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  • af Carl Gallups
    208,95 kr.

  • af Robert Maginnis
    208,95 kr.

    China is out to eliminate America and the western world and impose their communist culture on the entire planet. How do we know? Their history, economic power and coming military superiority backed by their rigid focus on instituting a one-world government under the Chinese Communist Party, a plan which is coming together now and is exposed to the world. Is there time to reverse their maniacal advance against freedom and democracy? Bob Maginnis reveals the danger and opportunity ahead in China's New World Order.

  • af Thomas Horn, Donna Howell & Allie Anderson
    258,95 kr.

  • af Michael S. Heiser
    178,95 kr.

  • af Eric E. Walker
    233,95 kr.

  • af Derek P Gilbert
    208,95 kr.

    A new age began December 21, 2020. The Great Conjunction--a meeting in the sky of the planets Jupiter and Saturn--heralded the Age of Aquarius, a new golden age ruled by Saturn, the old god who once reigned over a world of peace and plenty. It's a lie. In the latest groundbreaking book from author and researcher Derek P. Gilbert, you will discover: - Powerful people believe the stars have aligned to bring back the old god Saturn - Occult symbols embedded in the United States Capitol that point to the return of Saturn's reign - Why Lucifer is Saturn, not Satan - Evidence that Saturn was the leader of the rebellious "sons of God" - The many names of Saturn over the last 6,000 years - New research that traces this fallen angel's cult back to Ararat--where Noah's ark came to rest - The identity of Apollyon, the angel of the bottomless pit - The connection between Mount Hermon, where the Watchers rebelled, and the Mount of Olives - Why this fallen angel may have been the high priest in Eden - Modern cults that venerate Saturn and work to create a new golden age of humans commingling with gods - Hidden Bible prophecies of God's final judgment on Saturn and the Watchers Deep in the earth, this dark god plots and waits. A day is coming when he will be released from his chains. He and his minions will loose literal hell on earth--a time when people will long to die, but death will not come. This is the true Golden Age" dreamed of for thousands of years--the return of Saturn's reign.

  • af Carl Gallups
    208,95 kr.

    Is our world actually reeling toward the prescient days of Noah--those days of unparalleled global turmoil as foretold by Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? Are we really on the brink of a universal shaking, as a number of today's prophecy watchers are warning? You'll find the answers to those questions and many others as you set sail on this spectacular biblical journey with long-time pastor and internationally acclaimed bestselling author, Carl Gallups.

  • af Derek P Gilbert
    208,95 kr.

    Greek and Roman tales of deities and demigods, what we call myths, are twisted versions of true history: Zeus is Satan, the Titans are the sons of god who came in to the daughters of man, and the heroes of the Golden Age are the mighty men of oldthe Nephilim. If you were brought up in church, theres a good chance you were taught that the pagan gods were imaginary. But God Himself calls them gods. Not only that, Hes judged them, found them wanting, and proclaimed a sentence of death on these rebels. But theyre not dead yet. Theyre angry, and theyre coming back. In Last Clash of the Titans, youll discover: The Titans, the old gods of the Greeks, are the Watchers, the angelic sons of God who created the monstrous Nephilim by taking human women as wives. The Nephilim, later called Rephaim, were the heroes and demigods of the Greeks. Satan is lord of the Rephaimand hell lead them in an end times army against Israel. The pagan Amorites worshiped the Rephaim spirits and believed they were ancestors of their kings. The pagan prophet Balaam foretold the final destruction of the Nephilim by the Messiah. Ezekiels prophecy of Gog and Magog tells us when and where theyll be destroyed. Gog wont be human, Magog is not Russia, and their war ends with the Battle of Armageddon. The spirit of primordial chaos, Leviathan, will return from the abyssas the Antichrist As Baudelaire wrote, The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist. Recent research shows that nearly 60% of American Christians have fallen for that lie. Zeus, Hercules, the Olympians, and the Titans are real. They hate us, they want to kill us, and theyre coming back. Get ready.

  • af Derek P Gilbert
    208,95 kr.

    The secret effort behind official disclosure is revealed at last! And if they are returning, is it possible to pinpoint the exact date of official disclosure? Noted researchers and authors Josh Peck (Abaddon Ascending, Unraveling the Multiverse) and Derek P. Gilbert (The Great Inception) team up to expose the disturbing truth behind the push for official disclosure. Learn what the Podesta WikiLeaks revealed about those controlling this movement. Discover the identities of the otherworldly beings pulling the strings from the shadows. Determine for yourself, finally, if evangelical Christianity could be compatible with genuine extraterrestrials (the answer might not be what you think). For the first time ever, Gilbert and Peck disclose the reality behind these age-old questions. For the first time ever, Gilbert and Peck disclose the reality behind these age-old questions. For the first time ever, Gilbert and Peck disclose the reality behind these age-old questions. The Day the Earth Stands Still reveals: *What led to the world being primed for ET disclosure *The governments involvement from Roswell to today *The medias influence on ET awareness *What WikiLeaks revealed about the role of the Pope and previous U.S. presidents in official disclosure *The identities of The Nine and other ET gods *The role of mystical scientism in the UFO phenomenon *How science fiction has contributed to the extraterrestrial gospel *What current supernatural outer space research has taught humanity *How an ancient entity of chaos has influenced the world since the beginning of time *Whether we can know the exact day these otherworldly beings will return *What we can do about all of this And so much more!

  • af Jennifer Leclaire
    208,95 kr.

    In Angels on Assignment Again, readers will discover; the history of angelic beliefs from one culture/religion to another, and the specific identities they've been given throughout time; how, when, where, and why these celestial beings have visited our planet in recent days; how to discern a holy visitation from an unholy manifestation based on the authority of Scripture; upcoming movements of the Holy Spirit, and the role of angels within them; how angels are a sign of the end times, and what that means for us here on earth; how to safely pray specific prayers of angelic intervention in our lives from provision to revelation and beyond."--

  • af Donna Howell
    178,95 kr.

    Throughout time, when it seemed mankind was slipping irrevocably into ungodly decay from which the world might never recover, God did something unexpected and released a fresh wind of His presence that awoke a remnant of believers. These revivalists and prophets in turn often departed ecclesiastical and cultural norms to preach the everlasting Gospel with innovative flare. While in their days they were thought to be radicals, they nevertheless pushed back darkness with the Sword of the Spirit and liberated minds to comprehend their estate and need of Jesus (2 Cor. 10:5). The book you now hold argues effectively that we have entered such a time again and the evidence is reflected in familiar anti-establishment sentiments todayboth religious and political. We are rapidly ripening for a spiritual awakening within the Church of Christ, and this book leaves no illusions about how that could suddenly unfold, unexpectedly giving rise to a new breed of post-denominational radicals infused with the supernatural power of God. Radicals examines a refreshing analysis of the Epistle of James, written by Christs half-brother who exposed the sins of the Early Church while illustrating the timeless liberating power of the Word. It addresses modern trials facing the Body, the eerie similarities they hold to the trials of the Early Church, and why we are commanded to count them all as joy. It discusses the tests of the faith, and why we must get serious about overcoming them individually and corporately, and exposes how the Church still participates in favoritism of todays privileged class, and the role that plays in stunting the Great Commission. Radicals brings to light the Rahabs of today, why they may quickly be replacing our traditions, and why thats a

  • af Thomas Horn
    208,95 kr.

    "Over the last few decades, celebrated theorists and philosophers have increasingly contemplated the future of humanity through a predictive lens -- the meaning and purpose of our existence in light of the Bible's end-times narrative. Is it possible that ancient prophets actually foresaw how the world would come to an end and how final salvation - including judgment of the nations - would precisely transpire? In this wide-ranging and authoritative work, recognized experts from around the globe examine extraordinary developments currently playing out in geopolitics, science and technology, discovery, and even the supernatural, under the microscope of Scripture. The magnitude of individual choices and opportunities that lie just ahead, these experts say, will soon impact all of our lives in unprecedented ways."--Back cover.

  • af Jeffrey W Mardis
    208,95 kr.

    WHAT DWELLS BEYOND is not primarily about the modern extraterrestrial phenomenon. This book is primarily about the King James Bible, what it teaches regarding the theory of alien life on other planets, and how it can answer your questions by putting solid Bible answers in your hands. In its 520 pages you will find much more than a brief discussion on angels, fallen angels, demons, giants and monsters. YOU WILL READ AND LEARN ABOUT: The chronological history from ancient times to the present regarding the belief in alien life, how this concept was influenced by the days of Noah, and how it emerged and grew after Noah's Flood; the connections between Polytheism (the belief in many gods) and the rise of Extraterrestrialism (the belief in life populating many planets); how ancient philosophy helped transform pagan religious beliefs into the modern concept of Evolution and Cosmic Pluralism; about Thales of Miletus, Epicurus, Copernicus, Emanuel Swedenborg, Joseph Smith, Thomas Chalmers, Charles Darwin, Nikola Tesla, Dr. Frank Drake, and many others who helped shape the idea of alien life into what it is today; how science fiction in movies, literature, pulp and comic books, helped birth the Space Age and further the idea of intelligent life on other planets; the structure of the Universe, the Three Heavens, and how the origins of darkness and outer space play a major role in discerning the concept of life on other worlds; an illustrated, Bible-based, field guide to all life forms which will help lay the foundation in discerning the modern alien phenomenon; detailed information on angels, fallen angels, the ancient sons of God, cherubim, devils, Satan, other celestial life forms, and monsters from underground; a detailed bib

  • af A Cleveland Coxe
    308,95 kr.

    The Bible, as we hold it today, is esteemed by many religious institutions and especially Conservative Christians to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God. This doctrinal position affirms that the Bible is unlike all other books or collections of works in that it is free of error due to having been "given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). While no other text can claim this same unique authority, the Apostolic Fathers included in this volume (also called the Ante-Nicene Fathers), covers the Early Christian writings from the beginning of Christianity until the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea, which was convened in Bithynia by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. As such, writings contained in this volume of The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts (Volume Two: The Apostolic Fathers: Includes Clement, Anthenagorus, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus), provides literature that follows the chronology of New Testament texts, which frequently are used or assigned as supplemental works within academic settings to help students and scholars discover or better understand cultural and historical context of the early Christian Church. These ancient texts provide commentators valuable insight into what many ancient Jews and early Christians believed when, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets" (Heb. 1:1). The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts is therefore intended to be a supplemental resource for assisting serious researchers and students in the study of the Bible and the early Church age. Contained in this volume: The works of Clement, Anthenagorus, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus.

  • af Carl Gallups
    208,95 kr.

    "From the first chapter to the last, Gods and Thrones is an exhilarating ride that whisks you along from the Throne Room of Heaven to the headlines of todays tumultuous world. The insight within these pages will rock your Bible-reading world, and will not only explain what is happening but why. Guaranteed!" -- Jim Bakker, The Jim Bakker Show Warning! The truths contained in Gods and Thrones will forever change the way you read your Bible. It may even prove to be one of the most significant books youve ever read, especially as it directly connects deep spiritual truths to your life and to present-day global concerns. Have you ever wondered, What in the world is wrong with all of us? Dont worry, you really are seeing what you think you see! And billions around the planet share the same concerns. Is it that the world is truly falling apart, or is it that everything is simply coming togetherjust as the Bible predicted? Gods and Thrones will pull back the veil on a number of eternally important considerations: *What really happened in the Garden of Eden, and how is it connected to clear New Testament declarations as well as todays global headlines? (Hint: It wasnt a talking snake convincing a woman to eat an apple) *What devastating event actually caused God to push the reset button during the days of Noah's Flood? What did Jesus mean when He said the period just before His return would be just like the Days of Noah? *Have you ever seen the evidence within the Bible of how God has utilized a court-like assembly involving divine beings around His throne since the beginning of time? Did you know this assembly is, to this day, actively involved in the affairs of the nations? *Did you know that God has two families? Even the New Testament is crystal clear concerning this truthyet its si

  • af Robert L Maginnis
    208,95 kr.

    The Deeper State is about the elites, their secret societies, world power centers and evil motivations behind the chaotic contemporary world pressing all life toward a final one world empire. The contemporary trigger that briefly lifted the veil on this darkness was the election of President Donald Trump who exposed the power brokers, their evil agenda, their techniques and ideology much like when one is shocked when lifting a rock in the forest to discover hidden underneath slimy poisonous vipers. Deep State is a term that has recently come into vogue to describe the forces in Washington and around the country that are rallying to overturn the election of President Trump. But there is far more to this organized resistance, there is an even deeper state that must be exposed to fully understand the imminent danger. THE DEEPER STATE discloses for the first time *Behind the scenes super elites who promote a false panacea through promises of globalization. *How globalist are taking over the worlds power centers *The instruments of global power and the secret hands of the globes evil puppet masters. *The history of the worlds super class. *The marriage of modern globalism and progressivism with deep roots in Marxism and Darwinism. *The one-world government elite behind the European Union. *The spiritual aspects of an invisible war and its Achilles heel. Just when all hope seems lost there is an ancient leader that provides sage advice for these tumultuous times. Yes, God has pre-ordained the final outcome but until that time, which could be soon, we can make a difference in spite of the rigid and seemingly overwhelming push by the elites and their evil ally in the unseen realm.

  • af Terry James
    208,95 kr.

    Today, chaos and turmoil inflame daily life within the fever of uncertainty. Geopolitical and cultural/societal upheaval tear at the heart of America and the world. Much of humanity is in a state of growing rage, while an infinitesimally small enemy--visible only under powerful microscopes--holds populations in its fear-paralyzing, pandemic grip.

  • af Thomas R Horn
    208,95 kr.

    SABOTEURS is the most critical and groundbreaking work to date by prolific investigative author Thomas Horn. From his earliest opus on secret societies and the occult to this new unnerving chronicle, Dr. Horn returns to Washington, DC to expose a harrowing plot by Deep State Alister Crowley and Masonic devotees that hold an almost unbelievable secret they do not want you to understand: American society is being manipulated through a Washington-based Shadow Government in quest of that Final World Order prophesied in the books of Daniel, Revelation, and on the Great Seal of the United States! SABOTEURS goes beyond the superficial chaos currently playing out in the public square and in media against the Trump administration to unveil a far more sinister resistance made up of sorcerous elites, their secret societies, and world power brokers who plot the insidious rise of a messianic strongman figure they call The Grey Champion. This investigation addresses: *The supernatural truth behind the Trump Derangement Syndrome *How the federal bureaucracy is a tool of Deep State Occultists *Shocking revelations about Satanism in the US Capitol from WikiLeaks *Whats in the Shadow Government two miles from the White House *Obama, Alinsky, and a dedication to Lucifer *Steve Bannon, the Fourth Turning, and The Grey Champion *The Necronomicon and why ZENITH 2016 may have just been fulfilled *Why Rabbis in Israel believe Donald Trump is paving way for Messiah *Hidden truth about Pope Francis and Dr. Horns next major pred

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