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    476,95 kr.

    עוד בשנת 2020, הגעתי לרעיון שהפדרל ריזרב יכול לקבוע ריביות על סמך תנועות כוכב הלכת מאדים ואז כתבתי ספר שמסביר איך זה אפשרי. בגרסאות הקודמות של הספר ההוא שכותרתו "השערת מאדים", ניסחתי אלגוריתם המבוסס על מיקומי שמש וכוכבי לכת. אבל במהלך היישום שלו על תנועות המחירים בפועל של מדד הדאו ג'ונס, הייתי רואה מתאמים, אבל פתאום נתקלתי בבעיות גדולות עם היישום שלו כשהתחילה שנת שמיטה. בגרסה המוקדמת יותר של השערת מאדים, ערכתי את התצפית הזו, אבל אז ניסיתי ליישם אלגוריתם שיוכל להסביר את תנועות מחירי הדאו ג'ונס בלי צורך לצפות בשנת שמיטה. עם זאת, עכשיו אני חושב שזה לא הוגן לְהַשְׁמִיט את היבט שנת שמיטה, במיוחד כשנראה שהוא מבטל בבירור אלגוריתמים בשנה שבה הוא מגיע. קחו בחשבון שזו לא הפעם היחידה שנתקלתי בבעיית שנת שמיטה. בכרך השני של ספר זה, שכותרתו "אלגוריתם חיזוי מניות מבוסס תורה", אני מיישם אלגוריתם אחר על הנתונים ההיסטוריים של דאו ג'ונס, תוך שימוש בתזה סולארית במקום במחקר של מאדים. אפילו ביישום של אלגוריתם על תנועות מחירי הדאו ג'ונס, מצאתי ירידה בביצועי האלגוריתם ובהחלתו למה שקרה בפועל בשוק כאשר הגיעה שנת שמיטה. זה מעלה את השאלה. האם אלגוריתמים הם יצורים חיים המצייתים לתורה? בוא נגלה. האלגוריתם שנקבע בגרסה זו של "השערת המאדים" שכותרתה כעת "השערת מאדים/שמיטה" דבק באלגוריתם הראשוני שכלל 2 פרמטרים במקביל לצפייה בשנת השמיטה. הפרמטר הראשון היה שכאשר השמש תיכנס בטווח של 30 מעלות מול צומת הירח, תחזיות תחילתו של שלב בשוק הדובים. השלב הבא של מאדים בטווח של 30 מעלות מהצומת הירחי יחזה את השפל של אותו שלב שוק הדובים, בעוד שסוף מאדים בטווח של 30 מעלות משלב הצומת הירחי יאותת על סיומו של שלב שוק הדובים החזוי. בקריאת הספר הזה תבחין עד כמה האלגוריתם הזה ישים מאוד עד לבוא שנות השמיטה. פתאום נראה שהאלגוריתם לוקח שבתון, ובכך גרם לנו לשנות את הגישה האלגוריתמית שלנו. בספר זה, כתוצאה מכך, אני שם לב לשנת השמיטה ומאוחר יותר מגבש מערכת קביעת ריבית המבוססת הן על השמש והן על מאדים ועל שנת השמיטה.

  • af Erika Sanders
    138,95 kr.

    Este livro consiste nas seguintes histórias: Escravo SubmissoO desejo de SandyApocalipsex Zumbi Escravo Submisso é um romance com forte conteúdo erótico BDSM e, por sua vez, um novo romance pertencente à coleção Erotic Domination, uma série de romances com alto conteúdo romântico e erótico BDSM. (Todos os personagens têm 18 anos ou mais) Nota da escritora: Erika Sanders é uma conhecida escritora internacional, traduzida para mais de vinte línguas, que assina os seus escritos mais eróticos, longe da sua prosa habitual, com o seu nome de solteira.

  • af G K Chesterton
    168,95 kr.

    Step into a world of intrigue and suspense in G. K. Chesterton's timeless masterpiece, ""The Man Who Was Thursday."" In this captivating tale, you'll follow the enigmatic Gabriel Syme as he embarks on a thrilling journey into the heart of an anarchist conspiracy. As Syme infiltrates the mysterious Council of Seven Days, each member is named after a day of the week, and the lines between reality and illusion blur. With Chesterton's signature wit and philosophical depth, ""The Man Who Was Thursday"" explores the timeless themes of order and chaos, truth and deception, and the complexities of the human soul. Join Syme as he races against time to unravel the secrets of the council and confront the unexpected twists that lie ahead. A thought-provoking and suspenseful adventure that will keep you guessing until the very end, ""The Man Who Was Thursday"" is a literary classic that continues to captivate readers with its timeless charm.

  • af Donna Alward
    133,95 kr.

    Come to Cadence Creek for the wedding of the season...Event Planner Taylor Shepard makes a point of not organizing Christmas weddings, but she can't turn down her brother's request for her first-class services. She leaves her home of Vancouver behind and journeys to Cadence Creek to plan the big event and finds herself falling for the small town's holiday charm. It doesn't help that she keeps running into reticent rancher and reluctant groomsman Rhys Bullock-not her type at all. So why can't she stop thinking about him?Rhys has seen Taylor's type before. The bossy city girl will plan the wedding, take in the scenery, and high-tail it back to the west coast as soon as the holiday is over. But as the Christmas spirit begins to take over the town, he glimpses a side of her he never expected. The connection between them is surprising and strong, an unexpected gift Rhys never knew he needed. But how can their romance last beyond the season, when their lives are so far apart?

  • af George Mercer Dawson
    188,95 kr.

    Complete and unabridged with unpublished material, Dawson's observations during his 1878 survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands concerning the Haida culture are presented.

  • af C P Hoff
    173,95 kr.

    BLURBSeven-year-old Stephen has moved so many times he would rather be a renegade pirate than make friends. But when a neighbour, Mrs. Jasmin, offers to give him a pirate test, Stephen soon learns that making friends might be a better choice.

  • af Onesimus Malatji
    308,95 kr.

    "Wealthy Appetite: First the People and Money Will Follow" is an inspiring yet poignant tale set in South Africa during the apartheid era. The protagonist, Thabo Mokoena, is a black entrepreneur with a deep passion for technology and innovation. Dreaming of running a tech company, he faces the harsh realities of an oppressive system that limits black people to certain types of businesses, hindering his ambitions.Undeterred, Thabo develops a revolutionary software, recognizing the potential risks posed by the corrupt, racist system. To safeguard his creation, he sells it to a U.S. company, securing a substantial sum that he uses to invest in a local soccer team. His involvement transforms the team, providing them with resources, exposure, and a sense of pride. Thabo's investment extends beyond the team to the entire community, symbolizing hope and success.However, Thabo's success draws the ire of Markus van der Merwe and other white capitalists, who feel threatened by his accomplishments and influence. They conspire against him, orchestrating a scandal with the help of a bank manager, Leah Nkosi, falsely accused of aiding Thabo in financial misdeeds. This scheme leads to Thabo's public disgrace, the seizure of his assets, and his brief imprisonment.The story takes a turn following the end of apartheid in 1994. Thabo, now released from jail, adopts a pseudonym and quietly rebuilds his business empire. His resilience and unwavering commitment to his community and ideals shine through, as he lays the foundation for a new era of growth and opportunity in a free South Africa. "Wealthy Appetite" is a narrative of struggle, resilience, and the power of hope and community in the face of overwhelming adversity.

    275,95 kr.


  • af Tulsibhai Vaghela 'Nandi'
    483,95 kr.

    અવતરણ કાવ્ય-સંગ્રહનું સર્જન તુલસીભાઈ વાઘેલા ઉર્ફે ટી. કે. વાઘેલા 'નંદી' દ્વારા કરવામાં આવ્યું છે. જેની અંદર વિવિધ પ્રકારના 126 કાવ્યોનો સમાવેશ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. અવતરણ કાવ્ય-સંગ્રહમાં આધ્યાત્મિક કાવ્યો, પ્રણય કાવ્યો, ચિંતન કાવ્યો, અનુભવ કાવ્યો, કોરોનાકાળ કાવ્યો, ઉત્સવ કાવ્યો વગેરે પ્રકારના કાવ્યોનો રસથાળ પીરસવામાં આવ્યો છે. આ કાવ્યસંગ્રહમાં સમાવેશ તમામ કાવ્યો આપનું મન મોહી લેશે.

    128,95 kr.

    Итак, послание Евреям. Что это? Загадка? Мистика? Сборник цитат о Машиахе? Проповедь о мироздании по замыслу Всевышнего? Что изменилось для уверовавших евреев с приходом Йешуа, как связано это с накопленной веками традицией? И только ли для еврейской аудитории предназначено Послание? Все книги Писания, которые я берусь комментировать, - удивительны. И не только своим содержанием и глубоким смыслом, но и тем, насколько по-разному могут они быть прочитаны в то или иное время тем или иным человеком. Так бывает, что много раз изученное вдруг отзывается новизной для глаз и для сердца, как хорошо знакомый и привычный пейзаж, который приобретает внезапно контуры и краски, не замеченные до сих пор. Пройдите со мной по этой дороге, и если нам удастся постичь замысел автора Послания, осмыслить его в контексте и открыть для себя другое понимание, то значит всё это было не зря.

  • af Ward Parker
    148,95 kr.

    A monstrous murder.I'm Missy Mindle, middle-aged witch, sometimes nurse, and woman up to her eyeballs in monsters. Now, I must solve the murder of a voodoo sorcerer. The victim, along with a fantastically wealthy vampire, had been using magic and alchemy to create freakish, unnatural creatures.Speaking of which, would you like to adopt a monkey-cat looking for a forever home? I didn't think so.There are many folks with motives to murder the sorcerer, such as his partner, the vampire, as well as several disgruntled customers. Or, who knows? Maybe he'd created a Frankenstein's monster that killed its creator.Anything is possible. Especially when you live in Jellyfish Beach.Dive into a wacky world of murder, magic, and mayhem with the "Monsters of Jellyfish Beach."

  • af Sea Gudinski
    233,95 kr.

    Born in turn-of-the-century Denver, Colorado, Jack Jones is a hard-traveling, heavy-drinking, crooked-gambling womanizer with an affinity for Rocky Mountain gin and the path of least resistance. In 1925, at the height of prohibition, Jack hops off a boxcar in the bustling Oklahoma oil boomtown of Tulsa after five years out wandering along the road less traveled. In search of the nearest speakeasy and some low-stakes poker, Jack stumbles across a far more lucrative opportunity when he meets bootlegging soda-jerk Joe McDunlop and his amiable Irish sidekick Shannon Todd. However, when Jack falls for the young and pretty Bertha Steele, the county sheriff's daughter, and comes face-to-face with treachery, his life of quick gains and repose quickly becomes upended, sending him upon a long, strange trip full of fifty years worth of fated misadventures in early 20th-century America. Set in Hobohemia during the same era when Jack London, Woody Guthrie, and Jack Kerouac took to the road, this classic retelling of a rake's progress provides a captivating window into a lost and forgotten time and the culture of those uncompromising devotees of freedom and wanderlust. Riddled with harrowing tales of swindles and jailbreaks, windfalls and pitfalls, Skulls & Roses examines the soul of a charismatic anti-hero while bringing to life the most-loved characters of the Grateful Dead's repertoire.

  • af Kevin P Hare
    163,95 kr.

    5th Edition - New for 2024A great intro to Computer Science concepts for all ages. Perfect for: AP Computer Science Principles (AP-CSP)Teacher Certification Tests (PRAXIS 5652, GACE, etc.)Integrated Digital TechnologyCS FoundationsExploring Computer ScienceCurious kids and adultsEveryone!---The 5th edition comes with several updates, including: Computing SystemsDeeper dive into CPU/GPUMore on logic gateOther updatesAnd more!---Computer science is the world's fastest growing field of study, and this growth is showing no signs of slowing down. As a new field, computer science can seem intimidating, but it should not be scary to learn or difficult to understand. If you have ever turned on a phone or surfed the Internet then you have used a computer and should have a basic understanding of what happens when you click the mouse or touch the screen-and how fast it happens! Computer Science Principles introduces the creative side of computing. Once you've made your way through this book, you'll be editing photos, designing websites, coding JavaScript, and getting organized with spreadsheets-and along the way you'll learn the foundational concepts of computer science. How do computers convert information into ones and zeros and send it thousands of miles in a blink of the eye? What is an IP address? What do TCP/IP, DNS, HTML, and CSS stand for? How can a hard drive store large movies and thousands of songs? How can secrets be sent in plain sight? These questions-and more-are answered in Computer Science Principles. --- Units include: Hardware, Software, Number Systems, and Boolean ExpressionsPixels and Images2.5. Adobe PhotoshopCompressing DataStoring Data: Spreadsheets and DatabasesProtecting Data: Heuristics, Security, and EncryptionThe InternetWeb Design: HTML and CSSProgramming: JavaScriptImpact of ComputingImportant Vocabulary

  • af Von Cook
    119,95 kr.

    Join Antonia as she shares her world and life before, during and after the apocalypse. A life filled with good, evil and an occasions, witchcraft, but as a daughter of a Watcher, she soon comes to a crossroad and must decide whether to choose evil or good when a Christian seeks her help in developing stronger faith. Journey with her into realms unknown and discover through her eyes what it truly means to have faith and live as a hybrid angel.

  • af Henry McFarland
    228,95 kr.

    Named Top 10 "Best Lit Mags of 2023" by Chill Subs Carefully curated stories from After Dinner Conversation magazine to create a themed short story book about the philosophy and ethics of bioethics. Perfect for classrooms and book clubs, each story is 1,500-7,000 words and comes with five suggested discussion questions. Story Summary ListSacrificing Mercy: A devout Christian refuses a heart transplant based on her religious convictions.The Human Experience: A married couple negotiates the genetic future of their unborn child.Euthanasia: In a dystopian future, Hank works on a farm for the euthanizing of sick, unwanted, or abandoned animals.In Defense Of The Harvest: The first recipient does his best to explain the situation that created the law for harvesting prisoner organs.Two-Percenters: A new treatment may allow 98% of the people to be genetically enhanced, but at the expense of the 2% who already are.The Decay: Benjamin's pharmacy suggests he consider enrolling in a government program to end his life.Visions of Midwives: A midwife in training learns the midwife secret, that at the moment of birth each midwife is able to see the future of the newly born child.On Good Authority: A doctor with a new vaccine for the "zombie virus" takes it to the next town and discovers two startling revelations.Step Back: A husband and wife decide to have a natural childbirth and find it's more than they bargained.All Harriet's Pieces: A young girl faces the death of her mother and the loss of her closest companion. After Dinner Conversation believes humanity is improved by ethics and morals grounded in philosophical truth. Philosophical truth is discovered through intentional reflection and respectful debate. In order to facilitate that process, we have created a growing series of short stories across genres, a monthly magazine, themed books, and two podcasts. These accessible examples of abstract ethical and philosophical ideas are intended to draw out deeper discussions with friends, family, and students. Reviews 5/5 Stars!"With Science fiction we can explore other galaxies and alien conflicts, but with philosophical fiction we can explore other minds and ethical conflicts. Let this book take you on a Phi-Fi adventure."- William Irwin, Ph.D. - Philosophy Professor, King's College"After Dinner Conversation has taken up the initiative to write themed collections of short stories that fit focused ethics courses - say, a course on bioethics, AI ethics, Tech ethics etc. These collections can offer a spine for such courses or individual stories could be added to a course as illustrative material to stimulate discussion. The stories are lively and engaging and followed by a set of questions to start classroom discussion. Also, outside of educational contexts, the stories will work nicely to stimulate conversation in families, elder hostels, youth clubs, or book groups. Give it a try - I trust that you will enjoy working with the material in this book!"- Luc Bovens, Ph.D. - Philosophy Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ¿¿¿ If you enjoy this story, subscribe via our website to "After Dinner Conversation Magazine" and get this, and other, similar ethical and philosophical short stories delivered straight to your inbox every month. (Just search "After Dinner Conversation Magazine")¿¿¿

  • af Sapphic Shelley
    228,95 kr.

    Beneath her youthful appearance, Jaqueline harbors a deep longing for her alluring carpentry mentor. Every day she toils away as an apprentice, her mind consumed with vivid fantasies of the woman who stirs her desire. But when she finally musters the courage to act on her desires, she embarks on a journey of sensual discovery and carnal exploration. This story delves into the depths of passion, lust, and the taboo world of BDSM as Jaqueline risks everything for a chance at true fulfillment. In a society that shuns unconventional love, she learns that sometimes, embracing our deepest desires means defying societal norms and stepping out of our comfort zones.

  • af Ankit Chaudhary Shiv
    644,95 kr.

    આવતીકાલે શું થવાનું છે એની કોઈને ખબર નથી હોતી! એમ મેં ક્યારેય સપનામાં નહોતું વિચાર્યું કે ભારત બહાર ક્યારેય જવાનું થશે! બસ એ જ રીતે ક્યારેય નહોતું વિચાર્યું કે દુબઈ જવાનું થશે પણ થયું! જેનું વર્ણન આ પ્રવાસ વર્ણનમાં વાંચવા મળશે! જેને વાંચ્યા બાદ દુબઈ પ્રવાસ આપની માટે એકદમ યાદગાર બની રહેશે! મારા દ્વારા દુબઈમાં મુલાકાત લીધેલા દરેક સ્થળની વાત તમને આ પ્રવાસ વર્ણનમાં વાંચવા અને જાણવા મળશે! વાંચતાં વાંચતાં એવું મહેસૂસ થવા લાગશે કે જાણે તમે મારી સાથે દુબઈ ફરી રહ્યા છો! દુબઈ જવું દરેકનું સ્વપ્ન હોય છે અને સ્વપ્નને જોયા વગર, ત્યાં એકાએક જવાનું થાય તો કેવી મજા આવે! બસ એવો જ અનુભવ મને દુબઈમાં થયો અને ખરેખર દુબઈ તો દુબઈ જ છે. ત્યાંની હવા અને ત્યાંની સ્વચ્છતા તમને ત્યાંનો રંગ લગાડી જ દે છે, એમ મને પણ માત્ર એકવીસ દિવસના પ્રવાસમાં તેના રંગમાં એવો રંગી દીધો કે આજ પણ તેની યાદ ભારત આવ્યા બાદ પણ ભુલાતી નથી. દુબઈનું આ વર્ણન વાંચ્યા પછી તમે મારા અને મારા આ પ્રવાસ વર્ણનના ફેન અચૂક થઈ જવાના છો, એની ખાતરી આપું છું અને મજા પણ ખૂબ જ આવશે!

  • af Monterey Laska
    88,95 kr.

    In "I Thought I'd Have My Wings By Now?" Monterey Laska offers a transformative roadmap for single parents in school while raising a family single-handedly. This empowering self-help guide encourages readers to look beyond hard emotions, resist binding societal expectations, and truly understand where they stand on their personal journey.Through insightful anecdotes and practical exercises, single parents will learn to articulate their dreams and aspirations and break free from the confines of their comfort zones to pursue a life aligned with their soul's purpose. The book serves as a beacon of inspiration, drawing on the wisdom of diverse mentors who have unique insights from their own life-altering moments of clarity. From facing financial challenges to conquering self-doubt, there are invaluable lessons on finding happiness and fulfillment as a single parent pursuing education."I Thought I'd Have My Wings by Now?" isn't just a guide; it's a companion for single parents seeking daily joy and fulfillment. It's a heartfelt invitation to embrace the journey, unlock personal potential, and soar to new heights as a resilient and fulfilled single parent.

  • af Claudia Victoria Lúquez
    333,95 kr.

    El Objetivo de este libro es brindar a profesionales, estudiantes y aficionados, los instrumentos esenciales para reconocer las diversas familias de plantas que nos rodean. Se describen sus caracteres diferenciales para la identificación a campo y en investigación.En cada Familia de plantas (Subfamilias y Tribus, según su importancia) se acompañan los caracteres diagnósticos con Ilustraciones Didácticas (de alta definición) que proporcionan su Gestalt (forma distintiva). Se incluye además hábitat, distribución, importancia económica y otra información relevante.Un glosario interactivo con hipervínculos permite comprender los términos que presentan alguna dificultad. Incluye el glosario completo de términos utilizados

  • af María Belén García
    233,95 kr.

    Miguel Ángel Campos Linares (44), junto a su mujer Aurora Morales Camacho (37) y sus hijos Lidia (18), Víctor Hugo (16), Yannel (14), Marco Antonio (8) y Rosmery Campos Morales (1), emigran de su Bolivia natal -escapando de la pobreza- hacia la República Argentina en busca de un futuro mejor. Sin embargo, al arribar a la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, sus planes se ven truncados por un "azar" desventurado y doloroso que transformará radical e irreversiblemente sus vidas, llevándolos a experimentar, en carne propia, las realidades más crudas y siniestras que se cuecen, semi-ocultas, en multiplicidad de recovecos de la populosa urbe portuaria, entrelazando -y construyendo paso a paso- sus destinos con los de diversos personajes arquetípicos (y no tanto) de la cosmopolita sociedad argentina contemporánea, en la que el crimen y la marginalidad, con todas sus configuraciones posibles, ejercen un peso y una influencia innegables. En esta dramática e intrigante novela de ficción villera y policial, con más de 100 personajes cuyas infortunadas historias, en algún punto, confluyen con las del resto, se relevan ciertas problemáticas sociales de actualidad: como la corrupción, la discriminación, la explotación laboral y sexual, la pobreza, la trata de personas, la violencia, las familias disfuncionales, y los abusos sexuales tanto extra como intra-familiares, entre otras. La Villa 21-24-N.H.T. Zavaleta, sita en el sureño barrio porteño de Barracas, más conocida como -simplemente- "Zavaleta" debido al Núcleo Habitacional Transitorio homónimo allí erigido durante el gobierno de facto de Juan Carlos Onganía (1966-1970) en el marco de un plan estatal de viviendas en pos de erradicar las villas de emergencia (como se le llaman en Argentina a los asentamientos informales), es, con 66 hectáreas y más de 45.000 habitantes (y hay quienes afirman que la cifra supera los 100.000), la más grande y populosa de toda la Capital Federal.

  • af Abbe Henri Louis Hulot
    273,95 kr.

    The moral dangers of the too common and too fashionable amusements of dancing are pointed out, with as much force as clearness and learning, in this small but valuable book. The author extracts proofs from the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Fathers, Holy Councils, and from the theologians most renowned for their piety and learning.Familiarity removes, often, a due appreciation of the dangers of the dance. There are Catholics who seem to have become skeptical as to the very existence of the danger attendant on their supposed innocent recreations.We hope that these collected proofs will enlighten the mind and change the heart of those who have been the advocates of dancing, solely because they have never sufficiently considered the evils of which it is the cause and the occasion."But, you will say, the Commandments of God do not forbid dancing, nor does Holy Scripture, either. Perhaps you have not examined them very closely. Follow me for a moment and you will see that there is not a Commandment of God which dancing does not cause to be transgressed, nor a Sacrament which it does not cause to be profaned."- St. John Vianney

  • af M C Hutson
    228,95 kr.

    They're destined to fall in love... if they don't kill each other first.Violet "Vy" Finch is a vampire cursed, for the very blood she needs is poison to her. Suffering unquenchable hunger and shunned for being of mixed lineage, Vy searches desperately for her mother who disappeared over a decade ago-the one person who may be able to heal her. Unfortunately, a great sorceress prophesies that Vy will only get what she wants if Petra Malkovitch willingly works with her to find a magical relic with the power to change everything.Petra Malkovitch is an assassin. A member of the Order of Light-a shadowy organization that hunts supernatural creatures for profit-she wants only to kill the vampire who took away the last of her family. When Petra's attempt on Vy's life is thwarted, she is shocked when her greatest enemy tells her that they can rewrite their pasts if they team up.But is a common goal enough to bring them together, or will betrayal happen at the earliest opportunity?

  • af Maggie Shayne
    178,95 kr.

    "Maggie Shayne's books have a permanent spot on my keeper shelf." -#1 NY Times Bestselling Author KAREN ROBARDHey, I'm Rachel de Luca, a self-help guru with a potty mouth and a penchant for crime-solving. My partner, soon to be husband if I can get over my paralyzing fear, is Mason Brown, a detective with the Binghamton PD.Ten years ago, professional mermaid Eva Quaid disappeared without a trace from The Sapphire Club. Now, my niece Misty is working at the same club, doing the same job. Coincidentally, (not) Misty's college roommate is in the thick of her self-produced true crime podcast about the same cold case. Misty has kept every bit of this from our way-too-close-for-privacy family.None of this would be a big deal, except that I've been having nightmares. It's my wedding day, and I look from my adoring groom to my twin nieces, face down in the shallows of the reservoir behind the altar.I dreamt, too, of a dying mermaid who's been trying to get my attention ever since.When my sister Sandra says she's worried about twin daughters, Mason and I agree to do a little snooping-only to find Misty has been keeping some big secrets, and is not where she's supposed to be. Nobody knows where she is.I'm pretty sure that Misty's gone off the grid with her podcasting partner Zig to surveil their favorite suspects in the ten-year-old case of the missing mermaid.I'm even more sure the mermaid is dead, and that her killer is determined to keep their oldest, deadliest secret, even if it means taking another young woman's life.I have to find my beloved niece before my visions come true-the way they always do.

  • af Colleen Gleason
    138,95 - 178,95 kr.

  • af M L Buchman
    88,95 kr.

    He remembers her. Her touch, her scent, the way her glance could make his heart race. His very body remembers her though she is long gone.Until his job began to grind it away, one small memory at a time.

  • af Ophelia Kee
    153,95 kr.

    Shattered SoulsA Mystic Dark Tale Claiming the damned Danika Klein fell hard for the man who rescued her, but her newfound relationship was fraught with issues she couldn't understand. Relying on her rescuer to navigate the Leaindeail left her lost, hurting, and alone in the Domhain. Rorik Skog Vættr finally found the one woman every man dreams about. He thought love would overcome all obstacles until the elves demanded a sacrifice he couldn't offer as the price for saving her life. Rorik vowed to save Danika no matter the personal cost or how badly it hurt, but he forgot his loyalty belonged to his liege. Zanzar Ironwood may soon age into the trees, but he refuses to allow the elves to usurp his authority before he joins the forest he protects. Instead, Zanzar orders Rorik to follow a radical path the draugr never saw coming, and Danika's oath changes everything. Shattered Souls is the third novella in a prequel trilogy in the dark urban fantasy miniseries, Mystic Dark. Set in the dream, this spinoff story from the Draoithe Saga tells the tale of a draugr and how he chooses the damned for his mate. If you love powerful magic wielding ghosts and sexy cursed damsels in distress, read Shattered Souls. It's not simply a story; it's an experience. Welcome to the dream... Dark Urban Fantasy with Steamy Paranormal Romance Fated Mates 18+ HEA! NC!***Warning: Adult Themes, Fantasy Violence, and/or Explicit Sexual Situations. Intended for a Mature Audience.

  • af Erika Sanders
    138,95 kr.

    Este libro consta das seguintes historias: Escravo SumisoO desexo de SandyApocalipsex zombie Escravo Sumiso é unha novela con forte contido erótico BDSM e, á súa vez, unha nova novela pertencente á colección Erotic Domination, unha serie de novelas con alto contido BDSM romántico e erótico. (Todos os personaxes teñen 18 anos ou máis) Nota dunha escritora: Erika Sanders é unha coñecida escritora internacional, traducida a máis de vinte idiomas, que asina co seu apelido de solteira os seus escritos máis eróticos, lonxe da súa prosa habitual.

  • af Jennifer Johnson
    178,95 kr.

    Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned pro, this book will empower you to create a business as individual and unstoppable as you are.

  • af Kari Lee Townsend
    128,95 kr.

    Introverted OCD fashion designer, Kalli Ballas, and extroverted Detective Nik Stone take the plunge and move in together, but knocking a wall down between their halves of the house doesn't necessarily make it a home...It's spring and eating no meat during Lent is driving everyone a little crazy, most especially Kalli's Aunt Tasoula, who has a ravenous appetite. The Greeks wear a red and white bracelet made out of a thread called Martis for the entire month to celebrate the beginning of spring and protect against diseases. Red symbolizes passion and life while white represents purity.Aunt Tasoula's nemesis from high school is anything but pure and the epitome of a disease. She tried to break up Tasoula and her late husband when they were younger, and now she's trying to come between her and her hunky new man, which has Tasoula seeing red. When the woman winds up murdered, Aunt Tasoula becomes the number one suspect.They say home is where the heart is, but Kalli's heart is invested in clearing her aunt's name. Will Nik still be there when the remodel is finished?

  • af Howard Weiner
    135,95 kr.

    Series: Few challenges prove more nettlesome than a change in family business leadership, especially when the family business is murder-for-hire.The Carrullo Family is in transition: Father-in-law, family patriarch, lead assassin, is giving way to his new son-in-law. Dad has carried forward the artistry he learned from his father. His new son-in-law was a former special forces operator and sniper in the armed forces trained in speed, stealth, and function.Four generations living in the same household from the oldest, "Nana," to the recent newborns--all of whom are involved in the family business. Some by choice. Some not.This Book: Drawn from recent current events, Weiner's latest thriller weaves the threats posed to U.S. democracy in the 2016 presidential election. If at First is the ruthless intersection of a lethal crime family, the intelligence communities of two countries, and the White House with secrets that will prove deadly to all concerned told only as Weiner can.A mafia underboss escapes a sanctioned act of retribution by his family's patriarch. Rescued by a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin, the underboss is hidden in a London outpost operated by the Internet Research Agency. This outpost is ground zero for many of the tactics exposed by the American intelligence community: hacked emails of political actors, disinformation campaigns in social media, and targeted ads designed to foment social unrest and disruption to the national political discourse.The underboss steals this information to secure safety on his own terms. Yet his former boss still wants him sanctioned. The Russian Federation fears premature disclosure of its new form of warfare will destroy its carefully crafted treachery aimed at the heart of U.S. democracy.Weaving fictional events through Washington, DC, Pittsburgh, London, and Provence, Weiner carries characters known and new to readers of the Blood Relations series into its third installment. You can start the series with any of the three novels but starting with If at First casts recent real-life events in a way that is at once engaging and entertaining.

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