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  • af Scotty Cade
    163,95 kr.

    La nuit avant son mariage, Zander Walsh, ses parents, et son futur mari se font tirer dessus en interrompant un mysterieux cambriolage alors qu'ils rentrent chez eux. Apres trois semaines dans le coma, Zander se reveille pour apprendre qu'il est le seul survivant, et que sa vie parfaite s'est effondree en un instant.Le bel agent du FBI Jake Elliot enqute sur l'affaire, et il apprhende le tueur - , qui s'chappe rapidement. Aprs six mois de recherche, Zander et Jake ralisent que le FBI leur fait obstruction et qu'ils ont lentement tiss un lien indissoluble qui commence prendre encore davantage d'importance.Une fois qu'ils s'embarquent dans une qute afin d'apprhender le tueur pour la seconde fois, ils dcouvrent que cette nuit pouvantable tait bien plus qu'un simple cambriolage. Les grosses entreprises et les politiciens peuvent-ils cacher la vrit, ou les recherches de Zander et Jake pour dcouvrir ce qu'il s'est pass marqueront-elles la fin de leur nouvel amour et de leur vie ?

  • af Sam C. Leonhard
    193,95 kr.

    Gabriel Jordan lives a lonely life on the streets, taking the rare job that usually means spending hours in the cold, waiting for a chance to take a photograph of a cheating spouse. That's how he meets Dr. Aleksei Tennant-who he sees suspiciously jumping from a window of a woman's apartment. Tennant introduces Gabriel to the hidden worlds, magical worlds connected to this one by portals. Gabriel is eager to learn the runes for opening them, Tennant is eager to teach, and a fragile friendship develops amidst a series of murders.These aren't just any murders. The killer has a grudge against the mixture of other races: he doesn't kill humans, only those of the hidden worlds who are producing children of tainted blood. When the killer attacks them directly, Gabriel and Tennant have to team up to find the murderer, even though they're putting themselves, their love, and any chance at a future together, in danger.

  • af Andrew Grey
    193,95 kr.

    A Bottled Up StoryBobby Bielecki is heading home from art school to help run the family wine store so his adopted father and partner can take a vacation. While filling in, Bobby will have to deal with his once-best friend and lost love, Kenny, who pushed him away from their burgeoning relationship, encouraging him follow his dreams and realize his artistic talents.Despite the tension between them, Bobby and Kenny decide to put their differences aside and work together to figure out what happened to a case of expensive wine. Their investigation leads them to a young runaway and people from Bobby's past, and dealing with them reminds Bobby and Kenny of how close they once were. But despite their growing feelings, Bobby is afraid Kenny will do what he's done before and push Bobby away for his own good.

  • af Tempeste O'Riley
    163,95 kr.

    Kieferchirurg Kaden Thorn fuhrt ein ruhiges Leben, jedoch ohne jede Hoffnung auf eine Liebe, wie er sie sich ersehnt. Seitdem er von Schwulenhassern brutal zusammengeschlagen wurde, kann er seine Beine nicht mehr gebrauchen und sitzt im Rollstuhl. Er hat die Hoffnung aufgegeben, je einen Dom oder auch nur einen normalen"e; Partner zu finden, der ihn liebt. Als er praktisch unter Zwang eine Einladung zum Abendessen bei seiner besten Freundin annimmt, ist das letzte, womit er dort rechnet, ein starker Dom, der uber seinen Rollstuhl hinwegsehen kann. Architekt Deacon James ist als Dom sehr anspruchsvoll, hat aber die letzten paar Jahre ohne Sub oder Partner zugebracht. Als einer seiner Angestellten ihn zu einer Dinnerparty einldt, um ihm seine Lebensgefhrtin vorzustellen, riecht Deacon ein abgekartetes Spiel, stimmt aber trotzdem zu. Er ist stolz auf seine ausgezeichnete Menschenkenntnis, und als er den jngeren Zahnarzt kennenlernt, sieht er nicht den Rollstuhl, sondern einen liebenswerten, devoten Mann, der mehr als nur sein Interesse weckt.Kades ngste und die Dmonen der Vergangenheit, die ihn heimsuchen, sind eine Herausforderung fr Deacon; er braucht sein ganzes Knnen und seine ganze Erfahrung als Dom, um Kades Vertrauen und Hingabe zu gewinnen. Doch Deacon ist fest entschlossen, diese Schlacht erfolgreich zu schlagen, um Kade an seiner Seite und zu seinen Fen zu haben.

  • af Marie Sexton
    158,95 kr.

    Coda, numero hors serieLorsque Jonathan Kechter accepte de rencontrer Cole Fenton, il ne s'attend a rien d'autre qu'a un diner et une nuit sans lendemain... mais il ne s'attendait pas non plus a Cole. Cole est arrogant, extravagant et pas du tout le genre de Jon. Toutefois, lorsque Cole lui propose une relation sexuelle sans aucun engagement lorsqu'ils sont tous les deux en ville, Jon accepte immediatement. Cet arrangement est peut-tre sans aucun engagement, mais Jonathan apprend vite qu'entre sa peur de toute intimit et sa vie de nomade, avec Cole Fenton, rien n'est facile. Jonathan se demande si leur relation n'est pas voue l'chec ds le dpart. Mais plus Cole le repousse, plus Jonathan est dtermin la sauver.

  • af Eli Easton
    158,95 kr.

    Buch 2 in der Serie - Sex in SeattleDer erfolgreiche Geschaftsmann Daniel Derenzo lebt nur fur seine Arbeit. Doch dann wird er durch seinen sterbenden Vater daran erinnert, wie kurz das Leben ist. Daniel setzt seine Prioritaten neu und macht eine uberraschende Entdeckung - er fuhlt sich zu seinem Geschaftspartner und besten Freund Nick hingezogen, obwohl er immer davon ausgegangen war, ein absolut normaler, heterosexueller Mann zu sein. Auf seine typisch perfektionistische Art erkundet Daniel diese neue Entwicklung mit Hilfe der Experten von Expanded Horizons', einer Sexklinik. Und anschlieend geht er das Problem an, wie er es aus dem Geschaftsleben kennt - mit dem festen Entschluss, sich das Geschaft nicht durch die Finger rutschen zu lassen. Nick Ross war vor vielen Jahren in Daniel verliebt, als sie sich ein Zimmer im Studentenwohnheim teilten. Aber Nick wusste schon damals, dass Daniel nicht schwul ist. Er reparierte sein gebrochenes Herz durch eine Heirat mit Marcia. Vierzehn Jahre und zwei Kinder spter gleicht ihre Ehe zwei Schiffen, die sich nachts begegnen. Da Nick seine Kinder ber alles liebt, verzichtet er auf eine Scheidung. Er hat Angst davor, dass Marcia das alleinige Sorgerecht zugesprochen bekommt. Aber wenn er seinem eigenen Herzen und den Gefhlen, die in Daniel erwacht sind, vertrauen kann, gibt es vielleicht doch noch ein glckliches Ende fr sie beide.

  • af Jamie Fessenden
    158,95 kr.

    Als Jesse Morales, frischgebackener College-Absolvent und angehender Krimiautor, sich auf eine Woche als Helfer im Observatorium des Mount Washington einlasst, rechnet er mit harter Arbeit. Womit er nicht rechnet, ist die Leiche, die er zwischen den Felsen im Nebel findet. Der Mann entpuppt sich als der junge Tourist Stuart Warren, fur den ein Ausflug auf den Berg mit seinen Freunden todlich endete.Der verwitwete Polizist Kyle Dubois wird mit seinem Partner Wesley Roberts mitten in der Nacht zum Schauplatz des Verbrechens gerufen. Obwohl sich Jesse und er augenblicklich voneinander angezogen fhlen, fllt es Kyle schwer, einen so jungen Mann mit einer Vorliebe fr Kriminalflle ernst zu nehmen. Jedoch gelingt es Jesse bald, sich ntzlich zu machen, indem er sich ein Zimmer im Hotel der Angehrigen und Freunde sucht, um sich unter sie zu mischen. Was er dort erfhrt, knnte bei der Lsung des Falles helfen - oder ihn das Leben kosten.

  • af Dirk Greyson
    158,95 kr.

    En tant qu'ancien agent de la N.S.A, Dayton Ingram est forme aux techniques de la Securite Interieure. Il travaille desormais pour Scorpion et n'aspire qu'a une chose : aller sur le terrain. Intelligent, polyglotte, magicien de la technologie, il obtient sa chance en faisant echouer une agression dans une ruelle. Mais cette chance vient avec un inconvenient : un partenaire, Knighton, qui est un vrai mystere. Malgre ses recherches, Day ne trouve aucune information sur lui, pas meme son prenom.Knight, ancien Marine, a sombr dans la boisson aprs la disparition de sa famille. Il dcide d'en sortir et Scorpion lui offre sa chance : une mission visant arrter une grave menace terroriste au Yucatan, avec Day, un bleu.Pour arriver sur place sans attirer les soupons, les deux hommes embarquent sur une croisire gay. Day, profondment dans son placard, et Knight, tout aussi enferm, doivent se faire passer pour un couple. Les tensions sont fortes : l'ex Marine ne communique pas et l'ex N.S.A a les poils qui se hrissent face la tendance au contrle de son quipier.Pourtant, aprs une soire bien arrose, ils se rveillent dans le mme lit. Alors qu'ils approchent de leur destination, ils doivent apprendre se faire confiance et compter l'un sur l'autre, s'ils veulent infiltrer le camp terroriste et neutraliser le complot visant dtruire l'infrastructure informatique amricaine. Et surtout s'ils veulent avoir une vie aprs la mission. Une vie qui pourrait inclure l'autre

  • af Rowan Speedwell
    163,95 kr.

    Drei Jahre als verdeckter Ermittler in einer der ubelsten Banden des Landes haben FBI Agenten Joshua Chastain gebrochen. Im Kampf gegen Albtraume und Abhangigkeit verlasst er den Asphaltdschungel und reist ins Pferdeland New Mexico, wo er hofft, auf der Ranch seines Onkels neu anzufangen. Vorarbeiter Eli Kelly verbringt sein Leben damit, misshandelte Tiere zu rehabilitieren, und Joshua ist fr ihn nur eine weitere, verlorene Seele. Aber als Joshua langsam beginnt, sein Leben wieder aufzubauen, erkennt Eli, dass Joshua sehr viel mehr ist als nur sein neustes Projekt.Joshuas Plan scheint aufzugehen - vielleicht war ein Neuanfang wirklich genau das, was er gebraucht hat. Dann, gerade, als er endlich Frieden gefunden hat, zerstren Gewalt und Hass beinahe all seine harte Arbeit und zwingen ihn dazu, darber nachzudenken, was er sich eigentlich erhofft - von der Freundschaft mit Eli und vom Leben.

  • af Mary Calmes
    193,95 kr.

    Most humans live in blissful ignorance, never dreaming of the frightening surprises and paranormal danger that lurks in the night. Most... but not all. These few who stand against the darkness are the Warders, men who fight demons and square off against all kinds of creatures from the pit with only their brothers-in-arms and their lovers-their Hearths-to strengthen them in the unending battle of good versus evil.Novellas included:His HearthTooth & NailHeart in Hand

  • af Mary Calmes
    193,95 kr.

    Most humans live in blissful ignorance, never dreaming of the frightening surprises and paranormal danger that lurks in the night. Most... but not all. These few who stand against the darkness are the Warders, men who fight demons and square off against all kinds of creatures from the pit with only their brothers-in-arms and their lovers-their Hearths-to strengthen them in the unending battle of good versus evil.Novellas included:SinnermanNexusCherish Your Name

  • af Catt Ford
    188,95 kr.

    Cody Grainger et Johnny Arrow se sont rencontres dans l'arene, mais le lien qui les unit va bien au-dela de la simple confiance professionnelle. Passionnement amoureux l'un de l'autre, ils doivent faire face a la discretion que leur impose le milieu macho du bull riding, et au danger constant de leur metier. Les obstacles semblent se multiplier entre eux et leur relation est mise a rude epreuve.Le plus gros obstacle ? Leur diffrence d'ge, dix ans les sparent. Cody n'a qu'une ide en tte, gagner les championnats du monde de bull riding avant la retraite. Frustr par son obsession envahissante, Johnny le quitte et, dsespr, Cody perd le got de la comptition. Spars l'un de l'autre, ils ralisent peu peu l'tendue de leur amour, mais leur fiert les retient et pourrait bien avoir raison d'eux

  • af Mary Calmes
    173,95 kr.

    Trevan Bean exerce un travail qui flirte avec l'illegalite, a un petit ami qui n'a peut-etre pas toute sa tete ainsi qu'un ange gardien qui pourrait effectivement etre le mal incarne. Ajoutez a cela la reapparition de la famille de son petit ami, des menaces de mort, un enlevement et la lutte pour mettre suffisamment d'argent de cote afin de realiser un reve... Autant dire que Trevan ne chome pas. Mais il est du genre a relever les defis : il a promis a Landry une fin comme dans les contes de fees et Landry va l'obtenir, meme si cela doit le tuer !Et c'est bien ce qui pourrait se passer.Il y a deux ans, Landry Carter tait une poupe casse lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrs. Mais il a grandi pour devenir un partenaire qui peut se tenir firement aux cts de Trevan enfin, la plupart du temps. Maintenant que la vie de Trevan prend un tournant inquitant - et que Landry se retrouve kidnapp - il espre que l'amour de Landry restera suffisamment fort pour relever ce nouveau dfi, parce que sa fin heureuse n'arrivera jamais si Trevan doit faire cavalier seul.

  • af Dirk Greyson
    127,95 kr.

    Sequel to Darkness ThreateningYellowstone Wolves: Book ThreeThe last thing Tobias, alpha of the small Greenview Pack, expects is to find a lost human asleep in his storage building. As soon as he sets eyes on Pete, Tobias knows they are destined mates. But he cannot act on his attraction, no matter how much he feels compelled. Exposure to the human world could mean the end of their way of life, so he decides to help Pete get a room until he can reunite with the tour group he separated from.But Tobias's disgraced half brother, Zev, has other ideas. He takes a liking to Pete and decides he wants what Tobias has-both his position as pack leader and his mate. Tobias can't let that happen, but protecting Pete means keeping him close, which only increases the mounting tensions between them.Duty, protection, desire, and secrecy clash as the darkness within Zev rises to the surface, and only Tobias can save his mate-even if he never plans to tell Pete that's what they are.

  • af Jake C. Wallace
    193,95 kr.

    As prince of the Anzuni demon clan, Jerricho's entire life has been planned for him. At twenty-five, he will become the crown prince of the Anzuni, marry a man chosen by his parents, and bear his husband's children all without choice. If that wasn't enough, he must remain a virgin until his wedding night. To do otherwise would spark an unimaginable scandal.With only ten months until his twenty-fifth birthday, the walls close in on Jerry, and the realization that he will lose his small apartment, his job at the library, and his freedom hits hard. But that's nothing compared to losing the man he loves. Rex is a smart and sexy construction foreman with a keen interest in demon "e;mythology."e; When Jerry and Rex give in to spending one night together, their indiscretion can't be kept secret for long. But that's only the beginning of their problems.Someone wants to harness the power of Jerry's bloodline and his ability to conceive-someone with designs on horrifying experiments, sex slavery, and murder. Jerry and Rex are at the mercy of power-hungry sadists. With no one left to trust, they must fight for each other, their freedom-and their unborn child.

  • af Andrew Grey
    100,95 - 193,95 kr.

    Carlisle Cops: Book FiveBrock Ferguson knew he might run into his ex-boyfriend, Vincent Geraldini, when he took his first job as a police officer in Carlisle. Vincent's attitude during a routine traffic stop reminds Brock why their relationship didn't last.What Brock doesn't expect is finding two scared children in the trunk of a Corvette. He's also surprised to learn the kids' mother is Vincent's sister. But his immediate concern is the safety of the two children, Abey and Penny, and he offers to comfort and care for them when their mother is taken into custody.Vincent is also shocked to learn what his sister has done. For the sake of the kids, he and Brock bury the hatchet-and soon find they have much more in common than they realized. With Abey and Penny's help, they grow closer, until the four of them start to feel like a family. But Vincent's sister and her boyfriend-an equal-opportunity jerk-could tear down everything they're trying to build.

  • af B.G. Thomas
    193,95 kr.

    The path to happiness starts with acceptance, and sometimes the chance for a bright, loving future means letting go of the past.All his life, Neil Baxter has buried a large part of himself-the part that's attracted to other men. He married a woman and denied that side of him existed. And he plans to keep right on pretending to be straight after his beloved wife has passed away.To help him deal with his grief, Neil's sister-in-law convinces him to vacation at a dude ranch. There, Neil meets Cole Thompson, a young, gorgeous, unabashedly gay wrangler-who is unabashedly attracted to Neil. And try as he might, Neil cannot deny he feels the same way. But desire soon becomes something more profound as the two men get to know each other. Cole is much more than a sexy cowboy: he's kind, spiritual, and intelligent. In fact, he's perfect for Neil except he's a man, and Neil isn't ready to let go of a lifetime of denial. If he cannot find the courage to be true to himself, he might let something wonderful slip through his fingers.

  • af Marina Ford
    193,95 kr.

    Friday, 23 JanuaryThe cat funeral.Yeah, that happened today. I went and participated in-aided and abetted?-a cat funeral.London life is tough on idealists. In an ideal world, after years of flirtation, Leo would be cosily settled down with Jack, his long-time crush. In an ideal world, Jack wouldn't now be engaged to a woman. And in an ideal world, Leo would move on.When handsome new neighbour Alex moves in opposite Leo, an opportunity to do so presents itself. But Alex is working class, poorer than Leo, and probably straight. While Jack's engagement unravels, and Leo's friendship with Alex deepens, will Leo manage to find happiness with the right man? Or will he succumb to his enemies: self-doubt, family expectations, and pride?Told in diary form, this is both the story of a love triangle in London and the chronicle of a man's struggles to confront his self-image and overcome his insecurity.

  • af Jon Keys
    193,95 kr.

    Nash Gallo and Luke Meyers seem like complete opposites on the surface. Nash is a city boy from Atlanta, while Luke is a rancher from rural Oklahoma. Nash is covered in tattoos and piercings, while Luke is self-conscious about his muscular, hairy body. Luke doesn't have much sexual experience with other men, while Nash has plenty to go around.But both men are lonely, and neither of them has ever been in love.They also both have secrets. For Luke, it's his shame over an affair with a local closeted and married man, something Nash accepts. Will Luke be as tolerant of what Nash is hiding-his job as a prostitute back in Georgia?A week-long vacation on Luke's ranch and the idyllic landscapes surrounding it gives both men the chance to relax and explore the attraction growing between them. But can the budding relationship survive secrets and small-town prejudices? As they search for the place where their lives might intersect, Nash and Luke risk far worse than broken hearts.

  • af Ariel Tachna
    193,95 kr.

    An At Your Service NovelPascal Larocque, a waiter at a high-end Montreal restaurant, knows what it means to love-and he knows what it means to lose. He buried the man he expected to spend his life with years ago. He's perfectly happy with his solitude, or so he tells his friends. But a chance encounter in a neighborhood bar followed by a run-in at his apartment building turns his world upside down.Mathias Perras is twenty-four, newly arrived in Montral, and works two jobs so he can live on rue Sainte-Catherine in the heart of the gay district. During the day, he's on a fast track to management at the Banque de Montral. At night, he waits tables at a gay bar down the street. He's burning the candle at both ends, but it will be worth it when his career takes off and he has the life he's always dreamed of. When he meets Pascal, one more piece of that dream slots into place. Pascal is everything he wants in a lover: older, self-assured, established in his life and his career. But Pascal doesn't look at him twice. What's a boy have to do to get a little action?

  • af Jacob Z. Flores
    163,95 kr.

    The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book FourLove and trust made them soul mates, but destiny might have other plans.Ever since Drake Carpenter fell in love with warlock Mason Blackmoor, his life has been one supernatural battle after another, but Drake doesn't mind much. To be with Mason and experience the magical connection they share, Drake would face entire hordes of vampyren, shifters, or fae-and he has. Luckily Drake is immune to magic, though no one can explain his natural ability to negate almost any enchantment. With Drake's own family gone, Mason is all he has. So why is Drake experiencing disturbing dreams about Mason that terrify him?A new threat looms on the horizon, and a revelation about Drake's identity and the true origin of his bond with Mason shatters everything Drake believes. If Drake, Mason, and all of magic are to survive the coming Spell Fall, the most destructive curse in sorcery, Drake must deal with the truth and fight his way back to Mason-because their enemies are gaining strength, and they intend to reach the boy Drake loves first.

  • af Kate McMurray
    193,95 kr.

    WMU: Book OneDave is enjoying his junior year at a big New England university, even if none of his relationships have been especially satisfying. He plans to hang around with his best friend Joe and focus on his studies until he graduates, and then he'll figure out the rest. Meeting Noel changes his plans.Noel is strikingly beautiful and unlike anyone Dave knows. Something about Noel draws Dave to him-an attraction Dave doesn't feel ready to label. And even if he was, why would Noel be interested in Dave? And what about Joe? He hates Noel and everything he represents, and he might hate Dave if he finds out about Dave's secret desires. So Dave will have to keep those feelings hidden-along with his relationship with Noel.But Noel has fought too hard for his identity to be Dave's dirty secret. Will Dave tell the truth and risk the life he's always known or live a lie and risk losing the love of his life?

  • af Kim Fielding
    193,95 kr.

    A Love Can't NovelSmall but mighty-that could be Detective Nevin Ng's motto. Now a dedicated member of the Portland Police Bureau, he didn't let a tough start in life stop him from protecting those in need. He doesn't take crap from anyone, and he doesn't do relationships. Until he responds to the severe beating of a senior citizen and meets the victim's wealthy, bow-tied landlord.Property manager and developer Colin Westwood grew up with all the things Nevin never had, like plenty of money and a supportive, loving family. Too supportive, perhaps, since his childhood illness has left his parents unwilling to admit he's a strong, grown man. Colin does do relationships, but they never work out. Now he's thinking maybe he won't just go with the flow. Maybe it's time to try something more exciting. But being a witness to a terrible crime-or two-was more than he bargained for.Despite their differences, Colin and Nevin discover that the sparks fly when they're together. But sparks are short-lived, dampened by the advent of brutal crimes, and Colin and Nevin have seemingly little in common. The question is whether they have the heart to build something lasting.

  • af Xavier Mayne
    193,95 kr.

    A Brandt and Donnelly Caper: Case File SixState troopers Ethan Brandt and Gabriel Donnelly are finally going to get their storybook wedding-sailing on an ocean liner to a castle in the English countryside! But when an Icelandic volcano scrambles flights all over the world, they must find alternate routes to the altar-separately.Donnelly meets Sandler Birkin, a globetrotting courier who specializes in carrying rare artifacts and diplomatic pouches. He pulls a few strings to get Donnelly to the ship on time and then accompanies him across the Atlantic. Donnelly returns the favor by helping to find Sandler's long-lost first love, Trevor Hendricks. Trevor's controlling, homophobic parents have brought him to Europe for a radical treatment to cure him of his homosexuality-and his love for Sandler.Brandt, meanwhile, finagles his way around the globe with the help of Kerry Mercer, a sales executive whose spirit of adventure leads her to accompany him on his improvised journey. However, sharing hotel rooms with her presents a problem for Brandt who, despite being about to marry a man, still finds her attractive.Once Brandt and Donnelly are reunited, they band together with Kerry and Sandler to plot Trevor's rescue. But doing so might mean missing their own wedding.

  • af Andrew Grey
    122,95 kr.

    A second chance born of love.Pat Corrigan and Edgerton "e;Edge"e; Winters were ready to start a family-or so Pat thought. At the last minute, Edge got cold feet and fled. Pat didn't bother telling him the conception had already gone through and little Emma was on her way. He didn't want a relationship based on obligation. He'd rather raise his daughter on his own.Nine years later, Emma and her Poppy are doing fine. Edge isn't. He realizes what he threw away by leaving, and he's back to turn his life around and reclaim his family. It'll take a lot to prove to Pat that he's a new man, and even if Edge succeeds, the secret Pat has hidden for years might shatter their dreams all over again.

  • af SJD Peterson
    158,95 kr.

    Avec sa crete, ses tatouages et ses piercings, Ridley Corbin correspond a l'image du parfait bad boy - ce qui lui convient bien, puisqu'il se voit comme le defenseur des plus faibles. Mais ce qu'il veut par-dessus tout, c'est devenir le heros d'Alex Firestone.Alex, bibliothcaire discret et dlicat, vient de s'installer Slater, paisible ville tudiante, dans l'espoir d'chapper son pass. Solitaire, il se fait toutefois remarquer par la brute du campus. Mais les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Le pass d'Alex le rattrape, et l'heure vient pour lui de devenir le hros.

  • af Paul Comeau
    198,95 kr.

    When young Danny Crawford's father and a priest conspire to subject him to conversion therapy, Danny only sees one way out. But little does Danny know he'll soon have a sentinel watching from the darkness, a guardian angel in the most unlikely form imaginable.Damien, a vampire, is inexplicably moved by Danny's plight. He takes it upon himself to make sure Danny's father and the priest can never hurt him again, giving Danny a chance at a normal life. As Danny grows up, Damien struggles to keep the boy-and later the young man-from harm. He does not dare go any further, no matter how much he wants to. To do so would ruin everything he's tried to do for Danny. He doesn't realize that as Danny embarks on a successful modeling career and begins dating, Danny feels empty, longing for something-or someone-just beyond his reach: a shadow, a presence he despairingly believes forever lost to him.When brutality and violence threaten Danny again, Damien must make a decision-risk revealing himself to Danny, or leave Danny to his fate.

  • af K.C. Wells
    193,95 kr.

    Sequel to A Bond of ThreeIt is twenty years since the Bond of Three returned to Teruna. The kingdom of Kandor, once Teruna's enemy, seeks help and sends its finest warrior, Dainon, on a diplomatic mission. A solitary man since his wife and child died, Dainon is unable to explain why an encounter with a young man on a beach rocks his world to its core.Prince Arrio of Teruna has always been attracted to men but has never acted on it-until he meets Dainon. Headstrong Arrio goes after what he wants, despite his fathers' advice. But when Prince Kei arrives unexpectedly, Arrio finds himself drawn to both men. Is history repeating itself?Prince Kei has his first taste of freedom and is shocked when the visions that have plagued him since childhood become reality. The three men embark on a voyage of discovery. No one has foreseen the day, however, when the arrival of a stranger threatens to destroy their bond.

  • af Raine O'Tierney
    163,95 kr.

    Sequel to Bowl Full of CherriesLast Christmas, Tyler Lang accidentally accepted David Griffith's invitation for dinner. Yes, it was an accident. See, hipster (don't call him that!) Tyler doesn't date guys, and even if he did, he certainly doesn't date jocks. A rude and hasty exit right when the date was getting good left things awkward between them.David Griffith isn't really a jock. Well, he's a former athlete who loves sports, but "e;jock"e; has a certain connotation that doesn't quite fit the intelligent, hardworking store owner. A jock wouldn't have given Tyler Lang the time of day. But even after that little, ahem, stunt with the fire escape, David can't stop thinking about the hipster a year later. Which would be fine if fate didn't keep butting her nose into their business, making it impossible for the jock and the hipster to avoid each other this Christmas.A hilarious holiday romp, set to the music of the Winter Sounds.

  • af Andrew Grey
    163,95 kr.

    Robert Morton is in for the surprise of a lifetime. His mother, a bit of a rebel, raised him away from the rest of the family, and it's not until he's contacted by his lawyer about an inheritance that he learns who he truly is: the new Earl of Hantford. His legacy includes ownership of the historic Ashton Park Estate-which needs repairs Robert cannot afford. He'll simply do what the nobility has done for centuries when in need of money. He'll marry it.Tech wizard Daniel Fabian is wealthy and successful. In fact, he has almost everything-except a title to make him worthy in the eyes of the old-money snobs he went to prep school with. His high school reunion is looming, and he's determined to attend it as a member of the aristocracy.That's where Robert comes in.Daniel has the money, Robert has the name, and both of them know they can help each other out. But their marriage of convenience has the potential to become a real love match-unless a threat to Daniel's business ruins everything.

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