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  • - Hard Killer Sudoku Puzzles
    af Mindful Puzzle Books
    128,95 kr.

  • af Martin Munzel & Sydnie McConnell
    113,95 kr.

    Do you want to understand the basic fundamentals of SAP software without having to work through 400 pages or more? Yes? Then this book is for you! The authors concentrate on the essentials and spare you all the details you do not need as a beginner. Using simple, step-by-step examples, walk through the fundamentals of the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system including navigation, transactions, organizational units, and master data. Instructional videos help you experience the look-and-feel of SAP software without requiring access to an SAP system. This second edition has been enhanced with an overview of the existing SAP product portfolio in addition to SAP ERP. Learn more about the technical side of SAP ERP including industry solutions, ABAP, and enhancement packages (EHP). Get a short introduction to BI, CRM, SRM, SCM, GRC, NetWeaver, SuccessFactors, and HANA. Demystify SAP acronyms and get clarity on the purpose of different SAP products.- Learn how to navigate in SAP ERP - Learn SAP basics including transactions, organizational units, and master data - Watch instructional videos with simple, step-by-step examples - Get an overview of SAP products and new development trends

  • af Dr Boris Rubarth
    113,95 kr.

    A lot of SAP professionals start their careers as programmers and focus on turning functional specifications into technical specifications and writing code. First Steps in SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is the resource that every beginner needs to have. You will learn how to write your own ABAP code step by step and progressively build your own ABAP application. - Step-by-Step instructions for beginners - Comprehensive descriptions and code examples - A guide to create your first ABAP application - Tutorials that provide answers to the most commonly asked programming questions Get a head start on SAP ABAP! This book provides you with the tools you need to get started with a job as an SAP ABAP programmer

  • - Are You Ready to Bone Up? Easy Steps * Fast Results Newfoundland Training
    af Karen Douglas Kane
    133,95 kr.

  • af Gillian G. Gaar
    368,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • - How to Stop Emotional Overload, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Energy
    af Judy Dyer
    208,95 kr.

  • - The Bullworker Bible and Bullworker 90 Course Combined
    af Helen Renee Wuorio
    398,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to the Essential Sites
    af Tim Rock
    368,95 kr.

  • - Quick Results Guide
    af Htebooks
    96,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to The Bullworker
    af Brian Sterling-Vete & Helen Renee
    212,95 kr.

  • - Low Calorie Cakes, Sweets & Cookies
    af Beth Christian
    138,95 kr.

  • - How to build and market high-end instruments, from your workshop's setup to the complete business plan
    af Leo Lospennato
    333,95 kr.

  • - A Treasury of Islamic Piety (Translation & Transliteration): Volume One: Supplications and Periodic Observances
    af Shaykh Abbas Qummi
    378,95 kr.

  • - Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days
    af Kathrin Zenkina
    218,95 kr.

  • - Practical Techniques For Directing Your Reality
    af Adam Blackthorne
    143,95 kr.

  • - 50 Top perennials from plants for a future
    af Plants for a Future
    243,95 kr.

  • - Defend Against Curses, Gossip, Bullies, Thieves, Demonic Forces, Violence, Threats and Psychic Attack
    af Damon Brand
    148,95 kr.

  • af Rollo Tomassi
    154,94 kr.

  • - Real Jamaican Cooking Done Simply
    af Booksumo Press
    113,95 kr.

  • - Fundamental No Limit Hold'em Mathematics You Need To Know
    af Alton Hardin
    116,95 kr.

  • - Short Stories for Beginners: Improve your reading and listening skills in Spanish
    af My Daily Spanish
    198,95 kr.

  • - A Practical Daily Use Handbook for Parents and Teachers
    af Angie Voss Otr
    156,95 kr.

    Sensory tools and strategies made simple for home, school, and in the community! Handbook includes over 210 of the most common sensory signals and cues your child may be giving you. PLUS BONUS CONTENT...Sensory in a Nutshell! Just a little bit more, but not too much to overwhelm you. This practical, daily application handbook is helping parents, teachers, and caregivers all over the world to understand sensory signals and cues from a child rather than jumping to the conclusion of behavior driven. This user friendly handbook is geared for daily use and as a quick sensory reference guide designed to work hand in hand with Enjoy the simple, organized format to give you the essential and useful information to respond to the child's sensory needs right on the spot! The handbook provides simple every day sensory strategies and techniques to help ALL children; including SPD, autism spectrum disorders, ADD/ADHD, APD, and developmental disabilities. This handbook provides guidance and understanding as to why children do what they do in regard to unique sensory processing differences and needs. When you respect a child's sensory differences, it will change how you respond.

    98,95 kr.

    Alice in Wonderland (Also known as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a world of fantasy populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic and magical creatures. The story plays with logic. It is a wonderful example of literary nonsense. Come fall through the Rabbit Hole and immerse yourself in the Magical Land of Alice's imagination.

  • af Department of the Army
    173,95 kr.

    ATTP 3-21.50, "Infantry Small-Unit Mountain Operations," provides perspective on Infantry company missions in an operational environment characterized by high-altitudes, rapidly changing climatic conditions, and rugged terrain. It also provides the small-unit leader with guidance on how company-sized units and below can conduct these operations. The mountain environment challenges all warfighting functions. Infantry units are full spectrum organizations, not specifically designed for mountain terrain but are well-suited for mountain operations. Successful units combine the basic doctrine described in FM 3-21.10 and augment with specialized equipment and predeployment training. The tactics and techniques specific to conducting operations in mountain terrain provide added operational capability. This manual focuses on company and below operations in mountain operational terrain levels II and III as described in FM 3-97.6, specifically, where the influence of increasingly steep and rugged terrain dictates the use of dismounted operations. For mountain operations in level I (lower, less rugged valleys and flatter terrain) refer to FM 3-21.10. The concepts discussed in this publication are useful in most mountain environments. This publication applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), and the United States Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated.

  • - Using the Mindset Model for Sporting Success
    af Lee Ness
    73,95 kr.

    The growth mindset, described by Carol Dweck, is the biggest performance enhancer there is. Will a growth mindset guarantee success? No. There are too many other factors involved. But without it will success be all but impossible? More than likely. And success in anything is difficult enough as it is. This mini-book will describe the mindset, how to use it as an athlete, as a coach and as a parent/guardian. The impact of mindset, and the simple language or semantics we use for praise, have an incredibly profound effect on sports development. As a general rule of thumb, kids who develop a growth mindset have more chance of being successful in the long term, both in sports and in life, than those with a fixed mindset.

  • - : The Supreme Awakening
    af John Hughes
    343,95 kr.

    Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening- Includes free downloadable audio of original lectures.- A collection of 77 aphorisms that form the foundation of Kashmir Shaivism.- The version herein contains the commentary of the 10th century philosopher and mystic Kshemeraja, and is revealed to us by the fully realized master Swami Lakshmanjoo.The Shiva Sutras, gifted by God to the sage Vasugupta for the upliftment of humanity, is one of Kashmir Shaivism's most important and revered texts. Swami Lakshmanjoo gives the reader a penetrating vision of the glorious journey of the Supreme Awakening; the traveling from limited individuality to absolute oneness with God. Basing his rendering on the esoteric commentary of Abhinavagupta's chief disciple Kshemaraja and drawing on his own experience, Swami Lakshmanjoo shows us the way home.

  • - 2000 Nøgleord
    af Pinhok Languages
    24,95 kr.

    Denne bog indeholder en ordliste med 2000 af de mest almindelige ord og sætninger, sorteret efter brugshyppighed i daglig samtale. Ved at følge 80/20-reglen sørger denne ordbog for, at du lærer de vigtigste ord og sætningsstrukturer først, så du kan gøre hurtige fremskridt og holde motivationen. Hvem bør købe denne bog?Denne bog er til folk, der kan svensk på begynder- og mellemniveau og som er selvmotiverede og villige til at bruge 15 til 20 minutter om dagen på at træne deres ordforråd. Den enkle struktur i denne ordbog er resultatet af at have fjernet alle unødvendige ting, så læringsindsatsen udelukkende bruges på de dele, der hjælper dig med at gøre størst fremskridt på kortest tid. Hvis du er villig til at bruge 20 minutter på at lære hver dag, er denne bog højst sandsynligt den bedste investering for dig, hvis du er på begynder- eller mellemniveau. Du vil blive forundret over, hvor hurtigt du gør fremskridt med blot nogle få ugers daglig træning. Hvem bør ikke købe denne bog?Denne bog er ikke til dig, hvis du kan svensk på et højt niveau. I dette tilfælde skal du gå ind på vores hjemmeside eller søge efter vores bog med svensk ordforråd, da den har flere ordlister og er grupperet efter emner, hvilket er ideelt til studerende på højniveau, som ønsker at forbedre deres sprogfærdigheder på visse områder.Hvis du endvidere søger en alt-i-en svensk lærebog, der guider dig gennem de forskellige trin i forbindelse med at lære svensk, er denne bog sandsynligvis heller ikke det, du søger efter. Denne bog indeholder kun ordlister, og vi forventer, at købere lærer ting såsom grammatik og udtale enten fra andre kilder eller gennem sprogkurser. Denne bogs styrke er dens fokus på hurtig tilegnelse af et essentielt ordforråd, hvilket kommer på bekostning af oplysninger, som mange mennesker måtte forvente i en konventionel sproglæringsbog. Vær opmærksom på dette, når du foretager købet. Hvordan bruger jeg denne bog?Denne bog bruges ideelt set på daglig basis, og man skal gennemgå et fast antal sider hver gang. Bogen er opdelt i afsnit med 50 forskellige ordlister, som giver dig mulighed for at komme igennem bogen trin for trin. Lad os for eksempel sige, at du i øjeblikket gennemgår ordforråd 101 til 200. Når du kender ordforrådene mellem 101 og 150 meget godt, kan du begynde at lære ordforrådene 201 til 250 og næste dag springe 101-150 over og fortsætte med at gennemgå ordforrådene 151 til 250. På denne måde vil du trin for trin arbejde dig gennem bogen, og dine sprogfærdigheder vil øges for hver side, du mestrer.

  • - 2000 Nøgleord
    af Pinhok Languages
    123,95 kr.

    Denne bog indeholder en ordliste med 2000 af de mest almindelige ord og sætninger, sorteret efter brugshyppighed i daglig samtale. Ved at følge 80/20-reglen sørger denne ordbog for, at du lærer de vigtigste ord og sætningsstrukturer først, så du kan gøre hurtige fremskridt og holde motivationen. Hvem bør købe denne bog?Denne bog er til folk, der kan bulgarsk på begynder- og mellemniveau og som er selvmotiverede og villige til at bruge 15 til 20 minutter om dagen på at træne deres ordforråd. Den enkle struktur i denne ordbog er resultatet af at have fjernet alle unødvendige ting, så læringsindsatsen udelukkende bruges på de dele, der hjælper dig med at gøre størst fremskridt på kortest tid. Hvis du er villig til at bruge 20 minutter på at lære hver dag, er denne bog højst sandsynligt den bedste investering for dig, hvis du er på begynder- eller mellemniveau. Du vil blive forundret over, hvor hurtigt du gør fremskridt med blot nogle få ugers daglig træning. Hvem bør ikke købe denne bog?Denne bog er ikke til dig, hvis du kan bulgarsk på et højt niveau. I dette tilfælde skal du gå ind på vores hjemmeside eller søge efter vores bog med bulgarsk ordforråd, da den har flere ordlister og er grupperet efter emner, hvilket er ideelt til studerende på højniveau, som ønsker at forbedre deres sprogfærdigheder på visse områder.Hvis du endvidere søger en alt-i-en bulgarsk lærebog, der guider dig gennem de forskellige trin i forbindelse med at lære bulgarsk, er denne bog sandsynligvis heller ikke det, du søger efter. Denne bog indeholder kun ordlister, og vi forventer, at købere lærer ting såsom grammatik og udtale enten fra andre kilder eller gennem sprogkurser. Denne bogs styrke er dens fokus på hurtig tilegnelse af et essentielt ordforråd, hvilket kommer på bekostning af oplysninger, som mange mennesker måtte forvente i en konventionel sproglæringsbog. Vær opmærksom på dette, når du foretager købet. Hvordan bruger jeg denne bog?Denne bog bruges ideelt set på daglig basis, og man skal gennemgå et fast antal sider hver gang. Bogen er opdelt i afsnit med 50 forskellige ordlister, som giver dig mulighed for at komme igennem bogen trin for trin. Lad os for eksempel sige, at du i øjeblikket gennemgår ordforråd 101 til 200. Når du kender ordforrådene mellem 101 og 150 meget godt, kan du begynde at lære ordforrådene 201 til 250 og næste dag springe 101-150 over og fortsætte med at gennemgå ordforrådene 151 til 250. På denne måde vil du trin for trin arbejde dig gennem bogen, og dine sprogfærdigheder vil øges for hver side, du mestrer.

  • af Lanie Stevens
    98,95 kr.

    "Secret Technique" MP3S for LOVE, SEX, SEDUCTION & More -- ONLY on my website!EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ THIS BOOKMarried, single or divorced if you want the power to influence ANY man the "secret technique" in this book will change your life! Make your guy miss you, think of you, desire you and love you more than you ever believed possible -- it's now in your control. This secret technique is backed up by quantum physics and is simple, fast, effective and POWERFUL. Readers have gotten marriage proposals, commitment, rekindled relationships and positively changed their lives. The results have been truly amazing! POWERFUL TECHNIQUE CONTROLS YOUR MAN: Connect to your man any time you choose;Affect his thoughts and his behavior;Make him desire you and only you;Ignite his passion for you;Regain your power in the relationship;Attract your POI by connecting in a unique way;Create the relationship you desire;Keep your man from cheating;Get your "ex" or current mate to think of you constantly;Ignite love;Send messages that he receives instantly;Control his feelings for you;Make him miss you and want you;Attract any man like a magnet!NOT JUST ANOTHER DATING ADVICE BOOKThis "secret technique" is unique and powerful. I've taught it for many years and the success has been phenomenal. If you're ready to take your relationship to a new level, ready to make your man madly in love with you, ready for him to commit to you and ONLY you -- this secret is for you.;-)"THE RELATIONSHIP EXPERT"I've been advising women on their relationships for 20+ years and I want to help you have the relationship of your dreams. I've helped women from all over the world attract love, keep love and use techniques not taught anywhere else.LANIE'S "SECRET" BOOKS FOR WOMEN Learn secret techniques for love, sex, commitment and marriage. Available ONLY on Pussy Whip will make him miss you, ignite the love and make him think of you constantly. How to Make Him Burn With Desire will make him desire you sexually and passionately.Breakup to Makeup helps you not make mistakes during a breakup and gets your man back into your arms fast!FU*K the Rules an unconventional dating guide.;-)The Miracle Mindset prepares you to receive and attract only good things in lifeWant to supercharge your manifesting? Check out fun, powerful meditation MP3s like Orgasm, Reverse Remote Seduction, Pussy Whip, Love Spell and MORE -- scroll down to biography for website information.;-)

  • - Spells, Charms, Potions and Enchantments for Wiccans
    af Shadow Books
    118,95 kr.

    A true spell book filled with over 330 ancient spells spanning over 180 pages, with clear instructions for wielding magick the way our ancient ancestors understood it. From cursing and curing to binding a lover right through to casting 'evil' spells . You can learn how anceint Witches would conjure prophetic dreams and omens as well as every other imaginable application of the supernatural arts. This is a book of real ancient witchcraft is a real mesmerizing window granting us an accurate vision of their times and way of life. Including some quite grotesque spells which call for the flesh of human corpses or the body parts of animals. Of course any 21st century practitioner there are dozen non-lethal, safe and legal substitutions for any such spell ingredient.

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