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"With a signature 'DARE to keep kids off drugs' slogan and iconic t-shirts, DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) was the most popular drug education program of the 1980s and 1990s. But behind the cultural phenomenon is the story of how DARE and other antidrug education programs brought the War on Drugs into schools and ensured that the velvet glove of antidrug education would be backed by the iron fist of rigorous policing and harsh sentencing. Max Felker-Kantor has assembled the first history of DARE, which began in Los Angeles in 1983 as a joint venture between the police department and the unified school district. By the mid-1990s, it was taught in 75 percent of school districts across the United States. DARE received near-universal praise from parents, educators, police officers, and politicians and left an indelible stamp on many millennial memories. But the program had more nefarious ends, and Felker-Kantor complicates simplistic narratives of the War on Drugs and shows how policing entered US schools and framed drug use as the result of personal responsibility, moral failure, and poor behavior deserving of punishment rather than something deeply rooted in state retrenchment, the abandonment of social service provisions, and structures of social and economic inequality"--
In the early seventeenth century, Virginia's Chesapeake region saw the emergence of a multiracial society centered around the profitable tobacco industry. While Native Americans, free and enslaved Africans, and Europeans coexisted and interacted, a hierarchical order formed with a small elite planting class, led by Governor William Berkeley, wielding power over land, labor, and governance. Seeking to form a coalition of dissatisfied elites and marginalized individuals, Nathaniel Bacon, a newcomer to the Virginia colony, led a rebellion against Berkeley and his supporters.In this game, students assume the roles of the elite loyalists to Governor Berkeley and the rebellious supporters of Nathaniel Bacon. Engaging in debates, conspiracies, and simulated acts of resistance, students will strive to shape the future governance of the Virginia colony, determining which group emerges as the ruling class and which group will be relegated to the lower rungs of colonial society.
"This collection of original essays reveals the richness and dynamism of contemporary scholarship on the Civil War era. Inspired by the lines of inquiry that animated the writings of the influential historian Gary W. Gallagher, this volume includes nine essays by leading scholars in the field who explore a broad range of themes and participants in the nation's greatest conflict, from Indigenous communities navigating the dangerous shoals of the secession winter to Confederate guerrillas caught in the legal snares of the Union's hard war to African Americans pursuing landownership in the postwar years. Essayists also explore how people contested and shaped the memory of the conflict, from outright silences and evasions to the use of formal historical writing. Other contributors use comparative and transnational history to rethink key aspects of the conflict. The result is a thorough examination of Gallagher's scholarly legacy and an assessment of the present and future of the Civil War history field. Contributors are William A. Blair, Peter S. Carmichael, Andre M. Fleche, Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh, Caroline E. Janney, Peter C. Luebke, Cynthia Nicoletti, Aaron Sheehan-Dean, and Kathryn J. Shively"--
In this masterful work of family-focused sociology, Lois Benjamin considers the lives of Pennie and Roscoe James and their children, revealing how a large, close-knit African American family with humble origins in a small town of North Carolina is shaped by the contours of its religious and ethical value system. Despite the challenges of daily experiences, the James elders transmitted values to their children that provided them with the resources to thrive and the resilience to meet adversity. The James children recount their personal, unique perspectives on how faith, familial solidarity, and savvy entrepreneurship led to their continued generational success. Benjamin uses a blend of ethnographic and qualitative methods to place the James family's experiences in broader historical context. In doing so, she shows that the family's values of compassion, empathy, and communitarian and enterprising spirit offer hope in this polarized society.
The study of nineteenth-century American literature has long been tied up with the study of American democracy. Just as some regions in the United States are elevated to stand in for the whole nation?New England is a good example?D. Berton Emerson argues the same is true for American literature of the nineteenth century; a few canonical texts overrepresent the more motley history of American letters. Emerson examines an eclectic group of literary texts that have rarely, if ever, been considered representative of "the nation" because of their unseemly characters or plots, divergence from dominant literary trends of the era, or local particularity. These are his "literary misfits," authors and texts that show different forms of egalitarianism in action that existed outside and even against the dominant liberal narratives of American democracy.Emerson's unique contribution is revealing these texts and the people they represent as rich with political knowledge. This knowledge, he argues, finds its most potent expression in the local. Such texts show us a different kind of democratic politics: one that is egalitarian, disorderly, and radical rather than homogeneous.
"Country music maintains a special, decades-long relationship to American military life, but these ties didn't just happen. This readable history reveals how country music's Nashville-based business leaders on Music Row created partnerships with the Pentagon to sell their audiences on military service while selling the music to service members. Beginning in the 1950s, the military flooded armed forces airwaves with the music, hosted tour dates at bases around the world, and drew on artists from Johnny Cash to Lee Greenwood to support recruitment programs. Over the last half of the twentieth century, the close connections between the Defense Department and Music Row gave an economic boost to the white-dominated sounds of country while marginalizing Black artists and fueling divisions over the meaning of patriotism. This story is filled with familiar stars like Roy Acuff, Elvis Presley, and George Strait, as well as lesser-known figures: industry executives who worked the halls of Congress, country artists who dissented from the stereotypically patriotic trappings of the genre, and more. Joseph M. Thompson argues convincingly that the relationship between Music Row and the Pentagon helped shape not only the evolution of popular music but also race relations, partisanship, and images of the United States abroad"--
"Vast flower beds and large summer vegetable gardens are many southern gardeners' pride and joy. But gardening on a large scale isn't - and doesn't need to be - for everyone. In an era when many people would like to grow plants but are challenged by time, space, and lack of other resources, this concise, easy-to-use guide introduces southern gardeners to the art, craft, and science of growing plants in containers and in small spaces. Through friendly, engaging text and beautiful, inspiring photographs, Barbara Ellis demonstrates how to create container and small-space gardens that can withstand southern heat and humidity while still looking gorgeous all season long. Written for gardeners of all ages and experience levels, this book will inspire southerners to add containers brimming with flowers, herbs, vegetables, or a mix of all things green to every yard, garden, and terrace. Features plants that everyone can grow throughout the southeast, with suggestions for overwintering tender plants indoors or replacing them annually. Covers key plant-care basics, including options on container selection, potting mediums, seasonal care, pest and disease control, and more. Identifies plants that support butterflies, hummingbirds, and pollinators. Offers comprehensive lists to help readers select the best plant options for their sites and objectives. Gives advice for readers on tight budgets and on how to create attractive containers from found materials. "--
Americans often assume that slave societies had little use for prisons and police because slaveholders only ever inflicted violence directly or through overseers. Mustering tens of thousands of previously overlooked arrest and prison records, John K. Bardes demonstrates the opposite: in parts of the South, enslaved and free people were jailed at astronomical rates. Slaveholders were deeply reliant on coercive state action. Authorities built massive slave prisons and devised specialized slave penal systems to maintain control and maximize profit. Indeed, in New Orleans?for most of the past half-century, the city with the highest incarceration rate in the United States?enslaved people were jailed at higher rates during the antebellum era than are Black residents today. Moreover, some slave prisons remained in use well after Emancipation: in these forgotten institutions lie the hidden origins of state violence under Jim Crow.With powerful and evocative prose, Bardes boldly reinterprets relations between slavery and prison development in American history. Racialized policing and mass incarceration are among the gravest moral crises of our age, but they are not new: slavery, the prison, and race are deeply interwoven into the history of American governance.
When Michael Ramos enlisted in the Navy and was assigned to serve as a chaplain's bodyguard thirteen days before 9/11, he had no idea he would soon be sent to Iraq. But he embraced the posting, combat service, and career for a decade, until, at age thirty-four, the military told him his skill set was no longer relevant. Through divorce and remarriage, his son's choice to enlist in the Marines, the loss of friends to war and suicide, and his inability to sleep or rest, Michael struggled with the return to civilian life, and particularly with civilian attitudes toward veterans.In twenty-four concussive, embodied, and nonlinear essays, Michael creates a challenging and complex portrait of what it means to be a warrior, civilian, veteran, father, husband, and teacher?for he ultimately uses the skills he developed in the military to help others find meaning in their lives. While this may sound like a redemption story, it is instead a brutally honest portrayal that refuses easy answers and seeks to help other war veterans realize they're not alone as they search for their place in the world.
In this theory-rich study, Shelby Johnson analyzes the works of Black and Indigenous writers in the Atlantic World, examining how their literary production informs "modes of being" that confronted violent colonial times. Johnson particularly assesses how these authors connected to places-whether real or imagined-and how those connections enabled them to make worlds in spite of the violence of slavery and settler colonialism. Johnson engages with works written in a period engulfed by the extraordinary political and social upheavals of the Age of Revolution and Indian Removal, and these texts-which include not only sermons, life writing, and periodicals but also descriptions of embodied and oral knowledge, as well as material objects-register defiance to land removal and other forms of violence.In studying writers of color during this era, Johnson probes the histories of their lived environment and of the earth itself-its limits, its finite resources, and its metaphoric mortality-in a way that offers new insights on what it means to imagine sustainable connections to the ground on which we walk.
Today, the mention of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego conjures images of idyllic landscapes untouched by globalization. Creatures of Fashion upends this, revealing how the exploitation of animals?terrestrial and marine, domesticated and wild, living and dead?was central to the region's transformation from Indigenous lands into the national territories of Argentina and Chile. Drawing on evidence from archives and digital repositories, John Soluri traces the circulation of furs and fibers to explore how the power of fashion stretched far beyond Europe's houses of haute couture to entangle the fates of Indigenous hunters, migrant workers, and textile manufacturers with those of fur seals, guanacos, and sheep at the "end of the world."From the nineteenth-century rise of commercial hunting to twentieth-century sheep ranching to contemporary conservation-based tourism, Soluri's narrative explains how struggles for control over the production of commodities and the reproduction of animals drove the social and environmental changes that tied Patagonia to global markets, empires, and wildlife conservation movements. By exposing seams in national territories and global markets knit together by force, this book provides perspectives and analyses vital for understanding contemporary conflicts over mass consumption, the conservation of biodiversity, and struggles for environmental justice in Patagonia and beyond.
Renowned human rights activist Michael ?Mike? Wilson has borne witness to the profound human costs of poverty, racism, border policing, and the legacies of colonialism. From a childhood in the mining town of Ajo, Arizona, Wilson's life journey led him to US military service in Central America, seminary education, and religious and human rights activism against the abuses of US immigration policies. With increased militarization of the US-Mexico border, migration across the Tohono O'odham Nation surged, as did migrant deaths and violent encounters between tribal citizens and US Border Patrol agents. When Wilson's religious and ethical commitments led him to set up water stations for migrants on the Nation's lands, it brought him into conflict not only with the US government but also with his own tribal and religious communities.This richly textured and collaboratively written memoir brings Wilson's experiences to life. Joining Wilson as coauthor, José Antonio Lucero adds political and historical context to Wilson's personal narrative. Together they offer a highly original portrait of an O'odham life across borders that sheds light on the struggles and resilience of Native peoples across the Americas.
Este libro reune la colaboracion de tres importantes escritores, asi como la de dieciseis destacados investigadores, en torno a la obra del escritor mexicano Mario Bellatin.
En este libro, el autor vuelca los resultados de su investigacion de cinco anos sobre las posiciones politicas de la prensa tradicional en Brasil frente a los dos lideres populares mas importantes de su historia: Getulio Vargas y Lula da Silva.
Sociologia de las emociones en Carlos Marx tiene por objetivo hacer explicita la existencia de una sociologia de las emociones en la obra de Marx y presentar a partir de ello una perspectiva mas compleja e indeterminada de su vision teorica y epistemica.
Hallazgo y traduccion de poesia chilena es una coleccion de escrituras que traza mas de cincuenta anos de la carrera de Dave Oliphant, aficionado y traductor de la gran tradicion de la poesia de Chile.
La estrategia critica del presente libro disena e introduce una compleja red de lecturas que lleva la "absoluta modernidad" del poeta chileno Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948) hasta el horizonte de su absoluta futuridad.
La configuracion de nuevas identidades en la frontera sur de California resulta un tema urgente y relevante a causa de los numerosos conflictos sociales que presupone. Estos conflictos se hallan exacerbados a raiz de la notable crisis economica que atraviesa la region. Este hundimiento en un deterioro tanto economico como moral sequira aqudizandose y realzando, por lo tanto, la importancia dde escuchar a las voces que "normalmente" son excluidas de los discursos sociales hegemonicos. Estas historias minimas, suceden, en su gran mayoria en Latinoamerica; pero claramente, revelan como la vida cotidiana en "Nuestra America" se encuentra retorcida por el peso del Imperio.Tal vez en el entretejido de estas Otras voces pueda encontrarse algun rastro de explicacion para la ruina que contamina a gran parte de los segmentos de la vida social de la frontera sur Californiana. Por otra parte en el desplegarse de estas Otras voces oimos y visualizamos las experiencias vitales de aquellas identidades que entran en conflicto con los modelos delineados por las industrias culturales y la publicidad. Leer sus testimonios es percibir el eco de las voces que mas profundamente configuran nuestras identidades sociales fronterizas; aquellas que la omnipresente industria massmediatica desdibuja y distorsiona.
El tango nacio en los arrabales de un Buenos Aires dinamico y en pleno auge economico, entre immigrantes europeos y criollos todavia en busca de una identidad nacional. Este libro, de Andrea Matallana, ofrece un analisis detallado y bien documentado de esa historia fascinante del tango, desde sus humildes inicios en la capital argentina hasta su universalizacion por el cine de Hollywood en el primer tercio del siglo XX.
For over two decades Subcommander Marcos has acted as military leader and spokesperson of Mexico's Zapatista movement. In doing so he has also become a key figure in the anti-capitalist and anti-globalization movements. This book explores the political-philosophical currents Marcos was exposed in his early years and examines the extent to which these persisted in his thinking in later years.
Del Internet a las calles: YoSoy132, una opcion alternativa de hacer politica surge como una necesidad doble: reflexionar sobre el uso y el manejo de las redes sociales en las acciones colectivas planeadas por YoSoy132 y otros movimientos globales, es decir, analizar la relacion y la interdependencia entre el ciberactivismo y el activismo tradicional.
El movimiento obrero y las izquierdas son parte de la historia de America Latina. Casi no existen dimensiones de la sociedad, la economia, la politica, la cultura o el campo intelectual de la mayoria de los paises del subcontinente que puedan comprenderse sin la intervencion de alguno de estos dos actores.
Expone la contribucion de Jorge Manach (1898-1961) a la teoria del arte cubano, mediante el examen de Historia y estilo (1944), contentivo de cuatro textos: "La Nacion y la formacion historica", "Esquema historico del pensamiento cubano", "El estilo de la revolucion" y "El estilo en Cuba y su sentido historico".
El movimiento obrero y las izquierdas son parte de la historia de America Latina. Casi no existen dimensiones de la sociedad, la economia, la politica, la cultura o el campo intelectual de la mayoria de los paises del subcontinente que puedan comprenderse sin la intervencion de alguno de estos dos actores.
Desde la decada de los sesenta hasta el presente, varios estudios han analizado las formaciones discursivas que conforman la razon latinoamericana. Los ensayos del presente volumen se limitan al espacio mas estrecho - aunque igualmente desafiante - de los Andes, una categoria que, aun hoy, estamos lejos de definir univocamente.
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