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  • af Petter Gottschalk
    197,95 - 843,95 kr.

  • af Anat Garti
    155,95 kr.

    702,95 kr.

    Readable as a whole or by chapter, this book is intended for business practitioners that have a bachelor or master's degree outside of the field of computer science or AI but still want to go deeper in their understanding of the AI technologies, their applicability and limitations. Such reading can also be useful as a general introduction for students taking an MBA class, or similar. The reader will find in this book a solid overview of the different AI technologies supporting systems that search, plan, reason, learn, adapt, understand or interact. All these terms are demystified in the book. The book covers the two traditional paradigms in AI: on one side, data-driven AI systems, that learn and perform by ingesting millions of data points into machine learning algorithms, and on the other side the consciously modelled AI systems, known as "symbolic AI" systems, that explicitly use symbolic representations. Rather than opposing those two paradigms, the book also shows how those different fields can complement each other and can be combined for even richer applications. Chapters are all structured in a pragmatic way that answers common sense questions about the why, what, how and limitations. The theory is illustrated with 22 real-world examples from the industry, giving altogether a solid understanding of AI concepts, applicability, and limitations.

  • af Petter Gottschalk
    762,95 kr.

    In this pioneering monograph based upon extensive primary research, Gottschalk and Hamerton explore and evaluate the developing global field of internal investigations within complex organizations. Applying an offender-based perspective, the authors explore the central role of convenience in seeking to inform, improve and develop policy and practice. A comparative interdisciplinary work, with extensive coverage of European, North American, African and Asian paradigms, The Internal Review of Corporate Deviance presents empirical fieldwork supplemented by the detailed analysis of a large number of internal reviews produced on completion of internal investigations. The aggregate research gathered considers offender motive, conformance, potential damage and recovery of the corporate social license, and convenience themes, while critically assessing investigation effectiveness and review maturity - as both successful and deficient practice. In doing so, the book presents a close analysis of the field to identify, position, and reveal the strategic role of internal review and impact of the social license on contemporary conceptions of white-collar deviance and crime. This book will be of interest to scholars of criminology, business management, law and sociology, along with practitioners and professionals within allied disciplines.

  • af Warren Maroun
    785,95 kr.

  • af Miriam Dikuua
    860,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Rudolph
    280,95 kr.

    The authors offer solutions for established corporations facing disruptive challenges. Based on extensive research and discussion, a unique management approach, the High 5 approach, has been developed to promote successful self-disruption in established corporations. At the center of this approach is the transformation of the core business. The book supports the idea of permanent self-disruption as the key to success for established players. Successful Business Model Transformations in Disruptive Times is aimed at the management of various industries. This book provides managers in established corporations with a theoretically sound and practical guide.

  • af Carolyn Strong
    350,95 kr.

    This book tells the stories of a selection of successful small business enterprises. It is not an account of financial success or brand share, it is a collection of narratives about the journeys made by inspiring, determined, innovative individuals who have applied their passion and skills to the creation of successful small businesses. The case studies tell compelling stories of personal achievement and business success, and encourage the reader to find out more about the small business owners and their products. The stories are about small, strong brands who are socially viable, well established and contribute to society and the local community. Across all the case studies, there is a recurring theme of not just making a profit; but a passion and motivation to suceed.

    402,95 kr.

    How can architectural constructions be integrated into the landscape? How is architecture conceivable in flood-prone areas or arid landscapes? What role do the topography and materiality of the landscape play in architecture? These and other questions are addressed in the newly published DETAIL edition 'Spuren - Traces'. It discusses how 'reading', observing and capturing space and landscape determine an architectural design in different landscape contexts. The book provides insight into an approach to architectural design. On the basis of selected works created between 2021 and 2023 in the master's programme at the Chair for Building and Design under the direction of Prof. Uta Graff at TUM Munich, certain aspects become the focus of consideration. Colourful, large-format illustrations of artefacts and models, project descriptions and essays document the various issues. The order of the works is chronological, but can be understood and read differently. The open structure of the book makes it possible to discover and follow 'traces' while reading it.

    411,95 kr.

    Vom Schatten zum Licht: Eine Werkschau In seinen Arbeiten beschäftigt sich der österreichische Künstler Rainer Wölzl mit geschichtlichen Prozessen und ihrer Darstellbarkeit, er verhandelt kulturelle, soziale und politische Themen und stellt komplexe Bezüge zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Medien und Zeiten, Dokumentation und Fiktion her. Häufig gründen Wölzls Sujets in einem Nachdenken über Macht. Methodisch verbindet er Prinzipien der Montage und Dispersion, um neue Zusammenhänge zu entwickeln und Sehgewohnheiten zu hinterfragen. Wölzls Kunst ist anspielungsreich, lässt Raum für Widersprüche und verbindet gegenwärtige, historische und imaginierte Bildwelten. Die Monografie präsentiert Werke des Künstlers von 2006 bis heute - ein umfassendes Kompendium großformatiger Kohlezeichnungen, Gemälde, Grafiken, Plastiken und Installationen. Ein Überblick über das Schaffen des österreichischen bildenden Künstlers Rainer Wölzl Mit Textbeiträgen von Berthold Ecker, Edith Futscher, Franz Schuh, Jacqueline Rugo und Rainer Wölzl Mit zahlreichen großformatigen Abbildungen

  • af Dirk Syndram
    241,95 - 242,95 kr.

  • af Ana Petrovic
    585,95 kr.

    Georg Eisler (1928-1998), konsequent verhaftet in der figurativen Malerei, stellte seine Umwelt mit kritischem Blick dar. Dabei widmete er sich zeitlebens einer Vielzahl an Themenkomplexen, die seine differenzierte Sicht auf die Welt verdeutlichen. Sein Interesse gilt primär dem Menschen - in seinem sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext. Neben profanen Themen wie Kaffeehauszenen, Stillleben und Porträts bekannter Persönlichkeiten sowie eigener Bekanntschaften zeigte er kritisch gesellschaftliche und politische Fragestellungen auf und bearbeitete diese künstlerisch. Auch persönliche Erlebnisse, wie seine Zeit im britischen Exil, arbeitete er malerisch auf. Mit dieser Publikation liegt Eislers vielfältiges malerisches OEuvre mit mehr als 1.700 erfassten Gemälden erstmals in einem umfassenden Werkverzeichnis vor. Band 12 der Reihe Belvedere Werkverzeichnisse Figurative Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert Werkverzeichnis eines figurativen Malers und Chronisten des 20. Jahrhunderts

    223,95 kr.

    Der Erfolg der Alternativmedizin, das weitverbreitete Ziel der gesunden Ernährung und Sport, die Tendenz aus der Stadt aufs Land zu fliehen, nicht zuletzt die aktuelle Klimabewegung und deren Ziel, durch einen individuell nachhaltigen Lebensstil ein gesellschaftliches Umdenken zu bewirken, sind heute aktueller denn je zuvor. Doch woher stammt diese Sehnsucht nach einem heilsameren Leben? Der Begleitband zur Ausstellung untersucht verschiedene Formen der Heilssuche in Kunst und Gesellschaft seit dem ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert. Expert/-innen für Lebensreformbewegungen, Psychologie, Kunsttherapie und Kunstgeschichte betrachten Facetten eines Strebens nach Heilung und geben einen Ausblick auf die Aktualität des Themas. Ausstellung: Museum LA8. Museum für Kunst und Technik des 19. Jahrhunderts, Baden-Baden, 4. Mai 2024 - 12. Januar 2025 Blick ins Buch

  • af Sabine Grabner
    477,95 kr.

    Friedrich von Amerling (1803-1887) zählt zu den bedeutendsten Porträtisten in Wien. Sein OEuvre liest sich wie ein "Who's who" des 19. Jahrhunderts. Der Hof, der Adel und das gehobene Bürgertum erteilten ihm Aufträge, denn keiner vermochte es wie er, Sein und Schein so treffend ineinander zu verweben. Daneben beobachtete sich Amerling sein Leben lang selbst in einer Reihe von Selbstporträts und hielt viele seiner Künstlerkollegen in Porträts fest. Besondere Beliebtheit erlangte er durch seine Darstellung junger Frauen; deren Verkleidung erzählt kleine Geschichten. Amerlings etwa 1.200 Gemälde sind hier zum ersten Mal in einem bebilderten Werkverzeichnis vereint. Mehrere Essays berichten vom herausragenden künstlerischen Talent des Malers, von seinem Leben, seinen Modellen, seiner Sammlung und seinem Wohnsitz. Band 13 der Reihe Belvedere Werkverzeichnisse Porträt- und Genremalerei im 19. Jahrhundert Werkverzeichnis eines der bedeutendsten Porträt- und Genremalers des 19. Jahrhunderts in Österreich

  • af Monica Manolescu
    434,95 kr.

    Das Thema der Publikation ist hochaktuell: Es geht um die Wechselwirkung von Kunst, Wissenschaft und gesellschaftlichen Prozessen - das Grundprinzip der Arbeit der beiden herausragenden Künstler*innen Helen Harrison (1927-2022) und Newton Harrison (1932-2022), die als Begründer der Eco Art gelten. Untersucht wird die Entwicklung ihrer Konzepte, Prozesse und Techniken im Bereich der ökologischen Kunst und deren Einfluss auf Natur und Gesellschaft am Beispiel ihrer kalifornischen Arbeiten der letzten 50 Jahre, die als Labor für eine Fülle neuer künstlerischer Strategien dienten. Sie setzen die Harrisons später in anderen Teilen der Welt zur Lösung aktueller Umweltprobleme im lokalen und globalen Kontext ein. Der Band enthält kritische Essays und eine Auswahl von Interviews mit Newton Harrison, in denen er die Entwicklung des kalifornischen OEuvres reflektiert, sowie zahlreiche Abbildungen, die viele der Kunstwerke zum ersten Mal dokumentieren. Dokumentation zu 50 Jahren Tätigkeit von Helen und Newton Harrison, den Begründern der Eco Art Konzepte und Strategien zur Lösung aktueller Umweltprobleme - ein eindrücklicher Aufruf zum Handeln Ausstellungsreihe "Pacific Standard Time 24" in verschiedenen kalifornischen Museen, Herbst/Winter 2025/25,

    416,95 kr.

  • - Predictions through Establishing the Basis of New Building Projects in Germany
    af Onur Dursun
    893,95 kr.

    A study that was initiated with underlying principles of construction production which is an impetus to ill-conditioned prediction of project determinants at the early phases of building projects. To enhance the precision of these estimations, it offers unique solutions relying on the statistical evidences.

  • af Ernst Hammerschmidt
    1.573,95 kr.

  • - Mhealth AI and Robotics
    af Rishabha Malviya
    1.207,95 kr.

    As digital technology advances, healthcare systems are presented with opportunities to enhance the delivery of services in a sustainable manner. This book stresses the importance of sustainable healthcare, focusing on design, waste management, supply chain efficacy, and emerging technologies like AI, robotics, and telemedicine. It highlights the need for environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially responsible healthcare services.

  • af Filippomaria Pontani
    1.145,95 kr.

    Byzantine Thessaloniki has often been considered in its relationship with Constantinople, as a deuteragonist vis-à-vis the capital. However, from the 11th through the 15th century the symproteuousa has often played an important role in terms of the study, preservation and circulation of learning. The present volume collects 11 papers originating in a conference held at Thessaloniki's Kentro Istorias in May 2022. Some of them offer new elements and fresh discoveries on single erudites and their work, from Michael Mitylenaios to John Pediasimos, from Demetrios Triklinios to Thomas Magister, from Matthew Blastares to Manuel Boullotes. Hagiography, schedography, lexicography, philology on ancient Greek texts, and even canonical law, are among the genres practised by Thessalonian scholars over the centuries. Other papers offer thoughts on Eustathios' didactic aims, bird's-eye views of the city's intellectual milieux in the early Palaeologan era, or of the learned circles in Manuel II's entourage. The book acknowledges the "highs" and the "lows" in the cultural development of medieval Thessaloniki, and brings together essential elements towards an assessment of the city's role in the history of education and learning.

  • - Interdisciplinary Contributions to Differentiation Theory Sonderband Der Zeitschrift Für Soziologie
    af Monika Wohlrab-Sahr
    796,95 kr.

    This volume aims to revitalize the exchange between sociological differentiation theory and the sociology of religion, which previously held center stage among the sociological classics. It brings together contributions from different disciplines, as well as various forms of regional and historical expertise, which are indispensable in forming a globally oriented sociological perspective today. Secularization is understood as a process of boundary demarcation, that is, as the enactment of semantic, practical, and institutional distinctions between religion and other spheres of activity and knowledge. These distinctions may emerge from within the religious field itself, or may be absorbed into the field having originally emerged elsewhere. They may even be directly imposed upon religion by external forces. The volume is therefore based on the premise that societal differentiation - and secularity as a specific expression of it - is a widespread structural feature that nonetheless takes on various forms, depending on its historical and cultural context. In order to make this diversity visible, the volume adopts a global comparative perspective, and examines historical distinctions and differentiations in the West and beyond. By examining different forms and modes of secularity in statu nascendi, the volume contributes to developing a better understanding of the diversity of secularities, even of those found in the present day, in terms of their historicity and their specific path dependencies. With this shift in perspective, this special volume initiates a global and historical turn in the theory of differentiation, as well as in the study of secularity.

  • af Michael H Mitias
    1.138,95 kr.

    Michael Mitias presents, explains, and defends in some detail the features that make an artwork great - magic, universality, and the test of time. Although some aestheticians, beginning with Longinus, discussed these features during the past two millennia, they did not analyze them comprehensively, nor did they justify them from the standpoint of a satisfactory conception of the nature of art. In this book, the author first explains the nature of the features that make an artifact art and then proceeds to establish the validity of his thesis on firm epistemological and ontological foundations. In his endeavor to explicate the nature of this foundation, the author answers four questions. First, what is the genesis of the artwork? What makes it art? He answers this question by advancing a concept of aesthetic depth. The essence of this depth is human meaning. Second, under what perceptual conditions does this depth come to life in the process of aesthetic perception? Third, what is the role of the concept of aesthetic depth in the analysis of the nature of the great artwork? How does the concept of aesthetic depth function as a principle of explanation? Fourth, how can we justify the attribution of magic, universality, and the test of time to the great work of art? In short, an understanding of the genesis of the artwork, aesthetic depth, aesthetic value, and aesthetic perception is indispensable for an adequate conception of greatness in art.

  • - Gekrümmte Kurven Und Flächen
    af Christian Bär
    411,95 kr.

    Das beliebte Lehrbuch wurde umfassend für die 3. Auflage überarbeitet und bietet eine Einführung in die Differentialgeometrie von Kurven und Flächen. Das Werk erläutert Themen wie die euklidische Geometrie, Kurventheorie, Flächentheorie, Krümmungsbegriffe, Minimalflächen, Riemannsche Geometrie und den Satz von Gauß-Bonnet. Das Thema Triangulierungen ist nun noch verständlicher und anschaulicher.

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