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A variety of Keto friendly recipes. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts are included. Best tasting recipes around!
-Five Star Rated-24 single sided coloring pages-matte-cover which can also be colored!-Highly detailed and great for meditation and relaxation-Learn Mushroom identification the fun way-8.5"x 11" page size
This book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have, so far, found neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to go deeply into the study of metaphysics, but who want results and who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action, without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached.
The iconic metaphysical masterpiece that will change your life... "Think feelingly only of the state you desire to realize. Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles. All changes of expression are brought about through a change of feeling. A change of feeling is a change of destiny." One of the great metaphysical teachers of the 20th century, Neville Goddard showed people how they could attain their goals simply by refining their imagination.Feeling Is The Secret is his most famous book.
"Orthodoxy" from Gilbert Keith Chesterton. English writer, lay theologian, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist (1874-1936).
If you know about the Law of Attraction then you know about Vision Boards. There's no doubting that they are very popular, but what are they and how do they work? In Clear Visions, Gary leads you on a step by step creation process and de-mystifies the magic behind Vision Boards: You will discover: - What a Vision Board is and how they work.- The different types and styles of Vision Boards and how to create them.- The materials you will need and where you can find them.- Tips and hints to get the most from your Vision Board experience.- What to expect during and after you create your Vision Board.- The ways you can help the Universe with the manifestation process.- Why it seems your Vision Board may not be working.Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?
Denne bog indeholder en ordliste med 2000 af de mest almindelige ord og sætninger, sorteret efter brugshyppighed i daglig samtale. Ved at følge 80/20-reglen sørger denne ordbog for, at du lærer de vigtigste ord og sætningsstrukturer først, så du kan gøre hurtige fremskridt og holde motivationen. Hvem bør købe denne bog?Denne bog er til folk, der kan tysk på begynder- og mellemniveau og som er selvmotiverede og villige til at bruge 15 til 20 minutter om dagen på at træne deres ordforråd. Den enkle struktur i denne ordbog er resultatet af at have fjernet alle unødvendige ting, så læringsindsatsen udelukkende bruges på de dele, der hjælper dig med at gøre størst fremskridt på kortest tid. Hvis du er villig til at bruge 20 minutter på at lære hver dag, er denne bog højst sandsynligt den bedste investering for dig, hvis du er på begynder- eller mellemniveau. Du vil blive forundret over, hvor hurtigt du gør fremskridt med blot nogle få ugers daglig træning. Hvem bør ikke købe denne bog?Denne bog er ikke til dig, hvis du kan tysk på et højt niveau. I dette tilfælde skal du gå ind på vores hjemmeside eller søge efter vores bog med tysk ordforråd, da den har flere ordlister og er grupperet efter emner, hvilket er ideelt til studerende på højniveau, som ønsker at forbedre deres sprogfærdigheder på visse områder.Hvis du endvidere søger en alt-i-en tysk lærebog, der guider dig gennem de forskellige trin i forbindelse med at lære tysk, er denne bog sandsynligvis heller ikke det, du søger efter. Denne bog indeholder kun ordlister, og vi forventer, at købere lærer ting såsom grammatik og udtale enten fra andre kilder eller gennem sprogkurser. Denne bogs styrke er dens fokus på hurtig tilegnelse af et essentielt ordforråd, hvilket kommer på bekostning af oplysninger, som mange mennesker måtte forvente i en konventionel sproglæringsbog. Vær opmærksom på dette, når du foretager købet. Hvordan bruger jeg denne bog?Denne bog bruges ideelt set på daglig basis, og man skal gennemgå et fast antal sider hver gang. Bogen er opdelt i afsnit med 50 forskellige ordlister, som giver dig mulighed for at komme igennem bogen trin for trin. Lad os for eksempel sige, at du i øjeblikket gennemgår ordforråd 101 til 200. Når du kender ordforrådene mellem 101 og 150 meget godt, kan du begynde at lære ordforrådene 201 til 250 og næste dag springe 101-150 over og fortsætte med at gennemgå ordforrådene 151 til 250. På denne måde vil du trin for trin arbejde dig gennem bogen, og dine sprogfærdigheder vil øges for hver side, du mestrer.
Denne ordbog indeholder mere end 3000 kinesiske ord og sætninger, som er grupperet efter emne for at gøre det lettere for dig at vælge, hvad du vil lære først. Derudover indeholder anden halvdel af bogen to indeksafsnit, der kan bruges som basisordbøger til at slå ord op på et af de to sprog. De tre dele gør tilsammen bogen til en fremragende ressource for studerende på alle niveauer. Hvordan bruger man denne bog med kinesiske ordforråd?Er du ikke sikker på, hvor du skal begynde? Vi foreslår, at du først gennemgår kapitlerne om verberne, adjektiverne og sætningerne i første del af bogen. Dette vil give dig et godt grundlag for yderligere studier og allerede nok kinesisk ordforråd til basal kommunikation. Ordbøgerne i anden halvdel af bogen kan bruges, når det er nødvendigt at slå ord op, du hører på gaden, kinesiske ord, du ønsker at kende oversættelsen til, eller blot for at lære nogle nye ord i alfabetisk rækkefølge. En sidste bemærkning: Ordforrådsbøger har eksisteret i hundredvis af år, og som med så mange ting, der har eksisteret i lang tid, er de måske ikke særligt moderigtige og lidt kedelige, men de fungerer normalt rigtig godt. Sammen med delene i basisordbogen i kinesisk er denne bog med kinesisk ordforråd en fantastisk ressource til at støtte dig gennem hele læringsprocessen, og den er særligt praktisk på de tidspunkter, hvor der ikke er internet til at slå ord og sætninger op med.
Inside Skilled Success, you'll discover proven, research-backed strategies you can use to learn anything faster, train like the best & become extraordinary at anything. It reveals a proven path anyone can use to become extraordinary at anything.
If you want to learn how to fight muay thai, then get "How To Fight Muay Thai" written by a real life muay thai instructor. This "How To Fight Muay Thai" guide will give you all the history, traditions, customs, and basic techniques you need to know to begin Muay Thai. If you've always wanted to start Muay Thai, but weren't sure what the techniques are and how to perform them, "How To Fight Muay Thai" will illustrate and explain basic techniques that you can learn quickly. You can then build on those basic techniques. This step by step guide will help you begin your Muay Thai journey the right way. Whether you want to improve your current Muay Thai, or start from the beginning, this step-by-step guide will show you basic techniques that you can develop and easily practice on your own. In this book, your questions will be answered as to why certain techniques are performed and why they should be executed correctly to get the most power.- Improve your stance to ensure better footwork skills.- Learn to carry out basic Muay Thai moves the right way.- Get a better workout by practicing correctly and efficiently.- Learn the proper way to wrap your hands.- What should you expect in your first Muay Thai class?- Learn to become more powerful by using the tips and tricks in this step by step guide.- If you enjoy Muay Thai, then this is the perfect opportunity to live your dream of becoming better at Muay Thai.- Advance your conditioning and stamina with the drills in this guide.- Discover what you've been missing in your punches or kicks with the detailed instruction and pictures.- Gain speed and accuracy by following the numerous tips and illustrations. The ancient art of Muay Thai is more than just fighting, this Step by Step Guide will be invaluable to you, whether you need to refer back for a question on tradition or need an illustration on how to do a certain technique. Questions on traditions and background, as well as fighting rules and customs will be answered in this step by step guide.- Lean what the wai khru and ram muay are.- Find out what the traditional headwear and charms mean.- Learn how women participating in Muay Thai are perceived in Thailand. - Muay Thai is beneficial for all ages, from children to adults About the ExpertJane Mosley is an instructor and co-owner at the Ohio Muay Thai Academy - West Side. With over 20 years of Muay Thai experience, Jane and her husband Tony, were given the title of Kru and honor by their trainer, Master Lek, to open their own school. Kru Jane is an instructor, sparring partner, and trainer to national and international fighters. She and her husband represented the USA with a fighter in the International Tournament in Bangkok, Thailand in 2001. She has judged Muay Thai fights at several national promotions and tournaments, including the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio. Jane is the promoter for all Ohio Muay Thai fights. She is responsible for organizing and coordinating fighters, as well as the sponsors and venues. Jane and Tony spend much of their time with special appearances. They have demonstrated Muay Thai on news shows and at school programs and festivals. They conduct self defense classes for schools, Girl Scouts, and other kids' programs. Jane and her husband Tony have become involved in promoting youth physical fitness and have developed their own curriculum through the schools. They teach Muay Thai and strength and conditioning to high school students. By participating in their Muay Thai class as part of their summer phys ed program, they earn phys ed credits. This program has become one of the most popular classes taught during the summer. HowExpert publishes quick 'how to' guides on all topics from A to Z by everyday experts.
The Meditations is divided into 12 books that chronicle different periods of Marcus's life. Each book is not in chronological order and it was written for no one but himself. The style of writing that permeates the text is one that is simplified, straightforward, and perhaps reflecting Marcus's Stoic perspective on the text. Depending on the English translation, Marcus's style is not viewed as anything regal or belonging to royalty, but rather a man among other men which allows the reader to relate to his wisdom. A central theme to Meditations is the importance of analyzing one's judgment of self and others and the development of a cosmic perspective. As he said "You have the power to strip away many superfluous troubles located wholly in your judgment, and to possess a large room for yourself embracing in thought the whole cosmos, to consider everlasting time, to think of the rapid change in the parts of each thing, of how short it is from birth until dissolution, and how the void before birth and that after dissolution are equally infinite". He advocates finding one's place in the universe and sees that everything came from nature, and so everything shall return to it in due time. Another strong theme is of maintaining focus and to be without distraction all the while maintaining strong ethical principles such as "Being a good man". His Stoic ideas often involve avoiding indulgence in sensory affections, a skill which will free a man from the pains and pleasures of the material world. He claims that the only way a man can be harmed by others is to allow his reaction to overpower him. An order or logos permeates existence. Rationality and clear-mindedness allow one to live in harmony with the logos. This allows one to rise above faulty perceptions of "good" and "bad".
Models is the first book ever written on seduction as an emotional process rather than a logical one, a process of connecting with women rather than impressing them. It's the most mature and honest guide on how a man can attract women without faking behavior, without lying and without emulating others. A game-changer. Inside, you'll learn: The root behavior that causes all female attraction. Why typical dating advice and pick up theory is counter-productive in the long-run. How to overcome nervousness and anxiety around attractive women. How any man can make himself appear attractive with a little time and effort. The three keys to keeping conversations with women interesting and engaging. How to discover the beliefs and attitudes that are sabotaging your success with women. How to develop a genuine and joyful sense of humor. And much more... "I want to tell you that you're probably one of the few people who really got "it" figured out. I'm only half-way through your book, and it's unbelievable how everything is making so much sense to me. Everytime I read something in your book I can relate it to some encounter I had with a girl, I now understand why I succeeded at times and failed at another. Especially the part about vulnerability. Even if I did not read the rest of the book, I already got what I paid for. Thank you Mark." - Yousif "I just finished your book today, "Models," and wanted to tell you that your presentation of the subject is far to superior to anything else I've read. I've been involved with seduction since 2006 and I've consumed a lot dating products. Many try to make their readers into "pickup artists" - today I gag at the term. But you don't do that. I like how spend so much time in the book reinforcing the fact that we are good human beings at our core and it's a matter of presenting ourselves honestly, without apology to everyone we encounter. And you give the reader the tools to strip away all the disguises that other seduction gurus have said we need to wear at all times. Thanks. Can't wait to meet women today with these new eyes." - Robert
How to Build Self-Discipline and Become More Successful (365 Powerful Thoughts From the World's Brightest Minds)Its lack makes you unable to achieve your goals. Without it, you'll struggle to lose weight, become fit, wake up early, work productively and save money. Not embracing it in your everyday life means that you'll never realize your full potential. Ignoring it inevitably leads to regret and feeling sad about how more successful and incredible your life could have been if you had only decided to develop it.What is this powerful thing? Self-discipline.And if there's one thing that self-discipline is not, it's instant. It takes months (if not years) to develop powerful self-control that will protect you from impulsive decisions, laziness, procrastination, and inaction.You need to exhibit self-discipline day in, day out, 365 days in a year. What if you had a companion who would remind you daily to stay disciplined and persevere, even when the going gets tough?365 Days With Self-Discipline is a practical, accessible guidebook for embracing more self-discipline in your everyday life. You'll learn how to do this through 365 brief, daily insights from the world's brightest minds, expanded and commented upon by bestselling personal development author Martin Meadows.This isn't just an inspirational book; most of the entries deliver practical suggestions that you can immediately apply in your life to become more disciplined. Here are just some of the things you'll learn: - why living your life the hard way makes it easy (and other suggestions from a successful entrepreneur and longevity scientist);- how to overcome your initial resistance and procrastination based on the remark made by one of the most renowned Renaissance men;- why, according to an influential neurosurgeon, it's key to see problems as hurdles instead of obstacles (and how to do that);- how to embrace an experimental mindset to overcome a fear of failure (a technique recommended by a successful entrepreneur and musician);- how to quit in a smart way, according to a world-famous marketing expert;- how to improve your productivity at work by implementing the advice from one of the most successful detective fiction writers;- how a trick used by screenwriters can help you figure out the first step needed to get closer to your goals;- how to maintain self-discipline in the long-term by paying attention to what a bestselling non-fiction author calls necessary to survive and thrive;- how your most common thoughts can sabotage your efforts (and other valuable insights from one of the most respected Roman Stoics); and- how to overcome temporary discouragement and look at your problems from the proper perspective, as suggested by a well-known public speaker and author. If you're ready to finally change your life and embrace self-discipline - not only for the next 365 days, but for the rest of your life - buy this book now and together, let's work on your success!
French Beading is an old world art from the 1500's that combines tiny glass seed beads and wire to make flowers that never die. Learn the art of French Beaded Flowers from designer Lauren Harpster in the first book of her "French Beading Patterns" series. "Christmas Collection" contains 13 different holiday themed patterns: - Pinecone Branch - Mistletoe - Holly - Boxwood - Christmas Rose (Hellebore) - Christmas Tree - Miniature Poinsettia - Poinsettia - Amaryllis - Bell Ornament - Small Bow - Large Bow - Compound Loop Bow. It also contains instructions for using the patterns in the book to make a Winter Candle Ring and a Poinsettia Swag. The patterns range in difficulty from Beginner to Advanced, so there's something for everyone to try. You will learn twelve different French Beading Techniques used in these patterns including: Continuous Loops, Fringe, Continuous Crossover Loops, Continuous Wraparound Loops, Basic Frame, Lacing, Beehive Basic Frame, Continuous Basic Frame, Spokes, Spoke Frame, Split Loop, and Filigree. The book contains more than 470 high quality tutorial images and illustrations along with detailed written instructions to guide you in the creation of making your own French Beaded Flowers.
Four Against Darkness is a solitaire dungeon-delving game that may also be played cooperatively. No miniatures are needed. All you need is this book, a pencil, two dice, and grid paper. Choose four characters from a list of classic types (warrior, wizard, rogue, halfling, dwarf, barbarian, cleric, elf), equip them, and venture into dungeons created by dice rolls and your own choices. You will fight monsters, manage resources, grab treasure, dodge traps, find clues, and even accept quests from the monsters themselves. Your characters will level up, becoming more powerful with each game... IF THEY SURVIVE.
** Best Memory Book For The Price** * Memory Book Features over 50 Appealing Fill-In pages from birth to preschool. Features adorable artwork and spaces for all of your candid moments. * Spaces for Photos on pages that include; You've Arrived, The Baby Shower, Your Nursery, Your First Twelve Months, Holidays Big Accomplishments, Preschool and so much more... * Sections Include; All About Mom and Dad, Baby's Arrival, Birth Certificate, Immunizations, Current World News, Price of Goods, The Baby Shower, You've Arrived, The Nursery, Tooth Chart, Big Accomplishments, Preschool Activities and so much more! Treasure your baby's special moments. Look back on all of those precious moments from Birth to Preschool. Record all of your baby's firsts. Have your baby's hand prints and footprints and so much more with this easy to use fill-in Memory Book. ** Baby's First Memory Book has everything you need to treasure all of those precious moments from birth to Preschool!
Meditation routines, Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations, and commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are included in this work to encourage Self-realization and inner tranquility. Skillful meditation, healthy living, and realization of our Eternal Self are the practices of Kriya Yoga, and it is through our own consistent practice of Patanjali's methods that the lineage of enlightenment continues.Ryan Kurczak was initiated and authorized to teach Kriya Yoga by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. Ryan works with students through the "Kriya Yoga Online" Patreon community, and more intensively with students of the Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Program. He is the host of The Kriya Yoga Podcast.
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