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  • af Annie Besant
    163,95 kr.

    Let us, first of all, ask ourselves, looking at the world around us, what it is that the history of the world signifies. When we read history, what does the history tell us? It seems to be a moving panorama of people and events, but it is really only a dance of shadows; the people are shadows, not realities, the kings and statesmen, the ministers and armies ; and the events-the battles and revolutions, the rises and falls of States-are the most shadow-like dance of all. Even if the historian tries to go deeper, if he deals with economic conditions, with social organisations, with the study of the tendencies of the currents of thought, even then he is in the midst of shadows, the illusory shadows cast by unseen realities. This world is full of forms that are illusory, and the values arc all wrong, the proportions are out of focus. The things which a man of the world thinks valuable, a spiritual man must cast aside as worthless. The diamonds of the world, with their glare and glitter in the rays of the outside sun, are mere fragments of broken glass to the man of knowledge. The crown of the King, the sceptre of the Emperor, the triumph of earthly power, are less than nothing to the man who has had one glimpse of the majesty of the Self. What is, then, real? What is truly valuable? Our answer will be very different from the answer given by the man of the world.

  • af Robert W. Chambers
    283,95 kr.

    "The Business of Life" is a novel by Robert W. Chambers that was first published in 1913. The story revolves around the life of Richard Leroy, a successful New York businessman who has made a fortune in the publishing industry. At the start of the novel, Richard is facing a midlife crisis and begins to question the purpose of his life. He becomes disillusioned with his business and starts to explore his artistic side, taking up painting and writing poetry. As Richard navigates this new phase of his life, he becomes involved with a group of bohemian artists and writers who challenge his views on art, love, and the meaning of life. He also becomes romantically involved with a young woman named Marion, who shares his artistic passions. However, Richard's new lifestyle clashes with his business interests and his marriage, and he must ultimately make a choice between his old life and his new artistic pursuits. "The Business of Life" explores themes of self-discovery, the conflict between art and commerce, and the search for meaning in modern society. It offers a glimpse into the cultural and artistic scene of early 20th century New York and showcases Chambers' skill in creating complex, multi-dimensional characters.

  • af Lisa J. Locke
    178,95 kr.

    Eating healthy can be a challenge, especially when life gets busy. However, making small changes in your diet can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being. That's why committing to a year of good food can be a life-changing experience. One way to start is by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals. Try adding a side salad or roasted veggies to your lunch or dinner. You can also swap out unhealthy snacks for fresh fruit or raw veggies with hummus. Another way to improve your diet is by reducing your intake of processed foods and sugary drinks. Instead, opt for whole foods like lean protein, whole grains, and unsweetened beverages. This can not only improve your physical health but also your mental clarity and energy levels. Meal planning and prepping can also be a helpful tool in ensuring you stick to your healthy eating goals. Dedicate time each week to plan out your meals and snacks, and prepare them in advance so they are ready to grab and go when you're short on time. Remember, a year of good food isn't about restriction or perfection. It's about making small, sustainable changes that can improve your overall health and well-being in the long run. So start small, be kind to yourself, and enjoy the journey to a healthier you.

  • af Coningsby Dawson
    193,95 kr.

    1. Christmas Outside Of Eden This is the story the robins tell as they huddle beneath the holly on the Eve of Christmas. They have told it every Christmas Eve since the world started. They commenced telling it long before Christ was born, for their memory goes further back than men's. The Christmas which they celebrate began just outside of Eden, within sight of its gold-locked doors. 2.The Glory Of The Trenches In my book, _The Father of a Soldier_, I have already stated the conditions under which this book of my son's was produced. He was wounded in the end of June, 1917, in the fierce struggle before Lens. He was at once removed to a base-hospital, and later on to a military hospital in London. There was grave danger of amputation of the right arm, but this was happily avoided. As soon as he could use his hand he was commandeered by the Lord High Commissioner of Canada to write an important paper, detailing the history of the Canadian forces in France and Flanders. This task kept him busy until the end of August, when he obtained a leave of two months to come home. He arrived in New York in September, and returned again to London in the end of October.

  • af Thomas Nelson Page
    138,95 kr.

    They went to sleep the night before Christmas-or rather they went to bed, for sleep was long far from their bright eyes-with delightful expectations and thrills along their backs, and with little squeakings and gurglings, like so many little white mice, and if Santa Claus had not always been so very prompt in disappearing up the chimney before daybreak he must certainly have been caught. For by the time the chickens were crowing in the morning there would be an answering twitter through the house, and with a patter of little feet and subdued laughter small, white-clad figures would steal through the dim light of dusky rooms and cold passages, opening doors with sudden bursts, and shouting "Christmas gift!" into darkened chambers, at still sleeping elders. Then they would scurry away in the gray light to rake open the hickory embers and revel in the exploration of their bulging, overcrowded stockings. Not Columbus was to be envied when those discoveries were being made. What was a new world to those treasures! The thrill of the new jack-knife remains after forty years-it had four blades, each worth a province. Envy Columbus? Perish the thought!

  • af Mary Stuart Boyd
    143,95 kr.

    During the turn of the 20th century, an English couple discovers their son has come down with scarlet fever while away at school in Versailles. So, they make their way to the city through Paris in order to be there for their son during the peak of the Christmas holidays. " Look, Christophe, it snowed... My sister took my hand and kept it in hers. We remained glued to the window, drunk with surprise, laughing to hold our breath. We were shivering, the snowflakes were flying on all sides, covering the roofs and attics, the trees in the square..." It's Christmas and it's snowing in Versailles, like every year. The young boy walks rue de la Paroisse with his sister and parents embracing, looking for presents and under the bright lights. Later, he will graze the golden gates, seeking the silhouette of a little king in the windows of the castle. The snow makes us children. Place Hoche, an unloved general turns his back on the church. From the snow-covered Trianon, in the middle of the night, haunting music seems to escape which frightens the sister and the brother. And who is this slender, red skater on the ice, waving to the young man? So go the memories, magical and tender, until the first evenings in the residences of the city... In the tradition of the most beautiful Christmas tales, Christophe Bataille offers us a short paradise, which seems to escape as quickly as the snow melts in our hands. After La Brûlure, where the heat of summer defied life, Noël à Versailles awakens the charms of childhood in all readers, at the foot of the Christmas tree or in the whitewashed paths of the park. What if the snow had taken refuge in this unforgettable tale?"

  • af James J. Walsh
    193,95 kr.

    In a word, the War has proved a revival of appreciation of the place of the human will in life. Marshal Foch, the greatest character of the War, did not hesitate even to declare that "A battle is the struggle of two wills. It is never lost until defeat is accepted. They only are vanquished who confess themselves to be." Our generation has been intent on the development of the intellect. We have been neglecting the will. "Shell shock" experiences have shown us that the intellect is largely the source of unfavorable suggestion. The will is the controlling factor in the disease. Many another demonstration of the power of will has been furnished by the War. This volume is meant to help in the restoration of the will to its place as the supreme faculty in life, above all the one on whose exercise, more than any other single factor, depends health and recovery from disease. The time seems opportune for its appearance and it is commended to the attention of those who have recognized how much the modern cult of intellect left man unprepared for the ruder trails of life yet could not see dearly what the remedy might be.

  • af Finley Peter Dunne
    178,95 kr.

    The reporter of these monologues would apologize for the frequent reappearances of Mr. Dooley, if he felt the old gentleman would appreciate an apology in his behalf. But Mr. Dooley has none of the modesty that has been described as "an invention for protection against envy," because unlike that one of his distinguished predecessors who discovered this theory to excuse his own imperfect but boastful egotism, he recognizes no such human failing as envy. Most of the papers in the present collection of the sayings of this great and learned man have appeared in the press of America and England. This will account for the fact that they deal with subjects that have pressed hard upon the minds of newspaper readers, statesmen, and tax-payers during the year. To these utterances have been added a number of obiter dicta by the philosopher, which, perhaps, will be found to have the reminiscent flavor that appertains to the observations of all learned judges when they are off the bench. In some cases the sketches have been remodeled and care has been taken to correct typographical blunders, except where they seemed to improve the text. In this connection the writer must offer his profound gratitude to the industrious typographer, who often makes two jokes grow where only one grew before, and has added generously to the distress of amateur elocutionists. Finley Peter Dunne, also known as F. P. D. (1867- 1936) was a Chicago-based American author, writer and humorist. He published Mr. Dooley in Peace and War, a collection of his nationally syndicated Mr. Dooley sketches, in 1898. The fictional Mr. Dooley expounded upon political and social issues of the day from his South Side Chicago Irish pub and he spoke with the thick verbiage and accent of an Irish immigrant. His sly humor and political acumen won the support of President Theodore Roosevelt, a frequent target of Mr. Dooley's barbs. Indeed his sketches became so popular and such a litmus test of public opinion that they were read each week at White House cabinet meetings. His other works include: Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen (1898), Mr. Dooley's Philosophy (1900), Observations by Mr. Dooley (1902), Mr. Dooley on the Pursuit of Riches (1904), Mr. Dooley Says (1910), The World of Mr. Dooley (1962) and Mr. Dooley Remembers (1963).

  • af Niels Peter Gravengaard
    193,95 kr.

    A collection of stories, poems, and songs celebrating the joys of Christmas and the spirit of generosity. Designed for families and young readers, this book is a timeless reminder of the importance of kindness, compassion, and community. This work has been selected as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know.

  • af Rufus M. Jones
    178,95 kr.

    Dr. Rufus M. Jones was professor of philosophy at Haverford College and author of such acclaimed works as "Studies in Mystical Religions" "The Inner Life" and "The World Within". He wrote this book in 1922 and revised it in 1949. His chapter herein called "The Near and the Far" is one of the best discussions of God's imminence and transcendence to be found anywhere. Dr. Jones also likens the growth in faith as the growth of a shell, and says, "Nothing is more common than to see a person holding on to a shell in which truth has dwelt, without realizing that the precious thing he wants has gone on and reembodied itself in new and living ways which he fails to follow and comprehend." (page 129). We recommend this book for all thoughtful persons who are or seek to embark upon a journey of faith.

  • af Washington Irving
    153,95 kr.

    There is something in the very season of the year that gives a charm to the festivity of Christmas. At other times we derive a great portion of our pleasures from the mere beauties of nature. Our feelings sally forth and dissipate themselves over the sunny landscape, and we "live abroad and everywhere." The dreariness and desolation of the landscape, the short gloomy days and darksome nights, while they circumscribe our wanderings, shut in our feelings also from rambling abroad, and make us more keenly disposed for the pleasures of the social circle. . . . The pitchy gloom without makes the heart dilate on entering the room filled with the glow and warmth of the evening fire. The ruddy blaze diffuses an artificial summer and sunshine through the room, and lights up each countenance into a kindlier welcome. Where does the honest face of hospitality expand into a broader and more cordial smile -- where is the shy glance of love more sweetly eloquent -- than by the winter fireside?

  • af Benjamin Leopold Farjeon
    168,95 kr.

    Get into the holiday spirit with these heartwarming stories from beloved author Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Full of timeless themes of love, family, and redemption, these tales are perfect for reading aloud to children and adults alike on those chilly winter nights. Synopsis In the heart of a very maze of courts and lanes Stoney-alley proclaims itself. It is one of multitude of deformed thoroughfares, which are huddled together--by whim, or caprice, or in mockery--in a populous part of the City, in utter defiance of all architectural rules. It is regarded as an incontrovertible law, that everything must have a beginning; and Stoney-alley could not have been an exception to this law. It is certain that the alley and its surrounding courts and lanes must once upon a time have been a space where houses..

  • af Gloria P. Hunt
    153,95 kr.

    In Gourmet Goodness, four cooks and authors impart experience and wisdom gained from a half-century of cooking. The contributors include a white house chef, presidential diarist, former director of presidential personnel, and an award-winning author and government official. The book is especially useful to women and men who lead busy lives and seek ways to make everyday life as simple and enjoyable as possible for their families and loved ones.

  • af Sulpice Barué
    168,95 kr.

    The design of the following little book is to furnish receipts for a select variety of French dishes, explained and described in such a manner as to make them intelligible to American cooks, and practicable with American utensils and American fuel. Those that (according to the original work) cannot be prepared without an unusual and foreign apparatus have been omitted; and also such as can only be accomplished by the consummate skill and long practice of native French cooks. Many dishes have been left out, as useless in a country where provisions are abundant. On this side of the Atlantic all persons in respectable life can obtain better articles of food than sheeps' tails, calves' ears, &c. and the preparation of these articles (according to the European receipts) is too tedious and complicated to be of any use to the indigent, or to those who can spare but little time for their cookery. Also, the translator has inserted no receipts which contain nothing different from the usual American mode of preparing the same dishes. Most of the French Cookery Books introduced into this country have failed in their object, from the evident deficiency of the translators in a competent knowledge of the technical terms of cookery and from the multitude of French words interspersed through the directions, and which cannot, in general, be comprehended without an incessant and troublesome reference to the glossary. The translator of the following pages has endeavored, according to the best of her ability, to avoid these defects, and has aimed at making a book of practical utility to all those who may have a desire to introduce occasionally at their tables good specimens of the French culinary art. From these receipts she believes that many advantageous hints may be taken for improvements in American cookery; and she hopes that, upon trial, this little work may be found equally useful in private families, hotels, and boarding-houses.

  • af Ira Mayhew
    248,95 kr.

    Who is sufficient for these things? is a question which any one may well ask when sitting down to the preparation of a treatise on popular education. The author of this work would have shrunk from the undertaking, but from deference to the judgment of the honorable body that unanimously invited its preparation. He has also been encouraged not a little by many kind friends, one of whom, distinguished for his labors in the department of public instruction, writing from New England, says, "I rejoice at your good beginnings at the West. You have a noble and inspiring field of action. 'No pent-up Utica contracts your powers.' I beseech you, fail not to fill it with your glorious educational truth, though you should pour out your spirit and your life to do so." The duties required by law of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in the State of Michigan are comparatively few. The author, however, five years ago, and soon after entering upon the discharge of those duties, undertook voluntary labors for the purpose of awakening a deeper interest with all classes of the community in behalf of common schools, and of inspiring confidence in their redeeming power, when improved as they may be, constituting, as they do, the only reliable instrumentality for the proper training of the rising generation. These labors, which were hailed as promising great usefulness, and which were prosecuted in every county of the state, were every where received with unexpected favor, and constitute the foundation of the present volume. Many of the subjects then discussed are here greatly amplified. Among the lectures referred to in the resolution under which this work has been undertaken, was one on the "Michigan School System." But as the Convention for the revision of the Constitution of this state is now in session, it has been deemed advisable to omit, in this connection, the extensive consideration of the details of that system. This may constitute the theme of a small manual which shall hereafter appear. In the present volume the author has endeavored so to present the subject of popular education, which should have reference to the whole man-the body, the mind, and the heart-and so to unfold its nature, advantages, and claims, as to make it every where acceptable. Nay, more, he would have a good common education considered as the inalienable right of every child in the community, and have it placed first among the necessaries of life. For the better accomplishment of his object, he has freely drawn from the writings of practical educators, his aim being usefulness rather than originality. This course has been adopted, in some instances, for the sole purpose of enforcing the sentiments inculcated by the authority of the names introduced. Acknowledgments have generally been made in the body of the work. These may have been unintentionally omitted in some instances, and especially in those portions of the work which were written several years ago, and the sources whence information was drawn are now unknown. An examination of the table of contents, and especially of the index at the end of the volume, will show the range of subjects considered, and their adaptation to the wants and necessities, I may say, of the several classes of persons named in the title-page, for whose use it was undertaken. Written, as it has been, for Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of both sexes, it is what its title implies-a treatise on Popular Education-and is equally applicable to the wants of families and schools in every portion of our wide-spread country. With all its imperfections, of which no one can be more sensible than the author, this volume is given to the public, with the hope that it may contribute, in some degree, to advance the work of general education in the United States, but more especially in the State of Michigan.

  • af Bonnie A. Whatley
    178,95 kr.

    Can vegan cooking be flavorful? Satisfying? Easy to make? Through rigorous testing on the science of vegan cooking, members addresses these questions head-on, finding great-tasting and filling vegan protein options, cooking without dairy, preparing different whole grains and vegetables, and even baking. Reimagine mealtime by celebrating vegetables at the center of the plate and in salads and grain bowls. Take a new look at comfort foods with a surprisingly rich and creamy lasagna or hearty burger with all the fixings. Bake the perfect chewy chocolate chip cookie or a layer cake that stands tall for any celebration. With rigorously-tested vibrant recipes, this cookbook has something satisfying for everyone - the committed vegan or simply those looking to freshen up their cooking!

  • af Jeffrey C. Stevenson
    168,95 kr.

    Look no further! This Cookbook is here to take your cooking to new heights. From breakfast to dinner, snacks to desserts, you'll find endless possibilities to satisfy your cravings. The Cookbook brings you the best of both worlds - delicious flavors and guilt-free indulgence. Inside you'll discover: ¿ Quick and easy recipes that save you time in the kitchen without compromising on taste ¿ A wide range of dishes, including appetizers, main courses, sides, and even desserts ¿ Expert tips and tricks for getting the perfect crispiness and texture in your air-fried creations ¿ Healthier versions of your favorite foods, with significantly less oil but all the flavor Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned chef, the Cookbook provides step-by-step instructions that make cooking a breeze. With its user-friendly format and handy cooking tips, you'll become an air frying pro in no time.

  • af Agnes J. Kroll
    138,95 kr.

    Burn Calories Easy and Smart is the new bible of fat loss!No matter where you are now it will help you get your dream body. How? By using the secrets of the leanest people in the world.We explains why each forms a key part of your body transformation and then shows you how to fit them all together to maximize fat loss and build the muscle you want. Simple, yet effective, if you stick to the plan you will be amazed with the results. Choosing healthy over skinny is a perfrect result, but how to get it? Using natural ingredients and without depriving yourself from delicious meals! I know that sounds silly, but just give this short read a try and let your body live a revolution!Whether or not you do workout or follow a specific diet, the updated content gathered in this handbook will be very useful for you. In this amazing little book, you will find all Tips & Tricks about food selection and preparation to burn fat. Prepare to say goodbye to belly fat and hello to a lean, healthy body!

  • af Brenda A. Smith
    208,95 kr.

    In preparing a new and carefully revised edition of this, my first work on general cookery, I have introduced improvements, corrected errors, and added new receipts, that I trust will, on trial, be found satisfactory. The success of the book (proved by its immense and increasing circulation,) affords conclusive evidence that it has obtained the approbation of a large number of my countrywomen; many of whom have informed me that it has made practical housewives of young ladies who have entered into married life with no other acquirements than a few showy accomplishments. Gentlemen, also, have told me of great improvements in the family-table, after presenting their wives with this manual of domestic cookery; and that, after a morning devoted to the fatigues of business, they no longer find themselves subjected to the annoyance of an ill-dressed dinner. No man (or woman either) ought to be incapable of distinguishing bad eatables from good ones. Yet, I have heard some few ladies boast of that incapacity, as something meritorious, and declare that they considered the quality, the preparation, and even the taste of food, as things entirely beneath the attention of a rational being; their own minds being always occupied with objects of far greater importance. Let all housekeepers remember that there is no possibility of producing nice dishes without a liberal allowance of good ingredients. "Out of nothing, nothing can come," is a homely proverb, but a true one. And so is the ancient caution against being "penny-wise and pound-foolish." By judicious management, and by taking due care that nothing is wasted or thrown away which might be used to advantage, one family will live "excellently well," at no greater cost in the end than another family is expending on a table that never has a good thing upon it.

  • af Katharina H. Rodriguez
    168,95 kr.

    Just when you think you've run out of things to fry, The Ultimate Guide to Frying is here to rescue you. The author takes us on a savory ride through the world of frying with more than one hundred recipes for anything and everything you could possibly imagine. Battered, buttered, dunked, and even forked, the recipes included in this book ensure that the most delicious food goes from the frying pan to the plate. With easy-to-understand instructions and detailed photos, this is the fryer's dream cookbook. From meat to desserts, sides to shellfish, the cookbook above all cookbooks for any frying questions. Beginning with a detailed guide to oils and frying equipment, Browne paints the complete picture for anyone interested in how to fry just about anything in their home and make it tasty too! With recipes such as Buttermilk Fried Chicken, Walla Walla Onion Rings, Beer-Battered Trout, Stumptown Oysters N' Bacon, Fried Shrooms, Kathleen's Cauliflower-Ettes, and many more, this cookbook is sure to leave its readers satisfied.

  • af Helen J. Miller
    178,95 kr.

    Berries, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peaches, apples, carrots everywhere! It is time to get canning when blessed with too much of a worthy, ripe, juicy thing. Here is how to can like a pro.Home Food Preservation and Canning are gaining in popularity, and there is no better way to keep summer flavors throughout the year. Learn how to get started with canning and preserving.For me, preserving means preserving summer. Each canned jar with treats is like a time capsule. When I open it, in a few months (and maybe only a few weeks), I feel the taste of terroir and the aroma of long-faded sunshine in this.We are going to the problem of preparing and careful handling the jars so that we end up with something delicious. This is really another way of cooking to bring out the taste of the products. I want to create something new, whether it is Fresh-Tasting Ketchup or Pickled Brussel Sprouts. To me, the art of pickling is as much a creation as it is preservation.If you love eating in season, meals can get certainly boring in late winter. Wouldn't it be nice to climb into your pantry and pull out a jar of summer-perfect Apricot Jam and Strawberry Jam on a cloudy day? This is possible with canning!Dig in this Canning and Preserving Beginner's Guide and find out:All the tips you need to grasp about canning and preserving delightful sweet and pickled treatsStep by Step Guide on Home Food Preservation and Canning in Jars with Recipes for Quick Seasonal CanningLearn to preserve fresh vegetables and fruit in homemade jams, jellies, pickles, chutneys, and more

  • af Pierre Caron
    178,95 kr.

    The excitement of French home cooking, simple dishes, includes many superb renditions of the great classics: a glorious cheese-domed onion soup, a spoon-tender beef daube, and the "top-secret" recipes that every good Parisian cook knows-but won't reveal. Over 500 other recipes are remarkably easy: a cheese and olive quick bread, a three-star chef's Basque potato tortilla made with a surprise ingredient (potato chips), and an utterly satisfying roast chicken for "lazy people." French Dishes For American Tables will make cooks fall in love with France all over again, or for the first time.

  • af Deborah B. Tyson
    198,95 kr.

    Our book is a great bundle of supportive reference guides and practice books to introduce English for beginners including key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Books use visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside the bundled Practice Books. You will learn core English skills such as introducing yourself and talking about your home, city, and hobbies to expand your vocabulary and understanding grammar and punctuation, this is a completely comprehensive introduction to practical English usage. Continue to expand your conversational topics by explaining emotions, health, and routines, and even learn to discuss holidays and seasons, and tell stories in the past tense.

  • af Shannon A. Mason
    168,95 kr.

    The ultimate coobook to using the power of healthy food to improve your mood, energy and mental wellbeing, with over 300 specially selected recipes. Contents: Salads and Salads Dressings, Fresh Fruits and Compote Mehlspeise - Flour Foods Noodles Cereals Best Recipes with Eggs Best Recipes with Cheese

  • af William E. Miller
    168,95 kr.

    The principles given in books one and two, leading to the development of the child's faculties find their greatest usefulness in school work. They will apply to every part of the child's work and aid in solving any of his problems. This is the demonstration ground and the time and efforts spent in the preceding games and exercises will manifest themselves in progress in school. It is best for the child to make his own applications. You can, of course, suggest and aid, but he should make his own picture wherever possible. The one making the effort receives the reward-which is development. The child will recall the idea which he works out for himself more easily than those worked out for him, even though the latter may seem better. The following pages will be given over to suggestive ideas as to how the principles may be applied to different lessons. Only a certain few concrete illustrations will be given, as the working out of the details would rob the child of the opportunity and development to be gained by doing the work himself. Children always learn the alphabet by pictures. Alphabetical books and blocks are made this way. This is because the child learns easily and quickly by this method. What is true in the early years is true in the later ones as well. Do not allow him to get away from this principle of learning by pictures. Follow the plan of teaching every thing possible by sight. Go out of your way if necessary to show him the thing he is reading about. The suggestions under "The Mind's Eye and The Story" in Book Two should be continued. When the child has learned to read have him pause and visually review what he has read, that is, to stop and see a mind's eye picture while the book is closed.

  • af Connie D. Jefferson
    193,95 kr.

    While considering the many good things to be found inside the covers of this book, don't forget to instil into the minds of your children the habit of thrift and of saving their earnings. It will add to their usefulness and your happiness in the years to come The book My Complete Recipes Book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed.

  • af James Otis
    178,95 kr.

    In the year there was in North Carolina, west of Broad River, and near the site of what is now known as Rutherfordton, a settlement called Gilbert Town. Within five or six miles of this village on a certain September day in the year above mentioned, two lads, equipped for a hunting trip, had halted in the woods. One was Nathan Shelby, a boy sixteen years of age, and nephew of that Isaac Shelby whose name is so prominent in the early history of North Carolina; the other, Evan McDowells, son of Colonel Charles McDowells, was one year younger than Nathan. But for the fact that these two lads were sorely needed at their homes, both would have been enrolled either among the American forces, or with those hardy pioneers who were then known as Mountain Men, for the time was come when the struggling colonists required every arm that could raise a musket. On the previous month the American forces under General Gates had been defeated by Cornwallis at Camden. Tarleton had dispersed Sumter's forces at Rocky Mount, and the southern colonists appeared to have been entirely subdued by the royal troops.

  • af Ernest Thompson Seton
    193,95 kr.

    Meet Old Lobo, a gigantic gray wolf whose death-defying predations on sheep and cattle herds are the scourge of farmers and ranchers in the Currumpaw region of northern New Mexico. This great wolf is just one of the animals whose true stories come to life in this engrossing collection of tales by the celebrated naturalist Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-1946). Combining scientific observations of animals in their natural habitats with a romantic vision of nature and the narrative skills of a born storyteller, Seton created an extraordinary collection of tales that gave the animal story new force and believability as a literary genre. Critically and popularly acclaimed upon its initial appearance in 1898, Wild Animals I Have Known remains, a century later, the best-known and best-loved of his works.Each tale focuses on an individual creature: the clever crow, Silverspot; Raggylug, a young cottontail rabbit; the author's errant hound, Bingo; Redruff, a Don Valley partridge; a wild horse known as The Mustang; Vixen, The Springfield Fox; and Willy, faithful sheep-dog by day and treacherous killer by night. Seton offers affectionate but realistic portraits of each animal, stressing the commonality between his subjects and their human neighbors.In addition to his popular wildlife stories, the author is well known for his work as an illustrator and painter. Animal lovers, environmentalists, naturalists, and any reader who appreciates a lively yarn will cherish this memorable wildlife classic.

  • af Donna D. Thornton
    178,95 kr.

    In this book, Donna invites you into her sugary, decadent, over-the-top world with 300 outrageous dessert concoctions. These epic recipes take beloved baked goods like pies, cakes, cupcakes and cookies and infuses them with the utterly irresistible flavors of cereal, ice cream, candy, booze and more. You can literally have your cake and eat it too with crazy delicious recipes like Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Bread Pudding, Snickerdoodle Caramel Apple Cupcakes and Cap'n Crunch® Boston Cream Pie Layer Cake, just to name a few.Directions are easy to follow with no fancy equipment or hard-to-find ingredients required¿just lots of butter, frosting, chocolate and love. No matter your skill level, you'll get picture-perfect results time and time again. Friends and family heck, even strangers! - will drop their jaws as you unveil amazing desserts that combine all their favorite treats, like the Snickers Tart, Drumstick Ice Cream Sweet Rolls . Rediscover the flavors of your childhood with the nostalgic Cosmic Brownies Torte and Circus Animal Filled Donuts, or enjoy indulgent, boozy creations with Bourbon Peach Upside-Down Cake and Bananas Foster Ice Cream Pie. With this one-of-a-kind collection, you'll discover the dessert of your dreams and tons you never even imagined were possible!

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