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Bøger udgivet af Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA

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    1.115,95 kr.

    A final report on surveys in the Kahramanmaras region of southeastern Turkey between 1993 and 2000 that several thousand years ago was removed from the centres of political power, pulled between Antioch to the south and the areas along the Euphrates to the east. It includes a record of settlement patterns from the Neolithic to the Islamic eras.

  • af Camilla Norman
    1.111,95 kr.

    This book offers an in-depth analysis of the statue-stelae of Early Iron Age Daunia (north Apulia, Italy), a group of stone slabs, each incised to represent the garb and accoutrements of a person. This is the first time a holistic study of the stelae has been undertaken, and the first presentation of the material in English.

    1.642,95 kr.

    This is a final report of the excavation of Tell Umm el-Marra in northern Syria, conducted in 1994--2010. It is likely the site of ancient Tuba, capital of a small kingdom in the Early and Middle Bronze periods, in the Jabbul plain between Aleppo and northern Mesopotamia.

    587,95 kr.

    An examination of archaeology from some surprising and unexpected points of view by anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, and artists.

    1.036,95 kr.

    This volume assembles eighteen scholarly essays that explore the intersection between art, economy, and ritual in ancient East Asia in the broad context of East Asian archaeology and its connection to the world beyond.

  • af John K. Papadopoulos & Sarah P. Morris
    1.477,95 kr.

    "Excavations at ancient Methone, a settlement with a crucial role in the economic and political history of Classical Greece as well as the prehistory of the north Aegean, uncovered remains from the Late Neolithic period through the fourth-century destruction by king Philip II of Macedon. This volume presents results of the project in selected artefacts, burials, and structures representing the chief phases of the city, in chronological order"--

  • af Attila Gyucha
    497,95 kr.

    "This is the catalog of an international exhibition, "First Kings of Europe." Over several millennia, early agricultural villages in southeastern Europe gave rise to tribal kingdoms and monarchies, replacing smaller, more egalitarian social structures with complex state organizations led by royal individuals invested with power. Several hundred objects and artifacts in the exhibition are portrayed in the catalog, accompanied by introductory text. They include gold and silver ornaments, bronze and iron weaponry, rich metal hoards and magnificent ceremonial vessels"--

  • af Stephen A. Dueppen
    1.057,95 kr.

    322,95 kr.

    This revised and expanded edition of the classic 1999 edited book includes all the chapters from the original volume plus a new, updated, introduction and several new chapters.

  • - Two Early Copper-Age Villages on the Great Hungarian Plain
    1.159,95 kr.

    This book describes the multi-disciplinary research of the Koeroes Regional Archaeological Project in southeastern Hungary. Centred around two Early Copper Age villages in the Great Hungarian Plain, the research incorporated excavation, surface collection, geophysical survey and soil chemistry to investigate settlement layout and organization.

  • - From Farmers to Rulers in Prehistoric Southeastern Europe
    742,95 kr.

    A group of scholars analyse and interpret data and artifacts from the most important museum collections in central Europe and the Balkans, illustrating the evolution, beginning in the Copper Age, of political hierarchy in this region.

  • - Lapita and Its Transformations in the Mussau Islands of Near Oceania
    1.281,95 kr.

    This book is a study of the Lapita Cultural Complex, a region spanning both Melanesia and Western Polynesia. The Lapita culture has been interpreted as the archaeological manifestation of a diaspora of Austronesian-speaking people (specifically of Proto-Oceanic language) who rapidly expanded from the New Guinea region into Remote Oceania.

  • - An Early Mesoamerican Ceremonial Center
    af Richard G Lesure
    1.344,95 kr.

    This monograph reports on large-scale excavations at Paso de la Amada, an archaeological site in the Soconusco region of the Pacific coast of Mexico, which was among the earliest sedentary, ceramic-using villages of Mesoamerica.

  • - Urbanism in Classic Period Veracruz, Mexico
    af Barbara L. Stark
    829,95 kr.

    The Archaeology of Political Organization is an examination of settlement in the rich coastal plain of lowland Mesoamerica, a region which was wealthy by Mesoamerican values, with fertile soil and tropical commodities such as jaguars, cacao, avian species with bright plumage, and cotton.

  • - The Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia (RASA) Project 1998-2008
    952,95 kr.

    The highlands of southern Yemen are explored in this final report of survey and excavations by the Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia Project. It addresses the development of food production and human landscape documenting some of the earliest water management technologies in Arabia.

  • af Javier Fonseca Santa Cruz
    952,95 kr.

    This book describes the discovery and excavation of a major new Wari site (Espiritu Pampa), in the subtropical region of Vilcabamba (Cuzco), in Peru. The Wari State was the first expansionistic power to develop in the Andean highlands; emerging in the area of modern Ayacucho around AD 650, the Wari expanded to control much of the central Andes.

  • - The Moche Occupation
    167,95 kr.

    This volume includes the results of a five-year excavation (1983-1987) at Pacatnamu, Peru, combining archaeological excavation with physical anthropology, botany, zoology, textile analysis, ethnography, and ethnohistory. Focuses on the period of Moche occupation. Bilingual in English and Spanish.

    147,95 kr.

    This volume presents the results of the first three years (1983-1985) of a five-year excavation at Pacatnamu, Peru, combining archaeological excavation with physical anthropology, botany, zoology, textile analysis, ethnography, and ethnohistory. Focuses on the period of Lambayeque occupation. Bilingual in English and Spanish.

    113,95 kr.

    This volume presents the results of the first three years (1983-1985) of a five-year excavation at Pacatnamu, Peru, combining archaeological excavation with physical anthropology, botany, zoology, textile analysis, ethnography, and ethnohistory. Focuses on the period of Lambayeque occupation. Bilingual in English and Spanish.

  • - An Upper Paleolithic Open Air Site in France
    af James Sackett
    806,95 kr.

    Few sites have the same complexity and diversity of deposits, as was found at the site of Solvieux in southwest France. The history of the project, methodologies, results and analysis of finds arepresented, with drawings, outlines of typologies and essays on Upper Palaeolithic traditions and the contribution of the Solvieux results in this regard.

  • - Authenticity, Restoration, Forgery
    af David A. Scott
    638,95 kr.

    Discusses several case studies where the ideas of conceptual authenticity, aesthetic authenticity, and material authenticity can be incorporated into an informative discourse about art from the ancient to the contemporary, illuminating concerns relating to restoration and art forgery.

  • - Essays Dedicated to Robert McCormick Adams
    583,95 kr.

    Essays dedicated to Robert McCormick Adams reflecting his research and themes. Ecology, frontiers, urbanism, trade and technology are all explored. The intellectual threads Adams pioneered tie the volume together, incl. the use of multiple lines of evidence to attack problems and use of a comparative approaches such as ethnographic analogy.

  • - Settlements and Cemeteries in the Submycenaean, Geometric and Archaic Periods
    af Eirini M. Dimitriadou
    1.466,95 kr.

    One of the most important works on ancient Athens in the last fifty years. The focus is on the early city, from the end of the Bronze Age - ca. 1200 BCE - to the Archaic period, when Athens became the largest city of the Classical period, only to be destroyed by the Persians in 480/479 BCE. It offers a treasure trove of information for archaeologists who work in this period.

    1.048,95 kr.

    Collection of independent studies and final reports on smaller excavations. Incl. overviews of archaeological research in Jaffa, historical and archaeological studies of Medieval and Ottoman Jaffa, reports on excavations at the Postal and Armenian Compounds, and studies of the excavations of Jacob Kaplan and Haya Ritter-Kaplan in Jaffa.

  • - Vocabulary, Symbols, and Legacy
    914,95 kr.

    Addresses the entanglement between archaeology, imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, and war. Contributions from archaeologists, art historians, and historians from four continents offer unusual breadth and depth in the assessment of various claims to patrimonial heritage.

  • - The Early to Mid-Holocene Landscape Archaeology of the Fayum North Shore, Egypt
    975,95 kr.

    The Neolithic is thought to have arrived in Egypt via diffusion from an origin in southwest Asia, relatively late compared to neighbouring locations. The authors of this vvolume suggest an alternative approach to understanding the development of food production in Egypt based on the results of new fieldwork in the Fayum.

  • - 32 Families Open Their Doors
    af Elinor Ochs, Jeanne E. Arnold, Enzo Ragazzini & mfl.
    262,95 kr.

    Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century cross-cuts the ranks of important books on social history, consumerism, contemporary culture, the meaning of material culture, domestic architecture, and household ethnoarchaeology.

  • - The Evolution of an Eastern Polynesian Socio-Ecosystem
    1.050,95 kr.

    Tangatatau Rockshelter on Mangaia Island in the Southern Cook Islands, excavated by a multidisciplinary team in 1989-1991, produced one of the richest stratigraphic sequences of artifacts, faunal assemblages, and archaeobotanical materials in Eastern Polynesia. More than seventy radiocarbon dates provide a tight chronology from AD 1000 to European contact in about 1800.

  • - The Samara Valley Project
    950,95 kr.

    The first English-language monograph that describes seasonal and permanent Late Bronze Age settlements in the Russian steppes, this is the final report of the Samara Valley Project, a US-Russian archaeological investigation conducted between 1995 and 2002.

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