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  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team
    282,95 kr.

    The Gulf ideological system is a set of interconnected beliefs and principles governing the region's political, economic, social, and cultural spheres. It combines various ideologies, including religious, nationalist, tribal, and pan-Islamic ideologies. It is shaped by a combination of historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors. Political alliances, economic shifts, social movements, and cultural exchanges contribute to its transformation. Economics plays a significant role in shaping Gulf ideologies. The region's wealth, derived from oil and gas reserves, has driven rapid economic development and created distinct economic ideologies within the Gulf. The social dimension of the Gulf ideological system is shaped by religion, culture, and societal norms. Islam influences various aspects of social life, contributing to conservative social ideologies in some Gulf countries. This book, "Gulf Ideological Dynamics", delves into the intricate web of political, economic, social, and cultural forces shaping the Gulf region. Authored by the GEW Reports & Analyses Team under the expert guidance of Dr. Hichem Karoui, this scholarly work offers a comprehensive examination of the complex dynamics driving unity and discord in the Gulf. From analyzing historical tensions to dissecting contemporary challenges, this book provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of Gulf ideologies. With meticulous research and astute observations, it sheds light on the interplay of various factors influencing regional dynamics. A vital contribution to the Sociology of the Gulf, this book offers a nuanced understanding of the ideological currents that shape this pivotal region.

  • af Hichem Karoui (Editor)
    243,95 kr.

    "La Résistance française contre l'occupation nazie" est une exploration profonde de la résilience et de la détermination dont a fait preuve la Résistance française pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'accent est mis sur le rôle important joué par la Résistance dans le contexte plus large des mouvements mondiaux de libération en établissant des parallèles avec d'autres luttes pour la souveraineté et l'autodétermination, incluant la Résistance palestinienne contre l'occupation israélienne. La Résistance, dirigée par le général de Gaulle, s'est distinguée par son caractère inclusif, car elle n'a pas qualifié une quelconque idéologie d'extrémiste et a réuni différents groupes, y compris des communistes et des socialistes, contre l'ennemi commun : l'occupation nazie.Le livre présente la Résistance française comme symbolisant la volonté collective d'une nation de résister à l'oppression, de défendre la liberté et de protéger la dignité humaine. Il met en valeur l'héroïsme individuel et l'effort collectif dans la poursuite de la liberté et la justice. Le leadership de Charles de Gaulle a été déterminant et l'émergence des Maquis et des mouvements de guérilla divers ont encore intensifié les efforts de résistance.Les stratégies clés de la Résistance comprenaient l'espionnage, la communication secrète et le sabotage, perturbant l'ennemi et favorisant la camaraderie et la détermination parmi la population. L'impact de la Résistance française a dépassé les frontières nationales et a servi d'inspiration et de modèle pour d'autres nations occupées et des mouvements de libération dans le monde entier.Dans ce livre, l'Equipe Rapports et Analyses du GEW explore les parallèles entre la lutte héroïque du peuple français pour la souveraineté et l'autodétermination pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le combat continu du peuple palestinien contre l'occupation. En utilisant une approche sérieuse et documentée, cet ouvrage examine les tactiques de résistance employées par les Français sous l'occupation nazie, mettant en lumière les similitudes avec les défis auxquels sont confrontés les Palestiniens aujourd'hui. À travers des exemples concrets et des faits historiques, l'auteur souligne l'importance cruciale de la résistance face à une occupation oppressive, offrant ainsi un modèle puissant pour ceux qui luttent pour leur liberté. Ce livre captivant appelle à une réflexion profonde sur les droits fondamentaux à la souveraineté et à l'autodétermination, inspirant ainsi une action significative dans la lutte pour la justice et la dignité humaine.

  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team.
    223,95 kr.

    The Vietnam War had a significant impact on international relations, sparking a global anti-war movement and shaping diplomatic dynamics.* The Vietnam War divided nations into those supporting the United States and those supporting North Vietnam and the Viet Cong.* The Soviet Union and China provided significant military and economic aid to the resistance movement.* The Vietnam War fuelled anti-war sentiments worldwide, with music, film, and journalism playing a crucial role in mobilising opposition.* The Tet Offensive of 1968 was a turning point in the international perception of the war.* Governments and political leaders around the world faced challenges in balancing support for the United States with their commitment to international norms and security.* The Vietnam War challenged conventional notions of power, justice, and the limits of military intervention. Defying Empire: delves into the compelling and often overlooked struggle for freedom in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Through meticulous research and powerful storytelling, this book offers a comprehensive account of the interconnected movements that fought against colonial rule in Indochina. From the early resistance to French colonisation to the tumultuous years of war and eventual independence, this narrative sheds light on the complex dynamics of nationalist movements and their enduring impact on Southeast Asia. With a keen focus on historical accuracy and insightful analysis, Defying Empire presents a nuanced portrayal of the individuals and events shaping the region's sovereignty path. This authoritative work is essential for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the intertwined histories of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team.
    223,95 kr.

    Contributions of the Report:- The report provides a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of Arab states in its resolution.- It explores the historical context and individual positions of Arab states, shedding light on their motivations and challenges in achieving a lasting ceasefire.- The report emphasises the need for a nuanced understanding of the historical, political, economic, and social factors at play in order to find a sustainable path to peace.- It highlights the importance of regional alliances, national interests, and engagement with the international community in addressing the obstacles to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.- The report also discusses the economic challenges faced by countries like Somalia, which limit their ability to contribute to the resolution of the conflict.Overall, the report contributes to a more informed and enlightened discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, aiming to pave the way for a brighter and more harmonious future for all those impacted by this enduring struggle.Practical Implications of the Report:- The report provides insights into the motivations, challenges, and perspectives of Arab states in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which can inform diplomatic efforts and negotiations.- Understanding the historical, political, economic, and social factors in the conflict can help formulate more effective strategies for achieving a lasting ceasefire and resolution.- Recognising the diverse concerns, interests, and challenges brought by each Arab state to the table can facilitate dialogue and collaboration among regional actors.- Addressing socio-economic factors and alleviating grievances can contribute to stability and create an environment conducive to peace.- The report highlights the need for regional alliances and engagement with the international community to overcome obstacles and work towards a sustainable path to peace.Overall, the report's practical implications lie in providing a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the conflict and offering insights that can guide diplomatic efforts, inform policy decisions, and foster collaboration among stakeholders.

  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team.
    308,95 kr.

    "Oceanic Oases Under Threat," is a comprehensive analysis of the impact of climate change on various regions, focusing mainly on the Mediterranean, Gulf, and Indian Ocean areas. It is organised into several key sections, each addressing different aspects of this broad topic. Each section delves into specific aspects of climate change, ranging from its fundamental background, the particular vulnerabilities of different regions, to the socio-economic impacts and policy responses. The report also provides an in-depth theoretical framework, looking at power structures and environmental justice, and it explores the interplay between climate change and social dynamics, such as conflict, migration, and community resilience. Moreover, it includes a variety of case studies, quantitative and qualitative data analyses and concludes with a call to action for policymakers and the general public¿. Contributions of this report:- Provides a comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic impacts of climate change in Arab regions.- Sheds light on historical climate data, regional projections, and policy responses.- Focuses on specific regions such as the Mediterranean, the Gulf, and the Indian Ocean to study the impacts of climate change on small islands and peninsulas.- Explores power dynamics and environmental justice issues specific to these regions to deepen understanding of climate change impacts and identify opportunities for more equitable and just responses.- Aims to develop holistic strategies that address the root causes of climate change, conflict, and migration and provide support to affected communities.- Aims to foster a sense of global responsibility and inspire action for a more sustainable and resilient future.- Aims to work towards implementing effective policies, promoting regional and international cooperation, and preserving the beauty, diversity, and stability of the planet. Practical implications of this report:- The report highlights the urgent need for collaborative efforts between governments, communities, NGOs, and international organisations to develop adaptive strategies and mobilise resources to address the challenges posed by climate change in the Indian Ocean region.- It emphasises the importance of implementing resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable livelihoods, and protecting marine ecosystems to mitigate the impacts of climate change and build resilience in the region.- The report calls for comprehensive and collaborative approaches to address the interconnected challenges faced by small islands and peninsulas, particularly in the Mediterranean, Gulf, and Indian Ocean regions.- It emphasises the significance of education and awareness campaigns in enhancing resilience and understanding the implications of climate change in these regions, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among community members.- The report underscores the need for international cooperation, financial assistance, and capacity-building initiatives to support small islands and peninsulas in implementing long-term strategies to address climate change challenges effectively.Overall, the report provides practical guidance for policymakers, communities, and organisations to take action and work towards a more sustainable and resilient future in the face of climate change.

  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team.
    208,95 kr.

    Contributions of the book:The book explores the complexities of the digital era and provides insights for navigating it with wisdom and intention.It discusses the concept of work-life integration in the digital age and its challenges in maintaining boundaries and achieving a healthy work-life balance.The book emphasises the importance of digital detox and mindfulness practices in regaining balance and restoring mental and emotional health.It highlights cybersecurity and privacy concerns in the interconnected world, emphasising the need for robust cybersecurity measures and strong legal frameworks to protect personal and financial information.The book addresses the digital divide issue, emphasising the need for digital inclusivity and equal opportunities to bridge the gap in digital access and literacy between different populations.It discusses the ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and the need to establish ethical frameworks for developing and implementing AI technologies.The book emphasises the importance of raising awareness about cyberbullying and online harassment and the need for educational institutions, parents, communities, and governments to take proactive measures to address these issues.Practical Implications of the book:The book highlights the importance of establishing routines and practices that allow for downtime and self-care in the digital age, which can help individuals maintain a healthy work-life balance and enhance productivity.It emphasises the need for individuals, organisations, and governments to prioritise robust cybersecurity measures and advocate for strong legal frameworks to protect personal and financial information in the interconnected world.The book emphasises the significance of bridging the digital divide by ensuring digital inclusivity and equal opportunities for all, which can help address existing social inequalities and provide socioeconomic opportunities.It underscores the need to address ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and establish ethical frameworks to guide the development and implementation of AI technologies, ensuring that they benefit humanity.The book highlights the importance of raising awareness about cyberbullying and online harassment and the need for educational institutions, parents, communities, and governments to take proactive measures to address these issues and promote responsible digital behaviour.Results of the book: The book offers insights, observations, and discussions on various aspects of the digital era, including work-life integration, cybersecurity, the digital divide, ethical considerations of artificial intelligence, and the impact of digital connectivity on mental health and relationships.The book emphasises the need to establish routines and practises for maintaining a healthy work-life balance in the digital age.It highlights the importance of prioritising robust cybersecurity measures and advocating for strong legal frameworks to protect personal and financial information.The book emphasises the significance of bridging the digital divide to ensure digital inclusivity and equal opportunities for all.It underscores the need to address ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence and establish ethical frameworks for its development and implementation.The book also discusses the rise of cyberbullying and online harassment and the importance of creating a safer and more compassionate digital environment.

  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team.
    223,95 kr.

    "The Sabotage" comprehensively examines the geopolitical competition between China and the United States. It focuses on these powers' strategic initiatives and manoeuvres to assert their global influence.Introduction: The book outlines the intensifying global competition, with China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a focal point. This monumental project, envisioned by Chinese President Xi Jinping, aims to enhance connectivity, trade, and infrastructure development across vast regions. The United States, perceiving China's growing influence as a threat to its supremacy, has adopted multifaceted strategies to counter the BRI, including developing the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEEC) as an alternative trade route¿¿¿¿.The Rise of China's Belt and Road Initiative: This chapter delves into the BRI's origins, objectives, and implications. The initiative aims to re-establish economic links along the historic Silk Road and expand connectivity and partnerships across new regions. It represents China's ambition to reshape global trade and governance, but it has also sparked concerns among Western powers, particularly the United States.The USA's Countermove - The India-Middle East-Europe Corridor: In response to the BRI, the United States focuses on developing the IMEEC. This initiative is crucial for the USA to reclaim its global position and counterbalance China's dominance. The IMEEC hinges on strategic partnerships with India, the Middle East, and Europe. The USA's strategy includes strengthening partnerships, infrastructure development, digital connectivity, and regional security and stability initiatives. These efforts promote connectivity, trade, and economic ties among participating nations while ensuring regional security.In conclusion, "The Sabotage" presents a detailed analysis of the dynamic and complex geopolitical struggle between China and the United States. It highlights these global powers' strategic moves and counter-moves as they vie for influence, shaping the emerging world order. The book underscores the significance of the BRI and IMEEC in this global power play and their broader ramifications on regional and international politics.

  • af Hichem Karoui
    182,95 kr.

    In Book 7, Bassam Bourasin, beleaguered after the genocide in 'Ouja and the assassination of his mother and fiancee Dalila, strikes a deal with Hassan, the new National Security Director of the Islamic State: - Sir, I am happy to know about it. But, sir, as a high representative of the authorities, do you guarantee my safety after I promised to give back $13.500 million, earned honestly while serving the country, to benefit the Islamic state? - I can do more, Bassam. I'll make you a PCM. As soon as you sign the official documents acknowledging your generous donation, I will issue a certificate proving that the government of The Emir of All Muslims, Sheikh Abdelghani Abdelghafar, acknowledges you as a good Muslim under the Shari'a law, which allows you to do any business you choose, marry four women or more, possess as many slaves as you wish, females and males, and travel across the country and abroad without being troubled at the checkpoints and the borders. As such, you acquire a new status. We call it in the Islamic State: PCM. - Sir, what's the PCM? - The pagan VIP has the pretence of being a Very Important Personality, right? The Islamic State does not recognise such arrogant nonsense. No individual could match or outpace the PCMs selected among the hyper-selected. The only VIP we acknowledge in this country today is the Paradise Club Member (PCM).(...) Heart-wrenching Storyline:In Book 7, Bassam Bourasin's life is turned upside down when he experiences the genocide in 'Ouja and the assassination of his mother and fiancee Dalila. Despite this immense tragedy, Bassam manages to find strength within himself to strike a deal with the new National Security Director of the Islamic state. This powerful story will leave readers captivated.Unique Plot Twists:As readers move through Book 7, they'll be surprised at every turn by unexpected plot twists that keep them hanging onto every word. With each page turning, suspense builds as Bassam navigates his way through the challenges of this difficult time in history.Authentic Characters:Developed over several books in this series, the characters in Book 7 come alive with their unique personalities and perspectives. Readers will find themselves empathising with Bassam's plight and cheering him on as he works to create a better future for himself amidst so much strife and uncertainty.Deep Exploration of Real Issues:Book 7 delves deep into serious subjects such as genocide and religious persecution, examining them from multiple angles. By exploring these themes from a variety of perspectives, readers are invited to consider their own views on these issues and how they affect our world today.Engaging Writing Style:This book's masterful writing style provides an immersive experience for readers. From vivid descriptions to thoughtful character development, readers will be captivated by the engaging narrative that carries them through this gripping story.

  • af Angel Gabriel
    148,95 kr.

    From first dates to the altar, The Art of Effective Flirting: Dating And Seducing Your Lady is your guidebook to absolute confidence, romantic intimacy and finding your true love. Whether you're a don of courtship or just beginning on the dating scene, this contemporary guy's guidebook will help you take your skills to the next level with its upbeat, edgy, luxurious style. Learn how to easily approach, flirt, and seduce any lady by unlocking the secrets of body language and conversation. Get ready to make heads turn, hearts flutter, and love begins with The Art of Effective Flirting! Are you ready to learn the art of effective flirting? The Art of Effective Flirting: Dating And Seducing Your Lady is the perfect guidebook for men who want to find true love. This book will provide the tools you need to up your game and attract the right mate. Loaded with advice on gaining confidence in yourself and being more successful in romance, this book will help you explore the art of dating and seduction and unlock the ultimate romantic intimacy. Whether you're looking for a casual connection or something more serious, this book will teach you all you need to know about finding that special someone. Are you ready to step up your dating game? The Art of Effective Flirting is the modern man's guide to absolute confidence, romantic intimacy, and finding that perfect mate. This comprehensive guidebook provides the perfect blend of knowledge and wisdom to help craft an irresistible self-image, master all the do's and don'ts of flirting, understand the different types of women, capture her attention and keep it, build a deep connection, know when to make the next step, and much more! With this magical book in hand, you can transform any date into an opportunity for rapidly building relationships. Become the contemporary dating master you were born to become with The Art of Effective Flirting: Dating and Seducing Your Lady!

  • af Hichem Karoui
    128,95 kr.

    Understand Self-Improvement Theory:Hichem Karoui's book thoroughly examines self-improvement theory and how it can effect positive change. He explains the different goals associated with self-improvement, offers practical strategies for achieving them, and provides valuable advice to help readers make the most out of their efforts.Find Your Path to Success:With this book, readers can access a comprehensive guide on building successful habits and reaching personal goals. Hichem Karoui helps people identify what areas need improvement and develop a step-by-step plan for success.Motivate Yourself:This book is full of inspiring stories from people who have achieved extraordinary things through self-improvement. In addition, readers will learn practical techniques for staying motivated, no matter the circumstances they find themselves in.Master Time Management:One of the critical elements to success is mastering time management. Hichem Karoui breaks down proven techniques for organizing tasks to accomplish them efficiently. His advice will help readers prioritize their work and maximize every minute they spend striving towards their goals.Create Positive Changes:With this book as a companion, readers will gain the knowledge and tools necessary to make meaningful changes in their life. It focuses on creating positive habits that lead to long-term success and fulfilment.

  • af Hichem Karoui
    138,95 kr.

    An Unexpected Twist:'The Invisible Bride' is the 6th volume in the hilarious satirical series 'The Morning of the Mogul.' This unique story takes a surprising and unexpected twist when Bassam imitates Haj Mukhtar, who pretends his wife is a Jinni, and marries an invisible Dalila, after Islamists forbade visits, in the presence of the inmates, inside the library.Laugh Out Loud Comedy:Readers will be laughing out loud as this wild story unfolds. From Bassam's misadventures with his pretend bride to the outrageous characters he meets along the way, this novel is full of laugh-out-loud moments that will keep you entertained from start to finish.Unique Storytelling:The Invisible Bride is a unique story that stands out from all other volumes in "The Morning of the Mogul" series. Through creative storytelling and witty dialogue, author Hichem Karoui shows readers a side of life they may have never encountered.Unforgettable Characters:This novel introduces readers to unforgettable characters who will stay with them long after finishing the book. From Bassam's quirky friends to the mysterious jinni bride, each character brings something unique to this zany story.A Refreshingly Different Take on Love:'The Invisible Bride' tackles love in a refreshingly different way than most stories do. With its humourous take on relationships and marriages, you'll reflect on what it really means to be in love by the time you finish reading!

  • af Hichem Karoui
    249,95 kr.

    This thought-provoking book explores the concept of Happiness from various perspectives, drawing on ancient Greek, Chinese and Hindu thought, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, mythology, literature, arts, and Quantum physics. It offers an insightful exploration of the concept of Happiness through the lens of various civilisations, arts and sciences.The author proposes to look at many definitions of Happiness as they appear in ancient Greek philosophy, Chinese and Hindu thought, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and their respective mystical traditions. Then he examines the notion of Happiness in mythology and contemporary literature, primarily through the eyes of Lewis Carroll, and then of two opposing figures: Dostoevsky and Marquis de Sade. The first is as an immense moralist, a fine analyst of the human psyche, and a representative of orthodoxal Christianism, and the second, is an atheist libertine associated with the radical rationalist trend. Finally, the author also devoted a chapter to Happiness in the arts and reserved the last words to the scientific approach to Happiness, with a particular emphasis on Quantum physics.Do you want to learn how to live a happy and fulfilling life? Then the Essay on Happiness is the perfect book for you! This incredible guide will provide you with everything you need to know about how to cultivate happiness in your life. Written in an accessible and engaging style, "What is Happiness?" allows readers to reflect on their understanding of this elusive emotion.With this guide, you'll gain valuable insight and knowledge on how to be truly content and satisfied with your life.

  • af Hichem Karoui
    128,95 kr.

    Nothing in Bassam Bourasin's story is what it seems to be. We may deduce this from Part One of The Morning of the Mogul. Part Two reveals that the novel's narrator, the events and characters, the country itself, time, and space are all warped or have numerous levels and dimensions. What is real? What isn't?In Book (5), Bassam Bourasin witnesses an insurgency overthrowing a dictatorship to install another in the name of religion. As he analyses the events leading up to his detention, he begins to assume that his "angels" are members of the invisible state police and the Muslim Brothelhood. Had he misinterpreted the cause of his incarceration? Is he really innocent, or is he a pawn in a larger game? Who is controlling the events and the characters in the background? If he indeed worked for the old regime, he is in grave danger. For the time being, the Islamist state has been proclaimed.

  • af Hichem Karoui
    173,95 kr.

    In this fourth volume, Bassam Bourasin continues his hurly-burly speculation on the conspiracy of the cooks, members of the Global corporation of the Muslim Brothelhood. He fights on all fronts: Rats, angels, aliens, and the Multinational Muslim BrotheLhood Corporation, hijacking women and forcing them to work for the company.However, when he asks Mr Aroussi, his jailed bank Boss, to hire Frankenstein after release as a vigil, he discovers that the latter is a bank robber. Although on Mr Aroussi's recommendation, he gets advised by a lawyer, he does not trust him. Will he plead guilty or not guilty? He hesitates, then decides to be not guilty. But, on second thought, he becomes unsure of his innocence: The police of Our Beloved General President (BGP) cannot jail innocent people. That's why it is urgent to continue writing down a top-secret report for the highest spheres to prove his loyalty to the Couvolution government. As his fiancee, Dalila, refuses his suggestion to postpone their marriage for over twenty years, he plunges into spleen and depression after her visit. One day, the Afghan and his Muslim brothelhood propose he join them. He refuses. Then, he detected signs indicating that the cooks' conspiracy was coming to a climax. He prepares himself for the worse, foresees his death, hears the voices of Munker and Nakeer, the prosecuting angels of the grave... and, out of the blue, explodes the thunder...which he takes for God speaking to him. Thereupon, he will realise that the blast wasn't God's voice. Instead, the detonation announced the beginning of the rebellion in the Bastille.Read Excerpts from The Morning of the Mogul on the writer's website: https//

  • af Hichem Karoui
    128,95 kr.

    James Bond in Jail is the second book in this serialised novel, describing a country struggling with its demons. The autocratic regime takes several facades and different denominations to survive. And so do the characters of this story. A jailed bank clerk, a journalist, a drug dealer,groups of Islamist radicals, mobsters and others representing different levels of society interact and fight, like the country.----This is the story of two successive military coups in an Arab country. The first is accomplished by a republican secularist junta, and the second by Islamists. The narrator, Bassam Bourasin, an eccentric and zealous bank clerk, decides to write down a top-secret report to protest against his incarceration by the new regime. His purpose was to clean up himself from the heavy charges he was facing and prove that he was well devoted to the new masters of the country. As the narrative develops, he unveils many details about his life in his village, 'Ouja, and his new condition in jail. Thus, he tells the reader about his obsessions and secret ambitions, his old mother living in the past with the British settlers, his fiancee Dalila whose hugging or kissing is forbidden to him by social traditions, and his secret archives where he had managed to record for the posterity many details concerning life and people of 'Ouja. That entire world collapsed when a coup overthrew the King, and the big purge started. What happened to him and his boss, Mr Aroussi, was all the more painful that the man for whom he was working as a snitch, the mighty chief of the party's cell, Hamda La'war, was still free. The latter was considered a national hero in the country since he was awarded the Order of High Merit from the former king, for cuckolding the village's shoemaker and getting an eye punctured in the brawl.To obtain the same medal, Bassam was ready to do anything, even if he had to convince the new masters of the country of a conspiracy against the security of the state being concocted by the cooks of the prison and their occult allies. That is the second purpose of his top-secret report, which he intends to submit to the authorities. But out of the blue, a second coup led by the Islamists happened; a mutiny burst out in prison, and Bassam was forced to readjust his views to be in the "right" direction of the wind. Henceforth, he devotes himself to the Islamist cause and tries to be the benevolent "historian" of the Islamist "revolution." Taken between the anvil and the hammer and fearing for his life, he endeavours to prove that he had always supported the Islamists since he had discovered the plot of the cooks. He does not mind if some of his new "friends" are members of the Mafia or trained terrorists. His dream is to be permanently helpful, and his ambition is to be like his hero, John Law, a great brain of the finances. An acquaintance from prison will help him make his dream true. Hassan, an opportunist journalist, will be propelled to the front scene by the new regime. The influential Director of State Security will make a deal with Bassam. He will release him, make him a wealthy businessman and offer him to marry his sister Sophia. He will use him as a screen in some not very orthodox deals. Somehow unaware, Bassam will be transformed into a merchant of weapons and, occasionally, a constructor and share-holder in a major bank. Meanwhile, the civil war burst out.

  • af Hichem Karoui
    123,95 - 128,95 kr.

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