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Bøger udgivet af Austin Macauley Publishers FZE

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  • af Patricia Glynn
    93,95 kr.

    Penelope and Paddy are very confused by the arrival of a large metal monster, it seems to just sit while Daddy feeds it more and more, what is it and when will it stop eating? Overnight they are shocked to discover that the monster has grown, Penelope needs to take action quickly before the monster grows even more and devours the contents of the house for dinner and Mummy and Daddy for dessert! Penelope needs adult help if she is to tackle the monster before it starts eating her and Paddy. Daddy explains what the metal monster is and what will happen to everything that Daddy has fed it over the last couple of days. Problem solved, then what should arrive but a dinosaur! This book is to promote conversation about what happens to our waste, and how it can be recycled, upcycled, and reused to create anything from artwork to recycled enrichment in Z00s.

  • af Nausheen Ahmed
    83,95 kr.

  • af Susan Gillerman Boggs
    214,95 kr.

    Journey Across Time opens a window to life in South Asia, which has changed vastly since Susan Gillerman Boggs began living there as a diplomat's wife in 1985. In a captivating first-person narrative, Boggs takes the reader to remote places, many now closed to visitors. She describes experiences both exotic and hilarious, and adventures impossible to replicate. The author invites us to share the color and pageantry of festivals, religious rites, and parades of caparisoned elephants. She ventured into the Himalayas on perilous roads and was welcomed into a remote land of former headhunters. She dined with royalty and danced with a maharaja, conversed with Mother Teresa, met President Clinton, and appeared in a film starring Pierce Brosnan. She survived floods, political assassinations, and window-shattering bombs. She was bitten by a grouper in a coral lagoon, sneezed on by an elephant, and cornered in a cul-de-sac by angry bulls. Back on the home front, the author chronicles the daily joys and frustrations of diplomatic life with its cast of senior officials, moguls, intellectuals, and colorful characters. With verve and self-deprecating humor, she describes the tribulations of managing a diplomatic household and orchestrating official events despite personal dramas, logistic challenges, and power outages. Join her in a truly remarkable Journey Across Time.

  • af &1575, &1604, &1581, mfl.
    81,95 kr.

    93,95 kr.

    أنا أحتاجكبعدد أنفاسيوبعدد طرفات عيونيأحتاجكأنا بلا حيلة بدونكأنت أماني وقوتيأنت تلك الهتافات التي أهتف بها في وحدتيأردد اسمك في ابتهالاتيألوذ إلى محرابك من مخاوف نفسيقربك طمأنينتيقربك سكينتيأحب أن أعيش بك ولكوأعلم أني سأجدك عندما أبحث عنكأعلم أنك ستكون معي عندما أحتاجكوأعلم أنه بمجرد أن أوجه وجهتي إليك؛ فإني سأصل.

    84,95 kr.

    قِصَّةٌ لِلأَطْفَال (3+) لثَلاثِ سَنَواتٍ فَمَا فَوق"قِصَّةٌ لِأولئِكَ الأَطْفَالِ الَّذينَ يَمْلِكُونَ مُخَيِّلَةً جَمِيْلةً، فَيَعِيْشُونَ مَا لَا نَسْتَطِيْعُ أَنْ نَعِيشَه، ويَحْلُمُونَ بِمَا لا نَحْلُم بِهِ، وَيِمْلؤونَ العَالَمَ حَولَهُمْ جَمَالاً".

    74,95 kr.

  • af John Nelson
    88,95 kr.

    The Adventures of Wiggles and Wag takes place on a farm. The story traces the newfound friendship between two dogs who bond by mutual teaching and learning of work and responsibilities. Wag is the older, experienced farm dog who keeps all the animals safe and accounted for. Farmers Emil and Dorothy adopt a new puppy, Wiggles, to learn and to help Wag with the farm's chores. A story of growing up and learning to care for others.

    73,95 kr.

  • af &1576, &1604, 1575, mfl.
    74,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Matthews
    76,95 kr.

    Are we all, to some degree, racist without realising it? The subject of racism can cough up questions which get uncomfortably personal. How many friends of another skin colour have you got? Is it a fair proportion? Have you got any? Have you gone on a trip with them or sacrificed something important for them, as friends are sometimes called upon to do? If you fail your own expectations, you could put it down to lack of opportunity or peer pressure from family and friends. Or you could insist you are not racist - it is simply a cultural difference.Mixed marriages can sometimes be under severe social pressure. Yet society does seem to be integrating more and more. Maybe the pressure will increase until multiracialism is the norm. Future generations will wonder what the fuss was all about. All lives matter. The purpose of this play is to urge you to think about these matters. Each of the characters is affected by racism in some way. Which character would you most associate yourselves with?

    79,95 kr.

    82,95 kr.

    73,95 kr.

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