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Bøger udgivet af Elsevier Health Sciences

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  • af John E. Hall
    287,95 kr.

    The Guyton and Hall Physiology Review is the ideal way to prepare for class exams as well as the physiology portion of the USMLE Step 1. More than 1,000 board-style questions and answers allow you to test your knowledge of the most essential, need-to-know concepts in physiology. Includes thorough reviews of all major body systems, with an emphasis on system interaction, homeostasis, and pathophysiology.Designed as a companion to the 13th edition of Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, highlighting essential key concepts and featuring direct page references to specific questions.Provides essential information needed to prepare for the physiology portion of the USMLE Step 1.

  • af David Meagher
    499,95 kr.

    Problem-Based Psychiatry is a comprehensive resource covering the key principles of evidence-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment of the full range of psychiatric disorders. The text is highly engaging and interactive. It offers a unique patient-centred, multidisciplinary perspective, taking students through a series of narratives designed to prompt deeper understanding and learning. Ideal for medical students and educators alike, this text will also be a valuable resource for doctors engaged in postgraduate training in psychiatry and other medical disciplines, as well as for the range of allied mental health professionals.Access to this product, which may be at the discretion of your institution, is up to 3 years of online and perpetual offline access. Elsevier reserves the right to restrict or remove access due to changes in product portfolio or other market conditions.26 chapters designed for individual teaching sessions. Evidence-based treatment options for all major psychiatric disorders and presentations, including autism spectrum disorders, PTSD, gender dysphoria and schizophrenia. Problem-based format allows for learning in a real-world, practical context. Narratives and scenario-based learning to promote deep understanding. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

  • af Jonathan Spratt
    628,95 kr.

    BMA Book Awards - Winner of Basic and Clinical Sciences category! The perfect up-to-date imaging guide for a complete and 3-dimensional understanding of applied human anatomy Imaging is ever more integral to anatomy education and throughout modern medicine. Building on the success of previous editions, this fully revised sixth edition provides a superb foundation for understanding applied human anatomy, offering a complete view of the structures and relationships within the whole body, using the very latest imaging techniques. All relevant imaging modalities are included, from plain radiographs to more advanced imaging of ultrasound, CT, MRI, functional imaging and angiography. Coverage is further enhanced by a carefully selected range of BONUS electronic content, including clinical photos and cases, ultrasound videos, labelled radiograph ''slidelines'', cross-sectional imaging stacks and test-yourself materials. Uniquely, key syllabus image sets are now highlighted throughout to aid efficient study, as well as the most common, clinically important anatomical variants that you should be aware of. This superb package is ideally suited to the needs of medical students, as well as radiologists, radiographers and surgeons in training. It will also prove invaluable to the range of other students and professionals who require a clear, accurate, view of anatomy in current practice. Fully revised legends and labels and new high-quality images-featuring the latest imaging techniques and modalities as seen in clinical practice Covers the full variety of relevant modern imaging-including cross-sectional views in CT and MRI, angiography, ultrasound, fetal anatomy, plain film anatomy, nuclear medicine imaging and more - with better resolution to ensure the clearest anatomical views Core syllabus image sets now highlighted throughout-to help you focus on the most essential areas to excel on your course and in examinations Unique summaries of the most common, clinically important anatomical variants for each body region-reflects the fact that around 20% of human bodies have at least one clinically significant variant New orientation drawings-to help you understand the different views and the 3D anatomy of 2D images, as well as the conventions between cross-sectional modalities Ideal as a stand-alone resource or in conjunction with Abrahams'' and McMinn''s Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy-where new links help put imaging in the context of the dissection room Now a more complete learning package than ever before, with superb BONUS electronic enhancements embedded within the accompanying eBook, including: Labelled image ''stacks''-that allow you to review cross-sectional imaging as if using an imaging workstation Labelled image ''slidelines''-showing features in a full range of body radiographs to enhance understanding of anatomy in this essential modality Self-test image ''slideshows'' with multi-tier labelling-to aid learning and cater for beginner to more advanced experience levels Labelled ultrasound videos-bring images to life, reflecting this increasingly clinically practiced technique Questions and answers accompany each chapter-to test your understanding and aid exam preparation 34 pathology tutorials-based around nine key concepts and illustrated with hundreds of additional pathology images, to further develop your memory of anatomical structures and lead you through the essential relationships between normal and abnormal anatomy High-yield USMLE topics-clinical photos and cases for key topics, linked and highlighted in chapters

  • af Clive P. (Director Page
    354,95 kr.

    Since it was first published in 1958, Trounce''s Clinical Pharmacology has been the go-to resource for health professionals who prescribe as well as administer medications. Now in its nineteenth edition, the text has been fully updated to reflect the breadth and complexity of modern practice. The book provides everything the reader needs to know when becoming a prescriber. The text is organised by body system, making it easy to follow, and covers considerations for different patient categories as well as the management of pain, cancer and infection, substance abuse and complementary and alternative medicines. With a strong clinical orientation and written by practising clinicians, essential information is delivered in an engaging and friendly style that will ensure this book''s continued popularity with nurses and allied health professionals for many years to come. Easy navigation makes learning enjoyable Hot topics including cardiology, rheumatology and the use of targeted therapies in cancer keep the reader up to date Learning Objectives, Summary Boxes, Revision Tips and Hints make this suitable for exam preparation Updated to include discussion of the expanding role of professionals in prescribing drugs and latest changes in legislation and guidelines Extensive glossary for those new to prescribing

    998,95 kr.

    Since the first edition of Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine was published twenty years ago, there has been enormous change in the way emergency care is delivered. This has occurred both in countries where emergency medicine was originally developed and in those where its application was limited because of cost. Emergency medicine is now perceived as the cornerstone of response to acute illness regardless of resources. This fully revised Fifth Edition provides clear and consistent coverage of this constantly evolving specialty. Building on the success of previous editions it covers all the major topics relevant to the practice of emergency medicine. The book will prove invaluable to professionals working in this setting - including nurse specialists and paramedics - who require concise, highly practical guidance, incorporating the latest best practice and evidence-based guidelines. This edition comes with an enhanced electronic version with video and self-assessment content, providing a richer learning experience and making rapid reference easier than ever before, anytime, anywhere. A comprehensive textbook of adult emergency medicine for trainee doctors - covers all the problems likely to present to a trainee in the emergency department. Chapters are highly readable and concise - boxes summarise chapter key points and highlight controversial areas of treatment. The content is highly practical, clinically orientated and thoroughly updated in all the core subjects There have been major updates in topics such as airway, shock and sepsis where guidelines have changed rapidly. The imaging chapters have also evolved with changing practice and improved technology, to be concordant with evidence on the importance of image interpretation by emergency clinicians. There are major sections on other skills and issues of key importance to today''s advanced emergency medicine practitioner, such as staffing, overcrowding, triage, patient safety and quality measures. In addition, difficult topics such as death and dying, the challenging patient, ethics, giving evidence and domestic violence are covered. Governance, training, research and organisational subjects such as disaster planning and response, humanitarian emergencies and refugee medicine are included to give the reader a framework to understand the complexity of managing major emergency systems of care.

  • - Problems, Diagnosis and Management
    670,95 kr.

    Essential Surgery is well-established as one of the leading textbooks of surgery for medical students, core surgical trainees and those in professions allied to medicine. Covering general surgery, trauma, orthopaedics, vascular surgery, urology, paediatric surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery and ENT, it also incorporates appropriate levels of basic science throughout. The book is ideal to accompany clinical courses, as well as being a practical manual for readers at more advanced levels requiring a revision aid for exams. Its main aim is to stimulate the reader to a greater enjoyment and understanding of the practice of surgery.

  • af Allison Grant & Anne Waugh
    151,95 kr.

    Ross & Wilson Self-Assessment in Anatomy and Physiology is aimed at readers who are starting their study of human biology. Containing over 500 MCQs, this handy paperback will be ideal for students of nursing and allied health professions, biomedical and paramedical science, operating department practice, complementary therapy and massage therapy, as well as trainee Health Care Assistants and those studying A'' level or BTEC (or equivalent) human biology. Designed to be used as part of exam preparation, or just as a simple means of evaluating how far readers have got mastering a given topic, this handy paperback can be used by an individual student or by a group of students as a ready means to motivate and test each other. Although designed for use with Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, the book will be suitable for use with any foundation-level human biology textbook. Over 500 MCQs support revision and learning Ideal for individual use or in an informal group setting Perfect prior to exams and/or for use during ''placement breaks'' or ''on the move''!

  • - Adapted International Edition
    af Kevin T. Patton
    652,95 kr.

    Renowned for its clarity and accessibility of writing style, this popular volume explains the fundamental principles of human anatomy and physiology while exploring the factors that contribute to disease process. Rich with helpful learning features such as Mechanisms of Disease, Health Matters, Diagnostic Study, and Sport and Fitness, this volume has been fully updated to make full reference to European healthcare systems, including drugs, relevant investigations and local treatment protocols. The also book comes with an extensive website facility (which includes a wide array of helpful lecturer resources) and accompanying Brief Atlas of the Human Body and Quick Guide to the Language of Science and Medicine. Anatomy and Physiology, Adapted International Edition, will be ideal for students of nursing and allied health professions, biomedical and paramedical science, operating department practice, complementary therapy and massage therapy, as well as anyone studying BTEC (or equivalent) human biology. Unique `Clear View of the Human Body¿ allows the reader to build up a view of the body layer by layer Clear, conversational writing style helps demystify the complexities of human biology Content presented in digestible `chunks¿ to aid reading and retention of facts Consistent unifying themes, such as the `Big Picture¿ and `Cycle of Life¿ features, help readers understand the interrelation of body systems and how they are influenced by age and development Accompanying Brief Atlas of the Human Body offers more than 100 full-colour transparencies and supplemental images that cover body parts, organs, cross sections, radiography images, and histology slides Quick Guide to the Language of Science and Medicine contains medical terminology and scientific terms, along with pronunciations, definitions, and word part breakdowns for terms highlighted in the text Numerous feature boxes such as Language of Science and Language of Medicine, Mechanisms of Disease, Health Matters, Diagnostic Study, FYI, and Sport and Fitness provide interesting and important side considerations to the main text More than 1,400 full-colour photographs and spectacular drawings illustrate the most current scientific knowledge and help bring difficult concepts to life Quick Check Questions within each chapter help reinforce learning by prompting readers to review what they just read Chapter outlines, chapter objectives and study tips begin each chapter Outline summaries, review questions, critical thinking questions, and case studies are included at the end of each chapter Study Hints found throughout the text give practical advice to students about mnemonics or other helpful means of understanding or recall Connect IT! features link to additional content online to facilitate wider study Helpful Glossary and Anatomical Directions Ideal for students who are new to the subject, or returning to study after a period of absence, and for anyone whose first language is not English

    616,95 kr.

    From reviews of the previous edition: 'This new edition of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics was really very helpful when I was doing an MSc course in Advancing Pharmacy Practice and it was really very helpful in all the clinical diseases I have to read for my PBL. I also used it as one of my most reliable reference books for the in-course simulation ward rounds and other clinical case studies. It is a great book to have as a practising clinical or hospital pharmacist or even community pharmacist. It will also be of great use to anyone doing a course in pharmacotherapy. This book will always be of use to you throughout your studentship or when practising after graduation. It is also more portable than most other pharmacotherapy textbooks with the same amount of information.' Now in its sixth edition, this best-selling, multi-disciplinary textbook continues to draw on the skills of pharmacists, clinicians and nurses to present optimal drug regimens. The authors integrate an understanding of the disease processes with an appreciation of the pathophysiological processes, clinical pharmacy and the evidence base. Each chapter is co-written by a pharmacist and a clinician, and each chapter begins with key points and ends with cases to test understanding. The sixth edition is now on StudentConsult for the first time, giving online access to the full text.

  • af Andrew D Bersten
    1.007,95 kr.

    246,95 kr.

    Davidson's Assessment in Medicine is a collection of 1250 best-of-five multiple choice questions, arranged to correspond with the chapters of the Twenty-third Edition of Davidson's Principles and Practice. The questions follow the style used in many international undergraduate and early postgraduate exams. For each question the answers are accompanied by a short piece of remediation/ feedback with references back to the main textbook for further information

  • af Dennis R. Bailey
    711,95 kr.

    An issue that reviews the major areas of clinical interest in Dental Sleep - Sleep Bruxism; Oral Evaluation and Screening by the Dentist; the Neurologic Basis of Sleep Breathing Disorders; Sleep and Orofacial Pain; Cone Beam Imaging of the Airway; and, The Cervical Spine - Considerations and Treatment for Sleep Disordered Breathing.

  • - Techniques and Differential Diagnoses
    af Ruth Dennis
    584,95 kr.

    A user-friendly reference for a wide range of radiographic and ultrasonographic findings in dogs and cats. It enables successful interpretation of radiographs and ultrasonograms. It offers sequenced text arrangement from the identification of the radiographic or sonographic abnormalities to a list of subsequent considerations for each sign.

  • - A Guide for Optometrists, Contact Lens Opticians and Dispensing Opticians
    807,95 kr.

    Written by authors with years of experience in teaching optics and dispensing, this book gives an account of the field of spectacle and contact lens optics in relation to the clinical context. Aimed at students and student dispensing opticians, it contains examples and illustrations aimed at giving them help in understanding the practical issues.

  • af Mark A Jones
    612,95 kr.

    Clinical reasoning is a key skill underpinning clinical expertise. Clinical Reasoning in Musculoskeletal Practice is essential reading for the musculoskeletal practitioner to gain the contemporary knowledge and thinking capacity necessary to advance their reasoning skills. Now in its 2nd edition, it is the only all-in-one volume of up-to-date clinical reasoning knowledge with real-world case examples illustrating expert clinical reasoning.

  • af Bari M. (Formerly University Prosector Logan
    640,95 kr.

    Originally published as part of the McMinn anatomy atlas family, Head & Neck Anatomy remains the only large format photographic atlas of the human head and neck, incorporating outstanding dissections, osteology, radiographic and surface anatomy images. It is the ideal reference for study or exam review. The more complex dissections are accompanied by orientational artworks (so the user can locate the structure on the body) and the book incorporates notes and commentaries on every dissection. Reference lists and dental anaesthesia information are incorporated into appendices at the back of the book. This updated edition features heightened clinical relevance and an entirely new chapter on Imaging of the Head and Neck, reflecting the very latest modalities and techniques.. It also comes with the complete enhanced eBook for the first time. Increased clinical relevance - helps translate traditional anatomy into current clinical practice All new state-of-the-art clinical imaging - including: 3T MRI of the brain with tractographyCone-beam CT assessment of the jaws and middle ear Access to complete downloadable eBook version via Expert Consult (with the printed book)Bonus e-only clinical photographs and imaging Concise notes and commentaries for every dissectionDedicated dental section

  • af Philip D. (Chief Scientific Leader Marsh
    592,95 kr.

    Marsh and Martins'' Oral Microbiology continues to offer the essentials of oral microbiology in an easy-to-read, readily digestible format. Commencing with a description of the healthy mouth and the properties of the resident oral microbiota, the new edition of this popular textbook then explores the formation and consequences of plaque development, plaque-mediated disease, orofacial infection, antimicrobial agents and prophylaxis, orofacial fungal and viral infections, and the relationship between oral microbiota and systemic disease. The book is completed by a chapter on infection control. Each chapter is succinct and includes essential information in a concise format - thereby saving the reader valuable time. The book is presented with an abundance of tables, photographs and artworks to make the subject as engaging as possible - numerous ''Key Point'' boxes aid retention. Marsh and Martins'' Oral Microbiology is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students, research workers, and a wide range of clinical dental professionals.

  • af Peter (Dean of Studies Mole, Angela (Joint Principal of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine Hicks & John Hicks
    569,95 kr.

  • af Edward C. (Department of Medicine and Epidemiology Feldman
    1.042,95 kr.

    This book provides complete, current information on pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of endocrine, metabolic, and reproductive diseases in dogs and cats. It also discusses the importance of testing procedures in endocrine and reproductive diseases, as well as cost-effective and expedient diagnostic protocols.

  • af Joseph E. (President Emeritus Pizzorno
    497,95 kr.

    Written by leading authorities in complementary and integrative medicine, this convenient, quick-reference handbook provides clear and rational directives on diagnosing and treating specific diseases and disorders with natural medicine. You''ll get concise summaries of diagnostic procedures, general considerations, therapeutic considerations, and therapeutic approaches for 84 of the most commonly seen conditions, 12 of which are new to this edition, plus naturopathic treatment methods and easy-to-follow condition flowcharts. Based on Pizzorno''s trusted Textbook of Natural Medicine and the most current evidence available, it''s your key to accessing reliable, natural diagnosis and treatment options in any setting.

    1.217,95 kr.

    Focuses on operative surgery. This title is aimed at a broad readership: the candidate preparing for the Intercollegiate FRCS in General Surgery or international equivalents; and the trained surgeon faced, through necessity, with undertaking an infrequently performed procedure.

  • af Clare (Lecturer and Programme Leader Stephenson
    368,95 kr.

    Suitable for all complementary medicine, massage therapy and manual therapy practitioners and students alerting them to 'red flag' symptoms, this title offers guidance on how best to respond to those symptoms and signs of disease which can be readily discerned through routine history taking and basic examination of the body.

  • af Signe J. (Director Plunkett
    752,95 kr.

    Suitable for those working as a solo doctor in an emergency practice, this title presents the recommendations for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It offers diagnostic testing regimens; therapeutic recommendations including analgesia and nutritional support; and, revisions and expansions of the toxicologic emergencies.

  • - A Clinical Approach
    af Christine E Thomson
    473,95 kr.

    Suitable for those with an interest in the functional, applied anatomy and clinical dysfunction of the nervous system in animals, this title offers an overview of the anatomical arrangement of the nervous system, basic embryological development, microscopic anatomy and physiology.

  • - Chinese and Western Systems of Ear Acupuncture
    af Terry (Chair Oleson
    783,95 kr.

    A guide to the practice of Chinese and Western systems of ear acupuncture. It utilizes 3-D models of the external ear, as well as 3-D anatomical images, to demonstrate the somatotopic relationship between parts of the body and specific regions of the auricle. It offers evaluation of the theoretical and clinical underpinnings of auriculotherapy.

  • af Carolyn (Clinical Director Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Clinic of Portland McMakin
    604,95 kr.

    Describes the origins, mechanisms, beneficial applications and practical details of frequency specific therapy - a treatment technique that uses frequencies, micro amperage current and the principles of biological resonance to treat pain and a wide range of medical conditions.

  • - Functional Assessment, Myofascial Trigger Points and Meridian Relationships
    af Joseph (Professor of Post-Graduate Medicine Shafer
    496,95 kr.

    Explains testing procedures for almost 100 individual muscles; many are found in other texts on the subject. This book reviews muscle anatomy and physiology, and offers many clinical pearls with regard to possible causes of muscle dysfunction. It is written in a 'double page' design that maximizes understanding.

  • - How, Why and When
    af Vivien (Senior Lecturer Gibbs
    584,95 kr.

    Written for health practitioners and students new to medical ultrasound, this book provides various basic physics and technological knowledge they need in order to practise ultrasound, including safety aspects of ultrasound, quality assurance and the techniques and developments.

  • af Jane Elizabeth (Osteopathic Physician Carreiro
    628,95 kr.

    Presents a comprehensive general overview of pediatric medicine from an osteopathic perspective. This textbook discusses the normal development, physiology and anatomy of the body systems from birth to adulthood. It explores the conditions and diseases of childhood and outlines the rationale for osteopathic treatment for each disorder.

  • af Michael Heap
    693,95 kr.

    An introductory manual for the use of clinical hypnosis in the treatment of medical and psychological problems and disorders. It is written with the interests and needs of the doctor or dentist in mind. It also explores the theoretical and historical background to hypnosis, and several key techniques and approaches.

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