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  • - Predictions through Establishing the Basis of New Building Projects in Germany
    af Onur Dursun
    898,95 kr.

    A study that was initiated with underlying principles of construction production which is an impetus to ill-conditioned prediction of project determinants at the early phases of building projects. To enhance the precision of these estimations, it offers unique solutions relying on the statistical evidences.

  • af Ernst Hammerschmidt
    1.588,95 kr.

  • - Mhealth AI and Robotics
    af Rishabha Malviya
    1.207,95 kr.

    As digital technology advances, healthcare systems are presented with opportunities to enhance the delivery of services in a sustainable manner. This book stresses the importance of sustainable healthcare, focusing on design, waste management, supply chain efficacy, and emerging technologies like AI, robotics, and telemedicine. It highlights the need for environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially responsible healthcare services.

  • af Filippomaria Pontani
    1.145,95 kr.

    Byzantine Thessaloniki has often been considered in its relationship with Constantinople, as a deuteragonist vis-à-vis the capital. However, from the 11th through the 15th century the symproteuousa has often played an important role in terms of the study, preservation and circulation of learning. The present volume collects 11 papers originating in a conference held at Thessaloniki's Kentro Istorias in May 2022. Some of them offer new elements and fresh discoveries on single erudites and their work, from Michael Mitylenaios to John Pediasimos, from Demetrios Triklinios to Thomas Magister, from Matthew Blastares to Manuel Boullotes. Hagiography, schedography, lexicography, philology on ancient Greek texts, and even canonical law, are among the genres practised by Thessalonian scholars over the centuries. Other papers offer thoughts on Eustathios' didactic aims, bird's-eye views of the city's intellectual milieux in the early Palaeologan era, or of the learned circles in Manuel II's entourage. The book acknowledges the "highs" and the "lows" in the cultural development of medieval Thessaloniki, and brings together essential elements towards an assessment of the city's role in the history of education and learning.

  • - Interdisciplinary Contributions to Differentiation Theory Sonderband Der Zeitschrift Für Soziologie
    af Monika Wohlrab-Sahr
    1.036,95 kr.

    This volume aims to revitalize the exchange between sociological differentiation theory and the sociology of religion, which previously held center stage among the sociological classics. It brings together contributions from different disciplines, as well as various forms of regional and historical expertise, which are indispensable in forming a globally oriented sociological perspective today. Secularization is understood as a process of boundary demarcation, that is, as the enactment of semantic, practical, and institutional distinctions between religion and other spheres of activity and knowledge. These distinctions may emerge from within the religious field itself, or may be absorbed into the field having originally emerged elsewhere. They may even be directly imposed upon religion by external forces. The volume is therefore based on the premise that societal differentiation - and secularity as a specific expression of it - is a widespread structural feature that nonetheless takes on various forms, depending on its historical and cultural context. In order to make this diversity visible, the volume adopts a global comparative perspective, and examines historical distinctions and differentiations in the West and beyond. By examining different forms and modes of secularity in statu nascendi, the volume contributes to developing a better understanding of the diversity of secularities, even of those found in the present day, in terms of their historicity and their specific path dependencies. With this shift in perspective, this special volume initiates a global and historical turn in the theory of differentiation, as well as in the study of secularity.

  • af Michael H Mitias
    1.138,95 kr.

    Michael Mitias presents, explains, and defends in some detail the features that make an artwork great - magic, universality, and the test of time. Although some aestheticians, beginning with Longinus, discussed these features during the past two millennia, they did not analyze them comprehensively, nor did they justify them from the standpoint of a satisfactory conception of the nature of art. In this book, the author first explains the nature of the features that make an artifact art and then proceeds to establish the validity of his thesis on firm epistemological and ontological foundations. In his endeavor to explicate the nature of this foundation, the author answers four questions. First, what is the genesis of the artwork? What makes it art? He answers this question by advancing a concept of aesthetic depth. The essence of this depth is human meaning. Second, under what perceptual conditions does this depth come to life in the process of aesthetic perception? Third, what is the role of the concept of aesthetic depth in the analysis of the nature of the great artwork? How does the concept of aesthetic depth function as a principle of explanation? Fourth, how can we justify the attribution of magic, universality, and the test of time to the great work of art? In short, an understanding of the genesis of the artwork, aesthetic depth, aesthetic value, and aesthetic perception is indispensable for an adequate conception of greatness in art.

  • - Gekrümmte Kurven Und Flächen
    af Christian Bär
    411,95 kr.

    Das beliebte Lehrbuch wurde umfassend für die 3. Auflage überarbeitet und bietet eine Einführung in die Differentialgeometrie von Kurven und Flächen. Das Werk erläutert Themen wie die euklidische Geometrie, Kurventheorie, Flächentheorie, Krümmungsbegriffe, Minimalflächen, Riemannsche Geometrie und den Satz von Gauß-Bonnet. Das Thema Triangulierungen ist nun noch verständlicher und anschaulicher.

  • - Policy and Impact Evaluation in a Changing World
    af Jari Kuusisto
    796,95 kr.

    The book comprises a series of contributions and case studies fused together around the concept and dynamics of innovation - product, process, systems, marketing, organisation, roles, relations, norms, values and policy. The underlying theme is innovation as necessarily transformative where the transformation is in the economic system for a better world. That better world is one that is inclusive, efficient and meets the global challenges. To that end the tools of innovation, measurement (effects vis-à-vis outcomes) and the enabling financial mechanisms are examined, evaluated and change is explored.

    1.385,95 kr.

    Sprache stellt Gesellschaft her und schafft soziale Wirklichkeit. Durch Sprache sind wir miteinander verbunden und können in demokratischen Dialog, in Aushandlungsprozesse treten. In Sprache manifestieren sich aber auch Machtverhältnisse und Ausgrenzungspraktiken. Ebenso wie in früheren Diskursen zeigt sich auch in aktuellen Debatten um Themen wie beispielsweise die Coronapandemie, das Impfen, Kriegshandlungen, Menschenrechte oder Klima- und Energiepolitik, dass unser Wissen sich unhintergehbar in den Perspektiven formiert, die den Bedeutungen und Mustern der Wörter, Sätze und Texte sowie Bilder inhärent sind und mit denen wir uns und anderen die Welt erschließen. In dem Buch versammeln sich Beiträge, die das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Sprache als kreativem, dynamischem Netz einerseits und Sprache als archivierendem, statischem Werk andererseits unter empirischen Gesichtspunkten, aber auch in (sprach-)theoretischer und methodischer Hinsicht behandeln. Der erste Teil umfasst pointierte Themenbeiträge, der zweite ein längeres Interview zur Sprachkritik als Gesellschaftskritik gefolgt von einer Diskussionseinheit zur Ambivalenz von Sprache zwischen Statik und Dynamik. Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die soziopragmatische Linguistik des Deutschen und bringt diese mit sprachsystematischen Aspekten in Verbindung.

    1.194,95 kr.

    The German Archaeological Institute has been publishing its yearbook since 1885, with each volume containing ten papers covering principally Classical - i.e. Greek and Roman - Archaeology, although from time to time Early Byzantine to Early Islamic topics are alsotreated, as are those from Early Anatolian and Western European History. In recent years, the contents of the Yearbook have been constantly specialised and expanded; subjects include art history and the history of style, iconography, hermeneutics, typology, compilations of material and the reconstruction of sculpture and architecture. Presented in an expertly crafted, expensively bound edition, each volume contains papers on a variety of subjects. The Yearbook does not contain any excavation reports, news items or book reviews; it is dedicated exclusively to research discussions on known larger complexes of finds. Thus with its critical apparatus and catalogue references, where appropriate, it guarantees a state of the art account.

  • - Koptische Texte Aus Der Papyrus- Und Ostrakasammlung Der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (P.Lips.Copt. I)
    af Anne Boud'hors
    1.266,95 kr.

    Coptica Lipsiensia enthält die Ersteditionen von zehn koptischen Texten der Papyrus- und Ostrakasammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. P.Lips.Copt. I 1 bis 5 sind literarische Texte, darunter die aus 60 Fragmenten rekonstruierten, umfangreichen Teile eines Markus-Evangeliums in einer Version, der bislang nur von einer Handvoll koptischer Textzeugen bekannt ist, das Fragment eines unbekannten theologischen Dialogs über Willensfreiheit und die Herkunft des Bösen, indem ein "Origenist" auftritt, zwei Textzeugen einer Archelaos von Neapolis zugeschriebenen Lobrede auf den Erzengel Gabriel und zweisprachig auf Griechisch und Koptisch notierten Psalmenverse, die als liturgische Grußworte ausgewählt wurden. P.Lips.Copt. I 6 bis 10 sind dokumentarische Papyri, darunter drei durch Konstantin von Tischendorf 1853 angekaufte koptische Rechtsurkunden aus Jême, ein umfangreicher Papyrusbrief über die Reparatur eines Wasserrades und ein neues Dokument des Typs von Aufträgen der Äbte des Apa-Apollon-Klosters im Hermupolites, die mit den Worten beginnen: "Es ist unser Vater, der schreibt". Der Band wird durch umfangreiche Indizes und 68 farbige Tafeln abgeschlossen.

  • - Le Groupe de Saint-Luc (1919-1945)
    af Camille Noverraz
    731,95 kr.

    Die als Groupe de Saint-Luc bekannte Künstlergesellschaft hat in der Zwischenkriegszeit ihre Spuren im künstlerischen und kulturellen Erbe der Schweiz hinterlassen, vor allem im französischsprachigen Teil. Basierend auf umfassender Forschung zu den überlieferten Archivquellen bietet die vorliegende Publikation eine Neuinterpretation dieses bedeutenden künstlerischen Phänomens der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, aus einer pluralistischen Perspektive, die Geschichte, Soziologie und Formengeschichte in Kunst und Architektur miteinander verbindet. Ziel ist es, die Groupe de Saint-Luc in einen breiteren europäischen Aktionsrahmen einzubetten, in dem die Themen von Architektur und moderner Kunst, die Öffnung religiöser Kreise für die Moderne und das Verhältnis von Kirche und Künstler*innen miteinander verwoben sind. La société artistique connue sous le nom de Groupe de Saint-Luc a marqué de son empreinte le patrimoine artistique et culturel de la Suisse, et en particulier de la Suisse romande, tout au long de l'entre-deux-guerres. Sur la base d'une recherche approfondie des abondantes sources d'archives produites par la Société et ses acteurs, cette publication propose une relecture de ce phénomène artistique majeur de la première moitié du XXe siècle, dans une perspective plurielle à la fois historique, sociologique, et de l'histoire des formes en art et en architecture. Elle vise à sortir le Groupe de Saint-Luc de son isolement pour l'inscrire au sein d'un large champ d'action européen au sein duquel s'entrecroisent les enjeux de l'architecture et de l'art moderne, de l'ouverture des milieux religieux à la modernité et des rapports entre l'Église et les artistes.

  • - Quantum Algorithms and Neural Networks
    af Pethuru Raj
    1.249,95 kr.

    Quantum computing has shown a potential to tackle specific types of problems, especially those involving a daunting number of variables, at an exponentially faster rate compared to classical computers. This volume focuses on quantum variants of machine learning algorithms, such as quantum neural networks, quantum reinforcement learning, quantum principal component analysis, quantum support vectors, quantum Boltzmann machines, and many more.

  • af Diego Matricano
    762,95 kr.

    We all know that sustainable goals are a challenge and, specifically, firms play a key role in achieving them since they define and manage activities that impact our lives. For established firms, sustainable approaches are difficult to implement. For new firms, they may be not. More and more often, in fact, the new firms are born as good businesses: good as in ethical, good as in eco-sustainable and good as in performance (e.g., as measured by the SDGs). Scholars contributing to this volume have addressed their attention toward four main themes respectively dealing with: Opportunities for good (Part I); The influence of individual profiles on entrepreneurial processes for good (Part II); The type of firms and how they impact on entrepreneurial processes for good (Part III); The dynamics of entrepreneurial processes for good (Part IV). All the chapters included in the second volume of the series "Advances in Entrepreneurial Processes" are focused on entrepreneurial processes for good. The scholars contributing to this volume explore new approaches, open new perspectives of research, and share original results as well as they evoke additional contributions useful to advance the study of entrepreneurial processes.

  • - From Concepts to Applications
    af Stefan Kubik
    863,95 kr.

    This introductory textbook on supramolecular chemistry is a thoroughly revised and expanded version of the 1st edition, originally published in 2020. All chapters have been brought up to date and now include "Further Reading" sections that highlight relevant developments. In addition, a new chapter on supramolecular polymers has been added. With these changes, this book provides an even more comprehensive introduction to the exciting field of supramolecular chemistry than before. Readers will learn what forces hold supramolecular architectures together, how supramolecular systems are created and characterized, how molecular switches, motors, transporters, catalysts, chemosensors, and other functional systems work, and where supramolecular chemistry can play or already plays a role in our lives. In 2022 the first edition of this book won the Literature Prize of the German Chemical Industry Association VCI. For the full press release (in German): https: //

  • - A Laboratory Manual and Source Book
    af Charles I Abramson
    686,95 kr.

    The application of mathematical models in the analysis of learning data has a rich tradition in experimental psychology. Such modeling is not only of scientific interest from psychophysiological point of view but very important from clinical point of view because memory impairment is a common symptom that is frequently diagnosed in elder people, persons after traumatic brain injury, patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, and other neurological and psychiatric diseases. Mild memory impairment might be one of the most important symptoms of a future Alzheimer's disease. Thus, early diagnosis of initial signs of memory impairment is of importance. The book offers the reader hands on practical experience using a mathematical model dveloped by the senior authors. Classroom tested experiments are provided which requires the reader to use the model under various conditions such as learning and memory in both humans and animals. Following an introduction to mathematical models, the book contains 13 experiments. These experiments include those related to animal learning in such organisms as snails, bees, and rats. A variety of human experiments are also presented including those related to short and long term memory, maze learning, classical salivary conditioning, evaluation of sound on memory, and the influence of dietary supplements on memory. We close the section on experiments with and analysis of machine learning curves. Appendices are provided on how to build apparatus and how to install the software.

  • - August Strindberg, Inger Christensen, Karl Ove Knausgård
    af Markus Floris Christensen
    1.148,95 kr.

    This book explores how states and traits of anxiety are reflected in the style and structure of certain works of modern Scandinavian literature. I argue that literature illuminates the cultural plasticity and ambiguity of anxiety as a theoretical construct. I suggest that a diachronic approach to literary studies of anxiety may enrich our understanding of anxiety in contemporary research. The literature analyzed in this book provides an avenue through which we can investigate the complex dynamics of anxiety to differentiate conceptual frameworks that reduce anxiety to a biomedical concept or high-cost mental health problem. This book contributes to cultural and literary scholarship that contests the subjugation of anxiety to a scientific world view and aims to expose the imaginative and creative dimensions of anxiety that are often ignored in contemporary public discourse and policy.

  • af Gyorgy Szekely
    693,95 - 763,95 kr.

    Sustainable process engineering is a methodology to design new and redesign existing processes that follow the principles of green chemistry and green engineering, and ultimately contribute to a sustainable development. The newest achievements of chemical engineering, opened new opportunities to design more efficient, safe, compact and environmentally benign chemical processes. The book provides a guide to sustainable process design applicable in various industrial fields. * Discusses the topic from a wide angle: chemistry, materials, processes, and equipment.a a * Includes state-of-the-art research achievements that are yet to be industrially implemented.a a * Transfers knowledge between chemists and chemical engineers. * QR codes direct the readers to animations, short videos, magazines, and blogs on specific topics * Worked examples deepen the understanding of the sustainable assessment of chemical manufacturing processes

  • af Dirk Braunstein
    2.970,95 kr.

    Vom Wintersemester 1949/50 bis zum Sommersemester 1969 hielt Adorno Seminare und Übungen in Philosophie und Soziologie an der Frankfurter Universität bzw. im Institut für Sozialforschung ab, und von jeder Sitzung hatte ein Student bzw. eine Studentin ein Protokoll zu verfassen. Band 4 bietet die erhaltenen Protokolle vom Sommersemester 1964 bis zum Sommersemester 1969.

  • af Dirk Braunstein
    2.979,95 kr.

    Vom Wintersemester 1949/50 bis zum Sommersemester 1969 hielt Adorno Seminare und Übungen in Philosophie und Soziologie an der Frankfurter Universität bzw. im Institut für Sozialforschung ab, und von jeder Sitzung hatte ein Student bzw. eine Studentin ein Protokoll zu verfassen. Band 3 bietet die erhaltenen Protokolle vom Sommersemester 1961 bis zum Wintersemester 1963/64.

  • af Dirk Braunstein
    2.975,95 kr.

    Vom Wintersemester 1949/50 bis zum Sommersemester 1969 hielt Adorno Seminare und Übungen in Philosophie und Soziologie an der Frankfurter Universität bzw. im Institut für Sozialforschung ab, und von jeder Sitzung hatte ein Student bzw. eine Studentin ein Protokoll zu verfassen. Band 2 bietet die erhaltenen Protokolle vom Wintersemester 1957/58 bis zum Wintersemester 1960/61.

  • af Dirk Braunstein
    2.969,95 kr.

    Vom Wintersemester 1949/50 bis zum Sommersemester 1969 hielt Adorno Seminare und Übungen in Philosophie und Soziologie an der Frankfurter Universität bzw. im Institut für Sozialforschung ab, und von jeder Sitzung hatte ein Student bzw. eine Studentin ein Protokoll zu verfassen. Band 1 bietet die erhaltenen Protokolle vom Wintersemester 1949/50 bis zum Sommersemester 1957.

    1.306,95 kr.

    Seit 1930 bieten die jährlich erscheinenden Mitteilungen der Abteilung Kairo eine internationale Plattform für Beiträge zur Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Ägyptens. Die Themen umfassen dabei einen Zeitraum von der prädynastischen über die christliche bis hin zur islamischen Zeit. Neben dem Schwerpunkt Archäologie und der Veröffentlichung neuester Grabungsergebnisse internationaler Unternehmungen werden auch kultur- und kunstgeschichtliche Themen, aktuelle Fragestellungen und Forschungen diskutiert. Zudem wird über die laufenden Ausgrabungen der Abteilung Kairo in jeweils zwei- bis dreijährigem Abstand ausführlich und mit reicher Bebilderung berichtet.

  • af Lihi Ben Shitrit
    202,95 - 815,95 kr.

    This book offers critical reflection and analysis on the horrific attack by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, and the subsequent devastating war in Gaza.It is unique in its focus on voices from Israel who are critical of Israeli government policies on the one hand, deeply grieving and affected by the October 7th attack, on the other, while also able to hold both Palestinian and Israeli pain and aspirations not as mutually exclusive, but as an impetus for creating a better and more equitable future for all who inhabit the land. It chronicles the reactions of intellectuals and scholars to unfolding events. All the pieces in this volume have been written in the span of about a month from October 7 and comprise an archive of a particular discourse taking shape in Israel at this historical juncture.

  • - Quantum Yang-Mills Theory and Modelling
    af Boris Khots
    1.654,95 kr.

    Quantum Yang-Mills theory is now the foundation of most of elementary particle theory, and its predictions have been tested at many experimental laboratories, but its mathematical foundation is still unclear. The ''mass gap'' property has been discovered by physicists from experiment, but it still has not been understood from a theoretical point of view. Proposed book describes author's approach to solution of this problem on base of Mathematics with Observers (removing from arithmetic infinity idea, taking into account Observers dependent ascending chain of embedded sets of finite decimal fractions with arithmetic operations locally coinciding with standard operations, and getting new calculus, diff geometry, etc), including interpretations of vector fields and differential forms, generalization of Yang-Mills equations, proof of mass gap existing, consideration the theory of matrix Lie groups and algebras, and this point of view gives the possibilities to make new approach and establish the existence of the Yang-Mills theory and a mass gap, Grand unified theories and Standard model of particle physics.

  • - Re-Conceptualising Public Governance
    af Garrett Thomson
    1.006,95 kr.

    Political thinking tends to outline reforms to existing political institutions. In contrast, Beyond Instrumentalised Politics argues for the need for systemic transformation. It articulates the evaluative principles for good governance, and employs these principles to argue for a new political system. Because persons are non-instrumentally valuable, good governance requires that all people are respected equally, and this necessitates a participatory democracy. The book investigates how such a democracy might function through consensus-based decision-making and argues for a redefinition of consensus. It characterises the local and national institutions required for public governance thus conceived. This includes the creation of various types of spaces for deep dialogue and mutual inquiry. This book demonstrates how this innovative vision would transform our current conceptions of governance.

  • - Realism and Criticism
    af Konstantinos Arampapaslis
    1.031,95 kr.

    Neronian representations of magic, a practice prevalent in the everyday life of the period and a central topic in its literary production, are characterized by unprecedented accuracy and detail. The similarities of witchcraft depictions in Seneca's Medea, Lucan's book 6, and Petronius' Satyrica with spells of the PGM, the defixiones, as well as with Pliny's quasi-magical recipes underscore realism as the distinctive trait of Neronian magic scenes which has often been considered the authors' means to differentiate themselves from their Augustan predecessors. However, such high-degree realism is not merely an ornamental feature but transforms into a tool that influences the reader's response toward magic, according to each author's worldview and aims. The cross-generic examination of the motif of magic in the major Neronian authors shows how realism forms a link between reader, contemporary experience, and text that encourages more active participation on the part of the reader. At the same time, images of destruction, the horrific, and the ridiculous further enhance the negative view of magic as an ineffective (Lucan-Petronius) or destructive force (Seneca), simultaneously eliciting the reader's critical response.

  • - Vector Stationary Increments, Periodically Stationary Multi-Seasonal Increments
    af Maksym Luz
    686,95 kr.

    The problem of forecasting future values of economic and physical processes, the problem of restoring lost information, cleaning signals or other data observations from noise, is magnified in an information-laden word. Methods of stochastic processes estimation depend on two main factors. The first factor is construction of a model of the process being investigated. The second factor is the available information about the structure of the process under consideration. In this book, we propose results of the investigation of the problem of mean square optimal estimation (extrapolation, interpolation, and filtering) of linear functionals depending on unobserved values of stochastic sequences and processes with periodically stationary and long memory multiplicative seasonal increments. Formulas for calculating the mean square errors and the spectral characteristics of the optimal estimates of the functionals are derived in the case of spectral certainty, where spectral structure of the considered sequences and processes are exactly known. In the case where spectral densities of the sequences and processes are not known exactly while some sets of admissible spectral densities are given, we apply the minimax-robust method of estimation.

  • - Drivers, Challenges and Success of Territories
    af Elisa Thomas
    785,95 kr.

    Delve deep into the heart of entrepreneurial ecosystems in lesser-known regions across the globe, as we unravel the complex tapestry of factors that drive their growth and sustainability. This book offers a rich exploration of diverse ecosystems in Brazil, South Africa, the islands of Madagascar and Reunion, Norway, and countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Through a diverse array of perspectives and real-world experiences, it reveals the drivers and challenges shaping entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems worldwide. Discover the critical role of factors like regional leadership, social entrepreneurs, supportive policies, and cultural dynamics, and see how regions overcome challenges through innovation and resilience. Ideal for policymakers, scholars, and entrepreneurs, this book bridges the gap between theory and practice. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Drivers, Challenges and Success of Territories is not just a collection of research. It's a roadmap to building vibrant entrepreneurial communities packed with practical guidance and transformative ideas. Whether you are aiming to nurture an entrepreneurial ecosystem or seeking inspiration from global success stories, this book is an indispensable resource for anyone passionate about the future of entrepreneurship and innovation. Join us on this captivating journey and be part of shaping vibrant entrepreneurial regions around the world.

  • - Regulation, Policy, and Practice
    af Raymond Atuguba Akongburo
    856,95 kr.

    For the last two decades data protection regulatory models in the African continent were highly inspired by foreign ones - mostly by the European Union's models. Recently, regulatory diversions can be spotted - reaching from strict(er) regulation on data sovereignty and data localisation to hybrid data protection and data governance approaches. Against this background, this volume presents the proceedings of the conference on "African Data Protection Laws: Regulation, Policy, and Practice" held in Accra, Ghana in 2022. The contributions undertake deep dives into the data protection and data governance development on the African continent - providing insights by distinguished scholars and experts in the field and tackling current trends, laws, regulations, and policies. The contributions narrate the unique African journey and lay the ground for interdisciplinary informed policy decisions, guide stakeholders, and also provoke future research towards a potential Pan-African data (protection) governance framework in Africa.

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