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  • af Josy Marty-Dufaut
    246,95 kr.

    (Ref. 8403) will be available in early summer. We also offer a another album on the kitchen at that time in the Norman worlds: Normandy kingdom Anglo-Norman, Norman Sicily but also Denmark and Iceland. It will appear in the month of April.

  • af Damien Bouet
    275,95 kr.

    L'auteur, archeologue, dirige actuellement en Normandie la reconstitution d'un bateau viking. Dans cet ouvrage, il retrace l'evolution de ce type de navires a clins depuis les plus anciens prototypes (Hjortspring) jusqu'aux derniers modeles (Roskilde), avec de nombreux plans.

  • - Le Siege Au Jour Le Jour
    af Christophe Gilliot
    166,95 kr.

    The authors present a version of the Battle of Orleans that Joan of Arc was the main actor, based on several essential sources. These give a picture overnight what was this terrible battle. Discussed here: the political context, the situation of the city, military science of the time, as well as biographies of French and English captains present at the battle.

  • af George Bernage
    148,95 kr.

    French Language

  • - 1831-1962, Une Histoire Par l'Uniforme De La leGion eTrangeRe
    af Mongin Jean Marie & Jouineau Andre
    248,95 kr.

    TEXT IN FRENCH From the Capture of Algiers to the disbanding of the REP, through the Carlist Wars in Spain, Camerone, the Great War, Bir-Hakeim or Indochina, this book retraces the history of the most famous corps in military history over the last two centuries.

  • - Avec Wilhelm Mohnke
    af Thomas Fisher
    168,95 kr.

    Fighting in Berlin from the perspective of a Berliner.

  • - FallschirmjaGer Sur Tous Les Fronts
    af Franz Kurowski
    116,95 kr.

    This book presents the history of the famous Major Witzig, born on August 14, 1916, aspiring officer on April 1, 1935, head of the engineering section of the Fallschirm-Infantry Battalion in August 1938, with which he captured Fort Eben-Emael at dawn on May 10, 1940, capturing 1,200 soldiers with his 55 paratroopers.

  • af Alain Millet
    424,95 kr.

    Located at an isolated house on the cliffs of Bruneval, near Le Havre, the German radio site was considered to be responsible for the loss of many British bombers. It became very important that the receiver was destroyed as it gave the Germans early warning of any Allied ships and aircraft approaching the coast of Western Europe.

  • - La Vie Quotidienne Au Xve Siecle
    af Georges Bernage & Harald Mourreau
    148,95 kr.

    The moment you step over the threshold of the great door at Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle, you find yourself in a whole new world: the Middle Ages. Cross the lower Courtyard with its inn, forge and mill, then climb the spiral stairways leading to the Lord's furnished apartments.

  • af Jean-Charles Stasi
    267,95 kr.

    English text: Tuesday, June 6, 1944, 130,000 Allied troops landed in Normandy. Among them were 177 French soldiers. While the number may appear small at first glance, the symbolic significance is immense. These men, who fought against the Nazi occupation have now been able to return to their homeland, with their weapons in hand, nearly four years after being forced to leave. This group of French solders belong to the commandos, an elite corps created by Churchill after the costly evacuation of Dunkirk. At their head is Philippe Kieffer, a banker of 40 years whose enthusiasm and persistence finally convinced the British to accept these French soldiers into their shock troops. However, "commando Kieffer's" success in Operation Overlord is not merely symbolic. It is on this fateful day--D-Day--that the French Green Berets will achieve, at the expense of heavy losses, all of their objectives, which includes taking of the Ouistreham casino that had been transformed by the Germans into a heavily fortified bunker. Illustrated with numerous photographs, maps, drawings and graphics that immerse the reader into the heart of the action, this book provides a detail accounting of the extraordinary journey experienced by the "177," from their rigorous training in Britain until the last raids in early 1945.

  • af Georges Bernage
    224,95 kr.

    June 6, 1944. In the gray light of dawn the landing craft carrying the assault wave of two US divisions as well as the Engineers and the Rangers, advanced toward the beach that was their assigned objective, code-named Omaha.

  • - Juin 1943 - Septembre 1944, Face Aux DeBarquements Allies En Italie Et En Provence
    af Luc Braeuer
    765,95 kr.

    Les Alliés s'étant rendus maîtres de toute l'Afrique du Nord en mai 1943, la mission des U-Boote en Méditerranée change. Désormais, ils doivent protéger la « forteresse Europe » face aux futurs débarquements alliés. Cinq sous-marins partent contre le débarquement allié en Sicile en juillet 1943, qui n'est cependant pas stoppé.

  • - 6-15 Juin 1944
    af Georges Bernage
    248,95 kr.

    6 juin 1944, deux divisions a¿port¿ am¿caines sont largu¿ ¿¿est de la Presqu¿¿ du Cotentin. L¿une d¿elles, la 101st Airborne Division, a pour mission d¿ouvrir les sorties de plages pour la 4th Infantry Division qui va d¿rquer sur Utah Beach mais aussi de d¿ger les passages sur la Douve, au sud, au milieu des marais pour atteindre et prendre Carentan, petite ville situ¿au coeur de cette zone aquatique mais aussi carrefour strat¿que permettant la jonction avec la t¿ de pont d¿Omaha Beach. Prendre Carentan, c¿est r¿ir les forces am¿caines, un ¿ec isolerait dangereusement les forces ayant pris pied dans le Cotentin. Les Allemands sont num¿quement surclass¿mais un r¿ment d¿¿te, les paras du Fallschirmj¿r-Regiment 6 de von der Heydte, se trouve ¿roximit¿t monte en ligne face ¿a 101e. Ce sera alors un combat acharn¿ntre paras am¿cains et paras allemands, dans le secteur de Saint-C¿me-du-Mont puis devant Carentan. Les paras du 502 PIR attaquent la chauss¿ avec de lourdes pertes puis sur la ferme Ingouf. C¿est enfin le mythique combat du ¿ carr¿e choux ¿. Submerg¿ans Carentan, v¿table ¿ Cassino ¿ normand, von der Heydte d¿oche dans la nuit du 11 au 12 juin, avant la contre-attaque allemande du 13 men¿avec la ¿ G¿tz ¿. C¿est un ¿ec, la bataille est finie. Les Am¿cains ont assur¿a jonction entre les deux t¿s de pont. Cet ouvrage tr¿document¿uit ces op¿tions mal connues, jour par jour avec de nombreux t¿ignages et des documents exceptionnels.

  • - Les MeMoires De Guerre D'Andre Courval
    af Christian Kermoal
    246,95 kr.

    Trois évasions (Cherbourg, Carteret et Jersey), deux crashs, des blessures, une désertion, une fuite de 7 000 kilomètres à travers l'Afrique pour retrouver le combat: la guerre d'André Courval dans les Forces aériennes françaises libres est une perpétuelle aventure.

  • - Mai-Juin 1940
    af Jean-Yves Mary
    971,95 kr.

    11 novembre 1918. La victoire inachevée... La France croit avoir gagné la guerre, elle n'a gagné qu'une paix précaire. Ce constat dramatique est le point de départ d'un long chemin de croix qui va mener inexorablement le pays, vers le dénouement de juin 1940.

  • - Presse, LitteRature Et Gastronomie Lyonnaises 1930-1950
    af Jean-Bernard Frappé
    320,95 kr.

  • - Depuis 1949
    af Gérard Paloque
    514,95 kr.

  • - Au coeUr d'Une Mission Du Korvettenkapitan Teddy Suhren
    af Lawrence Paterson
    434,95 kr.

    From an amazing collection of photographs, found in the underwater base of the U-boats of Brest at the end of the war, and remained hidden until recently in a shoebox, this unique book traces the complete history of a U-boat's missions during the summer of 1942. The submarine in question, U-564, features the famous pattern "three black cats" of "Teddu Suhren" which, with Prien and Kretschmer, was one of the great commanders of U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic. This remarkable book provides a unique perspective on both the day by day life on a U-boat and the intricate workings of the German Navy. Through the successes and trials of U-564, the reader is taken through this huge naval battlefield; perhaps one of the most important theaters of the Second World War.

  • af Phillippe Corve
    72,95 kr.

    French Language

  • - Gestapiste Normand
    af Lecouturier Yves
    206,95 kr.

    TEXT IN FRENCH Face au peloton d'execution qui allait le fusiller le 17 aout 1946 a 7 h 05 a Alencon, Bernard Jardin, tres pale, prononcait d'une voix assez faible ses derniers mots: " Vive le national socialisme ", puis avant que les balles ne fusent, il ajoutait " Et vive la France quand meme ".

  • - Le Commandant Rebelle A Bord De L'U-515
    af Luc Braeuer
    365,95 kr.

    After spending four years in the Merchant Navy discovering the world and its pleasures, Werner Henke entered the Reichsmarine as an officer cadet in 1934.

  • - 911-1066
    af Georges Bernage
    166,95 kr.

    Though the Vikings are remembered in popular culture as savage, helmeted barbarians, their impact on history and contribution to the expansion of civilisation suggests that they were far more than the heavy handed brutes of the Medieval world.

  • af Francois De Lannoy
    750,95 kr.

    A huge photograph collection concentrating on Panzer troops in World War ll. Most of the photographs are previously unpublished and are accompanied by detailed captions and an authoratative narrative.

  • af Pigeard Alain
    1.240,95 kr.

  • - 1798
    af Marquis Lionel
    484,95 kr.

  • af Descombes Christian
    290,95 kr.

    L'histoire de la premi¿ Porche, la 356, de sa cr¿ion en 1948 ¿a fin de la production en 1965.

  • - Avec Carl Emmermann, Dans Les CariBES, Au Cap Et a Rio
    af Braeuer Luc
    365,95 kr.

    When U-172, commanded by Carl Emmermann left Kiel on 22 April 1942, the second lucky period for German submarines was ending with the Americans setting up convoys along their coast. From the beginning of the conflict, the means of fighting submarines brought in to play by the Allies, had increased considerably : development of on-board radar, increased numbers of escorts and planes, decrypting submarine radio messages, etc. As a result, combat conditions had seriously deteriorated on the German side. However, from May 1942 to September 1943, Carl Emmermann¿s U-172 sank 26 ships during combat patrols, and thus overtook the 150 000-ton figure of Allied shipping destroyed. U-172 was thus 15th of all the U-Boote which had obtained the best results, an exceptional result considering the period in the war. First of all because this submarine went to areas which were especially distant where successwas still possible: the Caribbean for the first mission; the Cape in South Africa for the second where it took part in a surprise attack in a zone where no U-Boot had ever strayed until then; the centre of the Atlantic for its third mission where two convoys were chased in a pack right up to the African coast; the coast of Brazil for the fourth where it was the only one out of seven U-Boote engaged to return. The captain was an good officer and much liked by his men: members of a crew attached to their CO who held on to them preciously from one mission to the next. At the end of his 4th combat mission, Carl Emmermann was the 25th commanding officer of the submarine arm to be awarded the Knights Cross with oak leaves. He accepted a land posting and became the head of the 6th Flotilla at Saint-Nazaire at the beginning of November 1943. U-172 which had already survived 12 air and sea attacks, left on its 6th and last patrol. Without its charismatic captain and in even more difficult combat conditions, it was sunk 21 days after it left. The access the author, a U-Boot specialist, had to Emmermann¿s photos preserved in the U-Boot-Archiv and to several photos taken by Helmut Berndt, the war correspondent, enabled the book to illustrate this particular captain¿s surprising patrols with 250 exceptional unpublished photos. Thanks to the translation of the log book, to the eye-witness account by Captain Emmermann himself and the patrol sketches, you can follow U-172 on its missions across distant oceans¿

  • - Leibstandarte Et Das Reich
    af Tiquet Pierre
    365,95 kr.

    Assault guns were the first armoured vehicles in Waffen SS divisions to be used at the beginning of their military history. This first volume presents Abteilung ¿Sch¿nberger¿ from the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, in the frontline since 1941 which became SS StuG-Abteilungen ¿LSSAH¿, and in which a young tank commander ¿ Michael Wittmann ¿ began to distinguish himself. We follow the unit during all its engagements. Still in 1941, SS-StuG-Batterie ¿Reich¿ engaged in Operation Barbarossa, was the embryo of 2 SS-Panzer-Division assault gun group of the ¿Das Reich¿ which we also see in operations. We watch the evolution and the engagement of the first two Waffen-SS Divisions¿ assault artillery groups with their histories, eye-witness accounts and numerous photographs, most of which are as yet unpublished, including some superb photos of vehicles, as is usual in the books by Pierre Tiquet. Other volumes will follow presenting the assault gun units from the other Waffen-SS divisions.

  • - L'eCriture Des Anciens Germains_runes Vikings& Traditions Runiques
    af Pollington Stephen
    347,95 kr.

    Provides a plethora of theories as well as a novel analysis of Runes craved during the German Iron Age.

  • af Michel Esteve
    596,95 kr.

    This exceptional book highlights the role and difficulties of the crews who served this mythical tank. The technical pitfalls and solutions by the designers are explained and the different combat methods developed by the allies are detailed. This book exhaustively lists the equipment, the engines and the generated models. Includes an exceptional iconography, including color plates, materials and markings. Cet ouvrage d¿exception met en avant le r¿le et les difficult¿des ¿ipages qui ont servi ce char mythique. Les ¿eils techniques et les solutions trouv¿ par les concepteurs sont expliqu¿, les diff¿ntes m¿odes de combat mises au point par les alli¿sont d¿ill¿. L¿ouvrage liste de fa¿ exhaustive les ¿ipements, les motorisations et les mod¿s engendr¿ Une iconographie exceptionnelle, dont des planches couleurs, des mat¿els et marquages.

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