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  • af Lola Walder
    138,95 kr.

    A magical story of a Guatemalan girl named Juanita, who loved cooking crunchy maize tortillas and counting stars every night.Juanita lived in Santa Catarina Palopó, a pretty little village next to a beautiful lake, surrounded by three huge volcanoes. She loved her pueblo and their people. Women there helped their families by weaving huipiles from silk, wool, and cotton thread while men worked the land. Juanita wanted to be of help, so she always cooked for her family her favorite meal, tortillas. At night, when the sun cleared the way for the moon to shine bright, Juanita would run onto the roof of the house for her nighttime routine: counting stars. The sky was so clear she could almost touch it.But one day, Juanita's mom became very ill, and she couldn't work at her loom. Juanita wanted to help but didn't know how to. It appears the sky had been listening to her all the time and had a big surprise stored for her...La mágica historia de una niña de Guatemala a la que le encantaba cocinar tortitas de maíz y contar estrellas cada noche.Juanita vivía en Santa Catarina Palopó, un pueblito encantador junto a un hermoso lago, rodeado por tres enormes volcanes. Para ella era el mejor lugar del mundo donde vivía la gente más buena. Las mujeres ayudaban a sus familias tejiendo huipiles de seda, lana e hilo de algodón, mientras los hombres trabajaban la tierra. Juanita quería ser de ayuda, y por eso siempre cocinaba para su familia su plato favorito: tortitas de maíz. Por la noche, cuando el sol se marchaba para abrir paso a la luna, Juanita corría escaleras arriba hacia el ático para su rutina nocturna: contar estrellas. El cielo estaba tan despejado que casi podía tocarlo.Pero un día, la mamá de Juanita se puso muy enferma y no podía trabajar en su telar. Juanita quería ayudar pero no sabía cómo. Al parecer, el cielo la había estado escuchando todo el tiempo y tenía una gran sorpresa preparada para ella...

  • af Daniel Cañas
    138,95 kr.

    Awarded at the 2022 Moonbeam Children's Awards GOLD medal - Winner of the 2023 Independent Publisher Book Awards. Moving to a new city can be a heartbreaking experience, but also an opportunity to grow. This Birch Tree will realize that even in the darkest spots, one can shine brighter than ever.The day they took me out of my home and loaded me onto a truck changed everything. I went from living surrounded by nature, with my brothers, to ending up girdled by towering buildings in a polluted, noisy city. I was homesick. Accepting that change was extremely difficult, but then I started to realize that the city was not that bad after all. A friendly gardener took care of me. He watered my soil, gave me fertilizer, and trimmed my dry branches so that a pair of finches could nest in them. I began to feel very useful, as I gave people my shade, my oxygen, and my gently-flavored seeds. I soon understood that hope and love could manifest anywhere in the world, so I decided to put down roots.A story that invites us to see adversities as opportunities, and to trust that changes, despite surprising us, can help us grow. Ganador de la medalla de oro en los premios Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. Mudarse de ciudad puede ser una experiencia angustiosa, pero también es una oportunidad para crecer. Este abedul se dará cuenta que aunque uno se encuentre en uno de los momentos más oscuros, uno puede brillar más que nunca.El día que me sacaron de casa y me transportaron en camión a la ciudad lo cambió todo. Pasé de vivir rodeado de naturaleza, con mis hermanos, a acabar rodeado de edificios altísimos en una ciudad llena de contaminación. Aceptar ese cambio me costó mucho, pero pronto me di cuenta de que la ciudad también tenía su parte positiva. Un amable jardinero se ocupó de mí. Abonó mi suelo con ricos nutrientes, me suministró agua y me cortó las ramas secas para que pareja de jilgueros construyese su nido en mí. Empecé a sentirme muy útil para las personas al darles mi sombra, mi oxígeno y mis frutos, y entonces entendí que la esperanza y el amor se podían manifestar en cualquier lugar del mundo, así que decidí echar raíces.Una historia que nos invita a contemplar las adversidades como oportunidades, y a confiar en que los cambios, a pesar de sorprendernos, pueden ayudarnos a crecer.

  • af Javier Sobrino
    138,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Javier Sobrino
    138,95 kr.

    "Este hermosoá lbum ilustrado representa un extraordinario recurso para abordar el duelo por separacóin, contribuyendo al aprendizaje de una correcta gestóin emocional. El brillante trabajo de la artista, Carolina Luózn y, concretamente, el realismo con el que da vida a los personajes de este libro nos permite vivir las emociones de su protagonista en cada trazo y nos lleva a empatizar coné l Javier Sobrino nos recuerda la maravillosa complicidad que se genera con la amistad y cáun felices puede llegar a hacernos. Pero tambéin nos advierte de la posibilidad de su ruptura o étrmino por distanciamiento"--Publisher's website.

  • af Pilar López Ávila
    138,95 kr.

    Awarded at the 2023 Cuatro Gatos Foundation Awards - Winner of the 2023 Independent Publisher Book awards. A grandmother and her granddaughter explore together the secrets of nature and forge a bond that will live out forever. With Butterfly’s Wings is a tender story about a girl who loses her beloved grandmother finds comfort in remembering her through what she learned from her.It was my grandmother who taught me to listen to the song of the birds. Throw her eyes I learned to contemplate those little birds and to perceive what made them so special. Together we heard the blackbird sing among the rumble of the city that was slowly awakening, trying to guess where the bird was. Grandma was my best teacher: she taught me all the secrets of nature, the magic of flowers, the spirit of monarch butterflies… For this reason, even if she is now gone, she will live in me through the song of nature.Premiado por la Fundación Cuatro Gatos 2023. Una abuela y su nieta exploran juntas los secretos de la naturaleza y forjan un vínculo que perdurará para siempre. Con alas de mariposa es una tierna historia sobre una niña que pierde a su amada abuela y encuentra consuelo al recordarla a través de todo lo que aprendió de ella.Fue la abuela la que me enseñó a escuchar el canto de las aves. Sus ojos me enseñaron a contemplar esos pequeños pájaros y a observar aquello que los hacía tan especiales. Juntas escuchábamos al mirlo cantar entre los murmullos de la ciudad que se despertaba, intentado adivinar dónde se encontraba. La abuela era mi mejor maestra: me enseñaba todos los secretos de la naturaleza, la magia de las flores, el aliento de las monarcas… Por eso, aunque ella ya no esté, vivirá en mí a través del canto de la naturaleza.

  • af Susanna Isern
    138,95 kr.

    "Un castorcillo con las orejas cíadas y la mirada triste. Un jabaíl un tanto sospechoso. Una ardilla con los ojos muy abiertos. Regresan los personajes de Cartas en el bosque y Un misterio en el bosque. Una historia sobre el acoso y la importancia de alzar la voz cuando sucede ante nosotros."--

  • af Fran Nuno
    138,95 kr.

    Winner of the 2017 New York City Big Book Award. Some say that we always return to the places where we embraced life, where we were happy. Zoe, a girl who must flee her city with her family because of the war, remembers them before she leaves.Zoe had lived in the city since she was born. She knew every building, every park, every corner of the city. But the war broke out and she, like many others, had to say goodbye to her home and leave without knowing when she might return. Zoe has so many good memories of her city... Her grandparents' house, a shelter full of dreams and games, her old school, where she met her friends and loved learning new things. Not to mention the downtown park, where She'd spent many Sunday mornings there, playing on the swings, listening to people playing music, and riding her bike.Almost about to leave, Zoe spread the map of the city on a table and and started to mark all the places where she was really happy, with the certainty that they will always accompany her.Ganador del premio New York City Big Book Award en 2017. Dicen que siempre volvemos a los lugares donde amamos la vida, donde fuimos felices. Zoe, una niña que debe huir de su ciudad con su familia por causa de la guerra, los rememora antes de partir.Zoe lleva toda la vida viviendo en la misma ciudad. Se conocía cada edificio, cada parque, cada rincón. Pero la guerra estalló y, como muchos otros, tuvo que decirle adiós a su ciudad y marcharse sin saber cuándo podría volver. Zoe tiene tantos buenos recuerdos de su ciudad... La casa de los abuelos, su pequeño refugio lleno de sueños y juegos, su antigua escuela, ahí donde conoció a sus amigos y aprendió que le encantaba aprender cosas nuevas. Por no hablar del parque del centro, que tanto la vio divertirse entre columpios, artistas ambulantes y paseos en bicicleta.A punto de partir, Zoe extendió el mapa de la ciudad en una mesa y dibujó su 'mapa de los buenos momentos', señalando todos los lugares donde fue realmente feliz, con la certeza de que siempre la acompañarán.

  • af María Quintana Silva
    138,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Desirée Acevedo
    138,95 kr.

    An entertaining yet creative way to address and celebrate diversity among young children. Like a multicolor pencil palette, what defines human beings is their uniqueness and their diversity.Vega and her colored pencils were inseparable. Together they created the most impressive drawings that were later exposed in the best museum in the world: the refrigerator at home. Vega used all the colors you can imagine for her drawings: red, yellow, blue, gold... At school, Vega was immersed in one of her new creations when her friend Alex stopped by, and peered into the box of pencils Vega had on her table. "Can you lend me the skin-colored pencil, please?" he asked. Skin-colored? Vega and Alex wondered why there is such a color in the box. With curiosity and creativity they will explore the diversity of skin tones of people who are part of their daily lives and they will discover that the "skin-color" can have a thousand shades and not just one.Premiado en los Moonbeam Children's Book Awards de 2021. Como una paleta de lápiz multicolor, lo que define a los seres humanos es su singularidad y su diversidad. Una historia entretenida y creativa que aborda y celebra la diversidad entre los niños pequeños.Vega y sus lápices de colores eran inseparables. Juntos creaban los dibujos más impresionantes que luego colgaban en el mejor museo del mundo: la nevera de casa. Sus pinturas contenían todos los colores que os podáis imaginar: rojo, amarillo, azul, dorado... En el colegio, Vega estaba sumergida en una de sus nuevas creaciones cuando su amigo Álex se acercó a ella y, mirando la caja de colores que tenía Vega, le preguntó:-¿Me dejas el color carne?¿El color carne? Vega y Álex se preguntaron por qué en la caja de lápices de colores hay uno que se llama así. Con curiosidad y creatividad explorarán la diversidad de tonos de piel de personas que forman parte de su día a día y descubrirán que el "color carne" puede tener mil tonalidades y no solo una.

  • af Susanna Isern
    138,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Cesar Blanco
    138,95 - 168,95 kr.

  • af Azahara Castillo
    163,95 kr.

    "Ay, el amor... No siempre estâa donde se le espera y, a veces, llega sin esperarlo. Acompaäna a los protagonistas de esta divertida historia a dar un româantico paseo a orillas del mar y dâejate sorprender por cuâantas cosas pueden llegar a suceder. ÅSerâas capaz de descubrirlas todas?"--

  • af David Gomez Gomez
    198,95 kr.

    Uncertainty and unpredictability greatly irritate and confound our young protagonist. Still, with the help of her loving and creative mother, she will manage to find the solution that allows her to enjoy each day.Sophia is a dragonfly born with one wing smaller than the other. That doesn't stop her from flying fast and performing countless tricks, her favorite pastime. But there's something that makes her feel restless, anxious, and uncomfortable every day: Sophia needs to have everything under control and know what will happen at every moment, after every task. Sophia tirelessly asks her mother, "what will they do next?" again and again, without finding the true peace she needs in the answers her mother provides. For her tranquility, her creative, loving, and patient mother will devise a foolproof plan that will allow her to relax and enjoy what she loves the most. An extraordinary resource is presented as an illustrated album to address functional diversity and its particularities, family support, and the instinct to overcome challenges. it is also a story of family coexistence, parenting, and motherhood. As the story is not explicitly narrated from the perspective of autism or functional diversity, it allows any young reader to empathize with the impatience of its restless protagonist.

  • af Margarita Del Mazo Del Mazo
    198,95 kr.

    An illustrated album born to touch the emotions of its readers through beautiful scenes and carefully chosen profound verses that pay tribute to the beautiful bond between a father and his daughter. From the same authors of "La luz de Lucía" comes a new installment in the series "Amor de familia" (Family Love).The sweet anticipation, birth, growth, learning... These are pivotal and magical moments that Margarita del Mazo conveys to us through her metaphorical and profound verses. Silvia Álvarez brings these moments to life with every stroke. Poetic and evocative. It is a beautiful title that conveys to us the tenderness and warmth of a father's protective arms while also capturing his daughter's infinite curiosity and admiration. A protective shield, a playmate, an encourager of boundless creativity and imagination... a father is all that and much more.Growing up alongside a loving, present, and engaged father will instill in his children the confidence to believe they can achieve any goal they set.Thus, tenderness, protection, love, and play intertwine across beautiful, delicate pages that stir our emotions.An illustrated album born to be shared within the family, celebrating that special bond, inviting us to be carried away by its emotional words and beautiful images, and becoming an unforgettable read.

  • af Margarita Del Mazo Mazo
    198,95 kr.

    An illustrated album born to touch the emotions of its readers through beautiful scenes and carefully chosen profound verses that pay tribute to the beautiful bond between a father and his daughter. From the same authors of "La luz de Lucía" comes a new installment in the series "Amor de familia" (Family Love).The sweet anticipation, birth, growth, learning... These are pivotal and magical moments that Margarita del Mazo conveys to us through her metaphorical and profound verses. Silvia Álvarez brings these moments to life with every stroke. Poetic and evocative. It is a beautiful title that conveys to us the tenderness and warmth of a father's protective arms while also capturing his daughter's infinite curiosity and admiration. A protective shield, a playmate, an encourager of boundless creativity and imagination... a father is all that and much more.Growing up alongside a loving, present, and engaged father will instill in his children the confidence to believe they can achieve any goal they set.Thus, tenderness, protection, love, and play intertwine across beautiful, delicate pages that stir our emotions.An illustrated album born to be shared within the family, celebrating that special bond, inviting us to be carried away by its emotional words and beautiful images, and becoming an unforgettable read.Un álbum ilustrado nacido para emocionar a sus lectores a través de bellas escenas y profundos versos cuidadosamente escogidos para homenajear el hermoso vínculo entre un padre y su hija.De las mismas autoras de La luz de Lucía llega una nueva entrega de la serie ¿Amor de familiä. La dulce espera, nacer, crecer, aprender¿ Son momentos trascendentales y mágicos Margarita del Mazo nos transmite a través de sus metafóricos y profundos versos. Silvia Álvarez logra a la perfección dar vida a esos momentos con cada trazo. Poético y evocador. Un bello título que logra transmitirnos la ternura y el calor de los brazos protectores de un padre, a la vez que la infinita curiosidad y admiración de su hija. Escudo protector, compañero de juegos e impulsor de la creatividad y la imaginación desmedidas¿ un padre es eso y mucho más. Crecer junto a un padre amoroso, presente y participativo, sembrará en sus hijos la seguridad de sentirse capaces de alcanzar y lograr cualquier meta que se propongan en sus vidas. Así, la ternura, la protección, el amor y el juego se confunden entre hermosas y delicadas láminas que logran emocionarnos.Un álbum ilustrado que nace para ser compartido en familia y celebrar ese vínculo tan especial y nos invita a dejarnos llevar por sus emotivas palabras y bellas imágenes, convirtiéndose en una lectura inolvidable.

  • af Azahara Castillo Castillo
    198,95 kr.

    An ode to love and a positive attitude through fun, colorful, and action-packed images that challenge the reader to decipher how many stories unfold. It all begins with a peaceful stroll along the seaside. A love-struck dog has found the love of its life, or so it believes. But that's not the only thing that will happen... Here is an illustrated album representing an ode to love and a positive attitude. It is a narrative and illustrative game that offers us a story of love¿or perhaps two or even three. Who knows!It will be the reader's task to discover how many stories can unfold in the same setting, where symbolism and metaphor come together to offer us a "sea" of enjoyable reading. A message of positivity and perseverance in the face of our goals and objectives; only in this way can we distance ourselves from negative feelings such as frustration.Maintaining a constructive attitude will allow us to make the most of things and will ensure that, no matter what happens, we always extract the best from every situation. Because if, despite trying, things don't turn out as we expected... It doesn't matter!There is no room for discouragement or defeat. We always have the option to try again, even more eager and stronger. And of course, it's also a nod to love, an invitation to look "with eyes of the heart," to be happier and to make others happier too.

  • af David Gomez Gomez
    198,95 kr.

    "Sophia is a dragonfly born with one wing smaller than the other. That doesn't stop her from flying fast and performing countless tricks, her favorite pastime. But there's something that makes her feel restless, anxious, and uncomfortable every day: Sophia needs to have everything under control and know what will happen at every moment, after every task. Sophia tirelessly asks her mother, "what will they do next?" again and again, without finding the true peace she needs in the answers her mother provides. For her tranquility, her creative, loving, and patient mother will devise a foolproof plan that will allow her to relax and enjoy what she loves the most. An extraordinary resource is presented as an illustrated album to address functional diversity and its particularities, family support, and the instinct to overcome challenges. it is also a story of family coexistence, parenting, and motherhood. As the story is not explicitly narrated from the perspective of autism or functional diversity, it allows any young reader to empathize with the impatience of its restless protagonist"--

  • af Javier Sobrino
    163,95 kr.

    The Footprint ― The brilliant work of the artist and, specifically, the realism with which Luzón brings this story to life forces us to experience the protagonist's emotions in every stroke. “Throughout the book, a striking contrast emerges an animal world with human feelings.”The compositions and techniques with which the artist plays to recreate the various scenarios and breathe life into the protagonist’s emotions overwhelm the reader to the point where it is impossible not to empathize with him. Images and verses that envelop us in an atmosphere as turbulent as friendship can be a difficult beginning, with an initial rejection of the different, what we call “strange,” which quickly finds that gift of life called friendship, the one that allows us to face and even forget all the adversities that cross our path. A strong and intense friendship that carries us along on a river of fun and well-being and that both Sobrino and Luzón manage to make us feel between the pages of this beautiful album.Companionship can be one of the most beautiful experiences to be discovered in childhood, but it can also be one of the most painful when it breaks down. That’s why this story isn’t just about how good it is to have a great friend. Sometimes things go wrong; paths diverge, and, without expecting it, lives that were once one become separated forever. Dealing with the grief you experience, especially for a child, is not easy.This is why this beautiful book gives us a powerful message of hope and illusion:“That those who were here may have left an indelible mark, but they also leave a space that can be filled by others who are ready to make us immensely happy.”. Because in childhood, during emotional turmoil, friendship can be a wonderful experience or the most significant lesson.La huella ― A lo largo de la infancia, los niños pueden sentirse muy afectados y tremendamente tristes ante la ruptura de una amistad o ante las circunstancias que lo obliguen a separarse de su mejor amigo.Este hermoso álbum ilustrado representa un extraordinario recurso para abordar el duelo por separación, contribuyendo al aprendizaje de una correcta gestión emocional. El brillante trabajo de la artista, Carolina Luzón y, concretamente, el realismo con el que da vida a los personajes de este libro nos permite vivir las emociones de su protagonista en cada trazo y nos lleva a empatizar con él Javier Sobrino nos recuerda la maravillosa complicidad que se genera con la amistad y cuán felices puede llegar a hacernos. Pero también nos advierte de la posibilidad de su ruptura o término por distanciamiento.Por eso nos deja este precioso y emotivo libro donde nos regala un poderoso mensaje para enfrentar ese duelo con ilusión y esperanza:“Puede que alguien nos haya dejado una huella con su partida, pero también deja la oportunidad de que otros lleguen a nuestras vidas para hacernos felices”.

  • af Elena Ferrndiz
    198,95 kr.

    Where dreams take you… It isn't a question but the certainty that prepares us for an extraordinary journey.A book where illustration and poetry merge, transporting the reader to a world where art accompanies them on every page.An invitation to let our imagination soar as dreams take shape and become a reality.A dreamlike text without a starting point, which feels as if it has no end; a world of fantasy, which makes its presence felt right from the cover, with its bold, atmospheric title.It's time to dream, and no one can say whether it's just a fantasy, a desire for something to come true, or things that happen while we are asleep.That’s the magic of this book: we'll never know whether she was dreaming about being an ant or if she was one, but, in any case, it happened…A story that symbolizes our goals, challenges, aspirations, and, above all, the fierce determination to achieve our objectives without giving up, overcoming our fears through the magic formula of trusting in ourselves.The artist recreates scenes with unique details that intentionally move us between close-ups and wide-angle views, immersing us in vibrant colors.Gray tones remind us that we are asleep, while deep red brings us back to reality: or was it the other way around?This book allows the reader to discover the character and then be spellbound with them in the worlds of dreams.

  • af Elena Ferrndiz
    198,95 kr.

    Where dreams take you… It isn't a question but the certainty that prepares us for an extraordinary journey.A book where illustration and poetry merge, transporting the reader to a world where art accompanies them on every page.An invitation to let our imagination soar as dreams take shape and become a reality.A dreamlike text without a starting point, and which feels as if it has no end; a world of fantasy, which makes its presence felt right from the cover, with its bold, atmospheric title.It's time to dream, and no one can say whether it's just a fantasy, a desire for something to come true, or just things that happen while we are asleep.That’s the magic of this book: we'll never know whether she was dreaming about being an ant or if she was one, but, in any case, it happened…A story that symbolizes our goals, challenges, aspirations, and, above all, the fierce determination to achieve our objectives without giving up; overcoming our fears through the magic formula of trusting in ourselves.The artist recreates scenes with unique details that intentionally move us between close-ups and wide-angle views, immersing us in a world of vibrant colors.Gray tones remind us that we are asleep, while deep red brings us back to reality: or was it the other way around?It is a book that allows the reader to discover the character and then be spellbound with them in the worlds of dreams.Donde llevan los sueños… Una obra donde ilustración y poesía se funden para llevar al lector a un mundo donde el arte le acompañará en cada lámina.Una invitación real a desplegar toda nuestra imaginación mientras los sueños van tomando forma y se hacen realidad.Un texto onírico del que se desconoce el principio y del que se siente que no existe final; la fantasía, que hace acto de presencia desde la portada, su título tan abierto, tan vivo…Todo está listo para el sueño, y nadie nos confirma si es tan solo un anhelo, el deseo de hacer algo realidad, o hechos que se suceden mientras dormimos.Una lectura que simboliza nuestras metas, los retos, las ilusiones y, sobre todo, esa férrea voluntad de conseguir nuestros objetivos sin dejar paso a la rendición; venciendo los miedos mientras vamos acompañados de la mágica fórmula que representa confiar en nosotros mismos.Un álbum que deja que sea el lector quien descubra al personaje para, después, perderse con él por los mundos de la ensoñación.

  • af Ariel Andres Almada
    198,95 kr.

    Catalan versionGrandparents ? The fifth book in the dazzling bestselling saga about family love. A tribute to the lifelong bond between grandparents and grandchildren. ?My grandparents are around me in all different ways. I can feel them in the wind, and in the flight of the butterflies?Today I'm going to write a letter straight from the heart, hoping that words can explain what my grandparents mean to me. I'd like to capture on a piece of paper every afternoon we spent in the park, the delicious aromas from grandma's kitchen, the crazy stories I have always been told, and the stories they whispered in my ear at nightfall. I know that when I grow up, those memories will keep on guiding me for many, many years, and I will cherish the tenderness you inspire forever.This story about unconditional love and gratitude towards life will fill your hearts with tenderness and create a safe environment to share a magic moment with your children.Llega la quinta entrega de la premiada colección ?Amor de familia?, Abuelos. Una historia tierna y entrañable que dibuja el vínculo inquebrantable e incondicional con los abuelos."Mis abuelos están a mi alrededor de muchas formas. Los siento en el viento y en el vuelo de las mariposas."Me gustaría escribir una carta y contar de corazón aquello que los abuelos significan para mí. Querría plasmar en una hoja de papel todas las tardes en el parque, los aromas que salían de la cocina, las historias descabelladas que siempre me han contado y los cuentos que me leían al abrigo de la noche. Pasará el tiempo, pero nunca olvidaré ese amor que siento al recordarlos, esa ternura que me despiertan los momentos vividos.Esta historia sobre amor incondicional y gratitud hacia la vida os llenará los corazones de ternura y creará un entorno seguro donde poder compartir la magia y el amor con los niños.

  • af Núria Parera
    198,95 kr.

    For the first time, young Nala must face a journey through the dangerous savanna without the help of her mother or the herd. When she arrives at her destination, Nala will no longer be the same.Nala grew up with her mother and her herd. They have taught her everything she needs to know to survive, from swimming across the river to knowing which leaves are the most nutritious. However, to become an adult elephant, Nala must embark on a journey beyond the mountains to meet the wise old Kenu, all by herself. Full of hope but also fearful of leaving her family behind, Nala will walk along the savannah looking for what will make her strong and free.

  • af Núria Parera
    163,95 kr.

    "Por primera vez, la joven Nala debe afrontar un viaje por la peligrosa sabana sin la ayuda de la manada ni de su madre. Al llegar a su destino, Nala ya no serâa la misma. Nala es un elefante que ha crecido con su madre y su manada. Ellos le han enseänado todo lo que debe saber para sobrevivir, desde cruzar el râio a nado como saber distinguir quâe alimentos son los mâas nutritivos. Sin embargo, para convertirse en una elefante adulta, Nala debe emprender un viaje sola mâas allâa de las montaänas y encontrarse con la vieja y sabia Kenu. Llena de ilusiâon pero tambiâen con temor, Nala viajarâa por la sabana en busca de aquello que la harâa fuerte y libre."--Publisher's description.

  • af Susanna Isern
    198,95 kr.

    The characters from The Lonely Mailman and A Mystery in the Forest return in a story about bullying and the importance of speaking up when it happens around us.A little beaver with droopy ears and a sad expression.A mischievous boar.And a squirrel who doesn't miss a thing.Little Beaver always went unnoticed. At school, he always sat in the back of the classroom; in the forest, he would hide behind the trees so that no one would spot him. However, although he would have wished to be invisible, misfortune and setbacks haunted him. Little Beaver seemed like bad luck's shadow. But... Why did everything happen to him? One day Squirrel realized that coincidence was not the reason for Beaver's sad eyes. Willing to discover who is behind these small injustices, Squirrel will seek the help of all her friends to awaken the voice of the forest, that voice that always brings peace and unity.Regresan los personajes de Cartas en el bosque y Un misterio en el bosque. Una historia sobre el acoso y la importancia de alzar la voz cuando sucede ante nosotros.Un castorcillo con las orejas caídas y la mirada triste.Un jabalí un tanto sospechoso.Una ardilla con los ojos muy abiertos. Castorcillo siempre pasaba desapercibido. En el colegio, él siempre se sentaba al fondo de la clase; en el bosque, se escondía detrás de los árboles para que nadie lo viera. Sin embargo, aunque le hubiera gustado ser invisible, las calamidades y los contratiempos lo perseguían. Castorcillo parecía la sombra de la mala suerte. Pero... ¿Por qué todo le pasaba a él? Un día, Ardilla advirtió que la casualidad no era el motivo de los ojos tristes de Castorcillo. Dispuesta a descubrir quién hay detrás de estas pequeñas injusticias, Ardilla buscará la ayuda de todos sus amigos para despertar la voz del bosque, esa voz que siempre trae la paz y la unión.

  • af Ariel Andres Almada
    178,95 kr.

    "We treasure the memories of our grandparents our whole lives. They are a mixture of laughter, embraces, and the smell of cookies. From the authors of Little one, Son, Brothers and sisters, and Family comes Grandparents, an homage to those very special members of the family who are here alongside us, and who give us unforgettable moments"--Page [4] of cover.

  • af Ariel Andres Almada
    178,95 kr.

    Grandparents - Selected for Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best books of 2023 (#cplbest).The fifth book in the dazzling bestselling saga about family love. A tribute to the lifelong bond between grandparents and grandchildren."My grandparents are around me in all different ways. I can feel them in the wind, and in the flight of the butterflies"Today I'm going to write a letter straight from the heart, hoping that words can explain what my grandparents mean to me. I'd like to capture on a piece of paper every afternoon we spent in the park, the delicious aromas from grandma's kitchen, the crazy stories I have always been told, and the stories they whispered in my ear at nightfall. I know that when I grow up, those memories will keep on guiding me for many, many years, and I will cherish the tenderness you inspire forever.This story about unconditional love and gratitude towards life will fill your hearts with tenderness and create a safe environment to share a magic moment with your children. Seleccionado por Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best books of 2023 (#cplbest). Llega la quinta entrega de la premiada colección "Amor de familia", Abuelos. Una historia tierna y entrañable que dibuja el vínculo inquebrantable e incondicional con los abuelos.'Mis abuelos están a mi alrededor de muchas formas. Los siento en el viento y en el vuelo de las mariposas.'Me gustaría escribir una carta y contar de corazón aquello que los abuelos significan para mí. Querría plasmar en una hoja de papel todas las tardes en el parque, los aromas que salían de la cocina, las historias descabelladas que siempre me han contado y los cuentos que me leían al abrigo de la noche. Pasará el tiempo, pero nunca olvidaré ese amor que siento al recordarlos, esa ternura que me despiertan los momentos vividos.Esta historia sobre amor incondicional y gratitud hacia la vida os llenará los corazones de ternura y creará un entorno seguro donde poder compartir la magia y el amor con los niños.Un cuento con ilustraciones a todo color para toda la familia.

  • af Carmen Gil
    178,95 kr.

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