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"Death and life are in the power of the tongue.">That's the verse God used to inspire Tami Miller to make daily declarations of biblical truths, especially those found in the book of Proverbs. Now in Wisdom Declarations With the Book of Proverbs, Tami gives you a 31-day plan to help you get started making your own declarations. Tami begins each day's entry with a short testimony. Then she provides a recommended reading for the day, followed by her own declarations based on that chapter from Proverbs. From there, she gives you space to record your own "Personal Revelation of Wisdom," "Personal Applications," and "Personal Declarations." In one month's time, you can establish a valuable life-long habit of assimilating the truth you are reading and learning in God's Word.
"How did I get here?" A question asked by so many as they look back on their life. Sometimes the words fill the air with despair, while other times they're broken up by the sounds of sobbing. So many people reach a point where they thought they'd be enjoying their achievements, only to find themselves further behind than when they started their careers. Instead of encouraging people to take bold action for the sake of their future, society suggests hustling may cause mixed up priorities, loss of family and friends, or potential impact to our mental health. In this book, Jessie flips the script on hustle, showing how proper hustle is not only good for you, but essential for success. It's not about the hours you work-it's about how you work. She shows you how to hustle with little effort in just four areas of our lives. Why only four? Because she likes easy, too. As a six-time nationally ranked loan officer, entrepreneur, and mother of three, Jessie had to find the easiest way to hustle with minimal regrets. Stop letting the world influence your life. Stop allowing fear and hesitation prevent you from going all in. Learn how to hustle to design the life you want-without losing yourself.
Usually, Amelia looks forward to her school's annual end of year show, where she can sit back and watch her friends showcase their talents, but not this time. This year, everyone is required to participate in the day by showing a talent or hidden treasure. The only problem is that Amelia has no talents and has to find a hidden treasure to display. But time is running out, and the special day isn't far away. What will Amelia do?This book can be read for pure enjoyment or it can be used as a teaching tool for parents, teachers and children to have critical conversations about the hidden treasures that are in all of us. It includes a number of learning connections at the end of the story and a Reader's Guide that can be downloaded at maggiesullivan.ca.
Join Curly Crow at the Barbershop as she gets a haircut for the first time.A fun storytime coloring book about facing your fears for kids ages 4-8. Curly Crow Coloring Story Books have over 30 unique Curly Crow coloring pages. This paperback coloring book is a great non-screen activity to stimulate a child's creativity and imagination. Color along as you read about the adventures of Curly Crow. The Curly Crow Coloring Book Series can be read in any order: Curly Crow Goes CampingCurly Crow Goes to the BeachCurly Crow Goes to SchoolCurly Crow Goes to the RiverCurly Crow Goes to the ParkJoin the Curly Crow Club and sign up for our Newsletter. You will be glad you did!
Microtrading Mastery: Unveiling the Secrets of Profiting from Tiny Price Movements
Biotech Trading Unveiled: Your Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the Biotechnology Investment Landscape
Unleash Wealth: Your Definitive Guide to Profiting from Alternative InvestmentsDon't miss this chance to open the doors to new financial opportunities.
"The Wealth Connect: Your Pathway to Financial Freedom," will help you'll embark on a transformative journey from financial uncertainty to financial freedom. This book demystifies complex financial concepts and provides practical, actionable strategies to eliminate debt, optimize savings, invest wisely, and safeguard your future and that of your loved ones. It's more than just a guide; it's a roadmap to building generational wealth, designed to empower you to take control of your financial destiny. Start your journey today, and unlock the door to a future of financial independence and enduring prosperity.
"From award-winning author Serena Lane Ferrari a heartwarming tale of friendship and bravery" ★★★★★ When Francesco moves to Australia, he discovers a new world of beauty and adventure, but he soon begins to realise not everything is as it seems. Along with his newfound friend Annie, he embarks on a mission to save the beloved wildlife of the area, only to uncover something more mysterious than he could ever have imagined.When a small koala appears, they must unravel the secret of the forest. Join Francesco and Annie as they strive to rescue a charming koala while safeguarding the captivating wildlife. "For kids aged 8 to 11 who adore animals and crave adventure, this chapter book is a dream come true. Francesco and Annie's quest is a celebration of friendship, wildlife, and the extraordinary feats that young hearts can achieve." ★★★★★ "Adventure awaits in every chapter of this unforgettable book for children aged 8 to 11" ★★★★★
O casamento deles não é por amor. Ela vai se certificar disso.Kitty Stokes nunca imaginou que seria tão fraca a ponto de se sacrificar no altar das obrigações familiares, mas quando a única alternativa ao casamento com Lorde Hayworth é bancar a babá dos filhos de seu irmão, Kitty concorda relutantemente. No dia do casamento, ela tem certeza de que cometeu um erro grave, mas é tarde demais para voltar atrás.Phineas Hayworth evitou ver sua noiva antes do dia do casamento - o preço que ele se forçou a pagar por ser tão mercenário a ponto de se casar com a irmã de um rico comerciante em uma tentativa de salvar sua propriedade das ruínas. Sua beleza, portanto, é um choque, assim como seu tratamento frio, que ele sente que merece. Phineas faz um juramento de que não se aproximará dela em busca de um herdeiro, a menos que o convite venha dela.Quando Phineas se propõe a colocar sua propriedade em ordem e apresentar sua nova esposa à sociedade, ele a acha mais encantadora do que poderia esperar, mesmo em um casamento por amor. Kitty continua a mantê-lo a uma distância segura, embora ele suspeite que os sentimentos dela sejam igualmente profundos. À medida que o amor e o desejo de Phineas por sua esposa crescem, o juramento que ele fez a ela começa a sufocá-los. Logo fica claro que, embora ele já estivesse preparado para se contentar com um casamento sem amor, ele não tolerará um amor não correspondido.
"Sarah and Ryan are in deep trouble...they've discovered a dark secret ... something that everyone in their hometown of Skeleton Creek, Oregon, seems to want to keep from them. Why? It just doesn't make sense. The answers are at the old, abandoned dredge. The last time the two teenage detectives went out to the creepy dredge, Ryan ended up unconscious and in a cast at the hospital. Ryan is stuck at home, but Sarah can continue to solve the mystery by taking videos. Forbidden to speak with or contact Sarah anymore, they communicate through text messages, midnight meetings and Sarah's videos posted on her secret website using passwords given throughout the book."--Provided by publisher.
"Sarah and Ryan are in deep trouble...they've discovered a dark secret ... something that everyone in their hometown of Skeleton Creek, Oregon, seems to want to keep from them. Why? It just doesn't make sense. The answers are at the old, abandoned dredge. The last time the two went out to the creepy dredge, Ryan ended up unconscious and in a cast at the hospital. Ryan is stuck at home, but Sarah can continue to solve the mystery by taking videos. Forbidden to contact each other anymore, they communicate through text messages, midnight meetings and by watching Sarah's videos posted on her secret website using passwords given throughout the book."--Provided by publisher.
अम्मा की पाठशाला एक ऐसा विषय है जिसमें लोग अपनों की प्यार पाने की आस में आखिर दम तक रहते हैं । ख्वाहिश रखकर भी पूर्ण नहीं कर पाते हैं । उनकी अधूरी तमन्ना किसी दूसरे के द्वार। पूर्ण होता है । About The Author - मंजुलता महापात्र विगत 30 सालों से साहित्य के क्षेत्र में निरंतर सक्रिय है । उनके द्वार। लिखे गये 16 किताब प्रकाशित हुये हैं ।वे हिन्दी, अंग्रेजी, मराठी और ओडिशा भाषा लिखती है । हाल ही में उनके द्वार। लिखे गये हिन्दी में जीवन सरल नहीं है, प्रकाशित हुआ है ।
Ласкаво просимо до Радості Хануки, найкращої кулінарної книги для святкування Фестивалю вогнів! Ханука - це час для сім'ї, друзів і смачної їжі, і в цій кулінарній книзі є все, що вам потрібно, щоб створити незабутні страви та частування, які принесуть задоволення вашим близьким.У цій кулінарній книзі ви знайдете широкий вибір традиційних і сучасних рецептів Хануки, від класичних латкесів і грудок до креативних варіантів традиційних улюблених страв, таких як суфганіот (желейні пончики) і хала. Незалежно від того, чи ви досвідчений кухар, чи новачок на кухні, ці рецепти прості у виконанні, і вони допоможуть вам створити смачні страви, закуски та десерти на ханнуку, які сподобаються всім.Але Радість Хануки - це більше, ніж просто кулінарна книга - це свято єврейської культури та традицій. У цій книзі ви дізнаєтеся про історію та значення Хануки, а також про історії та традиції, які роблять це свято таким особливим.Тож незалежно від того, шукаєте ви натхнення для свого меню на ханнуку чи просто хочете дізнатися більше про це улюблене свято, ПОВНА КУХІРНА КНИГА СВЯТА ГАННУКА стане ідеальним супутником. Давайте готувати та святкувати Фестиваль вогнів стильно!Ханука, Фестиваль вогнів, кулінарна книга, традиційне, сучасне, рецепти, латкес, грудинка, суфганійот, хала, єврейська культура, традиція, свято, меню, натхнення, торжество..
Дали сте љубител на крцкаво, сочно и солено пржено пилешко? Не гледајте подалеку од овој врвен водич за сите нешта пржено пилешко! Од класични јужни рецепти до меѓународни пресврти, овој готвач има сè што ви треба за да ја усовршите вашата игра со пржено пилешко. Дознајте за најдобрите парчиња пилешко што треба да ги користите, различните теста и премази за да го постигнете совршеното крцкање и тајните зачини за да го подигнете вашето пржено пилешко на следното ниво. Ќе најдете рецепти за класично јужно пржено пилешко, зачинето корејско пржено пилешко, пржено пилешко со матеница, па дури и опции за пржење без глутен и воздух. Импресионирајте го вашето семејство и пријателите со вашите новопронајдени вештини за пржено пилешко и уживајте во удобноста и задоволството што може да ги донесе само совршено пржено парче пилешко. Затоа, исчистете ја прашината од таа тава и подгответе се да испржите вкусност!пржено пилешко, јужно, удобна храна, сочно, крцкаво, солено, матеница, корејски, без глутен, пржење на воздух, тесто, премачкување, зачини, семејни, класични, интернационални, техники за готвење, совршена крцкање, тајни состојки, домашно готвење, вкусно, лижење прсти, врвен водич, рецепти, вештини, задоволство, тава..
Лососот е мрсна риба која обично се класифицира според океанот во кој се наоѓа. Во Пацификот, тие се сметаат за дел од родот Oncorhynchus, а во Атлантикот припаѓаат на родот Salmo. Има само еден миграциски вид на Атлантскиот Океан, но пет постоечки вида на тихоокеански лосос Чинук (или крал), чорап (или црвен), кохо (или сребрен), розов и другар.Витаминот Б12 во лососот ги одржува брмчењето на крвта и нервните клетки и ви помага да создадете ДНК. Но, за вашето здравје, вистинската убавина на лососот е неговото богатство од омега-3 масни киселини. Повеќето омега-3 се "суштински" масни киселини. Вашето тело не може да ги создаде, но тие играат критична улога во вашето тело.
The Argonauts Adventures - Book 1 A thrilling wartime action-adventure.It is 1939, and war is ravaging Europe. The German chancellor has proven he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of world domination. When the Nazi war machine goes into high gear, the fate of humankind teeters on the precipice of a new era as futuristic weapons and technologies emerge.During an excursion into the Sierra Nevada mountains, twins Katherine and Gabrielle Des Champs - and their childhood friend Thomas Smith locate the wreckage of a military aircraft. When finding an injured soldier among the debris, their lives take an unexpected detour - one fraught with danger, intrigue, and adventure.After being captured during a mission in Nazi-occupied France, Katherine, now an operative with U.S. Army Intelligence, awaits her execution with no hope of escape or rescue. As the sands of the hourglass run out, Thomas enters the lion's den. His mission - save the woman he loves and retrieve the intelligence proving the Nazis are creating a doomsday weapon. One so destructive, if unleashed, will bring chaos to the world.The Argonauts - A specialized team comprising American and British operatives. Their mission-sabotage the Third Reich's efforts to develop advanced military technology.
Step into the waffle-weave robeOf an optimist who journeysThrough diagnosis, treatment, and cure>Forty-four scenesInvite you to>Situational-awarenessSelf-awarenessAcceptanceGratitude>We have the>To create>One moment>With a can-do attitude, and a belief that life happens for, rather than to us, Gail leads us through one of her big scaries -- Cancer. If you're open to new ways of seeing and being, you'll come out the other side stronger, lighter, and ready to dance. Gail's series of vignettes have inspired me to open myself up to the unexpected beauty of everyday moments. It has also inspired me to share my own joy with others. I have started to pay more attention to the small things in life, and I have found that there is always something to be grateful for. I have also started to share my own stories with others, to lean into my creativity, and I have found that it is a great way to connect with people and make a difference in the world. Robert Boyle
האם אתה מוכן להתמכר לסנסציה האחרונה שכבשה את עולם הקינוחיםבסערה? פצצות שוקו חם צצות בכל המדיה החברתית, ומסיבה טובה הןבהחלט טעימות! כדורי הטוב הקטנים האלה מלאים בתערובת שוקו חמה, מרשמלו ושאר הפתעות מענגות שמתפרצות כששופכים עליהן חלב חם, ויוצרות כוס קקאו דקדנטית וקרמתית.בספר הבישול של פצצות שוקולד חם זה, תמצאו מגוון רחב של מתכונים לכלהטעמים והאירועים. בין אם אתם מעדיפים טעמי קקאו חמים קלאסיים אורוצים להתנסות בשילובים חדשים ומלהיבים כמו נענע, חמאת בוטנים אואפילו תבלין דלעת, ספר הבישול הזה סידר אתכם.תלמדו את כל הטיפים והטריקים שאתם צריכים כדי ליצור פצצות שוקו חםמושלמות בכל פעם, מהתבניות הנכונות לשימוש ועד לשוקולד הטוב ביותרלהמסה. הרשים את החברים והמשפחה שלך עם פצצות מעוצבות להפליא, כולל עיצובים בנושא חג לחג המולד, ליל כל הקדושים ויום האהבה.אז, תפסו את הסינר והתכוננו להתמכר להרפתקה שוקולדית עם ספרהבישול הזה של פצצות שוקולד חם!פצצות שוקו חם, קקאו חם, מרשמלו, דקדנטי, קרמי, טעים, מתכונים, קלאסי, שילובים חדשים, נענע, חמאת בוטנים, תבלין דלעת, טיפים, טריקים, תבניות, שוקולד, פצצות מעוצבות, עיצובים בנושא חג, חג המולד, ליל כלהקדושים, יום האהבה, הרפתקה שוקולדית
ברוכים הבאים לעולם הקסום של "אוסף המתכונים של חובב קפה". קפה, סם הבוקר והמוזה של אינספור שיחות, הוא אמנות שמביאה שמחה ונחמה לאנשים ברחבי העולם. אוסף המתכונים הזה הוא מחווה לקסם שקורה כששעועית איכותית פוגשת ידיים יצירתיות. מהארומה העשירה של כוס טרייה ועד למרקם הקטיפתי שרוקד בחיך, כל לגימה מהמרקים האלה היא מסע של עונג.בעמודים אלו תמצאו מגוון מתכוני קפה מעוצבים בקפידה, שכל אחד מהם נועד להעלות את חווית הקפה שלכם. בין אם אתם מחפשים פרץ של אנרגיה כדי להתחיל את היום שלכם, רגע רגוע של נחמה או סיום טעים לארוחה מפוארת, המתכונים שלנו מתאימים לכל מצב רוח ואירוע. שיתפנו פעולה עם אניני קפה ומומחים קולינריים כדי להבטיח שכל מתכון הוא יצירת מופת, המשלב את המרכיבים הטובים ביותר עם טכניקות מדויקות.הצטרפו אלינו כשאנחנו יוצאים למסע החושי הזה, צולל לתוך עולם השעועית, הבירה ומעבר לו. מתערובות קלאסיות שעמדו במבחן הזמן ועד ליצירות חדשניות שפורצות את גבולות הטעם, "Brewing Bliss" היא ההזמנה שלך לחקור את הניואנסים והרבגוניות של קפה כמו שלא היה מעולם.
ברוכים הבאים לעולם הדגים הלבנים! בספר בישול זה, אנו מזמינים אתכם לצאת להרפתקה קולינרית החוגגת את האופי העדין והרב-תכליתי של הדג הלבן. דג לבן, הידוע בטעמו העדין ובמרקם הרך, הוא מרכיב אהוב במטבחים ברחבי העולם. ספר בישול זה הוא המדריך שלך לחקור את האפשרויות המגוונות והמענגות של דג לבן במטבח שלך.דגים לבנים, כמו בקלה, חוואר, הליבוט וסוליה, מציעים קנבס ריק ליצירתיות קולינרית. הטעמים העדינים והמרקמים העדינים שלהם הופכים אותם למגוון להפליא, ומאפשרים להם לזרוח במגוון מנות. בספר בישול זה אנו חוגגים את יופיו של הדג הלבן, ומציגים בפניכם אוסף של מתכונים המציגים את טעמיו הטבעיים ומדגישים את יכולת ההסתגלות שלו במטבחים ובטכניקות בישול שונות.בתוך דפים אלה, תגלו אוצר של מתכונים מעוררי תיאבון שמציגים דגים לבנים כמרכיב הכוכב. מדג אנד צ'יפס קלאסי ותבשילי דגים מנחמים ועד פסטות פירות ים אלגנטיות וטאקו דגים בטעמים, אספנו אוסף שמשתרע על מגוון רחב של טעמים ומסורות קולינריות. כל מתכון נועד להוציא את המיטב מהדג הלבן, לספק לכם ארוחות טעימות ומשביעות שהן פשוטות להכנה.אבל ספר הבישול הזה הוא יותר מסתם אוסף של מתכונים. אנו נדריך אותך בין סוגי הדגים השונים, נציע טיפים לבחירת הפילטים הטריים ביותר, ונחלוק טכניקות לבישול דג לבן לשלמות. בין אם אתה חובב פירות ים ותיק או חדש בשילוב דגים לבנים בארוחות שלך, המטרה שלנו היא להעצים אותך ליצור מנות המדגישות את הטעמים והמרקמים העדינים של המרכיב המדהים הזה.
Добре дошли в света на зеленчуковите кюфтета! В тази готварска книга ви каним да проучите вкусните и полезни възможности на растителните кюфтета. Зеленчуковите кюфтета предлагат креативен и задоволителен начин да се насладите на вкусовете и текстурите на зеленчуците, като същевременно осигуряват питателна алтернатива на традиционните кюфтета. Тази готварска книга е вашето ръководство за овладяване на изкуството на зеленчукови кюфтета и създаване на подхранващи и ароматни ястия, които ще зарадват както веганите, така и любителите на месото. Зеленчуковите кюфтета са доказателство за гъвкавостта и изобилието от растителни съставки. От леща и нахут до гъби и киноа, възможностите за създаване на вкусни алтернативи на кюфтета са безкрайни. В тази готварска книга ние празнуваме богатството и разнообразието от зеленчукови кюфтета, представяйки ви колекция от рецепти, които комбинират различни зеленчуци, зърнени храни и подправки, за да създадете апетитни хапки, които са едновременно засищащи и питателни. На тези страници ще откриете съкровищница от рецепти, които демонстрират креативността и вкуса на зеленчуковите кюфтета. От класически италиански кюфтета с растителна основа до глобално вдъхновени творения, които включват разнообразие от билки и подправки, ние сме подготвили колекция, която ще отведе вкусовите ви рецептори на ароматно пътешествие. Всяка рецепта е предназначена да ви осигури балансирана комбинация от вкусове, текстури и хранителни вещества, осигурявайки удовлетворяващо и приятно изживяване при хранене. Но тази готварска книга е повече от просто компилация от рецепти за зеленчукови кюфтета. Ще ви преведем през изкуството да създавате подобни на кюфтета текстури и аромати с помощта на растителни съставки, ще предложим съвети за свързващи вещества и подправки и ще споделим техники за постигане на перфектната текстура и консистенция.
Дали сте подготвени да се препуштите на најновата сензација што го зазема светот на десертите? Топло чоколадни бомби се појавуваат низ социјалните мрежи и со добра причина тие се апсолутно вкусни! Овие мали топчиња на добрина се исполнети со мешавина од топло чоколадо, бел слез и други вкусни изненадувања кои се отвораат кога ќе ги истурите со врело млеко, создавајќи декадентна, кремаста шолја какао.Во овој готвач со топли чоколадни бомби, ќе најдете широк спектар на рецепти за сите вкусови и прилики. Без разлика дали претпочитате класични топли вкусови на какао или сакате да експериментирате со нови возбудливи комбинации како нане, путер од кикирики или дури и зачин од тиква, оваа готвачка ве опфати.Ќе ги научите сите совети и трикови што ви се потребни за да создадете совршени бомби од топло чоколадо секој пат, од вистинските калапи што треба да ги користите до најдоброто чоколадо за топење. Импресионирајте ги пријателите и семејството со неверојатно украсени бомби, вклучувајќи дизајни со празнична тема за Божиќ, Ноќта на вештерките и Денот на вљубените.Затоа, земете ја вашата престилка и подгответе се да се препуштите на чоколадна авантура со оваа книга за готвење со топла чоколада!Топло чоколадни бомби, топло какао, бел слез, декадентен, крем, вкусен, рецепти, класични, нови комбинации, нане, путер од кикирики, зачин од тиква, совети, трикови, калапи, чоколадо, украсени бомбици, дизајни со празнични теми, Божиќ, Ноќта на вештерките, Денот на вљубените, чоколадна авантура..
Αφεθείτε στον παρακμιακό κόσμο του flan με αυτό το ολοκληρωμένο βιβλίο μαγειρικής που περιλαμβάνει μια ποικιλία από συνταγές για όλες τις περιστάσεις. Από κλασικά φλάνς βανίλιας και καραμέλας μέχρι παραλλαγές εξωτικών φρούτων και ξηρών καρπών, αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής έχει κάτι για όλους. Με απλές οδηγίες και χρήσιμες συμβουλές, θα μάθετε πώς να φτιάχνετε τέλειο φλάν κάθε φορά, είτε είστε έμπειρος επαγγελματίας είτε αρχάριος. Εντυπωσιάστε την οικογένεια και τους φίλους σας με αυτά τα λαχταριστά επιδόρπια που σίγουρα θα ευχαριστήσουν ακόμα και τους πιο απαιτητικούς ουρανίσκους. Οι συνταγές σε αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής είναι φτιαγμένες με απλά υλικά που μπορείτε να βρείτε σε οποιοδήποτε μπακάλικο και κάθε συνταγή συνοδεύεται από μια όμορφη φωτογραφία που θα κάνει το στόμα σας να βουρκώνει. Με 65 συνταγές για να διαλέξετε, δεν θα ξεμείνετε ποτέ από ιδέες για το επόμενο γλυκό σας. Γιατί λοιπόν να περιμένετε; Χαρίστε στον εαυτό σας και στους αγαπημένους σας την απόλυτη εμπειρία flan σήμερα!φλάν, επιδόρπιο, βιβλίο μαγειρικής, κρεμώδες, πλούσιο, βανίλια, καραμέλα, φρούτα, ξηροί καρποί, συμβουλές, τεχνικές, εύκολες στην εφαρμογή, οικογένεια, φίλοι, λαχταριστά, απλά υλικά, παντοπωλείο, φωτογραφία, συνταγές, απόλυτη εμπειρία..
The 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy forced me to think about life and that which is truly important. Soon afterward, I left the corporate world and the Chicago suburbs to return to the place of my youth - - the very place to which I swore I'd never again return.I came back to Phillips, a small town nestled in the Wisconsin north woods. Surrounded by the national forest, Phillips is a town comprised of friendly people supported by a hardboard factory and a logging industry.Mother was alive when I arrived in 2001. The following summer, I took her golfing on the 4th of July. Independence Day was also Mother's birthday. Golfing with her was the most enjoyable time we ever spent together. She referred to me as "the white Tiger Woods."Several years later, my mother passed away. She died from alcohol poisoning. For she died as she had lived.>"The physical wound from abuse is temporary. The emotional scar, however, is permanent."
Every teen should read "Magical YOU: Empowering Teens to Stay Safe and Healthy in an Unsafe World!" The ten steps include stories, illustrations, and graphics to help youth learn how magical they are despite any difficulties. Loneliness is a national epidemic after COVID. Empowered youth learn how to make real friends, understand why bullies and victims are attracted to each other, and how to stay spiritually centered at all times. The author tells her story of abandonment at age 15, and she didn't speak the language. Readers will discover their inner power, and critical steps to help them survive and thrive at school and in the community. Each step taps into their hidden talents as they discover their awesome potential. Ava E, age 17 states, "Magical YOU is filled to the brim with valuable advice and a must-read for teens of all ages!"
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