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  • af J C McPheeters
    98,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. INTRODUCTION It is with real pleasure that I commend this volume, "The Power That Prevails," by Rev. J. C. McPheeters, D. D., Pastor of Glide Memorial Methodist Church, San Francisco, Calif., to the reading public, and especially to those who rec- ognize the leadership of the Holy Spirit in true evangelism, the salvation of sinne'rs and the sanctification of believers. The Scriptures have spoken very plainly on the importance, in fact, the absolute necessity, of holiness, that we may enter into eternal rest at the conclusion of our life in the body in this world. The Scriptures not only proclaim the divine requirement of a full deliverance from sin, but they make abundant provision in Jesus Christ for our full salvation. and declare that, "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think." This is a wonderful promise and, no doubt true, that we never have nor ever shall be able to grasp the power of our Lord Jesus to deliver from sin, and to keep those who commit themselves to Him. Nothing can be more important than a Church in the world which is a real Bride of Christ, separate from sin, cleansed by the blood of our gracious Redeemer and filled with the Holy Spirit. Dr. McPheeters has rendered a splendid ser- vice in writing this book on so vital and important a subject. We trust it may have a wide reading, and feel sure that it shall prove beneficial "to those who thoughtfully and prayerfully peruse its pages. Faithfully yours, H. C. Morrison --- CONTENTS The Upper Room Emphasis of the First Century Church Full Salvation The Way of God More Perfect "That Which is Lacking" "A Cloud of Witnesses" A Further "Cloud of Witnesses" The Upper Room in a Lower Room The Test of Reality A Sound Psychological Basis Holiness Terms Defined Recapturing a Lost Heritage A Little Leaven, Leavening the Lump Obtainable in This Life Side-Stepping the Issue Consecrated and Cleansed The Heart Cry for the Power That Prevails The Weight Laid Aside Barren Churches Crucified With Christ Some Objections Hoe to Enter In A Great Missionary Enters In The Victory of Perpetual Conquest

  • af Howard A Snyder
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this paper are available for free at First Fruit's website. The United States is in critical need of massive reform. The same could be said of many other nations, but my focus here is the U.S. From one angle, reform is always needed, and typically reform surges run in generational cycles. But today is especially critical. For a host of reasons-among them the increasing complexity of society and of international relations-the spectrum of critical issues that must be addressed immediately is huge, unprecedented. They range from matters of physical infrastructure to large-scale issues of the mind, heart, and spirit.

  • af Frank Bateman Stanger
    123,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. A WORKMAN THAT NEEDETH NOT TO BE ASHAMED These chapters comprise the Freitas Lectures given by the author at Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, during the fall of 1956. Building upon the exhortation of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his "son" in the Christian ministry-"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed" (II Timothy 2:15)-the author speaks out of his own experience as a pastor to those who are ministers or who are preparing themselves for the Christian ministry. It is the author's conviction that in an age when society, in general, with its galaxy of problems and its multiplicity of needs demands skillful leaders and skilled workers, even more does the Christian Society require at its head and at its heart "workmen that need not to be ashamed." An irreverent, self-seeking society has caused the church to answer for enough indictments; let not the church itself add to this list by failing to provide for itself capable and consecrated "workmen." The contemporary age demands the church at its best. If the church is to be at its best, then those who lead and serve it must be "workmen who need not to be ashamed." The aim of the book is utterly pragmatic. The author endeavors to point out some of the practical methods by which a minister may be "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed." After an opening chapter on "The Distinctiveness of the Minister's Task," the author proceeds to discuss such practical matters as the minister's care of the church, the continuing preparations of the minister, the minister's spiritual leadership of his people, the minister and Healing, and the minister in his relationship to the world. --- CONTENTS Ch. 1 A Workman That Needeth Not to be Ashamed Ch. 2 Not Ashamed-Because of the Distinctiveness of His Task Ch. 3 Not Ashamed-In His Continuing Preparations Ch. 4 Not Ashamed-In His Care of the Church Ch. 5 Not Ashamed-In His spiritual Leadership of His Peopl Ch. 6 Not Ashamed-In His Ministry of Healing Ch. 7 Not Ashamed-In His Relation to the World

  • af Henry Clay Morrison
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. PREFACE. The matter contained in this booklet has been largely delivered in some ad- dresses from the Chapel platform of Asbury College. Some of this matter has been used in several sermons at camp meetings and other religious gatherings. A good many friends, as well as myself, feel that the contents of this booklet may be of special value at this time. I grieve over the loss of any man's I believe those men, college professors, preachers, students and all men and women who are departing from the faith, who are speaking lightly of the written Word of God, and the Son of God, have gone into a fearful apostasy. I have no faith in the faith of those whose faith does not embrace the Lord Jesus as God manifest in the flesh and dying on the Cross for the free and full redemption of all those who come to God by Him. Let those who read the contents of this booklet pass it on to others. If the blessing of God may attend it and it may be used to prevent the apostasy of some precious soul, I shall be thankful. --- Alternate Title: The Recrucifixion of the Lord Jesus

  • af Henry Clay Morrison
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. PREFACE It is scarcely worth while to say to the reader that in this booklet on "The Baptism with the Holy Ghost," I have not attempted anything exhaustive, but have tried to set forth an important Bible truth in a plain, simple way. I have often wished for a booklet on this subject so cheap that the poor could buy it, so small that he busy could read it, and so plain that those of the most ordinary learning and intelligence could understand it.I have preached the truth herein contained to many thousands of people, and God has graciously put the seal of His approval on the Word in the conversion of a multitude of sinners, and the sanctification of many believers. I send it out with the prayer that God may make it a blessing to many, and with the request that those who read it with profit will pass it on to others. Your brother, H. C. MORRISON - - - CHAPTERS: Stating the Case When Obtained Who it is For Who are Eligible What He Does His Indwelling Experiences

  • af Henry Clay Morrison
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD In my observation of conditions in our country, I have become fully persuaded that the Five Great Needs in order to the preservation of our homes, the spirituality of the Church, in its mission of evangelization of mankind, the building of character, enforcement of law, and the development of an intelligent, righteous and progressive civilization are: First, good family government, with discipline and guidance, which produces obedience among children. Second, the by the Holy Spirit of the individual in the early morning of life. Third, that Christian Education which prepares one for the duties of life, and produces intelligent, citizenship. Fourth, industry, beginning in early youth, that will take the place of the advantages of the city gymnasium; hoe-handle exercises that will make one healthy, industrious, guarding against wastefulness and producing a spirit of economy. Fifth, the prompt enforcement of law, so that those who are criminally inclined will be deterred, realizing that if they do violate the law they will be promptly and severely punished.Leaving out the items mentioned above, or anyone of them, we break the strong, golden chain that would bind our civilization together for the very best there is for the times in which we are living, and the future history of our country. I am hoping this booklet will have a wide circulation and thoughtful reading. Respectfully H. C. Morrison --- CONTENTS 1. The Hickory Limb 2. The Mourner's Bench 3. The Book 4. The Hoe 5. The Policeman's Billy

  • af William Erastus Arnold
    198,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. CONTENTS I. Religious Beginnings in Kentucky II. Enter Methodism III. Coming of the Missionaries IV. From 1787 to 1790 V. The First Conference VI. From 1791 to 1793 VII. From 1793 to 1796 VIII. From 1796 to 1800 IX. Summary of the Work Prior to 1800 X. The Great Revival XI. New Denominations XII. From 1800 to 1804 XIII. From 1804 to 1808 XIV. From 1808 to 1812 XV. A Review XVI. From 1812 to 1816 XVII. From 1816 to 1820

  • - A Bibliographical Essay
    af David W Faupel
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. The Second in a Series of "Occasional Bibliographic Papers of the B. L. Fisher Library" PREFACE This project was deemed appropriate to follow Donald Dayton's The American Holiness Movement: A Bibliographic Introduction, which was the first publication in the B. L. Fisher Library bibliographic series. A summary of this essay on Pentecostalism was presented to the twenty-sixth annual conference of the American Theological Library Association held at Waterloo, Ontario, in June 1972. This is a revised text of the essay as it appears in the 1972 Proceedings of the Association. When leaders of the Society for Pentecostal Studies learned of the proposed project, they expressed interest in this effort to gain bibliographic control of the extensive literature in the Pentecostal Movement. As a result this paper is published as the Second Occasional Paper in the B. L. Fisher Library Bibliographic Series and as the first publication of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. I wish to express appreciation to Peter VandenBerge, then vice-president of ATLA, for providing a place on the program for the paper and to the Association for granting permission to print the paper as a monograph. I am indebted to several colleagues on the faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary: Delbert R. Rose, Professor of Biblical Theology and Historian for the Christian Holiness Association; Kenneth C. Kinghorn, Professor of Church History; Robert A. Traina, Academic Dean; Miss Susan A. Schultz, Director of Library Services; and Donald W. Dayton, former Acquisitions Librarian, for their encouragement and critical evaluation of the manuscript. I am also grateful to Vinson Synan, secretary of SPS and William Menzies, former president of SPS for their guidance and encouragement in the initial stages of the project. In addition, they, along with Zenas Bicket, Donald Bowdle, Steven Durasoff, William MacDonald, and Russell Spittler, all members of SPS, read the manuscript, providing many helpful suggestions and corrections. Oral Roberts University graciously made its Pentecostal Collection available to me, and Mrs. Juanita Raudszus, ORU's Learning Re- sources Librarian, provided several bibliographic tools which saved many hours of labor. Finally, I wish to express my thanks to several members of the B. L. Fisher Library staff: Len Chester typed the first draft from a difficult manuscript; Mrs. Esther Richter prepared the final copy for printing; and David Bundy and Mrs. Esther James did much of the editing and proofreading. The literature mentioned in this paper is scattered throughout the United States; therefore, checking all data for bibliographical accuracy proved to be a problem. I accept full responsibility for any errors which may appear, and would greatly appreciate receiving information on any inaccuracy discovered by the readers. David W. Faupel Public Services Librarian and Instructor in Bibliography and Research B. L. Fisher Library Asbury Theological Seminary --- CONTENTS Preface Introduction World Surveys Classification of American Pentecostal Groups Theological Distinctives Missions Homiletics and Sermons Apologeticds Appendices Index

  • - A Bibliographic Introduction
    af Donald Dayton
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. The First in a Series of "Occasional Bibliographic Papers of the B. L. Fisher Library" PREFACE This paper, vas first presented to the twenty-fifth annual conference of the American Theological Library Association in June, 1971. Each year the Association attempts to provide a bibliographic paper relating to the theological tradition of the institution at which the annual conference is held. This paper is then printed in the PROCEEDINGS of the Association and serves as a guide for library acquisitions in the member schools. The 1971 Conference was held at Pasadena College, Pasadena, California, a denominational college of the Church of the Nazarene. Dr Genevieve Kelly, then vice-president and program chairman of the Association, requested a paper on the American Holiness Movement. Since so little has been done in this area, I prepared a paper of broader orientation than some in the series in the hope that it could also serve to introduce others to this neglected facet of the American Church. A number of those present at the Conference requested that the paper be made available to a wider readership than that of the PROCEEDINGS of the Association. This booklet is presented in response to those requests. No attempt has been made to revise the paper. Only minor; and primarily stylistic, changes have been made. Local references and the oral style have been retained. The library faculty of the B.L. Fisher Library hope that this paper will be only the first in a series of "Occasional Bibliographic Papers of the B.L. Fisher Library." Such papers would present in similar format other bibliographic projects of faculty and friends of Asbury Theological Seminary. I would like to express appreciation to the Rev. David J Wartluft, executive secretary of the American Theological Library Association, for granting permission to reprint this paper from the PROCEEDINGS; to Mrs. Esther Richter, the library secretary-receptionist, who typed two drafts of this paper from a difficult manuscript; to Mrs. Robert Lyon who prepared the final copy for print- ing; and especially to Mr. Frank Dewey, my student assistant, who checked all the references and did much of the proofreading. I take all responsi- bility for any errors and would be pleased to be informed of any that are noticed. Donald W. Dayton Acquisitions Librarian and Assistant Professor of Bibliography and Research B.L. Fisher Library Asbury Theological seminary --- CONTENTS Preface Toward a Definition Bibliography History Biography Theology Periodicals Missions Hymnody Preaching Historical Collections Recent Trends Appendix 1 - Holiness Publishing Appendix 2 - Other Addresses

  • af Henry Clay Morrison
    88,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD This winter, while kept out of the pulpit by illness, I determined to speak. as far as possible, through the press to the people in the form of a series of practical sermons. The sermons contained herein are not doctrinal, but as indicated by the title, "Sermons for the Times." I have a conviction that there is great need for just such proclamation of truth as is 'herein contained. A few days ago, after the book was set up, proved and ready for the press, I fell upon an address signed by all of the Bishops of the M. E. Church, South. I clipped from that address a few paragraphs which I believe to be startlingly true, the substance of which was in my mind in the writing of the following sermons, and is my apology for sending out this book to the public. "We have fallen on troublesome times. The whole world is turned upside down. Waves of crime are sweeping over our beloved country. Disregard of the Christian Sabbath and indifference to the sanctity of marriage have become distressingly common among our American people. Even many church members have become 'lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God."Selfishness reigns in all departments of life--in the dealings of capital with labor and in the dealings of labor with capital. "There is but one hope for America-in the religion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For there is no foundation for prosperity either national or individual, except in morality; and there is no sure foundation for morality except in religion. Without religion morality has no compelling sanctions, and no sufficient dynamic. "Forty years ago Christlieb, a great German preacher, warned his countrymen that their Kultur was separating itself from the Christian religion and, if not cheeked, would plunge Germany into the abyss. His prophetic warning was not heeded. Germany plunged into the abyss and came near wrecking the whole world. "Let America be warned. Philosophy, science, and even religion have in most of our American universities gone far astray from the principles and practices which have made America great as a nation. The greatest menace to our Republic just now is moral and spiritual bankruptcy." The only hope for the nation is in the religion of the Lord Jesus and warning of this fact must be brought home to the people by an earnest and powerful appeal from, the ministry. We must return to faith in the Bible, to the fear of God, to the great doc- trine of the New Birth. We must insist that the individual be born again; the people must be brought to hate sin and to love holiness. Faithfully H. C. Morrison --- CONTENTS The Responsibility of the Ministry The Church the Bride of Christ God's Plan for a Revival National Security God's Sure Foundation The Christ of Prophecy

  • - A Bibliographic Introduction to the Higher Life Movement
    af David Bundy
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. The Third in a Series of "Occasional Bibliographic Papers of the B. L. Fisher Library" PREFACE This third monograph in the series, "Occasional Bibliographic Papers of the B. L. Fisher Library" follows Donald W. Dayton's THE AMERICAN HOLINESS MOVEMENT: A BIBLIOGRA- PHIC INTRODUCTION and David W. Faupel's THE PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT, A BIBLIOGRAPH- ICAL ESSAY, at the suggestion of Dr. Melvin Dieter. I wish to express appreciation to Dr. Susan A. Schultz, Director of the B. L. Fisher Library of Asbury Theological Seminary, for her patient encouragement throughout the du- ration of the project and for her critical evaluation of the manuscript. A special debt of gratitude is owed to the persons who in responding to the first draft of this essay saved me from a multitude of errors and provided suggestions from the areas of their expertise: Dr. James Hamilton, Asbury College, has a prodigious knowledge of nineteenth century America and England; Dr. Melvin Director of Wesleyan Educational Institutions, and Mr. Donald W. Dayton, Director of Mellander Library and Assistant Professor of Theology at North Park Theological Seminary, are thoroughly aware of the literature and history of the European "Higher Life" Movements and the American Holiness Movement; Mr. David W. Faupel, Assistant Professor of Bibliography and Research at Asbury Theological Seminary has special expertise with regard to the literature of Pentecostalism and has continually provided insights and encouragement during the evolution of this essay; Dr. J. Edwin Orr graciously pro- vided suggestions incorporated herein. I alone accept responsibility for any errors which may remain, and would appreciate information on any inaccuracy discovered by the readers. I am also grateful for access to several excellent collections and to the unfailing generosity and kind helpfulness of librarians and their staff assistants: Garrett-Evangelical Seminary; Moody Bible Institute; The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; The Regenstein Library; The University of Chicago; and especially the B. L. Fisher Library, As- bury Theological Seminary. Access to the personal collections of Dr. James Hamilton and Mr. Donald W. Dayton provided materials which filled serious lacunae in my research. Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanks to Mrs. Joan Smith, Mrs. Wendy Ferns and Mrs. Kris Cryderman who cheerfully and accurately typed from manuscripts that were usually difficult, to Mrs. Gilbert (Esther) James who with patient persistence edited the text and verified bibliographic entries, and to Mrs. Linda Gates who prepared the final copy for printing. One further word of explanation is due. For historic purposes the publication dates for titles listed are the earliest that could be established, and for brevity's sake, normally, only one publisher is cited. Many of these titles were published on both sides of the Atlantic; many reprints were issued. Please consult both the U. S. and British BOOKS-IN- PRINT for current publication data. David D. Bundy Instructor in Greek Asbury Theological Seminary --- CONTENTS Preface Introduction and Definition History and Influence of Keswick Literature of Keswick Index

  • - The Story of the Seaman's Bethel at Martha's: and its Chaplains
    af George William Wiseman
    113,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. CONTENTS 1. Thus Passed the Seaman's Friend 2. A Missionary is Born 3. A Lonely Journey 4. Boston Makes a Discover 5. The Floating Christian Endeavor 6. The Allure of Martha's Vineyard 7. The Promised Land at Last 8. The Fury of the Storm 9. Another Dedication; Another Storm 10. Tears of Sadness and Joy 11. The Portland Storm 12. God's Acre 13. A Colorful Parade of Helpers 14. Turn of the Century 15. A Second Missionary Emerges 16. Comfort for the Sailor 17. The Dangers of Ice 18. The Hold Fast Brotherhood 19. Story of the Aransas 20. The Bethel expands 21. Wedding Bells, A Lighthouse and Some Problems 22. All Hands on Deck 23. The Caruso of the Bowery 24. The Story of Richard Halstead 25. The Gospel Skippers 26. A Night at the Bethel 27. Shipmates at Rest 28. Drama of Peace and War 29. Captain Edward Has Gone Aloft 30. A Wanderer 31. A New Launch and Another Explosion 32. A Noble Daughter of the Vineyard 33. A Life of Compassion and Love 34. Homeward Bound 35. The End of an Era

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. --- CONTENTS The Prayer Life of Jesus The Hour is at Hand God Glorified on the Earth The Manifested Christ From Glory to Glory

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD It is a common proverb, "If the outlook is not good, try the outlook." There is a silver lining to every cloud and a polar star in every night. Life is constantly beset with the fogs of discouragement which would obscure the gleam of the day-star of hope. None of us is exempt from the School of Hard Knocks. Seeming defeat meets us again and again on this earthly highway. He who learns the golden secret of finding the azure gleam in the night will have learned how to take the remains of defeat and turn it into victory. All of the thorns of life cannot be removed, but they may be handled without defeat. One of life's sharpest thorns is physical affliction. Discouragement finds fertile soil in a broken body. Despondency is the forerunner of defeat. The path of victory winds the sunlit hills of encouragement. The chapters in this book deal for the most part with the thorn of physical suffering. The characters described are life-stories which have come under the author's personal observation. If any who read this little volume find encouragement and a stimulation of faith, its purpose will be fulfilled. Julian C. McPheeters --- CONTENTS 1. Victor-Not Victim 2. Three Years in the Ozarks 3. Turning to the West 4. God's Sanatorium 5. Victors of the Fray 6. More Victors of the Fray 7. The Hallelujahs of Life

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD In the Religious Trends of Today, we find receding tides and lowering storm clouds heralding their angry threats of destruction with their forked lightning and deafening claps of thunder. But we also find the incoming tides and rents in the clouds through which shines the Day Star of hope for a confused and troubled world in its mad rush toward chaos and ruin. While the hands on the clock of human progress are threatened to be turned back- ward for a thousand years, it is encouraging to know that there is a "balm in gilead" and that there is a "physician" whose healing touch is sufficient for such a perplexed and baffled world as we confront today. Amid all of the shifting and changing scenes of time which have brought us to our modern world, Jesus Christ has lost none of the efficacy of His saving power. The Religious Trends of Today reveal the fact that the gospel of Christ still remains "the power of God unto salvation unto everyone that believeth." J. C. McPheeters San Francisco, California --- CONTENTS 1. Persecutions 2. Atheism 3. Communism 4. Receding Tides 5. Pacifism -- Capitalism 6. Vexing Problems 7. Meeting the World Crisis 8. Evangelism

    103,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruits website.

  • - : Meditations Based on Traditional Hymns and Gospel Songs
    af George William Wiseman
    98,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website.

  • - First Fruits Press Edition
    113,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. PREFACE These are the first sermons preached following the death of a loved one and reveal the direction in which one, burdened by sorrow, faces. Many of the intimate references and poems that appear throughout the book, although in the original manuscript, were not used. This, I am sure, can be readily understood. Not a reassuring word or reference to life everlasting, how- ever, were omitted, for at no time is one called upon to demonstrate his faith or prove what he has preached to be sufficient for life's crisis hours, than when this experience, common to all, comes to his own home. The sermons are not arranged in the order of their delivery. "Conquerors, Plus" was the first prepared. That so many were inspired by the Gospel of John is not accidental, for from its chapters satisfying assurance and genuine comfort were received. My prayer, as I send forth this volume, is that the sorrowful might find comfort, faith be reborn, and love and devotion to the Master be increased through the reading of these pages. George W. Wiseman --- CONTENTS 1. Christ's Most Amazing Statement 2. Impressive Boldness 3. Life Begins with Jesus 4. What We Need Most 5. Conquerors, Plus 6. What Christ Would Do for Us 7. What Leave Jesus? 8. A Peep Into Heaven 9. Paul's Cleverest Saying 10. What Should we Learn from Jesus? 11. The World's Greatest Need 12. The Master's Spirit of Thanksgiving 13. The Peace Christ Gives 14. Out-Lived Sorrow

  • af Benjamin Helm
    208,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website.

  • - Poems and Meditations
    af George William Wiseman
    113,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD The poems in this volume have been written over a period of years. A greater part of them have been published in various books, magazines and anthologies of verse. The Meditations are an afterthought, the product of the zero hour. Then in the midst of preparation came a serious illness in the family which silenced my type- writer for months. After a brief respite, Mrs. Wiseman again underwent three major operations in rapid succession. At this moment she hovers between life and death, but her ardent desire is that this book, delayed so long, be published. I trust there will not be revealed, to too great an extent, the haste in which each meditation was written, and the mental anguish that was ever present. I deeply appreciate everything done by the doctors and hospital of Martha's Vineyard, the surgeons of the Lahey Clinic of Boston, and the New England Deaconess Hospital. We shall never forget the prayers and words of encouragement from the many friends of our various churches, especially those of the Vineyard, whose only demand has been that I remain by the side of my wife. My prayer as I send forth this volume is that the minister might find some help for the church year, the sorrowful find comfort, faith reborn, and love and devotion to the Master be increased through the reading of these pages. George W. Wiseman Methodist Parsonage Oak Bluffs, Mass. August, 1941

  • - Founder of Asbury and Kingswood Colleges, with Biographical Contributions by Andrew Johnson and Appreciations by Others
    af Andrew Johnson
    148,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. --- CONTENTS 1. Birth and Boyhood 2. The an Himself 3. Conversion 4. Call to the Ministry 5. Educational Struggles 6. As a Pastor 7. Pastoral Work 8. Pastoral Work Continued 9. Sanctification 10. Origin of Asbury College 11. Asbury's Struggles and Successes 12. Asbury's Conflicts and Conquests 13. A Trip to the Palestine 14. Jerusalem and its Environs 15. Homeward Bound 16. Kingswood College 17. As a Theological Teacher 18. As a College President 19. Holiness Camp Meetings 20. Mary Wallingford Hughes 21. Greater Asbury 22. As a Preacher 23. Appreciations

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. --- CONTENTS 1. Strangely Warmed Heart 2. The Failure of Good Works 3. Wesley Meets Peter Bohler 4. The Heart Warming Testimony 5. On Sanctification 6. A Distinguished Theologian on Wesley's Views 7. Two Epochs in Christian Experience 8. Mixed Holiness 9. Justification and Sanctification 10. Early Methodists and the Warmhearted Experience 11. Justification and Sanctification by Faith 12. Without Faith Nothing Avails 13. When May the Christian Be Sanctified? 14. Another Noted Theologian Interprets Wesley's Views 15. The Test of Scriptural Argument and Modern Scholarship 16. The Ultimate Stroke 17. A Noted Theologian Answers Objections 18. Obtainable in This Life 19. A Major Emphasis of Early Methodists 20. The Interpretation of Wesley's Position 21. Sanctification May Come in a Moment 22. Perfect Love in Complete Control 23. Wesley Maintains His Position to the End 24. Did Wesley Profess the Experience? 25. Snowsfields: A Great Epoch Similar to Aldersgate 26. No Finality in Perfection 27. "Still Breathing Nothing But Love" 28. The Time and Manner of Receiving Perfect Love 29. A Passionate Plea 30. A Living Sacrifice

  • af Henry Clay Morrison
    98,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. --- CONTENTS 1. The Optimistic Outlook 2. The Divine Objective 3. The Divine Program 4. World Growing Better or Worse 5. The Power of the Gospel 6. The Fulfillment of Prophecy 7. Concerning the Coming of Christ 8. The Signs of Christ's Coming 9. The Falling Away 10. The Millennium 11. Jesus is Coming Back to Earth

  • - and Other Sermons
    af Henry Clay Morrison
    103,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD During the long months when I was confined to my room by illness and deprived of the privilege of preaching the gospel to the listening multitudes, my mind was busy thinking of the needs of humanity and how fully those needs are met in the Christ who gave Himself so fully and so willingly for the salvation of men. My thoughts often form themselves into sermon messages. I have put them down in this volume with the hope and prayer that they may prove helpful to those who read them. Through all my suffering my faith was unshaken, and my spirit was restful, trusting constantly in the Christ who is mighty to save to the uttermost. I commend Him, with His willingness and power to pardon and cleanse from all sin all who come to Him with faith for all He has to give to those who claim Him and trust in Him as Saviour and Lord. H. C. MORRISON --- CONTENTS 1. The Deity of Christ 2. The Chastening of the Lord 3. The Presence of God 4. Forgiveness 5. The New Birth 6. The Future Punishment of the Wicket 7. The Searchings of the Lord 8. The Baptism With the Holy Spirit 9. In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth 10. Entire Sanctification

  • - FoKAL Summit 2012
    af Robert a Danielson
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website.

  • - Why the Bible Matters Today More Than Ever
    af David F Watson
    198,95 kr.

  • - The Patterns and Practices of a Movement Maker
    af Howard A Snyder
    213,95 kr.

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