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  • af Cristina Rebiere
    138,95 kr.

    I CanadelfiCathy trascorre le sue vacanze in Mauricie, una meravigliosa regione del Canada. L'estate promette di essere molto interessante. Mathilde si prende cura di lei, e Caroline, la sua migliore amica, è riuscita ad unirsi a lei per trascorrere le settimane estive insieme. I loro occhi sono incantati dalle vaste foreste e dai laghi che si aprono davanti a loro durante le loro lunghe escursioni. È in questo quadro immerso nella natura che incontrano dei nuovi amici: i Canadelfi, che insegneranno loro le proprietà curative e magiche di piante a loro ancora sconosciute. E scopriranno anche delle specie di uccelli e di grandi mammiferi che appariranno nel bel mezzo della natura, emozionandole.Le due amiche hanno sempre ben fermo il proposito di frequentare la scuola degli elfi. E avranno bisogno di tutta la loro inventiva per contrastare la crescente minaccia rappresentata dalla guerra sferrata dagli orchi: l'inquinamento si diffonde a macchia d'olio. Non sapranno evitare la loro malvagità e Caroline ne subirà le terribili conseguenze. Ci vorrà tutta l'energia e i potenti incantesimi degli elfi per salvarla. Per la prima volta, Charles avrà bisogno dell'intervento degli umani durante la battaglia: un'alleanza necessaria. Una nuova avventura di Cathy Merlin nella terra dei Canadelfi, dove scoprirete dei meravigliosi territori del Canada.Cathy Merlin: una serie per i ragazzi, magica ed ecologica!Inquinamento, cambiamenti climatici: le sfide attuali del nostro mondo sono numerose. Come spiegare ai più piccoli dei concetti così complessi? Come possiamo sensibilizzare i nostri figli su questi problemi e rinsaldare il legame con la natura? Il metodo più efficace è quello di usare fiabe e leggende e adattarle al duro contesto della realtà in cui è immerso oggi il nostro pianeta. Ecco cosa questa raccolta di brevi romanzi, ricca di positività, propone offre ai giovani adolescenti che hanno i piedi per terra ma che sanno ancora sognare!"Cathy Merlin" è una serie di libri per ragazzi ricca di avventure magiche e costruttive. Ogni libro combina magia e realismo e si destreggia abilmente tra incantesimi e proprietà medicinali delle piante. Con umorismo e saggezza, Cristina Rebière ci fa viaggiare e sognare attraverso i continenti, ambientando le sue avventure in luoghi che esistono davvero e che ha visitato. Preparati a scoprire una serie originale e atipica che delizierà i lettori di tutte le età!

  • af C. O. Rebiere
    148,95 kr.

    Je briserai mes Destins - La cité engloutie Tout semblait écrit d'avance.Pourra-t-elle rompre les fils ténus de la destinée ?Lou Dessanges est une jeune femme sportive et ambitieuse, meurtrie à jamais par les destins tragiques. Orpheline à la mort accidentelle de ses parents lorsqu'elle avait seize ans, elle a failli sombrer dans la folie mais son amie de toujours, Sarah, lui a redonné le goût de vivre. Aujourd'hui, entre son job dans une boîte de team-building et ses études de psychologie à Strasbourg, elle n'a le temps de rien. Quand un notaire l'informe à l'improviste d'un héritage totalement improbable, son entourage la pousse à aller visiter la vieille bâtisse, au fin fond des Pyrénées.Après un trajet épique en voiture, c'est le choc : elle découvre la montagne, la garrigue, la chaleur et les fragrances du sud et surtout cette belle maison qui devrait être en ruine, dix ans après la disparation de sa soi-disant tante Agathe. Étrangement, tout à l'intérieur semble avoir été préparé avec soin, comme si le départ de l'ancienne propriétaire avait été planifié. Et que dire de la décoration totalement hétéroclite, de ces objets du passé qui ne semblent pas à leur place ? Projetée contre son gré dans ce qui semble être un rêve bien vrai, Lou ne peut empêcher l'engloutissement d'un palais égyptien par les sables et laisse derrière elle une fillette terrorisée promise à une mort terrible. Mais tout cela était-il réel ? L'impuissance et la stupeur la font fuir. Mais elle commence à douter.Lou apprendra-t-elle la vérité sur sa santé psychique ?Pourra-t-elle enfin sauver la petite fille inconnue du désert et briser son destin ?'La cité engloutie' est le premier opus de cette saga fantastique young adult atypique qui vous catapultera dans des espace-temps inconnus ! Vous y affronterez, avec l'intrépide Lou, les épreuves dévastatrices de ses destins qui lui révèleront le sens de sa vie actuelle. Je briserai mes Destins - une série profonde et libératrice Parfois l'existence nous semble être une suite d'événements inéluctables. D'immenses forces à l'œuvre dans l'ombre nous poussent inexorablement dans telle ou telle direction, comme des pions impuissants sur un échiquier dont nous ne connaissons pas les règles. Pourtant, il suffirait parfois de bien peu pour changer le cours des choses : un regard, un instant d'attention, une parole prononcée au bon moment, avec la bonne intention.Devenir maitre ou maitresse de son destin est possible à condition d'en être conscient/e. D'agir.Avec les aventures de Lou Dessanges, entrez dans un univers dense de potentialités où il est possible de modifier ce qui a été, et surtout ce qui va exister. Et comprendre que la vie réelle n'est pas si éloignée de la fiction, qu'il est toujours possible - aussi lugubre soit-il - de briser votre destin.

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    188,95 kr.

    The Shell NecklaceThe Forgotten Island Clan 1 Lowinné, a young Aboriginal woman, eagerly anticipates uniting with Tughanah now that he has come of age. But the two lovers still have to be patient. For countless cycles, their respective clans have converged during their grand annual journey to Trowenna, the majestic land at the Earth's edge. During one such journey, Lowinné has an extraordinary encounter, compelling her to make a daring proposition to her father, the sage of the Nyu clan. This proposal risks shattering an age-old taboo. Has she genuinely received a divine message? Can her father grant her audacious request? Seeking clarity, the elder retreats into the wilderness, hoping to commune with the celestial patriarch.However, the perpetual motion of the clans persists. The grand gathering at the Great Rainbow Serpent Mountain is on the horizon, signaling the day of unions. This significant event is a time of joy and sacred ceremonies for all southern clans. Lowinné ardently desires to honor Tjukuba, the primordial creation narrative, also known as the 'Dreamtime'. But a sudden twist of fate catapults her life in an unforeseen direction, filled with challenges and moments of isolation. During these challenging moments, the celestial spirits unleash the fury of nature, threatening the very essence of their world.How will the Nyu confront adversities that jeopardize their clan's existence? From where can Lowinné summon the resilience to secure a future for her loved ones? What revered artifacts and ageless traditions will guide her? The Forgotten Island Clan Untouched for millennia, Australia remains a sanctuary for some of the world's oldest and most captivating cultures: those of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Yet, by the close of the 18th century, colonization swiftly obliterated ancient lifestyles, shattering traditions and plunging entire communities into conflict, decay, and desolation. Even more tragic was the fate of a vast, isolated island to the south of the expansive continent: the utter annihilation of its original inhabitants.Tasmania serves as the dramatic backdrop for the prehistoric series 'The Forgotten Island Clan'. This narrative envisions the establishment and endurance of a fictional clan across numerous eras, both before and after Tasmania's detachment from the mainland. Amidst climatic and demographic shifts, each installment unveils Aboriginal customs, myths, beliefs, and sagacity, narrated through the exploits of clan members confronting novel challenges. Indeed, the Traditional Owners of the ancestral lands of the southern island, Trowenna, have over time cultivated rituals, relics, and a profoundly rich culture whose intricacy and enigma we're just beginning to glimpse.How did the forebears visualize the world's inception and successfully preserve their age-old traditions? Which strategies did they craft to sustain their existence, distant from what's known as 'civilization'? What insights can this remarkable legacy offer, especially as contemporary Australians rediscover and celebrate it? The series 'The Forgotten Island Clan' seeks to furnish credible responses, fortified by the authors' research and creativity.

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    128,95 kr.

    Cathy Merlin 2. La via dei segreti La via dei segreti Cathy vive delle nuove, emozionanti avventure in Brasile con Caroline e i loro amici. Catturati da un uomo misterioso e selvaggio, dovranno fare prova di arguzia, creatività e soprattutto essere collaborativi per riuscire a fuggire. Hanno da poco scoperto un incantesimo davvero eccezionale che sarà loro particolarmente utile, ma saranno in grado di usarlo in tempo? Le ricerche per ritrovare i bambini scomparsi sono sempre più febbrili e la preoccupazione è al suo apice. Per contrastare gli orchi, Cathy e Caroline dovranno lanciarsi alla ricerca di alcune piante esotiche dai poteri sconosciuti.In questa avventura, Cathy si renderà conto di aver bisogno degli altri per farcela. Capirà anche che dovrà offrire il suo aiuto senza aspettarsi nulla in cambio. Riuscirà inoltre a creare un legame più stretto con il suo papà e imparerà dei piccoli segreti finora sconosciuti su Marie, sua mamma. E nel frattempo, gli elfi dovranno affrontare con coraggio una dichiarazione di guerra. Avranno bisogno dei loro giovani alleati umani per affrontare questa terribile minaccia. Come reagirà Cathy? Cathy Merlin: una serie per i ragazzi, magica ed ecologica! Inquinamento, cambiamenti climatici: le sfide attuali del nostro mondo sono numerose. Come spiegare ai più piccoli dei concetti così complessi? Come possiamo sensibilizzare i nostri figli su questi problemi e rinsaldare il legame con la natura? Il metodo più efficace è quello di usare fiabe e leggende e adattarle al duro contesto della realtà in cui è immerso oggi il nostro pianeta. Ecco cosa questa raccolta di brevi romanzi, ricca di positività, propone offre ai giovani adolescenti che hanno i piedi per terra ma che sanno ancora sognare!"Cathy Merlin" è una serie di libri per ragazzi ricca di avventure magiche e costruttive. Ogni libro combina magia e realismo e si destreggia abilmente tra incantesimi e proprietà medicinali delle piante. Con umorismo e saggezza, Cristina Rebière ci fa viaggiare e sognare attraverso i continenti, ambientando le sue avventure in luoghi che esistono davvero e che ha visitato. Preparati a scoprire una serie originale e atipica che delizierà i lettori di tutte le età!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    123,95 kr.

    Cathy Merlin: 1. Il mondo degli elfiIl mondo degli elfiA dodici anni, Cathy Merlin scopre il Brasile dove suo padre, diplomatico, è appena stato nominato. Arrivare in un paese sconosciuto è spesso difficile. Cathy deve prendere nuove abitudini, scoprire la sua nuova casa. Può contare su Mathilde, la governante che la segue da anni e che per lei è come una seconda mamma. Anche se suo papà le vuole molto bene, non può essere sempre con lei per aiutarla. Le ci vorrà quindi molto coraggio per abituarsi alla sua nuova scuola e imparare a farsi delle nuove amicizie, ma la nostra eroina è pronta ad affrontare qualsiasi sfida!Durante un'escursione a cavallo, un incontro inaspettato nel cuore della giungla le rivela un segreto millenario. In mezzo a fiori e alberi esotici, ecco che un nuovo mondo si presenta ai suoi occhi. Ma non può condividere le sue scoperte con chi le sta intorno. Gli elfi sono in grave pericolo e lei farà di tutto per aiutarli. La sua nuova amica speciale, Gwenola, trasformerà la sua esistenza. Ma toccherà a lei prendere le decisioni più difficili. Cathy sarà in grado di proteggere il grande segreto? Riuscirà a conciliare la sua vita di collegiale con quella che si presenta ora davanti a lei? Nel corso di tante fantastiche avventure, Cathy e i suoi amici impareranno a collaborare insieme e a superare le loro paure.Cathy Merlin: una serie per i ragazzi, magica ed ecologica!Inquinamento, cambiamenti climatici: le sfide attuali del nostro mondo sono numerose. Come spiegare ai più piccoli dei concetti così complessi? Come possiamo sensibilizzare i nostri figli su questi problemi e rinsaldare il legame con la natura? Il metodo più efficace è quello di usare fiabe e leggende e adattarle al duro contesto della realtà in cui è immerso oggi il nostro pianeta. Ecco cosa questa raccolta di brevi romanzi, ricca di positività, propone offre ai giovani adolescenti che hanno i piedi per terra ma che sanno ancora sognare!"Cathy Merlin" è una serie di libri per ragazzi ricca di avventure magiche e costruttive. Ogni libro combina magia e realismo e si destreggia abilmente tra incantesimi e proprietà medicinali delle piante. Con umorismo e saggezza, Cristina Rebière ci fa viaggiare e sognare attraverso i continenti, ambientando le sue avventure in luoghi che esistono davvero e che ha visitato. Preparati a scoprire una serie originale e atipica che delizierà i lettori di tutte le età!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    128,95 kr.

    Cathy Merlin: 2. Le sentier des secrets Le sentier des secrets Cathy continue ses aventures au Brésil avec Caroline et leurs amis. Capturés par un homme mystérieux et sauvage, ils vont devoir faire preuve d'inventivité et d'entraide pour pouvoir s'échapper. Un sortilège tout à fait exceptionnel leur sera particulièrement utile ! Mais pourront-ils s'en servir à temps ? Les recherches s'intensifient pour trouver les enfants disparus et l'inquiétude est à son comble. Pour contrer les ogres, Cathy et Caroline devront se lancer à la recherche de plantes exotiques aux pouvoirs méconnus.Dans cette aventure, Cathy va réaliser qu'elle a besoin des autres pour réussir. Elle va comprendre qu'elle doit également offrir son aide sans attendre quoi que ce soit en retour. En outre, elle se rapprochera de son papa et en apprendra un peu plus sur Marie, sa maman. En revanche, les elfes font face à une déclaration de guerre. Ils auront besoin de leurs jeunes alliés humains pour affronter cette terrible menace. Comment réagira Cathy ? Cathy Merlin: une série jeunesse magique et écologique! Pollution, dérèglement climatique: les défis actuels de notre monde sont nombreux. Comment expliquer aux plus jeunes des notions complexes? Comment sensibiliser nos enfants à ces problèmes et renouer le lien avec la Nature? Il faut à la fois utiliser les mécanismes des contes et légendes ainsi que les dures réalités dont souffre notre planète. C'est ce que se propose cette collection positive de petits romans adaptés aux jeunes adolescents qui ont les pieds sur terre mais qui savent rêver! Cathy Merlin est une série jeunesse pleine d'aventures magiques et constructives. Chaque livre combine magie et réalisme et slalome habilement entre sortilèges et propriétés médicinales des plantes. Avec humour et sagesse, Cristina Rebière prend beaucoup de plaisir à nous faire voyager à travers le monde dans des endroits qui existent vraiment et qu'elle a visités. Alors préparez-vous à découvrir une série originale et atypique qui enchantera les lecteurs et lectrices de tout âge!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    233,95 kr.

    Como sair de uma relação tóxicaIdentificar os narcisistas perversos, passos para separar-se e reconstruir-seViver com medo, não confiar mais em si mesmo, ter perdido a alegria de viver, muitas vezes sentindo tristeza e incompreensão … é realmente Viver?Amar com a ansiedade de não estar à altura das exigências do Outro e, às vezes, receber apenas algumas migalhas de « felicidade » … será mesmo Amor?Você sabe que algo está errado, sem ser capaz de defini-lo. Como um veneno.A memória de quem você era antes desaparece e você inexoravelmente perde sua orientação, sua alegria de viver. Suas memórias, seus contatos, suas convicções são diluídas pouco a pouco para o benefício exclusivo dessa pessoa que está (entrando) em sua vida e afirma que lhe aprecia, « ama » você sem realmente provar isso concretamente … Não é?Os períodos de euforia e felicidade em sua companhia estão se tornando mais escassos em favor da dúvida, angústia, desânimo. Não é normal o que acontece com você, certo? Não é assim que um relacionamento amoroso saudável e duradouro deve se desenrolar. Você sabe bem, bem dentro de você … Mas você continua a duvidar, a esperar por uma mudança … que está demorando a chegar …Você não tem mais forças para reagir. Você acha que merece o que está acontecendo com você … E culpa a si próprio… A profunda culpa que você sente é forte demais para analisar objetivamente a situação e tomar uma decisão salvadora. Então você fica estagnado/a no seu infortúnio, como vítima de uma paralisia da alma e do corpo. De onde pode vir?De um relacionamento tóxico, uma relação tóxica.Você já ouviu falar da noção de pervertidos ou perversos narcisistas? Talvez você seja uma vítima?Você é certamente um/a prisioneiro/a de um manipulador/a que tomou posse de sua vida, de sua memória, de seus projetos e manteve você longe das pessoas de quem gosta. Ele ou ela agora monopoliza sua atenção, seu amor, sua energia vital para deleitar-se com seus tormentos, seus erros, sua fraqueza induzida. Você deve aceitar que esta é uma situação terrível: você caiu numa armadilha quase impossível de ser detida. Não é sua culpa.Este pequeno livro explica sua situação, o que é perversão narcisista, como identificar e se proteger de um perverso narcisista. Ele oferece passos claros para tirá-lo dessa relação tóxica, essa terrível armadilha onde você corre o risco de perder sua saúde mental, física, talvez até mais. Você encontrará maneiras concretas de se reconstruir após a separação.Você conseguirá sair disso!Amar e viver verdadeiramente.Tome a decisão agora!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    148,95 kr.

    Los Canadelfos Cathy pasa sus vacaciones en Mauricie, una hermosa región de Canadá. El verano se está perfilando bien con Mathilde cuidándola. Caroline, su mejor amiga, pudo acompañarla para pasar varias semanas juntas. Les encantan los vastos bosques y lagos que se abren a su vista durante las largas caminatas. Es en este escenario donde conocen a nuevos amigos: los Canadelfos, que les enseñarán las propiedades curativas y mágicas de las nuevas plantas. Pero también aves y grandes mamíferos que también hacen su aparición en medio de la naturaleza y provocan muchas emociones. Las dos amigas no se han olvidado de ir a la escuela de los elfos. Y necesitarán todo su ingenio para contrarrestar la creciente amenaza causada por la guerra de los ogros: la contaminación se está extendiendo por todas partes. De hecho, no se librarán de su maldad y Caroline sufrirá las terribles consecuencias. Se necesitará toda la energía y los hechizos de los elfos para tratar de salvarla. Por primera vez, Charles traerá humanos a la batalla: una alianza necesaria. ¡He aquí una nueva aventura de Cathy Merlin a la tierra de los Canadelfos donde descubrirán algunos hermosos paisajes de Canadá! Cathy Merlin: ¡una serie juvenil mágica y ecológica! Contaminación, cambio climático: los desafíos actuales de nuestro mundo son numerosos. ¿Cómo explicar conceptos complejos a los más pequeños? ¿Cómo podemos hacer que nuestros hijos sean conscientes de estos problemas y que se reconecten con la naturaleza? Debemos utilizar tanto los mecanismos de los cuentos y leyendas como las duras realidades que sufre nuestro planeta. ¡Esta positiva colección de pequeñas novelas intenta ofrecer este tipo de visión a los jóvenes adolescentes que tienen los pies en la tierra pero que aún saben soñar!"Cathy Merlin" es una serie juvenil llena de aventuras mágicas y constructivas. Cada libro combina la magia y el realismo y hábilmente hace un equilibrio entre los hechizos y las propiedades medicinales de las plantas. Con humor y sabiduría, Cristina Rebière se complace en hacernos viajar por el mundo en lugares que realmente existen y que ha visitado. ¡Prepárate para descubrir una serie original y atípica que divertirá a los lectores de todas las edades! Cathy Merlin1.El mundo de los Elfos2.El sendero de los secretos3.Los Canadelfos4. Temblores5. …

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    148,95 kr.

    Tremors... After all the emotions experienced in Canada, Cathy and Caroline return to Brazil. There, their friendship will be tested once again. Fortunately, powerful new spells are on their long list of lessons at the elves' school. And the boys are starting to pay more attention to the young girls... Cathy is getting ready to leave for a new beautiful and unknown country for her: Ireland. She will learn more about Gaelic magic there and encounter strange creatures like Leprechauns and Halflings. It will also be an opportunity for her to finally learn more about her mother. In fact, she will realize that her father knows much more than she had previously thought!But a new ambitious and cruel ruler ascends to the throne of the ogres. He will want to take the war to a new level by using Gwenola. To ensure victory, he will mobilize troops all over the planet, recruiting unexpected allies to accelerate pollution. Will Cathy and her friends be able to contain these attacks and succeed in raising awareness among humans? Will they be able to counter all these Tremors? Cathy Merlin: a series about magic and ecology! Pollution, climate change: the current challenges of our world are numerous. How to explain complex concepts to the youngest? How can we make our children aware of these problems and reconnect with Nature? We can both use the mechanisms of tales and legends as well as the harsh realities from which our planet suffers. This positive collection of small novels tries to offers this type of perspective to young adolescents who are grounded but yet still know how to dream!"Cathy Merlin" is a youth series full of magical and great adventures. Each book combines magic and realism, skillfully slaloms between spells and the medicinal properties of plants. With humor and wisdom, Cristina Rebiere takes great pleasure in taking us on a journey around the world to real places she has visited. So, get ready to discover an original and unique series that will delight readers of all ages!

  • af Olivier Rebiere
    208,95 kr.

    Comprendre et enfin maîtriser le diagramme de Gantt!Vous devez gérer un projet complexe?Vous voulez acquérir des méthodes simples pour générer des idées, les organiser dans l'espace et dans le temps?Ce petit manuel « Maîtriser le diagramme de Gantt » va vous aider!Découvrez des méthodes testées et des outils numériques gratuits simples qui vont vous faciliter la vie et vraiment vous aider Nous avons plus de quinze ans d'expérience dans l'organisation et la mise en oeuvre de projets complexes, que ce soit dans la vie d'entreprise ou dans le montage de projet européen cofinancé.Nous souhaitons partager avec vous nos connaissances utiles, nos astuces pour vous aider à réussir à monter votre projet et faire face à toutes ces missions qui vous incombent.Vous allez découvrir des outils numériques gratuits qui vont vous simplifier la vie et vous permettre de maîtriser le diagramme de Gantt: l'application web gratuite « Mindmup » et le logiciel open-source "Gantt Project". Qu'allez vous trouver dans ce guide pratique et utile « Maîtriser le diagramme de Gantt »?24 sections avec les grandes étapes et outils de la création de votre projet à son organisation au jour le jour grâce au diagramme de Ganttdes infos utiles et facilement réalisablesdes captures d'écran pour comprendre comment faire, pas à pasdes ressources, une formation facultative sur Udemy à prix préférentielAlors, êtes vous prêt(e) à maîtriser le diagramme de Gantt?OK, on y va!Amicalement,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    223,95 kr.

    Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue dans votre guide Voyage Experience: "Tasmanie - l'île aux trésors d'Australie" qui, nous l'espérons, vous aidera à découvrir cette magnifique île australienne qui nous a totalement bouleversés par sa beauté. Encore assez peu fréquentée par les touristes étrangers, cette fabuleuse île abrite une nature spectaculaire, des paysages à couper le souffle, une faune omniprésente qui fera la joie des petits et grands et les émerveillera : kangourous, wallabies, pademelons, wombats, cygnes noirs, kookaburras, cacatoès, perruches, loriquets et oiseaux multicolores. Mais la Tasmanie regorge de trésors bien plus nombreux encore : superbes plages de sable blanc ou doré, vertigineuses falaises plongeant dans la mer, magnifiques parcs nationaux aménagés avec des randonnées spectaculaires, forêts d'eucalyptus et arbres à thé aux senteurs enivrantes, paysages variés aux couleurs chatoyantes couvrant presque toute la palette chromatique. Les mots peinent à présenter la beauté de cette île que nous avons parcourue pendant presqu'un mois la première fois. Nous y sommes revenus début 2024 pour continuer sa découverte et profiter de sa beauté, son air sauvage et paisible, des gens chaleureux et d'une nature merveilleuse ! Pendant plus d'un mois nous avons continué à découvrir d'autres endroits, tout aussi époustouflants, que nous avons ajoutés à cette nouvelle version.

  • af Olivier Rebiere
    223,95 kr.

    Capire e finalmente padroneggiare il diagramma di Gantt!Dovete gestire un progetto complesso?Volete acquisire metodi semplici per generare idee, organizzarle nello spazio e nel tempo?Questo piccolo manuale vi aiuterà!Scoprite metodi testati e semplici strumenti digitali gratuiti che vi semplificheranno la vita e vi aiuteranno veramente :-)Come imprenditori, scrittori e formatori, utilizziamo da anni il diagramma di Gantt per pianificare il nostro lavoro. Ed è particolarmente efficace! Pian piano, vedrete che la vostra mentalità cambierà per diventare più sistematica, organizzata e veloce nella pianificazione e nell'esecuzione dei vostri compiti.Desideriamo condividere con voi le nostre utili conoscenze, i nostri suggerimenti per aiutarvi ad avere successo nella creazione del vostro progetto e ad affrontare tutte queste missioni che incombonoScoprirete strumenti digitali gratuiti che semplificheranno la vostra vita e vi permetteranno di padroneggiare il diagramma di Gantt: l'applicazione web gratuita "Mindmup" e il software open-source "Gantt Project". Cosa troverete in questa "Guide Education"?24 sezioni con i principali passaggi e strumenti dalla creazione del vostro progetto alla sua organizzazione giorno dopo giorno grazie al diagramma di GanttDegli screenshot per capire come fare, passo dopo passoDelle risorse, una formazione facoltativa su Udemy a prezzo preferenzialeQuindi, siete pronti per padroneggiare il diagramma di Gantt?Cordiali saluti,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    163,95 kr.

    Pequeña guía para aprender las propiedades naturales y curativas de las plantas ¿Un té de hierbas par su salud?¿Quiere saber cómo utilizar las plantas para preparar tés de hierbas y mejorar su salud?La vida está llena de simples placeres que pueden convertirse fácilmente en pura felicidad ¿Por qué no pasar a lo « natural »… o más bien volver? Una pequeña guía en la que usted no sólo aprenderá todos los beneficios de algunas plantas, sino que también le será de utilidad para complacer y curarse a sí mismo de forma natural… Los tés de hierbas, ¡y también las hierbas con propiedades únicas para descubrir! 90+ Tés de hierbas medicinales para su salud¿Qué obtendrá con esta guía « Nature Passion »?Nuestros consejos para preparar tés de hierbasPropiedades medicinales y curativas de las plantasMás de 90 recetas, por tipo de enfermedad+ de 130 fotos Atentamente,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    133,95 kr.

    The CanadelvesCathy Merlin Cathy spends the holidays in Mauricie, a beautiful region of Canada. Summer promises to be good with Mathilde who takes care of her. Caroline, her best friend, was able to join her to spend several weeks together. They are astonished by the wide forests and lakes. It is in this setting that they meet new friends: the Canadelves, who will teach them the healing and magical properties of new plants. But also birds and large mammals which also appear in the wild and cause a lot of emotions.The two friends do not forget to attend the elves' school. And they will need all their inventiveness to counter the growing threat caused by the war of the ogres: pollution is spreading everywhere. Indeed, they will not be spared their wickedness and Caroline will suffer the terrible consequences. It will take all the energy and spells of the elves to try to save her. For the first time, Charles will bring humans into the battle: a necessary alliance. Here is a whole new adventure from Cathy Merlin to the land of the Canadelves where you will discover some beautiful landscapes of Canada! Cathy Merlin: a series about magic and ecology! Pollution, climate change: the current challenges of our world are numerous. How to explain complex concepts to the youngest? How can we make our children getting aware of these problems and reconnecting with Nature? We must both use the mechanisms of tales and legends as well as the harsh realities from which our planet suffers. This positive collection of small novels tries to offers this kind of vision to young adolescents who have their feet on the ground but still know how to dream!"Cathy Merlin" is a youth series full of magical and great adventures. Each book combines magic and realism and skillfully slaloms between spells and plants' medicinal properties. With humor and wisdom, Cristina Rebiere takes great pleasure in making us travel around the world in places that really exist and that she has visited. So, get ready to discover an original and atypical series that will delight readers of all ages!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    223,95 kr.

    Identificare i narcisisti perversi, i passaggi per separarsene e come ricostruirsi Vivere con la paura nello stomaco, non avere più fiducia in sé stessi, aver perso la gioia di vivere, provare spesso tristezza e incomprensione… è questo davvero Vivere?Amare con l'ansia di non essere all'altezza delle richieste dell'altro e ricevere a volte solo poche briciole di « felicità »… è questo davvero Amore? Sapete che qualcosa non va, senza però saper dire cosa non va. Come un veleno.Il ricordo di come eravate prima svanisce e perdete inesorabilmente i vostri punti di riferimento, la vostra gioia di vivere. I vostri ricordi, i vostri contatti, le vostre convinzioni si diluiscono a poco a poco al solo beneficio di questa persona (che è entrata) nella vostra vita e che pretende di apprezzarvi, di « amarvi » senza provarlo in modo concreto… Non è vero?I periodi di euforia e di felicità in sua compagnia si rarefanno a scapito di dubbi, angosce, sconforto. Non è normale quello che vi sta succedendo, giusto? Non è così che dovrebbe svolgersi una relazione d'amore sana e duratura. Lo sapete benissimo, nel profondo del vostro cuore… Ma continuate ad avere dei dubbi, a sperare in un cambiamento… che tarda a venire…Non avete più la forza di reagire. Pensate che forse meritate quello che vi sta succedendo… Vi biasimate… Il profondo senso di colpa che sentite è troppo forte per analizzare obiettivamente la situazione e prendere una salvifica decisione. Quindi ristagnate nella vostra infelicità, come se foste vittima di una paralisi dell'anima e del corpo. Da dove può venire?Da una relazione tossica. Avete mai sentito parlare della nozione di narcisisti perversi? Ne siete forse vittima?Siete certamente prigionieri/e di una manipolatrice, di un manipolatore che si è impossessato della vostra vita, della vostra memoria, dei vostri progetti e vi ha isolato/a dalle persone a cui tenete. In questo momento questa persona monopolizza la vostra attenzione, il vostro amore, la vostra energia vitale per rallegrarsi dei vostri tormenti, dei vostri errori, della vostra debolezza indotta. Dovete accettare questa situazione terribile: siete caduti in una trappola quasi inarrestabile Non è colpa vostra.Lentamente, con certezza, con pazienza, questa persona ha abusato di voi, ha messo in dubbio le vostre convinzioni, i vostri valori, seminando deliberatamente la confusione nella vostra mente. La vostra compassione, la vostra sensibilità e la vostra gentilezza naturale sono state la sua porta d'ingresso, la confusione che ha seminato in voi è stata la sua arma di predilezione. Questa persona sa tutto di voi, ma cosa sapete voi di questa persona a cui accordate (ancora) fiducia e che probabilmente ancora amate? Questo libro vi spiega la vostra situazione, che cos'è la perversione narcisista, come identificare e proteggervi da un/a narcisista perverso. Vi offre dei passaggi chiari per farvi uscire da questa relazione tossica, questa trappola orribile in cui rischiate di perdere la vostra salute mentale, fisica, forse anche di più. Troverete dei modi concreti per ricostruire voi stessi. Riuscirete a saltarci fuori!Ad amare e a vivere veramente. Prendete la decisione ora!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    133,95 kr.

    El mundo de los Elfos A los 12 años, Cathy Merlin descubrió Brasil, donde acababan de nombrar a su padre diplomático. La llegada a un país desconocido a menudo es difícil. Entonces Cathy tiene que adquirir nuevos hábitos y descubrir su hogar. Puede contar con Mathilde, la ama de llaves que la ha cuidado durante años. Su papá la ama mucho pero no siempre puede estar allí para ayudarla. Como resultado, se necesitará valor para acostumbrarse a su nueva escuela y aprender a hacer nuevos amigos. ¡Pero nuestra heroína está lista para asumir cualquier desafío!Fue durante un paseo a caballo que un encuentro inesperado en el corazón de la jungla le hizo descubrir un secreto milenario. En medio de flores y árboles exóticos, se abre ante ella un mundo completamente nuevo. Pero ella todavía no puede compartir sus descubrimientos con quienes la rodean, porque los elfos corren un gran peligro y ella quiere ayudarlos. Su nueva amiga, Gwenola, transformará su existencia. Sin embargo, tendrá que tomar decisiones difíciles. ¿Cathy sabrá cómo proteger el secreto? ¿Podrá conciliar su vida escolar normal y la que se abre ante ella? Durante fantásticas aventuras, Cathy y sus amigas aprenderán a trabajar juntas y superar sus miedos. Cathy Merlin: ¡una serie juvenil mágica y ecológica! Contaminación, cambio climático: los desafíos actuales de nuestro mundo son numerosos. ¿Cómo explicar conceptos complejos a los más pequeños? ¿Cómo podemos hacer que nuestros hijos sean conscientes de estos problemas y que se reconecten con la naturaleza? Debemos utilizar tanto los mecanismos de los cuentos y leyendas como las duras realidades que sufre nuestro planeta. ¡Esta positiva colección de pequeñas novelas intenta ofrecer este tipo de visión a los jóvenes adolescentes que tienen los pies en la tierra pero que aún saben soñar!« Cathy Merlin » es una serie juvenil llena de aventuras mágicas y constructivas. Cada libro combina la magia y el realismo y hábilmente hace un equilibrio entre los hechizos y las propiedades medicinales de las plantas. Con humor y sabiduría, Cristina Rebière se complace en hacernos viajar por el mundo en lugares que realmente existen y que ha visitado. ¡Prepárate para descubrir una serie original y atípica que divertirá a los lectores de todas las edades!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    148,95 kr.

    How to choose mushrooms?Small and handy digital guide to easily recognize edible mushrooms in the woods! Do you like mushrooms?The mushrooms are delicious! Taking a walk in the forest and exploring these little plants is a great idea!But how do you know which ones to choose?And how do you cook them?Do you feel the call of the trees, the humid undergrowth where it is good to breathe?Need to walk, feel the leaves and branches under your feet?An immeasurable urge to eat a good mushroom omelet?Well, welcome to this little book which, in its digital form, will accompany you everywhere easily!Going in search of mushrooms is a simple and authentic pleasure that will fill you with energy and positivity! Take the direction of the countryside, hills or mountains.There you will find the real connection with yourself.Our collection of practical Nature Passion guides will prove it to you!Discover small, simple and inexpensive guides that will help you bring nature into your daily life!We have more than a decade of experience in raising small animals, as well as growing plants. We have created an organic garden in our park where we pass on the good deeds to children by making them understand the importance of respecting nature, protecting it, but also cultivating it responsibly in order to reduce the use of chemicals that destroy our health and that of our planet.We are fans of mushroom picking and would like to be able to provide you with a practical little « atlas » to help you find your way quickly. We also like to cook healthy and prepare all kinds of mushroom dishes. We want to share with you our knowledge and tips for simply « taming » this nature whose life sometimes takes us away… In this little guide, you will see the different types of mushrooms according to their color. We will also present you with the dangerous mushrooms to avoid absolutely! Finally, you will discover how to prepare delicious cooking recipes with your picking. Yummy! What will you find in this Nature Passion guide?characteristics of mushroomsbrown, yellow and white mushroomsmushrooms with other colorscool and easy to prepare recipes to enjoy!So, are you ready to integrate nature into your daily life by finding edible mushrooms ?! Yes?Let's go!Best regards,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    138,95 kr.

    El sendero de los secretos Cathy continúa sus aventuras en Brasil con Caroline y sus amigos. Capturados por un hombre misterioso y salvaje, tendrán que demostrar ingenio y ayudarse mutuamente para poder escapar. ¡Un hechizo muy excepcional les será particularmente útil! ¿Pero, podrán usarlo a tiempo? La búsqueda se intensifica para encontrar a los niños desaparecidos y la inquietud está en su apogeo. Para contrarrestar a los ogros, Cathy y Caroline tendrán que emprender la búsqueda de plantas exóticas con poderes desconocidos. En esta aventura, Cathy se dará cuenta de que necesita a otros para tener éxito. Va a comprender que también debe ofrecer su ayuda sin esperar nada a cambio. Por otro lado, los elfos se enfrentan a una declaración de guerra. Necesitarán sus jóvenes aliados humanos para enfrentar esta terrible amenaza. ¿Cómo reaccionará Cathy? Cathy Merlin: ¡una serie juvenil mágica y ecológica! Contaminación, cambio climático: los desafíos actuales de nuestro mundo son numerosos. ¿Cómo explicar conceptos complejos a los más pequeños? ¿Cómo podemos hacer que nuestros hijos sean conscientes de estos problemas y que se reconecten con la naturaleza? Debemos utilizar tanto los mecanismos de los cuentos y leyendas como las duras realidades que sufre nuestro planeta. ¡Esta positiva colección de pequeñas novelas intenta ofrecer este tipo de visión a los jóvenes adolescentes que tienen los pies en la tierra pero que aún saben soñar!« Cathy Merlin » es una serie juvenil llena de aventuras mágicas y constructivas. Cada libro combina la magia y el realismo y hábilmente hace un equilibrio entre los hechizos y las propiedades medicinales de las plantas. Con humor y sabiduría, Cristina Rebière se complace en hacernos viajar por el mundo en lugares que realmente existen y que ha visitado. ¡Prepárate para descubrir una serie original y atípica que divertirá a los lectores de todas las edades!

  • af Olivier Rebiere
    208,95 kr.

    ¿Qué es un diagrama de Gantt? Comprender y utilizar con eficacia el software libre Gantt Project para la gestión de proyectos Comprender y utilizar con eficacia el software gratuito « Gantt Project » para la gestión de proyectos educativosEl objetivo de este libro es permitir a los principiantes intermedios y jefes de proyecto crear y actualizar en tiempo real un diagrama de Gantt para gestionar un proyecto complejo, y compartir en tiempo real el estado de las tareas y subtareas. A la hora de presentar un proyecto, los programas europeos piden algo parecido a un diagrama de Gantt como parte de los apéndices. Éste demostrará la correcta planificación de las tareas en el proyecto.El diagrama de Gantt, aunque es sencillo de entender, puede ser difícil de implementar en un proyecto complejo si no está correctamente « pensado » a fondo aguas arriba. ¡En este simple libro con conceptos fáciles de aplicar se aprende paso a paso cómo simplificar y desmitificar esta diagrama para convertirlo en una herramienta de gestión de proyectos!Como empresarios, autores y formadores, utilizamos desde hace años el diagrama de Gantt para planificar nuestro trabajo. ¡Es particularmente eficaz! Poco a poco, usted verá que su forma de pensar pasará a ser más sistemática, organizada y rápida en la planificación y ejecución de sus tareas.En este libro vamos a utilizar « Gantt Project », que tiene características óptimas para dominar el diagrama de Gantt y comunicar fácilmente el progreso del proyecto. Y además, ¡es gratis! ¿Qué vas a encontrar en este « Guide Education »?24 secciones con los grandes pasos y herramientas para la creación de su organización día a día del proyecto con el diagrama de Ganttinformaciones útiles y fácilmente alcanzablesun método ilustrado, simple y fácilotros recursosEntonces, ¿está listo(a) para dominar el diagrama de Gantt?Atentamente,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    208,95 kr.

    All you need to know to deal with narcissistic personalities and rebuild yourself To live with fear in your stomach, no longer having confidence in yourself, having lost the joy of living, often feeling sadness and misunderstanding … is it really Living?To love with the anxiety of not being up to the demands of the Other and sometimes receive only a few crumbs of « happiness » … is it really Loving?You know that something is wrong, without being able to define it. Like a poison.The memory of the person you were before fades away and you inexorably lose your bearings, your joy of living. Your memories, your contacts, your convictions are diluted little by little for the sole benefit of this person who is (maybe from a long time) in your life and claims to appreciate, to « love » you without really proving it for real … Isn't it?The periods of euphoria and happiness in his/her company are becoming scarcer, replaced by doubt, distress, despondency. What is happening to you is not normal, right? This is not how a healthy and lasting love relationship should unfold. You know it well, deep inside yourself … But you continue to doubt this reality, to hope for a change … which is slow in coming …You no longer have the strength to react. You think you « deserve » somehow what is happening to you … You want it … The deep guilt you feel is too strong to objectively analyze the situation and make a life-saving decision. Then, you stagnate in your unhappiness, as a victim of a kind of paralysis which affects your soul and body. Where can all of this continuous pain come from?From a toxic relationship.Have you heard of « narcissistic perverts »? Maybe are you a victim of one of them? You are certainly a prisoner of a manipulator who has taken possession of your life, your memory, your projects and has kept you away from the people you care about. Now, he or she monopolizes all your attention, your love, your vital energy and take pleasure in your torments, your mistakes, your induced weakness. You must accept this terrible situation: you have fallen into an almost unstoppable trap. This is not your fault.Slowly, surely, patiently, she or he has abused you, questioned your beliefs, your values, deliberately sowing growing confusion in your mind. Your compassion, your sensitivity and your natural kindness have been his/her gateway, the confusion sown in you his/her weapon of predilection. He or she knows everything about you, but what do you know about this Other person you trust and still… love? This little handbook explains your situation, what narcissistic perversion is, how to identify and protect yourself from a narcissistic pervert. It offers clear steps to get you out of this toxic relationship, to break free from this awful trap where you risk losing your mental and physical health, maybe even more.You will also find, within, concrete ways to rebuild yourself.You will succeed in getting out of this toxic relationship!To love and live again. Truly. Make the right decision now!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    208,95 kr.

    Comment sortir d'une relation toxiqueIdentifier les pervers narcissiques, étapes pour s'en séparer et se reconstruire Vivre avec la peur au ventre, ne plus avoir confiance en soi, avoir perdu la joie de vivre, ressentir souvent tristesse et incompréhension… est-ce vraiment Vivre ?Aimer avec l'angoisse de ne pas être à la hauteur des exigences de l'Autre et ne recevoir parfois que quelques miettes de « bonheur »… est-ce vraiment Aimer ? Vous savez que quelque chose ne va pas, sans pouvoir pour autant le définir. Comme un poison.Le souvenir de qui vous étiez auparavant s'estompe et vous perdez inexorablement vos repères, votre joie de vivre. Vos souvenirs, vos contacts, vos convictions se diluent peu à peu au seul profit de cette personne qui est (entrée) dans votre vie et prétend vous apprécier, vous « aimer » sans vraiment le prouver concrètement… N'est-ce pas ?Les périodes d'euphorie et de bonheur en sa compagnie se raréfient au profit du doute, du désarroi, de l'abattement. Ce n'est pas normal ce qui vous arrive, non ? Ce n'est pas comme cela qu'une relation d'amour saine et durable devrait se dérouler. Vous le savez pertinemment, au fond de vous… Mais vous continuez à en douter, à espérer un changement… qui tarde à venir…Vous n'avez plus la force de réagir. Vous pensez que vous méritez ce qui vous arrive… Vous vous en voulez… La profonde culpabilité que vous ressentez est trop forte pour analyser objectivement la situation et prendre une décision salvatrice. Alors, vous stagnez dans votre malheur, comme victime d'une paralysie de l'âme et du corps. D'où cela peut-il venir ?D'une relation toxique. Avez-vous entendu parler de pervers narcissique? Peut-être en êtes-vous victime ?Vous êtes certainement prisonnier/e d'une manipulatrice, manipulateur qui a pris possession de votre vie, de vos projets et vous a écarté/e des personnes auxquelles vous teniez. Il ou elle monopolise désormais votre attention, votre amour, votre énergie vitale pour se délecter de vos tourments, de vos égarements, de votre faiblesse induite. Vous devez accepter cette situation terrible : vous êtes tombé/e dans un piège presque imparable. Ce n'est pas de votre faute.Lentement, sûrement, avec patience, elle ou il vous a abusé/e, a remis en cause vos convictions, vos valeurs, semant délibérément le trouble dans votre esprit. Votre compassion, votre sensibilité et votre gentillesse naturelles ont été sa porte d'entrée, la confusion semée en vous son arme de prédilection. Il ou elle sait tout de vous, mais que savez-vous de cet/te Autre à qui vous faites (encore) confiance et que vous aimez encore probablement ? Ce petit livre explique votre situation, ce qu'est la perversion narcissique, comment identifier et vous protéger d'un/e pervers narcissique. Il propose des étapes claires pour vous sortir de cette relation toxique, ce piège affreux où vous risquez de perdre votre santé mentale, physique, peut-être plus encore. Vous trouverez des pistes concrètes pour vous reconstruire.Vous réussirez &agrav

  • af Olivier Rebiere
    183,95 kr.

    Use Google forms for evaluationGoogle forms and quizzes as effective educational tools valuate your learners with Google formsAre you a teacher and are you feeling the need to put in place an alternative pedagogy to make your learners succeed?Want to know how to set up quizzes easily accessible on smartphone, tablet or computer?This little guide will help you!Discover a simple, step-by-step approach with screenshots We have more than a decade of experience in initial and continuing education of adults and young pupils or students.We want to share with you our useful knowledge, our tips to help you easily create a dynamic and playful learning environment.You will discover simple coaching sessions, ideas and methods that will simplify your life and enable you to work collaboratively and effectively in the classroom and motivate your learners.What will you find in this practical and useful « Use Google Forms for evaluation » guide?8 detailed sectionshow to choose a platform adapted to the needs of your students and yoursquiz creation, questionssharing the quiz, exploiting graphics and datasending a badge by email on success at the quiz30+ screenshotsuseful and easily actionable informationa simple and systematic methodSo, are you ready to implement quizzes in your class ?OK, let's go!Kind regards,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    228,95 kr.

    The Amulet of the Seasons The signs' quest 2 Zia finally leaves the ginte where she has spent happy days near the New Sea in the east, her heart filled with contradictory feelings. She begins her journey of initiation as a priestess and accompanies the funeral procession of her adored grandfather to the necropolis of the Sages. The young girl discovers this sacred place with its striking architecture, imbued with an overwhelming spirituality and majesty. After a difficult break with her mother and separation from her brother, she sets out on the paths that link peoples together along the rivers. His long discussions with his grandmother who accompanies her to the Sacred Cave of Mother Earth reveal to her the ancestral wisdom and customs of the Haganitas, as well as the secrets of the Amulet of the Seasons.Lost and revolted, Kadmeron sets out on the trail of Potac with all the energy of anger. In front of him rises, once again, a raging stream that he must absolutely cross before even recovering his horse. His friend protects him once more, preventing him from making an irreparable mistake. In his desperate quest, the Marteron travels across vast lands far to the east. The tribes follow one another and allow him to meet love, the ingenuity of the peoples of the great lakes but also the violence and massacres perpetrated by other hunters. Upset but resolute, he sets off at a gallop alone in the infinite horizons of Central Europe, where the mysterious drawn signs lead him.Inexorably, the trajectories of these two young people in search of meaning in a world in full chaos bring them together. Faced with the incomprehensible violence of humans among themselves, with climatic upheavals which inexorably modify the territories, will they be able to draw the profound lessons from their meetings? Will they be able, despite the hardships, to get up and continue to advance towards each other? Heirs of the Stone Age - a series that explores the challenges of the Mesolithic period More than six millennia before our era, Mesolithic Europe was shaken by climatic cataclysms. Torrential rains fall on the world, the Mediterranean Sea invades the coasts. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean rise several meters because of the massive melting of polar glaciers, destroying villages and driving terrified populations away. Although the eastern part of the continent seems less affected, the Black Sea continues to fill up and gain ground on the coast.It is the beginning of a period of forced migration that places humanity in a terrible situation. Paradoxically poorly documented and controversial, this little-known era of our prehistory opens up the prospects for the fabulous revolution in agriculture and the profound changes that will follow in human societies during the Neolithic era. And in fact, the extraordinary climatic, sociological and cultural constraints will force our ancestors to take drastic and courageous measures. Deeply… human. A message from the past for the profound changes taking place nowadays and which force us to react…

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    118,95 kr.

    "Cathy Merlin" est une série qui plongera tous les fans de magie, fantastique et aventure dans l'univers captivant des Elfes à travers la planète. C'est LA série idéale pour une évasion réussie au pays de la magie.Le monde des elfesÀ douze ans, Cathy Merlin découvre le Brésil où son père diplomate vient d'être nommé. L'arrivée dans un pays inconnu est souvent difficile. Alors Cathy doit prendre de nouvelles habitudes, découvrir sa maison. Elle peut compter sur Mathilde, la gouvernante qui veille sur elle depuis des années. Son papa l'aime beaucoup mais ne peut pas toujours être présent pour l'aider. En conséquence, il lui faudra du courage pour s'habituer à sa nouvelle école et apprendre à se faire de nouveaux amis. Mais notre héroïne est prête à relever tous les défis!C'est lors d'une promenade à cheval qu'une rencontre inattendue au c¿ur de la jungle lui fait découvrir un secret millénaire. Au milieu des fleurs et des arbres exotiques, un tout nouveau monde s'offre à elle. Mais elle ne peut pas encore raconter ses découvertes à son entourage. Car les elfes courent un grand danger et elle veut les aider. Sa nouvelle amie, Gwenola, va transformer son existence. Cependant il lui faudra prendre des décisions difficiles. Cathy saura-t-elle protéger le secret? Pourra-t-elle concilier sa vie normale de collégienne et celle qui s'ouvre devant elle? Lors d'aventures fantastiques, Cathy et ses amis apprendront à travailler ensemble et à vaincre leurs peurs. Cathy Merlin: une série jeunesse magique et écologique!Pollution, dérèglement climatique: les défis actuels de notre monde sont nombreux. Comment expliquer aux plus jeunes des notions complexes? Comment sensibiliser nos enfants à ces problèmes et renouer le lien avec la Nature? Il faut à la fois utiliser les mécanismes des contes et légendes ainsi que les dures réalités dont souffre notre planète. C'est ce que se propose cette collection positive de petits romans adaptés aux jeunes adolescents qui ont les pieds sur terre mais qui savent rêver! "Cathy Merlin" est une série jeunesse pleine d'aventures magiques et constructives. Chaque livre combine magie et réalisme et slalome habilement entre sortilèges et propriétés médicinales des plantes. Avec humour et sagesse, Cristina Rebière prend beaucoup de plaisir à nous faire voyager à travers le monde dans des endroits qui existent vraiment et qu'elle a visités. Alors préparez-vous à découvrir une série originale et atypique qui enchantera les lecteurs et lectrices de tout âge! La série "Cathy Merlin"1. Le monde des elfes2. Le sentier des secrets3. Les Canadelfes4. Tremblements...5. Métamorphoses6. Écroulements7. Profondeurs8. Les Shamanelfes9. Délivrances10. Héritages11. Ascension

  • af Olivier Rebiere
    188,95 kr.

    Mastering the Gantt Chart Understand and use the "Gantt Project" open source software efficiently! Understand and finally master the Gantt chart!You have to manage a complex project?Want to acquire simple methods to generate ideas, organize them in space and time?This little eGuide « Mastering the Gantt Chart » will help you!Discover tested methods and simple free digital tools that will make your life easier and really help you We have more than fifteen years of experience in the organization and implementation of complex projects, whether in corporates or in the co-financed European project management.We wish to share with you our useful knowledge, our tips to help you succeed in designing your project and facing all tasks that fall to you.You will discover free digital tools that will simplify your life and allow you to master the Gantt chart: the free Mindmup web application and the open-source « Gantt Project » software.What will you find in this practical and useful « Mastering the Gantt Chart » guide?24 sections with the major steps and tools from the creation of your project to its day-to-day organization through the Gantt chartuseful and easy actionable infoscreenshots to understand how to do it, step by stepresources, optional training on Udemy at a preferential priceAre you ready to Master the Gantt Chart?Let's do it! Kind regards,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    128,95 kr.

    The path of secrets Cathy continues her adventures in Brazil with Caroline and their friends. Captured by a mysterious and wild man, they will have to show inventiveness and mutual aid to be able to escape. A very exceptional spell will be particularly useful to them! But will they be able to use it in time? Research is intensifying to find the missing children and concern is at its height. To counter the ogres, Cathy and Caroline will have to start looking for exotic plants with unknown powers.In this adventure, Cathy will realize that she needs others to succeed. She will understand that she must also offer her help without expecting anything in return. In addition, she will get closer to her dad and learn a little more about Marie, her mom. On the other hand, the elves face a declaration of war. They will need their young human allies to face this terrible threat. How will Cathy react? Cathy Merlin: a series of magic and ecology ! Pollution, climate change: the current challenges of our world are numerous. How to explain complex concepts to the youngest? How can we make our children getting aware of these problems and reconnecting with Nature? We must both use the mechanisms of tales and legends as well as the harsh realities from which our planet suffers. This positive collection of small novels tries to offer this kind of vision to young adolescents who have their feet on the ground but still know how to dream!"Cathy Merlin" is a youth series full of magical and constructive adventures. Each book combines magic and realism and skillfully slaloms between spells and plants' medicinal properties. With humor and wisdom, Cristina Rebiere takes great pleasure in making us travel around the world in places that really exist and that she has visited. So, get ready to discover an original and atypical series that will delight readers of all ages!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    188,95 kr.

    Cómo salir de una relación tóxica Identificar los perversos narcisistas, los pasos para separarse y reconstruirse Vivir con temor, no tener más confianza en usted mismo, haber perdido la alegría de vivir, a menudo sentir tristeza e incomprensión … ¿Esto es realmente Vivir?Amar con la ansiedad de no estar a la altura de las demandas del Otro y algunas veces recibir solo unas pocas migajas de « felicidad » … ¿Es realmente Amar ?Sabe que algo está mal, sin poder definirlo. Como un veneno.El recuerdo de quién era antes se desvanece y usted pierde inexorablemente, su alegría de vivir. Sus recuerdos, sus contactos, sus convicciones se diluyen poco a poco para el único beneficio de esta persona que está (entrando) en su vida y dice apreciarlo, o « amarlo » sin realmente demostrarlo concretamente … ¿No es verdad?Los períodos de euforia y felicidad en su compañía son cada vez más raros a favor de la duda, la angustia, el abatimiento. No es normal lo que se sucede con usted, ¿verdad? No es así cómo debería desarrollarse una relación de amor sana y duradera. Usted lo sabe bien, en lo más profundo… Pero sigue dudando, esperando un cambio… que tarda en llegar…Ya no tiene la fuerza para reaccionar. Cree que se merece lo que está pasando… Se culpa a sí mismo… La profunda culpa que siente es demasiado fuerte para analizar objetivamente la situación y tomar una decisión salvadora. Entonces, se estanca en su infortunio, como víctima de una parálisis del alma y del cuerpo. ¿De dónde puede venir?De una relación tóxica.¿Ha oído hablar de la noción de perverso narcisista? ¿Tal vez es una víctima?Ciertamente es un prisionero/a de una manipuladora, un manipulador que ha tomado posesión de su vida, su memoria, sus proyectos y lo ha mantenido/a alejado de las personas que son importantes para usted. Él o ella ahora monopoliza su atención, su amor, su energía vital para deleitarse en sus tormentos, sus errores, su debilidad inducida. Debe aceptar esta terrible situación: ha caído en una trampa casi imparable. No es su culpa.Despacio, seguramente, con paciencia, ella o él ha abusado/a de usted, ha cuestionado sus convicciones, sus valores, sembrando deliberadamente problemas en su mente. Su compasión, su sensibilidad y su bondad natural han sido su puerta de entrada, además, la confusión sembrada en usted es su arma de predilección. Él o ella sabe todo sobre usted, pero ¿qué sabe sobre este Otro/a en quien (todavía) tiene confianza y en quien todavía tiene amor?Este pequeño libro explica su situación. Qué es la perversión narcisista, cómo identificarla y protegerse de un perverso narcisista. Ofrece pasos claros para salir de esta relación tóxica, esta horrible trampa en la que usted arriesga a perder su estado físico y mental, tal vez incluso más. Encontrará unas pistas concretas para recuperarse después de la separación.¡Tendrá éxito en salir de eso!A amar y a vivir verdaderamente.¡Tome la decisión ahora!

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    153,95 kr.

    The signs' quest 1 The waters' fury Kadmeron, a young hunter-gatherer from Western Europe, prepares for his shamanic initiation. The horse's spirit comes to warn him during his sleep of an imminent catastrophe. The incessant rains that have falling on the Saveronacs people for months have weakened the soil. They have also profoundly changed the behavior of humans and animals. While participating in a deer hunt, Kadmeron finds himself confronted with the destruction of the camp where his tribe has lived for generations. Indeed, Mother Earth has unleashed the waters' fury which destroys everything in its path. Why such an inexplicable anger? Left to himself, Kadmeron must act despite heartbreak and despair.In her village in the Gorge of the Ancestors, far east near the New Sea, Zia follows the learning of any young girl of her own kind. Life unfolds at the rhythm of the seasons, with an apparent calm. Her mother the Matriarch intended her to become a priestess and to ensure, like her, the perpetuation of traditions. But this is not what Zia dreams of for her future. She would prefer to devote herself to raising animals and studying plants. Her grandmother understands her and encourages her to find her way. However, in accordance with maternal will, Zia is finally forced to embark on a dangerous quest at the source of the Great Mother River.Kadmeron and Zia don't know each other yet, but each faces a turbulent fate. Will they be able to overcome the immense obstacles which stand in their way and which threatened pre-Neolithic humanity with extinction? Will their paths cross one day? Heirs of the Stone Age - a series that explores the challenges of the Mesolithic period More than six millennia before our era, Mesolithic Europe was shaken by climatic cataclysms. Torrential rains fall on the world, the Mediterranean Sea invades the coasts. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean rise several meters because of the massive melting of polar glaciers, destroying villages and driving terrified populations away. Although the eastern part of the continent seems less affected, the Black Sea continues to fill up and gain ground on the coast.It is the beginning of a period of forced migration that places humanity in a terrible situation. Paradoxically poorly documented and controversial, this little-known era of our prehistory opens up the prospects for the fabulous revolution in agriculture and the profound changes that will follow in human societies during the Neolithic era. And in truth, the extraordinary climatic, sociological and cultural constraints will force our ancestors to take drastic and courageous measures. Deeply ... human. A message from the past for the profound changes taking place today and which force us to react? Questions of a disturbing actuality How were our ancestors organized to deal with the waters' fury and global warming? With what technologies did they manage to survive? What alliances did they have to forge in order to overcome these terrible catastrophes? What beliefs did they use to give them the inspiration, the strength and the motivation to continue to fight and pass on their experience to future generations?These are the questions the Heirs of the Stone Age humbly attempt to answer. This fiction series is based on certain archaeological discoveries uncovered in Eurasia and, of course, on the assumptions and imagination of its authors.We hope that the adventures of our heroes and heroines from a distant past will help you reflect on the unprecedented challenges facing the people of this wonderful biosphere we share today.We, who are their heirs.

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    163,95 kr.

    Curative fruit and vegetable smoothies recipesWould you like a delicious and healthy smoothie?Do you like smoothies?Would you like to know how to use fruits and vegetables to make delicious smoothies and improve your health?Life is also made of simple pleasures that can turn into pure happiness easily Our collection of practical ebooks »eGuide Nature » is going to prove it to you! Discover small, easy and cheap books that will help you to bring nature into your every day life !We love to cook and of course love preparing any kind of fresh juices or smoothies We wish to share with you our knowledge and our helpful tips for « tame » simply this Nature whose sometimes modern life takes us away…You are going to discover small useful practical guides, always handy in your smartphone 101 Smoothies for your healthIn this ebook we will see how to prepare delicious smoothies to stay simple and naturally healthy!What are you going to find in this « eGuide Nature Passion »?natural and healing properties of some fruits and vegetablesour tips to prepare smoothies101 recipes by ailmentmore than 200 pages of content So, are you ready to bring nature into your everyday life?! Yes?Let's go!Kind regards,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    163,95 kr.

    A small digital guide to learn the natural and healing properties of plants Want a cup of herbal tea for your health?Would you like to know how to use plants and fruits to prepare herbal teas and remain in good health?Life is also made of simple pleasures that can turn into pure happiness easily Our collection of practical ebooks Nature Passion is going to prove it to you!Discover small, easy and cheap books that will help you to bring nature into your life every day!We have over a decade of experience in breeding small animals and presenting them to children as part of a mini-zoo. We would like to share the knowledge we've gained from our seniors and ancestors. We also love to cook and of course love preparing any kind of herbal teas to remain in good health, naturally We wish to share with you our knowledge and our helpful tips for « tame » simply this Nature from which, sometimes, modern life takes us away…You are going to discover small useful practical guides, always handy in your smartphone Herbal teas to be in good health In this eGuide you are going to find out all the benefits of fruits, vegetables and other plants, but also beverages that will strengthen your health!What are you going to find in this « eGuide Nature Passion »?our tips to prepare your herbal teasmore than 90 recipes, by ailment130+ photosSo, are you ready to bring nature into your everyday life?! Yes?Let's go!Kind regards,Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

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