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  • af Kerry Wood
    140,95 kr.

    Πώς επιτυγχάνεται η πραγματική μεταμόρφωση; Ανακάλυψε τη μέθοδο του Αγίου Πνεύματος που ξεκινάει από μέσα προς τα έξω Αυτός ερευνάει το θέλημα και το σχέδιο του Πατέρα για σένα, και έπειτα το φανερώνει στο πνεύμα σου. Μάθε πώς να γεμίζεις και να μένεις γεμάτος με τον ίδιο τον Θεό, και πώς να ανανεώνεσαι στην αυθεντική, μοναδική ευφυΐα που έχεις. Ένας δυνατός, πρακτικός οδηγός, που εστιάζει πρώτα στο ποιος είσαι και μετά στο τι κάνεις.Ο Δρ. Κέρι Γουντ είναι σύζυγος, πατέρας τεσσάρων παιδιών, συγγραφέας, ποιμένας, ιδρυτής εκκλησιών, καθηγητής, ομιλητής συνεδρίων και σύμβουλος ποιμένων. Έχοντας σχεδόν 40 χρόνια πρακτικής εμπειρίας στην ποιμενική διακονία, δύο μεταπτυχιακά και διδακτορικό, διαθέτει την ισορροπία μεταξύ της βαθιάς βιβλικής γνώσης και της ικανότητας να επικοινωνεί σε προσωπικό επίπεδο. Μάθετε περισσότερα στο ή στοΗ Δρ. Τσίκι Γουντ είναι συγγραφέας, ποιμένας, πρύτανης πανεπιστημίου, ομιλήτρια, καθηγήτρια και καθοδηγήτρια σε ομάδες γυναικών. Απέκτησε επαγγελματική εμπειρία στον επιχειρηματικό τομέα ως στέλεχος ασφαλιστικής εταιρείας, και εδραιώθηκε ως καθηγήτρια και θεολόγος με το Μεταπτυχιακό Ποιμενικής Θεολογίας και το Διδακτορικό Διακονίας (Ποιμενικού Έργου). Μάθετε περισσότερα στο ή στοΔείτε τα άλλα δύο βιβλία της τριλογίας ΤΟ ΘΕΜΕΛΙΟ ΤΟΥ ABBAΕίναι απαραίτητο να γνωρίσεις τον Πατέρα μέσα από τα μάτια του Ιησού, αν θέλεις να ζήσεις πραγματικά ως γιος του Θεού. Ο ΡΟΛΟΣ ΤΟΥ ABBAΔες τον εαυτό σου μέσα από τα μάτια του Πατέρα και ακολούθησε την πορεία από το ορφανό πνεύμα προς στην καρδιά ενός αληθινού γιου.

  • - : Reflections of Emotions
    af Thom Love
    143,95 kr.

    Emotions are sometimes as hard to deal with as the experience itself. Catharsis is one man's attempt to deal with the powerful emotions felt during the brightest and the darkest days of life. Catharsis is the record of the experiences that shaped him in his younger years, and made him the man he came to be. The author's emoting in poetic style are intended to aid the reader to find their own freedom from the past and joy in daily life.

  • - We Were Made for Higher Ground
    af Rope Myers
    173,95 kr.

    We Were Born for Higher Ground "The thing is, we were made for a different terrain than the soft, tame land where we are comfortable. We were born for bigger, more rugged, less safe pastures. We were born for higher ground." Rope Myers was born to be a rodeo cowboy. Not only were his parents actively competing in the sport, so he was most of his extended family. But while the rest of the world watched the development of a rodeo superstar, God was doing a much greater work. Saved at age 12 during a rodeo church service, Rope spent the early years of his new identity in Christ hungering for knowledge and trying to develop that relationship with Jesus. But a lack of resources and very little guidance paved the way for the resurgence of his first "god" -rodeo. His competitive fire and determination to be the best in his field resulted in great worldly success. But the seed had been planted, the hunger for the Lord still burned below the surface, and despite appearing to "have it all," Rope knew something was missing. Good Pasture chronicles Rope's very personal journey of learning who the Father is and what He has called us to. Read along as he wrestles through how the ordinary, everyday struggles in life provide countless opportunities for us to know and trust the One who created us-and how little by little, the Father is calling us all to something more than we could ever imagine. "Every person's story is significant in the grand scheme of things. But the most important ones are those having the unique potential to affect or even revolutionize other lives. In a simple yet profound way, Rope Myers has hit the proverbial home run in that regard. To read, digest, and apply the principles in this book will guarantee that you, too, will find "Good Pasture." -Andy Taylor - Author, Founder, and Apostolic Leader of Trinity Fellowship, Sayre, Oklahoma

  • af Lisa Polk
    168,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Asa L. Low
    248,95 kr.

    A Walk Through Our Garden is a series of daily devotional thoughts based on time spent in my garden. Each flower or plant testifies of his grace.Each of us were created with different gifts, talents, and temperaments by a wonderful, loving God so that we have fellowship with Him and explore His thoughts, ways, dreams, desires, plans, and purposes for our lives. God has uniquely gifted you to reach someone for Christ, or to do something for the kingdom that others cannot do. Dare to dream largely-outside of the box! What is in your heart to do? Have you dismissed it because it is too much work, or it seems impossible? Are you a hermit-secretly wanting to do something, but afraid to step out in faith? Have you isolated yourself due to an inferiority complex, past hurts, or perhaps even lethargy? I have learned much from the Lord and His creation, and I hope that these devotionals reveal God's love for humanity and for you personally.

  • - Come Under Her Seven Pillars
    af John W Wallace
    118,95 kr.

    Mark Twain once quipped: "We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it-and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove lid again, and this is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore." Most would rather not find wisdom by the "hot stove lid" method. Indeed, wisdom is only found in two ways. One is more painful than the other, but we cannot avoid all of the painful lessons of the accompanying gaining of wisdom. God offers us a way of wisdom-if we embrace it ahead of time-that will diminish our hurtful "wisdom experiences." All through Scripture, God is sharing His wisdom with us, prepping us ahead of time to live life, as He planned it, fully. The book of Proverbs is jam-packed with such wisdom. Proverbs 9:1 states, "Wisdom has built her house; She has hewn (or cut) her seven pillars." Wisdom's house rests upon these seven supports. What are they? Is this just Biblical "figurative" language? John Wallace delves into seven aspects of Wisdom that he sees presented in Proverbs and the rest of the Bible. Not only are these aspects explained, but practical and liveable examples of each are reported to help us come under these pillars and enjoy the environment of Wisdom's House.

  • - Learning to Give Thanks for All Things
    af Rick Carr
    183,95 kr.

    Gratitude comes from the idea of grace, "grata" in Latin. Grace is the "unmerited love and favor of God toward man." So, gratitude is "a feeling of thankful appreciation for favors or benefits received." Thanks is "the expression of gratitude; grateful acknowledgment of something received by or done for one." In Extreme Gratitude, Rick lays a foundation of: -the extreme ("exceeding abundantly") grace we have received -the extreme God (Creator and Sustainer of all that is, yet willing to take on human form to restore --the relationship we broke with Him) Who has blessed us - the extreme life He enables us to live (beyond the righteousness of the religious) -the extreme compass of His purpose (to use all things to bring glory to Himself, and mold us in the image of Christ) Rick challenges Christians to respond with the extreme thanks that His lavish grace deserves from us (giving thanks always for all things). "As a human being giving thanks can be the most difficult thing, we do. Giving thanks to God in every experience in life is one of the most important indicators of spiritual maturity. This book will give reasons for giving thanks, examples of giving thanks, and results for giving thanks. You will read many real-life experiences and find a sure scriptural foundation for being a thankful person. As you finish the book and read his conclusion, you will find yourself better equipped to give thanks in all things. You will be thankful that you can give thanks."-Jim Hylton, Staff Pastor, Northwood Church, Keller, Texas

  • - A Biblical Survival Manual for the Last Days
    af Geoffrey Cohen
    198,95 kr.

    "One of the things as a pastor that I love is that when I read anything written by Geoffrey Cohen, I am confident he will be true to scripture. As my wife and I read this book, we were, greatly encouraged by the commitment to let scripture interpret scripture. This book helps greatly in ministry and personally because as a teacher, I can use this resource to help in my own teaching. And personally, the teachings contained within are helpful in my daily interactions socially. Many people have questions and not many answers and the answers they do have many times are unbiblical or based on tradition only. Therefore the Word of God is not informing their needs. Geoffrey brings a solid Biblical understanding and clarity of definition to many current issues facing our world. You will be challenged and blessed in your time reading this amazing work." -Joe Stepp, Pastor, Southside Baptist Church, Perryton, Texas "I recall before Pastor Geoff started to write this book, how we prayed together, asking God to reveal His heart for the church today. And that is just what the Lord did! As I was reading the book, there were moments that the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, and I ended up crying, repenting and praising God for the truth of the Word that penetrated my heart. This is truly a timely, clear and powerful message and call from God's heart to your heart. I believe this book will be a powerful tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit to help people find Jesus and prepare them to be ready for His Second Coming, which is very soon!" -Pastor Rudolph Claassen. (Pastoring various assemblies in the AFM of South Africa Church for the past 50 years). "Wow! In all my years as a believer, I have never encountered such a clear, straightforward presentation of eschatology as I have in this book. I have gained a better understanding of end-time events from Suddenly! than I have gained from dozens of sermons and books addressing the topic. As I read it, my spirit leapt within me with excitement about God's plans for this time in human history. Like John the Baptist, Cohen's voice is a voice "crying in the wilderness" telling us to "Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God" (Isaiah 40:3). My prayer is that all who read it will heed the call." -Cynthia K. Shinabarger Reed, PhD., PhD.

  • af Michael Scarlett
    208,95 kr.

    Someone once asked me: What's It About? It's about nothing. It's about everything. It's about life. It's about high school. It's about growing up in Knoxville, Tennessee in the '70s, wanting to be accepted, trying to fit in, feeling awkward, doing too many drugs, looking for love, finding out that it's not just about sex, searching for greener pastures (double entendre intended), seeking a higher truth while simultaneously running away from it until it finally runs you down and comes to your rescue.

  • - How We Represent God to the World Does Matter to Him
    af David Addesa
    143,95 kr.

    How we represent God to the world does matter to Him. On April 27th, 2007, David's son, Noah, was struck by lightning. From that moment, life for the Addesa household was changed forever. We've all experienced tragedy. When the unexpected happens we often ask ourselves, "Why did this happen?" "Why did God allow this to happen?" "Why would a loving God do this to me and my family?" When those questions remain unanswered, we often believe that God is judging us. Or we take the position of Job's friends and believe God is judging them for their sin. The way we think about calamity directly affects the way we represent God to the world. In Has Heaven Invaded Earth?, Pastor David shares with you the lessons he learned through this experiences and answers the questions, "Is God judging the world today?" The answer may surprise you and change the way you perceive and re-present God's character.

  • af Melanie Ebo
    153,95 kr.

    The Good, the Bad, and What Remains is the story of the "shaking" of one life as described in Hebrews 12 so that what cannot be shaken remains. Follow Melanie Ebo through seasons of hardship, difficulty, and even the temptation to despair in her own life as she uncovers what is truly constant-what remains.

  • af Christopher Reeve
    208,95 kr.

    "An Introduction to Education in Bible Times is an in-depth study of God's methods of educating the ancient Israelites and the early followers of Jesus. Using a meticulous analysis of biblical texts, Chris demonstrates the central role of education for the Jewish people, as he traces the theme of teaching and learning from the creation of man through the creation of Israel and the apostolic church. Both Jewish and Christian students of Scripture will greatly benefit from this thought-provoking study of education in biblical times and its pivotal role in the spiritual formation of God's people. I would highly recommend this work for personal study and practical implementation in the classroom." -Igal German, Ph.D., Centre for Jewish Studies at York University, and Shiloh University. "An Introduction to Education in Bible Times is a bridge-builder between times and cultures. Chris Reeves' explanation of the Jewish background of religious education both before and during Jesus's time helps us to more clearly understand the concept of "making disciples" the way Jesus did. This book presents a refreshing and informative guide to fulfilling the Great Commission through discipleship (Matthew 28:18-20). It is a must-read for disciples and disciple-makers." -Nicholas A. Venditti, Ph.D. and Leona K. Venditti, Ed.D., Co-founders, INSTE Bible College.

  • - 20 Keys to Revolutionize Your Life and Your Church
    af Andy Taylor
    183,95 kr.

    Will the Church Be the Church? Compared to the Church in the Book of Acts, we live in a time of incredible opportunity! Knowledge abounds. Technology is advancing by the day. Christian books, blogs, and podcasts are accessed at the touch of a finger. Conferences on every spiritual subject under the sun draw in hundreds of thousands yearly. Now, instead of just a few ragtag disciples, there are millions, many of whom are trained in a wide variety of specialized ministries. America is still the freest nation on the planet in terms of the gospel being presented without fear of repercussion. BUT, indicators reveal the effectiveness of the modern church is not equal to the power, love, and impact of that first church! If the church is going to be the church, something needs to change! Andy Taylor contends the solution is a simple one. There are some best kept secrets in the Bible, hidden in plain sight that if adhered to have the potential to bring a Kingdom revolution in the earth and bring the church to its appointment with destiny. You'll be challenged and changed by The Best Kept Secrets in the Kingdom. If you long for the day to see the church in its glory, and if you're willing to be an agent of Kingdom change, this book is for you!

  • af Geoffrey Cohen
    183,95 kr.

    Our God is a God of order. He has a pattern for almost everything. But what about the patterns God instituted for the human race? The message God has given us about His Son's redemption is called the gospel. God has entrusted this incredible, one-of-a-kind message to believers in Jesus. He wants us to take it into all the world and to share it with every person we know in a way that is understandable for them. And God, who has a pattern for everything in the universe, has an order for how we are to share that message. In this book, we will look at this pattern and analyze the reasons God set it in place. We will also consider why this is the method God blesses the most. Geoffrey Cohen's practical and spiritual sensitivity joins with his leadership in the Messianic Jewish ministry. These experiences unquestionably qualify him as a "voice" to be heard and a brother to be received. Doubtless, God's Blueprint for the Great Commission will assist many to find help and wisdom in maintaining a sensitive and discerning awareness of "the hour" and "the Call." The hearts of spiritual leaders everywhere need to be tuned to both if we would "keep in stride" with the Holy Spirit's acts, especially as pertains to Jerusalem, the Jews, and the Messianic Jewish movement.

  • - Embracing Spiritual Fathers, Mothers, and Mentors
    af Patrick Davis
    153,95 kr.

    This book is the life story of a young man (62) who has experienced continued growth due to the influence of purposefully invited and placed fathers in his life. It is the story of Pat Davis and his wife's journey in the kingdom and the impact multiple leaders have had on them. Pat is very passionate about this subject. He sees it as crucial to the fulfillment of one's destiny in Christ. Pat's editor, Barry Hall, assures him that this is a vital and timely book for the body of Christ!

  • - Finally! Easy Help to Understand the Greatest Book Ever Written!
    af Andy Taylor
    183,95 kr.

    Read, Study, Enjoy Your Bible Like Never Before! The Bible: the most read, referred to, revered, trusted, and respected book that mankind has ever been exposed to. After all, it IS the Word of God. It even says of itself, All scripture is given by inspiration of God. I've learned in 30 years of shepherding the people of God that there's not much out there to help the common man learn to read and become a serious student of the Bible. It seems obvious to me that if we had some simple, easy to understand, and solid principles of reading the Bible that millions more would be likely to pick it up more often and glean from the profound wisdom (which is only one of hundreds of benefits) that resides in it. Think of the ramifications of that! If you're one of the many people who say, "I try to read my Bible, but I don't understand it." Well, don't lose heart, this book is for you! The principles contained herein, in bite-size form, if ascribed to, will enable you to read your Bible with new excitement, knowing you're drawing from the most important Book ever written. These principles will guide your life, give you a Biblical worldview, and acquaint you with the indescribable love of the Father!

  • af Daniel W Carter
    128,95 kr.

    In northern Missouri in 1843, Jaden Kincaid and his four cousins named themselves "The Missouri Five." They lived, worked, and played on a four-thousand-acre farm where their fathers were employed by the owner to do the farm work. Although work-life was hard, money was in short supply, and their homes were very simple log structures with tin roofs, the boys enjoyed adventures together and learned some important life lessons. Join in with The Missouri Five as they explore a cave, deal with angry hornets, attempt skunk surgery, save a life, have an embarrassing moment at the swimming hole, deal with bullies at school, and much more! And be encouraged as these twelve- and thirteen-year-old boys learn about life and live out their faith with their families through many of these adventures and challenges. Note: Content safe for all ages and is easily read by ages ten years and older.

  • - One Who Hopes with Joy
    af Holly M Bol
    118,95 kr.

    As you read Spirited, you will be uplifted, filled with hope, and encounter joy. You will be filled with a sense of wonder and amazement at how much the God of Heaven loves you and is still at work in the lives of His people today. Within the pages of this book, you will encounter Holly Bol's stories of faith, hope, and love. So heat up that last slice of coffee cake, make yourself a cup of tea, and get settled into your favorite reading chair, because you are in for an immersive and heartfelt journey through the pages of "Spirited!"

  • - Overcoming Chronic Illness Through Faith
    af Lisa Kiltz
    118,95 kr.

    This book is such a refreshing insight into the healing journey. Many struggle to hear about healing from people who have experienced in an instant, miraculous healing. Those who have never been through the darkness of a traumatic illness struggle to relate. More than anything, people need to hear the truth-the good, bad, and ugly.

  • af Kerry Wood & Chiqui Wood
    165,95 kr.

  • af Drs Kerry &. Chiqui Wood
    164,95 kr.

  • af Madeline Wolfe
    208,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Madeline Wolfe
    208,95 kr.

    Oak Grove Retirement Home recientemente recibió una nueva residente llamada Sra. Inez. No habla mucho y no parece gustarle su entorno, pero tiene muchas fotos en su muro que muestran que tenía una vida llena de recuerdos para compartir. Parece que quiere que la dejen sola, pero eso no impide que una niña especial quiera ser su amiga.

  • af Jack R. Taylor
    178,95 kr.

    ack Taylor says, "I have a greater sense than I have ever had that God is up to something. There is a strange moving in the land! There is a fresh stirring in the tops of the mulberries! There are harbingers of holy things to come all around us! I am under the awesome impression that we are on the verge of the greatest Spirit-visitation since the beginning of Christendom." Much More is the sequel to The Key to Triumphant Living by Jack R. Taylor. Originally written in 1972, the truths contained within are timeless and universal. Across the nation a large number of people are experiencing a fresh exciting revival of the Holy Spirit. They are seeing remarkable things happen in their lives and in their churches. The messages incorporated in this book were developed in the heat of revival fire and take the reader deeper into Biblical truths that transform for practical living. The chapters of this book are classic messages by Jack Taylor which have stood the test of time and will doubtless enrich the reader's life.Published by Burkhart Books, Bedford, Texas

  • af Jack R Taylor
    183,95 kr.

    This book will help you release the full experience of praise into your life. The Hallelujah Factor will draw you unhindered into new depths of the worship experience. Your spirit will be lifted. You'll experience spiritual refreshing and learn to glorify God in all that you do.Unlock a treasure chest of spiritual riches as you read The Hallelujah Factor. This book is both dynamic and uplifting. Discover how to release the full experience of worship in your life. Praising God daily will change your life!"The Hallelujah Factor is a must-read for any serious worshiper!"-Lamar Boschman, Author & Dean of the Worship Institute"Jack Taylor's The Hallelujah Factor is not only great reading; it is dynamic truth that works! I've read it several times and find something fresh and new in it each time!"-Judson Cornwell, Leading Author and worship authorityPublished by Burkhart Books, Bedford,

  • af Ditto L Tamer
    223,95 kr.

    Long ago, I decided not to stay ignorant, unhealthy, and die early. My story is birthed from over 20 years of learning and understanding from smart people how to maintain healthiness. Even though I am in my 50s, and am no one special, random people often walk up to me and ask what I am doing. My initial reply is, "Do you really want to know?" There is no shortcut or quick fix for being fit, strong, and living well. My system is simple and proven to work if applied properly. If you are curious, watch out because I am known for being blunt! Copy Ditto is a way to establish and maintain optimal health and live a better life. It will help you save money, be a better steward, improve your self-esteem, give you more hours in the week, gain more energy, sleep better, and lessen your sick time. My personal challenge for you is to become healthier and live longer. Copy Ditto is a method for establishing and maintaining healthy health and living a better life. My name is Ditto, which means to repeat, so it fits, don't you think?It may surprise you, but my definition of healthy health is NOT what you think. Here are some things I have discovered that do NOT promote long-term healthy success: Being on a fad diet Running Aerobic and cardio only exercises Yoga only Taking diet pills Fad Diets Starving yourself in the form of fasting Consistently eating energy bars and protein drinks Juicing Living at the gym and working out every day Weighing foodA few of those things listed are great activities, but some of them are horrible to do in any form or fashion. What really works is simple, but doesn't seem to be very popular. If you can learn what I've copied from other experts, you will be healthy for life and an example to others as well.When I hit my 20s, I realized my ideas of healthy health were not good, nor were they working. It scared me. I had to figure it out from someone other than my family or friends, because they seemed unhealthy and couldn't teach me anything logical about the subject. I was getting fatter by the moment but didn't know how to change. As I walk you through my journey of sustaining good health in a practical way, you too will be able to copy all the things I do, because it is based on me copying other super-smart fit people. Hence, Copy Ditto! I am just passing on to you what I have learned from my own struggle.So, let me give you a way out. Allow me to state this disclaimer:CAUTION: DO NOT READ THIS BOOK IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR CURRENT HEALTH AND LIFE. READ THIS ONLY IF YOU ARE READY FOR A SUSTAINING LIFE CHANGE.There, you are off the hook! You will not be judged or scolded. You are free to remain in your present state of ill-health and live a shorter, less fulfilling life. For those who may still be interested, how did I figure out how to get a "B" on the health test of life? Keep reading, and I'll explain.

    158,95 kr.

  • af Cj Kuenzli
    113,95 kr.

  • af Tinker Walker
    128,95 - 183,95 kr.

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