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Bøger udgivet af Dreamspinner Press

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  • af Xavier Mayne
    283,95 kr.

  • af Z Allora
    278,95 kr.

    Willkommen im Entwined, einem Club, wo BDSM-Traume wahr werden. Suchst du einen Teilzeit-Newbie oder einen Vollzeit Dom oder Sub? Mochtest du, dass sich eine weitere Person dir und deinem Partner anschliet? Dann bist du hier am richtigen Ort.Entwineds Wohltatigkeits-Auktion "e;Bist du Dom genug, um sub zu sein?"e; bietet Zach die Moglichkeit seine devoten Neigungen zu erkunden, die er unterdruckt, seit Andrew ihn vor einigen Jahren abblitzen lie. Andrew wei nicht, wann aus seiner Verliebtheit mehr geworden ist, aber Zack ist kein Kind mehr. Das konnte Andrews Chance sein, Zach seine Gefuhle zu gestehen - und ihm ein Halsband umzulegen.Marcus und Hunter lieben einander, doch konnen sie dem jeweils anderen nicht alle Sehnsuchte erfullen. Das Entwined ist daher der richtige Ort, um fur Hunter einen Sub zu finden, der sich von ihm beherrschen lasst. Und der es geniet, dass Marcus ihm Schmerzen zufugt. Orion konnte der Schlussel zur Uberbruckung ihrer Differenzen sein und sie auf einer tieferen Ebene miteinander vereinen - aber zuerst mussen sie Orion helfen, sein Trauma so weit zu uberwinden, dass er neue Facetten von BDSM wieder genieen kann.

  • af Elle E Ire
    108,95 - 188,95 kr.

    2022 Goldie Award Finalist - Science Fiction/FantasyFinding the right romantic partner is always a challenge—especially when your first spouse turns out to be a greedy, business-obsessed hardass who winds up on her CEO office floor with a bullet through her brain.  After the murder of her first wife, Elaine is ready for a vacation and a solid relationship with a woman who only has time for her. Thanks to some found alien technology, Elaine can get what she wants… sort of. Okay, so a computer-generated tangible holographic image of a twentieth-century film star is about as far from “solid” as it gets. But as her themed pleasure cruise on a passenger starliner progresses and an additional plot to murder Elaine reveals itself, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to her fantasy companion.Ricky might be the result of exceptional programming, but she proves to be more than the sum of her particles. She shows Elaine more affection, and eventually more protection, than any so-called “real” woman in her life ever has, leaving Elaine to wonder—are Ricky’s feelings for her truly artificial? Or is this REEL TO REAL LOVE?

  • af Andrew Grey
    168,95 kr.

    Everybody needs to be rescued sometime.Veterinarian Mitchell Brannigan gets off to a rocky start with his new neighbor when someone calls the town to complain about the noise. Mitchell runs a shelter for rescue dogs, and dogs bark. But when he goes to make peace, he meets Beau Pfister and his fussy baby daughter, Jessica... and starts to fall in love.Beau moved out to the country to get away from his abusive ex-husband, but raising an infant alone, with no support network, is lonely and exhausting. The last thing he expects is a helping hand from the neighbor whose dogs he complained about.Mitchell understands what it's like to live in fear of your ex, and he's determined to help Beau move on. But when an unseen menace threatens the shelter and Beau, it becomes apparent that he hasn't dealt with his own demons.With each other and a protective Chihuahua for support, Mitchell, Beau, and Jessica could make a perfect family. Mitchell won't let anything happen to them.But who's going to rescue him?

  • af Veronica Cochrane
    133,95 kr.

    An Inevitable Duets RomanceWhen dance instructor Jamie Griffin choreographs a contemporary ballet pas de deux to a love song by rock band Inevitable Thorns, he doesn't expect the band's keyboardist, Beau Davis, to witness it. He definitely doesn't expect the steamy one-night stand that follows.Beau leaves to continue touring, but he can't get Jamie or his passion out of his head... especially once a video of the dance goes viral. This leads to a chance for the two of them to reconnect on tour, with Jamie performing his dance while the band plays live. The lines between a casual fling and a forever romance blur as rock music and ballet join to create magic onstage.That magic suffuses their relationship too, but the price of fame is steep. When an explosive interview threatens the foundation of what they're building together, will Beau and Jamie set the record straight and define their relationship-and their art-on their own terms? Or will the stars they're reaching for elude their grasp?

  • af Albert Nothlit
    158,95 kr.

    Now that colonists Elias Trost and Tristan MacLeod have learned of the existence of another intelligent species on this planet, their life on New Skye has become even more perilous. Dresde, the ruthless wurl queen, has kidnapped Elias’s brother, Oscar, along with the egg of a rival queen.Oscar Trost finds danger and privation under Dresde’s reign, but he isn’t alone. A small group of humans from the original colony ship, long lost from memory, live on the eastern continent as slaves to Dresde’s horrific whims. In order to survive, Oscar must find his courage and prove himself to these others while he awaits the rescue he is sure will come.Elias and Tristan have to find Oscar and the egg, and fast. Every day their search becomes more desperate. But sprawling between them and Dresde’s lair is the untamed alien wilderness, teeming with threats from ground and sky. And in the vast ocean they must cross lies something else—something ancient that should not be disturbed…. 

  • af Andrew Grey
    133,95 kr.

    Florist to the stars Vin Robbins is in high demand in LA, but he hates working for someone else. When he returns to his Pennsylvania home to help his widowed father, he finds an opportunity he never expected with his first love, but learns that someone’s been taking advantage of the unused family greenhouse.Casey Lombard wasted too much of his life denying who he is and what he wants, but he won’t do that any longer. His biggest regret is letting Vin go, so running into Vin again when he gets called to investigate who planted pot on Vin’s family’s property sends him reeling.Vin ignites feelings Casey thought long dead. But Casey has a daughter, and Vin is only home for a visit. Surely the bright lights of Hollywood will call him back to the City of Angels, so how can Vin and Casey build the life they both wish they had?

  • af Andrew Grey
    127,95 kr.

  • af Nicki Bennett
    163,95 kr.

  • af KC Burn
    163,95 kr.

  • af TA Moore
    183,95 kr.

  • af Shira Anthony
    168,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Grey
    168,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Grey
    163,95 kr.

  • af John Terry Moore
    113,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    113,95 kr.

    Dante Vianelli and Cully Cromwell have been in love since college, when Dante saved Cully from the world’s worst roommate and introduced him to his friends. Seven years later, they’re still roommates and they’re still in love… but they’ve never become lovers. Now a catastrophic spell gone wrong has cut them off from their coven. Wandering their suburban prison alone, separated by the walls of their own minds and gaps in the space-time continuum, Cully and Dante are as stuck as they have been for the past seven years. And they’ll remain lost in their memories—unless they confront the truths that kept them from taking the step from friends to lovers and trust their friends and coven to get them out. But it’s easier said than done. Those walls didn’t build themselves. Dante’s great at denial, and Cully’s short on trust. Can they do the work it will take to get into each other’s arms and back to the sunlight where they belong?

  • af Marie Sexton
    265,95 kr.

    Coda, Colorado, offre l'image d'une parfaite carte postale, mais les montagnes ne sont pas les meilleures interlocutrices. Un homosexuel célibataire peut se sentir bien seul. Mais pour ces quatre couples, l'air frais de cette petite ville leur inspire une romance bien à eux.

  • af Xenia Melzer
    182,95 kr.

  • af Sam Carlson
    178,95 kr.

  • af Don Travis
    198,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Meuwissen
    146,95 kr.

    Alpha werewolf, crime boss, and secret Seer Bashir Bain is neck-deep in negotiating a marriage of convenience with a neighboring alpha when a tense situation goes from bad to worse. A job applicant at one of Bash's businesses-a guy who was supposed to be a simple ex-cop, ex-con tattoo artist-suddenly turns up undead.A rogue newborn vampire would have been a big wrench in Bash's plans even without his attraction to the man. After all, new vampires are under their sire's control, and Ethan Lambert doesn't even know who turned him. When Bash spares his life, he opens himself up for mutiny, a broken engagement, and an unexpected-and risky-relationship.Ethan just wants a fresh start after being released from prison. Before he can get it, he'll need to turn private investigator to find out who sired him and what he wants. And he'd better do it quick, because the moon is full, and according to Bash's prophecy, life and death hang in the balance.

  • af Kim Fielding
    118,95 kr.

    When interstellar smuggler Haz Taylor loses his ship, his money, and his tattered reputation, drinking himself to death on a backwater planet seems like his only option. Then the Coalition offers him a contract to return a stolen religious artifact. Sounds simple enough, but politics can be deadly—and the artifact’s not enthusiastic about being returned. Haz didn’t sign up to be prisoner transport, but he’s caught between a blaster and hard vacuum. Still, that doesn’t mean he can’t show his captive some kindness. It costs him nothing to give Mot the freedom to move about the ship, to eat when he’s hungry… to believe that he’s a person. It’s only until they reach Mot’s planet. Besides, the Coalition would hate it, which is reason enough.Then he finds out what awaits Mot at home, and suddenly hard vacuum doesn’t look so bad. Haz is no hero, but he can’t consign Mot to his fate. Somewhere under the space grime, Haz has a sliver of principle. It’s probably going to get him killed, but he doesn’t have much to live for anyway….

  • af Amy Lane
    118,95 kr.

  • af Shannon Yarbrough
    128,95 kr.

    First Toby loses his job. Then his father dies. When Toby returns to his small hometown to bury him, he discovers evidence of a lifelong affair--a shameful secret Toby can't let go. But unraveling the truth leads him deep into a nest of intrigue, gossip--and murder.

  • af Elle E. Ire
    133,95 kr.

  • af Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James
    153,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    133,95 - 164,95 kr.

  • af Ariel Tachna
    198,95 kr.

    When Victor and his grad student, Jordan, travel to Peru, they're looking for the Philli-philli, a possibly mythical guardian, not love--especially since they can't date each other. But when they meet local guide T'ukri, they may find more than they were looking for....

  • af Amy Lane
    188,95 kr.

    Vor langer, langer Zeit wurde Felix Salinger bei seinem ersten Taschendiebstahl erwischt, und Danny Mitchell half ihm zu entkommen. Die beiden waren unzertrennlich ... bis sie sich trennten. Zwanzig Jahre nach dieser ersten Begegnung kehrt Danny nach Chicago zurück, in die Stadt, in der er mit Felix und ihrer perfekten Familie gelebt hat, um ihn erneut zu retten. Felix' Nachrichtensender - der schuld an ihrer Trennung war - steht durch eine skrupellose Mitarbeiterin, die schwere Anschuldigungen gegen Felix erhebt, unter Beschuss. Eine offizielle Untersuchung könnte ihr Kartenhaus zum Einsturz bringen. Der einzige Weg, Felix' Unschuld zu beweisen, besteht darin, ihren bisher größten Betrug durchzuführen. Doch obwohl Felix sein Talent für Gaunereien nicht verloren hat, ist das Wiedersehen mit Danny bittersüß. Ihre zehnjährige Trennung hat in beiden Herzen Löcher hinterlassen, die keine noch so große Diebesbeute füllen kann. Eine Gruppe junger, unerfahrener Diebe steht ihnen zur Seite, während sie mit alten Juwelen handeln und gegen neue Bedrohungen kämpfen, um den perfekten Raub durchzuziehen. Die schwierigste Aufgabe wird allerdings sein, zu beweisen, dass die Liebe das einzig Wertvolle ist, das sie je besessen haben.

  • af K.L. Hiers
    145,95 kr.

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