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Bøger udgivet af Austin Macauley Publishers FZE

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  • af Keith A Hay
    98,95 kr.

    Underneath the roundabout, At the top of the street, Live families of rabbits Right under your feet! Babs Bunny is awake, and ready to play. But it seems her family don't see it the same way. Will Babs Bunny find a way to inspire her family to see the world through her eyes? Join us on this heartwarming adventure, where curiosity paves the way to unexpected connections and the realisation that, sometimes, the smallest creatures can leave the biggest imprints on our hearts.

  • af Nikki Sawyer
    88,95 kr.

    "The world we live in is such a beautiful place, full of people of all colours and sizes. Everyone you meet is different to the person next to them, no one is the same - how cool is that? Let's explore all the different people in this world and the things that make them special. Maybe some people whizz around in wheelchairs, while other people walk on their two legs. Maybe some people are really good at drawing, while others are really good at running really fast. We all have things we are good at, and things at which we are not so good. We all look different and act different, and that's what makes life so exciting! So, let's celebrate how different we all are and be kind to all. I wonder, can you think of three things that make you special?"--

  • af Silvana Dionisio
    183,95 kr.

  • af Natasha Nair
    288,95 kr.

    Like amaira,we have all been fragile buds,wanting to blossom in the sun.From the cocoon of soft petals,to spread out our wings one day and fly with our heartas a vibrant butterfly!

  • af Khalid Almukhaini
    123,95 kr.

  • af Wissam Tamer
    143,95 kr.

    In a disenchanted world which lacks magic, it might help to go back a bit and reconnect with our humanity spreading some hope and tolerance.Empowering girls, allowing the dream to grow is the next challenge in our world in general and our region.A light read which reconnects with a culture of tolerance, the book aims to revive the dream of a collective society nurturing the individual on a quest for new possibilities and hopes of a better collective future.

  • af Nebras Alqurashi
    338,95 kr.

    It's a bitter truth that we live in an age of vulnerable systems, where our existence is completely dependent on them. Cyber attacks can cause greater damage than actual war losses for a country that is unprepared for them. After several incidents that impacted social order, governments have realized this fact.During a cyber attack, the city will be paralyzed, food supply will be interrupted, and medical care will be disrupted. There would be human casualties and the worst of the people would emerge if fuel or electricity were unavailable.The age of cyber missiles has arrived, and as Dale Peterson pointed out, our infrastructure systems are insecure by design. We need to learn how to secure all operational technology, it's crucial, and it can only be done by understanding the bits and bytes of these operations. In this book, you'll learn Cybersecurity for Operational Technology, how to secure all types of Operational Technology, and how to save lives!

  • af Dana Badar
    123,95 kr.

  • af Jenny Dillon
    98,95 kr.

    A beautiful picture book rhyme about the sights and sounds of living on a farm through the eyes of a vividly imaginative five-year-old. The animals on the farm and the question of Did You Ever invite a funny narrative, bright and colourful pictures and a great story to read to your little ones. Did You Ever asks if you can use your imagination and see what our five-year-old can see. A fun little read for our wonderful children.

  • af &1575, &1604, &1605, mfl.
    72,95 kr.

    الكتاب عبارة عن قصَّة حقيقيَّة تدور تفاصيلُها داخل غرفة حجر صحيّ إجباريّ بأحد فنادق العاصمة الصينيَّة بكين، والمجهزة خصيصًا لتلك المهمَّة.وتدور الأحداث لتظهر الصّراع النفسيّ الذي يتعرَّض له بطل القصَّة خلال فترة الحجر.

  • af &1603, &1610, &15, mfl.
    80,95 kr.

    أحيانًا تشعر...وكأنَّك مَلاك يعيش في زحمة مع عجاف القلوب، يخذلونك تاركِين روحك تدمي مِن قروح وندوب،لِتأتيَ اعتذاراتهم متأخرة...وكأنَّها سترُد لكَ السنين، أو ترُدّ عافيتك،بعدما أرهقَتها قسوة قلوبهم،التي لا تلين،فيأتي القدر حاملًا إليكَ أرواحًا،تنتشلكَ مِن حُزنك بلا وجع أو أنين،وأنتَ الذي ظننتَ الحزن لن يُمحَى ولن يُنسَى...ولكن لطف الله حتمًا يحين.

  • af Juliet Fisher
    98,95 kr.

    Animals of Richmond Park is a children's story written by Juliet Fisher, who has always loved writing short stories. Richmond Park is a special and meaningful place for her, and so, through combining her love of writing and nature, she has created Animals of Richmond Park. Through poetic and beautifully imaginative language Juliet tells the tale of the daily activities of the animals that inhabit Richmond Park. Each different parkland animal is described in detail, letting the child's imagination run wild with beautiful images and ideas. The lyrical writing creates a children's story that is perfect to use at bedtime or naptime, as it creates a soothing and peaceful atmosphere to help children fall asleep. Animals of Richmond Park is a warm and engaging story that the whole family will love.

  • af &1575, &1605, &157, mfl.
    81,95 kr.

  • af Wesal Alammar
    196,95 kr.

    Ariana arrives at her new boarding school, Ravenwood School, where she befriends several other students, who come from different families. As the school progresses, the students quickly make new friends.Soon after the school year starts, Ariana and her friends discover keys. They learn that these keys unlock a portal to a magical school, Starlight Academy. However, a prank by one of the students leaves them vulnerable to danger.

  • af Sara Galadari
    98,95 kr.

    Pigeons.Oh, how Bobby hated pigeons.In fact, he hated pigeons so much that he would rather see them all go extinct than have to live in the same world with one for another minute.It was time Bobby took things into his own hands. However, being the unfortunate, accident-prone individual that he was - not to mention his blind hatred for pigeons - things could only end in apocalyptic pandemonium.

  • af Asma Al Memari
    123,95 kr.

    Feeling hopeless from her imprisonment, Amber thinks she will never set foot in the outside world again. As well as her evil parents there is also a terrible curse on her. Her freedom has a terrible effect on the villagers. Until the gloomiest day arrives which turns out to be the best for her but not her captors. Her rescuer comes from an unlikely place and makes her appreciate her situation and life even more. Do you think she will overcome her fear of stepping out from the clocktower? Only time will tell to see what is in store for her and the villagers…

  • af NijolA- Kavaliauskaite Hunter
    98,95 kr.

    The keys on the keyboard go for a very long time without having names. They were so furious that they had gone unnoticed. They didn't hold joy and happiness in the highest regard. Even Ms. Fork held some societal influence. Many strangers sought to fight off their melancholy. One day, a sick individual walked up to the keyboard and began to sneeze. The coldest month of the winter was when it happened. He has, of course, received vitamins to bolster his immune system. When piano keys discovered the recovery secret, they made the quick decision to start taking the same vitamins that were well-liked by the community of sincere medical specialists. Vitamins are appreciated by every person on this planet, therefore keys were certain to be cherished by all souls. Keys obtained the letters and evolved into distinctive individuals with a fresh way of thinking. You'll have to read the story to learn how it was done.

  • af Huda Alkhamis
    83,95 kr.

    Would it be possible for the doctor to remove the hurting chapter from her life? That chapter of her falling in love with her boyfriend. The chapter of her losing the love of her life. The chapter of her wishing just wishing to know the unknown to really decide what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.What makes Doctor Mond able to tolerate all this pain is that she has strong faith that God has planned everything in our lives and we as human beings should accept that as destiny.This novel touches the pain and move it into a wide plate of energy that pushes the human's potential and help us to tackle any pain, any wounds and any guilts.

  • af A A
    98,95 kr.

    Life of an Owl This book teaches kids to be themselves.It shows kids what owls do,And an owl's lifestyle.

  • af Athira Kamal
    83,95 kr.

    A collection of words set aside, moving from darkness to light in an earnest battle despite bitterness, rattle of bones, and aches. To battle and finally sail homeward, to further victories, from a battered poet.Happiness is a Butterfly is Athira Kamal's debut poetry collection about her life as a patient and poet with Lupus, an autoimmune disease. She seeks to inspire and spread awareness.

  • af Jawaher Al Dossari
    83,95 kr.

    We dreamt togetherWalked around the lanes of LondonWe flew to Swiss togetherUsed to be our heavenWe loved ParisOur relation started with a conversation about the city of loveWe dreamt of many citiesaltogether ..We settled in Coloradoour dream homeBut, at the endWe had two different final destinationsWe are far away from each otherOur dreams never came true!

  • af F. A Sharhan
    110,95 kr.

    Your blood is fire, I've been told, flame or desire, I should hold.The wounds of life, are too old, through a future, bright as gold.F. A. SHARHANFire in My Soul is a collection of poignant and evocative poems that encapsulate the rollercoaster of emotions experienced by the author since 2013. As the title suggests, each poem blazes with an intense fire, kindled by the passion and rawness of the author's experiences. This book is an invitation to take a journey through the author's mind, a journey that is both challenging and fulfilling, as each poem provides a unique perspective on life.The poems in this book delve into themes that are universal, including love, loss, hope, despair, and the fragility of life. With each turn of the page, the author invites you to take a closer look at your own life, to reflect on your own experiences, and to feel the emotions that these poems evoke. The book encourages you to take a deep breath, focus on the present, and let yourself be immersed in the power of these words.The author's intention in writing this book is to create a connection between the reader and the poetry, to inspire and encourage you to find your own meaning in these words. This book is an invitation to explore the depths of your own soul and to find a sense of peace and fulfilment amidst the chaos of life. If you are looking for a book that will touch your heart, ignite your passion, and inspire your spirit, then Fire in My Soul is the book for you.

  • af Amal Behbehani
    73,95 kr.

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single woman in a Kuwaiti household, must be in want of a husband. And so the search starts, not with a glass slipper, but with an interrogation. A Kuwaiti woman sits through several meetings with potential candidates. Will any stick on for the next stage of courtship?For those not living in Kuwait: one of the ways a woman meets her prospective husband is for the man's family to call the woman's parents for an initial meeting. He will come over to sit and meet with her. If both sides find the meeting agreeable, they start the engagement talks.But what if you don't click from the first meeting? What if he doesn't even have an interest in her? What if, for all of your best intentions, you are met with someone who balks at the idea of you?Then you sit through another one. And then another meeting. And then another. And then several other meetings... Then you turn those awkward meetings into anecdotes. Or just vent into your diary. And if that diary is read by any person except my brother, then that's fine. Just as long as they don't out me on Twitter.

  • af Hassan Husam Al Khafaji
    83,95 kr.

    ACE Year One is a book containing three fine selections of fictional stories, all written by one author: Hassan Husam Al Khafaji. With three separate journeys, containing an excellent cast of characters, it leaves you wondering about what's coming next. It allows your mind to create its own imaginary world, embracing the art of fiction as we know it. All characters in these stories face different and unexpected conflicts, and must learn how to persevere through all odds, and to adapt to the circumstances they've been put under. However, this will not be the end to all these characters' journeys, there's more to happen, and more stories to be told. The beauty of fiction is that it's unlimited, you can create whatever you desire, and craft your OWN perfect story, and that's exactly what the author was able to achieve here. All stories are different in their own ways, and may appeal to different audiences, you will never not find at least one work of fiction in this that you enjoy. As you're reading though this, you're able to let your mind wander, and imagine your own story that YOU'LL love. Have fun reading this, take your time to appreciate it, and enjoy!

  • af A. J. Porter
    83,95 kr.

    109,95 kr.

    في الشَّرق نوعان مِن الرجال، إبراهيم وعمر، وفي حياة كلِّ امرأةٍ قد مرَّ أحدهما، وربما مرَّ الاثنان. شاءَتِ الحكاية أن يكون عمر مِن النوع الذي تعلِّق عليه الفتاة كلَّ آمالها، فيُلقي بها جميعًا إلى الأرض في يومٍ، ويمضي بلا تفسيرٍ ولا طلب التماس عذرٍ، يغادر كأنَّه لَم يُوجد أبدًا!وإبراهيم هو ذلك الذي لا تتوقَّع منه الفتاةُ شيئًا، فيكون لها جبلًا تأوي إليه مِن صعاب الحياة.. جميلٌ حضوره، لطيفٌ كلامه، وطيِّبٌ قلبه.في هذه الصفحات سنشهد مرور الاثنين في حياة بطلة قصَّتنا، وسوف تُشاركنا سعادة الماضي المرير والعجز القاتل للحاضر الذي تعيشه، فهل تَمُنُّ عليها الحياة بفرصةٍ للعَيش؟

  • af Janine Ann Bower
    127,95 kr.

  • af &1604, 1575, &1610, mfl.
    119,95 kr.

  • af &1575, &160, &1601, mfl.
    109,95 kr.

  • af 1571, &1605, &1581, mfl.
    80,95 kr.

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