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Bøger udgivet af Deborah Quick

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  • af M I
    267,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Tina Currah
    182,95 kr.

    Defiant and candid, Rainbows in the Dark is a reminder that no matter what obstacles one might face, the only way to illuminate the dark is to never give up.

  • af Atlin Merrick
    277,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Rowlett
    304,95 kr.

    This is a re-published book because much was left out of the first one, and I would like to correct any mistakes that I found. One book would not hold half of what I need to share. This is book one, of two. The first one especially is about Harley and Laura Krigbaum (Pa and MA), who lived a simple life with many trials but always seemed to have a positive attitude and much needed advise. They were born in 1893, not long after the Civil War. Life was not easy for either family.His family had come to Arkansas from Ohio after devastating circumstances and tried to make a better life for their family. Managing to get homesteads, they became farmers and worked together anytime they could. Harley was the youngest and was born shortly after arriving in Arkansas.Laura was born and raised near Driggs. Her parents were both teachers at Barn Hill and at Driggs. Laura was familiar with farm work also, but on a smaller scale, just raising food to eat. They lived most of their lives near Driggs and Paint Rock communities and saw each other often but with no thoughts of ever being together, until one afternoon just before harvest time, which changed their lives forever.The stories of their ancestors as we sat out in the yard each evening, giving Pa a break from his fiddle and allowing the house time to cool enough to sleep, were so amazing that I had to try to share at least some of them.The adventurous travel by wagon from Ohio to Arkansas, the morning of the school with horses, picking cotton in Oklahoma, Snow in the cabin, and many more. Some happy, some very sad, especially the Indian story.Much of this book is as accurate as I could make it, however, Pa loved a good story, so more of it is from my imagination.

  • af Tracy Lorraine
    217,95 kr.

    Odiaba jugar con ella... Pero no me había dejado otra opción. Destinos cruzados ni siquiera alcanza a describir lo que ocurrió hace diecisiete años, cuando me enamoré de la chica a la que no debería haber mirado. Prohibida. Mi rival. El enemigo. Piper Collins. Era perfecta, a pesar de su apellido. Demasiado buena para ser verdad... lástima que fuera una soplona que se había infiltrado en nuestro club. Supongo que arrancarme el corazón fue un extra. Y cuando se descubrió la verdad, ella y su familia recibieron el trato que merecían a manos de mi padre y yo enterré mis sentimientos, sabiendo que nunca la volvería a ver. Pero mientras intento encaminar a mi hija por una nueva senda, el destino me toma por sorpresa y me encuentro cara a cara con ella. Ella jugó conmigo, y ha llegado el momento de la venganza. Porque ahora tengo un plan. Y ella es el peón perfecto.

  • af Bradley O' Cat
    287,95 kr.

    History is filled with problems and flaws. It has not always been a steady progress where humanity improves itself to a better state as time goes on. There are setbacks or underlying problems to the historical narrative that people normally learn. There are also underlying narratives that show problems with history and current events as opposed to how it has been taught or what people know about history and current events. The book is divided into three sections. The first Section deals with the historical periods from the Roman Empire to the present discussing the problems with the various historical periods in each chapter. The second section tackles the problems with the American historical narrative during the Trump administration and how all the social problems in American society surfaced during his presidency. This section also talks about how Trump has disrupted the office of the American presidency and how an American president is expected to behave bringing to life problems in American foreign and domestic policies. The third section talks about other societal and historical narratives and their problems such as the Chinese or Japanese narratives as well as the Nazi narrative and Napoleonic narrative and the narratives of colonized people outside the dominant Western paradigm. The book concludes that history and current events are not always what they seem as there are always problems and setbacks with history and current events compared to how they are taught or marketed to the public.

  • af Tierrah Ojeda
    292,95 kr.

    The Wondrous Within PlannerIs a one of a kind daily planner that you never knew you needed...until now! Whether you are a college professor, cashier, nurse, homeschooling mom, multi-faceted creative, or a CEO of a corporation, this planner is designed to help you to focus intently on the 5 key areas of life that produce inner alignment and a life well lived. If you are looking to grow as an individual, build lasting habits, become more consistent, and proactively work toward realizing your hopes and dreams, this planner is perfect for YOU. Every quarter you'll have the opportunity to experience the "gradually and then suddenly" feeling as you diligently track and plan your days. Additionally, each day will lend you the opportunity to steal times of peace & flex your creativity as you color in the pages surroundings to your liking. Lastly, this planner allows you to get connected to a uniquely curated community of like minded women who are also on the road to "wondrous within". Why wait? Start today!

  • af Lm Riviere
    317,95 kr.

    War descends upon Innisfail: three who would be king, two who would be free...a single fate between. Reunited and on the run, Kaer Yin and Una soon find themselves desperate to liberate the North from Damek Bishop and those who would crown him King of Eire. Although, Damek isn't the only one with an ambition to tear the High King down. In the South, Henry of Bethany rides to purge the Sidhe from Innish shores, trailing devastation in his wake. In Aes Sidhe, ancient animosities bear poisoned fruit for Dannan loyalists- and in the Midlands, against impossible odds, Rosweal stands alone.From the darkest dreams of an Otherworld dawn through the bitter flames of a wartorn world, destiny has come for Kaer Yin... and it's all or nothing.

  • af Crystal Z Lee
    172,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Jane K Bates
    517,95 kr.

    Uniting Body, Mind, and Spirit Through Art Education empowers art learners to have experiences that engage the spirit along with the body and the mind in deeper ways of seeing, being, and relating in the world.

    339,95 kr.

    Добродошли у "Симпли Сорбет Освежавајући рецепти за неодољиве смрзнуте ужитке". У овој куварици, позивамо вас на путовање живахних и примамљивих укуса које ће вас одвести у свет леденог уживања. Сорбети, са својим раскошним воћним профилима, кремастом текстуром и освежавајућим квалитетима, савршена су посластица за вруће летње дане или кад год пожелите за дивним смрзнутим десертом. Било да сте искусни ентузијаста за сорбет или почетник у свету домаћих смрзнутих посластица, ова куварица ће вам пружити колекцију рецепата који се лако прате који ће унапредити ваше вештине прављења сорбета и упознати вас са узбудљивим комбинацијама укуса. Спремите се да пригрлите слаткоћу природе и упустите се у хладну и укусну авантуру уз наше рецепте за сорбет који залијевају укус.

    353,95 kr.

    Добре дошли в "Кулинарният спътник на любителите на лимоните", едно вълнуващо пътешествие в света на лимоните и тяхното забележително влияние върху кулинарното изкуство. Лимоните, със своя ярък и ободряващ вкус, са спечелили специално място в сърцата на готвачи и домашни готвачи по целия свят. В тази готварска книга ви каним да изследвате гъвкавостта и жизнеността на лимоните чрез колекция от 100 свежи и ароматни рецепти. Нашето пътешествие през отрупания с лимони пейзаж ще ви запознае с магията на тази цитрусова суперзвезда. Независимо дали сте опитен готвач или начинаещ в кухнята, тази книга е вашето ръководство за включване на острата, цитрусова доброта на лимоните във вашите кулинарни творения. От предястия до десерти, от солени до сладки, вие ще откриете безкрайните възможности, които лимоните предлагат, за да освежите и издигнете вашите ястия. Докато се впускаме в това наситено с цитруси приключение, пригответе се да отключите тайните на готвенето с лимони и оставете тяхното слънчево разположение да преобрази вашите ястия. Така че, вземете престилката си, наточете ножовете си и се присъединете към нас, за да освежим кулинарния си репертоар с "Кулинарен спътник на любителите на лимона".

    348,95 kr.

    Добродошли у "МЈЕХУРИЋИ И УЈЕДИ ВРХУНСКИ ПРОСЕЦЦО КУВАР"! На овом кулинарском путовању истражићемо диван свет Прошека и његову невероватну разноврсност у кухињи. Прошек, са својим шумећим мехурићима и живим укусима, уноси дашак елеганције и софистицираности сваком јелу које краси. Од доручка до грицкалица, главних јела, па чак и зачина, открићемо тајне укључивања прошека у ваше омиљене рецепте, подижући ваше кулинарске креације на нове висине. У овој куварици ћете пронаћи колекцију пажљиво одабраних рецепата који показују јединствене карактеристике Прошека и истичу његову способност да побољша широк спектар укуса. Сваки рецепт је прецизно направљен, пружајући детаљна мерења састојака и упутства корак по корак како бисте осигурали ваш успех у кухињи. Без обзира да ли сте домаћин посебне прилике или једноставно желите да додате дашак сјаја својим свакодневним оброцима, ова куварица ће вас инспирисати да истражите диван свет јела са прошеком. Зато узмите флашу свог омиљеног прошека, ставите кецељу и спремите се да се упустите у кулинарску авантуру која ће одушевити ваше непце и импресионирати ваше госте. Од коктела за бранч до гурманских вечера, могућности су бескрајне када су у питању креације са прошеком. Хајде да отворимо чеп и заронимо у свет "Мехурића и залогаја ВРХУНСКИ ПРОСЕЦЦО КУВАР"

  • af Eve Taylor
    182,95 kr.

    This book is written inspired by the current political climate of the United States Of America and the current situation with the protests and the black lives matter movement.

  • af Sarah Dillon
    447,95 kr.

    The outcome of the first international conference on David Mitchell's writing, this collection of critical essays, focuses on his first three novels - Ghostwritten (1999), number9dream (2001) and Cloud Atlas (2004) - to provide a sustained analysis of Mitchell's complex narrative techniques and the literary, political and cultural implications of his early work. The essays cover topics ranging from narrative structure, genre and the Bildungsroman to representations of Japan, postmodernism, the construction of identity, utopia, science fiction and postcolonialism. Contents Foreword David Mitchell 1. Introducing David Mitchell's Universe: A Twenty-First Century House of Fiction Sarah Dillon 2. The Novels in Nine Parts Peter Childs and James Green 3. 'Or something like that': Coming of Age in number9dream Kathryn Simpson 4. Remediations of 'Japan' in number9dream Baryon Tensor Posadas 5. The Stories We Tell: Discursive Identity Through Narrative Form in Cloud Atlas Courtney Hopf 6. Cloud Atlas: From Postmodernity to the Posthuman Hélène Machinal 7. Cloud Atlas and If on a winter's night a traveller: Fragmentation and Integrity in the Postmodern Novel Will McMorran 8. 'Strange Transactions': Utopia, Transmigration and Time in Ghostwritten and Cloud Atlas Caroline Edwards 9. Speculative Fiction as Postcolonial: Critique in Ghostwritten and Cloud Atlas Nicholas Dunlop 10. 'Moonlight bright as a UFO abduction': Science Fiction, Present-Future Alienation and Cognitive Mapping William Stephenson Notes on Contributors Index About the Editor Sarah Dillon is Lecturer in Contemporary Fiction in the School of English at the University of St Andrews. She is author of The Palimpsest: Literature, Criticism, Theory (2007) and has published essays on Jacques Derrida, Elizabeth Bowen, H.D., Michel Faber, Maggie Gee and David Mitchell.

  • af Laura Atherton
    157,95 kr.

    In a world where the stakes are high and the challenges are many, "Unlock Your Keys to Success: A Guide to Stress-Free Landlording" emerges as the ultimate guidebook for the aspiring or seasoned landlord. Imagine a journey through the labyrinth of property management, where each turn unveils secrets to mastering the rental market. From the bustle of tenant selection right through lease signing this book guides you with the wisdom of a seasoned expert. Witness the transformation from a mere property owner to a savvy landlord, as our guide delves into the art of building harmonious tenant relationships and the science of efficient property maintenance. Brace yourself as you face the dragons of tenant disputes and financial woes, armed with the shield of diplomacy and the sword of strategic planning. Be amazed as the book reveals the latest technological advancements, turning mundane management tasks into a symphony of efficiency. "Unlock Your Keys to Success" is not just a book; it's a journey to the heart of being a successful landlord, a beacon of light in the fog of property management challenges. The key to unlocking your potential as a landlord and achieving success without the stress. Are you ready to turn the page?

  • af Norman Harty
    222,95 kr.

    The intensity of functional movements, high-intensity training, and a supportive community that transcends traditional fitness boundaries Uncover the secrets behind each heart-pounding WOD (Workout of the Day), pushing your physical limits while cultivating mental resilience. From adrenaline-pumping challenges to embracing inclusivity, this guide navigates the multifaceted landscape of CrossFit, offering insights into the evolution of its culture, innovative training methodologies, and the holistic approach to health.Here Is a Preview of What You'll Learn Inside...Effective warm-up, cool-down, and mobilization techniquesStrength, skills, and conditioningUnbiased tips for programming an effective training routineHow to eat optimally for Cross Fit trainingPractical methods to transition to a healthier lifestyleThis extensive guide also covers valuable safety and health practices, organizing and hosting memorable events, motivation techniques that'll inspire your members, and maintaining a positive, close-knit gym culture. Conquer challenges, drive continuous improvement, and reach financial success with meticulous planning and revenue management techniques.

  • af Emma Fulenwider
    347,95 kr.

    Onward! is a collection of personal stories about life-changing moments-moments when dreams and beliefs are threatened or shattered, when we're forced to make tough choices and challenged to learn and grow.Written by Guided Autobiography Instructors, these stories share the confusion, doubt, and sometimes the despair that accompany such moments. But they also share the strength and wisdom that ultimately moves us onward. In these stories you'll find: Hope for hard timesOpportunity in adversityAnd a reminder of your own strength and wisdom during life-changing moments.Guided Autobiography Instructors facilitate small groups writing and sharing life stories. Learn more at

  • af Edd White
    242,95 kr.

    Developing regulatory-compliant mental health and substance use disorder assessments and treatment plans can be challenging, especially in the most difficult state to get licensed in, deliver services, and bill. In this book, the author walks the reader through the regulations, relevant policies, and common audit citations, to develop a regulatory-compliant mental health and substance use disorder client and patient treatment record.

  • af Gregory Ashe
    87,95 kr.

    Just vibing.Good Vibes Only is a collection of short stories from Iron on Iron. It includes the following: "All the Feels"Jem and Tean get settled in their temporary new home. This story is set after The Face in the Water."Add Me Back"Theo and Auggie (especially Auggie) spend time with their new friends. This story is set before The Girl in the Wind."Adulting is Hard"North and Shaw are...North and Shaw. This story is set before The Girl in the Wind, but it was written to be read between The Girl in the Wind and The Spoil of Beasts."I Can't Even"Emery and John-Henry might need a break from their houseguests. This story is set before The Evening Wolves."Good Vibes Only"Theo and Auggie get married. With (unfortunately) some help from their friends. This story is set after The Evening Wolves.Please note that the first four stories were distributed previously in various formats. "Good Vibes Only" is exclusively available in this collection.

  • af Contributing Authors
    297,95 kr.

    Dual Coast Magazine (Issue #1) A Showcase of Poetry, Fiction, Art, and Culture. This Issue - A Special Photography Exhibition by Todd Gontarek (Online - http: // Poetry and Fiction by: Alan Gann April Salzano Ariana D. Den Bleyker Ashley Sgro B.T. Joy Bill Melton Bill Vernon Bruce Deitrick Price Bryanna Licciardi Cara-Aimee Long Carol Hamilton Carol Nissenson Charles F. Thielman Chris Gusek Chris Palmer Christine Thompson C. Marecic Cindy Rinne Craig Parmelee Carter Daniel Shirley Darlyn Lojero Dave Gregg David Novak Deborah Guzzi Dixon Hearne Emily Berthold Emily Strauss Eric Scott Gary Bloom Gene Desrochers Gloria Keeley Gregory Letellier Claire T. Feild Heather M. Browne Heidi B. Morrell J. J. Steinfeld J.D. Isip Jeffrey Zable John Abbott John Grey Julie Bartoli Ken L. Jones Leila A. Fortier Louise Matsakis Lynn F Hoffman Marie Lecrivain Marshall Callaway Matthew J. Hall Meredith Devney Milt Montague Nells Wasilewski Richard Hartwell Rosemary Ybarra-Garcia Trish Laubacker Terry Barr 8" x 10" (20.32 x 25.4 cm) Black & White Bleed on White paper 96 pages Prolific Press ISBN-13: 978-1632750044

  • af Sylvia Carlock
    162,95 kr.

    "Remedios Caseros para un Corazón Partío" es una vibrante novela que explora los intrincados caminos del amor, la pérdida y la sanación. La historia sigue la vida de Victoria, una joven mujer que, tras enfrentar una devastadora ruptura amorosa, se embarca en un viaje personal para encontrar consuelo y comprensión en las tradiciones y sabiduría de sus raíces.Sumergida en el encanto de un pequeño centro natural y rodeada de figuras entrañables, como su sabia abuela y un grupo de amigos leales, Victoria descubre una serie de "remedios caseros" para curar su corazón herido. Estos remedios no son solo recetas y rituales, sino lecciones de vida, historias de amor y desamor, y secretos transmitidos a través de generaciones. La novela se basa en la vida de cuatro mujeres, que son: una curandera, su hija y sus dos nietas. La historia empieza en los años 50 en México y continúa a la fecha actual en California. Todo gira en torno a un centro de salud natural llamado "La Paloma", donde hay pacientes que se internan para recibir tratamientos a base de hierbas. Al inicio de cada capitulo como si fuera una cita, se presenta un remedio a base de hierbas que está relacionado con el capitulo. La novela transcurre entre dos países, durante cinco décadas, e incluye dos traiciones, cuatro historias de amor, y, por supuesto, remedios caseros para sanar un corazón partido.El primer capítulo abre con un "Remedio para la Depresión" y cierra con otro para "Poner de Buen Humor para el Amor, pasando por cómo sanar un derrame biliar, hasta como "destetar" a un bebedor compulsivo. A través de los remedios caseros, esta historia se va entretejiendo.A medida que Victoria experimenta con estos remedios, no solo enfrenta los fantasmas de su pasado romántico, sino que también se redescubre a sí misma, aprendiendo sobre la fuerza, la resiliencia y la capacidad del corazón humano para sanar y amar de nuevo. La novela está salpicada de momentos de humor, ternura y revelaciones emocionales, lo que hace que la historia sea tanto entretenida como profundamente emotiva."Remedios Caseros para un Corazón Partío" es una celebración de las tradiciones, la comunidad y el poder sanador del amor propio y la aceptación. A través de su cautivadora narrativa y personajes ricos y auténticos, la novela invita a los lectores a un viaje de curación y esperanza, mostrando que a veces, el remedio más efectivo para un corazón roto se encuentra en los lugares y las personas más inesperados.

  • af Joanne Harris Allred
    197,95 kr.

    As the song titles-each containing the word home-that shape these acrostic poems suggest, Joanne Allred's Outside Paradise is at heart a meditation on home.

  • af Nicole Stanghetti
    252,95 kr.

    If dogs are man's best friend... She's EVERYONE'S best friend! And she's back for Book 3, "Greta The Happy-Maker Celebrates The Holidays," in the charming and inviting Children's Picture Book Series that centers on the adventures (and sometimes misadventures) of Greta, a real-life, saucy little pug, from Los Angeles, California.In this edition, Greta the pug wakes to the news that it's going to be a "Special Day." In Greta's World, this proclamation could mean any number of amazing things... Could it be a spa day? Greta sure loves her bath and massage time... Could it be a playdate? Greta also loves going to the park to play with her friends. Greta's Mama informs her that it's actually her favorite holiday... But which one? Greta loves all of the holidays; she doesn't have a favorite. Greta makes one guess after another, readying herself for the exciting reveal. Read on to find out!This book series is for children ages 3-8, parents who read to their children, people who read to their furbabies, and all devoted pug enthusiasts. In every book in the series, Greta the Happy-Maker will share a teaching lesson with her friends along the way.

  • af Tiffany Reisz
    182,95 - 284,95 kr.

  • af Thea Moreau
    182,95 kr.

    How are babies made? Come along with egg and sperm on their adventure to find each other with a little help from doctors and science!

  • af Tamara Grantham
    177,95 kr.

    Gordy Simpleton has everything he needs to save the world-a dragon, a wizard, and a sword. Now all he needs is to trick the Wraith King into believing he's the actual Chosen One, and then he'll be done with his quest. There's only one hiccup in his plan. Someone else has decided to become the Chosen One. His name is Alexander Bravestone, and he's better-looking, better-equipped, and basically better at everything.However, Gordy does have one thing in his favor. He's obtained the true Hero's sword, and along with his friends, he's fast on his way to destroying the Wraith King, saving his sister from becoming a wraith, and keeping everyone in the world of Alderfell safe.One problem: keeping the sword out of the hands of thieves is easier said than done. And without the sword, the world-and his sister-are doomed.

  • af Dave Armstrong
    167,95 kr.

    We all want to live a good life, right? And the good life is here if you want it. This book will show you how to achieve it. Your good life might mean quality time with family or friends and seeing your children and grandchildren grow up. It might mean you work on curing cancer. Or you might want to become rich and powerful. Whatever your vision of a good life may be, its origin is within your mind and soul. These 7 Rules to a Good Life will: help you discover the good life you desirehelp you manage your mind by understanding how your brain workshelp you get the best out of each day, each moment and every experiencehelp you gain in life rather than drifthelp you manage your risks and prevent them becoming issueshelp you recognise that anything you deem a failure is actually a learning opportunityhelp turn hate into love and doubt into beliefhelp you turn a group into a high preforming teamhelp you fulfil your dreams so you leave this world knowing you have given life your best shot and with a smile in your heart7 Rules to a Good Life will guide your personal development and help you develop your own personal philosophy. It addresses many aspects of being human: leadership, teamwork, philosophy, psychology, personal and family relationships, project management, behavioural therapy, individual and team coaching, quality management, and how to love well...

  • af Kara Waller
    112,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Jane Marla Robbins
    172,95 kr.

    Outrageous, funny, heartbreaking, and defiant, Ms. Robbins describes her journey with the auto-immune disease, Myasthenia gravis. The book includes a surreal musical, as well as poetry, jokes, prayers, rants, inspiration, and hope.

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