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  • af Ian Paterson
    1.592,95 kr.

    Today's law firm is an entity in flux. Economic and technological disruption - along with a range of other factors - have contributed to this change, meaning that firms are not what they used to be. It is therefore a necessity that the way they are managed also needs to change. This means, among many things, the need to corporatize the running of the firm; a move away from the focus on the billable hour towards more intangible activities such as business development and marketing and - perhaps the most important factor - the development of a new kind of leader within the legal landscape. The new kind of leader now demanded by a transformed legal profession is not readily forthcoming, however. Legal culture stresses individualism and independence, which is reinforced by firm governance, practice management, and performance management systems that are ill-suited to foster supportive and collaborative leadership practices; lawyers are trained and conditioned to be combative, autonomous, and didactic. To position oneself as a contender in a fast-moving and competitive market, the legal leader of the future must push back against these trends by acting strategically, engaging in people management, investing in their employees, and creating a working environment that places emphasis on communication, teamwork, and growth and development. Legal leadership: a handbook for future success combines the latest and most relevant intelligence from those on the frontline of law firm leadership and management, to serve as the catalyst for change and the foundation on which a strong leadership practice can be built. Drawing on their expertise and experience, our authors - ranging from behavioral psychologists to senior management figures and pofessional coaches -present a wide range of competencies and strategies to cultivate as part of a leader's personal and professional development. Whether you are already a member of your firm's senior management, or in a junior position with big aspirations, Legal leadership: a handbook for future success provides the essential tools to equip you to become a leader of the future.

  • af David Laud
    1.592,95 kr.

    In this current period of the 21st century, our workplace is more diverse than at any other point in time. This diversity is due to a broadening ethnic mix, gender representation and spread of generations. Greater mobility, socioeconomic and legislative developments account in the most part for the first two factors, but what of the third? What has caused this widening of the generational spectrum in the workplace? Historically in law firms, the older generation, in particular partners, would move toward retirement and hand over the reins to the next oldest. In today's world of work, with improved healthcare, increased life expectancy, greater knowledge of fitness, and in part historic anxiety over the effects of the global recession, there's a reluctance to rush to retirement. Specifically, here we're talking about the Baby Boomer generation, who are aged between 55 and 73 and, as the name suggests, are not in short supply. Typically schooled in a traditional hierarchical command management style they are the generation now most often faced with tackling the integration of disruptive and aspirational Gen X'ers and more technologically adept and collaborative (but considered less driven) Gen Y or Millennials. They're also now seeing the newest arrivals, Gen Z, who bring an even greater affinity to everything digital but are not quite so comfortable with matters of an interpersonal nature. It's quite a challenge and the reason why this publication delves into the differences between the generations, their influences, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, to better understand and thereby manage the staff who fall into the respective age groupings. The consequence of older generations remaining in a post is a fascinating and yet challenging prospect. Law firms can be presented with the task of managing at least four and sometimes five different age groups. It becomes five if we add that fit and able and working who are in their mid-70s and beyond, who belong to the "e;silent generation"e;. Multiple generations in one practice with the oldest holding on to the power base and ownership can create pressure points for younger, ambitious professionals seeking a stake rather than simply a "e;steady job"e;. It's likely that in many law firms those appealing for a place at the partners' table will now be coming from Generation Y or Millennials aged in their early to late 30s. Millennials are considered more focused on experiences outside of work than within, but this does not hide or diminish their need for recognition and reward. Gen X'ers will mostly be in their 40s and early 50s and the majority of this group will already have established their partnership credentials. In other words, if it was going to happen for them, it's likely to have been handled one way or another. The X'ers are something of a filling in the career sandwich, with slices of Millennial below and Boomer above. There is a smaller population of Generation X and they will need to find appropriate skills and knowledge to work with their younger and older generational colleagues for mutual gain. By 2020, 50 percent of the US workforce will be made up of Millennial or the "e;Y"e; Generation; by 2030 it will be 75 percent. These Millennial employees, born between 1980 and 1996, have ridden several seismic waves of change - from political and environmental to communication and technological innovation - and this pace of change shows little sign of abating. Having experienced an ever more connected, digitally-driven world, Millennials are now moving through firms to take greater responsibility, head teams, run departments or entire businesses, and in certain cases creating their own version of a law firm. This book explores the various generations within law firms and the challenges, threats, and opportunities they face as staff deal with colleagues from younger or older groups be they Baby Boomer or Generations X, Y (Millennial) or the next wave of "e;Z's"e; as they enter the world of work.

  • af Kent Schmidt
    568,95 kr.

    Why are companies so frequently sued in the United States, and how might these business litigation liabilities be avoided through preventative measures and more effectively managed? This book answers those two weighty questions. The central premise of the work is that many costly and protracted lawsuits in the US are traceable to unforced errors companies make time and again. By better understanding the sources of commercial litigation, preventive steps can be implemented, reducing these risks. The author draws on two decades of experience defending companies throughout the US in almost every conceivable type of commercial litigation. He applies a "e;lessons-learned"e; approach from these experiences, to examine how corporate defendants can avoid claims by developing and enhancing their litigation risk profile. The book is written for a diverse audience. The primary intended audience is attorneys who may find it useful as desk-reference for quickly accessing relevant information and issue-spotting for their clients. But the book will also interest any person - lawyer or non-lawyer - whose responsibilities include managing US litigation risks. These persons include those in venture capital, CFOs and other members of management, risk management and compliance professionals, and entrepreneurs seeking to implement best practices as they launch a start-up. Whether as an initial overview of the subject matter or a useful desk-reference, Avoiding and Managing US Business Litigation Risks is an invaluable resource for individuals tasked with addressing this challenging topic.

  • af Pamela DeNeuve
    867,95 kr.

    Thriving in a Multi-Generational Law Firm: How to Increase Communication and Collaboration Among Lawyers focuses on the question of whether four generations can co-exist and thrive in a law firm. Due to differences in communication styles, backgrounds, values, use of technology and work ethics, law firms and lawyers are encountering challenges to stability, profitability, and work satisfaction. This Special Report identifies the conflicts between the different generations currently working in law firms, which, if they continue on their current trajectory, will compromise the long-held traditions and culture within the legal profession. It will address how generational differences set up conflicts between colleagues and will promote different ways to create positive change and harmony within firms. It contains a key analysis of why associates leave, the cost of turnover (which is in the billions of dollars), and what law firms can do to increase retention and productivity. This title will provide readers with a more thorough understanding of the points of view of each generation operating in law firms. By utilising case studies from law firms of different sizes and from different locations, the book posits solutions to solving generational challenges law firms currently face. It is a practical, user-friendly guide to positive law firm change which will be valuable to partners, associates and professional development staff of all generations working in law firms of any size.

  • af Jonathan Fortnam
    800,95 kr.

    For most legal teams operating in the COVID-19 age, the focus on near-term survival has passed, and attention has turned to what the 'new normal' might be. With the pandemic overhauling the traditional way in which lawyers practise and serve their clients, the profession turning remote overnight and increasing their use of collaboration platforms and other legal tech, it is likely that legal practice has changed for good, and those prepared to embrace and seize opportunities from this change will be best-placed to flourish in the years ahead. Legal Practice Transformation Post-COVID-19 imagines the post-COVID world for legal services and asks what has changed, what will stay the same and what values are critical to ensure the successful operation of legal teams in the post-pandemic age. It considers a variety of aspects crucial to the future of the legal profession, including: The impact of technology; Remote working; Health and safety; and Culture and community. This Special Report will be invaluable reading for lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel, professional support staff and all those involved in the delivery of legal services, to understand what the future of the profession will look like, and how to thrive within it.

  • af Oz Benamram
    1.592,95 kr.

    The discipline of knowledge management (KM) continues to evolve along with our ability to record larger and more varied kinds of information than ever before. Since its inception in the 1990s, it has passed through several stages, quickly becoming a credible field, and now an integral part of major businesses worldwide. Now, many have started to argue that KM is undergoing resurgence, possibly even transforming into KM 3.0, thanks to developments in artificial intelligence (AI). And, while AI has been around for many years, it has become a buzzword in the industry as questions loom over what it could mean for the labor market of the future. Adoption has been relatively slow in the legal profession, owing in part to its conservative nature, individual-focused training and no real incentive to overhaul the hourly billing model1. When in-house legal teams can exceed 1,000 people, sharing and reusing knowledge can easily become inefficient, with counsel often needlessly paying for the same research twice. Global intelligence software leader Comintelli estimates that $8.5 billion per year is lost between Fortune 500 companies alone on poor KM2, up from $31.5 billion in 20043, suggesting a recent rise in the number of firms embracing the concept. Despite this, there are still challenges posed to the legal world, and sharing insight is more vital than ever, not only within companies but between them. Innovations in Legal KM explores the endeavors of various legal firms - the problems they have faced, and the solutions they have developed - to improve their KM processes, and, ultimately, their bottom line.

  • af Stuart Dodds
    1.908,95 kr.

    The legal profession, like so many other fields, has continued to reel from the deep-reaching and significant impact of the 2008 financial crisis. In the years following the crash, a general downward turn in the demand for legal services compelled firms to tighten their belts, make tough decisions, and come up with innovative strategies in order to survive. One of these was an increased focus on profitability and different means of managing and improving it, a relatively new development for the legal industry. However, in recent years there have been small but positive signs of improvement, manifested in a gradual pick-up in client engagement, as global economies continue to slowly but steadily recover from the crash. It is definitely a better time to be a lawyer, as latent demand begins to manifest in parallel with growing client confidence in a stabilizing market, fast-paced disruptive technological innovations, and significant changes in laws and regulations. However, this does not mean that firms can afford to be complacent. The legal landscape continues to be in flux, and improvement is slow. Increased revenue and client demand does not come to firms that do not proactively seek it, nor is it achieved by those who are not applying innovative and cutting-edge techniques and strategies to the management of their firm. Of course, delivering the best service to clients should always be a top priority; however, there should also be an emphasis on running the firm like a business, which includes intensive scrutiny of expenditure and coming up with new and inventive ways to generate profit. Managing and growing a firm's profitability should not just be an exercise for difficult economic periods, but instead must be a priority at all times. Rather than being perceived as an irksome bolt-on, it is necessary to see it as a great opportunity in these times of increased business. Existing and persistent cultural norms amongst lawyers, however, means that the reform of current business practices does not always come naturally. Nor is it necessarily easy to find the right practical advice that can carry a firm through the transition. Emerging Approaches to Law Firm Profitability aims to be the ideal tool to assist with implementation, providing essential guidance for those seeking new means of maximizing their firm's capacity. Featuring advice and reflections from a wide variety of contributors, ranging from business and finance professionals to thought leaders and consultants, this book offers in-depth, intensive insight into the challenges generated by today's dynamic and hypercompetitive legal landscape. Most importantly, Emerging Approaches to Law Firm Profitability moves past the identification of these obstacles and supplies original, innovative ways of tackling them. Expert guidance is complemented by compelling case studies and effective real-world examples, supplying principles that can be applied to firms of any size or capacity.

  • af Merry Neitlich
    1.592,95 kr.

    The contemporary legal landscape is no longer a rigid hierarchy composed of limited and complacent behemoths, but rather an ecosystem, filled with a wide variety of players that facilitate disruption and revolution and jostle for clients' attention with agility and innovation. This includes - but is certainly not limited to - entities such as technology companies, consultants, alternative legal service providers, and paraprofessionals. Law firms are not the only ones in this environment that must adapt or fail; the legal department and in-house counsel, too, must transform in order to remain relevant and competitive. The world of the general counsel (GC) has already seen massive shifts - ever-increasing globalization has meant more legal issues and corporate activism, which in turn has generated new challenges and heightened demand. The GC cannot simply act in the role of outsourcer of work to external counsel, as in the past. With the growth of legal departments (it is now not uncommon for legal departments to number in the hundreds or even thousands, often formed of expensive lateral hires) the GC must now wear a number of hats, including that of the "e;CEO"e; of their department. The introduction of data analysis into the legal space and the oft-repeated mantra of "e;less with more"e; has meant that the GC must now think in terms of spend and budget more than ever before, transforming the legal department from a cost-center to a value-add. They must cultivate a breadth and scope of vision, able to organize and lead their department as an innovator. The flourishing legal ops role also provides yet another challenge for the GC. As the incorporation of legal ops within the law department becomes increasingly essential, the GC must work to ensure alignment and manage change. The present time has been hailed as the golden age of in-house lawyering, yet - and perhaps because of this - it is an uncertain and challenging time for the GC. Tipping Point: Transformation and Innovation in the Legal Department is intended as a handbook for the GC looking to build a truly modern legal department and revolutionize their role. Encompassing aspects from leveraging influence with the c-suite to reimagining organizational hierarchies and seeking the right operational professional, this publication features contributions from those at the frontiers of the profession as it transforms and embraces new areas of expertise.

  • af Michael Roster
    1.592,95 kr.

    Much has been written about the pace of change facing the legal industry - how certain law firm functions are being replaced by artificial intelligence and new types of service providers, how accounting firms are looking to absorb and replace law firms, and how merging into worldwide mega firms of 3,000 to 10,000 lawyers is the only way to survive. Steve Jobs and others have called this evolution "e;creative destruction"e;. Richard Susskind referred to it years ago as "e;the end of lawyers"e;. It is true that the legal market is facing massive change. Technology, new ways of working, alternative methods of billing, and highly disruptive new entrants have all made their mark on the traditional legal business model. The Future of Law Firm Business Models takes a look at all these trends and more, horizon-scanning for future developments, and the ways in which these issues will fundamentally change the market.

  • af Rebecca Harding
    768,95 kr.

    This Special Report will show you how to build a stronger public, professional profile in order to attract opportunities, enhance career progression and win new business. At the end of the report, you will have put together your own practical, personal profile plan and will be able put it into action. With so much information available about professionals online, it is essential to actively manage your own profile and not leave it to chance. Most lawyers do not manage their professional reputations and so there is clear opportunity, for those who do, to become much better known, enhance their career progression and win business through strong reputation and new opportunities. However, with all the information clutter out there, how do you stand out in the market place? This report will address:Why it helps to have a strong professional profile;Why people choose to work with you and what influences their decisions;How you present yourself and build your personal brand;What psychological tools you can use to build your network;How to enhance your public credibility;Practical activities to raise your profile; andHow to avoid damaging mistakes. Building your Professional Profile will help any lawyer seeking to build a professional profile to win work and open up more business opportunities. It will also be of value to lawyers wishing to progress their career, whether by becoming a partner, gaining promotion or moving firms. Those wanting to build credibility in the marketplace, or with clients and colleagues, will also find it beneficial.

  • af John Alber
    1.868,95 kr.

    Mid-sized law firms in today's legal marketplace are often given three choices: merge, grow, or die. That's accepted wisdom. Mid-sized firms may try to compete for profitable corporate litigation, deals and other bread-and-butter work, but everyone knows they (1) don't have the IT and other systems heft to innovate with the big players (2) don't have the scale to market and compete for global business and (3) can't attract the talent they need to go head-to-head with Big Law on major work. But what if that's wrong? What if mid-sized firms are in an ideal position to fix what's wrong with law practice today? Competitive Strategies for Mid-Sized Law Firms - a collection of essays by and about mid-sized firms - offers a new perspective.

  • af Clare Jones
    613,95 kr.

    Lawyers of the 2020s operate in a ferociously competitive world and face unprecedented complexity, change and conflicting demands. As well as regulatory, legislative, economic and political uncertainty, other challenges include pricing pressures, technological advances, and market innovation. In this climate, professional development is ever more critical and the ambitious legal professional must develop their own competitive strategy to survive and thrive. In this book, experienced executive coaches and legal industry experts Clare Jones, Steve Couch and Hannah Beko apply real-life, evidence-based coaching techniques and step-by-step practices to enhance the practice of any mid- or senior-level lawyer. It also features a foreword written by Sarah Goulbourne, co-founder of leading challenger law firm gunnercooke. Through exploring ten core areas of professional development for lawyers, discover how to unleash yourself from your barriers and future-proof your legal career today. Content covers everything from self-discovery, through to thought-leadership and pitching as well as the skills and behaviours that underpin success. Readers are invited to create their own dynamic personal development programme and are challenged to hold themselves accountable for delivering it. This title will help senior level lawyers looking to build a lasting reputation, successful practice and sustainable, balanced career. It will provide clarity about your value and a deeper understanding of how to develop client relationships, as well as uncovering challenges to your progress and identifying priority next steps to make everything you do more effective.

  • af Dalia Majumder-Russell
    1.335,95 kr.

    Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe is often cited as the key to unlock the decarbonisation of sectors such as transport, heating and industrial processes, while also transforming the role that renewable energy plays in the electricity mix. Together with carbon capture and storage technology or coupled with renewable generation, this energy vector is a likely key pillar in the ongoing energy transition. This Special Report considers the key legal and regulatory challenges and opportunities in developing, financing and operating hydrogen projects, including:Key technologies, methods and hydrogen's role in the net zero agenda; Key stakeholders and their roles;Key policies and legal frameworks; and Revenue streams, commercial models and issues for financiers. The Special Report will also consider how hydrogen can be used in industrial processes, transport and the heating sectors. Written for a legal and non-legal audience, this report will appeal to those looking for a deeper understanding of the opportunities in the hydrogen sector and ways in which some of these may be realised.

  • af Emma Johnson
    752,95 kr.

    Despite a temporary decline in energy usage and emissions resulting from the confinement policies adopted by many states in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is not on track to meet the Paris Agreement climate change goals. In order to bridge the 'emissions gap' by 2030, the energy industry is critical to achieving the necessary cuts to emissions, however, it must also balance increasing energy demand with the need to achieve sustainability of energy supply for future generations. This requires the industry to transition from dependence on fossil-fuel sources and look to new technologies that underpin a low-carbon economy. Renewables are central to this transition. The increase in renewable energy capacity globally and the complex and relatively untested nature of renewables projects and the contracts underlying them give rise to a wide range of potential disputes. International arbitration has long been the preferred dispute resolution forum for the energy sector and is well placed to be the leading process for resolving the many and varied disputes that can arise in the lifetime of a renewables project. In light of the increased prevalence of renewable disputes, this Special Report considers:the defining characteristics of renewables projects; the scope for disputes to arise in the implementation of these projects at an inter-state, investor-state and commercial level;the suitability of arbitration to resolve these disputes, and how its processes can be adapted to resolve them in an efficient and effective way; andwhat the future of arbitration of renewable energy disputes might look like. Written for both a legal and non-legal audience, this Special Report is relevant to those interested in learning about the scope for disputes in the renewables sector, how they can be avoided, and how arbitration can best be deployed to prevent delay and help push energy transition forward.

  • af Sean Larkan
    3.156,95 kr.

    The success or failure of your firm is determined by how your clients and employees view your brand - simple. An effective brand strategy that is clearly understood and supported throughout your firm is crucial if you want to attract and retain profitable clients and sustain a talented workforce. Brand Strategy and Management for Law Firms report provides a comprehensive framework and guidelines for developing a brand strategy tailored to your firm. Packed with key concepts, practical tools, tips and advice this report will give you an understanding of brand and how it can be developed and strengthened as your firm's most invaluable asset. Specifically, this report will help you to: * Understand the key elements of personal brands, firm brand, and the employment brand - and how they relate to each other; * Align your brand strategy with your overall firm strategy, vision and values; * Realise the importance of brand names, icons or logos, design and aesthetics; * Understand the key brand considerations when using online channels - websites, blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook; * Create a customised brand stress-test and make improvements to strengthen your firm's brand accordingly and ensure its success; * Get partners and staff on board to support and grow your brand; and * Avoid brand mistakes and overcome the common challenges - including recommended steps for managing your brand before, during and following a merger. Brand Strategy and Management for Law Firms features insightful case studies, examples and expert contributions from the likes of Norton Rose South Africa, DLA Phillips Fox, Lex Mundi, Lex Africa and more - They reveal practical tips, lessons learned and mistakes made that will prove invaluable in the development and management of your own brand strategy.

  • - Legal Policy and Practice, Second Edition
    1.956,95 kr.

    This title has been updated significantly and several new chapters have been added dealing with topical issues including: the regulation of satellite navigation systems, and satellite constellations; the application of human rights in outer space settlements; the exploration and colonisation of outer space; and planetary protection.

  • - A Guide to Compensation in Law and Other Professional Service Firms
    af Ray D'Cruz
    2.398,95 kr.

  • af Jaap Bosman, Ronnie Fox, Susan Saltonstall Duncan, mfl.
    1.014,95 kr.

  • - How to Optimize Client Service and Deliver Value
    af Sally Dyson
    1.592,95 kr.

    A client-centric business model is essential for future law firm success and the authors of this far-reaching title utilize their own experience and real-life case studies to drill down into the importance of maintaining the one thing no business can do without: its client.

  • - Challenges and Opportunities for an Industry in Transition
    1.014,95 kr.

    This Special Report looks at the challenges and opportunities that intellectual property issues present for different areas of this broad and rapidly changing sector, including upstream, downstream, renewables, digitalisation, Standard Essential Patents and brand and reputation.

    1.335,95 kr.

    This title covers a variety of topics including: how families can make decisions about their philanthropy activities; donor advised funds; ways in which families can support cultural organisations, such as museums; and leaving a legacy for the next generations.

  • - Taking Security, Deal Structures and Emerging Markets, Second Edition
    1.764,95 kr.

    This second edition brings together experts on this topic, provides a practical guide to important legal developments in the field of secured finance and expands further on the work in the first edition in covering the types of collateral used as security, the variety of transaction types and geographical coverage in emerging markets.

  • af Wayne Hassay
    2.448,95 kr.

    The Post-Pandemic Law Firm looks at how law firms can make a paradigm shift, adopting an entirely new business model that focuses on providing outcomes, outputs, and results to their clients and internally places the wellbeing of their team as a cornerstone to the future long-term success and sustainability of the legal profession.

  • - Preparing the Next Generation
    353,95 kr.

    This Special Report aims to develop a shared mindset and better understanding across and between the generations, focusing in particular on matters from the perspective of the next generation.

  • - A Practical Global Guide, Second Edition
    2.078,95 kr.

    The second edition of International Copyright Law features up-to-date contributions from experts in over 30 jurisdictions worldwide, setting out the legal framework of their copyright laws and how to protect and exploit rights in creative and entrepreneurial works.

    1.592,95 kr.

    This book combines trendspotting, exploratory intelligence with case studies and real-world examples of best practice.

    1.059,95 kr.

    For women, by women - to help female lawyers progress their careers in an industry still struggling with gender equality.

  • - A Practical Roadmap 2nd edition
    af John Sterling
    1.592,95 kr.

    A workable, real-world strategic planning process that can be used in any firm.

  • af Jennifer Roberts, Michelle Murray, Gill Eapen, mfl.
    1.592,95 kr.

    What exactly is the "right" data in an information age?

  • af Nick Jarrett-Kerr
    2.123,95 kr.

    The issue of underperformance at partner level remains incredibly agonising and sensitive in law firms. Low demand for legal services has been compounded by an increase in the competitive forces both inside and outside the legal profession. Life has become even more difficult for partners, for whom performance demands have increased at the same time as the availability of work has tailed off. Underperformance continues to affect law firms in many ways, not least of which are diminished profitability, loss of opportunity, the disaffection of high performers, challenges to the firm's values and falling morale. What is more, underperformance has to be seen not just in terms of productivity but also in terms of a more holistic approach to a firm's standards. Drawing on original and academic research from the past 8 years, and featuring contributions from law firm performance experts including Edwin Reeser, Angus Lyon, and Patrick McKenna, author Nick Jarrett-Kerr's highly anticipated Tackling Partner Underperformance 2nd Edition covers topics including: *Trends in partner performance *Understanding why partners underperform or are underproductive *Judging, rating and evaluating partners *Aligning performance with partner compensation and rewards *Supporting and rehabilitating underperforming partners *Stress and mental illness impact on performance *Systems for partner performance management *Underperformance culture *Governance, communication and conflict management *And more. Tackling Partner Underperformance 2nd Edition is arguably the most comprehensive study ever undertaken into partner underperformance in law firms, and those firms (regardless of size and location) who utilize and implement the information, advice and practical strategies for addressing this issue, will see significant differences in their productivity and ultimately profitability.

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