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  • af Cui Ge
    195,95 kr.

    第一冊、第二冊簡介:《湖天一览楼》以一个家族的回忆为蓝本,苏北古城高邮为背景中心,纵观数代人的悲欢离合、命运浮沉,印证了时代洪流不可抗拒的巨大威力。同时也横向展现了不同历史时期具象化的社会风貌。 崔阳春,本在广州行医,阴差阳错成为太平军战将。天京突围后,为护忠王之女,隐身高邮湖畔。 吴玉棠,清朝举人,在京任微职,恰遇"庚子国变",因祸得福,获太后封赏,衣锦还乡。 崔瑞亭,进士及第入仕。因受革命党案的牵连入狱丢官,继而双目失明,家境转贫。 崔锡麟,字叔仙,少小抗父命离家。在其外公的资助下读完中学并回到高邮当小学教员。后入国民党,进入军界并经商。他不但刻苦用功,亦八面玲珑、长袖善舞。集军政要人、书画名家、帮会大佬、银行实业家等多重身份于一体。晚年沉狱十载。 汪嘉玉,高邮大户千金,独具慧眼,不顾家族反对,下嫁穷教员崔锡麟。汪嘉玉也是华夏大文豪汪曾祺先生的家人。 崔开元,出生优渥,大学毕业后加入四野南下,后任防空军文化部、空军政治部助理员并加入作协。他向往成为一名光荣的共产党员,但因出生于资产阶级家庭,屡次受批判审查。虽有才华而终身不得志。 韩冠如,初为国军上校团长,抗日军人。后加入解放军,参加淮海战役、抗美援朝。虽有军功,却因冤案被处死。 韩向新,十三岁参军,进入文工团,后调防空军文化部,结识崔开元并结婚。为了爱离开北京,携手丈夫一同踏进了广袤的北国荒原。 崔哥,在黑龙江省的北大荒出生,年幼时随部队转业的父母迁回江苏高邮。第一、二冊完。第三冊即將推出。 特色:文字简洁、故事密集。包含独家秘闻、高层内幕,兼有历史瞬间、市井百像。 本书为第二册,278页,纸质书规格:6" X 9"。

  • af Cui Ge
    231,95 kr.

    第一冊、第二冊簡介:《湖天一覽樓》以一個家族的回憶為藍本,蘇北古城高郵為背景中心,縱觀數代人的悲歡離合、命運浮沈,印證了時代洪流不可抗拒的巨大威力。同時也橫向展現了不同歷史時期具象化的社會風貌。 崔陽春,本在廣州行醫,陰差陽錯成為太平軍戰將。天京突圍後,為護忠王之女,隱身高郵湖畔。 吳玉棠,清朝舉人,在京任微職,恰遇「庚子國變」,因禍得福,獲太后封賞,衣錦還鄉。 崔瑞亭,進士及第入仕。因受革命黨案的牽連入獄丟官,繼而雙目失明,家境轉貧。 崔錫麟,字叔仙,少小抗父命離家。在其外公的資助下讀完中學並回到高郵當小學教員。後入國民黨,進入軍界並經商。他不但刻苦用功,亦八面玲瓏、長袖善舞。集軍政要人、書畫名家、幫會大佬、銀行實業家等多重身份於一體。晚年沈獄十載。 汪嘉玉,高郵大戶千金,獨具慧眼,不顧家族反對,下嫁窮教員崔錫麟。汪嘉玉也是華夏大文豪汪曾祺先生的家人。 崔開元,出生優渥,大學畢業後加入四野南下,後任防空軍文化部、空軍政治部助理員並加入作協。他嚮往成為一名光榮的共產黨員,但因出生於資產階級家庭,屢次受批判審查。雖有才華而終身不得志。 韓冠如,初為國軍上校團長,抗日軍人。後加入解放軍,參加淮海戰役、抗美援朝。雖有軍功,卻因冤案被處死。 韓向新,十三歲參軍,進入文工團,後調防空軍文化部,結識崔開元並結婚。為了愛離開北京,攜手丈夫一同踏進了廣袤的北國荒原。 崔哥,在黑龍江省的北大荒出生,年幼時隨部隊轉業的父母遷回江蘇高郵。第一、二冊完。第三冊即將推出。 特色:文字簡潔、故事密集。包含獨家秘聞、高層內幕,兼有歷史瞬間、市井百像。 本書為第一冊,376頁,紙質書規格:6" X 9"。

  • af &#960, &#964, &#959, mfl.
    158,95 kr.

    Όλα τα ποιήματα αυτής της ποιητικής συλλογής είναι σαν τα κλαδιά ενός δένδρου. Φαίνονται μεν αυτόνομα και ανεξάρτητα μεταξύ τους, αλλά συνθέτουν μια συνεκτική και ενιαία μορφή, νοηματοδοτώντας το ένα το άλλο. Έχουν σαν κορμό, την κοινή τους αφετηρία, την πένα της Μαρίας Μπονάτσου και τροφοδοτούνται από τις ίδιες ρίζες. Τρέφονται από το φως της Ορθόδοξης Χριστιανικής Πίστης και το δροσερό ποτάμι της οικογενειακής ζωής, ενώ φυτρώνουν στο έφορο χώμα της ελληνικής υπαίθρου και συγκεκριμένα του πανέμορφου Ξυλοκαστρού του νομού Κορινθίας. Το μεγάλο κουβάρι των ριζών αυτού του δέντρου, που τρέφει το δέντρο-ποιητή και τα κλαδιά-ποιήματα δεν είναι άλλο από την αγάπη.

    336,95 kr.


  • af Olena Shevtsova
    176,95 kr.

    Мой мир перевернулся с ног на голову в одно мгновение, я даже глазом не успела моргнуть. Ещё вчера была просто археологом и верила только фактам. А сегодня эти факты упорно твердят, что энергетические вампиры с природными духами существуют! Но вот как принять, что сама я - Хранитель!Осталось только понять хранитель чего? И не только это как избавиться от вампира, прилипшего ко мне как пиявка и что делать с Повелителем Ветров, ставшим моим мужем, спасая меня от очередной неприятности...Все ответы, кажется, лежат в моём прошлом и все, кого считала друзьями, могут оказаться совсем не друзьями...

  • af Olena Shevtsova
    175,95 kr.

    Мій світ перевернувся до гори дриґом в одну мить, я навіть оком не встигла моргнути. Ще вчора була просто археологом і вірила тільки фактам. А сьогодні ці факти вперто твердять, що енергетичні вампіри з природними духами існують! Але от як прийняти, що сама я - Хранитель!Залишилося тільки зрозуміти хранитель чого? І не тільки це як позбутися вампіра, що прилип до мене як п'явка, і що робити з Володарем Вітрів, який став моїм чоловіком, рятуючи мене від чергової неприємності...Усі відповіді, здається, лежать у моєму минулому і всі, кого вважала друзями, можуть виявитися зовсім не друзями...

  • af Antonio Carlos Pinto
    368,95 kr.

    Σε έναν κόσμο όπου το πεπρωμένο της ανθρωπότητας ρίχνεται σε μια δίνη κοσμικών προκλήσεων, η Μάγια εμφανίζεται ως μια εξαιρετική φιγούρα. Με ακλόνητο θάρρος και αδάμαστο πνεύμα, αντιμετωπίζει το σκοτάδι που απειλεί να καταβροχθίσει τη Γη.Στο ζοφερό σκηνικό ενός ξεχασμένου ήλιου, η Μάγια και ο πατέρας της επιλέγουν να παραμείνουν και να πολεμήσουν την επικείμενη καταστροφή. Καθώς η ανθρωπότητα αναζητά καταφύγιο σε ένα νέο σπίτι ανάμεσα στα αστέρια, αφοσιώνονται στην ανάπτυξη του Μηχανοποιημένου Ήλιου, μιας τεχνολογικής δημιουργίας που μπορεί να φέρει το φως πίσω στη Γη.Ο ξαφνικός θάνατος του πατέρα της αφήνει τη Μάγια μόνη αλλά όχι απογοητευμένη. Αποφασισμένη να τιμήσει την κληρονομιά της, αντιμετωπίζει τους κινδύνους και τις προκλήσεις αυτού του νέου κόσμου με αδάμαστο θάρρος.

  • af Aaron Abilene
    258,95 kr.

    A man becomes a legendary gunslinger after his parents are killed by a gang of outlaws and he sets out for revenge.

  • af Christopher Clouser
    218,95 kr.

    Casemiro, a down on his luck wizard with little magical power, travels back to the location of his greatest accomplishment twenty years before, the village of Lillenhold, to recapture his glory, power, and perhaps a little coin. Casemiro, while grappling with his past and identity, finds himself amidst complex relationships involving Prince Arenton, Princess Laural, and various other characters including his brother Quinto and Forrest - a troll-man hybrid with a connection to the wizard's past.Believing he takes a simple job for a local festival, Casemiro soon gets thrown into a murder investigation, an unexpected and perhaps unwanted (he just can't decide) tryst, a heroic quest involving witches and a dragon, and the involvement of (wait for it).... medieval professional wrestlers. All this from responding to a harmless job advertisement. But Casemiro wonders if it all could have been prevented if he did one thing: tell the true story of what happened twenty years ago and reveal his unspoken truths.In summary: a tale about overcoming guilt associated with lost love alongside navigating treacherous waters full of deceitful plots hatched by those most unexpected - all set against a backdrop rich in fantasy elements such as magical creatures & epic showdowns between good versus evil forces vying for control over lands steeped in lore & legend.

  • af Vladarg Delsat
    192,95 kr.

    Откройте страницы "Мамы для..." истории выживания и открытий в далеком будущем, где человечество, расширив свои границы до звезд, сталкивается с невообразимыми испытаниями. Этот роман забирает вас в путешествие по просторам космоса, где две колонии, названные в честь нашей родной Земли, вступают в разрушительный конфликт, ставя под угрозу само существование человечества. В центре сюжета - юная Марина, которая пробуждается от гибернации на борту "Ковчега" - корабля, который должен был стать спасением, но превратился в ловушку. Оставшись без взрослых, дети и подростки обречены полагаться только на себя и искусственный интеллект, управляющий кораблем. Марина и ее новый союзник, Сергей, обнаруживают, что их судьбы тесно переплетены не только с судьбой "Ковчега", но и с будущим всего человечества. Путешествие Марины и Сергея через червоточины и космические просторы превращается в захватывающий рассказ о мужестве, любви и поиске нового начала. Встреча с Вторым Космическим Флотом открывает перед ними шокирующую правду о прошлом и дает надежду на будущее."Мама для..." - это не просто история выживания в безграничном космосе; это роман о поиске себя, о важности взаимопомощи и о том, как важно сохранять человечность в лице катастрофы. Эта книга заставит вас задуматься о значении дома и семьи, о силе человеческого духа и о том, как важно не терять надежду, даже когда кажется, что вся Вселенная против вас. Присоединяйтесь к Марине и Сергею в их звездном путешествии, полном опасностей, открытий и бесконечной веры в лучшее будущее для всех нас. "Мама для..." ждет тех, кто готов отправиться в путешествие, которое изменит их жизни навсегда.

  • af Aaron Abilene
    258,95 kr.

    A group of college students get stuck in the old west with no way back to modern day.

  • af Tanya Kornienko
    113,95 kr.

    Sharpen your color pencils, get your markers ready and join on this amazing kayak adventure along the beautiful river. As you go down the river you will meet new friends and witness wildlife nature. Let's embark on this wonderful adventure!

  • af T M Clark
    178,95 kr.

    How far will they go to save lives in peril?South African-born Doctor Lily Winters, a consultant with the World Health Organization, has been in the thick of some of the worst humanitarian disasters across the globe. But when she's posted back to South Africa following the suspicious death of an ex-colleague, she faces the biggest medical mystery she's ever seen.The resettled San community of Platfontein is exhibiting a higher-than-average HIV infection rate, and their people are dying. The cases Lily takes over are baffling, and despite her best efforts, the medicine doesn't seem to be helping.To save this unique community, Lily and a policeman from the Kalahari, Piet Kleinman, join forces to trace the origins of the epidemic and uncover the truth. Their search drags them into the dangerous world of a corrupt industry driven by profit while the authorities meant to protect their community turn a blind eye. In a race against time, Lily and Piet will put not only their careers but their lives on the line ...A gripping adventure through the badlands of South Africa.

  • af Harriet Loveday
    178,95 kr.

    A Heart-Stopping Romance Story, That Will Touch Your Heart>Kate has always been a good girl but she struggles with her religious upbringing and she begins to question everything she thought she knew about love. As her feelings and her values collide, she risks blowing up her heart and soul. Will she choose the dark or the light? The lesson is a hard one. But in the ruins of her destruction will her true love still find her? Kate moves to York and starts a new job. Surrounded by new friends and the possibility of love, she also must confront her own fears and insecurities. Can she truly believe in love and allow herself to be loved? Or will she continue to push it away, believing that she doesn't deserve it? With witty humour and emotional depth, this romance novel will take you on a rollercoaster ride of lust, love, and religion. As Kate's love life implodes, she must question if she truly believes in love or if she will continue to hold onto her belief "I don't do affairs". In the midst of the wreckage of her heart, has she finally found true love? Reviewer comments: 'I couldn't put this book down.''I fell in love with the hero too.'>If you loved Colleen Hoover's 'It Ends With Us', then you won't be able to resist Harriet Loveday's 'I Don't Do Affairs'. CLICK the buy now button at the top of the page before the prices go up.

  • af Kaye Dobbie
    153,95 kr.

    England 1919. The Great War is over. Emilia's husband has been dead for two years when she sees an opportunity to have him back. At first she doesn't truly believe it can happen but she still wants to try, despite the creepy Dr McIvor and his nervous Medium assistant. Her sister-in-law Florence warns her not to, but Emilia doesn't listen.When Owen walks in the door, Emilia is ecstatic. Until it becomes apparent to her that her husband isn't the same man. This Owen lies and cheats, and worse. Gradually she begins to fear him. Because if Owen isn't Owen then who is he? And what can she do to send him back to where he belongs?The mystery deepens before it is solved, and Emilia must make a risky decision. Can she save her beloved Owen after all? And at what cost to herself? Because disturbing the dead always comes at a cost. A dark gothic supernatural romance

  • af Erika Sanders
    117,95 kr.

    Bu kitap aşağıdaki öykülerden oluşmaktadır: İtaatkar KöleSandy'nin dileğiZombi kıyameti İtaatkâr Köle, güçlü erotik BDSM içeriğine sahip bir roman ve yüksek romantik ve erotik BDSM içeriğine sahip bir roman serisi olan Erotik Hakimiyet koleksiyonuna ait yeni bir romandır. (Tüm karakterler 18 yaş ve üzeridir) Yazar hakkında not: Erika Sanders, yirmiden fazla dile çevrilmiş, her zamanki düzyazısından uzak, en erotik yazılarına kızlık soyadıyla imza atan, uluslararası tanınmış bir yazardır.

  • af Cleomi Romero
    128,95 kr.

    Millions of people around the world suffer from allergy disorder that ranges from mild to life-threatening attacks. These attacks are caused by foods, insect bites, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold, medication and other causes. Symptoms may include asthma attacks, sinus problems, sneezing, runny noses, skin rashes, itching, swelling, and more. Allergy disorders are not the end of life's enjoyment; and this book will show you how they can be treated naturally, safely and effectively so that you can live a healthier and happier life. You will learn about the causes of allergies; common things that can trigger an allergy attacks; how allergies are diagnosed; allergy symptoms; and over 20 of the top herbal, natural, and alternative treatments that are being used to treat allergy disorder.

    233,95 kr.

    火星仮説は、火星が月の交点から 30 度以内にあったときにダウ ジョーンズがどのように機能したかを示す 1896 年のデータを提示しています。 このデータには、1896 年以降のダウ ジョーンズの毎日のパーセンテージ変化が含まれています。この情報は、株式市場データに関して信頼できると考えられる情報源から推定され、個人的に計算されています。 パーセンテージで言えば、ダウ・ジョーンズは 1896 年以来 857% 上昇しました。 1896年以来、火星が月の交点から30度以内にあった2020年の時点で、ダウは136%上昇した。 火星が月の交点から 30 度以内になかったとき、ダウは 721% 上昇しました。 火星が月交点から 30 度以内にあったため、火星が月交点から 30 度以内にあった間の火星の逆行はデータにはカウントされませんでした。 私は、連邦準備制度が火星の動きに基づいて金利を設定できると仮定しています。 この本の目的は、連邦準備制度が火星の動きに基づいて金利を設定できるという仮説を立てることだけでなく、連邦準備制度が実際にその適用をテストできるようにするシステムをどのように定式化するのかを正確に示すことである時間。 この本には、火星の観察を利用して、インフレを制御するための戦略、金利設定の推奨事項、および 2098 年までの将来の弱気市場期間の予測日が含まれています。

  • af Vladarg Delsat
    162,95 kr.

    С момента Освобождения мира от демонов прошло двести лет. Времена жестокости и боли закончились, но люди продолжают жить в страхе, что они вернутся. Ведь от демонов мир отделяет лишь тончайший барьер. И однажды он падает.Вся семья Элеоноры погибает. И теперь она должна вернуться в прошлое, чтобы предотвратить падение барьера. На нелегком пути по Дороге Времени Элеоноре предстоит не только спасти мир людей, но и столкнуться с жестокой правдой обо всем, во что она верила.

  • af N S Wikarski
    208,95 kr.

    During the untold millennia before patriarchy was conceived, the world was a very different place. Nothing concealed stays buried forever.For Fans of Archaeology Adventure and Historical Thrillers THE ARKANA MYSTERIESThe forgotten past refuses to stay buried in an artifact hunt spanning continents, centuries, and lost civilizations. The prize is a cache of myth-busting relics that could rewrite history or end it completely. When a secret society squares off against a ruthless fundamentalist cult, only one faction can win. More importantly, only one will survive. Volume 8 - Lucifer's TriangleIn a city where belief means everything, putting your faith in the wrong person can get you killed. In the epilogue to the quest for the Sage Stone, the Arkana team finds itself faced with a surprising bit of unfinished business. A very personal retrieval mission takes Cassie and Griffin to the Middle East. With their arch enemy defeated, what could possibly go wrong? Absolutely everything. The agents find themselves enmeshed in a confusing suicide bomb plot where they can't tell who or what is being targeted for destruction. That's because the mastermind pulling the strings is as devious as the devil himself, and he wants nothing more than to see the whole world go up in flames.

  • af Erika Sanders
    138,95 kr.

    Questo libro è composto dalle seguenti storie: Schiavo SottomessoIl desiderio di SandyApocalisse zombie Schiavo Sottomesso è un romanzo dal forte contenuto erotico BDSM e, a sua volta, un nuovo romanzo appartenente alla collezione Erotic Domination, una serie di romanzi dall'alto contenuto romantico ed erotico BDSM. (Tutti i personaggi hanno 18 anni o più) Nota della scrittrice: Erika Sanders è una nota scrittrice internazionale, tradotta in più di venti lingue, che firma i suoi scritti più erotici, lontani dalla sua prosa abituale, con il suo nome da nubile.

  • af R B Fields
    288,95 kr.

    John has a secret that will destroy someone he loves. Now he's trapped in the wilderness with a woman whose only job is to force it out of him. Billionaire John O'Connor wants nothing more than to do his job, woo investors, and get back home to his dogs and the media conglomerate he and his brothers run. He's even more anxious to get back early when he realizes that his travel partner is the company attorney, a woman who has never hidden her disdain for him. Attorney Anne Backstrom is off to Austria with her infuriatingly arrogant boss, sent to uncover a secret that might put his life-and freedom-in jeopardy. But when an avalanche strands them high in the Austrian mountains, she'll have to rely on the man she's hated for years-one she suspects of serious crimes. Anne might be playing dumb, but she knows exactly what John did. And if she can't convince him to come clean, she'll have no choice but to out him. John's freedom is at stake if Anne survives the wilderness. Anne's livelihood is in jeopardy if she keeps what she knows to herself. But it soon becomes clear that neither of them want to leave the mountain alone... regardless of the cost. Is love stronger than their secrets? Or will the truth force them to destroy each other? Stranded with the Billionaire is a high-heat enemies-to-lovers forced proximity billionaire romance that features an alpha billionaire media mogul and the headstrong attorney who can't seem to pull herself from his orbit. It is the second novel in the Filthy Rich Bachelors series, though all novels in the Filthy Rich Bachelors world can be read as standalones. Fans of Catharina Maura, Ana Huang, or Meghan March will love Stranded with the Billionaire.

  • af John Pirillo
    273,95 kr.

    A WAR OF MAGIC BETWEEN GERMANY AND ENGLAND! A new party, the Verboten Party, created by a young Adolph Hitler and Herr Himmler is gaining power over the political structure of Germany. The Verboten Party is fighting on a supernatural level with England, partnered with a force of giants who>Sherlock Holmes and Watson are assigned by the King to track down and destroy the Verboten Party, which has secretly established an underground base in London and is preparing for massive attacks on the population. Can Holmes and Watson finish their task before the occult war with England has fully manifested and magic andsupernatural powers destroy it?

  • af Ophelia Kee
    153,95 kr.

    Ruined HeartsA Mystic Dark Tale There's no price too high for love Danika Klein fell in love with the man who rescued her. When her abductors came looking for her, her grief concerning her ruined sanctuary pushed Rorik over an edge. The afterglow of a first union doesn't last long because Danika's enemies are still out there and keeping her safe has become Rorik's mission. An old draugr calls upon a rogue gryphon knight to aid a journey to Asylum, an immortal castle hospital outside the dream which was known for their medical expertise. It's dangerous, but it may be the only hope Danika has. Will Danika find the solution to her situation? Or will the price be higher than Rorik can afford to pay? Ruined Hearts is the second novella in a prequel trilogy in the dark urban fantasy miniseries, Mystic Dark. Set in the dream, this spinoff story from the Draoithe Saga tells the tale of a draugr and how he chooses the damned for his mate. If you love powerful magic wielding ghosts and sexy cursed damsels in distress, read Ruined Hearts. It's not simply a story; it's an experience. Welcome to the dream... Urban Fantasy with Steamy Paranormal Romance Fated Mates 18+ HEA! NC!***Warning: Adult Themes, Fantasy Violence, and/or Explicit Sexual Situations. Intended for a Mature Audience.

  • af Hayden Thorne
    113,95 kr.

    When the kindly old ferryman to the underworld injures his ankle, primordial gods come together to help guide the newly departed to their final journey. To make the task more interesting to the deathless, a quaint little shop hawking ephemera becomes the vehicle through which breadcrumbs to the underworld are scattered. All this is a temporary situation, meant to end when the broken ankle is healed.It sounds easy and simple enough. Or so it seems.The Nightshade family, headed by Barbara Nightshade, the most feared matriarch of an eternal bloodline, are dragged into the twenty-first century from their comfortable existence in Chaos. And it's through this shop and their day-to-day dealings with mortals that the children-now young adults-learn something new about themselves.Time moves differently in Chaos, and maturity drags for primordial gods. Now that Viktor and his twin, Narcisse, have turned twenty in immortal years, their physical forms scramble to catch up. Hormones are roused, hearts learn to feel, and minds struggle against prejudices learned through the centuries, and, boy, is it a pain.It's a sore trial especially for Viktor when he crosses paths with a sweet and shy potter and finds himself behaving quite out of character. There's something else at work here, however. Something meant to guide him down a road he refuses to travel-a road where love comes with a price tag too dear even for Death to pay.True, there are perks to being immortal, but no one outruns Fate.

  • af Erika Sanders
    138,95 kr.

    Este libro consta de las siguientes historias: Esclavo SumisoEl deseo de SandyApocalipsex Zombi Esclavo sumiso es una novela de fuerte contenido erótico BDSM y, a su vez, una nueva novela perteneciente a la colección Dominación Erótica, una serie de novelas de alto contenido BDSM romántico y erótico. (Todos los personajes tienen 18 años o más) Nota sobre la autora: Erika Sanders es una conocida escritora a nivel internacional, traducida a más de veinte idiomas, que firma sus escritos más eróticos, alejados de su prosa habitual, con su nombre de soltera.

  • af Catrina Prager
    228,95 kr.

    "Life does not move you forward to move you back."- Traveler ProverbLife, however, offers no guarantees of moving you whichever way you may want it to. As the end of the Amagiraean conflict draws near, and hinging on its heels - possibly - the collapse of the known world, our characters struggle to hold true north against the treacherous tide. Amagiraea crowns a new king, yet even as the festivities are in full swing, a challenger sails from across the water. Flanked by an old royal vulture on either side. Across the world, an old man wanders alone, through pitch-dark caves, crying out for sleeping gods. Woe upon the First World, should they deign to answer him.Skydiver, the third and final offering in the Warhound Series, is a book of grief, but also of new beginnings. As the survivors of the last book gather round the dregs of their dying fire, a crackle and a lick o' flame announces his coming. The ender of worlds, once nestled in a sweet realm of cosmic possibility, draws near.His bow raised, he ushers in the final reckoning of the First World, and draws the line between what may be, and what must.

  • af Ary S
    163,95 kr.

    Em "Quem é Jesus de Nazaré", o autor Ary S. Jr. faz uma análise abrangente da vida, dos ensinamentos e do significado de Jesus Cristo. Com base em extensas pesquisas e estudos bíblicos, Ary S. Jr. procura proporcionar aos leitores uma compreensão mais profunda do Jesus histórico e do impacto que Ele continua a ter no mundo. Indo além do panorama de fundo histórico, o autor mergulha em uma análise meticulosa dos ensinamentos de Jesus. Através de um exame dos Evangelhos e de outras fontes bíblicas, Ary S. Jr. investiga os temas centrais da mensagem de Jesus, como o amor, o perdão, o Reino de Deus e o chamado ao discipulado. O autor revela o significado profundo por trás das parábolas e dos milagres de Jesus, orientando os leitores a compreender o poder transformador e a relevância de Seus ensinamentos para suas próprias vidas.

  • af Ember Blackthorn
    253,95 kr.

    Wild longings.Sumptuous magic.And legends come to life... Her prince has been bespelled by another. Her body has been claimed by a goddess. And her budding magic burns beneath her skin. Now, as Marigold faces this world of monsters, curses, and legends made flesh, she finds herself at a breaking point-and the future of Therador hangs in the balance. Blood & Beloved is the stunning continuation of the Curse & Kingdom series, an epic tale of spellbinding love, exquisite magic, and bargains bound by blood.

  • af Erika Sanders
    138,95 kr.

    Książka ta sklada się z następujących historii: Ulegly NiewolnikŻyczenie SandyApokalipsex zombie Ulegly Niewolnik to powieśc o silnych treściach erotycznych BDSM i z kolei nowa powieśc należąca do zbioru Erotic Domination, serii powieści o dużej zawartości romantycznej i erotycznej BDSM. (Wszystkie postacie mają ukończone 18 lat) Notatka pisarka: Erika Sanders to znana na calym świecie pisarka, tlumaczona na ponad dwadzieścia języków, która swoje najbardziej erotyczne, odbiegające od zwyklej prozy pisarstwo, podpisuje panieńskim nazwiskiem.

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