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  • af Dwight L Moody
    98,95 kr.

    This book is a practical sermon on Galatians 6:7: "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." D. L. Moody has drawn on his extensive travels and speaking engagements to fill this popular sermon with anecdotes of people's lives and how this Biblical principal is exemplified. He covers hopeful expectations and consequences of sowing good seeds, as well as willful ignorance of sowing bad seeds. This sermon is often mentioned as one of D. L. Moody's greatest efforts.

  • - Piety and Truth Triumphant
    88,95 kr.

    The grand truth which the story is intended to illustrate is that "piety to God and truth towards men shall never fail to triumph over the malice of the worst of foes." James, the father tells parables about life using his garden as a metaphor. When he made a basket, Mary filled it with beautiful flowers and gave it to the Countess for her birthday. When the diamond ring was missing Mary was accused and the drama begins. Many times a faith in Divine Providence is relied upon and that "God knows how to turn to our advantage the ill which our enemies design to do us."

  • af Claudius Buchanan D D
    83,95 kr.

    The "Star in the East" refers to the star that the magi followed to find the birthplace of Christ. Rev. Buchanan points to a more modern "Star in the East" consisting of its history, its doctrines and divine power working in the hearts of men of the East. He illuminates these points, calling them a type of "the inextinguishable Light of Christ's religion" and, in this sense, it may be truly said, "We have seen his Star in the East." This famous sermon was instrumental to Adoniram Judson's faith to pursue missionary work in the Far East.

  • - The Fight of Faith
    113,95 kr.

    John Vassar (1813-1878) grew up in Poughkeepsie, New York. He was 28 years when he had a distinct conversion experience. For a number of years he evangelized in Dutchess County, N.Y., and other cities. He also spent a short time doing temperance work. In 1863, commissioned by the American Tract Society, he began his ministry to soldiers fighting the Civil War. After the Gettysburg fight he was captured by Stuart's Calvary. When questioned as a suspected spy before General Stuart he asked "General, do you love Jesus?" He was promptly released to go back behind the Union lines. "During the winter of 1863-64 there was a great revival, and especially in the Third Corps. Meetings were held nightly, and thousands were converted." He had a way about him that even the most disagreeable violent people would be calmly won over. After the war he traveled the country and his last days were spent in the New England States.

  • af William Mason
    98,95 kr.

    This devotional book contains short Biblical meditations. A thought or exhortation is followed by a Bible verse for further study. Originally published in the eighteenth century, Appleton Publishing republished it as a miniature book in 1831 and it was very successful. These meditations are profitable for any Christian who desires a closer walk with God. "Go not to any place where you cannot pray in faith, Lord, let thy presence go with me. Do nothing on which you cannot pray in hope, Lord, help me. Aspire after nothing for which you cannot ask in love, Lord, it is for thy glory, give it me. Whatsoever ye do in word and deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. Colossians 3:17."-Crumbs from the Master's Table.

  • af David Jennings
    113,95 kr.

    Samuel Mather highlights Cotton Mather's discipline, intelligence, and desire for God. He presents his father as an exceedingly productive example to follow. Particular attention is paid to the details of Cotton Mather's life such as his study habits, the good he could do for others, the education of his children, his rules for conversation, diligence in ministry, and giving his heart to God. He published more than 400 works in his life. "In short, it was the great ambition of his whole life to do good. His heart was set upon it; he did not therefore content himself with merely embracing opportunities of doing good, that occasionally offered, but he every now and then set apart some time on purpose to devise good; and he seldom came into any company without having this directly in his view."-The Life of Dr. Cotton Mather. "The Preface", "The Introduction" and "A Catalogue of Books" were added back into this edition from the 1729 edition.

  • af Jonathan Edwards
    98,95 kr.

    "The Excellency of Christ" was preached in Northampton, Massachusetts by Jonathan Edwards and printed in 1738. This sermon explains Christ's excellency in terms of almost contradictory conjunctions such as Christ being a lion and also a lamb at the same time. In the APPLICATION the reader is exhorted to love and embrace Christ as friend, portion and Savior because of His many excellencies.

  • af Jonathan Edwards
    98,95 kr.

    "The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners" was published in 1738 and is a discourse on why it is just for God to render a harsh judgment towards mankind. Jonathan Edwards explores how we stand as sinners before God and that God is under no obligation to us. The APPLICATION involves a review of one's life and if God treated people how they acted toward God it would be much worse than God's marvelous love toward us.

  • af Jonathan Edwards a M
    83,95 kr.

    Jonathan Edwards was voted out of his congregation in Northampton, Massachusetts, on June 22, 1750, because of his belief that the Lord's Super was not for the unconverted. A Farewell Sermon was preached on July 1, 1750 and addressed of how a pastor cares for his congregation, and how he will meet with them again in heaven at the Judgment when all truth will be known. Jonathan Edwards gives advice and warning to the congregation. He eventually moved to work among the Housatonic Indians at Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

  • - An Authentic Narrative
    af John Newton
    123,95 kr.

    The "Force of Truth" is an autobiographical account of how Rev. Thomas Scott came to his evangelical convictions. Initially, he became ordained in the Church of England, but was wholly self-centered and unspiritual. When he tried to argue with John Newton about doctrine, the two began to interchange letters, but then stopped. Thomas Scott set out on a course of self-study which led to a conviction of his own sin with the realization that he needed God's grace. This edition contains eight letters from John Newton historically connected to the early period and reveal much of how Newton viewed the process of the revelation of God to sinners. A recommendatory letter was written by Rev. Samuel Miller for extended circulation in the United States, and also the inclusion of John Newton's name where it had been left out in previous editions. The Force of Truth's writing style and arrangement were overseen by William Cowper of Olney, before it was published in 1779.

  • - Famous Sermons
    af Charles J Doe
    113,95 kr.

    The five sermons of Jonathan Edwards chosen for this edition have shown enduring popularity. "A Divine and Supernatural Light" contrasts having an intellectual knowledge against having a supernatural experiential knowledge of God. "The Justice of God and the Damnation of Sinners" is a discourse on why it is just for God to render a harsh judgment. "The Excellency of Christ" clarifies the almost contradictory conjunctions of Christ, such as being a lion and a lamb. "Heaven, a World of Love" shows the glories of heaven and discusses the objects, subjects, and circumstances of love in heaven. "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," the best known of Jonathan Edwards' sermons, promotes the seriousness of sin and the mercy of God as the only way to stay out of hell.

  • af Charles J Doe
    123,95 kr.

    These hymns were written by John Newton in Olney, England and were originally published in 1779. This collection includes John Newton's contribution of 281 hymns. Some favorite hymns by John Newton are "Amazing Grace," "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken," and "How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds." To be faithful to John Newton's original intentions, this edition is uniform with the wording, punctuation, contractions and stanza formatting of the first edition "Olney Hymns" published by W. Oliver in 1779. Bible references are full text. Please note: The Olney Hymns (1779) were originally published without music. This edition is uniform with the first edition and contains no music. In those days hymns were sung using many different tunes that had the same meter. Music wasn't commonly published in hymnbooks until well into the 1800's.

  • - An Authentic Narrative
    af William A Hallock
    83,95 kr.

    Joseph Beals (1752-1813), also called the Mountain Miller, lived a life of trusting in his own righteousness for the salvation of his soul. He was strict with his family. The townspeople thought he was blameless. After he lost his house to a fire, he turned and consecrated his life to Christ. His wife was very upset with his new life and steadfastly refused join him, and even hoped for his death. She finally repented and united with him in the faith. Joseph Beals was known as a model of true Christian piety.

  • - Illustrated Edition
    af Hesba Stretton
    98,95 kr.

    The Fern family lived peaceably in their hollow for two generations. Stephen was a hardworking coal miner and cared for his family. When a miserly landowner told them they must move out, he stood upon his vow to his father. Love for his enemies proved difficult to accomplish. This wonderful story is filled with many Bible verses and spiritual discussions. Five illustrations compliment this edition.

  • af Amy Le Feuvre
    88,95 kr.

    The Parable of the Prodigal Son is illustrated several times in this allegorical children's story. Little Milly's innocent understanding of the Bible became the simple wisdom that was needed by the adults around her. The "Probable Son" as she calls it, is the substance of her hopes and her prayers throughout the story. "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."-John 10:15.

    113,95 kr.

    Rhoda desired to have a mercy ministry by relocating to a benighted, heathenish community. She was impatient and independent but the Lord had plans for her spiritual growth. She selected a cottage by the moor and gradually became friends with her neighbors. She started a Bible reading group to teach the village children. She was encouraged by small successes and learned to trust God's timing while she led people to Christ.

  • - More of His Plain Talk for Plain People
    af Charles H Spurgeon
    123,95 kr.

    "John Ploughman's Pictures" was inspired by the immense circulation and influence for good of the previous volume "John Ploughman's Talk." Spurgeon wrote the chapters in a mirthful vein but with the serious purpose to help "men climb to better things." Numerous sources contributed to this collection of wisdom to encourage temperance, diligence, and common sense. He had the chapters richly illustrated with 39 illustrations.

    83,95 kr.

    "The Little Woodman" is similar to the Biblical story of Joseph and his brothers. Little William was left alone in the woods and he prayed to God for help. He was so tired he fell down and thought a wolf would eat him. The story demonstrates humility, thankfulness, and forgiving others. Little William became the center of family unity and displayed his trust in God during unknown circumstances. This edition has 12 twelve full page illustrations by Joseph Knight.

  • af James Milnor D D
    88,95 kr.

    Jane Squibb, a twelve year old, attended Saturday afternoon instruction at Rev. Legh Richmond's house. He used the graves in the churchyard and the beauty of nature to teach the children about God. Jane was little noticed until she became sick, then Rev. Richmond decided to visit her constantly. Little Jane's spiritual maturity exhibited an affectionate seriousness and a knowledge of the Scriptures. "He not only called her as a child to show, by a similitude, what conversion means, but he also called her by his grace to be a vessel of mercy, and a living witness of that almighty power and love by which her own heart was turned to God."-Legh Richmond. This extended edition includes rich scenery descriptions and three illustrations. The appendix includes reports of two visits to the Isle of Wight years afterward.

  • - Plain Advice for Plain People
    af Charles H Spurgeon
    123,95 kr.

    Mr. Spurgeon said-"In John Ploughman's Talk I have written for ploughmen and common people. . . . these lowly pages may teach thrift and industry all the days of the week in the cottage and the workshop." This is a book of proverbs written in a semi-humorous tone. Mr. Spurgeon uses a fictional character, John Ploughman, to illustrate his wisdom about everyday life. He promotes the virtuous and exposes the immoral in many thoughts, sayings, quotations, and Bible verses.

  • - The Intercession of Christ and Who Are Privileged in It
    98,95 kr.

    John Bunyan praises the many merits of the intercession of Christ. He defines intercession as "the finishing work of a sinner's salvation." Justification and preservation are examined as the benefits of Christ's intercession. Newly awakened Christians, backsliders, and sincere Christians are analyzed as people interested in coming to Christ. The eternal nature of Christ is safety and certainty for the believer. The reader is exhorted to diligently learn and teach others the truth of Jesus Christ. This is the George Offor text with his Introduction and notes.

  • - The Missionary Labors of Stephen Paxson
    123,95 kr.

    Missionary Stephen Paxson (1808-1881) worked for The American Sunday-School Union and spread Christianity by organizing over 1300 Sunday-schools on the American frontier. Remarkably, he overcame the huge obstacles of poverty, stammering speech, a lame body, and no formal education. The many anecdotes of unusual events can only be attributed to God's blessing. This biographical edition includes an introduction, contents and testimonies. "That we desire to express our high appreciation of his life and work, believing that the grandeur of Christian labor in establishing 1,300 Sunday-schools and the gathering of 80,000 souls into the same is without parallel in the history of individual effort, and his example must stand as a great incentive to all Christians to personal endeavor in our Redeemer's kingdom."-The Congregational Sunday-School Superintendent's Union of Boston (1882).

  • af David Clarkson
    98,95 kr.

    Learn to recognize the subtle ways that a person's inner life bows down to various false gods. David Clarkson details a list of everyday idols and the worship of them that one can use to detect soul idolatry in their lives. His call is that God is very serious about idols and Christians should be serious as well. This edition is the complete sermon as published by James Nichol in 1864.

  • af John Bunyan
    113,95 kr.

    There is great relief and comfort to Christians that have sinned, to contemplate the office of Jesus Christ as an Advocate. John Bunyan says: "God's people are baffled with the devil for want of a distinct knowledge of Christ in all his offices." He presents a courtroom drama of Christians who have sinned, against Satan who is making accusations before the Father. He explores the where, how, what, when, with whom, and for whom in this exposition of 1 John 2:1; "And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." This edition is the George Offor text which includes his introduction and footnotes.

    123,95 kr.

    Three very rambunctious orphan children were presented to a new governess, Miss Falkner, who brought "thoughts of God" to the children. Jill's red bag was used to collect money to build a church, but people laughed, and dismissed her idea as only a child's fanciful dream. The theme of the book is about the virtue of giving to the work of God. An important verse is Genesis 28:22-"And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee."

  • af Frances Ridley Havergal
    113,95 - 318,95 kr.

    This edition is a collection of 108 poems that are the foundation of Frances Ridley Havergal's most popular hymns. These verses often contain several stanzas not found in a typical hymnal. Some favorites of hers include: "Take My Life and Let It Be," "Who is on the Lord's Side," "Lord Speak to me," "Truehearted Wholehearted," and "Like a River Glorious."

  • af Frances Ridley Havergal
    88,95 kr.

    Frances Ridley Havergal shares her devotion to Jesus in this heartfelt exposition of the hymn, "Take My Life and Let It Be." Chapter by chapter, one for each two line stanza, she implores the reader to examine their lives. This book is filled with common sense practical help to see through excuses, half-heartedness and doubts and to move closer to the Savior. Her earnest pursuit of a more dedicated heart will help anyone to live a more committed, consecrated life.

  • af Hannah More
    83,95 kr.

    The lives of two apprentice shoemakers are contrasted. Jack Brown came from a nonreligious family and he was dishonest. James Stock was a religious, honest, and hardworking man. As they worked together in the same shop, the two men faced many decisions. The story illuminates the consequences of both men's lives and extols Christian virtues. This edition has 4 illustrations.

  • - A Tale of the Times of James the First
    af Lucy Ellen Guernsey
    88,95 kr.

    The witch hunt days of King James I are the setting of this historical fiction story. In the year 1625, Mabel was fifteen years old and head girl of the school of Stantoun-Corbet. A new schoolmate came and aroused her ego unintentionally. Mabel was a good person but had a bitter root of envy, and eventually turned to find forgiveness in Christ. This book is part of the Children of Stantoun-Corbet Series or Tales of English Children, from the Reign of Queen Mary to that of Queen Anne. This edition has 3 illustrations.

  • af John Bunyan
    123,95 kr.

    The use of Solomon's Temple is described as a foreshadow of salvation through Jesus Christ. John Bunyan used his extensive scripture knowledge to detail seventy Old Testament sacrificial elements and relates the commonality of concept with that of the New Testament. This edition is the George Offor text including his introduction and notes. "Every part of the building, including the foundation, its altar, its courts, the holy of holies, all the utensils, and the ark, were types of that more glorious system which, in the fulness of time, appeared as the antitype, and perfected the Divine revelation. The temple becomes therefore an object of our special attention as a light to guide us while searching into gospel truths."-George Offor

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