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Bøger udgivet af CINCO TINTAS

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  • af James Hoffmann
    318,95 kr.

    Sí, las cafeterías son un lugar fantástico en el que disfrutar de un café excelente, pero ¿no te gustaría poder recrear esos cafés desde la comodidad de tu hogar? El experto en café James Hoffmann te enseñará a preparar un café excelente en casa, con recetas replicables a las que podrás recurrir tanto si te acabas de iniciar en el mundo del café como si quieres perfeccionar lo que ya sabes. Estos son solo algunos de los temas que aborda en este libro: - Los elementos clave, desde el agua hasta el nivel de extracción del café. - Conceptos básicos de la percolación, con tutoriales para los principales tipos de cafeteras (de émbolo, AeroPress o italianas, entre otras). - Cómo sacar el máximo provecho al molinillo de café. - Comprar bien en función de tus necesidades. - Entender las distintas bebidas de café, desde el flat white hasta el macchiato. - Lograr un espresso perfecto. Yes, coffee shops are a great place to enjoy great coffee, but wouldn't you like to be able to recreate those cafes from the comfort of your own home? Coffee expert James Hoffmann will teach you how to prepare excellent coffee at home, with recipes that are easy to re-create. He covers various topics such as how to get the most out of your coffee grinder, the basic concepts of percolation with tutorials included, and an understanding of the different types of coffee drinks.

  • af Suzie Lee
    423,95 kr.

    Chinese Home Cooking is a splendid collection of 70 recipes representative of the gastronomy of this Asian country, both classic and modern, that you can easily prepare at home. For Suzie Lee, cooking and gastronomy have always been personal. In Chinese culture, food and family are intertwined, and she seeks to capture and recreate the culinary traditions she shared with her mother, her source of inspiration. Feast on Lee family favorites like Hong Kong-style chicken wings and vegetable-based classics like Stuffed Eggplant with Black Bean Sauce.

  • af Alice Hart
    468,95 kr.

    Most of us would like to eat more vegetables, but we run into obstacles such as lack of time, lack of inspiration or lack of culinary knowledge. Luckily, this magnificent book includes more than 80 vegetarian (and some vegan) recipes. The recipes use simple cooking methods and familiar and accessible ingredients and spices. The author will show you which elements of each dish you can make ahead of time, and she'll give you simple tips to show you that with the right recipe, even the humblest pumpkin or beetroot can be exciting, surprising, and delicious.

  • af Anoushka Florence
    275,95 kr.

    Círculo de Mujeres es un manual práctico para organizar reuniones con significado, intención y propósito, y convertirlas en experiencias colmadas de armonía, conexión y comunión con la naturaleza y con tus seres queridos. Con el fin de ayudarte a revivir y reclamar esta antigua práctica femenina, este libro pretende recuperar la tradición de los Círculos de Mujeres e ilustrar los beneficios, el poder curativo y la magia que se concitan cuando se reúne un grupo de mujeres. Anoushka Florence (@thegoddessspace) te guiará a través del proceso de organización de tu propio Círculo, con treinta y tres rituales diferentes que podrás compartir con las Mujeres de tu vida. Se trata de una oportunidad para conectar y reunir a tu comunidad. Nunca como ahora ha sido tan importante redescubrir el poder de los Círculos de Mujeres. Círculo de Mujeres is a practical manual for organizing meetings with meaning, intention, and purpose, and turning them into experiences full of harmony, connection, and communion with loved ones. To help you revive and reclaim this ancient women's practice, this book seeks to recapture the tradition of Women's Circles and illustrate the benefits and healing power of a group of women coming together. Anoushka Florence will guide you through the process of organizing your own Circle, with thirty-three different rituals that you can share with the women in your life. This is an opportunity to connect and bring your community together.

  • af Jane Struthers
    318,95 kr.

    In Written in the Stars, Jane Struthers reveals the astrological secrets that will allow you to improve your relationships, be it with your partner, family, friends, co-workers or even with pets. Understanding your birth chart - which is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment you were born - will help you understand your unique way of giving and receiving love. You don't have to be an expert in astrology to use Written in the Stars, because it will guide you every step of the way.

  • af Edson Díaz-Fuentes
    528,95 kr.

    "La Ciudad de Mâexico es un lugar caâotico, bullicioso y siempre en movimiento. El punto de encuentro culinario de las gastronomâias de todo el paâis, donde cocinar -- y comer -- forma parte integral del modo de vivir. Por capâitulos divididos segâun las partes del dâia, en Ciudad de Mâexico, Edson Dâiaz-Fuentes nos acompaäna por un torbellino de hitos culinarios: desayunos dulces y picantes, comida callejera, antojitos para almorzar y platos fuertes para compartir con la familia y los amigos. Las mâas de 90 recetas de este libro fueron creadas desde la perspectiva de un mexicano que ha vivido mâas de 15 aänos fuera de Mâexico, con la intenciâon de recoger tanto la visiâon clâasica de las bases de la cocina mexicana como sustituciones e interpretaciones que permitirâan conocer, comprender y replicar esta gastronomâia tan compleja en cualquier rincâon del mundo. Desde los clâasicos huevos motuleänos yucatecos, los tacos de pescado al estilo Baja California o los chambaretes de cordero a la barbacoa -- tan famosa en Hidalgo -- hasta la receta familiar del mole de olla con rabo de toro o los pambazos que preparaba su abuela, todas estas vistosas y suculentas recetas traerâan vitalidad a tu repertorio con una visiâon menos purista y mâas accesible. El libro, con fotografâias de asombrosas ubicaciones en Ciudad de Mâexico y alrededores e historias acerca de la cultura gastronâomica mexicana, resulta imprescindible para cualquier tragâon y cocinero que se precie."--Publisher's description.

  • af Jo Lambell
    313,95 kr.

    There is nothing more devastating than bringing a new plant home and then proceeding to kill it. In this book, Jo Lambell shares her vast knowledge of plants so that even the worst plant owners can have a lush indoor garden. The author will explain the basics of care (water, light, location) and how to replant, propagate, clean, and provide first aid to your plants, among many other things.

  • af Matthew Jones
    483,95 kr.

    Whatever your level, this book is going to make you an expert home baker. It contains 90 easy recipes including sweet and savory classics and many seasonal favorites so you can enjoy making breads and baking like a pro in your home kitchen. Through clear and detailed instructions, making tasty treats will be a pleasure from start to finish. Whether you're just starting out on your journey or are an experienced baker wanting to brush up on your technique, this is the ultimate collection of recipes you'll use again and again.

  • af Dan Jones
    408,95 kr.

    Nothing beats a good cocktail served in the right glass, at the right time. In this book, Dan Jones teaches us how to make 100 of his favorite cocktails. Loaded with essential knowledge, such as information to equip the bar cabinet, and recipes for syrups, sours, and infusions, you will discover the secrets of the classics. Introducing the basic spirits like gin, rum, vodka, tequila and more, along with insider tips and tricks, this book will become your indispensable guide to making simple, delicious, and creative cocktails.

  • af Robin Daly
    251,95 kr.

    Discover the joyous world of plant propagation with this fascinating step-by-step guide from the Two Dirty Boys. In this book, you will find 20 propagation projects that include indoor plants such as Adam's rib, lyre ficus, and African violet, but also outdoor treasures such as fragrant lavender or tasty tomatoes. All are advantages when growing indoor plants from cuttings: you can create original gifts for friends and family from scratch. Between brief interviews with hobbyists and propagation experts, and inspiring historical anecdotes, you'll soon be running in search of potting soil.

  • af Pippa Middlehurst
    423,95 kr.

    A mouth-watering collection of broth and soup-based recipes that will teach you how to layer flavors, season, and create versatile and exciting dishes from scratch. Pippa Middlehurst (@pippyeats) explains how to prepare a bowl - with seasonings and sauces, crunchy and aromatic ingredients, and fresh herbs - and offers accessible recipes that use these basic elements to multiply the power of the ingredients, the texture, and the flavor. From ramen to rice bowls, going through a multitude of specialties from various Asian and Southeast Asian countries, Bowls & Brothers is packed with delicious recipes you'll want to make again and again.

  • af Stella Andromeda
    163,95 kr.

  • af Paul Anderton
    353,95 kr.

    Did you know that the remains of vegetable root, stems, and bulbs that end up in the organic waste bin can be used to obtain a new version of the plants that produced them? All you must do is replant them. From fruits or herbs that regrow in a matter of days to vegetables that will delight you as soon as the season is over, Replanta teaches you how to grow new plants from the remains of plant products. This book includes 20 projects for growing herbs, fruits, and vegetables with step-by-step illustrations. All you need is a glass jar and tap water, and let nature take care of everything else.

  • af Ellen Bowles
    288,95 kr.

    Astrology has been with us since ancient times, and in our increasingly turbulent world, many of us turn to the stars again to find guidance. S.O.S. Astrology is an essential guide to understanding the celestial bodies that will help you manage the unstable energy of our solar system and pay attention to how it affects your daily life. Whether you're experiencing a breakup or considering asking your boss for a raise, this book will give you the tools to understand what's happening to the planets at any given time, so you can better deal with life's challenges. Welcome to the makeover you didn't know you needed!

  • af Sarah Shrimpton
    263,95 kr.

    Translation of: Beginner's guide to crochet.

  • af Natalie Heath
    318,95 kr.

    Practice yoga at your own pace, in your own space, with this fabulous collection of 50 yoga cards. Take a deep breath, unroll your mat, lay out your cards, and take one of 25 yoga classes designed to strengthen your mind and body. You can also use the cards to design your own yoga class. With an advanced variation of each pose to help you progress as you practice, and with modifications to help you tailor the poses to your body's unique needs, this card deck is a great alternative to screens for joining a yoga class without leaving your home.

  • af Semra Haksever
    213,95 kr.

  • af Stella Andromeda
    163,95 kr.

  • af Stella Andromeda
    163,95 kr.

  • af Stella Andromeda
    163,95 kr.

  • af Tanya Goodin
    133,95 kr.

  • af Stella Andromeda
    163,95 kr.

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