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  • af Brigitte Gabriel
    268,95 kr.

    Journalist and anti-Islam activist Gabriel regularly faces death threats from terrorists, condemnation from critics, and attacks from the "PC police," yet she refuses to back down. Here she discusses the forces that threaten national security and what can be done to help protect the Judeo-Christian values of America.

  • af John Eckhardt
    173,95 kr.


  • af Lacey Buchanan
    173,95 kr.

    Understand how God turns tragic circumstances into something beautiful for His glory, while learning to love more, complain less, and see God at work in the most unlikely of places.

  • af John Bevere
    233,95 kr.

    The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of Godoffense.

  • af Rod Parsley
    223,95 kr.

    "Could it be that God is giving us one last opportunity to allow His Spirit to be poured out upon the earth before the return of Jesus? This book will stir you to fan the flames of revival in your own heart so you can partner with the Holy Spirit and fellow believers to see a sweeping move of God transform America and the world. Are we living in the last days? Is it possible that God is getting ready to pour out His Spirit on the earth one last time before Jesus returns? In Revival...IF, best-selling author Rod Parsley gives readers a road map for cultivating renewal in their own hearts and minds and for participating in spiritual revival on a national scale. Drawing from over forty years of experience with revival personally and in ministry, Parsley: Clarifies what revival is and what it is not Explains the difference between revival and awakening Includes historical accounts and current perspectives on various revivals While the methods of revival may change, the message remains the same. This book shares timeless, biblical truths that will empower believers to seize the moment and experience true, lasting revival and personal renewal"--

  • af Cbn
    82,95 kr.

    "Chris is so busy trying to get presents, he won't set up a manger scene-until he discovers the greatest Christmas gift of all time. Join the adventure as Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to the hills of ancient Bethlehem. Witness Joseph and Mary's frantic search for lodging before their baby is born. Experience the wonder as a majestic choir of angels heralds the newborn King lying in a humble manger. Gather your family and get ready for an exciting journey as our heroes learn that the true meaning of Christmas is far greater than parties and presents!"--

  • af Steve Foss
    213,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered what Satan’s biggest weapon against God’s people is? This book is going to help me understand shame as the root spirit that the enemy has unleased to control, dominate, manipulate, and demoralize God’s people. No longer will I be bound to the enemy’s tactics as I begin to set my eyes on the things that Jesus cares most deeply about. During one of his most intense spiritual battles, international evangelist Steve Foss received a series of prophetic dreams and visions that exposed the key weapon the enemy is using against God’s people—shame. Believers are ashamed of past mistakes. Churches are being shamed for standing for the gospel. Brother is turning against brother as the culture shames those who don’t walk in lockstep with their agenda. Cancel culture itself is a way of shaming people into submission to the status quo. Shame is transforming our culture into a godless, sin-celebrating society. Shame was the final attack upon Jesus when He was on the cross, and it was designed to keep Him from fulfilling His destiny. But God has given His people a more powerful weapon to overcome the enemy’s attacks. We just have to learn how to use it. In Satan’s Big Fat Lie, Foss exposes Satan’s great end-time strategy and how Christians can war against it. Shame is that great demon power the enemy has unleashed to control, dominate, manipulate, and demoralize God’s people. But discovering what Jesus is focused on will empower us to overcome and walk in perfect peace in the midst of the chaos of this world. 

  • af Katie Souza
    178,95 kr.

  • af Michelle McClain-Walters
    178,95 kr.

  • af R.T. Kendall
    193,95 kr.

  • af Michael L Brown
    243,95 kr.

    "How long will the church's voice be drowned out by the roar of the enemy? After reading this book, you will understand the critical issues threatening the spread of the gospel in America, and how you can play a part and no longer be a "silent lamb" drowned out by the voices of secularism, liberalism, and pagan thinking in America. If you are a conservative living in America today, there is a target on your back. If you are a Christian conservative, that target is even bigger. If you are a Christian conservative who refuses to bow down to the spirit of the age, the spirit of political correctness, that target is so big that you are a marked man or woman. A person like that-like you!-must be silenced. So says today's cultural elite, who are making it increasingly difficult for Christians to stand up and live out their faith. In The Silencing of the Lambs, Dr. Michael L. Brown lays out what is happening in the world around us-from the assault on children in schools and on college campuses to the unprecedented censorship of Christians and conservatives through Big Tech. He then maps out strategies for how we can turn the pitfalls into platforms and find courage in the midst of opposition. The Word of God cannot be bound. The church cannot be cancelled. This book sounds the alarm, alerting Christians to the increasing censorship, opposition, and even persecution believers are facing today, and calls them to remove the muzzle, take their place as the church in this nation, and turn the tide"--

  • af David Bradshaw
    188,95 kr.

    What if the presence of God became so real in people’s hearts that it revived the church and ushered in the next Jesus Movement?   From the Upper Room in Jerusalem to the Moravian community in Germany, God’s personal presence always changes everything. Awaken the Dawn chronicles the story of a movement of day-and-night worship, prayer, creativity, and mission that is impacting America and the nations by bringing the presence of God into our cities and campuses. This story is part of the same movement David pioneered when he served as the greatest king in Israel’s history and that the Book of Acts chronicles as God’s presence filled communities.   It’s time for a generation to find their voice in the symphony of creative worship, prayer, and gospel proclamation that God is orchestrating. Jesus’ way of changing the world is surprising and exhilarating and is certainly the opposite of the systems of the world. This book will help you find your part in Jesus’ plan by discussing: What God’s presence is and how it changes our heartsIncredible stories of God’s activity in the nation and what He is saying through themGod’s values and how He brings transformation and mercyWhy Jesus is central to all that the Holy Spirit is doingThis book will equip you to be a part of Jesus’ astounding storyline for a great spiritual awakening.  It will give you hope and keys on how God is unfolding his mission of mercy and transformation and how you can be a part of it.

  • af Bill Winston
    188,95 kr.

    Where you go starts with your recognition of who you are in Christ.    This book will inspire you to know who you am in Christ. It will motivate you to reach higher levels of success and satisfaction in life, family, and business.   Our salvation in Christ ensures that every one of our needs or godly desires has been provided for by God. Yet many in the body of Christ are suffering and going without. Revelation is the key to developing the faith to receive the inheritance Jesus died to provide for us. One man said, “You are not suffering because there is a great devil, but because of your great ignorance.” Ignorance of our identity in Christ is one reason many Christians are not possessing their divine inheritance. As someone once said, “Your vast inheritance [in Christ] comes only in proportion to your new identity.”   Our identity will influence what we become, how rich or poor we will be, how high we will climb, even how long we will live. The more revelation a person has of his new identity in Christ, the more of God’s vast promises he will be able to receive and manifest in his life and circumstances. In Revelation of Royalty, you will discover: You cannot rise any higher than your confession and revelation of royaltyYou are a speaking spirit and have authority over the devil and all his works

  • af John Eckhardt
    198,95 kr.

    FROM THE BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF PRAYERS THAT ROUT DEMONS In the midst of difficulties and troubles, God is setting you up for the greatest breakthrough you’ve ever known!   This book will teach you how to take hope in God because of how God restored, vindicated, and made His name great in the lives of people like Job, Joseph, and Abraham. It will give you the encouragement you need to believe that God can work the same power in your life.   You have faced challenges—financial, emotional, physical, relational, ministerial, and business. It is often in the midst of these tests, trials, and difficulties that God prepares you to move into a new season of expansion. Even though the circumstances feel uncomfortable and victory may be hard to see, you will recuperate from devastation and not a moment of it will be wasted. Take comfort in knowing God will remember and vindicate every tear you’ve cried and will restore to you more than what the enemy stole and the locust ate.   Breaking open fresh revelations from the Psalms and Proverbs and examining snapshots of the lives of Gideon, Joseph, Abraham, and Job, You Shall Recover All will encourage you to know that through the tests and trials you thought had come to diminish you, God is actually turning them around for your good and preparing you for greatness. It may be tempting to give up hope or throw in the towel, but do not give in to discouragement, hopelessness, depression, doubt, or defeat. Despite what you see, God is still on the throne.   There is hope for you and your world. What the enemy means for bad, God turns around for your good. For all that you’ve pressed through and endured, let God put a new level of honor on your life. He will take you from least to greatest, and you shall recover all!

  • af John Loren Sandford
    153,95 kr.

    Why Good People Mess UpBy John Loren Sandford Why do good people fall into immorality? This book describes powerful, unseen forces that drive some Christians into adultery, fornication, homosexuality, incest, and other sexual sins. It includes practical guidelines and understanding for everyone involved—help and hope for the believer who wants to stand in the face of overwhelming sexual compulsions, and forgiveness and knowledge for one who has been hurt by leaders who have fallen. About the AuthorJOHN LOREN SANDFORD graduated from theological seminary with an M. Div. in religion. He pastored churches for twenty-one years before founding Elijah House.

  • af Kevin Wallace
    193,95 kr.

    What if just beyond this season of turmoil is your best season yet? This book will help you understand that God is working all things for your good and that He can turn any season into a time of blessing.   It would be easy to navigate life if every problem, every pain, and every setback came with a telegraph that enabled us to prepare for their arrival. But often our greatest struggles come with the least warning and feel like the greatest threat to our future. Even the most committed Christians find themselves in seasons that challenge their faith, shake their hopes, and make them fearful when thinking of the future. In Acts 8, the church experienced an unprecedented season of persecution, pain, and chaos. One of their leaders, Stephen, had been killed. The believers were being hunted. Their lives were being threatened. In addition to the fear and frenzy, Saul was wreaking havoc in the church. But following this season of being persecuted and terrorized, Acts 9:31 reveals that God changed the trajectory of their lives with two words: after this! After the pain, the fear, the loss, the misery, after the confusion and chaos, God decided it was time to change their season. The season of struggle that seemed like it would last forever had an expiration date! Like the early church, we must see that no matter how tough the situation we’ve walked through has been, it will not end there! There is a blessing and breakthrough coming after this!After This is an encouraging compass that points us to all that is waiting for us in the next season of our lives. It is a prophetic word revealing that this coming shift is a transition into a time of peace, multiplication, comfort, and strength. After the misery, after the mess, after the divorce, after the break up, after the bankruptcy, after the failure—even after COVID-19—there is an “after this” coming that will change everything for those who belong to God.

  • af David Grant
    188,95 kr.

    How does God get the Word out to a lost and dying world? This book will inspire you to see yourself as a tool for God’s kingdom. God has a ministry for everyone, and He will use what you make available to Him.   Missionary-preacher David Grant’s name has become synonymous in the Assemblies of God with riveting storytelling that makes listeners laugh one minute and cry the next. Very human stories of a kid growing up in Southern parsonages mix with deeply moving stories that expose great human need around the world and the great heart of our compassionate God who cares for the neediest and exploited.   In Born to Give, Grant tells his own riveting story, of a young boy who gave God his life in an offering pan at the invitation of a legendary missionary and became a missionary to the nations, ministering throughout Southern Asia, Europe, and Asia Pacific, and to victims of sexual slavery. Inspiring both laughter and tears, Born to Give is a refreshing and real story that will lead readers to place their own lives and resources in God’s miracle-working hands and engage with Him to bring hope in a broken, unjust world.   

  • af Stella Immanuel
    253,95 kr.

    Against all odds, our fight for freedom is our responsibility, we must RISE! This book will expose you to the hidden realities of the media’s silencing and opposition to those against the Left’s agenda. You will have an increased confidence to stand strong for your beliefs about your health, faith, and personal life despite what is going on around you. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, Dr. Stella Immanuel started treating her patients with hydroxychloroquine and saw surprising success. To date, she says she has treated more than seven thousand COVID patients with the drug, and only eight have passed away. The rest recovered.Yet Dr. Immanuel has been ripped in the media and even by the medical community, who say the drug not only doesn’t work but is harmful—the complete opposite of her experience. Her videos and accounts have been blocked on social media. The backlash has been so intense that she began to wonder if more sinister forces weren’t behind the attacks against her and other doctors who advocate using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID.In Let America Live, Dr. Immanuel shares her story—from unassuming Houston physician to one of the Left’s favorite punching bags. A minister as well as a physician, Dr. Immanuel also exposes the dark spiritual agenda she believes is behind the medical community’s opposition to hydroxychloroquine as a COVID treatment and the vaccination push. Despite intense opposition, Dr. Immanuel refuses to be silenced. She issues a clarion call to believers and all who love liberty to stand boldly against the spiritual and natural forces that are threatening Americans’ health and the future of the nation.

  • af Warren Marcus
    158,95 kr.

    What if you could unlock God's ancient secret of blessing with a prayer?   This book will help you understand the full meaning of this ancient prayer and unlock its supernatural power of blessing in your life.   Learn to unlock God’s blessing and favor on your life in thirty days by praying this "Divine Prayer of the Blessing" over yourself and others in the way God intended so you too can receive the "full supernatural impartation" in the same manner that the children of Israel did!     In Praying the Priestly Prayer, Warren Marcus explains the deeper meaning of the prayer through his "Amplified Hebrew to English translation" of this ancient scripture and coaches you on how to make this blessing a part of your daily life!   God wants to be proclaimed over you every day to bring: Supernatural favorProsperityAbundanceHealingProtectionAnd so much more!

  • af Mark A Gabriel
    119,95 kr.

    What fuels the conflict? There are powerful cultural and spiritual forces that explain… *Why Palestinians reject peace offers *Why radical Muslims attach Israel’s supporters, especially Americans *The role of Christians in unfolding world events *Why, if Islam is a religion of peace, Muslims kill Jews in the name of Allah, their god Why the Quran calls Jews “the children of monkeys and pigs”“I didn’t just do research about Islam; I lived if for thirty-four years!” -Mark Gabriel “Dr. Gabriels transformation from devout Muslim is a powerful reminder of how love can indeed conquer hate. His bold change of heart prompts him to bless the Jewish people rather than curse and hate them.” -Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein “Islam and the Jews reveals the secret agenda that is not being told by the media. I wish U.S. government officials would read this book.” -Sid Roth, President, Messianic Vision

  • af Kimberly Daniels
    163,95 kr.

    More than 95 percent of the psalms express or invite audible words.   This book will inform, equip, and inspire you to proclaim prayers that spread the gospel.   We are living in times of great discrimination against the message of the church. Special interest groups boldly stand on platforms and speak out in ways much like Goliath did when he mocked the armies of the Lord. The generals of that time hid and were afraid to speak out, but we must learn from their mistake. God is recruiting voices from the wilderness of the America we live in today to stand and speak truth in love.    The general attitude of many people is that prayer should be offered up only in the privacy of sanctuaries or the seclusion of prayer closets. This book defies that idea. As others are boldly coming out of the closet for whatever they are passionate about, so should believers!    We know that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. We also know God’s people perish for a lack of knowledge. Pray Out Loud not only informs and trains readers; it also equips them with prayers and declarations so they can intercede with power. This book encourages Christians to refuse to be silenced and instead to become violent interrupters who stand in the gap and with loud voices proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.  FEATURES AND BENEFITS:Trains and equips you to overcome intimidation and receive impartation to intercede with power Includes declarations and decrees for intercession and spiritual warfare

  • af Michelle McClain-Walters
    188,95 kr.

    Every woman is a legend in the making. Legendary women aren’t just those in the history books or leading in business or politics. They are everyday women—the single mom, the prayer leader, the stay-at-home wife—who choose to say yes to God. That one simple act can create a legendary legacy that lives on from generation to generation and forever changes the course of humankind as we know it.   In Legendary Woman, Bible teacher Michelle McClain-Walters gives flight to the legendary nature in each woman who dares to dream and risk everything to live out her divine purpose. Through the stories of women in Scripture and history, the book presents twelve characteristics of a legendary woman, and challenges you to identify your defining moments—when your destiny intersects with an epic need within your family, community, nation, or your world—and be willing to say yes to the legendary role God has uniquely fashioned for you. In addition, prayers and biblically based confessions, affirmations, and declarations throughout the book will fill you with the confidence you need to embrace who you are at every level.   This is the finest hour in human history to be a woman. The Lord Most High is activating an army of women who will lead, preach, pray, prophesy, and prosper under the active guidance of the Holy Spirit. Every woman has a place in this army. Every woman is a legend in the making. Whether you had a dark past or are the unlikeliest of heroes, you will come to embrace your path as a real-life legend in the making, the very expression of God in feminine form.Using female world-changers of the Bible, this book will encourage you to forget your past, realize your potential, and say yes to the divine destiny God is revealing to you. Other Books From Michelle McClain-Walters The Esther Anointing  978-1-62999-587-7The Deborah Anointing 978-1-62999-606-7The Anna Anointing 978-1-62999-947-1The Ruth Anointing 978-1-62999-463-5The Hannah Anointing 978-1-62999-567-0

  • af John Eckhardt
    158,95 kr.

    FROM THE BEST SELLING AUTHOR OF PRAYERS THAT ROUT DEMONS Victory over every obstacle is within reach, don't settle for anything less.   The enemy works overtime to keep people bound, exhausted, and frustrated. His goal is to convince believers that God’s promises are for everyone but them. When they believe his lies, they unknowingly partner with him and give him access to their lives. This is how a stronghold is formed. The enemy has bound God’s people up long enough. In Break Every Chain, John Eckhardt reveals twenty-five strongholds that commonly hold Christians captive. He exposes the enemy’s tactics and teaches readers to use the power of the Word to drive the devil out and break the chains that hold them back. This book empowers readers to stand upon the Word of the Lord, resist the devil, break free of bondage, and experience the blessings and promises of God.This book will help you discover the spiritual forces that could be behind your setbacks, failures, and defeats.  Your will learn how you may have unknowingly partnered with the devil by believing his lies, and you will experience breakthrough as you begin to replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

  • af Kathy Degraw
    188,95 kr.

    How do you fight and resist something you can't see?   Receive prophetic revelation to combat spiritual warfare in your life! We have a power source that can assist us in conquering the warfare around us. Jesus relied on this power source when He was baptized in the Spirit and fire. The Holy Spirit is our Helper and when we partner with Him in prophetic spiritual warfare, we will conquer and win the battle. Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit to: Effectively bind and rebuke the enemyLive victoriously as spiritual warfare attacks over your life ceaseClose demonic portals as you learn how to shut down demonic access Rely on the Holy Spirit to assist you in annihilating spiritual darknessBreak the bonds of fear over evil as you become a powerful spiritual warrior In Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, learn that you are not alone. You have a Helper—the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus also dwells within you. Activate His power today! This book will show you that spiritual warfare cannot be done with natural tools, reliance on the strength of the Holy Spirit is needed. You will learn that the battle between the natural and the spiritual realm has a direct impact on how you live and what happens to you. 

  • af Daniel Pierce
    149,95 kr.

    If you don’t have joy, you won’t have the strength to overcome. This book will help you better understand how even in the midst of crisis and chaos, God wants to use joy as a weapon to tear down the attacks of the enemy and give you the spiritual bandwidth to overcome.  Joy in the War is a unique book about finding joy in the midst of devastating events, including those happening in America and around the world. The Lord desires that His children know He is a covenant God. When we choose to align with His purposes, even the conflict and warfare surrounding us cannot stop His joy from manifesting and releasing a strength and purpose that empowers us to triumph. We can learn not to fear war or impending doom as we realize that overcoming joy can be our portion even in times of hardship.   These lessons from Daniel and Amber Pierce—part of the legacy family of Chuck Pierce—have been walked out over the past decade as they have lived in the Land of Israel: a place where war is a constant threat and lessons for America and the church can be gleaned.  

  • af John Lindell
    133,95 kr.

    In New Normal Study Guide, John Lindell invites you to join him on a life-changing journey following Joshua and the nation of Israel as they find out what it takes to live in the land of blessing God has prepared for them. Through these pages, you will discover an existence where you no longer view God’s best as a passing reality but as the place where you live.  Get the book to go with the study guide for your small group studies. Hardcover: 978-1-62999-910-4 E-book: 978-1-62999-947-0

  • af Michael Youssef
    188,95 kr.

    What if your understanding of praise in the life of a believer is completely wrong?   This book will help you recognize that praising God does more than honor the Lord; it puts you in a position to enjoy His nearness and to experience His touch in your life.  Empowered by Praise will guide you into a richer understanding of admiration for God. In learning to praise God in an abounding variety of forms, you will begin to experience God’s powerful presence in your life. And expressing glory to God will motivate and guide you in your daily decisions and relationships. Scripture assures us that God is present with us in a very real way when we praise Him. Along with His nearness comes a new level of His power operating in our lives.   When praise is practiced according to the biblical model: It releases us from earthly concernsIt transports us into God's presenceIt opens the door to God's power   Throughout this book, Dr. Michael Youssef will grow your wisdom in praising God and energize your daily practice of praise. He will teach you new ways to give praise that will result in personal growth and spiritual transformation.  FEATURES AND BENEFITS:An updated and expanded edition of one of Michael Youssef’s best-selling books, including a study guide for individuals and groups.

  • af Cbn
    88,95 kr.

    These storybooks bring Bible stories to life using the same beautiful artwork from the classic Superbook series that received three Daytime Emmy nominations. Each book features engaging, age-specific content that coordinates with Superbook DVD stories. Children can learn God's Word and be introduced to the Superbook series for the first time. BOOK SUMMARY: In Roar!, Superbook transports Chris, his neighbor Joy, and their robot friend, Gizmo, to meet Daniel in Babylon, where jealous rivals plot to end his life. Children will witness true courage in action and discover how faith in God gives us the power to do what is right. They will learn that even a lions' den is no match for God's protection! Each book teaches children timeless moral truths and life lessons through the captivating, Bible-based adventures of two time-traveling children and their robot friend.Unparalleled biblical accuracy in both scene design and character dialogue Immersive experience supported by the Superbook Bible App and websiteFEATURES AND BENEFITS: Targeted to children ages 3-6Artwork, characters, and stories correspond with Superbook DVDs of the same titles

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