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  • af Robert MacDonald
    368,95 kr.

    This warm and encouraging book of daily devotionals, along with Bible verses suitable to each topic, shows forth a pastor's heart and a disciple's love of Scripture. One senses, moving through the year, topics that were especially treasured by Robert Macdonald, presented so winsomely that they soon become precious to the reader. Each day, the author presents fresh biblical insights interwoven with wisdom from the Puritans, amusing and yet helpful anecdotes from his own nineteenth-century Scotland, and snippets from hymns and poems. Perhaps the most compelling recommendation of Macdonald's book remains the one written by his friend and fellow minister Andrew Bonar: 'My dear Robert, From Day to Day is a book of pleasant and profitable reading. It is 365 meditations--as many as Samuel Rutherford's Letters--as many as Enoch's years of earthly pilgrimage and walking with God. There is a clearness and pointedness in your style of writing that at once attracts the reader, and, dipping in his rod in the honey, he finds his eyes enlightened.'

  • af Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    198,95 kr.

    These thirty-eight meditations on Christ's incarnation from the pen of C.H. Spurgeon are an ideal companion in the approach to the Christmas season. Indeed, they point believers just as emphatically toward the second advent of Christ, and so are a valuable guide at any time of year. Brief, powerful, and vivid, each devotional sparks renewed wonder at the grace of God in the incarnation of his Son. 'A glance at the titles of these meditations is enough to stimulate the Christian's appetite. Here Spurgeon leads us from the angelic announcement of the first coming of the Lord Jesus to the Saviour of sinners, right through to the prospect of his second coming in majesty and glory as Lord and Judge of the entire world. In doing so her offers help and encouragement to all professing Christians.' -- Sinclair B. Ferugson in the Foreword

  • af Thomas Watson
    103,95 kr.

  • af John Owen
    98,95 kr.

    A good case could be made out for believing that 'repentance' is one of the least used words in the Christian church today. In a world that will not tolerate the mention of sin, and in churches where it has been defined only in sociological terms, the biblical teaching on repentance has inevitably been ignored. Knowing what repentance is, and actually repenting are essential to true Christianity. Jesus Christ himself said that if we do not repent, we will perish! It is vital, therefore, to read and study what Scripture has to say about this theme. Few better guides have existed in this or any other area of spiritual experience than Thomas Watson. He was a master of both Scripture and the human heart, and wrote with a simplicity and directness that keeps his work fresh and powerful for the twenty-first century.

  • af Louis Berkhof
    473,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Vincent
    108,95 kr.

  • af Hywel R. Jones
    213,95 kr.

  • af William Bridge
    118,95 kr.

    These thirteen sermons on Psalm 42:11, preached at Stepney, London, in the year 1648 are the work of a true physician of souls. In dealing with believers suffering from spiritual depression, Bridge manifests great insight into the causes of the saints' discouragements such as great sins, weak grace, failure in duties, want of assurance, temptation, desertion and affliction. A correct diagnosis is more than half the cure but Bridge does not leave his readers there. He gives directions for applying the remedy. For example in dealing with 'great sins' he says, 'If you would be truly humbled and not be discouraged; not be discouraged and yet be humbled; then beat and drive up all your sin to your unbelief, and lay the stress and weight of all your sorrow upon that sin.' The general causes of spiritual depression are the same in every age. Downcast Christians of the twenty-first century can find help here as surely as did past generations.

  • af Davidb Calhoun
    112,95 kr.

    The Twenty-third Psalm is probably the best known of all the chapters of the Bible and among the most memorable words ever written in any language. It is so familiar that it would be easy to think that we can learn nothing more from it. But through exposition intermingled with prayers and personal testimony, David Calhoun reminds us that this psalm has great depth, and that lifelong meditation on its words will help Christians to understand just what it is to be a sheep under the care of the 'good Shepherd.' Each of the ten chapters in A Sheep Remembers contains a version of the Twenty-third Psalm or a hymn that is based on the psalm, followed by commentary on the verse that is being considered; writings from shepherds that help us to understand sheep and their ways; prayers, quotations and stories that illustrate the theme; and in the last place, the author's own personal testimony. This is a striking and profound little volume that will give much spiritual help to readers at all stages in the Christian life.

  • af Catherine Vos
    318,95 kr.

  • af Terry L. Johnson
    58,95 kr.

    There can be no doubt that a seismic shift has taken place within the English-speaking world over the last sixty years regarding what used to be referred to as 'the Christian Sabbath.' What was considered to be a day of rest, worship and holy activity is now just like any other day of the week -- one for the shopping mall, the sports stadium, or for some selfindulgent 'me-time.' What has led to this transformation? Or, more importantly, how ought we to think of the first day of the week? Were our forefathers correct in their understanding of 'the Lord's Day' or 'the Christian Sabbath'? And what did the Lord Jesus Christ mean when he said that 'the Sabbath was made for man' and that he was 'Lord of the Sabbath'? Terry Johnson investigates these questions and the issues raised by them. He draws out the teaching of Scripture and illustrates it from the writings of many of the great teachers of the Christian church. He then sets out practical recommendations to help today's Christians experience the benefits and blessings of the special day God has given us.

  • af John Owen
    108,95 kr.

    Thomas Chalmers wrote that Owen's book on Spiritual-Mindedness holds 'a distinguished rank among the voluminous writings of this celebrated author'. For him three features made it very special: -The force with which it applies truth to the conscience. -The way Owen plumbs the depths of Christian experience as a skillful physician of the soul. -The uncovering of the secrets of the mind and heart so that the true spiritual state of the reader is discovered. This book began life as a collection of meditations on Romans 8:6, which were written for the author's own benefit during a time of illness. Alarmed by the subtle power the world exercises over the mind, Owen shows us how to really live by raising our thoughts above all earthly objects and setting them on 'things above, where Christ is' (Col. 3:1) A favorite book of William Wilberforce, it contains some passages which are not surpassed in all of Owen's writings. It comes from the pen of a tender-hearted pastor whose only purpose is to encourage the believer in the ongoing battle against sin. So if you feel overwhelmed by the power of worldliness then this is definitely the book for you!

  • af John Owen
    98,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Alleine
    58,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Charles
    254,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Brooks
    118,95 kr.

    Brooks treated the seductive influence and terrible power of Satan in a way greatly more full and suggestive than in the literature of the present day. Brooks lists seven reasons for writing this book. The first reason is enough...Brooks says, "Satan hath a greater influence upon men, and higher advantages over them than they think he hath, and the knowledge of his high advantage is the highway to disappoint him, and to render the soul strong in resisting, and happy in conquering.

  • af I. D. E. Thomas
    123,95 kr.

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