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  • af William Castano Bedoya
    223,95 kr.

    A psychological fictional novel, which recreates Ludovico, a character who narrates in monologues his vision of the world despite having mental limitations due to a hereditary condition of mental damage. "Ludovico" is a novel with which William Castaño-Bedoya surprises us, reaffirming his talents as a recreator of human depth."Ludovico" demonstrates the great impact of frustration and its generalities, and how impotence and fate recreate the absurd and the uncertain. William manages to stage the impact of the arrival of beings with differences to the spectrum of normality that is commonly known. Ludovico would not have been possible if the author had not studied similar characters for many years before undertaking the work of his novel.At first, the reader may think that Ludovico is a character who intends to show us his limited and boring world, but as the story progresses, we discover a primary and elementary orb that does not lack its interpretations, its feelings, its compassion, and its passions. However, the reader faces the great and painful paradox of this novel, which Ludovico suffers and tells unconsciously. The drama of his life, restricted by his poor comprehension, his disobedient vision, and his clumsy ear, condemns him to a fractional understanding that he tries to fill with his fantasy. The story of the one who carries within him an unopened irony and whose simplicity leads us unexpectedly to the borders of laughter and crying.

  • af William Castano-Bedoya
    278,95 kr.

    We the Other People -The Beggars of the Mercury Lights- introduces a new voice in American social literature, narrating the relationship between political power and invisible poverty amidst a crisis of conservative values, social injustice, the excesses of extremism, and the politicization of human suffering as a tool of power in the United States. The story focuses on a family, the Newmans, whose recent economic misfortune has plunged their patriarch into a depressive state in the years leading up to the global health crisis, which forms the backdrop of the novel. Steve Newman struggles to overcome his condition, creating imaginary games in which he blends experiences and fiction as therapy to ward off depression. From his misfortune and desperation emerges the resilience that rescues him from the demons that haunt him, turning him into a more compassionate member of society. Steve must come to terms with his new life, no longer from the height of opulence as he did before his failure, but now knowing firsthand society's abandonment of the poor and the socially 'invisible.' Castaño-Bedoya's novel recreates the lives of those who endure the difficulties of existence under the failure of the Constitution, and who clamor for their universal right to live without fear.

  • af William Castano-Bedoya
    253,95 kr.

    Los mendigos de la luz de mercurio -We the other people- hace su debut como novela social dentro de la literatura norteamericana. Narra la fusión del poder político y la pobreza invisible en medio de la crisis de los valores conservadores de la sociedad, la injusticia social, los excesos de los extremismos y la politización del sufrimiento como herramienta de poder.La historia se enfoca en una familia, los Newman, caídos en una desgracia económica que sume a su patriarca en estado depresivo en los años previos a la crisis de salud global, que, a la postre, termina siendo el telón de fondo de la novela. Steve Newman representa al patriarca que lucha por superarse, creando juegos imaginarios en los que mezcla vivencias y ficciones como terapia para espantar la depresión. De su desventura y agobio sin embargo, surge la resiliencia que lo rescata de los demonios que lo persiguen y termina convirtiéndolo en un conmiserado social. Steve sobrelleva su nueva vida conociendo de primera mano el abandono de los invisibles sociales desde la pobreza y no desde el trono de la opulencia como solía percibirla antes de su fracaso. La novela de Castaño-Bedoya recrea la vida de quienes sobrellevan su existencia bajo el desamparo de la Constitución y de quienes claman por su derecho universal a vivir sin miedo.

  • af William Castano-Bedoya
    223,95 kr.

    When the human condition is what directly induces the success or failure of a human being's endeavor, whoever does not evolve goes backwards... Likewise, although supposedly frivolous freedom is currently what governs the global market, its results are ultimately the consequence of man's influence. This is the essence of the corporate world, as William Castan¿o-Bedoya puts it, in a novel with characters more loyal to profit and fundamentalism than their colleagues and employees. HanssenBox allows itself to wander, led by what its leaders see as destiny, at a time when technology and the online commercial market become industry titans. Ethan, the company's life manager, and Oliver, an outside consultant, star in that microcosm in a corner of the southeastern United States. The two work under the command of a businessman with a shady disposition who plunges them into episodes of mutual distrust, egocentrism, and insecurity. The lives of the characters are systematically affected by the weight of extremist ideologies and the omnipresence of an underhanded double standard . HanssenBox floats along the passage of circumstances imposed by fate in an era in which e-commerce undertakes a crushing advance without return.

  • af William Castano-Bedoya
    223,95 kr.

    Cuando la condición humana es la que induce directamente el éxito o el fracaso del quehacer del ser humano, quien no evoluciona retrocede... Así mismo, aunque la frivolidad es en la actualidad la que rige los mercados, sus resultados son finalmente consecuencia del influjo del hombre. Esa es la esencia del mundo corporativo según lo plantea William Castaño-Bedoya en esta novela, que nos narra la existencia de HansennBox, una empresa que posee el potencial suficiente para ser una de las más importantes del mundo. Ethan, su gerente vitalicio, y Oliver, un asesor externo, protagonizan ese microcosmos en un rincón del sureste de los Estados Unidos. Los dos se desempeñan bajo el mando de un empresario de talante sombrío, que los sumerge en episodios de desconfianza mutua, egocentrismo e inseguridad. La vida de los personajes se ve afectada sistemáticamente por el peso de ideologías extremistas y por la omnipresencia de una solapada doble moral. HansennBox surfea al paso de las circunstancias que le impone el destino en una época histórica en la que el comercio electrónico emprende un avance aplastante y sin retorno.

  • af William Castano-Bedoya
    158,95 - 233,95 kr.

    148,95 - 233,95 kr.

    198,95 - 233,95 kr.

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