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  • af Van Haren Publishing
    510,95 kr.

    CATS RVM offers a methodical approach to managing contracts in project and service management. It describes the basic principles, the roles, the points of attention for the realization and verification manager in the domains of delivery management and contract management, and the recommended way of working.

  • af World Trade Organization
    348,95 kr.

  • af Martin Melecky
    558,95 kr.

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  • af United Nations Publications
    468,95 kr.

    The report on Statistical Indicators of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization provides an analysis of global progress towards inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report is primarily based on the six SDG 9 indicators related to industrialization, showing the patterns of the recent changes in different country groups.

  • af United Nations Publications
    668,95 kr.

    In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. This includes about 30,000 treaties in their authentic languages, translated into English and French.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    1.013,95 kr.

    The structure of this book is based on the LSSA Skill set for Lean and Six Sigma Green Belt All of the techniques described in these Skill set will be reviewed in this book. The Lean elements will be discussed in chapter 1 to 6. The Six Sigma elements will be discussed in chapters 7 and 8. This book can be used for two purposes. Firstly, it acts as a guide for Green Belts undertaking a Lean or Six Sigma project following the DMAIC roadmap ('Define - Measure - Analyze - Improve - Control'). Secondly, this book serves to determine where the organization stands and what the best strategy is to get to a higher CIMM level

  • af United Nations Publications
    668,95 kr.

    In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. This includes about 30,000 treaties in their authentic languages, translated into English and French.

  • af International Atomic Energy Agency
    598,95 kr.

    This publication focuses on decision making in the planning of nuclear and radiological decontamination projects and provides guidance on the selection of the most appropriate approach. It includes consideration of relevant factors and how individual factors are weighed, merged and combined leading to an integrated decision on the preferred approach.

  • af The World Bank
    523,95 kr.

    Economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has slowed significantly since its impressive momentum of the early 2000s. This report draws on the latest poverty and inequality data to examine Africa's growth potential and proposes policies that are crucially needed to revitalize growth in the region.

  • af The World Bank
    498,95 kr.

    This book examines the evolution of poverty and human development outcomes since the end of the 10-year civil war in 2001 and asks if the foundations for creating shared prosperity and addressing persistent poverty in Sierra Leone have been laid down through key policies in these sectors.

  • af The World Bank
    545,95 kr.

  • af The World Bank
    346,95 kr.

    Women, Business and the Law is a World Bank Group project which measures the laws and regulations restricting women's economic opportunities. WBL informs research and policy discussions about the state of women's economic empowerment and emphasizes the work still to be done to ensure economic empowerment for all.

  • af The World Bank
    384,95 kr.

    The Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report that examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on emerging market and developing economies.

  • af The World Bank
    463,95 kr.

    This report aims to analyze the travel practices, spatial accessibility to economic opportunities, barriers, and needs of women in the MENA region. The book also provides evidence on women's mobility barriers and their impact on women's employment outcomes.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    613,95 kr.

    'Business-informatiemanagement (BIM) speelt een grote rol in de aansluiting tussen business en IT. In 2001 is voor het eerst een model beschreven voor business-informatiemanagement: BiSL(R) (Business information Services Library). In die tijd was er veelal sprake van watervalsgewijze systeemontwikkeling. Bovendien was de wereld nog lang niet zo gedigitaliseerd als nu en was het samenwerken als partners tussen business en IT nog maar weinig aan de orde.Vanwege de toenemende digitalisering in de wereld om ons heen is een nieuwe versie van BiSL ontwikkeld: DID. Bestuurders en managers van organisaties willen graag weten waarom een goede governance en een goed management van de informatievoorziening cruciaal zijn voor het effectief kunnen verbeteren en veranderen van de diensten van een organisatie aan haar klanten. BiSL Next, zoals beschreven in het boek Digital Information Design (DID(R)) Foundation - Hoger rendement bij business informatiemanagement door beter gebruik van informatie en technologie, geeft veel aandacht aan het vergroten van het inzicht en begrip hierin. Het gaat in op het 'waarom' en geeft vervolgens een breed overzicht van het 'wat' van business-informatiemanagement. Niet alleen het management van een organisatie moet op de hoogte zijn van het belang van business-informatiemanagement en de ondersteunende rol van BiSL daarin. Het is ook prettig als de medewerkers dit kunnen vertalen naar de daadwerkelijke uitvoering: dat ze weten hoe de principes aansluiten op de dagelijkse praktijk. Dit boek biedt een overzicht van DID als geheel, gevolgd door een verdieping van de activiteiten en producten op het uitvoerende niveau om een bijdrage te leveren aan de vertaling naar de praktijk.

  • af The World Bank
    463,95 kr.

    The Digital Progress and Trends Report presents latest progress on digitalization from both the supply and demand sides, with a focus on developing countries. It also highlights the emergence of digital public infrastructure, benefits and risks brought by artificial intelligence, and regulatory trends and implications for developing countries.

  • af The World Bank
    523,95 kr.

    This report discusses how African countries can take advantage of digital interoperability, remote sensing, and connectivity to reduce urban informality and improve the functioning of land and mortgage markets.

  • af The World Bank
    633,95 kr.

    Working Today for a Better Tomorrow in Ethiopia, Jobs for Poor and Vulnerable Households

  • af International Atomic Energy Agency
    348,95 kr.

    The 43rd edition of Reference Data Series No. 1 contains estimates of energy, electricity, and nuclear power trends up to the year 2050. The publication considers the prospects of new capacity additions, retirements and long term operation of existing units.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    558,95 kr.

    'Verdwaalt jouw organisatie ook in een oerwoud van procedures, regels en documenten? Met kasten vol handboeken die niemand nog leest of begrijpt? Zijn de verantwoordelijkheden nog steeds niet duidelijk? Stop met de bureaucratie en het steeds ingewikkelder maken van werk. Ga terug naar de essentie met de RASCI-methode.-Focus op de processen waarmee je ambities waarmaakt.-Haal de ballast uit je organisatie.-Zorg voor duidelijkheid in verantwoordelijkheden.-Betrek je mensen en benut hun volle potentieel.Arno Schilders legt stapsgewijs uit hoe je dat doet met maximaal draagvlak. Een praktische gids vol voorbeelden hoe je bedrijfsprocessen optimaliseert en vastlegt op één A4, de samenhang ertussen duidelijk maakt en iedereen daar systematisch bij betrekt. Met als resultaat: overzichtelijke processen, heldere verantwoordelijkheden en betere samenwerking.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    440,95 kr.

    Introducing the ZiRA Hospital Reference Architecture in English, a pioneering open-source solution developed by healthcare experts, for healthcare experts. Building upon the foundation of the renowned Dutch ZiRA and our collaboration with Nictiz, the Center of Excellence for Health IT in The Netherlands, this guide offers an accessible translation, clear insights, and essential updates.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    440,95 kr.

    This book will introduce you to the challenges of designing hyper-enterprise IT systems and the tools you will need as the era of Ecosystems Architecture dawns. It explains the proximity of new thinking to long-held architectural tenets and outlines how and why thinking has moved on. It also reviews existing frameworks and explains how and why they fit into the broader landscape of architectural thinking.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    558,95 kr.

    'We leven in een tijd waarin sprake is van ingrijpende maatschappelijke, economische en technologische veranderingen. We mogen deze veranderingen gerust disruptief (verstorend, ontwrichtend) noemen. Hele sectoren worden getroffen; de gevolgen zijn ingrijpend en vormen een existentiële bedreiging voor veel organisaties en bedrijven. Dat geldt voor alle sectoren: de zorg, overheid, onderwijs, landbouw, energie, banken, enzovoort. Kort gezegd: de samenleving staat onder druk en grote veranderingen komen op ons af.

  • af The World Bank
    633,95 kr.

    Mini grids are serving communities with existing but unreliable main grid connections by providing dependable electricity when the main grid fails. The success of mini grids hinges on commercial, technical, and regulatory frameworks designed to achieve win-win-win outcomes for consumers, distribution companies, and private developers.

  • af World Bank
    438,95 kr.

    In Uganda, conditions in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) remain the primary drivers of morbidity and mortality, accounting for 60 percent of years of life lost. The high burden of these conditions can be attributed to a poor quality of care resulting from inadequate financial, human, and material resources compounded by weak multisectoral coordination. Moreover, the country's high population growth rate and a young population imply that RMNCAH service delivery will continue to dominate health sector reforms--even with the increasing prevalence of noncommunicable and infectious diseases. Over the past two decades, Uganda has focused on improving the quality of RMNCAH service delivery, leading to declines in the maternal, infant, and under-five mortality ratios and the increased use of modern contraception among married women. However, the neonatal mortality and teenage pregnancy rates have stagnated, and the low civil registration of births and deaths remains challenging. Investing in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health in Uganda: What Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go from Here? comprises 12 studies conducted as part of the RMNCAH Operational Research Program drafted between 2019 and 2021 and finalized and disseminated in October 2022 across 45 districts of Uganda with funding from Sweden and the World Bank. These studies underscore important lessons learned and offer suggestions for enhancing the delivery of RMNCAH interventions. Each chapter represents one study and discusses service delivery, the health workforce, financing, health information systems, and governance and leadership. Two appendixes summarize key findings and recommendations and explain the roles of key stakeholders in the RMNCAH Operational Research Program.

  • af The World Bank
    578,95 kr.

    This report provides analysis and tools to guide policymakers in developing countries on key issues related to trade. Part 1 analyzes climate change and evolving comparative advantages of developing country trade. Part 2 takes an in-depth look into the design of climate-related trade policy instruments that support developing country trade.

  • af The World Bank
    382,95 kr.

    Employing data from a nationally representative longitudinal survey of primary schools, teachers, and students in Malawi, this book presents a comprehensive picture of conditions, practices, and learning outcomes in a low-income country.

  • af The World Bank
    588,95 kr.

    This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the structure and management of tax and customs administrations. It covers tax administration, institutional setup and strategic planning, analytical capacities and maturity models, core business processes, tax sanctions, digital transformation, and building data science capabilities.

  • af The World Bank
    523,95 kr.

    This report examines the impacts of trade integration on the quantity and quality of jobs in developing countries and the underlying channels through which workers adjust. It also offers data, analytics, and a clear framework to help policymakers maximize the aggregate labor market gains from trade while minimizing adjustment costs for workers.

  • af The World Bank
    443,95 kr.

    National Development Financial Institutions (NDFIs) are crucial in mobilizing investments for climate and environmental (C&E) objectives. NDFIs also need to manage C&E related financial risks. This report distills insights and guidance to provide recommendations for greening NDFIs.

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