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  • af Andrew Grey
    158,95 kr.

    Ein Titel der Herzenssachen SerieTrevor ist ein umwerfend attraktiver Mann und der erfolgreiche Besitzer einer Kette von Autowerkstatten. Er ist gewohnt, im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit zu stehen, bewundert zu werden und zu bekommen, was er will. Vor allem sind das leidenschaftliche Affaren ohne Bindung mit Mannern, die er in Clubs kennenlernt. Das erwartet er auch, als er James begegnet. Entsprechend gro ist sein Erstaunen, als dieser sich von Trevors unwiderstehlichem Charme vollig unbeeindruckt zeigt. Trevor muss seine Gewohnheiten uber Bord werfen und mit James auf einer anderen Ebene in Kontakt treten. Das beginnt damit, dass er anbietet, James nach Hause zu bringen, statt ihn mit seinem zugedrohnten Begleiter fahren zu lassen.Nachdem James als Kind sein Augenlicht verloren hat, sind seine Mglichkeiten der sozialen Interaktion stark eingeschrnkt. Er verbringt den Groteil seiner Zeit mit der Arbeit an einer Blindenschule. Trevors Welt ist ihm fremd. Er hat sich seine Unabhngigkeit schwer erkmpft und auch er wei, was er will. In diesem Fall bedeutet das, dass er seine Komfortzone verlassen und Trevors Herz erobern muss.Trevor ist bereit, es zur Abwechslung mit wahrer Liebe und Hingabe zu versuchen. Doch bevor er der Mann werden kann, den James braucht, muss er sich erst den Schatten seiner Vergangenheit stellen.

  • af Mary Calmes
    163,95 kr.

    Hagen Wylie a tout prevu. Il va retourner vivre dans sa ville natale, etre ami avec tout le monde, faire de nouvelles rencontres et reconstruire sa vie apres les horreurs qu'il a vecu pendant la guerre. Ni probleme ni agitation, voila le programme. Tout se passe bien jusqu'a ce qu'il decouvre que son premier amour est lui aussi rentre a la maison. Hagen a beau dire que ce n'est rien, une rencontre inattendue avec les deux adorables fils de Mitch Thayer va le mettre face a face avec le seul homme qu'il n'a jamais reussi a oublier.Mitch est revenu pour trois raisons : lever ses fils l o il a grandi, installer et dvelopper son entreprise de dmnagement, et reconqurir Hagen. Les annes coules lui ont clairement fait comprendre que le jeune homme qu'il avait aim au lyce est le seul qui compte pour lui. Le problme ? Il a quitt la ville et ils ne se sont plus parl depuis.Pour que Hagen lui fasse nouveau confiance, Mitch va devoir lui prouver qu'il a mri et qu'il ne va pas l'abandonner. Ils pourraient avoir une nouvelle chance de s'aimer.... mais Hagen persiste ne pas vouloir recommencer une histoire avec Mitch. Mais l encore, on ne peut jamais savoir.

  • af SJD Peterson
    158,95 kr.

    La promesse d'un job de reve attire Murphy a Tampa. Mais il revient brutalement sur terre lorsqu'il decouvre que l'offre est provisoirement suspendue. A present, il n'a plus que deux choix : retourner en douce dans le Michigan, la queue entre les jambes, ou rester dans le coin et chercher du travail.Les choses s'amliorent quand il se rend dans un coffee shop et apprend que le propritaire cherche justement quelqu'un pour rnover l'appartement du dessus. Il accepte le job avec joie avant de raliser qu'il a dj fait la connaissance de Joe Sterling, le propritaire du Kaffeinate, lors de sa premire soire dans un club de Tampa.Murphy et Joe sont tous les deux francs, fiers et passionns. Ni l'un ni l'autre ne cherche de relation, mme s'ils sont bien obligs de reconnatre qu'ils s'accordent aussi bien que le caf et les beignets, en dpit de leurs caractres. Jusqu' ce que Joe ralise que Murphy doit travailler pour une socit qui reprsente une menace pour l'environnement et pour les entreprises de la rgion - et si Murphy ne change pas trs vite d'avis, Joe ne voudra plus rien avoir faire avec lui, condamnant entre eux toute possibilit d'obtenir leur happy-end tant espr.

  • af Andrew Grey
    183,95 kr.

    Rekindled Flame: Book ThreeSometimes the strongest flames take the longest to ignite.Firefighter Dean's life revolves around his very ill son, Sammy. Caring for Sammy and working to make ends meet leave Dean time for little else, and romance isn't something he can even consider-no matter how much he longs for someone special to join their family. Because money is tight, Dean couldn't be more grateful to the photographer who does Sammy's session free of charge.After growing up in the foster care system, Marco knows how to rely on himself, and his hard work is about to pay off-he's poised on the cusp of fame and success he could only have imagined as a lonely child. When Dean brings Sammy into Marco's studio, Marco can see they're struggling, and both the boy and his father stir Marco's heart. The slow burn between the two men isn't something either expected, but neither wants to lose the possibility of a loving future. With Dean's dangerous and possibly life-threatening career and Marco's demanding one, can romance and forever find a place to fit?

  • af Kim Fielding
    158,95 kr.

    Zwischen dem Landstreicher Jimmy und dem Barmann Shane fliegen die Funken. Aber wird Jimmy um Shanes Willen dem Ruf der Strae widerstehen konnen?Jimmy Dorsett ist schon seit seiner Jugend auf der Strae unterwegs, ohne Heim und ohne Hoffnung. Er besitzt nicht viel: eine Reisetasche, ungezhlte Geschichten aus einem unsteten Leben und eine alte Rostschssel von Auto. In einer kalten Nacht nimmt er in der Wste einen Anhalter mit, der ihm etwas Unverhofftes hinterlsst - nmlich den Brief eines sterbenden Mannes an den Sohn, den er seit Jahren nicht mehr gesehen hat.Jimmy will den Brief bei seinem Adressaten abliefern und landet in Rattlesnake, einer kleinen Stadt in den Hgeln der kalifornischen Sierra. Im Zentrum der Stadt befindet sich das Rattlesnake Inn, wo der frhere Cowboy Shane Little als Barmann arbeitet. Zwischen den beiden Mnnern fliegen die Funken, und als Jimmys Auto den Geist aufgibt, besorgt ihm Shane im Rattlesnake Inn einen Job als Handwerker.In der Gemeinschaft der kleinen Stadt und in Shanes Armen findet Jimmy eine ungewohnte Ruhe. Aber das kann nicht von Dauer sein. Die Strae ruft und Shane - ein starker, stolzer Mann mit einer leidvollen Vergangenheit und einer komplizierten Gegenwart - hat mehr verdient als einen verlogenen Landstreicher, der es nirgends lange aushlt.

  • af Amy Lane
    198,95 kr.

    Johnnies: Book FiveVern Roberts couldn't wait to turn eighteen and get the hell out of Dogpatch, California. But city living is expensive, and he's damned desperate when Dex from Johnnies spots him bussing tables.As "e;Bobby,"e; he's a natural at gay porn. Soon he's surrounded by hot guys and sex for the taking, but it's not just his girlfriend back in Dogpatch-or her blackmailing brother-that keeps him from taking it. It's the sweet guy who held the lights for his first solo scene, who showed him decency, kindness, and a smile.Reg Williams likes to think he's too stupid to realize what a shitty hand life dealt him, but Bobby knows better. What Reg lacks in family, opportunity, education, and money, he makes up for in heart. One fumbling step at a time, they connect, not just in their hearts but in their bodies, where sex that's not on camera, casual, or meaningless becomes the most important thing in the world.But Reg is hampered by an inescapable family burden, and he and Bobby will never fly unless he can find a way to manage it. Can he break the painful link to his unrealized childhood and grow into the love Bobby wants to give?

  • af Zahra Owens
    178,95 kr.

    Nuages et Pluie, numero hors serieHunter Krause sait mieux que personne que gerer un ranch demande beaucoup de travail. Les bons employes sont difficiles a trouver. Hunter a beau avoir un regisseur efficace et une grande famille prete a l'epauler, le ranch est constamment a court de main-d'A uvre. De plus, des poulains se mettent a disparaitre mysterieusement et son beau-frere decide d'embaucher un homme que Hunter aurait prefere ne jamais revoir : Grant. Hunter ne peut pas lui pardonner d'avoir abandonne meilleur ami, Gabe, le proprietaire du ranch voisin, apres un grave accident qui l'a laisse handicape.Grant Jarreau s'adapte rapidement la vie du ranch, il se rend indispensable et s'entend bien avec Izzie, la sA ur de Hunter. Quant Hunter, malgr ses ides prconues, il ne peut contrler ses ractions physiques en prsence du beau cowboy. Quand celui-ci sauve son jeune neveu de la noyade, les deux hommes changent un baiser qui ouvre pour Hunter un monde nouveau et des perspectives dont il ignorait l'existence.Pendant que Hunter et Grant entament une relation secrte, la famille se dchire et le ranch est en difficult, parce que personne n'arrive comprendre ce qui arrive aux chevaux. Pour couronner le tout, Grant cache un lourd secret.Hunter apprendra-t-il faire confiance Grant ou bien l'orage familial fera-t-il une autre victime ?

  • af Andrew Grey
    183,95 kr.

    "e;...flat-out wonderful."e; - Kate Douglas, author of the Wolf TalesA Tale from St. GilesThe suspicious death of Dante Bartholomew's wife changed him, especially in the eyes of the residents of St. Giles. They no longer see a successful businessman... only a monster they believe was involved. Dante's horrific reputation eclipses the truth to the point that he sees no choice but to isolate himself and his heart.The plan backfires when he meets counselor Beau Clarity and the children he works with. Beau and the kids see beyond the beastly reputation to the beautiful soul inside Dante, and Dante's cold heart begins to thaw as they slip past his defenses. The warmth and hope Beau brings to Dante's life help him see his entire existence-his trials and sorrows-in a brighter light.But Dante's secrets could rip happiness from their grasp especially since someone isn't above hurting those Dante has grown to love in order to bring him down.

  • af Andrew Grey
    158,95 kr.

    Cela pourrait etre la chance d'une vie.Deux fois par an, William Westmoreland chappe au sentiment d'insatisfaction que lui procure sa vie Rhode Island en se rendant en Floride et louant le bateau de pche de Mike Jansen pour une sortie dans le Golfe. L'eau bleue cristalline et les paysages tropicaux ne sont pas la seule vue qu'il aime, mais il n'est jamais pass l'acte. Un amour de vacances n'est tout simplement pas l'horizon.Mike a commenc son service de location de bateau de pche Apalachicola comme un moyen de subvenir aux besoins de sa fille et de sa mre, faisant passer leur scurit avant les besoins de son cA ur. Niant son attirance, qui devient de plus en plus en plus forte chaque visite de William.La rcente excursion de William et Mike commence par un temps magnifique, mais la course erratique d'un ouragan change tout, pigeant William. Alors que la pluie et le vent font rage l'extrieur, la passion laquelle les deux hommes ont tent de rsister depuis des annes s'abat sur eux. Dans le sillage de la tempte, il ne reste que deux hommes qui aspirent prolonger ce qu'ils ont trouv. Mais la vie relle ramne William ses obligations. Peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de rduire la distance entre eux et dcouvrir un endroit o leurs mes pourraient se retrouver ? La traverse sera mouvemente, mais l'avenir brillant qui se profile pourrait valoir la peine d'affronter la houle.

  • af Jacob Z. Flores
    183,95 kr.

    The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book FiveA single drop of blood might hold the key to the fate of the magical world, and Aiden Teine must choose between his bond of love and embracing the power to defeat his enemies.Aiden's adjustment to being the first vampyre fae hasn't been easy, but his ties to warlock Thad Blackmoor prevent him from becoming a monster. With Thad, Aiden has a new family, a new purpose, and a new reason to live-though he's technically undead. There's one problem: Aiden's control over his vampyre is weakening. He must learn what's triggering his violent reactions before he surrenders to the creature within. To complicate matters, Aiden discovers his transformation might not be complete, and he fears what he will become.Aiden's search for answers thrusts him into a frightening world filled with deception, new dangers, and apocalyptic visions. The part destiny intends Aiden to play could alter his relationship with Thad forever. If Aiden, Thad, and the entire magical community are to survive Icarian's latest scheme, Aiden must interpret the meaning of the prophetic blood drop before it falls and ushers in the destruction of all creation-and the warlock he loves.

  • af Jamie Fessenden
    158,95 kr.

    Derek Sawyer ist uberzeugt, alles zu haben: einen gut bezahlten Job, einen Freund, einen Hund und sogar ein Haus am See. Dann bringt eine Geschaftsreise mit seinem Vorgesetzten und besten Freund, Victor, seine Welt zum Einsturz.Nach einer feuchtfrhlichen Nacht kommt es in ihrem Hotelzimmer zum schlimmsten Ereignis in Dereks Leben. Und als ob es nicht schon erniedrigend genug wre, jeden Tag mit dem Tter zusammenarbeiten zu mssen, zeigt Victor Derek wegen sexueller Belstigung an. Jetzt hat er keinen Job und keinen Freund mehr, auerdem wird die Rate fr das Haus am See fllig.Officer Russ Thomas hat schon vorher mit Vergewaltigungsopfern zu tun gehabt. Daher braucht er nicht lange, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden. Mit seiner Hilfe zeigt Derek das Verbrechen Monate spter schlielich doch noch bei der Polizei an. Durch einstweilige Verfgungen und Anwlte wird Victors Wut auf ihn noch weiter angestachelt. Zwischen Derek und Russ, dem Polizisten, bahnt sich eine Beziehung an, doch Russ kann Derek nicht stndig beschtzen.

  • af Dirk Greyson
    158,95 kr.

    Le Comte de Hartwick, dans le Dakota du Sud, signifie un nouveau depart pour Mackenzie Redford surnomme Mack La vie dans une grande ville n'a pas ete ce qu'il en attendait, et maintenant il est de retour chez lui ou il officie en tant que sherif. Brantley Calderone est aussi la recherche d'une nouvelle vie. Aprs avoir quitt New York et achet un ranch, il s'installe et s'habitue vivre un rythme diffrent - jusqu' ce qu'il dcouvre un cadavre sous son porche et se retrouve tre le principal suspect du meurtre.Mack et Brantley se rendent rapidement compte de plusieurs choses : quelqu'un essaie d'incriminer Brantley ; il n'est plus en scurit seul dans son ranch ; et il y a une attirance manifeste qui se dveloppe entre eux qui ne fait que crotre lorsque Mack propose Brantley de sjourner chez lui. Mais tandis que leur romance s'intensifie, le tueur en fait de mme. Ils devront garder un coup d'avance et dcouvrir qui veut tuer Brantley avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Ce ne sera qu' ce moment-l qu'ils pourront commencer la nouvelle vie qu'ils recherchent tous les deux - ensemble.

  • af Rhys Ford
    183,95 kr.

    Murder and Mayhem: Book TwoWhoever said blood was thicker than water never stood in a pool of it.Retiring from stealing priceless treasures seemed like a surefire way for Rook Stevens to stay on the right side of the law. The only cop in his life should have been his probably-boyfriend, Los Angeles Detective Dante Montoya, but that's not how life-his life-is turning out. Instead, Rook ends up not only standing in a puddle of his cousin Harold's blood but also being accused of Harold's murder and sleeping with Harold's wife.For Dante, loving the former thief means his once-normal life is now a sea of chaos, especially since Rook seems incapable of staying out of trouble-or keeping trouble from following him home. When Rook is tagged as a murder suspect by a narrow-focused West LA detective, Dante steps in to pull his lover out of the quagmire Rook's landed in.When the complicated investigation twists around on them, the dead begin to stack up, forcing the lovers to work together. Time isn't on their side, and if they don't find the killer before another murder, Dante will be visiting Rook in his prison cell-or at his grave.

  • af Marie Sexton & Heidi Cullinan
    113,95 - 183,95 kr.

    Sometimes family chooses you.At forty, Vincent "e;Vinnie"e; Fierro is still afraid to admit he might be gay-even to himself. It'll be a problem for his big, fat Italian family. Still, after three failed marriages, it's getting harder to ignore what he really wants.Vinnie attempts some self-exploration in Chicago's Boystown bars, far from anyone who knows him. Naturally, he runs smack into someone from the neighborhood.Between working two jobs, going to school, taking care of his grandmother, and dealing with his mother's ongoing substance abuse, Trey Giles has little time for fun, let alone dating someone who swears he's straight. Yet after one night of dancing cheek-to-cheek, Trey agrees to let Vinnie court him and see if he truly belongs on this side of the fence-though Trey intends to keep his virginity intact.It seems like a solid plan, but nothing is simple when family is involved. When Vinnie's family finds out about their relationship, the situation is sticky enough, but when Trey's mother goes critical, Vinnie and Trey must decide whose happiness is most important-their families' or their own.

  • af Dirk Greyson
    158,95 kr.

    Buch 1 in der Serie - Day und KnightAls ehemaliger NSA-Mitarbeiter hat Dayton (Day) Ingram Erfahrungen als Hacker im Dienst der nationalen Sicherheit und arbeitet jetzt als technischer Analyst fur Scorpion. Er sehnt sich nach dem Auendienst, und als er einen Angriff vereitelt bekommt er seine Chance. Er ist clever, mehrsprachig und ein Technologiemagier. Aber seine Chance hat einen Haken - einen Partner, Knighton (Knight), der ein echtes Ratsel ist. Trotz zahlloser Recherchestunden kann Day nichts uber den Agenten finden, nicht einmal seinen Vornamen!Der ehemalige Marine Knight hatte sich nach dem Verlust seiner Familie am Boden einer Flasche verkrochen. Nachdem er wieder trocken ist, bekommt er eine allerletzte Chance: zusammen mit Day eine terroristische Bedrohung aus Yucatn auszuschalten. Um ohne Aufsehen zu erregen dorthin zu gelangen, machen Day und Knight eine Kreuzfahrt fr Schwule mit, wo der, wenn es um seine sexuelle Orientierung geht, zutiefst verschwiegene Day und ein ebenso verschwiegener Knight als schwules Paar agieren mssen. Die Anspannung wchst, als Knight sich ausschweigt und Day sich gegen Knights unbarmherziges Verlangen nach Kontrolle strubt.Aber nach einer durchzechten Nacht wachen Day und Knight in einem Bett auf. Zusammen. Whrend sie ihrem Ziel nherkommen, mssen sie lernen, einander zu vertrauen und sich aufeinander zu verlassen. Nur so knnen sie das Terroristencamp infiltrieren und das Komplott gegen die technologische Infrastruktur der USA vereiteln. Nur dann knnen sie auf ein Leben nach der Mission hoffen.Ein gemeinsames Leben.

  • af Connie Bailey
    193,95 kr.

    Exposing his body for work is no problem, but after his heart's been broken, putting it out there again won't be so easy.Up-and-coming young executives Copeland Shore and William Donnelly have been friends and sometimes more for years. For Cope's birthday, Will plans a very special dinner-at a nantaimori restaurant where the most enticing thing is the table. Dai-the naked man beneath their sushi-has both their mouths watering, but when it comes to Dai's heart, there's only room at the table for one, and Will gets there first.Will's everything Dai thinks he wants in a man until he's betrayed. The betrayal also ends the friendship between Will and Cope and leaves Dai shaken and unsure if he can put his trust in another man-not even when a second chance for love and happiness rises from the ashes of the broken relationship. Cope wants to tempt Dai to take a risk with him, but the pain of the past is hard for Dai to shake off and Cope has obstacles of his own to overcome.

  • af Eric Del Carlo
    183,95 kr.

    In an 1867 that never was, the American colonies are finally gearing up to revolt against oppressive British rule enforced by advanced technology. British airship captain Hamilton Arkwright is captured by the rebels when his vessel is commandeered. The insurgents are also aided-reluctantly-by young Jonny Callahan, a thief and ne'er-do-well who would rather carouse on the streets of New Orleans than fight for independence. When the two seemingly opposite men are thrown together on a harrowing journey across the war-torn colonies, they must grudgingly rely on each other for survival. Despite their efforts to resist, the attraction between them threatens to throw a wrench in their plans to remain enemies.They battle their way through American guerillas and a demolition-derby-type highway to reach the decimated streets of Chicago, where British forces are preparing to commit a war crime of enormous magnitude. Though affection has grown between them during their mission, they are still on conflicting sides, and they may have to choose between loyalty to their causes and their love.

  • af Z. Allora
    183,95 kr.

    Made In China: Book OneDestiny will be decided by a battle between heart and mind....Jun Tai "e;Styx"e; Wong loves two things: playing the drums, and his best friend, Jin. But being a good Chinese son means he can't have either-he'll have to marry a girl of his parents' choosing and settle into a traditional job. His move to the bigger city of Suzhou is both a blessing and curse, as living with Jin makes it harder for Styx to suppress his desires. Nearly dying while trying to eradicate his feelings serves as a wake-up call for Jin, who takes extreme measures to keep Styx safe from harm.When given a second chance at life and happiness, will Styx be able to claim the future he wants with Jin, his bandmates, and his music? Can love and hope grow with the constantly looming threat of Styx's parents ordering him home? Great things await-if Styx finds the courage to break down the wall that stands between him and everything he wants.

  • af Mia Kerick & Raine O'Tierney
    173,95 kr.

    High school senior Renzy Callen hasn't uttered a word in years. He likes being invisible to all around him; it keeps life safe and predictable. In his attic bedroom, he experiences a world far from the drama of his family. He doodles, listens to music, and contemplates the troubled souls he observes when attending self-help meetings designed for people with problems he doesn't have. Renzy lives his life like a spectator, always on the outside of life's games, looking in at others.Everything changes when Seven and Morning Moreau-Maddox relocate from their glitzy lives in Paris to boring, picturesque Redcliff Hills, Missouri. Tall, platinum blond, and as put-together as a pair of European high-fashion models, the sophisticated siblings befriend Renzy, drawing him in and then pushing him away. What starts as nothing more than a means to an end for Seven, however, quickly becomes something more. Could icy-hearted Seven be thawing for the silent, quirky charm of Renzy Callen?Determined to find the cause of Renzy's selective mutism, the three teens set off on a road trip, during which they discover that flawless physical facades can conceal the most scarred souls, and that sometimes silence is better than golden.

  • af Gene Gant
    127,95 kr.

    Growing up means overcoming obstacles: facing reality even when it hurts, being brave enough to stand up for yourself, and being your own man even when going along with others' expectations is easier.Geordi is learning these lessons the hard way when his overbearing but well-meaning parents out him before he's ready. It leads to a declaration of love from Geordi's best friend Toff-a love that isn't reciprocated. But with a neglectful father at home, Toff is already struggling, and Geordi can't bear to break his heart, so he goes along with the romance-until things move to the next level and it's too hard to live the lie. Geordi must take a long hard look at his life and face some truths that would be easier to avoid, because a disastrous event will mean his friends Toff and Jess need someone to lean on like never before. For Geordi to be that person, he must figure out how to be true to himself.

  • af K.C. Wells & Parker Williams
    155,95 kr.

    Secrets: Book TwoRob Daniels is determined to prove to himself that his brother Alex got it wrong. Alex believes he found love through BDSM; Rob is certain that's not possible. He even makes several visits to a London club to prove his point. But when he attends the grand opening of Secrets, Rob gets a shock, one that has him fleeing, vowing never to return-until he does... and runs into the brick wall that is Dom Vic Prentiss. As first meetings go, theirs is a disaster.The more time he spends around Rob, the more convinced Vic becomes of two things-one, something is eating away at Rob, and two, he's looking for something. Every instinct tells Vic to help him, but trying to unlock the secrets hidden in Rob's mind requires a key. All Vic has to do is find it. Because maybe then he'll get to see the real Rob, the man who's scared to let go

  • af Chris E. Saros
    183,95 kr.

    Drake isn't looking for justice. He's not interested in doing what's right. He's after one thing and one thing only: revenge. That means taking down the Boredega drug cartel-and the shadowy, seemingly invincible man who heads it-even if he goes down with them.Drake plans to destroy the cartel from within, and he uses his nightclub, Semblance, as a front for money laundering and drug trafficking. He's sacrificed almost everything to complete his mission, and just as he's getting close, he's derailed by flirtatious bartender Scotty, who offers Drake a glimpse of the happiness he's missed by pursuing a personal vendetta. Scotty might be irresistible, but Drake has come too far to turn back now. He'll have to find a way to keep Scotty safe, fend off persistent prostitute Natasha, feed tips to the authorities, and edge his way closer to the upper echelon of the cartel, where he can finally strike. He'll need to do it all while keeping his intentions covert-and he's not the only one at Semblance with secrets.

  • af KC Burn
    183,95 kr.

    Punk's not dead, but it's time to redefine life.Devlin Waters thought he'd have music forever. But the tragic death of his best friend ended the twenty-year run of his punk band, Negative Impression. Unable to process the loss, Devlin distances himself from everyone and everything that reminds him of the band. But forty-one is too young to curl up and wait for the end. In a search for a second career, he finds himself at university with a bunch of kids young enough to be his kids. His sexy archeology professor, however, makes Devlin think about life beyond his grief.Dr. Jack Johnson does not appreciate Devlin's lack of respect, his inability to be serious, or his chronic lateness. Worse, he hates that he's attracted to a student. When he realizes Devlin is the rock star he crushed on in his youth, he drops his guard-against his better judgment.Before they can move forward together, Jack must admit to Devlin that he's not only an admirer, but he also sings in a cover band. How will Devlin react to his ultimate fanboy when his own music has died?

  • af Liv Olteano
    113,95 kr.

    A Dreamcatchers TaleTwin souls reunited.Drew's always been a fighter: first in martial arts competitions, and now as a dreamcatcher-keeping the people of Seattle safe from spaga attacks that would drain their life force in their sleep. All he has to do to become a full member of Team 32 is complete his first mission.But the first person he must defend is his ex, Angelo the only man Drew ever loved, even if he was the one to leave. Drew never got over Angelo, and it seems Angelo might feel the same, despite the heartbreak he suffered at Drew's hands.As the chase after a powerful and resourceful caster hits close to home, old feelings resurface. But if Angelo learns of the dreamcatchers, he'll be a target for the spaga. And how can he trust Drew now that Drew's keeping bigger secrets than ever?

  • af Frisk Gillespie, Arbour Ames, Olivia Anne Gennaro, mfl.
    193,95 kr.

    Harmony Ink Press is proud to present the winners of the fourth annual Young Author Challenge. This book contains the best of the best in short LGBTQ+ fiction by authors from age fourteen to twenty-one. They represent the future of both our literature and our community, and the future looks as bright as these voices are strong, inventive, and unique. These fifteen stories range from the realistic to the fantastical, and they are populated with characters from all across the rainbow. They explore love, friendship, being different, finding one's purpose and place, and what it means to grow up-in the modern world or one of pure imagination.

  • af Tere Michaels
    127,95 kr.

    The heir apparent to a vast international company, Henry Walker has focused his entire life on pleasing his cold and distant father, a futile effort that's left him no time for life, love, or making his own decisions. He has just one friend-one dirty little secret-Archie Banks. Raised on the Walker estate alongside Henry, Archie is now Henry's driver, bodyguard... and occasional lover. Archie is loyal, but he's about to graduate from college and has plans for his life that don't include living every moment at the beck and call of Henry's father. Not even for Henry.With no warning, a shocking kidnapping leads to tragedy and chaos, thrusting Henry and Archie into a dramatic struggle that threatens them individually and as a couple. Can they find a way to heal the hurt of the past, save the company that is Henry's birthright, and find a future together?

  • af Andrew Grey
    183,95 kr.

    A Hearts Entwined NovelThe attraction between Brent Berkheimer and Scott Spearman peels the wallpaper, but Brent is Scott's boss, and they're both too professional to go beyond flirting. Their priorities realign after Scott is badly injured in an accident that costs him his hearing, and Brent realizes what is truly important... he wants Scott. Scott pushes Brent away at first, fearing a new romance will just add to his problems, but perhaps he will find unexpected strength and solace in Brent's support as he struggles to communicate with the world in a new way.Just as they decide the chance of a happy future together is worth the risk, Scott and Brent discover darker challenges in their way-including evidence that the "e;accident"e; Scott suffered may not have been so accidental.

  • af Annabelle Jay
    173,95 kr.

    The Sun Dragon: Book FiveIn the final book of The Sun Dragon series, teenager Luke is keeping a big secret: on the inside, she's really a girl. However, after she's attacked by an incubus who might be her father, Luke learns of the powers that come with such a lineage, and her life gets even more complicated. As the last Artist in the universe, she must work with the wizard Council and the dragon clan leaders to defeat the evil incubi before they consume the entire world, all while struggling to dump her accidental girlfriend, managing her love for an Igreefee royal who sees her as a friend, and deciding whether it's time to transition into the girl she knows she is.An epic finish to the journey started with Allanah's first Sun Dragon, Luminosity will bring all of your favorite dragons, wizards, sorceresses, and birds together for one last battle that will decide the fate of them all.

  • af MC Lee
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    After the death of his older brother in Iraq, Emmett Callaghan's mother cracked under the stress and abandoned the family-saddling sixteen-year-old Emmett with the care of a father suffering from worsening dementia. Poor in a town where the lines between the privileged and the struggling are sharp and unmovable, Emmett has nowhere to turn, and he cannot let the authorities know his mother is no longer in the picture.Then a light shines into his bleak life with the arrival of Noah Davis. Mixed race, liberal, worldly, and openly gay, Noah is like no one else in conservative Whitmore-and like no one Emmett's ever met. Emmett is helpless to keep Noah and the happiness and support he offers out of Emmett's dark and hidden world. But when secrets start to surface, will the obstacles the two young men face be more than love and good intentions can overcome?

  • af R.L. Merrill
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    Forces of Nature: Book OneThe life of Tony-winning musician Reese Matheson resembles a natural disaster, and caregiver Jude De La Torre is caught in the eye of the storm. But can the love of two opposites survive caring for an ornery octogenarian with wayward balls and a meddling family insistent upon tradition?Fresh off the successful London run of his musical, the last thing Reese expects when he comes home is a house surrounded by paparazzi and his girlfriend throwing his stuff into the pool. All he wants to do is spend time with his beloved grandfather and musical mentor who suffers from Alzheimer's. Reese knows he doesn't have much time left before the elder Matheson forgets who he is. In classic "e;Hurricane Reese"e; form, he moves into the cottage by the sea and displaces Jude, the intriguing caregiver he hired two years before. When Grandpa proves too much for Reese to handle on his own, Jude comes to his rescue, taming Grandpa and the Hurricane as well. Soon all Reese can think about is how to get Jude out of his scrubs and into his bed-permanently. Will Hurricane Reese destroy everything in his path, or will this odd couple learn to harmonize together?

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