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  • af Frederic Stewart Isham
    168,95 kr.

    "A Man and His Money" is a novel written by Frederic Stewart Isham, an American author, and it was first published in 1902. The novel is primarily a work of fiction but includes elements of social commentary and satire, focusing on the lives and financial endeavors of the American upper class during the Gilded Age. Key features and themes of "A Man and His Money" include: Social Satire: The book offers a satirical commentary on the values, aspirations, and excesses of the wealthy elite in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It examines the pursuit of wealth and the lifestyles of the privileged classes, often with a critical and humorous lens. Financial Ambition: The central character, John Thorpe, is a wealthy young man who inherits a significant fortune. The novel explores his financial ambitions, investment decisions, and his relationships with those who are attracted to his wealth. Romantic Elements: Alongside its financial themes, the novel also incorporates romantic subplots, as John Thorpe navigates love and relationships, which are often influenced by the financial and social standing of the characters. Moral and Ethical Dilemmas: As John Thorpe amasses wealth and faces various dilemmas, the novel delves into questions of morality and ethics. It raises issues about the pursuit of wealth at the expense of other values and the consequences of one's actions. Period Setting: "A Man and His Money" is set against the backdrop of the Gilded Age, a period of significant economic growth and wealth accumulation in the United States, marked by conspicuous consumption and social change. The novel is a reflection of its time, capturing the attitudes and concerns of the American upper class as they navigated a rapidly changing society. Frederic Stewart Isham's work can be seen as both a critique and a portrayal of the era's financial and social dynamics. It is an intriguing read for those interested in historical fiction, social commentary, and the Gilded Age in America.

  • af Anna L. Colcord
    193,95 kr.

    "A Friend in the Kitchen" is a cookbook written by Anna L. Colcord. First published in 1899, this book is a charming and historically significant work that offers a unique window into the culinary practices of the late 19th century in the United States. The title, "A Friend in the Kitchen," reflects the author's intention to be a helpful and reliable guide for home cooks, providing them with practical advice, recipes, and tips for creating delicious and satisfying meals. It is often referred to as one of the early American cookbooks that catered to a growing middle-class audience interested in expanding their culinary knowledge. Key features of the book include: Practical Advice: Anna L. Colcord provides practical advice on cooking techniques, menu planning, and kitchen organization. Her goal is to make cooking more manageable and enjoyable for home cooks. Traditional Recipes: The book contains a wide range of traditional recipes that were popular in the late 19th century. These recipes cover everything from soups, salads, and main courses to desserts and baked goods. Emphasis on Economy: In keeping with the times, the cookbook emphasizes economical cooking and making the most of available ingredients. It reflects the practicality and resourcefulness of that era's homemakers. Cultural Insights: The book also provides insights into the cultural and social aspects of American society during the late 1800s. It reflects the tastes and preferences of the time. Vintage Charm: "A Friend in the Kitchen" carries a certain vintage charm in its language and presentation, offering a delightful glimpse into the past. Anna L. Colcord's cookbook is not just a collection of recipes but also a valuable historical document that reveals how American households approached cooking and dining in the late 19th century. It's a testament to the evolving culinary landscape and changing culinary sensibilities of that era. Today, "A Friend in the Kitchen" is appreciated not only for its historical significance but also for its role in preserving traditional American recipes and culinary techniques. It remains an interesting resource for culinary historians, enthusiasts, and those interested in the history of American cookery.

  • af Frederick Merrick White
    248,95 kr.

    A Shadowed Love' is a romance-mystery novel written by Fred M. White. The story begins on the hot languid street in London off the river in August. High up a cheap low-flash lamp added to the heat of a third-floor room, and gave a spice of danger to the occupant's more sordid condition. The man, bending over a penny exercise book, rose as there came from below a succession of knocks growing gradually louder. The dull double thud came presently far down below. A small servant came presently and laid a letter by the writer's elbow.

  • af Frederic S. Isham
    233,95 kr.

    "Nothing But the Truth" is a novel written by American author Frederic S. Isham. It was first published in 1915 and is a work of fiction that falls into the genre of romantic and suspenseful literature. The novel is notable for its intriguing plot, filled with secrets, espionage, and personal relationships. Key features and themes of "Nothing But the Truth" include: Espionage and Intrigue: The novel revolves around espionage and international intrigue. It involves secret government agencies, spies, and the pursuit of valuable information. Romance: At the heart of the story is a romantic relationship. The main character, a young and charismatic man, falls in love with a woman who becomes embroiled in the espionage plot, creating tension and suspense. Mystery and Secrets: The novel is built on a foundation of mystery and secrets, with characters concealing their true identities and motives. This adds a layer of suspense to the narrative. International Settings: The story unfolds in various international locations, which adds an exotic and adventurous dimension to the plot. Political and Social Commentary: Like many novels of its time, "Nothing But the Truth" may contain elements of political and social commentary, reflecting the historical context in which it was written. Frederic S. Isham's "Nothing But the Truth" is an exciting and suspenseful novel that combines elements of romance, espionage, and intrigue. While it may not be as widely recognized today as some other works from its era, it remains a testament to the popular literature of the early 20th century. If you're interested in historical fiction, romantic thrillers, or early 20th-century literature, you may find this novel intriguing.

  • af Frances Hodgson Burnett
    168,95 kr.

    "Little Saint Elizabeth and Other Stories" is a collection of short stories written by the English-American author Frances Hodgson Burnett. This book was first published in 1890 and is known for its exploration of themes such as human kindness, selflessness, and the power of imagination. Frances Hodgson Burnett is perhaps best known for her beloved novels "The Secret Garden" and "A Little Princess," but this collection showcases her talent for crafting engaging short stories. The collection includes several short stories, with "Little Saint Elizabeth" serving as the title piece. Some key elements and themes found in the book include: Child Protagonists: Like many of Burnett's works, the stories in this collection often feature children as the central characters. These young characters display a sense of innocence, resilience, and imagination. Themes of Kindness and Generosity: Many of the stories revolve around acts of kindness and selflessness. The characters learn the value of helping others, even in the face of hardship, and the stories emphasize the importance of empathy and compassion. Magical Realism and Imagination: Some stories in the collection incorporate elements of magical realism, allowing the young characters to experience fantastical or imaginative adventures. Burnett's writing often blurs the lines between reality and imagination, creating a sense of wonder. Social and Moral Lessons: The stories often convey moral lessons and values, encouraging readers, especially young readers, to consider the consequences of their actions and the importance of living virtuously. Victorian Sensibilities: The stories are steeped in the Victorian era's cultural and social norms, and they often address the challenges and limitations faced by young individuals in that time period. "Little Saint Elizabeth and Other Stories" is a collection that showcases Frances Hodgson Burnett's ability to write engaging and heartwarming stories that appeal to readers of all ages. Each story explores the complexities of human relationships and the resilience of the human spirit. While not as widely known as some of her longer novels, this collection is a testament to Burnett's talent for crafting enduring tales of virtue, empathy, and the power of the human imagination.

  • af Benjamin L. Farjeon
    168,95 kr.

    "Christmas Stories" is a collection of short stories written by Benjamin Leopold Farjeon, a British author known for his contributions to 19th-century literature. Farjeon was particularly renowned for his vivid and engaging storytelling, and his Christmas stories capture the spirit of the holiday season with warmth and charm. His Christmas stories feature a range of characters, settings, and themes related to Christmas. These stories typically explore the themes of love, compassion, family, and the magic of the holiday season. They include heartwarming tales of kindness, generosity, and the joy of giving, often set against a backdrop of Victorian England. Farjeon's writing style is known for its descriptive and evocative prose, which transport readers to the settings and times in which the stories take place. His characters are often relatable and endearing, making it easy for readers to connect with the narratives and the emotions of the season. If you enjoy classic Christmas tales that celebrate the joy and warmth of the holiday season, this collection will provide a delightful and festive reading experience.

  • af Horatio Alger
    168,95 kr.

    ""Facing the World"" is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. The book tells the story of a young boy named Dick Hunter who is forced to leave his home in the countryside and move to the city to find work and support his family. Dick faces many challenges and obstacles as he tries to make a life for himself in the city, including poverty, hunger, and discrimination. Despite these difficulties, he remains determined and optimistic, and eventually finds success through hard work and perseverance. The book explores themes of social mobility, the American Dream, and the importance of self-reliance and determination. It is a classic example of 19th century American literature and remains a popular and influential work to this day.It was a terrible night. None of the passengers ventured upon deck. Indeed, such was the motion that it would have been dangerous, as even the sailors found it difficult to keep their footing. Harry was pale and quiet, unlike his friend from Brooklyn, whose moans were heard mingled with the noise of the tempest.

  • af Mary Louisa Molesworth
    178,95 kr.

    "Fairies Afield" is a children's book written by Mrs. Molesworth, the pen name of Mary Louisa Molesworth, a prolific British author of children's literature in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The book was first published in 1887 and is part of her larger body of work that includes a series of charming and imaginative tales for young readers. Key aspects of "Fairies Afield" include: Fairy Tales and Fantasy: "Fairies Afield" is a collection of whimsical and enchanting stories that revolve around the world of fairies, magic, and fantasy. The book takes young readers on a delightful journey into the realm of the supernatural and the extraordinary. Child Protagonists: Like many of Mrs. Molesworth's works, the book features child protagonists who encounter and interact with fairies and magical beings. These young characters often find themselves in extraordinary situations, where they must use their wits and courage to navigate the challenges posed by the fairy world. Morality and Life Lessons: While the stories are infused with elements of fantasy and wonder, they also contain moral lessons and values suitable for children's literature. The tales often teach lessons about kindness, honesty, and the consequences of one's actions. Imagination and Creativity: "Fairies Afield" encourages young readers to use their imaginations and engage in creative play. The stories inspire a sense of wonder and a belief in the magic of the natural world. Victorian Era Literature: The book reflects the literary style and sensibilities of the Victorian era, a period known for its production of classic children's literature. Mrs. Molesworth's writing is characterized by its gentle and charming storytelling, which was typical of children's literature of the time. "Fairies Afield" is representative of Mrs. Molesworth's contributions to the world of children's literature. Her works are known for their ability to transport readers, especially young ones, to enchanting and imaginative realms while imparting important life lessons. The book continues to be appreciated for its timeless appeal and its contribution to the tradition of classic children's storytelling.

  • af Claude Hopkins
    168,95 kr.

    "Scientific Advertising" is a seminal book written by Claude C. Hopkins, a renowned advertising pioneer, and copywriter. First published in 1923, the book is considered a classic in the field of advertising and marketing. It is known for introducing the concept of data-driven, measurable advertising techniques, which significantly influenced the advertising industry and continues to be relevant in the digital marketing era. Key aspects of "Scientific Advertising" include: Measurable Advertising: Claude Hopkins advocated for the use of scientific methods to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. He believed that advertising should not be based on guesswork or creative intuition but on empirical evidence and data. Advertisers should track and measure the results of their campaigns to determine what works and what doesn't. Emphasis on Direct Response: Hopkins stressed the importance of direct response advertising, where the goal is to elicit a specific, immediate response from the audience, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or taking a specific action. This allows for precise measurement and optimization of ad campaigns. A/B Testing: Hopkins popularized the concept of A/B testing or split testing, where two versions of an ad are compared to determine which one performs better. This approach enables advertisers to refine their messages and strategies based on actual results. Focus on Headlines: The book emphasizes the significance of the headline in advertising. According to Hopkins, the headline is the most critical element of an ad, as it determines whether the reader will continue to engage with the content or move on. He provided insights on creating compelling headlines that grab attention and drive interest. Writing Persuasively: Hopkins discussed the art of persuasive writing in advertising, emphasizing that advertisements should be clear, concise, and written in a way that resonates with the needs and desires of the target audience. He stressed the importance of highlighting the unique selling proposition (USP) of a product or service. ROI-Focused Advertising: "Scientific Advertising" introduced the idea that every advertising dollar spent should be seen as an investment with an expected return on investment (ROI). Advertisers should aim to maximize the return for their advertising expenditure. Evergreen Principles: Despite being published almost a century ago, many of the principles and strategies discussed in the book remain relevant today, especially in the context of digital advertising and online marketing. "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins remains a foundational work in the field of advertising and marketing. It emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making, the need for continuous testing and optimization, and the focus on delivering clear and persuasive messages to target audiences. This book has had a profound and lasting impact on the advertising industry and is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the art and science of advertising.

  • af Andrew Lang
    178,95 kr.

    In Greek mythology, Helen, better known as Helen of Sparta or Helen of Troy, was daughter of Zeus and Leda, wife of king Menelaus of Sparta and sister of Castor, Polydeuces and Clytemnestra. Her abduction by Paris brought about the Trojan War. Helen was described as having the face that launched a thousand ships. Helen or Helene is probably derived from the Greek word meaning "torch" or "corposant" or might be related to "selene" meaning "moon". Andrew Lang (1844-1912) was a prolific Scots man of letters, a poet, novelist, literary critic and contributor to anthropology. He now is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales. As a journalist, poet, critic and historian, he soon made a reputation as one of the ablest and most versatile writers of the day.

  • af Emma R. Logan
    168,95 kr.

    This cookbook proves that quick and easy doesn't have to mean boring. Andres K. Townsend has attracted devoted fans with recipes that are undeniable "keepers"-each one so simple, so easy, and so flavor-packed, that you reach for them busy night after busy night. In Recipes to Make Delicious Food, he shares exclusive new recipes as well as her most beloved dishes, all designed to bring fun and excitement into everyday cooking. From five-ingredient Mini Deep Dish Pizzas to no-fuss Sheet Pan Steak & Veggies and 20-minute Spaghetti Carbonara, the recipes will help even the most inexperienced cooks spend less time in the kitchen and more time around the table. Packed with quickie breakfasts, 30-minute skillet sprints, and speedy takeout copycats, this cookbook is guaranteed to inspire readers to whip up fast, healthy, homemade meals that are truly "damn delicious!"

  • af Mary Louisa Molesworth
    178,95 kr.

    The story of Leonara and her friend Hildegard and their adventures in fairyland. The Magic Nuts gets off to a lovely start, with interesting characters and settings, of mysterious and magical things. This fairyland was the place where cruelty, injustice, and sorrow could be understood and resolved. Mary Louisa Molesworth, An extremely prolific writer-she published approximately 100 booksMrs Molesworth tended to moralize and portray the period of childhood as idyllic. However, her didacticism was never overbearing, and she wrote some extraordinary visionary novels in the manner of George MacDonald.

  • af Marlene W. Bowden
    178,95 kr.

    Let's discover the book "Servings Of Delight" in the parts listed below: Our experts have tested all the recipes in this book more than once to ensure sweet success each time. We aim for this book to be your ultimate resource material for dessert making, as well as your kitchen assistant, regardless if you're an eager newbie or a self-assured cook searching for new ideas and techniques. "Servings Of Delight" has long been overdue. Over 10 years of publishing recipes for tarts, ice creams, cakes, cheesecakes, cookies, pies, and a lot more have enabled us to include plenty of dessert-making information and know-how in these pages. You also see more different types of recipes such as: Fudge Cookbook Chocolate Truffle Cookbook Homemade Candy Cookbook Cocoa Cookbook White Chocolate Cookbook Hard Candy Recipes Candy Bar Recipes I really hope that each book in the series will be always your best friend in your little kitchen. Let's live happily and make dessert every day!

  • af John R. Macduff
    153,95 kr.

    Today, "What would Jesus do?" is a question commonly posed by and among Christian believers. In this classic work of theology, author John R. Macduff poses a fascinating variation on this question: what -- and how -- did Jesus think? This volume is indispensable for anyone interested in delving deeper into Christian epistemology. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" Philippians 2:5 "Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind" 1 Peter 4:1 THE MIND OF JESUS! What a study is this! To attain a dim reflection of it, is the ambition of angel - higher they cannot soar. "To be conformed to the image of His Son!" - this is the design of God in the predestination of His people from all eternity. "We shall be like Him!" - this is the Bible picture of heaven! In a former little volume, we pondered some of the gracious Words which proceeded out of the mouth of Jesus. In the present, we have a few faint lineaments of that holy Character which constituted the living expositor and embodiment of His precepts. But how lofty such a standard! How all creature-perfection shrinks abashed and confounded before a Divine portraiture like this! He is the true "Angel standing in the sun," who alone projects no shadow; so bathed in the glories of Deity, that likeness to Him becomes like the light in which He is shrouded - "no man can approach unto it." May we not, however, seek at least to approximate, though we cannot adequately and fully resemble? It is impossible on earth to associate with a fellow-being without getting in some degree assimilated to him. Just so, the more we study "the Mind of Christ," the more we are in His company - holding converse with Him as our best and dearest friend - catching up His holy looks and holy deeds - the more shall we be "transformed into the same image."

  • af H. L. Mansel
    153,95 kr.

    The Philosophical Quarterly is one of the most highly regarded and established academic journals in philosophy. In an age of increasing specialism, it remains committed to publishing high quality articles from leading international scholars across the range of philosophical study. The Philosophy of the Conditioned is a classic philosophy text about philosophies of John Stuart Mill and Sir William Hamilton. All consciousness must in the first instance present itself as a relation between two constituent parts, the person who is conscious, and the thing, whatever it may be, of which he is conscious. This contrast has been indicated, directly or indirectly, by various names--mind and matter; person and thing; subject and object; or, lastly, in the distinction, most convenient for philosophy, however uncouth in sound, between self and not self--the ego and the non-ego.

  • af Lucas Malet
    178,95 kr.

    Little Peter: A Christmas Morality for Children of any Age is the 1888 work of Lucas Malet, the pen name for Mary St Leger Kingsley, a Victorian Novelist. We are dedicated to bringing the world the best of humankind's literature from throughout the ages. Peter, a believably sweet and innocent little child, has two friends, the stuffy Cincinnatus, and the bitter crippled hermit Jean Paqualin, who is hated in the small French village near his home in the pine forest. A touching, romantic book.

  • af Henry Van Dyke
    138,95 kr.

    Two Christmas books by American author, educator, and clergyman Henry Van Dyke, including a short story, two essays, and two prayers for the season. 1. The Spirit of Christmas by Henry van Dyke is a beautiful story of the angel that foretells the birth of Christ to the other angels. Also, a short Christmas sermon of how to keep Christmas in your heart all the year. Two prayers at the end. Charming, beautifully written and recommended to all. This book is full oft thoughtful collection of sermons, reflections, prayers, dreams. 2. The First Christmas Tree In this volume of Christmas stories and prayers, we read of courage, generosity, and the triumph of light over darkness from The First Christmas Tree, a magical tale of the Thunder Oak and the false god Thor, to the lyrical story of The Christmas Angel in the Country Beyond the Stars. Destined to become a Christmas classic for the whole family, The First Christmas Tree will inspire us all, in the words of Henry Van Dyke, "to live Christmas not just Christmas day."

  • af Francisca Pullen
    163,95 kr.

    Let not the vanity of the cook induce you to forget the duty of a servant, which is, in the first place, to please his master: be particular, therefore, in enquiring what things please your employer. Many capital cooks will be found for great feasts and festivals, but very few for every-day service, because this is not "eye-service," but the service of principle and duty. Few, indeed, there are who will take equal pains to make one delicate dish, one small exquisite dinner, for the three hundred and sixty-five days in the year; yet this is by far the most valuable attainment of the two. The great secret of all cookery consists in making fine meat jellies; this is done at less expence than may be imagined by a careful, honest cook. For this purpose let all parings of meats of every kind, all bones, however dry they may appear, be carefully collected, and put over a very slow fire in a small quantity of water, always adding a little more as the water boils down. Skim this juice when cool: and, having melted it a second time, pass it through a sieve till thoroughly pure: put no salt or pepper; use this fine jelly for any sauce, adding herbs, or whatever savoury condiments you think proper, at the time it is used. Be careful all summer long to dry vegetables and herbs. Almost every herb and vegetable may be dried and preserved for winter use; for on these must chiefly depend all the varied flavours of your dishes. Mushrooms and artichokes strung on a string, with a bit of wood knotted in between each to prevent their touching, and hung in a dry place, will be excellent; and every species of culinary herb may be preserved either in bottles or paper bags.

  • af William Makepeace Thackeray
    233,95 kr.

    Christmas classics short stories are a collection of renowned Christmas tales which are admired throughout the world. Start reading to unlock the Christmas magic. Christmas is the most famous holiday of the year, and the word itself evokes images of Santa Claus, reindeer, snow, Christmas trees, egg nog and more. At the same time, it represents Christianity's most important event, the birth of the baby Jesus. Instantly, well known Christmas carols ring in your ears, pictures of the Nativity Scene become ubiquitous, or maybe you even picture nutcrackers or Scrooge and Tiny Tim. The Christmas Books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh: During their lifetimes, Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray were engaged in a friendly competition of sorts to see who could gain the most stature and popularity as writers for the masses. Following in Dickens' footsteps, Thackeray began penning a series of heartwarming holiday-themed tales to be published in serial form, often under the pen name "Michael Angelo Titmarsh." Thackeray wrote for the Christmas season: Mrs. Perkins's Ball; Our Street; Doctor Birch and His Young Friends; The Kickleburys on the Rhine; and The Rose and the Ring; or, The History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo.

  • af Bernard Shaw
    193,95 kr.

    George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright, socialist, and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. Although his first profitable writing was music and literary criticism, in which capacity he wrote many highly articulate pieces of journalism, his main talent was for drama. Over the course of his life he wrote more than 60 plays. Nearly all his plays address prevailing social problems, but each also includes a vein of comedy that makes their stark themes more palatable. In these works Shaw examined education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege. An ardent socialist, Shaw was angered by what he perceived to be the exploitation of the working class. He wrote many brochures and speeches for the Fabian Society. He became an accomplished orator in the furtherance of its causes, which included gaining equal rights for men and women, alleviating abuses of the working class, rescinding private ownership of productive land, and promoting healthy lifestyles. For a short time he was active in local politics, serving on the London County Council.

  • af Mary Louisa Molesworth
    193,95 kr.

    A Christmas Posy is a wonderfully selected collection of beloved children's stories: "Grandmother Dear's" Old Watch My Pink Pet An Honest Little Man The Six Poor Little Princesses Basil's Violin The Missing Bon-bons Lost Rollo The Blue Dwarfs

  • af Margaret D. Stiver
    178,95 kr.

    With the steadily increasing cost of all staple foods the need of intelligent buying, cooking, and serving is greater than ever before: more money must be spent for food, or more consideration must be given to selecting and using it. For those who would continue to serve their households well, and whose allowance for food has not kept pace with prices, there is only one alternative, and that is, to use more of the cheaper foods, and to prepare and combine them so skilfully that economy shall not be a hardship. Good meals depend not so much upon expensive material as upon care and good judgment in the use of ordinary material. The time-worn boarding-house jokes about prunes and hash mean simply that these foods, in themselves excellent, are poorly prepared and too frequently served. It is the plan of this book to include a variety of (1) recipes which require only a small amount of meat; (2) recipes for vegetable dishes which can take the place of meat; (3) recipes for the economical use of cereals, dairy products, and other common inexpensive foods; (4) recipes for breads, cakes, and desserts requiring only a small amount of butter and eggs; and (5) recipes for a few relishes, condiments, and other accessories which lend variety and interest. The General Suggestions for Economy (Chapter I) are not all new, but are liable, through disuse, to be forgotten by the present generation. Spasmodic economy counts for little in the long run; only systematic and continued watchfulness is really worth while. Economy, however, ought not to necessitate the total elimination of one's favorite cuts of steak, nor all of the little luxuries, because by the skilful planning of the majority of the meals the occasional use of these luxuries can be made possible. This book is not intended as a complete guide to cookery; it presupposes an elementary knowledge of the care and preparation of food.

  • af Edward Spencer
    178,95 kr.

    If the style of the work be faulty, the reason-not the excuse-is that the style is innate, and not modelled upon anybody else's style. The language I have endeavoured to make as plain, homely, and vigorous as is the food advocated. If the criticisms on foreign cookery should offend the talented chef, I have the satisfaction of knowing that, as I have forsworn his works, he will be unable to retaliate with poison. And if the criticisms on the modern English methods of preparing food should attract the attention of the home caterer, he may possibly be induced to give his steam-chest and his gas-range a rest, and put the roast beef of Old England on his table, occasionally; though I have only the very faintest hopes that he will do so. For the monster eating-houses and mammoth hotels of to-day are for the most part "run" by companies and syndicates; and the company within the dining-room suffer occasionally, in order that dividends may be possible after payment has been made for the elaborate, and wholly unnecessary, furniture, and decorations. Wholesome food is usually sufficient for the ordinary British appetite, without such surroundings as marble pillars, Etruscan vases, nude figures, gilding, and looking-glasses, which only serve to distract attention from the banquet. It is with many a sigh that I recall the good old-fashioned inn, where the guest really received a warm welcome. Nowadays, the warmest part of that welcome is usually the bill.

  • af Abbie Farwell Brown
    153,95 kr.

    What would people do if they found her childhood toys lying in the street? Act selfishly? Miss Terry tossed each toy one by one to the snowy sidewalk in front of her house. But her heart is moved when she sees the Christmas Angel kicked aside. Remembering all the years it graced her family mantel, she rushes to rescue it. Back inside, the Christmas Angel comes to life, and reveals the actual destiny for each toy, and for Miss Terry, that she could have never imagined. "The Christmas Angel, " part of the Focus on the Family Great Stories collection, includes an in-depth introduction and discussion questions by Joe Wheeler. It is a stirring reminder of what really matters at Christmas and throughout the year.

  • af John Dewey
    208,95 kr.

    "A modern classic. Dewey's lectures have lost none of their vigor ... The historical approach, which underlay the central argument, is beautifully exemplified in his treatments of the origin of philosophy." - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research . "It was with this book that Dewey fully launched his campaign for experimental philosophy." - The New Republic. Written shortly after the shattering effects of World War I, John Dewey's Reconstruction in Philosophy offers an insightful introduction to the concept of pragmatic humanism. The eminent philosopher presents persuasive arguments against traditional philosophical constructs, suggesting their basis in self-justification; instead, he proposes an examination of core values in terms of their ultimate effects on the self and others. Dewey's experimental philosophy represented a significant departure from its predecessor, utilitarianism, and it was received with both outrage and acclaim for daring to mingle ethics and science. Delivered in 1919 as a series of lectures at Tokyo's Imperial University of Japan, Dewey's landmark work appears here in an enlarged edition that features an informative introduction by the author, written more than 25 years after the book's initial publication.

  • af William K. Spier
    208,95 kr.

    The person and number of a verb are those modifications in which it agrees with its subject or nominative. In each number, there are three persons; and in each person, two numbers: thus, Singular. Plural. 1st per. I love, 1st per. We love, 2d per. Thou lovest, 2d per. You love, 3d per. He loves; 3d per. They love. Where the verb is varied, the second person singular is regularly formed by adding st or est to the first person; and the third person singular, in like manner, by adding s or es: as, I see, thou seest, he sees; I give, thou givest, he gives; I go, thou goest, he goes; I fly, thou fliest, he flies; I vex, thou vexest, he vexes; I lose, thou losest, he loses. Where the verb is not varied to denote its person and number, these properties are inferred from its subject or nominative: as, If I love, if thou love, if he love; if we love, if you love, if they love.

  • af Robert Sessions Woodworth
    233,95 kr.

    A few words to the reader are in order. In the first place, something like an apology is due for the free way in which the author has drawn upon the original work of many fellow-psychologists, without any mention of their names. This is practically unavoidable in a book intended for the beginner, but the reader may well be informed of the fact, and cautioned not to credit the content of the book to the writer of it. The author's task has been that of selecting from the large mass of psychological information now available, much of it new, whatever seemed most suitable for introducing the subject to the reader. The book aims to represent the present state of a very active science. Should the book appear unduly long in prospect, the longest and most detailed chapter, that on Sensation, might perfectly well be omitted, on the first reading, without appreciably disturbing the continuity of the rest. On the other hand should any reader desire to make this text the basis of a more extensive course of reading, the lists of references appended to the several chapters will prove of service. The books and articles there cited will be found interesting and not too technical in style. Much advantage can be derived from the use of the "Exercises". The text, at the best, but provides raw material. Each student's finished product must be of his own making. The exercises afford opportunity for the student to work over the material and make it his own. A first or preliminary edition of this book, in mimeographed sheets, was in use for two years in introductory classes conducted by the author and his colleagues, and was subjected to exceedingly helpful criticism from both teachers and students. The revision of that earlier edition into the present form has been very much of a coöperative enterprise, and so many have coöperated that room could scarcely be found for all their names. Professor A. T. Poffenberger, Dr. Clara F. Chassell, Dr. Georgina I. Gates, Mr. Gardner Murphy, Mr. Harold E. Jones and Mr. Paul S. Achilles have given me the advantage of their class-room experience with the mimeographed book. Dr. Christine Ladd-Franklin has very carefully gone over with me the passages dealing with color vision and with reasoning. Miss Elizabeth T. Sullivan, Miss Anna B. Copeland, Miss Helen Harper and Dr. A. H. Martin have been of great assistance in the final stages of the work. Important suggestions have come also from several other universities, where the mimeographed book was inspected.

  • af Charlotte T. Leone
    178,95 kr.

  • af Cynthia R. Hill
    178,95 kr.

    Of all the delicacies in the whole mundus edibiles, I will maintain roast pig to be the most delicate. There is no flavor comparable, I will contend, to that of the crisp, tawny, well-watched, not over-roasted crackling, as it is well called, the very teeth are invited to their share of the pleasure at this banquet in overcoming the coy, brittle resistance, with the adhesive oleaginous, oh, call it not fat! But an indefinable sweetness growing up to it, the tender blossoming of fat, fat cropped in the bud, taken in the shoot, in the first innocence, the cream and quintessence of the child-pig's yet pure food, the lean, no lean, but a kind of animal manna, or rather fat and lean (if it must be so) so blended and running into each other that both together make but one ambrosian result or common substance. Hog killing and pork making on the farm have become almost lost arts in these days of mammoth packing establishments which handle such enormous numbers of swine at all seasons of the year. Yet the progressive farmer of to-day should not only provide his own fresh and cured pork for family use, but also should be able to supply at remunerative prices such persons in his neighborhood as appreciate the excellence and general merit of country or "homemade" pork product. This is true, also, though naturally in a less degree, of the townsman who fattens one or two pigs on the family kitchen slops, adding sufficient grain ration to finish off the pork for autumn slaughter. The only popular book of the kind ever published, "Home Pork Making" furnishes in a plain manner just such detailed information as is needed to enable the farmer, feeder, or country butcher to successfully and economically slaughter his own hogs and cure his own pork. All stages of the work are fully presented, so that even without experience or special equipment any intelligent person can readily follow the instructions. Hints are given about finishing off hogs for bacon, hams, etc. Then, beginning with proper methods of slaughtering, the various processes are clearly presented, including every needful detail from the scalding vat to the kitchen baking dish and dining-room table. The various chapters treat successively of the following, among other branches of the art of pork making: Possibilities of profit in home curing and marketing pork; finishing off hogs for bacon; class of rations best adapted, flesh and fat forming foods; best methods of slaughtering hogs, with necessary adjuncts for this preliminary work; scalding and scraping; the construction of vats; dressing the carcass; cooling and cutting up the meat; best disposition of the offal; the making of sausage and scrapple; success in producing a fine quality of lard and the proper care of it.

  • af Bessie H. Taylor
    168,95 kr.

    Now in paperback, this landmark, debut cookbook from Bessie H. Taylor is brimming with over 150 authentic recipes that capture the flavors and spirit of countryside. The Food Combination is one of the most important culinary works of the twentieth century. It has served as a foundational resource and beacon to cooks worldwide-including visionaries who redefined American cuisine. This revolutionary text offers masterfully arranged menus for every occasion, from casual dinners for two to decadent soirees. In paperback for the first time, this celebrated kitchen classic is a must-have for adventurous home cooks, chefs, and gourmets.

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