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  • af Kahlil Gibran
    153,95 kr.

    "Spirits Rebellious" is a collection of philosophical and poetic essays written by the Lebanese-American writer and philosopher Kahlil Gibran. The book was first published in 1908 and reflects Gibran's early literary work. In "Spirits Rebellious," Gibran explores themes of freedom, individuality, and the human spirit's struggle against societal constraints.The collection consists of several essays and parables that delve into Gibran's reflections on life, love, and the pursuit of personal and spiritual freedom. The title itself suggests a theme of rebellion against established norms and conventions, urging readers to question and challenge societal expectations.Throughout the book, Gibran employs his lyrical and poetic style to convey profound ideas. He often uses allegorical tales and metaphors to illustrate his philosophical insights. The work is deeply influenced by Gibran's experiences and observations of the social and political landscape of his time, particularly in the context of the oppressive Ottoman rule in Lebanon."Spirits Rebellious" serves as a precursor to Gibran's more famous work, "The Prophet," which was published in 1923. Both works share a common thread of exploring spiritual and philosophical themes, with a focus on the individual's quest for truth and meaning in the face of societal expectations.In essence, "Spirits Rebellious" is a thought-provoking and introspective collection that encourages readers to contemplate the nature of freedom, individuality, and the human spirit's innate desire to break free from societal constraints. Gibran's eloquent prose and timeless wisdom continue to resonate with readers seeking a deeper understanding of the human experience.

  • af Hugo Munsterberg
    248,95 kr.

    The radical and controversial treatise on the practical applications of modern Psychology."Psychotherapy is the practice of treating the sick by influencing the mental life." -Hugo Münsterberg"Succeeds in being at once interesting and instructive. It professes to elucidate the relations of psychology to medicine, and this, not with the idea of stirring up interest, but rather of bringing an already present interest from mere gossip, vague mysticism, and medical amateurishness to a clear understanding of principles." -The Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Volume 5, 1910"A new and urgently needed contribution to the science of curing mental and bodily disorders through influence on the mind....There had been too much misguided curiosity on the part of the public, too much dabbling in psychological half-knowledge and, on the part of the physicians, too much ignorance of the curative virtues of psychological treatment. In the interest of physicians who needed information, not from a psychiatrist but from an experimental psychologist, and in the interest of the public groping among the mists of indefinite conceptions, there was needed such a book. Accordingly, as soon as it was published, it was devoured by hungry readers." -Margarete Anna Adelheid Münsterberg, "Hugo Münsterberg: His Life and Work"

  • af Hugo Munsterberg
    193,95 kr.

    Psychology and Social Sanity is a book written by Hugo Munsterberg in 1914.The book discusses the role of psychology in solving social problems and how it can contribute to social sanity. The author argues that psychology can help solve social problems by providing a scientific understanding of human behavior and by developing methods to improve social conditions.Hugo Munsterberg was a German-American psychologist born on June 1, 1863 in Danzig, Kingdom of Prussia (now Gdansk, Poland). He was one of the pioneers in applied psychology and extended his research and theories to industrial/organizational (I/O), legal, medical, clinical, educational and business settings. Munsterberg was a research assistant to Wilhelm Wundt and received his PhD in physiological psychology in 1885 under Wundt's supervision at the age of 22.

  • af A. F. Rhys Davids
    233,95 kr.

    "Psalms of the Early Buddhists" or "The Psalms of the Early Buddhists" it is a compilation of verses from the Pali Canon, the oldest collection of Buddhist scriptures.The Pali Canon is the primary religious scripture of Theravada Buddhism, and it contains teachings attributed to Gautama Buddha. In this particular collection, A. F. Rhys Davids has translated and compiled verses that express the thoughts and aspirations of early Buddhists. The term "psalms" draws a parallel with the Psalms of the Bible, indicating that these verses have a similar devotional and reflective quality.The book provides insight into the spiritual and philosophical aspects of early Buddhism through the words of the Buddha and his disciples. It offers a glimpse into the practices, beliefs, and ethical principles of the early Buddhist community. If you are interested in Buddhist scriptures and want to explore the foundational teachings of Buddhism, "Psalms of the Early Buddhists" can be a valuable resource.

  • af Thorstein Veblen
    198,95 kr.

    "The Theory of Business Enterprise" is a seminal work by Thorstein Veblen, an American economist and sociologist. The book was first published in 1904 and is considered one of Veblen's most significant contributions to economic thought. In this work, Veblen explores the relationship between business practices and economic theory, offering a critical analysis of the capitalist system.Key aspects of "The Theory of Business Enterprise" include:Concept of Business Enterprise: Veblen examines the nature and functioning of business enterprises within a capitalist framework. He explores how these enterprises operate and exert influence on economic activities.Role of Industrial Evolution: Veblen considers the impact of industrial evolution on the economic structure. He discusses the transformation from a pre-industrial society to an industrial one and how this shift affects business dynamics.Institutions and Social Structure: The book emphasizes the role of institutions and social structures in shaping economic behavior. Veblen critiques the traditional neoclassical economic theories that neglect the sociological and institutional dimensions of economic activity.Conspicuous Consumption and Leisure Class: Veblen introduces concepts such as "conspicuous consumption" and the "leisure class" in this book, ideas that he had previously explored in his earlier work, "The Theory of the Leisure Class" (1899). These concepts highlight how social status and prestige influence economic behavior.Predatory Practices and Business Strategy: Veblen delves into the predatory practices of business and how competitive strategies can sometimes lead to wasteful and non-productive outcomes. He critiques the traditional view that business practices are solely driven by rational economic motives.Thorstein Veblen's writing is characterized by a witty and critical style. "The Theory of Business Enterprise" reflects his broader intellectual project of integrating economic analysis with sociological and institutional considerations. Veblen's work has influenced subsequent generations of economists and sociologists, contributing to the development of institutional economics and the understanding of the social aspects of economic systems.

  • af J. S. Fletcher
    218,95 kr.

    "The Middle of Things" is a detective novel written by J. S. Fletcher, first published in 1909. Joseph Smith Fletcher (1863-1935) was a British journalist and author, known for his prolific output of mystery novels."The Middle of Things" follows the classic detective fiction formula, featuring a detective named Ronald Camberwell and his friend Basil Wilton. The story revolves around a mysterious murder and the subsequent investigation. The novel is set in London and is marked by intricate plotting, red herrings, and a suspenseful atmosphere.As the title suggests, the narrative is situated in the midst of various events and intrigues. The plot unfolds as the detective duo attempts to solve the murder, uncovering hidden motives, secrets, and unexpected connections along the way. The novel reflects the conventions of early 20th-century detective fiction, with an emphasis on puzzle-solving and the careful unraveling of the mystery."The Middle of Things" and his other works contributed to the popularization of the mystery genre during the early 20th century. If you enjoy classic detective stories with a focus on intricate plots and engaging characters, this novel might be worth exploring.

  • af Arthur Machen
    138,95 kr.

    "The Angels of Mons" is a short story written by Arthur Machen, originally published in 1915. The story is known for its unique blend of supernatural elements and war fiction, and it gained considerable popularity during World War I.The narrative is framed as a series of letters exchanged between two characters, one of whom recounts a fantastical event during the Battle of Mons in August 1914. According to the narrator, British soldiers were aided by a mysterious, divine intervention that took the form of angelic beings. These supernatural entities allegedly protected the British forces and turned the tide of the battle in their favor.Machen's story contributed to the creation of a legend that suggested the appearance of angelic or supernatural forces on the battlefield, providing hope and inspiration to the soldiers. However, it's essential to note that "The Angels of Mons" is a work of fiction, and the events described are not based on historical facts.The tale became so influential that it led to rumors and misconceptions, with some people believing that the events described by Machen were true accounts rather than fictional elements. The story reflects the psychological and emotional impact of war, as well as the human tendency to find solace and inspiration in supernatural or divine intervention during times of crisis.

  • af Christian D. Larson
    153,95 kr.

    It is a well-known fact that a considerable majority of the people in this country are addicted more or less to nervousness in one or more of its many forms; and as nervousness is the direct cause of all mental ills, and the indirect cause of a great many physical ills, organic as well as functional, there are few things that would be more important than that of finding a method through which health for the nerves could be secured. How to cure this malady has long been a problem. Medicine as a rule avails but little, and the various forms of other therapeutic systems reach but a limited number. It is therefore that the discovery of a remedy that could reach all cases, or nearly all cases, would easily be considered one of the most remarkable discoveries of the age.Christian D. Larson was an outstanding and highly influential early New Thought leader and teacher as well as a prolific writer of New Thought books who believed that people have tremendous latent powers, which could be harnessed for success with the proper attitude.

  • af Marietta Holley
    168,95 kr.

    "Samantha on the Woman Question" is a satirical work written by Marietta Holley, an American humorist and suffragist. Published in 1892, the book is part of Holley's larger series of works featuring the character Samantha Allen, a rural woman from upstate New York. Holley used her humorous writing to convey serious messages about social issues of her time, including women's rights.In this particular work, Samantha engages in witty and comical dialogue, addressing the "Woman Question," which primarily refers to the debate and discussions surrounding women's rights and their role in society during the late 19th century. The book explores themes related to women's suffrage, equality, and the changing dynamics of gender roles.Through Samantha's character, Holley provides a unique perspective on the challenges and absurdities that women faced in their quest for greater rights and recognition. Samantha's observations and humorous anecdotes serve as a vehicle for Holley to critique societal norms and advocate for women's empowerment.Marietta Holley's use of satire allowed her to convey serious social commentary in a way that was accessible and entertaining to a wide audience. "Samantha on the Woman Question" is an example of how literature, even in a humorous form, can be a powerful medium for addressing and critiquing societal issues, in this case, the evolving role and rights of women in the late 19th century United States.

  • af Herbert J. Hall
    153,95 kr.

    The main thesis of the book is that happiness and inner peace are not dependent on external circumstances, but rather on one's own thoughts and beliefs. Hall argues that in order to achieve an untroubled mind, it is necessary to cultivate positive and constructive thoughts, and to let go of negative and self-defeating patterns of thinking. The book provides practical guidance on how to cultivate a positive mental attitude, including techniques for mindfulness, visualization, and affirmation. Hall also discusses the importance of developing healthy habits, such as exercise and nutrition, and of taking responsibility for one's own well-being. ¿One of the key themes of the book is the importance of self-awareness and self-discovery. Hall encourages readers to take the time to reflect on their own thoughts and beliefs, and to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection to the world around them. Overall, "The Untroubled Mind" is a motivational work that offers practical guidance for achieving inner peace and happiness. While some of the language and ideas in the book may seem outdated to modern readers, the principles outlined in the book are still relevant today and can be applied to anyone's life, regardless of their background or circumstances. The book provides practical advice and guidance for achieving an untroubled mind and creating a fulfilling life through positive thinking and self-awareness.

  • af Charles Wagner
    193,95 kr.

    "The Simple Life" is a philosophical work written by Charles Wagner, a French Protestant pastor, and social reformer. The book was originally published in 1901 under the title "La Vie Simple" in French, and later translated into English. Charles Wagner was a prominent figure in the Social Gospel movement, which emphasized applying Christian principles to social issues and promoting a more equitable and compassionate society.In "The Simple Life," Wagner explores the idea of simplicity in various aspects of life, including material possessions, relationships, work, and spirituality. He advocates for a life that is focused on essential values, kindness, and a deeper connection with one's self and others. The book encourages readers to reassess their priorities, emphasizing the importance of inner fulfillment over external wealth.Wagner's writing often reflects his concern for social justice and the well-being of individuals in the face of the challenges posed by modern industrial society. "The Simple Life" has been considered a classic work that inspires readers to reflect on the nature of happiness and the pursuit of a more meaningful and purposeful existence.

  • af Esther D. Decker
    153,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary odyssey with "Gastronomic Adventures: Flourish in the Kitchen," a cookbook that transcends the ordinary, inviting you to explore the extraordinary world of flavors, techniques, and innovation in the heart of your own kitchen.This cookbook is more than a collection of recipes; it's a roadmap for those who seek to elevate their cooking skills and infuse creativity into every meal. From the novice cook to the seasoned gastronome, each page is a discovery, presenting a fusion of global cuisines, unexpected pairings, and culinary techniques that inspire and delight.Journey through the chapters that celebrate the changing seasons, taking you from vibrant spring dishes to hearty winter comforts. Discover the art of flavor balancing, master the techniques of precision cooking, and learn to present your creations with the flair of a culinary artist."Gastronomic Adventures" not only introduces you to delectable recipes but also guides you through the joys of experimentation. With each dish comes a narrative - a tale of culinary exploration and a celebration of the pleasure derived from crafting a meal that not only satiates the appetite but also nourishes the soul.Whether you're aiming to impress guests with a sophisticated dinner party menu or seeking to make weeknight dinners a culinary delight, this cookbook provides the tools and inspiration to flourish in the kitchen. Engage in the alchemy of ingredients, savor the aromas that fill your kitchen, and let "Gastronomic Adventures" be your trusted companion on a journey towards culinary mastery.So, tie on your apron, sharpen your knives, and join the gastronomic adventure that awaits within these pages. It's time to flourish in the kitchen and create meals that are not just nourishment but a celebration of the artistry and joy that comes from the love of cooking.

  • af W. H. Hudson
    193,95 kr.

    "A Crystal Age" it is a novel written by William Henry Hudson, an Argentine-English author, ornithologist, and naturalist. The book was first published in 1887 and is considered one of the earliest examples of dystopian science fiction.The story is framed as a narrative within a narrative. It begins with the protagonist, an unnamed narrator, discovering an ancient manuscript while exploring a cave. The manuscript tells the story of a man who, after getting lost in a remote region of South America, stumbles upon a hidden utopian society.In this utopia, known as the Crystal Age, the inhabitants live in harmony with nature and each other. The society has achieved a state of perfect balance and enlightenment. The people are vegetarian, live without violence or conflict, and have advanced scientific and artistic achievements. The crystal of the title refers to the transparent material that constructs their buildings and symbolizes the clarity and purity of their way of life.As the protagonist explores this utopian world, he contrasts it with the civilization he came from, which is portrayed as corrupt and decadent. The novel raises questions about the nature of progress, the consequences of industrialization, and the possibility of creating a utopian society."A Crystal Age" is a thought-provoking work that explores social and environmental themes, making it a significant contribution to early science fiction literature.

  • af Hannah More
    168,95 kr.

    "Stories for the Young" is a collection of moral and instructive tales written by Hannah More, an English religious writer, philanthropist, and educator. The book was first published in the late 18th century, in 1794, and it is a part of More's broader body of work that aimed to provide moral guidance and education, particularly for young readers.The stories in the book are designed to instill moral virtues and values in children through engaging narratives. Each tale typically imparts a moral lesson, teaching young readers about virtues such as honesty, kindness, and perseverance. The stories often feature relatable characters and situations that children can easily understand and apply to their own lives.Hannah More was a strong advocate for moral and religious education, and her writings, including "Stories for the Young," reflect her commitment to instilling Christian principles in the minds of the youth. The tales are written in a style that is accessible to young readers, using simple language and relatable scenarios."Stories for the Young" contributed to the 18th and 19th-century tradition of moralistic literature for children, which aimed to provide both entertainment and instruction. While the cultural context and writing style may feel somewhat old-fashioned to modern readers, the book remains a historical example of literature that sought to shape the moral character of young audiences.

  • af Bernard Edward Joseph Capes
    218,95 kr.

    In the world of 15th-century Italy, a thrilling adventure begins in the novel 'A Jay of Italy' by Bernard Capes. Set against the backdrop of a Milanese inn, Messer Carlo Lanti arrives with his vibrant entourage. But trouble brews when their call for wine goes unanswered, and the fiery cavalier demands immediate attention. With colorful characters and dynamic scenes, this novel paints an enthralling picture of love, intrigue, and the clash of personalities.

  • af Margie G. Kuhn
    83,95 kr.

    "A Family Culinary: Recipes to Remember" invites you on a heartwarming journey through the kitchens of generations past and present. This cookbook is a treasure trove of cherished family recipes, carefully curated and compiled to celebrate the rich tapestry of flavors that have graced the tables.Within these pages, you'll discover more than just recipes; you'll find stories, traditions, and the enduring love that accompanies each dish. From the comforting embrace of grandma's secret soup to the contemporary twists on classic recipes created by the younger generation, this collection is a testament to the enduring power of food in bringing families together.Explore a diverse range of culinary delights that have stood the test of time, from Sunday roasts that have been a family tradition for decades to innovative recipes that reflect the ever-evolving tastes. Each page tells a tale, weaving a narrative that goes beyond the ingredients and into the heart of what makes a meal truly memorable.Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, "A Family Culinary" provides a roadmap to creating not just delicious dishes but also unforgettable moments. Embrace the warmth, the laughter, and the shared love for food that has bound together for generations. It's more than just a cookbook; it's a celebration of family, tradition, and the timeless joy found in a shared meal. Let these recipes become a part of your own family's culinary journey, creating memories that will be passed down through the ages.

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    178,95 kr.

    A devout believer in the supremacy of will over intellect, Arthur Schopenhauer developed a metaphysical theory that influenced such thinkers as Nietzsche, Wagner, Wittgenstein, and Freud. These six essays are drawn from the chapters entitled Zur Ethik and Zur Rechtslehre und Politik, which originated in the philosopher's Parerga, as well as from his posthumously published writings. More than any other work, On Human Nature offers an expression of Schopenhauer's views, including the depth of his interests, his biases, and his philosophy. Students of history and philosophy along with other readers will appreciate these lucid, accessible observations on government, free will and fatalism, character, moral instinct, and ethics.German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) reacted with pessimism to his idealistic predecessors, contending that human motivations derive from basic desires that can never be satisfied. His writings on psychology, ethics, and politics influenced such latter-day thinkers as Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Freud.

  • af William Walker Atkinson
    178,95 kr.

    "Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World" is a classic self-help book written by William Walker Atkinson. Originally published in 1906 under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, Atkinson explores the principles of the Law of Attraction and how thoughts can shape one's reality.General overview of the key concepts in the book:Law of Attraction: Atkinson delves into the idea that thoughts have a magnetic quality and can attract similar thoughts or energies. He argues that positive thoughts attract positive outcomes, while negative thoughts attract negative outcomes.Power of Thought: The book emphasizes the immense power of thought in shaping one's life. Atkinson suggests that by controlling and directing one's thoughts, individuals can influence their circumstances and attract what they desire.Mind as a Magnet: Atkinson likens the mind to a magnet, capable of attracting or repelling experiences and circumstances based on the dominant thoughts held. He encourages readers to cultivate positive, constructive, and harmonious thoughts to bring about positive changes.Mind and Body Connection: The author explores the connection between mental and physical well-being. He suggests that a positive mental attitude can contribute to better health, success, and happiness.Visualization and Affirmations: Atkinson introduces the idea of using visualization and affirmations as tools to strengthen one's focus on positive outcomes. By vividly imagining desired goals and affirming them, individuals can align their thoughts with their aspirations.Thought Control: The book provides practical advice on how to gain control over one's thoughts, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and awareness. Atkinson suggests that individuals can train their minds to focus on constructive and optimistic thoughts.The Subconscious Mind: Atkinson explores the role of the subconscious mind in shaping one's reality. He advocates for aligning the conscious and subconscious mind to achieve coherence in thought and action."Thought Vibration" is considered a precursor to later works on the Law of Attraction and positive thinking. While the language and examples may reflect the time in which it was written, the core concepts continue to influence modern self-help literature focused on personal development and the power of positive thinking.

  • af Teresa E. Musso
    178,95 kr.

    "Quick and Cozy Recipes: Fast and Flavorful Creations" is a cookbook designed for those who appreciate delicious meals without the fuss. The book is a culinary guide that caters to busy individuals seeking convenience without compromising on taste and quality.Cover and Aesthetic:The cookbook features an inviting cover adorned with vibrant images of mouthwatering dishes that capture the essence of quick and cozy cooking. Warm tones and appetizing visuals convey a sense of comfort and satisfaction.Introduction:The introduction sets the tone, emphasizing the philosophy of the cookbook-providing a collection of recipes that are not only speedy but also deliver a comforting and flavorful experience. The author may share personal anecdotes or insights into the inspiration behind the book.Organization:Recipes are organized logically, with sections dedicated to various meal categories such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Each section may begin with a brief overview, offering helpful tips and tricks for achieving speedy yet tasty results.Recipe Format:Each recipe follows a clear and concise format. Ingredients are listed with easily accessible items, and the step-by-step instructions are written in an approachable and user-friendly manner. Cooking times and serving suggestions are included to enhance the overall experience.Diverse Cuisine:The cookbook embraces a variety of cuisines, ensuring a diverse range of recipes that cater to different tastes and preferences. From quick and hearty soups to cozy one-pan dinners, the collection reflects the versatility of easy and flavorful cooking.Tips and Variations:Throughout the book, readers find helpful cooking tips, ingredient substitutions, and suggestions for customizing recipes based on individual preferences. This encourages home cooks to experiment and make each dish their own.Overall, "Quick and Cozy Recipes: Fast and Flavorful Creations" serves as a go-to guide for those seeking a balance between convenience and culinary excellence in their everyday cooking.

  • af Edgar Rice Burroughs
    153,95 kr.

    "The Land That Time Forgot" is a fantasy novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author best known for creating Tarzan. The novel was first serialized in 1918 in Blue Book Magazine before being published as a book in 1924. The story is set during World War I and revolves around the adventures of a diverse group of characters who find themselves on a mysterious and isolated island.The plot begins with the sinking of a British merchant ship by a German U-boat. The survivors, including the protagonist, Bowen Tyler, and a young woman named Lys La Rue, manage to capture the German submarine. However, they become lost at sea and eventually discover the uncharted island of Caprona in the South Pacific.Caprona is a unique and perilous land where prehistoric creatures, such as dinosaurs and other extinct species, still exist. The island is divided into different regions, each with its own set of dangers and challenges. As the characters explore the island, they encounter various tribes of primitive humans and face numerous threats from the island's prehistoric inhabitants.The novel blends elements of adventure, science fiction, and fantasy, creating a thrilling tale of survival in a world untouched by time. Burroughs' vivid imagination and descriptive writing bring the prehistoric landscapes and creatures to life, capturing the reader's imagination. "The Land That Time Forgot" is considered a classic in the genre of lost world fiction and has inspired numerous adaptations in various forms of media over the years.

  • af W. H. Hudson
    208,95 kr.

    "You are a traveller in little things--in something very small--which takes you into the villages and hamlets, where you meet and converse with small farmers, innkeepers, labourers and their wives, with other persons who live on the land. In this way you get to hear a good deal about rent and cost of living, and what the people are able and not able to do." Thus was described William Henry Hudson, who was delighted with this portrayal. Hudson was a writer, naturalist, and trained ornithologist from Argentina, a son of Anglo-American parents who wrote exclusively in English. While many of his books dealt with South American life--including Green Mansions, The Purple Land, and the autobiographical Far Away and Long Ago--he also focused on Britain, to which he emigrated in 1874. A Traveller in Little Things is one such title, a collection of essays and sketches, many of which were originally printed in The New Statesman, The Saturday Review, The Nation, and The Cornhill Magazine. Throughout, Hudson's keen observations, lively writing, and charming anecdotes make this a delightful collection of "little things" from one of the most unique writers of his generation.

  • af Sylvester Graham
    153,95 kr.

    "A Treatise on Bread" is a work by Sylvester Graham, an American Presbyterian minister and dietary reformer who lived in the 19th century. The book, first published in 1837, is a significant piece in the history of dietary literature and health advocacy. Graham was a strong proponent of a vegetarian diet and believed in the connection between nutrition and health.In the treatise, Graham expounds his views on the importance of whole grains, particularly wheat, in the diet. He emphasizes the nutritional benefits of unrefined flour and promotes the consumption of whole wheat bread over the more processed varieties. Graham argued that the prevalent white bread of his time lacked essential nutrients and was detrimental to health.Moreover, the book delves into broader discussions on the relationship between diet, morality, and spirituality. Graham believed that dietary habits had a direct impact on one's physical and moral well-being. He advocated for a simple and natural diet as a means of achieving not only physical health but also moral purity.Sylvester Graham's treatise had a lasting influence on the development of dietary theories and health movements in the United States. Graham flour, a type of whole wheat flour, was named after him, and his ideas laid the groundwork for subsequent dietary reform movements, including the advent of breakfast cereals and the focus on whole grains in contemporary nutrition.

  • af Jerry Thomas
    193,95 kr.

    "How to Mix Drinks" by Jerry Thomas, also known as "The Bon Vivant's Companion," is a classic and pioneering cocktail book that holds a special place in the history of mixology. Jerry Thomas, a legendary bartender of the 19th century, is often considered the father of American bartending, and this book, first published in 1862, is one of the earliest and most influential cocktail guides.Key Features:Historical Significance: "How to Mix Drinks" is a historic treasure, representing a crucial moment in the evolution of cocktail culture. Jerry Thomas played a pivotal role in popularizing and codifying the art of mixing drinks during the Golden Age of Cocktails.Pioneer of Mixology: Jerry Thomas is credited with being one of the first bartenders to showcase flair and showmanship in mixing drinks. His book is not just a collection of recipes but a demonstration of the theatrical aspects of bartending that have influenced the profession to this day.Classic Cocktails: The book features an array of classic cocktails that have stood the test of time. Many of these cocktails, including the Tom Collins and the Blue Blazer, are still enjoyed today and have become staples in bars around the world.Cocktail Techniques: Thomas provides insights into essential cocktail techniques, including the proper way to shake, stir, and garnish drinks. His instructions are practical and have laid the foundation for modern bartending practices.Elegance and Style: The book reflects the elegance and style of the Victorian era, with elaborate illustrations and a tone that captures the sophistication of the time. The language used in the recipes and anecdotes adds a touch of charm and nostalgia.Anecdotes and Stories: Interspersed with the cocktail recipes are anecdotes, stories, and entertaining narratives that provide a glimpse into the social and cultural context of the 19th-century bar scene. These stories contribute to the overall charm of the book.Innovative Presentation: Jerry Thomas was known for his innovative and theatrical presentation of cocktails, and this is evident in the book. The Blue Blazer, a flaming whiskey cocktail, is a notable example that showcases his showmanship.Legacy and Influence: "How to Mix Drinks" has had a lasting impact on the world of cocktails. Jerry Thomas's legacy as a pioneer in mixology endures, and his book continues to inspire both professional bartenders and home enthusiasts.For anyone passionate about mixology, cocktail history, or the art of bartending, "How to Mix Drinks" is a captivating journey into the roots of modern cocktail culture. It not only provides a collection of timeless recipes but also offers a glimpse into the charisma and skill of one of the industry's founding figures, Jerry Thomas.

  • af Israel Abrahams
    178,95 kr.

    "Chapters on Jewish Literature" is a book written by Israel Abrahams, a distinguished Jewish scholar and historian who lived from 1858 to 1925. The book was first published in 1899 and has been well-regarded for its exploration of various aspects of Jewish literature. The work is a collection of essays that delve into different periods of Jewish literary history, spanning from ancient times to the contemporary era (as of the late 19th century). Israel Abrahams provides insights into the development of Jewish literature, examining the works of poets, philosophers, and scholars throughout Jewish history. The chapters in the book cover a wide range of topics, including biblical literature, the Talmudic period, medieval Jewish poetry, the works of Maimonides, and discussions on the Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment) movement. Abrahams combines historical analysis with literary criticism to offer readers a comprehensive understanding of the richness and diversity of Jewish literary traditions. "Chapters on Jewish Literature" is appreciated not only for its scholarly approach but also for its accessible style, making it suitable for a general audience interested in Jewish history and culture. Israel Abrahams' work contributes to a broader appreciation of the cultural and intellectual heritage of the Jewish people.

  • af T. S. Arthur
    178,95 kr.

    Timothy Shay Arthur (June 6, 1809 - March 6, 1885) - known as T. S. Arthur - was a popular 19th-century American author. He is famously known for his temperance novel Ten Nights in a Bar-Room and What I Saw There (1854), which helped demonize alcohol in the eyes of the American public. His stories, written with compassion and sensitivity, articulated and spread values and ideas that were associated with "respectable middle class" life in America. He also believed greatly in the transformative and restorative power of love as is shown in one of his stories, "An Angel in Disguise". He was also the author of dozens of stories for Godey's Lady's Book, the most popular American monthly magazine in the antebellum era, and he published and edited his own Arthur's Home Magazine, a periodical in the Godey's model, for many years.

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    168,95 kr.

    "Studies in Pessimism" is a collection of essays written by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. The book, first published in 1851, is a compilation of philosophical reflections that delve into Schopenhauer's distinctive worldview, particularly focusing on his pessimistic perspective on life. Here are some key aspects of the book and its contents: Pessimism: As the title suggests, "Studies in Pessimism" is a collection that centers around Schopenhauer's pessimistic philosophy. Schopenhauer believed that suffering is an inherent part of human existence, and he explored various aspects of life that contribute to this suffering, such as desire, the nature of the will, and the inevitability of death. Philosophical Themes: The essays cover a range of philosophical themes, including the fleeting nature of happiness, the pursuit of wealth and success as futile endeavors, the challenges of human relationships, and the limitations of human knowledge. Schopenhauer draws on his metaphysical views, particularly his concept of the "will," to elucidate these themes. Style and Tone: Schopenhauer is known for his clear and often pessimistic writing style. He presents his arguments with a direct and straightforward tone, making his ideas accessible to a broader audience. Influence of Eastern Thought: Schopenhauer was influenced by Eastern philosophies, particularly Hindu and Buddhist thought. This influence is evident in his exploration of the concept of desire, the nature of the will, and the pursuit of inner peace. Emphasis on Individual Freedom: While emphasizing the inevitability of suffering, Schopenhauer also places importance on individual freedom and the ability to mitigate suffering through personal choices and attitudes. He suggests that recognizing the transient nature of desires can lead to a more content and peaceful existence. Legacy: "Studies in Pessimism" is one of Schopenhauer's more accessible works and has been influential in shaping discussions on existentialism, pessimism, and the nature of human experience. It provides a concise introduction to Schopenhauer's philosophical outlook and serves as a key text for those interested in his ideas. In summary, "Studies in Pessimism" by Arthur Schopenhauer is a collection of essays that explores the inherent challenges and suffering in human existence from a pessimistic philosophical standpoint. It is characterized by Schopenhauer's clear and direct writing style and provides insight into his unique worldview.

  • af T. S. Arthur
    163,95 kr.

    Words For The Wise is a collection of essays and articles by Arthur T. S. that offer insights and advice on various topics related to personal growth, success, and happiness. The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a different aspect of life, such as relationships, career, and spirituality. Drawing on his own experiences and observations, as well as the wisdom of philosophers and thinkers throughout history, Arthur offers practical and inspiring guidance for readers looking to improve themselves and their lives. Whether you're looking to find your purpose, overcome obstacles, or simply live a more fulfilling life, Words For The Wise is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to grow and thrive. With shrewdness, tact, untiring industry, and a spirit that knew no discouragement, the young man pressed forward in business. The warning of the merchant, if it did not repress his desire to get rich in haste, caused him to look more closely than he would otherwise have done into every transaction he was about to make. This saved him from many serious losses.

  • af William Walker Atkinson
    168,95 kr.

    "The Art of Logical Thinking" is a book written by William Walker Atkinson, an American attorney, merchant, publisher, and author in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The book was first published in 1909 under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, one of Atkinson's many pen names. The primary focus of "The Art of Logical Thinking" is to provide readers with insights into developing and refining their logical thinking abilities. Atkinson explores various aspects of logical reasoning and critical thinking, aiming to guide readers in making better decisions, solving problems, and approaching issues with a more rational mindset. Key topics covered in the book include: The Nature of Thought: Atkinson delves into the fundamentals of thought processes, examining how ideas are formed and how the mind operates in its thinking capacity. Logical Analysis: The book provides techniques for breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components, facilitating a systematic and logical approach to problem-solving. Deductive and Inductive Reasoning: Atkinson discusses both deductive and inductive reasoning, explaining their principles and applications. Deductive reasoning involves drawing specific conclusions from general principles, while inductive reasoning involves deriving general principles from specific observations.

  • af Henry Drummond
    183,95 kr.

    "Natural Law in the Spiritual World" is a book written by Scottish naturalist and evangelist Henry Drummond. Originally published in 1883, the book explores the intersection of science and religion, particularly focusing on the principles of natural law as they relate to spiritual and moral aspects of human existence. Here are some key points and themes from "Natural Law in the Spiritual World": Integration of Science and Religion: Drummond aims to reconcile scientific principles with religious and spiritual beliefs. He argues that the laws governing the natural world also have relevance to the spiritual realm, emphasizing a harmonious relationship between science and faith. Evolution and Divine Design: Drummond discusses the concept of evolution and suggests that it is not necessarily incompatible with the idea of a divine plan. He proposes that the processes observed in the natural world, including evolution, can be seen as part of God's grand design. Law of Biogenesis: One of the central ideas in the book is the application of the law of biogenesis (the principle that life begets life) to spiritual growth. Drummond suggests that just as life emerges from life in the natural world, spiritual life and growth result from a connection with a higher, divine source. Moral and Spiritual Development: Drummond explores the parallels between the natural laws governing physical evolution and the moral and spiritual laws governing human development. He discusses how individuals can align themselves with these laws to achieve moral and spiritual progress. Love as the Supreme Law: Drummond emphasizes the importance of love as a fundamental principle in both the natural and spiritual realms. He contends that love is the highest law and that it governs not only human relationships but also the entire spiritual order. "Natural Law in the Spiritual World" was well-received in its time and contributed to the Victorian-era dialogue between science and religion. The book reflects Drummond's attempt to bridge the gap between these seemingly disparate fields and promote a holistic understanding of the world that incorporates both scientific and spiritual perspectives.

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