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  • af Nick Nanton
    468,95 kr.

    ThoughtLeaders(R) are often described as being the authority figure in a specialized field who are sought out for their specific knowledge and skillset. However, they are so much more than that. They are constantly looking beyond the surface of their industry to adapt traditional methods of thought within their field into something new and improved with their innovative ideas and unique insights.ThoughtLeaders(R) are the people who inspire, teach and encourage us to advance ourselves, in every sense of the term. Even better, ThoughtLeaders(R) believe in sharing their wisdom in hopes that even more people will benefit from their knowledge and find personal and professional success. The ThoughtLeaders(R) in this Anthology share those beliefs and have o ered the lessons and skills they have acquired through time-tested experience in order to help their readers achieve the victories in life that may have been eluding them until now.Whether you're looking for encouragement, effective tools to expand your business, ways to improve your health and wellbeing or anything in between, these ThoughtLeaders(R) have the knowledge, experience and skillset necessary to enhance your life. In order to walk down the path of success you need to be willing to learn from those who have traveled it before you. Let these ThoughtLeaders(R) instill their wisdom in you so that you too can reach a level of achievement and prosperity you've only imagined."If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." ~ Jim Rohn

  • af Jack Canfield
    313,95 kr.

    The starting point of all achievement is desire. Napoleon HillMastering a job means we are proficient at performing that particular task successfully. It is also useful to note here that the word "success" has different meanings to different people. Success can mean, among other things: fame, fortune, emotional or skillful achievement.Proceeding through our growth years to maturity, we spend time and effort accumulating knowledge and resources, assessing our strengths and limitations, and taking action based on what we have learned. As we grow, so does our appetite for adventure and success. So, fortified with our initial progress, we set out to test our strength against the world. For those who achieve mastery of one job, the taste of success and the confidence it generates often propels them to attempt to master other tasks.To accomplish a chosen undertaking is synonymous with success; however, learning to master more significant tasks is often our real challenge. That's where the Celebrity Experts(R) in this book come in. They have achieved mastery in their various fields and are willing to share their secrets and methods of mastery with you. An integral quality of successful people is their willingness to help others succeed. One of the finest secrets for Mastering the Art of Success can be found in the following quote: I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas Edison

  • af The World's Leading Professionals
    313,95 kr.

    Individuals pursue success as a goal. Success is a condition based on the outcome of your movement from your point of origin to your chosen finishing line. This obviously varies by individual and situation. In business, success is commonly measured in goal achievement, dollars and/or recognition. As a guide, it is always useful to look at philosophies that successful leaders propose to move you towards your goal of success. In fact, that's what makes this book so valuable. Here are some of the world's leading professionals who have achieved success. They discuss their accomplishments for your guidance. Each chapter has valuable information and insight from some of today's most experienced professionals. Here are three quotes that present different facets of success by well-known business people who have enjoyed the satisfaction of success: You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action. Anthony Robbins Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk. J.C. Penney Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. Henry Ford For coaching and guidance by some of today's Leading Professionals, read on in this Success Guide...

  • af Jay Kinder
    313,95 kr.

    The concept of GameChanging applies to every fieldof endeavor. There are leaders, followers and those who are rooted to the spot. GameChangers lead. The position of leadership has great advantages in business and invariably leads to success - but it's difficult to obtain, and in the competitive world, requires vigilance to stay ahead of the pack. The Real Estate Sales Industry is a great example.Buying a home is one of the largest purchases most of us will ever make. Using the wrong real estate agent can be a costly error. As the Celebrity Experts(R) in this book constantly mention, no buyer or seller should leave such a major transaction to chance. These Celebrity Experts(R) - experienced agents - advise you to find a knowledgeable agent that will best represent your interests in any real estate transaction.The Real Estate agents in this book discuss a variety of methods to maximize your outcome in a real estate transaction - whether you are an agent or a client. Who better to listen to than someone who has been down the same road many times before? Read their suggestions and advice and make your own decisions. Learn from a GameChanger!

  • af The World's Leading Experts
    318,95 kr.

    Stand apart: a term that is applied more to success than to failure - for good reason. The people who stand apart in the New Economy are not the "same old, same old." Instead of further explaining the meaning of - 'to stand apart, ' it is useful to note the traits of those who stand apart in success: 1. They are usually leaders who do not follow the herd. 2. They make decisions quickly and don't suffer from 'analysis paralysis.' 3. They take calculated risks. 4. They understand that failure is a part of success and don't offer excuses. 5. They are creative when looking at both problems and opportunities. 6. They understand the true meaning of giving and receiving. The list goes on and on, but instead of merely creating a list, we have compiled practical advice from authors all around the world. This way, you can read for yourself the way that the Celebrity Experts(R) in this book, led by Dan Kennedy, stand apart. These are people who willingly share their knowledge and will guide and coach you to success in their fields. They have accomplished their goals and... stand apart! So, follow Celebrity Expert(R) leaders and Stand Apart - the rewards are there!!!! Tell them to stand closer apart. Samuel Goldwyn, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

  • af Jack Canfield
    318,95 kr.

    The desire to keep knowledge from circulating is the essence of any secret. In the case of the secret of success, entrepreneurs and forward thinkers have come around to recognizing that success is NOT to be kept a secret, but rather, shared for the good of the community, the world, and themselves. We recall the famous words of Napoleon Hill: It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. Therefore, among the secrets to success, mentoring those who wish to learn more about the process is paramount. Other vital factors in success include the need for specific knowledge, saving time by avoiding mistakes, having the passion needed, as well as the will to pursue your dreams and to take action to achieve this success. Dreams without action were once called "pipe dreams" - just smoke screens where nothing tangible was ever accomplished. While we need to beware of charlatans and cheats, more and more of us wish to succeed personally and help others along the way do the same. The electronic age has ably assisted this cause. Our CelebrityExperts in this book can now share The BIG Secret with their clients and, in fact, all around the world, showing and helping those who desire to accomplish great deeds and influence the world positively, how to go about this task. One of the finest reminders we have had on the secret of success is from Thomas Edison: I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

  • - The Definitive Guide To Choosing The Best Dental Treatments For Failing Or Missing Teeth
    af Bryce Gates
    163,95 kr.

    Our smiles are often our signature, and a genuine smile carries through into the way we carry ourselves and even the spark in our eyes. It means so much and it's a sign of friendliness, which is an important factor in opening up opportunities for greater happiness and fulfillment. In a world where we should be using our smile to change the world, we need to be mindful of how losing our smile can change us. Dr. Bryce Gates is aware of this every single day when he goes to work and with every patient that he meets. Imagine how wonderful it would be to go from covering up your beautiful smile to allowing others to see it without fear or embarrassment. That very reason, to prompt more confident smiles, is why Dr. Gates wrote this book. Inside he details the best dental treatments to repair failing or missing teeth and return those, big, bright smiles back to his patients. If you've even wondered how to improve the condition of your missing or failing teeth you only need to sit down and turn the page. Dr. Bryce Gates will walk you through the options of changing your smile, and in turn changing your life.

  • af Nick Nanton
    313,95 kr.

    How often have you chased the Code to Success? If you are like most people, you have tried Cracking the Code to Success before. From observation, you may also have noted that there is no specific roadmap that guarantees success. We are all endowed with different personalities and come from any number of different backgrounds, so we approach different tasks in our own individual ways. Everyone has experienced some measure of success in life. To move up to a higher level, whether it is for recognition, financial reasons, or some other definition of success that you choose, there are many qualities of successful people by which you can be guided. While we often hate to ask for help, mentoring is one of the key ingredients to help you crack the code to success much faster than you could on your own. The Celebrity Experts in this book are happy to mentor you with their expertise based on their proven experiences and core principles. They have "been there and done that." Mentors will help you avoid the ruts and potholes and save you "oceans of time" while you are trying to get onto the highway of success. In addition to mentoring, you will need specific knowledge, clarity of goals, perseverance and passion to get you past the "no's" and naysayers, as well as an action plan and a willingness to help others along the way. To Your Success! Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. Conrad Hilton

  • af Nick Nanton
    313,95 kr.

    So you wish to escape the humdrum and enjoy higher visibility, success and status in your field. You have noted that many are trapped in a vicious cycle of life and mindset, making no real progress. However, you wish to be different. Fire is synonymous with heat and light, so the phrase Ignite Your Life connects your desire to move from darkness and anonymity to becoming recognizable and significant. It is this state that the PremierExperts(R) in this book have attained. They have achieved different levels of visibility and success in their chosen fields. As you read this book, you will note that they all come from diverse and unique backgrounds, confirming that success is not set aside for any particular individual or group and is not limited to any particular subject. The PremierExperts(R) in this book cover a variety of topics, but for each author there is a commonality of mindset that promotes success. They utilize knowledge, goal-setting, perseverance, passion and action to move them to their desired goal. The information they have shared here - including guidance on 'how to' as well as 'how NOT to' - makes their stories invaluable to all who wish to learn the secrets to successful achievement. So, go now! Go out and Ignite Your Life! Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! Dr. Seuss

  • af Donna Krech
    313,95 kr.

    Goals....we all make them; we all break them. And then we find ourselves setting goals for the same things again and again. We don't hit our goals because something comes against us - Donna Krech calls them 'Motivation Assassinators'. This book will help you identify those Motivation Assassinators and give you practical tools for overcoming them. As owner of a national chain of weight loss and wellness facilities and a wellness expert, Donna realized that people would lose and then gain, lose and then gain again. As an international speaker and author on personal growth, she would also see people so excited when leaving a training or success seminar. In both cases, they'd be so sure that "this time" they were going to do it, "this time" they were going to achieve that goal. They set out with such great enthusiasm, but a few days later the excitement was gone and the goal was no longer being pursued. She realized the reason had to be more than the seemingly obvious. There had to be more to it than the goal they were hoping to achieve. It had to be more than just one element. Maybe it's happened to you; you look up and wonder, "What happened?" The motivation is gone. That's what's happened. We have good intentions, and we have a good plan to follow to achieve our goals, but we don't realize what comes against the motivation and stops it dead in its tracks. Inside this book you will learn what the Assassinators are and identify the specific ones that are preventing your success. You will create a detailed action plan that will get you moving toward success today. Never-Ending Motivation works with ANY goal. Aren't you tired of setting out to achieve a goal and not achieving it, then setting out again to achieve that same goal again, and not achieving it, again? You can change that when you identify which Motivation Assassinator has stopped you.

  • af Jack Canfield
    313,95 kr.

    The intriguing part of success is that it means such different things to different people. However, just as success encompasses achievement, SuccessOnomics(TM) implies the achieving of goals through fiscal competence. The concept of Success combined with Economics is a formidable financial combination.The Celebrity Experts(R) in this book have been successful in different areas, but they all exhibit the major components of success: perseverance, passion, planning, risk-taking with a willingness to fail, decision-making, and, maybe the most important of all, they create change by taking action.The authors in this book share their success methodology and mindset. This allows the reader to understand not merely how they think, but, more importantly, how these Celebrity Experts(R) can guide and coach them to a mastery of SuccessOnomics(TM) in their own lives.

  • af Cfp Jeff Cirino Emba
    313,95 kr.

    Everyone with a view to retirement has received and continues to receive unending financial advice on retirement. The advice comes from family, friends and professionals. There is such a plethora of advice on the subject that you invariably wonder what is correct. Your parents probably started the conversation on saving for your future by saying something like: "Put aside something for a rainy day!" or "Don't put all your eggs in one basket!" While there are many very financially astute family members and friends, every individual retirement case is different, and a non-professional may easily overlook factors that do not personally affect them, or that they have not encountered. The truth is we need to get retirement financial advice from a trusted professional who deals with financial planning for a living. In this book, Jeff Cirino, EMBA, CFP(R), a professional financial planner and Celebrity Expert(R), gives you much to ponder over. He has a wealth of experience and will guide you to review your portfolio carefully. An advocate of fee-based financial advice, his is an objective approach to your most important r etirement decisions. You owe it to yourself to read this book. You will make better financial decisions and you will better understand the questions that need to be asked.

  • af Nick Nanton
    313,95 kr.

    When we leverage, we aggregate and organize existing resources to achieve success. Richie NortonIn order to utilize Leverage profitably, you must first amass all the ingredients necessary to make the change. Then, in order to achieve your goal, you have to implement the skills that you have acquired, and/or utilize a mentor. To use a cooking analogy, you cannot make a cake without all the ingredients - which reminds us that we can't accomplish our goals if we don't have all the elements required.That being said, one of the most important elements used by successful people to achieve success is mentorship. When working into a field in which we do not have adequate experience, progress is generally slow. And we know that we cannot always rely on luck, patronage or past experience to propel us in the right direction. One of the most productive alternatives to speed up our progress is to find, and be guided by, a mentor.Using the Celebrity Experts(TM) in this book as guides and mentors, you will learn of their successes and failures, both of which can act as a steady GPS to move you closer to your goal. In their absence, and left to your own plans and devices, the task may be even more daunting than you imagined. You will find that you can use their help to Leverage your situation, thereby saving you both time and finances in getting you to your goal.Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four-hour days. Zig Ziglar

  • af Kelly Brown
    313,95 kr.

    Over the last 36 years, dentistry, government regulations, employees and patients have all drastically changed. Naivety today comes with a very expensive price tag. One most dentists don't need to pay. Over the years I have trained, mentored, associated and partnered with well over 100 dentists. I have birthed more solo dental practices than any other dentist in the world. It is my intent with this book to guide you around the pitfalls of going into private practice, save you time and money. I hope you use my experience and knowledge to build your wisdom and become a productive, profitable dental practitioner.

  • af The World's Leading Experts
    313,95 kr.

    The phrase Against The Grain has been in known written use since the early 17th century, but its meaning has not changed over the years. In 2013, we apply this phrase to non-traditionalists who work outside of the norm or commonly-accepted thought patterns. Entrepreneurs, in particular, are well-known for using this non-traditional approach to attain success in their unique endeavors, and the Celebrity Experts(R) in this book have survived and thrived in the midst of the constantly-changing marketplace - going Against The Grain. Successful entrepreneurs, including our Celebrity Experts (R), have often made decisions that appear unusual and go Against The Grain. They carefully assess the conditions and make decisions that many would claim foolhardy, risky or illogical. However, they are not bystanders - they have achieved their goals! Have you? The Celebrity Experts(R) in this book include entrepreneurs, mentors and coaches. They go a step further and empower you with the secrets of their success. To the reader who wants to enjoy success, these Celebrity Experts(R) will share proven ways to move forward with their plans, the mindset required and the way to do it. They will be formidable guides. So, to move forward, follow the Celebrity Experts(R) and go Against The Grain....

  • - Business Strategies for Explosive Growth in the New Economy
    af Brian Tracy
    313,95 kr.

    With the economic upheaval we have all experienced in the new economy, it's hard not to feel that the way we do business is under attack. Traditions and the status quo have all been replaced with "New Normals," making it more and more difficult to find a clear-cut path to success. In this refreshingly authentic book, thirty-five business leaders from around the world with very diverse backgrounds have teamed up to share what's working now-so you can stop wondering and start profiting. As you read this book, you'll find that the authors and concepts in this book run the full gamut. From rags-to-riches stories of people who have raised themselves up by their bootstraps - from all across the globe to become prominent business leaders - to hard-hitting advice that seems like common sense. Unfortunately, common sense sometimes isn't common knowledge. These leaders also advocate some strategies that seem very "against the grain." The great news is that every author in this book has laid out their best advice from their own experience, so you can find what resonates with you and start implementing - and join in the economic COUNTER ATTACK!

  • af Brian Tracy
    313,95 kr.

    Beat The Status Quo! Those who wish to improve are willing to make changes, others are dreamers. As Henry Ford so aptly put it: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." While this does not mean you have been unsuccessful, aspirations to move to a higher standard will require changes. What changes can a book like this offer? Beat The Curve is a compilation of authors who have outperformed the status quo. Their fields are different and their approaches are varied. Their ability and passion for their work, coupled with their perseverance, have allowed these Celebrity Experts(R) to soar to a higher level. While they have developed their successes in different ways, there are the common threads throughout. Why not be guided by a mountain climber who has been to the top before? To quote the Chinese philosopher, Confucius: Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. With the expert help available in the pages of this book, you will not only learn from their successes and their failures, but you will now have their guidance to help Beat The Curve.

  • af Pamela Yellen
    313,95 kr.

    Have you been doing "all the right things" financially that you've been taught to do, but you haven't achieved the growth or financial security you hoped for? If so, you're not alone. The typical investor lost 50 percent of their savings-TWICE!-in just one decade. Wall Street and the big banks control the financial system and pad their own pockets at your expense. They're deemed "too big to fail" and get bailed out-an option you don't have. The system is clearly rigged, so why leave your life savings at their mercy? Instead, discover little-known ways to turn your back on Wall Street and grow and protect your hard-earned dollars. And learn how to fire banks and credit card companies and become your own source of financing. Between the covers of this book, the nation's best and brightest financial advisors show you how to stop worrying about the next market crash and achieve the financial security and peace of mind you deserve. Read The Secret to Lifetime Financial Security and learn how to grow your money safely and predictably every year-and without risking it in stocks, real estate and other volatile investments.

  • af Jack Canfield
    313,95 kr.

    There is a point at which our actions and thoughts aggregate to move us towards a decision. This is the point where momentum overcomes inaction and is often referred to as a turning point. These decisions are made for reasons that have varying effects on our lives, from casual to momentous. This book, Turning Point, is filled with authors who reveal successful turning points in their lives -points in time at which they were able to move their agendas forward. They discuss information they used to arrive at their conclusions, even including decisions that were unproductive-which can also help you avoid making the same mistakes. This type of mentorship and experience can save you significant time and unnecessary expense in putting your plans into action. The fields that these authors cover include business success, personal accomplishment, resurgence in health, and success with finances. Many of these authors found that their turning points were discovered through a change in personal positioning or by adopting a mentor or deity who would guide them. For whatever reason their changes were accomplished, they share their experiences to help readers get to that point. What a wonderful sharing concept!

    313,95 kr.

    Are YOU a TRENDSETTER? By definition, a Trendsetter is not a follower. So, what is a Trendsetter? Is it a leader? Leadership can mean leading in thought, word or deed, or some combination of all three. In the Business World, thought has no future if bounded by inaction - commonly referred to as 'analysis paralysis' - so thought and deed are invariably intertwined. Now combine those two with the 'word' portion of the trifecta of thought, word and deed, and now...we have the prospect of leadership and success. So, are you a Trendsetter? You may be. There is no prescription for one, but you can compare your goals and achievements with the benchmarks made by those in this book. In this book, we give you a number of our Celebrity Experts(R) who are Trailblazers and Trendsetters. They have done it! These are successful experts who made their mark and share with you how they and their concepts developed. Can Trendsetting be emulated? Absolutely, but you, yourself, will have to personally work through the stages of thought, word and deed...just like these leaders have. May you be crowned by your definition of Success! What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. Zig Ziglar

  • - Getting Deals Done in the New Economy
    af Ron Legrand
    318,95 kr.

    The New Masters of Real Estate is a collective MasterMind effort of America's leading real estate experts teaching their best strategies on how to profit from real estate in the new economy. From how to find the right properties and tie them up with no money down, all the way to marketing and selling properties to cash in on current opportunities, this book will teach you the secrets you need to know (including pitfalls to avoid). The book taps the minds of twenty-four leading experts who have figured out how to profit from real estate in the new economy. Your newfound knowledge gained from this book will allow you to intelligently shift your money to your most effective investing options, discard wasted strategies that don't produce, and show you how to increase your profits on the real estate in which you invest. About the Author Ron LeGrand, Caitie Yue, Donna and John MacNeil, Eddie Miller, Robert and Elizabeth Lisk, Dr. Grant Kilpatrick, Jay Conner, Jim Zaspel, Stephanie and Jon Iannotti, Lisa Donner, Matt and Richard McLean, Nathan Witt, Philip Blackett, Brian T. Evans, Jr., Brian Snyder, Christine Brown, CPA, Rick Donner, CPA, Ricky Strain, Tom Burtness and Troy Singer.

  • af Nick Nanton
    318,95 kr.

    Everyone wishes to enjoy success. The desire to succeed runs deep. So why does it take so long for us to figure out how to get there? You would think that a list of rules for succeeding should be readily available and accessible to all, making success quick and easy to accomplish.Making a case for using rules of success is easy. However, what are these rules? ...and why were we not told about them before? The successes enjoyed by the CelebrityExperts(R) in this book, The Golden Rules of Success, are shared with you for that very reason. While each individual author may have a unique goal, there are many common threads they share on their journey to success. Such mentorship allows the reader not only to take advantage of finding a faster path to success, but also to avoid the failures that these authors encountered to get there.Included among the factors these CelebrityExperts(R) employ on their journey to success are: planning, use of their unique talents, passion to attain their goal, a desire to share with their community, taking action as opposed to analysis-paralysis, learning from mistakes and persevering. Using their guidance will be efficient and time-saving. You will find these Golden Rules of Success truly inspiring!

  • af The World's Leading Experts
    313,95 kr.

    Get the motivation and the information you need to rise up to the next level of success! No matter what line of work you're in, the marketplace constantly challenges you. No matter how savvy an entrepreneur or skilled a professional you are, you risk losing ground every day you don't push forward. That's why you need every advantage possible to achieve the prosperity you're after. Now, America's #1 Success Coach, Jack "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Canfield, has gathered together the top business minds from around the world in one powerful book. This guide to prosperity contains their secret strategies to conquer the competition and bring ongoing abundance into your life. Dare to achieve your greatest ambitions. Dare to break through to new levels of professional and personal accomplishment. Dare to discover the happiness and fulfillment you've always wanted to attain. Dare to Succeed-and dare to live your dream.

  • - 35 Winning Strategies from Today's Leading Entrepreneurs
    318,95 kr.

    Everyone loves to WIN. Winning connotes a competitive spirit, a rise to the top, and that supreme feeling of accomplishment. Mankind has posted gains throughout history and these exemplify the victory of a WIN! So... "What are we winning in this book?" This book uses the benchmarks of Health, Wealth and Success as three targets for Winning. We have therefore included a select group of people who have surmounted the pinnacle of these lofty peaks and women that can look back down the mountain and say, "I did it!" Regardless of how you 'slice it and dice it, ' the chapters in this book give you inside traits, habits and actions of successful achievers in an enjoyable read. If you have a desire to join them, you can read, scrutinize and copy the methods and thinking that these WINNERS have developed to help get you there. The plans and strategies in this book are many and varied. Each chapter is characterized by focus, discipline and substance. Follow the Celebrity Experts, adopt tested and proven winning strategies in your life and be... A WINNER!!!

  • af Nick Nanton
    313,95 kr.

    Success can only be measured by your own yardstick. We use the achievement of goals, whatever they may be, to measure and compare our successes. Some measurements may include public recognition or assets we accumulate, perhaps improving the lives of others, or any other goal(s) you set. There are numerous facets to the diamond of success. One facet is that successful people dedicate a part of their lives to helping others, particularly the idea of Paying It Forward.We often think of everyday life in terms of "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." However, this is merely the act of returning the eye, the tooth or the money, in short... a loan repayment that is required and expected. On the other hand, the idea of "paying it forward" is an old concept of repaying a kindness to someone other than the one who helped you in the first instance. Such selfless and often unexpected help expands the circle of helping hands-like the multiple ripples caused by a single rock thrown into water.The Celebrity Experts(R) in this book have enjoyed their success and are willing to share their achievements with you. Their coaching and guidance in this book will move you forward to your success easier and faster than if you work entirely on your own. They have the experience that can shorten your trip to the finish line, and help you to avoid many of their mistakes.

  • af Nick Nanton
    313,95 kr.

    The name of this book was carefully chosen. The phrase "Ready, Set, Go!" highlights the idea that goals are achieved by moving in a predetermined direction. The Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, is credited with the statement that 'a journey of one thousand miles must start with the first step'. This age-old philosophy validates that a goal cannot be accomplished without first taking action.Action is a prerequisite for achieving goals when they are planned. We can recall the discussion in Alice in Wonderland between Alice and the Cheshire cat, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." This simple logic underlines the idea that you need a planned destination or purpose in order to move toward your goal. These two simple ideas - (1) deciding on your goal in advance, and (2) planning your actions - are fundamental principles for meaningful and efficient progress towards your goal.The CelebrityExperts(R) in this book have all made progress and accomplished goals. They have succeeded in different fields using various methods, but they share their talents, achievements and failures in this book, so that you can learn from their successes and avoid their failures. Your specifics may differ from theirs, but principles of success remain the same. So, start today!Ready, Set, Go!

  • - Hollywood Secrets Revealed: How to Sell Without Selling
    af Nick Esq Nanton
    313,95 kr.

    The Avengers was 2012's number one worldwide box office winner - but did you know the seeds of this blockbuster movie's success were actually planted fifty years earlier? You'll find out how in StorySelling: Hollywood Secrets Revealed, when Emmy winner Nick Nanton and J.W. Dicks, authors of the best-selling Celebrity Branding You(TM), expose why StorySelling is the most powerful method of persuasion known to man - and how any entrepreneur or business owner can put it to work to create their own blockbuster success! From the science behind why stories are essential to the human mind - to the secrets behind the story elements that are irresistible to an audience - Nanton and Dicks uncover what made the greatest StorySelling campaigns of all time click and show you how to use those very same ingredients to create your own marketing juggernaut. Inside this practical, heavily-researched, and entertaining howto guide are the principles Hollywood uses to build its billion dollar franchises. StorySelling: Hollywood Secrets Revealed is truly your ticket to awesome business success.

  • af Jack Canfield
    313,95 kr.

    Success is a concept universally embraced but individually defined. Our definition of success truly depends on our individual goals. For example, your goal might be monetary, a physical accomplishment or a moral achievement. To flesh out this topic, we are adding a few comments made by famous and successful people in diverse fields - similar and familiar concepts to those put forward by the CelebrityExperts(R) in this book.Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T. WashingtonYou can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. Napoleon Hill The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. Vince LombardiNothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas JeffersonIn our New Economy, the acquisition of success has been reformatted somewhat by business and industry even though its principles remain the same. The Electronic Revolution has changed the economic landscape as much as the Industrial Revolution. We now live more and more in "real time" and expect others to do the same. This era of instant communication has changed the ways in which we communicate and expect responses. To succeed today, it is useful, perhaps essential, to have a mentor. Errors will be made, but to minimize them will speed up your journey. The CelebrityExperts(R) in this book will help you along the way. They have been there and know the road. Who would be better to guide you? They will illuminate your path to The Soul Of Success...

  • af Art McPherson
    313,95 kr.

    You can lose thirty, forty, or even fifty percent of your income just by paying excess taxes.Most people don't think about this when looking towards retirement since they've spent so many years focused on earning. Have you ever considered the impact of taxes on your income, and what paying taxes means for you not only today, but in the future? Making these kinds of investments in your future takes commitment, expertise, and support.Acclaimed and prolific authors Art McPherson and Mike Canet share their experiences with tax planning, and provide strategic examples to help you make the best choices for your money. This book will guide you along the way with a helpful framework to lead you towards a completely taxfree retirement. With tax strategy examples from two experts in the field, this book is essential to making the changes you need to make the best choices with your money.They say there are two things in life you can't avoid: death and taxes. While there's no way of getting out of death, there might be something we can do about taxes, after all. This book guides you through strategies on how to avoid taxes and maximize your assets over time, as well as why tax planning is so important to achieve the retirement of your dreams.At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much you make: it is how much you keep. What you do next in terms of the next step is up to you.

  • af Nick Nanton
    313,95 kr.

    It is amazing how different we all think of Success. While some of us think in terms of material, measurable success, others think in terms of accomplishment, public acclaim, and/or moral intangibles. Whether measurable or not, we pursue our individual dreams to attain a feeling of accomplishment or perhaps in serving others. The major difference is that the former (measurable) is easy to quantify, while the latter (intangible) is steeped in opinion, judgment and fulfilment. As no universal measurement for success exists, personal options abound. The idea of Cracking the Success Code can be compared in some ways to finding the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Our ability to achieve our dreams can be totally enticing and attract us like a magnet. The beauty of achievement is that it can lead us to bigger dreams and greater successes. That is no surprise. Success is the very essence of our survival, focus, and growth. The CelebrityExperts(R) in this book have enjoyed cracking the success code. They have achieved a platform of success that can launch them to greater accomplishments. Learning how they have attained their goals is an important lesson to all who chase their dreams. If you wish to pursue your own dreams, you can learn from their experiences (both successes and failures), therein saving yourself both valuable time and expense. The authors herein can mentor you on their successes and even what they avoided - lessons worth their weight in gold! It is now time for action.

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