。不过这部分人可能会再加一个约("德行之约"),但这只适用于伊甸园的亚当。多数人认为有两个约("旧的"和"新的"),同《旧约》和《新约》相对应(英文在此使用"testament"一词,与"covenant"同义)。还有人声称发现了七个约( 但通常在此处使用"dispensation"一词,有"教规"之义)。本书作者认为,就我们的救赎而言有五个约--"挪亚之约"、"亚伯拉罕之约"、"摩西之约"、"大卫之约"和"弥赛亚之约"。其中,只有一个是"旧的",因此过时了;也仅有一个是"新的",支撑着剩余三个。从这样的视角切入,我们能够"按着正意分解真理的道"(《提摩太后书》2:15 )。让我们看看你是否认同以上观点!

  • - The case for Social Venture Capital
    af Kim Tan
    77,95 kr.

    Nearly 50% of the world's population - almost 3 billion people - live on less than $2 a day. 10 million children die every year from easily preventable diseases. AIDS kills 3 million people every year and 1 billion people lack access to sanitation. About one-quarter of children in poor countries do not finish primary school and some 1 billion adults are illiterate. To date, the debate on tackling global poverty has been dominated by the case for providing more aid. The authors of this booklet certainly believe that foreign aid has a role to play in facing this challenge. However, here they voice the need for greater emphasis to be given to the part that business and enterprise can play in reducing poverty. In recent years China and India have proved dramatic examples of countries which have reformed their economies, opened up to trade and investment, embraced an enterprise culture, and lifted millions of their citizens out of poverty. Griffiths and Tan believe Africa has the same potential as Asia. Micro-credit has been a crucial first step in directly helping the poor escape poverty. Using case studies they argue that social venture capital has the potential to become a new asset class and a critical second step to support the growth of small and medium sized enterprises in developing countries, so creating jobs and reducing poverty.

  • af David Pawson
    99,95 kr.

  • af David Pawson
    147,95 kr.

    Consecutive polygamy (as many husbands or wives as you like but only one at a time) is now an accepted norm in contemporary society. Hardly surprising, since the social, legal, moral and financial restraints holding marriages together for a lifetime have been steadily eroded in a relativist age where anything goes. What is surprising is that divorce and remarriage are becoming as common inside the church as outside, even among Christian leaders and especially in the Evangelical stream. Believers have been outspoken about such issues as abortion and homosexuality though their Lord Jesus said nothing about either. He did say quite a lot about the subject of this book but there is either a reluctance to take his teaching at face value or an eagerness to enlarge his 'exception' until it becomes the rule. This volume primarily appeals to those for whom the Bible is the final authority in all matters of belief and behaviour, especially those who preach to, teach and counsel others. The author believes that the church should be leading the world uphill rather than following the world downhill.

  • af David Pawson
    167,95 kr.

    Taking the middle section of the Apostles' Creed as the frame work, David explains the fundamental fact about Jesus on which the Christian faith is based in a fresh and stimulating way. Both old and new Christians will benefit from this 'back to basics' call and find themselves falling in love with their Lord all over again

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