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Bøger udgivet af Editorial Nuevo Mundo

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  • af Gray Barker
    298,95 kr.

    Gray Baker's Newsletter was a leading forum for personal experiences relating to UFOs, psychic abilities, ghosts and hauntings, cryptozoology, alternative medicine, and Fortean phenomena for a devoted readership worldwide. This title is an authentic reproduction of the Gray Baker's Newsletter for July, 1980. Great, butunpretentious, this issue is an extraordinarily rare symbol of what was going on in those early years of the modern UFO phenomena. Cover illustration of VonKevicsky addressing the House of Lords' Select Committee on UFOs. Main topics in this issue: A conversation with VonKevicsky, Philadelphia Experiment, the Iranian UFO Battle, the Dero and the Tero, Mystery of Coral Castle, and many more. This book has been formatted from its original newspaper size to a letter size for publication. IMPORTANT, although we have attempted to maintain the integrity of the issues accurately, the present reproduction could have minor errors and poor pictures due to the age of the original scanned copy. Please copy and paste the link for our books:

  • af Mel Noel
    228,95 kr.

    The Mel Noel flying saucer experience had a considerable impact on Ufology. As an experienced pilot and a public figure, Noel's sighting added a significant voice to the growing discourse on UFOs. His account also instigated renewed interest in investigating UFO sightings, contributing to the expansion of the field of Ufology during the 1960s.This book is a facsimile reproduction of the original: THE MEL NOEL STORY. THE INSIDE STORY OF THE U.S. AIR FORCE SECRECY ON U.F.O.'S published in 1967. IMPORTANT,even though we have attempted to maintain the integrity of the original work, the present facsimile reproduction may have missing letters and blurred pages, poor pictures due to the age of the original scanned copy. This magazine has been formatted from its original version for publication. This is a rare and hard-to-find title, and it is almost impossible to get a copy. An essential reference for any serious ufologist. Great, but unpretentious, this issue is an extraordinarily rare symbol of what was going on in those early years of the modern UFO phenomena.Please, copy and paste the link for our books: ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

  • af Hudsepth Directory Company's
    478,95 kr.

    Very rare and hard to find these days. IThis title makes a very nice coffee table book. Discover who resided in Roswell, New Mexico, at the dawn of the Atomic Age. Three years later, in 1947, Roswell Army Air said that they had "come into possession" of a flying saucer. The story ran in the Roswell Daily Record and on the internet. Hours later, the US Air Force in Fort Worth would release a puzzling denial, claiming that everything had been a mistake and that a weather balloon had been mistaken for an exotic, unknown aircraft! Roswell Army Air Field was known as the Roswell Army Flying School in 1943-44 in the Hudspeth City Directory for this year) as it was just before the seed was set that would permanently link Roswell's name with the enigma of UFOs and BallardFuneral Home. Home gets a line here, and the Roswell Daily Record gets a full-page ad. Several coincidences will attract the reader when reading this phone book: Geo P. Knapp, an ancestor of paranormal and UFO investigative researcher George T. Knapp, lived in Roswell. And the Fire Chief was a man named R. C. Chrisman, who was related to the legendary Fred Crisman of the Maury Island UFO incident? We will leave it up to the reader to find more coincidences! This book is a facsimile reproduction of the original Hudsepth Directory Company's ROSWELL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 1943-44. This is an uncommon and difficult-to-find title, and obtaining a copy is nearly impossible. A must-have resource for any serious ufologist. Please copy and paste the following link into your browser: https: //

  • af Richard S. Shaver & Alfred Steber
    243,95 kr.

  • af Richard S. Shaver
    243,95 kr.

    This title is scarce and hard to find these days. Shaver Mystery Magazine originally was published by the Shaver Mystery Club. This newsletter published the first printed stories on UFOs and was a major forum for debates about the occult, Forteans, and Lemurians. As Ray Palmer promoted it: "dedicated to the further study of the hidden truths as presented in the fact-fiction stories by Richard S. Shaver..." In essence, the Shaver Mystery is a collection of stories in which Shaver claimed to have discovered proof of an evil humanity inunderground caverns. Shaver portrayed an alien race that resided in Earth's caverns before escaping, leaving behind two distinct populations of offspring: the "Teros," a benevolent group of humanoids, and the "Deros," or "detrimental robots," a vile race who tormented and devoured humans. The Deros were especially brutal to women. The tales encouraged the establishment of Shaver Mystery Clubs. This magazine has been formatted from its original version for publication. Please, copy and paste the link for our books:

  • af Richard S. Shaver
    243,95 kr.

    This title is scarce and hard to find these days. Shaver Mystery Magazine originally was published by the Shaver Mystery Club. This newsletter published the first printed stories on UFOs and was a major forum for debates about the occult, Forteans, and Lemurians. As Ray Palmer promoted it: "dedicated to the further study of the hidden truths as presented in the fact-fiction stories by Richard S. Shaver..." In essence, the Shaver Mystery is a collection of stories in which Shaver claimed to have discovered proof of an evil humanity in underground caverns. Shaver portrayed an alien race that resided in Earth's caverns before escaping, leaving behind two distinct populations of offspring: the "Teros," a benevolent group of humanoids, and the "Deros," or "detrimental robots," a vile race who tormented and devoured humans. The Deros were especially brutal to women. The tales encouraged the establishment of Shaver Mystery Clubs. This magazine has been formatted from its original version for publication. Please, copy and paste the link for our books:

  • af Richard S. Shaver
    243,95 kr.

    This title is scarce and hard to find these days. Shaver Mystery Magazine originally was published by the Shaver Mystery Club. This newsletter published the first printed stories on UFOs and was a major forum for debates about the occult, Forteans, and Lemurians. As Ray Palmer promoted it: "dedicated to the further study of the hidden truths as presented in the fact-fiction stories by Richard S. Shaver..." In essence, the Shaver Mystery is a collection of stories in which Shaver claimed to have discovered proof of an evil humanity in underground caverns. Shaver portrayed an alien race that resided in Earth's caverns before escaping, leaving behind two distinct populations of offspring: the "Teros," a benevolent group of humanoids, and the "Deros," or "detrimental robots," a vile race who tormented and devoured humans. The Deros were especially brutal to women. The tales encouraged the establishment of Shaver Mystery Clubs. This magazine has been formatted from its original version for publication. Please, copy and paste the link for our books:

  • af R. Connell
    298,95 kr.

    Geraldine Dorothy Cummins(1890-1969) was anIrishspiritualistmedium. She was an exponent of automatic writingand the author of the spiritualist bookThe Road to Immortality (1932), in which she communicated from the spirit world by the psychical researcherFrederic William Henry Myers. She is most well known for her bookSwan on a Black Sea(1965), which accounts for her conversations with the spirit of Mrs. Willett (the spiritualist name of the medium Winifred Coombe Tennant). In Healing the Mind, the author published a series of medical cases to illustrate a method of investigation and treatment of psychological disorders that has not yet been applied. The method employs the use of extra-sensory perception. This faculty of the mind is now recognized and accepted under the abbreviated title of E.S.P. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original work. This title is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. IMPORTANT Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and markings. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This title is an authentic reproduction published by Geraldine Cummins & R. Connel as authors of HEALING THE MIND. How Extra-Sensory Perception can be used in the Investigation and Treatment of Psychological Disorders published in 1957. This work is an exact reproduction of this title reprinted as facsimile edition. Please, copy and paste the link for our books at:

  • af Richard S. Shaver
    243,95 kr.

    This title is scarce and hard to find these days. Shaver Mystery Magazine originally was published by the Shaver Mystery Club. This newsletter published the first printed stories on UFOs and was a major forum for debates about the occult, Forteans, and Lemurians. As Ray Palmer promoted it: "dedicated to the further study of the hidden truths as presented in the fact-fiction stories by Richard S. Shaver..." In essence, the Shaver Mystery is a collection of stories in which Shaver claimed to have discovered proof of an evil humanity in underground caverns. Shaver portrayed an alien race that resided in Earth's caverns before escaping, leaving behind two distinct populations of offspring: the "Teros," a benevolent group of humanoids, and the "Deros," or "detrimental robots," a vile race who tormented and devoured humans. The Deros were especially brutal to women. The tales encouraged the establishment of Shaver Mystery Clubs. This magazine has been formatted from its original version for publication. Please, copy and paste the link for our books:

  • af Gray Barker
    423,95 kr.

    A rare and hard-to-find title these days. This title Gray Baker's Newsletter was a leading forum for personal experiences relating to UFOs, psychic abilities, ghosts and hauntings, cryptozoology, alternative medicine, and Fortean phenomena for a devoted readership worldwide. This title is an authentic reproduction of theGray Baker's Newsletter no 6 for April, May, June, February, 1976. Great, but unpretentious, this issue is an extraordinarily rare symbol of what was going on in those early years of the modern UFO phenomena. Cover illustration:James W. Moseley on a balance while Walter Andrus, Director of MUFON, watched. This book has been formatted from their original version for publication. IMPORTANT, although we have attempted to maintain the integrity of the issues accurately, the present reproduction could have blurred pages andpoor pictures due to the age of the original scanned copy. This publication makes an excellent nonconventional Coffe Table Book Letter Size._ Please copy and paste the link for our books: https: //

  • af Michael X
    188,95 kr.

    In The World Secret of Fatima, published in 1962, Michael X explored the Fatima message.In the prologue of this book he pointed out that: "The Fatima message unveils the great Secret of Beingness. That is why it can help you, me, and every one of earth's 3 billion souls... now. For it teaches all of us that there exists in this universe One Law whichno man can ever outwit, for it is the Law of Being. It has three parts. (1) Be a Life Spirit, (2) Do Love all of Life, and (3) Hav¿ wisdom, knowingness and the Truth." .This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors due to the aging of the pages.Because this book is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve andpromote knowledge in the world. 'This title was originally published in 1962. Please,visit our site at:

  • af William Dudley Pelley
    363,95 kr.

    Star Guest .. Design for Morality By William Dudley Pelley. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and markings. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This title was originally published in 1950. William Dudley Pelley (March 12, 1890 - June 30, 1965) was an American writer, spiritualist and political activist. He came to prominence as a writer, winning two O. Henry Awards and penning screenplays for Hollywood films. His 1929 essay "Seven Minutes in Eternity" marked a turning point in Pelley's career, earning a major response in The American Magazine where it was published as a popular example of what would later be called a near-death experience. In May 1928, Pelley gained notoriety when he claimed he had an out-of-body experience in which he travelled to other planes of existence devoid of corporeal souls. He described his experience in an article titled "My Seven Minutes in Eternity", published in book form in 1933 as Seven Minutes in Eternity: With the Aftermath, originally probably appearing in The American Magazine in the late 1920s. In later writings, he described the experience as "hypo-dimensional". He wrote that during this event, he met with God and Jesus, who instructed him to undertake the spiritual transformation of America. He later claimed that the experience gave him the ability to levitate,and have out-of-body experiences at will. Pelley's belief is what he called "Soulcraft". Soulcraft is the study of the great cosmic principles on which the universe is run; the mystical history of Man on this planet; the significance of the Great Avatar, Christ, in human destiny; the fundamental principle of the deathlessness of the human soul and human personality; the program by which each soul is permitted to experience as many mortal lives as it desires. Copy and paste the link for our books: TABLE OF CONTENTS: To ResumeWhat is Spirit?Station-Stop PlanetsThe Great AbominationSalvation Makes SenseThe Rage of FelinesOn into WisdomWhere Doctrine Came FromDiscarding FearMore About Earthly Return

  • af Hans Stefan Santesson
    308,95 kr.

  • af Cheiro The Palmist
    223,95 kr.

  • af Gordon Willard Allport
    363,95 kr.

  • af Gray Barker
    423,95 kr.

  • af Mountai Telephone and Telegraph Company
    308,95 kr.

  • af Aleuti Francesca
    363,95 kr.

  • af Brinsley Le Poer Trench
    308,95 kr.

  • af Thomas George Allen
    248,95 kr.

  • af H. Spencer Jones
    298,95 kr.

  • af John Stuart
    423,95 kr.

  • af Lawrence J. Tacker
    328,95 kr.

  • af C. J. S. Thompson
    428,95 kr.

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