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Bøger udgivet af CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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  • af Danielle Lori
    187,95 kr.

    She's a romantic at heart, living in the most unromantic of worlds . . .Nicknamed Sweet Abelli for her docile nature, Elena smiles on cue and has a charming response for everything. She's the favored daughter, the perfect mafia principessa . . . or was. Now, all she can see in the mirror's reflection is blood staining her hands like crimson paint. They say first impressions are everything . . .In the murky waters of New York's underworld, Elena's sister is arranged to marry Nicolas Russo. A Made Man, a boss, a cheat-even measured against mafia standards. His reputation stretches far and wide and is darker than his black suits and ties. After his and Elena's first encounter ends with an accidental glare on her part, she realizes he's just as rude as he is handsome. She doesn't like the man or anything he stands for, though that doesn't stop her heart from pattering like rain against glass when he's near, nor the shiver that ghosts down her spine at the sound of his voice. And he's always near. Telling her what to do. Making her feel hotter than any future brother-in-law should. Elena may be the Sweet Abelli on the outside, but she's beginning to learn she has a taste for the darkness, for rough hands, cigarettes, and whiskey-colored eyes. Having already escaped one scandal, however, she can hardly afford to be swept up in another. Besides, even if he were hers, everyone knows you don't fall in love with a Made Man . . . right? This is a standalone forbidden romance.

  • af Vadim Zeland
    778,95 kr.

  • af Bernd S Koehling
    415,95 - 508,95 kr.

  • af Sara Sheehan
    139,95 kr.

  • af Penelope Douglas
    234,95 kr.

  • - Positive Masculinity
    af Rollo Tomassi
    183,95 kr.

  • af Evette Rose
    498,95 kr.

    Metaphysical Anatomy by Evette Rose is a must-have book for those interested in the genre of self-help and personal development. Published in 2013 by the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, it has quickly become a beloved work in its field. The book delves into the understanding of physical discomfort, stress, and anxiety, and their metaphysical origins. Rose's unique approach is not only insightful but also highly practical, offering readers a comprehensive guide to overcoming their physical and emotional hurdles. Her articulate and engaging writing style makes complex concepts accessible to all readers. This book is a testament to Rose's expertise and the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform's commitment to bringing forward-thinking and innovative content to readers. If you're looking to understand the deeper, metaphysical aspects of your health and wellbeing, Metaphysical Anatomy is the book for you.

  • - How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you
    af Rob Fitzpatrick
    243,95 kr.

  • - Healthy Chicken Recipes with Balls!
    af Adrienne N Hew Cn
    173,95 kr.

  • af William Porter
    139,95 kr.

  • - A Complete Guide: How To Treat & Prevent Migraines Without Medicine
    af Angela A Stanton
    299,94 kr.

    A complete guide (manual) to migraine prevention and treatment without taking any medicines. It is a self-help guide with full explanation about how to successfully abort and prevent all migraines. The book also provides a full explanation of the cause of migraines from a physiological, biological, and genetics perspective. This book is an extended edition of the "Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: How to Treat and Prevent Migraines without Medicines. An Insider''s View" book published and now discontinued.The book is laid out in five parts:Part I: migraineurs who read the 1st edition of the book comment and introductionPart II: quick guide to get rid of an ongoing migrainePart III: the heart of the book, describing the physiology and biology or migraines, who is susceptible to migraines and why. Also includes all prodrome types, all triggers, and detailed analysis on how triggers can be cancelled.Part IV: a more complex explanation of migraine-cause specifically for doctors, scientists, and migraineurs more interested in the genetics and bio-physiology of migraines. It also contains a part titled "Drugs of Shame" describing the 30 most often prescribed medicines for migraine pain prevention, their side effects, and FDA warnings. Part V: a huge citation list of over 800 citations of academic literature. Each academic article adds a little bit of information to complete the whole picture of migraines. In this book I pull together information from many fields of science and connect the dots to help the reader to conclude the same thing I did: migraine is preventable and completely treatable without the use of any medicines.

  • - Hard to Very Hard Killer Sudoku Puzzles
    af Mindful Puzzle Books
    128,95 kr.

  • - The Complete 90-Day/12-Week Bullworker Training Course
    af Helen Renee Wuorio
    298,95 kr.

  • af F S Yousaf
    114,95 kr.

  • - From the 170V Sedan to the 170S Cabriolet A
    af Bernd S Koehling
    508,95 kr.

  • - A Panini Cookbook with Delicious Panini Recipes
    af Booksumo Press
    113,95 kr.

  • - A beginner's guide to learning the Korean language
    af Billy Go
    313,95 kr.

  • - From the Classic Ch'ing Dynasty Feng Shui Text by Chang Ping Lin
    af Dr Stephen Skinner
    314,95 kr.

  • - 2000 Nøgleord
    af Pinhok Languages
    124,94 kr.

    Denne bog indeholder en ordliste med 2000 af de mest almindelige ord og sætninger, sorteret efter brugshyppighed i daglig samtale. Ved at følge 80/20-reglen sørger denne ordbog for, at du lærer de vigtigste ord og sætningsstrukturer først, så du kan gøre hurtige fremskridt og holde motivationen. Hvem bør købe denne bog?Denne bog er til folk, der kan fransk på begynder- og mellemniveau og som er selvmotiverede og villige til at bruge 15 til 20 minutter om dagen på at træne deres ordforråd. Den enkle struktur i denne ordbog er resultatet af at have fjernet alle unødvendige ting, så læringsindsatsen udelukkende bruges på de dele, der hjælper dig med at gøre størst fremskridt på kortest tid. Hvis du er villig til at bruge 20 minutter på at lære hver dag, er denne bog højst sandsynligt den bedste investering for dig, hvis du er på begynder- eller mellemniveau. Du vil blive forundret over, hvor hurtigt du gør fremskridt med blot nogle få ugers daglig træning. Hvem bør ikke købe denne bog?Denne bog er ikke til dig, hvis du kan fransk på et højt niveau. I dette tilfælde skal du gå ind på vores hjemmeside eller søge efter vores bog med fransk ordforråd, da den har flere ordlister og er grupperet efter emner, hvilket er ideelt til studerende på højniveau, som ønsker at forbedre deres sprogfærdigheder på visse områder.Hvis du endvidere søger en alt-i-en fransk lærebog, der guider dig gennem de forskellige trin i forbindelse med at lære fransk, er denne bog sandsynligvis heller ikke det, du søger efter. Denne bog indeholder kun ordlister, og vi forventer, at købere lærer ting såsom grammatik og udtale enten fra andre kilder eller gennem sprogkurser. Denne bogs styrke er dens fokus på hurtig tilegnelse af et essentielt ordforråd, hvilket kommer på bekostning af oplysninger, som mange mennesker måtte forvente i en konventionel sproglæringsbog. Vær opmærksom på dette, når du foretager købet. Hvordan bruger jeg denne bog?Denne bog bruges ideelt set på daglig basis, og man skal gennemgå et fast antal sider hver gang. Bogen er opdelt i afsnit med 50 forskellige ordlister, som giver dig mulighed for at komme igennem bogen trin for trin. Lad os for eksempel sige, at du i øjeblikket gennemgår ordforråd 101 til 200. Når du kender ordforrådene mellem 101 og 150 meget godt, kan du begynde at lære ordforrådene 201 til 250 og næste dag springe 101-150 over og fortsætte med at gennemgå ordforrådene 151 til 250. På denne måde vil du trin for trin arbejde dig gennem bogen, og dine sprogfærdigheder vil øges for hver side, du mestrer.

  • - The path to achieving the bliss of the Himalayan Swamis. And the freedom of a living God.
    af Kapil Gupta MD
    178,95 kr.

    Atmamun is the path to achieve the bliss of the Himalayan Swamis and the Freedom Of a living God. It is for True Seekers. It is for those who wish to move beyond the self-help and cosmetic slogans of meditation and mindfulness, toward the Ultimate Truths of Life and the Mind.

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    88,95 kr.

    In these pages I shall speak of The Wisdom of Life in the common meaning of the term, as the art, namely, of ordering our lives so as to obtain the greatest possible amount of pleasure and success; an art the theory of which may be called Eudaemonology, for it teaches us how to lead a happy existence. Such an existence might perhaps be defined as one which, looked at from a purely objective point of view, or, rather, after cool and mature reflection-for the question necessarily involves subjective considerations, -would be decidedly preferable to non-existence; implying that we should cling to it for its own sake, and not merely from the fear of death; and further, that we should never like it to come to an end. Now whether human life corresponds, or could possibly correspond, to this conception of existence, is a question to which, as is well-known, my philosophical system returns a negative answer. On the eudaemonistic hypothesis, however, the question must be answered in the affirmative; and I have shown, in the second volume of my chief work (ch. 49), that this hypothesis is based upon a fundamental mistake. Accordingly, in elaborating the scheme of a happy existence, I have had to make a complete surrender of the higher metaphysical and ethical standpoint to which my own theories lead; and everything I shall say here will to some extent rest upon a compromise; in so far, that is, as I take the common standpoint of every day, and embrace the error which is at the bottom of it. My remarks, therefore, will possess only a qualified value, for the very word eudaemonology is a euphemism. Further, I make no claims to completeness; partly because the subject is inexhaustible, and partly because I should otherwise have to say over again what has been already said by others.

  • - Extra Intelligent, Intense, and Effective
    af Willem Kuipers
    198,95 kr.

  • - Cartoons
    af Vadim Teriokhin
    113,95 kr.

  • - Medium to Hard Killer Sudoku Puzzles
    af Mindful Puzzle Books
    105,95 kr.

  • af Richard Nell
    243,95 kr.

  • - Overcoming the Resistance to Loving Yourself
    af Mark DeJesus
    158,95 kr.

  • - The Terribly Good Dad jokes book- Father's Day gift, Dads Birthday Gift, Christmas Gift For Dads
    af Share The Love Gifts
    103,95 kr.

  • - Instant Access to the Angels of Power
    af Damon Brand
    188,95 kr.

  • - What BIG Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know - How to Pick and Use the 45 Most Powerful Herbal Antibiotics for Overcoming Any Ailment
    af Mary Jones
    153,95 kr.

    Herbal Antibiotics, a fascinating book penned by the talented Mary Jones, was published in 2017 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. This intriguing book delves into the world of natural remedies, offering an alternative perspective on health and wellness. It is a must-read for those interested in exploring the potential of plant-based antibiotics, as well as for those who simply enjoy reading about innovative approaches to health. The genre of the book is health and wellness, and it provides a refreshing perspective on how we can use nature's bounty for our benefit. Published by the renowned CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, the book is a testament to their commitment to bringing unique and diverse voices to the forefront. Written in English, it is easily accessible to a global audience, making it a valuable addition to any bookshelf.

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