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  • af Jordi Ortiz
    138,95 kr.

    What would you do if somebody told you it was possible to time travel? The Olympic Games of Greece is the third book in THE TIME EXPLORERS series which mixes comic book dialogues with an adventure novel for children, and it's full of colorful illustrations. Each book will take you on a fascinating journey through time with the main characters Victor, Christina, Seldon, and Ibis. Throughout the novel, readers will come across some questions which will allow them to discover incredible fun facts about ancient civilizations. For this, they will have to use the time-traveling clock (included in the book) to decipher the page number hidden behind the red background. In The Olympic Games of Greece, the Time Explorers will go back to 556 BC to visit the city of Olympia while the Olympic Games are being held. For this mission, they will have to get the golden wreath of Hercules, even though nobody knows if this object actually existed or if it only is a mere legend. Will they manage to complete the mission before Eternal Maleficent stops them? Check out all the extra material for this book collection in our website!

  • af Sophie McKenzie
    154,95 kr.

    What if everything you thought you knew about your life was a lie? "Chica desaparecida" is the bestselling mystery young adult novel in Spanish by writer Sophie McKenzie, having sold over 1,000,000 copies. Lauren is adopted and eager to learn more about her mysterious past. But when she discovers that she might have been kidnapped from her family as a baby, suddenly her life seems like a lie. Could her adoptive parents be responsible for her abduction? Fleeing her family to uncover the truth, Lauren's journey leads her closer and closer to danger, realizing that someone wants to prevent her from discovering what really happened when she was a baby. "Chica desaparecida" is the first book released by the queen of young adult thrillers, Sophie McKenzie, and is a must-read for readers yet to discover this modern classic. "You won't be able to stop reading." -- The Independent "It will keep you gripped for hours." -- Sunday Express "Please read this book: it's brilliant!" -- The Guardian "Brilliantly described, terrifying, and emotional." -- The Daily Mirror

  • af Miguel Ángel Saura
    122,95 kr.

    This is the third volume of the ILLUSTRATED HISTORY series, the ideal collection to learn history while having fun. The text is full of amusing illustrations and visual jokes that help children understand the historical facts that are narrated more easily. Find out who the Greeks were, their most famous figures and their religion, as well as which of their contributions to art, culture, or politics are still present nowadays. The ancient Greeks were the most awesome traders and sailors on the Mediterranean Sea. Their culture was so important that it laid the foundation for everything that would happen in Europe afterward, and they made unmatchable contributions like inventing democracy and pioneering the Olympic Games. Find out who Alexander the Great was, how the famous Trojan War and the Battle of the Three Hundred were fought, what the great Wonders of the Ancient World were-the Oracle of Delphi, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, and the statue of Zeus in Olympus-and how the Greeks influenced the entire Western world with their sculpture, theatre, and architecture.

  • af Sarah Dass
    154,95 kr.

    Inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion, "Adonde te lleve el ritmo" is a captivating young adult romantic novel in Spanish about first love and second chances. Seventeen-year-old Reyna has spent most of her life at the Plumeria, the magnificent hotel her family owns on the coast of Tobago. But what once seemed like paradise now feels like purgatory. It has been two years since Reyna's mother passed away, and also two years since Aiden, her childhood best friend, her first kiss, her first love, and her first everything, left the island to pursue his musical dreams. Reyna's friends are planning their futures and moving abroad. Even her father seems ready to move on, leaving her alone to try to keep the Plumeria running. And it's at this moment that Aiden re-enters her life as a VIP guest at the hotel. Aiden is now one-third of DJ Bacchanal, the hottest musical group around. While Reyna has stayed exactly where he left her, Aiden has returned to Tobago with his Grammy-nominated group and two beautiful girls from high society in Los Angeles. And maybe he is (or maybe he isn' t) dating one of them...

  • af Jordi Ortiz
    138,95 kr.

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: ¿ Qué harí as si te dijeran que es posible viajar por el tiempo? Las olimpiadas de Grecia es el tercer libro en españ ol de la colecció n Los Exploradores del Tiempo, ilustrada a todo color y que combina diá logos de có mic con novela de aventuras para niñ os de entre 9 y 12 añ os. Cada libro nos permite disfrutar de un fascinante viaje por el tiempo de Ví ctor, Cristina, Celoni e Ibis, los protagonistas. Los lectores encontrará n algunas preguntas que permiten descubrir curiosidades histó ricas sobre antiguas civilizaciones. Para hacerlo, tendrá n que usar el Reloj del Tiempo, incluido en el libro, para descifrar el nú mero de pá gina que se oculta tras un fondo de color rojo y así poder viajar por el tiempo para descubrir curiosidades histó ricas increí bles. En Las olimpiadas de Grecia, los Exploradores del Tiempo visitará n la Olimpia del añ o 556 a. C. durante la celebració n de los Juegos Olí mpicos. Para esta misió n, tendrá n que tratar de hacerse con la corona de oro de Heracles, aunque nadie sabe si dicho objeto existió de verdad o no es má s que una leyenda. ¿ Será n capaces de completar su misió n antes de que Malé fico Durador les pare los pies?

  • af Miguel Ángel Saura
    122,95 kr.

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Este es el tercer volumen de la colecció n Historia Ilustrada, ideal para aprender historia de forma amena y divertida. El texto está acompañ ado de simpá ticas ilustraciones y bromas visuales que ayudan a los niñ os y niñ as a comprender mejor los hechos histó ricos que se narran. Descubre quié nes fueron los griegos, sus grandes personajes o su religió n, así como cuá les de sus aportaciones al arte, la cultura o la polí tica siguen vigentes en la actualidad. Los antiguos griegos fueron los má s espectaculares mercaderes y navegantes del Mediterrá neo. Su cultura fue tan importante que sentó las bases de todo lo que tendrí a lugar en Europa desde entonces, con aportaciones tan importantes como la invenció n de la democracia o de los Juegos Olí mpicos. Descubre quié n fue Alejandro Magno, có mo se desarrollaron la famosa guerra de Troya o la batalla de los trescientos, cuá les fueron las grandes maravillas de la Antigü edad, como el orá culo de Delfos, el faro de Alejandrí a o la estatua de Zeus en Olimpia, y có mo influyeron a todo Occidente con su escultura, su teatro y su arquitectura. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL.

  • af Editorial el Pirata
    98,95 kr.

    It's Time to Take a Bath is an interactive bath book for babies aged 0 to 36 months, featuring magic color-changing ink and a squeaker. When the pages are splashed with water, children will discover a bunch of sea animals. Bath time will become a magic color-changing show! This stimulating story is perfect for accompanying babies in the bathtub because: - The magic color-changing ink stimulates the curiosity and imagination of babies. - High-contrast colors promote play, engagement, and fun during bath time. - The squeaker on the cover helps improve auditory cognition for the child. The book is waterproof and made with completely safe materials for babies. Let the pages dry and play with it again and again! The size of the book (5 ¹ /8 x 5 ¹ /8 in) is perfect for little hands. The ideal gift for babies aged 0 to 36 months. Find out other books for babies by Editorial el Pirata: - Let's Go to Sleep, Little Sheep - Who's hiding? - My First Baby Books - Three Interactive Books for Little Ones - Bit by Bit I Learn More and I Grow Big - Books for Babies Giftpack

  • af Jose Sender
    146,95 kr.

    Goldilocks lived with her granny in the Woods, and she found the three bears' house one day. She tried to get in, and discovered that she could. >The classic tale Goldilocks comes alive in this book! Fantastic and fun full-color illustrations accompany the story, which has rhyming text. Goldilocks is a traditional Scottish tale, documented in 1837 by Robert Southey. Rhymed Fairy Tales collection: -Peter and the Wolf. -The Three Little Pigs. -Goldilocks and the Three Bears. -The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.

  • af Alberto Casamayor
    163,95 kr.

    Nunca el baloncesto habí a sido tan divertido. Conoce a los Canastones, el equipo de bá squet má s insó lito que puedas imaginar: aunque los Canastones está n muy lejos de ser el mejor equipo, su amistad y humor inunda sus novelas. Canastones es una colecció n sobre baloncesto con mucho humor, protagonizada por un grupo de chicos y chicas de nueve añ os que van al mismo colegio. ¡ No hace falta ser un experto en baloncesto para disfrutar con las disparatadas aventuras de Joel y sus amigos! Todas las pá ginas tienen ilustraciones en color y se incluyen diá logos en bocadillos de có mic. El ritmo de la lectura es trepidante y lleno de humor. Se recomienda para niñ os y niñ as de 8 a 11 añ os. En El torneo de bá squet soñ ado, Joel y su mejor amigo, Bermú dez, van a tener que ponerse las pilas si pretenden aprobar Educació n Fí sica este añ o, porque su nuevo profesor, el coach Evans, es má s estricto que un sargento. Ha llegado la hora de ponerse en forma y, para ello, no se les ocurre nada mejor que... ¡ formar su propio equipo de baloncesto y ganar un campeonato! Algo que, sin duda, serí a mucho má s sencillo si alguno de los variopintos miembros del equipo tuviera la menor idea de jugar al bá squet.

  • af Alberto Casamayor
    163,95 kr.

    "Basketball has never been so much fun! Meet the Super Hoopers, the most unusual basketball team you can imagine. Although the Super Hoopers are far from being the best team, their friendship and fun-filled adventures fill their novels. The Super Hoopers is a series about basketball with lots of humor, starring a group of nine-year-old boys and girls who go to the same school. You don't need to be a basketball expert to have the time of your life with Joel and his awesome group of friends. All pages feature colorful illustrations and include dialogue in comic-style speech bubbles. The story is fast-paced and full of humor. It is recommended for children aged 8 to 11. In The Basketball Tournament of Dreams, Joel and his best friend, Bermâudez, will have to step up their game if they want to pass Physical Education this year because their new teacher, Coach Evans, is stricter than a sergeant. It's time to get in shape, and to do that, they come up with the brilliant idea of... forming their own basketball team and winning a championship! Something that would undoubtedly be much easier if any of the diverse team members had the slightest clue about playing basketball."--

  • af Barbara Pietruszczak
    213,95 kr.

    Pubertad positiva para chicas es un libro sobre la pubertad femenina. Lleno de sensibilidad y empatí a, está recomendado para chicas de entre ocho y doce añ os. Es cuerpopositivo por las siguientes razones: - Enfatiza lo que se puede hacer gracias al cuerpo, no có mo se ve. - Ayuda a construir un lenguaje positivo y sensible hacia una misma y su cuerpo. Proporciona informació n accesible y de confianza que ayuda a entender los cambios relacionados con la primera menstruació n y el periodo de la pubertad. En este fascinante libro descubrirá s los siguientes temas: ¿ qué es la pubertad?; ¿ qué cambia?; có mo hacerte má s fuerte; ¿ có mo te ves a ti misma?; tu cuerpo por debajo del ombligo; la primera regla; ¿ có mo cuidarte durante la pubertad?; ¿ cuá ndo termina?; ¿ por qué tu cuerpo es tu casa? Libro seleccionado para el prestigioso catá logo White Ravens 2022, publicado por la Biblioteca Internacional de la Juventud, el centro de investigació n sobre libros infantiles má s grande de Europa. Libro ganador del premio Lokomotywa 2021 en la categorí a Fakt (Hechos), que reconoce los libros de divulgació n cientí fica que despiertan y alimentan la curiosidad sobre el mundo.

  • af Barbara Pietruszczak
    218,95 kr.

    Pubertad positiva para chicos es un libro lleno de empatí a y conocimiento sobre la pubertad y las emociones recomendado para chicos entre ocho y doce añ os. ¡ Con historias reales! Es positivo para el cuerpo por las siguientes razones: - Proporciona informació n de confianza y accesible que ayuda a entender los cambios relacionados con la pubertad. - Enfatiza la conexió n entre el cuerpo y las emociones. - Ayuda a construir un lenguaje positivo hacia uno mismo y su cuerpo. ' Pubertad positiva para chicos es una guí a perfecta sobre lo que sucede en el cuerpo, los sentimientos y la autoestima de un chico en pleno desarrollo. Es un libro extremadamente importante y necesario para tu hijo o nieto' (Andrzej Gryzewski, sexó logo, psicoterapeuta y autor superventas).

    103,95 kr.

    Es la hora del bañ o es un libro interactivo para bebé s de 0 a 36 meses, con tinta má gica de colores para la bañ era. Los niñ os descubrirá n un montó n de animales marinos cuando mojen las pá ginas con agua. ¡ Convierte la hora del bañ o en un espectá culo de colores! Un cuento estimulante perfecto para acompañ ar a los bebé s en la bañ era porque: - La tinta má gica de colores que aparece al mojarlo estimula la curiosidad y la imaginació n de los bebé s. - Los colores en alto contraste fomentan el juego, la participació n y la diversió n a la hora del bañ o. - El objeto sonoro de la cubierta ayuda a mejorar la cognició n auditiva del niñ o. El cuento está plastificado y hecho con materiales totalmente seguros para bebé s. ¡ Si se deja secar, se puede jugar con é l una y otra vez! El tamañ o del cuento, 13 x 13 cm, es perfecto para las manos má s pequeñ as. El regalo ideal para bebé s de 0 a 36 meses. Descubre má s libros para bebé s de Editorial el Pirata: - A dormir, Ovejita - ¿ Quié n se esconde? - Mis primeros cuentos de bebé Tres cuentos interactivos para los má s pequeñ os - Mis primeras palabras - Minilibros para jugar y aprender

    183,95 kr.

    Let's Go to Sleep, Little Sheep is an interactive cloth book for babies aged 0 to 36 months that will accompany the baby at bedtime. It includes a plush little sheep sewn into the spine with a fabric ribbon. Each illustration features a pocket where the baby can tuck in the plush sheep. Babies will love helping Little Sheep get ready for bed! Follow Little Sheep's bedtime routine! Join her as she has dinner, takes a bath, says goodnight to her favorite plush toy, and goes to sleep. In each scene, the child can place the sheep in its corresponding spot and imitate its movements. This book is perfect for improving the baby's motor skills, as well as fostering imagination and language skills. The book is made of very soft velvet-textured fabric that is completely safe for babies. It can also be hand-washed. The size of the book (5 ¹ /8 x 5 ¹ /8 in) is perfect for little hands. The ideal gift for babies aged 0 to 36 months. Find out other books for babies by Editorial el Pirata: - Who's hiding? - It's Time to Take a Bath - My First Baby Books - Three Interactive Books for Little Ones - Bit by Bit I Learn More and I Grow Big - Books for Babies Giftpack

    173,95 kr.

    Who's Hiding? is an interactive fabric book for babies aged 0 to 36 months, featuring three flaps inside for little ones to play and discover animals. It is a stimulating story perfect for babies, as it includes: - Crinkly paper on the outside and inside to enhance the child's auditory cognition. - A mirror to promote self-awareness and visual observation for the baby. - Three flaps for sensory interaction, aiding in the development of the baby's motor skills. The book is made of soft fabric, completely safe for babies, and can be hand-washed. It also includes a fabric strip sewn into the spine, without Velcro, for hanging the book on a stroller, car seat, or playmat. The size of the book (5 ¹ /8 x 5 ¹ /8 in) is perfect for little hands. The ideal gift for babies aged 0 to 36 months. Find out other books for babies by Editorial el Pirata: - Let's Go to Sleep, Little Sheep - It's Time to Take a Bath - My First Baby Books - Three Interactive Books for Little Ones - Bit by Bit I Learn More and I Grow Big - Books for Babies Giftpack

  • af Lisette Morival
    183,95 kr.

    Las vacaciones de verano acaban de comenzar cuando Juliette y su madre vuelan hacia Parí s. Aunque hubiera preferido pasar sus tardes en la piscina de su amiga Gina, Juliette está bastante contenta de contemplar la ciudad desde lo alto de la Torre Eiffel, pasear en barco por el rí o Sena, ir de compras a las Galeries Lafayette... ¡ y trabar amistad con cuatro chicos! Sin embargo, en los má s tenebrosos tú neles subterrá neos de la Ciudad de la Luz, la adolescente vivirá una aventura terrorí fica. Juliette en Parí s es un divertido có mic recomendado a partir de 9 añ os. Es el segundo volumen de la serie Juliette, adaptació n oficial de la famosa saga literaria canadiense creada por Rose-Line Brasset. En la misma colecció n: - Juliette en Nueva York.

  • af Jordi Ortiz
    173,95 kr.

    What would you do if somebody told you it was possible to time travel? The Expeditions of the Vikings is the second book in THE TIME EXPLORERS collection which mixes comic book dialogues with a historical novel for children, and it's full of colorful illustrations. Each book will take you on a fascinating journey through time with the main characters Victor, Christina, Seldon and Ibis. Throughout the novel, readers will come across some questions which will allow them to discover incredible fun facts about ancient civilizations. For this, they will have to use the time-traveling clock (included in the book) to decipher the page number hidden behind the red background. In The Expeditions of the Vikings, the Time Explorers will go back to 980 to visit the Vikings in Iceland. This time, they have to obtain a silver brooch that king Harald II of Norway gave to Erik the Red, the explorer who founded the first Viking settlement in Greenland. But Eternal Maleficent will try to stop them once again... And you, do you want to become a Time Explorer? Once you finish the book, complete the Explorer's Test and you will obtain the object recovered in each book in the collection.

  • af Miguel Ángel Saura
    138,95 kr.

    This is the second volume of the collection HISTORY FOR KIDS, the ideal collection to learn history while having fun. The text is full of amusing illustrations and visual jokes that help children understand the historical facts that are narrated more easily. Find out who the Vikings were, their most famous figures, their religion, what their towns looked like, how they built their famous warships, and all the most remarkable historical facts. The Vikings dominated the north of Europe for centuries, they traveled to the American continent way before Columbus did, and they were feared and admired by all the civilizations that surrounded them. From their first attack in England to the foundation of Iceland and Greenland, find out how the Vikings became one of the most famous people in the Middle Ages. Meet Ragnar Lodbrok, Erik the Red, the warrior queen Lagertha, and an endless number of historic figures that forged the Scandinavian civilizations through great battles and conquests. If you want to know more about ancient civilizations through fiction books, don't hesitate to check out The Time Explorers collection!

  • af Miguel Ángel Saura
    143,95 kr.

    This is the first volume of the collection HISTORY FOR KIDS, the ideal collection to learn history while having fun. The text is full of amusing illustrations and visual jokes that help children understand the historical facts that are narrated more easily. Find out who the Romans were, their most famous figures, their religion, how their society was built, the role of women, and all the most remarkable historical facts. The Romans were the greatest rulers of ancient times, and they dominated the Western world for more than two thousand years. From the foundation of the city of Rome to the fall of Constantinople, find out how this famous civilization from the past expanded their empire throughout Europe and part of Africa and Asia. Meet the twins Romulus and Remus, Julius Caesar, Marcus Antonius, Nero, and the endless historic figures who forged the Roman civilization through great battles and conquests. If you want to know more about ancient civilizations through fiction books, don't hesitate to check out The Time Explorers collection!

  • af Jordi Ortiz
    173,95 kr.

    What would you do if somebody told you it was possible to time travel? The Legions of Rome is the first book in THE TIME EXPLORERS collection which mixes comic book dialogues with a historical novel for children, and it's full of colorful illustrations. Each book will take you on a fascinating journey through time with the main characters Victor, Christina, Seldon and Ibis. Throughout the novel, readers will come across some questions which will allow them to discover incredible fun facts about ancient civilizations. For this, they will have to use the time-traveling clock (included in the book) to decipher the page number hidden behind the red background. In The Legions of Rome, the Time Travelers will visit Ancient Rome to try to obtain a roman eagle, the most well-protected emblem of the Roman legions! But they will come across some unexpected events... Will they be able to complete the first mission? And you, do you want to become a Time Traveler? Once you finish the book, complete the Explorer's Test and you will obtain the object recovered in each book in the collection. Stick it on the collection's poster! Will you manage to get all the objects lost in time?

  • af Jordi Ortiz
    163,95 kr.

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: ¿Qué harías si te dijeran que es posible viajar por el tiempo? Las legiones de Roma es el primer libro de la colección Los Exploradores del Tiempo en español, ilustrada a todo color y que combina diálogos de cómic con novela histórica para niños de entre 9 y 12 años. Cada libro nos permite disfrutar de un fascinante viaje por el tiempo de Víctor, Cristina, Celoni e Ibis, los protagonistas. Los lectores encontrarán algunas preguntas que permiten descubrir curiosidades históricas sobre antiguas civilizaciones. Para hacerlo, tendrán que usar el Reloj del Tiempo, incluido en el libro, para descifrar el número de página que se oculta tras un fondo de color rojo y así poder viajar por el tiempo para descubrir curiosidades históricas increíbles. Al final de cada libro encontrarás tres secciones: -¡Que se sepa!: curiosidades explicadas por los personajes de la colección, sobre sí mismos o la época histórica a la que viajan. -¡Manos a la obra!: disfrutaremos de una receta de cocina para hacer en casa y de un juego ambientado en la época histórica. -¡Bibliocronohistorias!: personajes muy relevantes de la humanidad nos explicarán quiénes son y qué hicieron para lograr que aún los recordemos . En Las legiones de Roma, los exploradores del tiempo visitarán la antigua Roma para tratar de conseguir un águila romana, ¡el emblema más protegido de las legiones romanas! Pero se toparán con algunos imprevistos... ¿Serán capaces de completar su primera misión? Y tú, ¿quieres ser un Explorador del Tiempo? Una vez terminado el libro, supera el test de los exploradores y conseguirás el objeto que se ha recuperado en cada libro de la saga. ¡Pégalo en el póster de la colección! ¿Podrás obtener todos los objetos perdidos en el tiempo? Si superas el test, también podrás descargarte un fragmento digital de uno de los libros de la colección Historia para Niños. ¡Aprende más sobre cada civilización y conviértete en un crac de la historia! >LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAÑOL. _________________________________________ SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: What would you do if somebody told you it was possible to time travel? Las legiones de Roma is the first book in Los Exploradores del Tiempo collection which mixes comic book dialogues with a historical novel for children in Spanish, and it's full of colorful illustrations. Each book will take you on a fascinating journey through time with the main characters Victor, Christina, Seldon and Ibis. Throughout the novel, readers will come across some questions which will allow them to discover incredible fun facts about ancient civilizations. For this, they will have to use the time-traveling clock (included in the book) to decipher the page number hidden behind the red background. At the end of each novel in the collection, you will find three different sections: -Let it be known! Fun facts told by the book characters, about themselves or about the historic era they have travelled to. -Let's get to work! You will learn a new cooking recipe to follow at home and a game set in the historic era. -Bibliochronohistories! Some of the most significant figures in history will tell us who they are and what they did to become so relevant to our history. In The Legions of Rome, the Time Explorers will visit Ancient Rome to try to obtain a Roman eagle, the most well-protected emblem of the Roman legions! But they will come across some unexpected events... Will they be able to complete the first mission? ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.

  • af Miguel Ángel Saura
    124,95 kr.

    This is the first volume of the Historia para Niños collection, ideal for learning history in Spanish in a fun and entertaining way. In this book you'll learn who the Romans were: their religion, how their society was constituted, the role of women, and all the most notable historical facts. Meet the twins Romulus and Remus, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Nero, and countless other historical figures who forged Roman civilization through many battles and conquests.

  • af Jonathan Emmett
    173,95 kr.

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Los Robinson y la biblioteca pirata es un libro que se puede contar a niños y niñas de 3 años en adelante. También está especialmente recomendado para 7 años, cuando los niños y niñas empiezan a leer en letra de imprenta y necesitan libros motivadores y divertidos para su lectura. La familia Robinson tiene tantos libros que, cuando se va de vacaciones en barco, no puede decidir cuáles llevarse. ¡Así que se los llevan todos! Pero una tormenta les hace naufragar y terminan en una isla desierta. ¡Con ayuda de los libros, encuentran tanto la forma de sobrevivir como un tesoro pirata escondido! Desafortunadamente, a los piratas no les hace ninguna gracia que hayan desenterrado su apreciado botín. ¿Podrán escapar de las garras de los piratas usando solamente sus libros? ____________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Los Robinson y la biblioteca pirata is a book in Spanish that can be told to boys and girls ages 3 and up. It is also especially recommended for 7-year-olds, when boys and girls begin to read in print and need motivating and fun books to read. The Robinson family has so many books that when they go on a boating holiday, they can't decide which ones to take with them. So they take them all! But a storm makes them shipwreck and they end up on a deserted island. With the help of the books, they find both a way to survive and a hidden pirate treasure! Unfortunately, the pirates are not amused that their precious loot has been unearthed. Can they escape the pirates using only their books?

  • af Christine Battuz
    148,95 kr.

    Buenas noches, todos a dormir is a board book bedtime story for little hands. The story includes a moon that lights up for 30 seconds when pressed. Thus, it generates a warm atmosphere, ideal for going to sleep. The illustrations allow the little ones to clearly recognize the different animals: bears, frogs, rabbits, foxes, squirrels, birds, mice, and an owl. Batteries are included.

  • af Marta Costa
    108,95 kr.

  • af Nuria Cusso
    88,95 kr.

  • af Bernat Cusso
    188,95 kr.

  • af Anna Rayo
    301,95 kr.

  • af Clara Cunha
    395,95 kr.

  • af Assumpta Mercader & Josep Carrasco
    136,95 kr.

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