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  • af Dejun Xue
    158,95 kr.

    Tai Chi is a type of martial art very well known for its defense techniques and health benefits. This martial art has evolved over the years into an effective means of alleviating stress and anxiety. It has been considered to be a form of "meditation in motion" which promotes serenity and inner peace. If you are a senior seeking to improve your health or simply wish to learn or practice Tai Chi in a harmonious pace, Tai Chi for Seniors, Step by Step will benefit you. Tai Chi for Seniors, Step by Step comprises step by step detailed instruction from the Tai Chi master Dejun Xue, author of numerous books on Chinese classics and Tai Chi.

    78,95 kr.

    Tacitus was a Roman senator and historian. Tactitus' major works were The Annals and The Histories which covered the Roman Empire from 14 AD - 70 AD. Tacitus also wrote a biography on his father-in-law Gnaeus Julius Agricola who was a Roman general during the conquest of Britain.

  • af George Hackenschmidt
    153,95 - 163,95 kr.

    Get a Free Catalog of more similar titles at The Way to Live by George Hackenschmidt is one of the classic, and often quoted, books in any physical culturists library. The Russian Lion as he came to be known, or Hack, was a phenomenal strongman and wrestler. This book really comes in two parts, first the instructional, then the biographical and we'll deal with each in turn. Hack was a all around strongmen as exemplified by his weightlifting feats and wrestling prowess. All of this required not only strength but agility and speed. One of the feats mentioned early in the book was turning a forward somersault with a pair of 50 lb. dumbbells in his hands. That sounds like something fun to try! I. Introduction II. Why Should we be Strong? III. Adaptability and Characteristics IV. Physical Perfection and Strength V. Nutrition VI. Rest and Wholesome Sleep VII. Training VIII. Exercise without Weights IX. Muscle Exercises with Weights X. Weights for Exercises XI. Exercises for Athletes XII. Time Tables for Training XIII. Dr. von Krajewski, the Father of Athletics and his System of Life XIV. The Story of My Life Here are a few select quotes you'll find inside. "Health can never be divorced from strength." "I have come to the distinct conclusion, that the physical constitution of the human frame never was intended merely for study, but rather for manual and bodily exercise. I have found that those who have lived an active outdoor life have retained and enjoyed brightness born of health far longer than others." "Never on any account continue the exercises until exhaustion sets in and always relax your muscles afterwards." "Man is a creature of light and air, and I should therefore recommend little or no clothing when training." "As a principal rule I should stipulate for regularity of training." This is the only book ever written by Hackenschmidt. I guess with a title like The Way to Live he felt he have taught within a single volume all he needed to teach.

  • - Testosterone, BPH, Alopecia, Adaptogens, Prosta
    af Joey Lott
    118,95 kr.

    Men's Health Made Simple and Natural You want to explore your health in a natural and effective way, but where do you begin? Author Joey Lott delivers a comprehensive look at men's health in his latest book, Men's Herbs and Hormonal Health. Learn the vital connections between health and metabolism, immunity, and inflammation. Troubleshoot issues you may be experiencing by looking up the topic in the book and seeing what herbs might be indicated. Topics include pattern baldness/alopecia, BPH, insomnia, and prostate health, just to name a few. Herbal Wisdom That's Easy on the Wallet Are all those supplements you see in the news really worth the expense? Advertisers often prey on our fears and perceived flaws. This is no exception in the world of health. Luckily, Men's Herbs and Hormonal Health cuts through the crap and delivers the truth to readers on what really works and what isn't worth the bother. Support your hormonal health, increase your sex drive, and feel more energized using herbs, many of which have a long tradition of use and can be acquired inexpensively or even for free through wild foraging. What's the Deal With Stress and Adaptogens? Adaptogens are hot in the health food world these days, but what are they and what do they do? Learn about these and other tonic herbs, including ashwaganda, rhodiola, and eleuthero. Discover the vital role that stress plays in hormonal health and how to combat chronic stress long-term. The author draws upon his extensive research in the field, anecdotal evidence, and his own experimentations on himself. His reliance on both scientific research and a more intuitive approach to plants is likely to appeal to a broad range of readers. Read this book now to begin unlocking your own personal male code for optimal health and performance.

    178,95 kr.

    The novel begins on a beautiful summer day with Lord Henry Wotton, a strongly-opinionated man, observing the sensitive artist Basil Hallward painting the portrait of a handsome young man named Dorian Gray, who is Basil's ultimate muse. After hearing Lord Henry's world view, Dorian begins to think beauty is the only worthwhile aspect of life. He wishes that the portrait Basil painted would grow old in his place. Under the influence of Lord Henry (who relishes the hedonic lifestyle and is a major exponent thereof), Dorian begins to explore his senses. He discovers amazing actress Sibyl Vane, who performs Shakespeare plays in a dingy theatre. Dorian approaches her and soon proposes marriage. Sibyl, who refers to him as "Prince Charming", swoons with happiness, but her protective brother James tells her that if "Prince Charming" harms her, he will certainly kill him. Dorian invites Basil and Lord Henry to see Sibyl perform in Romeo and Juliet. Sibyl, whose only knowledge of love was love of theatre, casts aside her acting abilities through the experience of true love with Dorian. Disheartened, Dorian rejects her, saying her beauty was in her acting, and he is no longer interested in her. When he returns home, he notices that his portrait has changed. Dorian realises his wish has come true - the portrait now bears a subtle sneer and will age with each sin he commits, while his own appearance remains unchanged.

  • - 2000 Nøgleord
    af Pinhok Languages
    123,95 kr.

    Denne bog indeholder en ordliste med 2000 af de mest almindelige ord og sætninger, sorteret efter brugshyppighed i daglig samtale. Ved at følge 80/20-reglen sørger denne ordbog for, at du lærer de vigtigste ord og sætningsstrukturer først, så du kan gøre hurtige fremskridt og holde motivationen. Hvem bør købe denne bog?Denne bog er til folk, der kan russisk på begynder- og mellemniveau og som er selvmotiverede og villige til at bruge 15 til 20 minutter om dagen på at træne deres ordforråd. Den enkle struktur i denne ordbog er resultatet af at have fjernet alle unødvendige ting, så læringsindsatsen udelukkende bruges på de dele, der hjælper dig med at gøre størst fremskridt på kortest tid. Hvis du er villig til at bruge 20 minutter på at lære hver dag, er denne bog højst sandsynligt den bedste investering for dig, hvis du er på begynder- eller mellemniveau. Du vil blive forundret over, hvor hurtigt du gør fremskridt med blot nogle få ugers daglig træning. Hvem bør ikke købe denne bog?Denne bog er ikke til dig, hvis du kan russisk på et højt niveau. I dette tilfælde skal du gå ind på vores hjemmeside eller søge efter vores bog med russisk ordforråd, da den har flere ordlister og er grupperet efter emner, hvilket er ideelt til studerende på højniveau, som ønsker at forbedre deres sprogfærdigheder på visse områder.Hvis du endvidere søger en alt-i-en russisk lærebog, der guider dig gennem de forskellige trin i forbindelse med at lære russisk, er denne bog sandsynligvis heller ikke det, du søger efter. Denne bog indeholder kun ordlister, og vi forventer, at købere lærer ting såsom grammatik og udtale enten fra andre kilder eller gennem sprogkurser. Denne bogs styrke er dens fokus på hurtig tilegnelse af et essentielt ordforråd, hvilket kommer på bekostning af oplysninger, som mange mennesker måtte forvente i en konventionel sproglæringsbog. Vær opmærksom på dette, når du foretager købet. Hvordan bruger jeg denne bog?Denne bog bruges ideelt set på daglig basis, og man skal gennemgå et fast antal sider hver gang. Bogen er opdelt i afsnit med 50 forskellige ordlister, som giver dig mulighed for at komme igennem bogen trin for trin. Lad os for eksempel sige, at du i øjeblikket gennemgår ordforråd 101 til 200. Når du kender ordforrådene mellem 101 og 150 meget godt, kan du begynde at lære ordforrådene 201 til 250 og næste dag springe 101-150 over og fortsætte med at gennemgå ordforrådene 151 til 250. På denne måde vil du trin for trin arbejde dig gennem bogen, og dine sprogfærdigheder vil øges for hver side, du mestrer.

  • - Dungeons and Dragons 5e
    af Travis Legge
    98,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Color Interior A massive amount of feats (50+) and other rules options for Players and Dungeon Master alike. Feats and options for both Spellcasters and Martial/Melee Classes. 5e Feats and Other Options is a collection of feats (50+), features, optional rules, and expanded class options that will help bring your 5e Dungeon and Dragons campaign to life. Whether taking down enemies with the Decapitation maneuver, making a Called Shot, or feeling an Adrenaline Rush, or fighting hordes with your Rapid Strike, these feats, features, and options add a level of powerful advantage for your Dungeons and Dragons campaign. 5e Feats and other Options contains the following: -General Combat Feats: 18 new feats to give your character an edge in combat. -Skill Mastery Feats: 19 new feats to grant your character advantage on skills. -Weapon Style Feats: 9 new feats that expand your character's mastery of weaponry. -Critical Strike Feats: 5 new critical strike feats that add extra bite and tactical options to the critical hit. -New Boons: 5 new boons that can be incorporated as high-level rewards or blessings. -Advanced Combat Maneuvers: 8 new maneuvers for the Battle Master or Martial Adept. -A Called Shot System: The Called Shot system that lets you target specific locations of your foes for increased damage and effects. Critical Hit Option: 2 critical hit options to be used in place of the lingering injury table. -Wound Level System: A wound level system that takes into account the loss of hit points and its impact on your foes. -Sunder Armor and Weapon Rules: Simple rules that allow you to sunder your foes armor and weapons. -Stunt on Natural 20: Bring the excitement back on rolling a Natural 20 with the natural 20 stunt. -Blacksmith: A new skill Blacksmithing has been added. This skill allows you to craft armor and weapons. It also allows you to repair sundered armor and weapons. -Master Work Armor and Weapons: Rules for Master Work Armor and Weapons has been added, and the ability to craft them with the Blacksmith Master feat. -New Backgrounds: 3 new backgrounds for characters with a propensity for violence. -New Class Options: 2 new class options; the Officer Martial Archetype and the Paladin Oath of the Slayer -Rules Clarifications & Options: a section describing how some effects stack and new optional rules such as die type increases and new conditions. Also options that include ongoing damage when a limb has been removed. Other titles by the author include: 41 Feats 5e (Best Silver Seller), Tome of Brutal Tactics (Best Cooper Seller and 4 star review by David Jarvis of Gunmetal Games), and More Brutal Tactics. These titles are available on Dungeon Masters Guild. PDF for this title available on drivethrurpg. 5e Feats and Other Options is also Copper Best Seller on drivethrurpg. Black and White interior and Matt Color cover version also available on Amazon for 8.00.

  • - Ninja Adventure Coloring Book
    af Bruce Herwig
    143,95 kr.

    Get ready for some NINJA Adventure as you color! 25 original designs. Single sided print so marker pens won't go through onto the other images. NINJA: "a member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenaries who were highly trained in martial arts and stealth." Coloring book art by Redlands, CA artist Bruce Herwig. Follow this link for some FREE bonus coloring pages: Feel free to copy these pages for your personal or classroom use. Please encourage your friends to get their own copy. Single sided print. Blotter page recommended if using magic markers. "Inspired by the Zentangle(R) method of pattern drawing." (c) 2017 Bruce Herwig. All Rights Reserved.

  • af Matrix Puzzles
    123,95 kr.

    Become a Sudoku Master! Whatever Your Level, You'll Love This Sudoku Puzzle Book! This Book Features The Following: - 390 Medium Sudoku 9x9 Puzzles High quality symmetrical puzzles. Two puzzles per page, set out in a 5.25x8 inch format. Full solutions for all puzzles at the back of the book. Plenty of white space for number scribbling. High quality paperback, not magazine quality. The book is small in size but the numbers are printed in large font, easy to read. Every puzzle in this book has been carefully checked to ensure that each puzzle has only one possible solution. Lots of Fun! No Math Skills Needed! The Perfect Gift for All Ages! GET YOUR COPY NOW!

  • - Collection of lectures
    af Beinsa Duno
    14,95 kr.

    The book includes 5 lectures, delivered in 1914 by the Bulgarian spiritual Teacher Beinsa Duno (1864-1944). According to Beinsa Duno, 1914 is a memorable year in the history of the Earth. It marks the beginning of e new cosmic cycle on Earth, in which new conditions emerge for great spiritual impulses to arise and give an impetus to the progress of humankind for thousands of years to come. Such impetuses reveal the Cosmic Plan in new and unique ways and manifest through major positive changes in Intelligent Nature. In the course of 50 years the Master Beinsa Duno held about 4,000 lectures. All aspects of human life: personal, family and social, in relation both to the spiritual and physical, to the mundane and transcendental in the various fields of science, religion and art have been illuminated by Beinsa Duno and introduce the readers of his books to a way of modern spirituality. It includes new care of our health, that we can learn from Nature, a new experience of music and sacred dance (Paneurhythmy), insights into basic laws of human life, a new vision of educating children, an awareness of the gifts of Love, and the way to work for a new social order that is based upon this Love. The greatest purpose of his lectures and talks is to give directions and methods for establishing a new culture on Earth in the new cosmic cycle. Beinsa Duno is speaking from a long spiritual tradition of a country that has brought forth two other mystical Schools in the past: the Schools of Orpheus (which led to Pythagoreanism and Platonism) and the 10th century Bogomils (known also as Cathars, considered to be the spiritual force behind the Western Europe Renaissance).

  • - How to EASILY TRAIN Your Shiba Inu
    af Paul Allen Pearce
    30,95 kr.

    Shiba Inu Training with the No BRAINER Dog TRAINER (We Make it THAT Easy!) How to EASILY Train Your Shiba Inu Inside this Shiba Inu Training System are the answers you need for successfully training your dog beginning with the CAR RIDE HOME. (Vitally Important!) And it can make the world of difference in your results too! SPECIAL INSIDE: "What Every Shiba Inu Owner Must Learn First! (Before they..."just-start-training") Simple, Fast, Easy to follow training for the puppy or adult Shiba Inu, just open it up and read simple, clear, step by step training techniques and commands and start training your Shiba Inu in hour one. [NOW!] We are serious about making certain you easily achieve your successful outcome when you put the No BRAINER Dog TRAINER system into action, while using specific and key information you will need to train your Shiba Inu. You can easily attain it all too by taking the simple, clear, fast and effective steps provided to you which you will take, followed naturally in the results you and your new dog both deserve when you act today. But not just for today, these are the results that last. And will continue on for a long term, healthy and happy life together. So serious in fact, I managed to pepper in a wee bit of humor along the way. SOLUTIONS for Whining, Whimpering, Separation Anxiety, House training and Chewing - How to avoid common mistakes - AND how to properly Train using rewards based clicker training. Also, the all-important Digging Solutions. Inside you will find the importance of SOCIALIZATION for your Shiba Inu - How properly to socialize your dog while you are training and guiding them into a thriving adult dog. By reading this guide, you will be prepared to handle your Shiba Inu puppy's first few days of jittery adjustment to a new home, and LEARN HOW to establish yourself as the trusted Alpha Leader. This early groundwork is the base for a remarkable lifetime relationship between the two of you. Arming you with the do's and don'ts as well as the answers that quickly solve any issues that may arise from separation anxiety, chewing, barking, house training, and other mischief, the information inside this guide provides you a head start to becoming an efficient confident trainer and owner for your Shiba Inu puppy to follow. FREE inside - New Dog Starter Guide Inside contains additional information that provides insight into dogs, and advantage in training your new dog. Download it for FREE, from inside this book. A major secret to your Shiba Inu puppy training success includes and certainly depends on your happiness, attitude, approach, and type of command delivery you give. It is an easy philosophy too; the more you have fun, the better results you will get, and the better experience your Shiba Inu will enjoy. You can secure your outcome simply by choosing right now to put our progressive Shiba Inu training book to work with your dog now, and start seeing positive dog obedience results immediately. Download it now we guarantee our trainings materials. Who knows right? You may just have a laugh while teaching your dog with my Kindle Shiba Inu training guide. Thanks for reading, my family is grateful, and we sincerely appreciate your order today! Paul Allen Pearce Author, Trainer, Dog Lover, Expert with your Shiba Inu. Shiba Inu Dog Training with the No Brainer Dog Trainer Shiba Inu, Shiba Inu training, Shiba Inu book, Shiba Inu dog training, Shiba Inu dvd, Shiba Inu savvy, Shiba Inu, Shiba Inu training books, Shiba Inus for dummies, SHIBA INU, how to train my dog, how to train your dog, how to train my dog, Shiba Inu

  • - The complete insider's guide to seeing the best of Japan in one trip
    af Tom Fay
    138,95 kr.

    * UPDATED FOR 2023 - Now with more content, new maps and the latest tips and advice! *Must-See Japan (2023 Edition) is your up-to-date, concise and best-value guide for discovering the top sights, the most delicious foods and the essential must-do activities in this fascinating and complex country. Written by an expert who has spent many years living in and traveling all around Japan, this book is full of inside information to help you discover some of the best things on offer, from popular tourist attractions to hidden gems even the locals don't know. Offering detailed itineraries for trips lasting a week or a month, this guide will help you plan every detail of your stay in Japan.Must-See Japan includes: - Insider tips and advice on when and where is best to visit, so you won't miss a thing- Original maps for every major location- Practical information on everything from buying tickets, to entering hot springs, to Wi-Fi!- Detailed itineraries for making the most of your Japanese adventure, whether it be from a couple of days to a few weeks- Travel tips and clear explanations on how to get around, including rail passes, trains and buses- Honest reviews of a variety of hotels, hot springs, restaurants and attractions- Essential app recommendations and links to useful websites- Straightforward advice on what to do and how to do it, drawing on the personal experience of the author, a long-term resident of Japan- Quickly find the information you need with the active table of contents and logical layout- Beautiful photos throughout- Unbeatable value for a guide packed with a decade's worth of firsthand and trustworthy infoAbout the authorTom Fay is a British author and freelance writer who has been living in Japan for over a decade. He has written extensively about the outdoors and travel in Japan, both online and in print, for The Guardian, Forbes Travel Guide, The Japan Times and many other media outlets.He has a keen interest in landscape photography, and is the main author of the guidebook 'Hiking and Trekking in the Japan Alps and Mount Fuji' published by Cicerone Press (2019).

  • af Tessa Bailey
    188,95 kr.

    Disgraced cop Henrik Vance is having a shit year. Banished to a derelict undercover squad, he

  • af Tariq Rashid
    558,95 kr.

    A step-by-step gentle journey through the mathematics of neural networks, and making your own using the Python computer language. Neural networks are a key element of deep learning and artificial intelligence, which today is capable of some truly impressive feats. Yet too few really understand how neural networks actually work. This guide will take you on a fun and unhurried journey, starting from very simple ideas, and gradually building up an understanding of how neural networks work. You won't need any mathematics beyond secondary school, and an accessible introduction to calculus is also included. The ambition of this guide is to make neural networks as accessible as possible to as many readers as possible - there are enough texts for advanced readers already! You'll learn to code in Python and make your own neural network, teaching it to recognise human handwritten numbers, and performing as well as professionally developed networks. Part 1 is about ideas. We introduce the mathematical ideas underlying the neural networks, gently with lots of illustrations and examples. Part 2 is practical. We introduce the popular and easy to learn Python programming language, and gradually builds up a neural network which can learn to recognise human handwritten numbers, easily getting it to perform as well as networks made by professionals. Part 3 extends these ideas further. We push the performance of our neural network to an industry leading 98% using only simple ideas and code, test the network on your own handwriting, take a privileged peek inside the mysterious mind of a neural network, and even get it all working on a Raspberry Pi. All the code in this has been tested to work on a Raspberry Pi Zero.

  • - An Illustrated Guide
    af Jim R Larsen
    173,95 kr.

    This book will guide you step-by-step through the process of building three low temperature differential (LTD) Stirling Engines for less than $30 each. Two of them are efficient enough to run from the heat of your hand. And all three of them can be built using common hand tools with material available at your local hardware store and hobby shop.The hot air engine (aka: "Stirling engine") has been around for a very long time. Interest in the technology has been revived in recent years by those exploring new methods for producing "Green Energy." An LTD Stirling engine is efficient enough to run from the waste heat that is discharged from other appliances or from the warmth of direct sunlight. The most efficient of these will run from the heat of your hand.Until now, if you wanted to build your own heat of the hand Stirling Engine you had to either spend several hundred dollars for an expensive kit or you needed access to a precision machine shop. This book breaks both those barriers for you. Now you can build your own working models that will run from the heat of your hand, without the aid of a machine shop.Whether you are a student looking for a winning science fair project, or just a home hobbyist looking for a fun project, you will find this book to be a helpful guide in creating your own LTD Stirling engines. You will find detailed instructions, tips on finding parts, and over 130 illustrations to help you recreate Jim Larsen's original designs for these highly efficient small models.

  • - How To Grow, Harvest and Preserve Sweet Corn
    af Paul R Wonning
    88,95 kr.

    Sweet corn is one of the most popular vegetables to grow in the garden. The juicy, sweet kernels provide a welcome summer treat as well as a nutritious source of vitamins, minerals other nutrients. The Gardeners' Guide to Growing Sweet Corn serves as a valuable resource on the culture of growing sweet corn as well as instructions on how to freeze, can and harvest this delicious, popular food. No vegetable is complete without a patch of sweet corn to offer its share of summery sweetness.

  • af Samantha Marie
    138,95 kr.

    burnt cinnamon is a collection of poetry and prose about heartbreak and healing. A curated sequence of emotional experiences - hope, love, rejection, addiction, denial, grief, acceptance, strength and renewal. The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter reflects a different journey. burnt cinnamon gives imagery to the most bitter moments of the heart and celebrates the beauty in them because there is beauty in every experience of the heart and of life.

  • - 197 Drawings
    af Narim Bender
    113,95 kr.

    Leonardo, like Christopher Columbus, possessed an greedy curiosity and desire for discovery of unknown worlds. Only observation, says many times Leonardo, is the key to knowledge and understanding. His drawings are unlike from those of his generation and those drawn before and after him. Among them are fast sketches, portraits, rapid notes for compositions, complicated cartoons, drapery studies, and projects for machines, plants, animals, sketched from nature and anatomical studies. The grotesque caricatures are combinations and variations of human faces, creating a series of types. His anatomical sketches make obvious not only the place of muscles or the bone construction; they as well illustrate the embryo in mother's womb and a exposed skull, - symbols of the creation and ending of human life.

  • - How To Eliminate Stress, Boost Your Confidence, And Reach Your Goals
    af Art S Lieberman
    118,95 kr.

    Do you struggle to focus?Would you like to be able to learn how to find ways to reach goals you set?In this informative, entertaining self-help book, The Art of Focus: How to Eliminate Stress, Boost Your Confidence, and Reach Your Goals, you will discover some unique ways of achieving the things you've always wanted.From landing the job you always wanted, to getting fit or simply answering the big question of why you do things, The Art of Focus provides entertaining stories, fabulous life lessons and endless 'ah, yes' moments of utter clarity, in chapters such as: Sweat is BeautifulThe Big WhoopThe Miracle ListLearn to Feel GoodFind the FunnyGet EngagedAnd more...If you have wondered how you can get more focused on the important things in life, then this is the book that will guide you to that state of mind.Get a copy of The Art of Focus today, boost your confidence, reach your goals and eliminate stress. Your journey starts on page one!

  • - The Ultimate Guide To Beginning Boxing
    af Jeff McCall
    138,95 kr.

    Are you new to boxing and don't know where to start? People come to boxing for a variety of different reasons and goals. Some come to the sport as a tool for self-defense, others come for fitness, and some have aspirations to compete. Boxing is a great workout, perhaps the most challenging of all sports. It requires speed, agility, finesse, power, endurance, and ultimate mental toughness. Boxing pushes you like no other, pitting the finest and highest level athletes against each other. It's the sweet science but at the same time also a raw and brutal sport. More importantly boxing takes you further than you ever thought possible. Boxing makes you more alive than ever, more humble in defeat, and most glorious in victory. Boxing reveals the true fighter deep inside every single one of us. Here is what you will learn in Boxing: The Ultimate Guide To Beginning Boxing Introduction / What is boxing?The history of boxingHow to find a gym to train at and check the instructor is legitimateTraining and Gym EtiquetteWhat training gear will you needIs boxing useful for Self Defence?Is boxing right for women?How long before I am competent in boxing?I have never done a martial art before can I still do boxing?Can you still do boxing if you are overweight and unfit?What is the risk of brain trauma?Common Boxing combinationsThe difference between orthodox and southpaw boxersBeginner sparring tipsSparring etiquetteHow to get your amateur boxing licenseHow to get your first amateur boxing boutConclusion Would You Like To Know More? Download and begin your Boxing journey.

    113,95 kr.

    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. It was first published on 14 October 1892; the individual stories had been serialised in The Strand Magazine between July 1891 and June 1892. The stories are not in chronological order, and the only characters common to all twelve are Holmes and Dr. Watson. The stories are related in first-person narrative from Watson's point of view.

    153,95 kr.

    The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari) is a classic work of Japanese literature concerning life in the Imperial Household by the Japanese noblewoman and Lady Murasaki Shikibu in the early years of the 11th century, around the peak of the Heian period. Murasaki Shikibu (circa 973 - 1014 or 1025) was a Japanese novelist, poet and Lady-in-Waiting at the Imperial court during the Heian period. She is best known as the author of The Tale of Genji, written in Japanese between about 1000 and 1012.

  • - Motorcycles Design to Color and Quote for Biker Coloring
    88,95 kr.

    This Vintage Motorcycle Coloring Book the perfect way to relieve stress and aid relaxation while enjoying beautiful and highly detailed images. Product Details: Presentation Page for Gift-Giving Printed single sided on bright white paper Premium matte cover finish Large format 8.5" x 11.0" pages

  • af Andrés Segovia
    93,95 kr.

    In 1953 classical guitar master Andrés Segovia published his unique fingerings for all diatonic major and minor scales. Here, for the first time, his scale fingerings are presented in both standard notation and tablature. Includes 12 major and 12 melodic minor two- or three-octave scales.

  • af Layla Hagen
    178,95 kr.

    USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHORSebastian Bennett is a determined man. It's the secret behind the business empire he built from scratch. Under his rule, Bennett Enterprises dominates the jewelry industry. Despite being ruthless in his work, family comes first for him, and he'd do anything for his parents and eight siblings-even if they drive him crazy sometimes. . . like when they keep nagging him to get married already.Sebastian doesn't believe in love, until he brings in external marketing consultant Ava to oversee the next collection launch. She's beautiful, funny, and just as stubborn as he is. Not only is he obsessed with her delicious curves, but he also finds himself willing to do anything to make her smile.He's determined to have Ava, even if she's completely off limits.Ava Lindt has one job to do at Bennett Enterprises: make the next collection launch unforgettable. Daydreaming about the hot CEO is definitely not on her to-do list. Neither is doing said CEO. The consultancy she works for has a strict policy-no fraternizing with clients. She won't risk her job. Besides, Ava knows better than to trust men with her heart.But their sizzling chemistry spirals into a deep connection that takes both of them by surprise. Sebastian blows through her defenses one sweet kiss and sinful touch at a time. When Ava's time as a consultant in his company comes to an end, will Sebastian fight for the woman he loves or will he end up losing her?

  • - Mandala - 50 professionell erstellte Mandalas + 10 Boni - Mandalas
    af Mario Solak
    73,95 kr.

    Mandala - Informationen! Mandalas kommen aus dem Kulturkreis der hinduistischen und buddhistischen Religionen. Sie sind dort bereits seit vielen Jahrhunderten als kräftige Symbole bekannt, die dem Menschen helfen sich auf das Wesentliche hinter den Dingen zu konzentrieren. Mandalas und ihre positiven Wirkungen auf das Bewusstsein des Menschen werden auch bei uns immer bekannter. In diesem Buch finden Sie 50+ ganz verschiedene Darstellungen von Mandalas. Sie warten darauf, von Ihnen mit Filz- oder Buntstiften coloriert zu werden. Dadurch erhalten Sie nicht nur einen wunderbaren Schmuck für Ihre Wände, sondern darüber hinaus noch etwas viel Wichtigeres: Nämlich die Entspannung und Ruhe, die Ihnen für künftige Anforderungen Ihres stressigen Alltags die nötige Kraft verleihen wird. Erlauben Sie sich einmal, wieder für einige Stunden wie ein Kind sein zu dürfen, und tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Stille. Sie erschließt sich Ihnen innerhalb weniger Augenblicke, während Sie sich mit dem Ausmalen dieser Mandalas beschäftigen. Schulen Sie zudem Ihre Kreativität, die Ihnen in vielen anderen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens von großem Nutzen sein wird. Sie werden feststellen: Das Ausmalen von Mandalas ist nicht nur für Kinder eine höchst sinnvolle Freizeitbeschäftigung. Dieses schöne Hobby tut auch und vor allem der Seele von Erwachsenen gut - vor allem, wenn Sie sich regelmäßig etwas Zeit dafür nehmen. Mit der hier erhältlichen Vielzahl an Mandalas kommt auch sicher keine Langeweile auf. Diese Mandalas haben verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen, es ist für jeden etwas dabei ( Ausmalbücher für erwachsene und Kinder ). Jetzt Mandala - Ausmalbilder kaufen!

    98,95 kr.

    Romain Rolland (1866-1944), premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1915, ha dedicato l'opera e la vita alla diffusione di un credo umanitario di pace e di fraternità. Compose numerose biografie esemplari, tra cui questa di Michelangelo, realizzata nel 1905.

    83,95 kr.

    Herbert George Wells, better known as H. G. Wells, was an English writer best known for such science fiction novels as The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man and The Island of Doctor Moreau.

  • - For Beginners
    af Tim Conley
    98,95 kr.

    Writing 101: For Beginners is a basic how-to get started writing. I've tried to think of all the questions I had when I started writing and instead of wishing I had someone to assist me - I decided to be the one to assist others. Writing 101 includes comments on how to develop your muse and how to set up the action in your next novel.

    93,95 kr.

    Most of The Sorrows of Young Werther is presented as a collection of letters written by Werther, a young artist of a sensitive and passionate temperament, to his friend Wilhelm. These give an intimate account of his stay in the fictional village of Wahlheim (based on Garbenheim, near Wetzlar), whose peasants have enchanted him with their simple ways. There he meets Charlotte, a beautiful young girl who takes care of her siblings after the death of their mother. Werther falls in love with Charlotte despite knowing beforehand that she is engaged to a man named Albert eleven years her senior.

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