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  • - Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira
    af Arnold Ehret
    157,95 kr.

  • - Introduced and Edited by Prof. Spira
    103,95 kr.

    If Your Intestines Could Talk, What Would They Say?What if you could understand your own health through the perspective of your stomach? In this unprecedented work, Prof. Arnold Ehret gives voice to the stomach and reveals the foundation of human illness.In this book you will learn: About the nature of internal uncleanliness, What happens to the human stomach if it is not properly cleaned, The devastatingly negative effects of mucus-forming foods, The true meaning of Ehret's famous expression "a tragedy of nutrition,"And much more!"Ehret taught that the mind governs all organic action of the physical body instinctively, and we therefore find humankind gradually evolving from the primitive stage to a higher intellectual plane. The physical and mental welfare of millions of individuals living today are desperately searching for a truthful presentation of this knowledge found only in Prof. Arnold Ehret's message and it is therefore eagerly awaited by an expectant world! Is it asking too much that you lay aside preconceived ideas, opinions, or prejudices and read the Ehret articles with an open mind, particularly his article "Tragedy of Nutrition." Hopefully the truth will eventually dawn upon you, possibly months after reading--for some portion may have indelibly stamped an imprint on your mind--and intuitively proven its correctness!" -Excerpt from the book's Forward by Fred S. Hirsch (Long-time Student of Arnold Ehret and former owner of Ehret Publishing)

  • - Introduced & Edited by Prof. Spira
    af Fred S Hirsch
    103,95 kr.

    Constipation is not only in the intestines, but also in the tissues and cells of the entire body!In the Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation and Overcoming Constipation Naturally, Prof. Arnold Ehret and his number one student Fred Hirsch explain how to overcome the generally constipated condition of the human body. This constipation is derived from unnatural, uneliminated accumulations of waste that build up in the human body since childhood. In this book you will learn: Why unnatural accumulations of waste build up in the body, How to safely and naturally clear out intestinal waste, A secret that can help you begin to transform the health of your colon today, The basic rules to live a constipation-free life, Why "foodless foods" are so harmful to our health, And much more!Discover how to fundamentally and definitely overcome intestinal and cellular constipation!Scroll up to ORDER NOW!

  • - Introduced and Edited by Prof. Spira
    118,95 kr.

    Discover Nature's Universal and Omnipotent Healing Solution! We need not look any further than Prof. Arnold Ehret's Rational Fasting to find the most powerful and practical approach to the art of fasting . . . In this masterpiece, Arnold Ehret explains how to successfully, safely, and rationally conduct a fast in order to eliminate harmful waste from the body and promote internal healing. Also included are famous essays on Ehret's teachings by Fred Hirsch and long-time devotee Teresa Mitchell. You will learn: The Common Fundamental Cause in the Nature of DiseasesComplete Instructions for FastingBuilding a Perfect Body through FastingImportant Rules for the FasterHow Long to FastWhy to FastWhen and How to FastHow Teresa Mitchell Transformed Her Life through Fasting "The physical and mental welfare of millions of individuals living today are desperately searching for a truthful presentation of this knowledge found only in Prof. Arnold Ehret's message and it is therefore eagerly awaited by an expectant world!"- Fred S. Hirsch, Student of Arnold Ehret and previous owner of Ehret Literature Publishing "I have been an Ehret devotee for the past twenty-five years and I shall remain so until the end of my days. My greatest desire is to share with others the wonderful results I have gained, both in physical and mental health."-Teresa Mitchell, Student of Arnold Ehret and author of My Road to Health. The principles found in Rational Fasting are needed today more than ever!In a world where natural healing methods have been largely forsaken by the masses, Ehret sheds light on the powerful art of fasting and its supreme role in regenerating the human body, mind, and spirit.

  • - Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System Volume 1, 2, & 3
    af Prof Spira
    208,95 kr.

    Presented as a series of compelling dialogues and essays, Professor Spira's new book reveals the power of adopting a lifestyle that is free from foods that create excess mucus and pus. Having used the concept to radically change his own life, the charismatic author is now sharing his story and blueprint with the world.At the age of 19, Professor Spira was 280lbs and suffering from a string of health problems including chronic migraines, frequent ear infections and acid reflux. However, after being acquainted with someone who had harnessed the power of Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System, Prof. Spira knew that it was his only hope.After losing 110lbs, eradicating his health problems and discovering a positive new lease on life, Spira is releasing a new book of dialogues and essays; set to share the power of the diet with the world. Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System imparts the information by connecting it to the author's own inspiring story.

  • - Anotado Revisado Y Editado Por El Prof. Spira
    af Prof Spira
    163,95 kr.

    ¡Advertencia! ¡Muchos de los alimentos que USTED pensó eran seguros y saludables están creando MUCOSIDAD dentro de SU CUERPO! ¡Descubra el secreto de estilo de vida NATURAL más simple y poderoso que ha MEJORADO la vida de MILES!El Sistema curativo por dieta amucosa del prof. Arnold Ehret: anotado, revisado y editado por el prof. Spira, es una de las más profundas revelaciones del siglo XXI: que los alimentos formadores de moco son antinaturales para nuestro consumo y la causa fundamental de muchas enfermedades humanas.¿Tiene MOCO? Entonces necesita leer este libro, porque aprenderá cómo: Superar naturalmente los problemas de salud debilitantes.Identificar los alimentos formadores de moco.Eliminar grasa corporal no deseadaSuperar fácilmente esa toz o nariz congestionada.Curarse naturalmente de numerosas dolencias.¡Y mucho más! Lo que otros dicen: "Cuando me encontré con el Sistema curativo por dieta amucosa del prof. Arnold Ehret: anotado, revisado y editado por el prof. Spira, fue una epifanía porque finalmente entendí la raíz de la enfermedad humana y, por lo tanto, la compensación que se debe tomar para corregir los años de los alimentos equivocados, productores de enfermedad, que hemos comido desde el nacimiento." -Andrae K. Genus, Científico Ambiental."La versión anotada de la Dieta amucosa, será capaz de responder a preguntas que pudieron haber surgido por previos lectores del libro original y finalmente completará el libro de Arnold Ehret." -Georgia Barretto, Músico de Jazz, Brasil."Habiendo leído el libro con las notas y revisiones de Spira, es como si fuera llevado mano a mano por un sabio, casi sintiendo la presencia del autor a mi lado, guiándome hacia lo correcto. Si me encontrara en una isla, este es el único libro que me gustaría llevar conmigo." -Aldo Bassi, Experto en la dieta amucosa, Italia.¿Qué si solamente anhelara los alimentos que son buenos para usted? Aprenderá a transformar sus papilas gustativas para que ya no desee los peores alimentos formadores de moco. ¡Esto hace que el comer saludable sea mucho más fácil y divertido!¿Cuánto dinero vale la pena invertir en eliminar sus preocupaciones de salud y revitalizar su cuerpo? Personas han pagado miles de dólares para aprender el tipo de detalles que se encuentran en este libro. Las conferencias públicas de Arnold Ehret sobre la Dieta Amucosa costaban $100 dólares en 1922. ¡Ajustado por la inflación, esto serían $1,389.90 en la actualidad! Pero la misma información que Ehret compartió y utilizó para curar a MILES de personas en sus clínicas está disponible para usted en este asequible libro. Y las anotaciones por el prof. Spira hacen este libro incluso más valioso e imprescindible para aquellos interesados en un estilo de vida natural.Libre de moco, ¡la dieta vegana ORIGINAL!Consiga el libro que abrió camino para todas las dietas "veganas," a base de plantas. Todas las personas interesadas en la curación natural a base de plantas, las dietas veganas y de alimentos crudos, deben tener este libro!Suba el cursor y obtenga su copia hoy mismo.

  • - The Official Mucusless Diet Healing System Ecourse Study Guide
    af Arnold Ehret
    163,95 kr.

    This edition of Spira's Notes is specifically designed to accompany Prof. Spira's Mucusless Diet Healing System eCourse: Keys for Mastering a Mucus-free Life. Although it is primarily based on Spira's annotated, revised, and edited edition of Prof. Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System, it may act as an apt companion to any edition of the original work. Inspired by the famous CliffsNotes series of study guides, the aim is to summarize, outline, analyze, and provide review materials that cover the most important points of the Mucusless Diet Healing System text.

  • - Introduced, Annotated, and Edited by Prof. Spira
    108,95 kr.

    Is it Possible for Humans to Achieve Paradise on Earth?Physical Fitness Thru a Superior Diet, Fasting, and Dietetics Also a Religious Concept of Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Dietetics include articles by Prof. Arnold Ehret, originator of the Mucusless Diet Healing System, which philosophically explore humanity's potential to manifest paradise on Earth through mucus-free living, rational fasting, and physical fitness.Additional articles in this Mucus-free Life edition include an in-depth and revealing biographical sketch of Ehret by B.W. Child, and Ehret's lessons on exercise and bathing.Out of Print, UNTIL NOW!Some articles within the Physical Fitness book had been out of print for years until Ehret scholar and Mucusless Diet expert Prof. Spira published this version.Timeless Wisdom and Advanced Philosophy Needed Today!Ehret's message of hope for humanity is needed today more than ever. Humans are destroying themselves and the Earth on an unprecedented level. Ehret shares his solution for the problems of humanity through his message of superior natural healing. He believes that the source of all problems in the world is an improper and unnatural diet. Thus, the dysfunction of governments, police brutality, war, the mistreatment of the environment, racism, sexism, all forms of bigotry, the disregard for the lives of animals, etc., are all symptoms of a pus- and mucus-laden diet that renders humanity unempathetic and impotent.In this book you will learn: The divine revelation that led to Arnold Ehret healing thousands of people from "incurable" illnesses, How a proper diet could lead to a disease-free existence, How that art of fasting can help humans transform into "God-like beings,"How humans can transition toward a paradisiacal life on Earth, And much more!How badly do we want to experience paradise? Are we content to live in ignorance and blame everything but diet? Is it easier to continue to believe the propaganda we have been fed? That we need to stuff ourselves with protein and fat? That we must eat certain nutritious foods, although we know that they cause illness? Ehret challenges us to shift our paradigm away from the mucus-based status quo and medical extremism of the 21st century and embrace our true nature as mucus-free beings.Scroll up and grab a copy today.

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