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Bøger udgivet af GRAN TRAVESIA

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  • af Angie Thomas
    258,95 kr.

  • af Mariana Palova
    273,95 kr.

  • af Rana Tahir
    198,95 kr.

    ¿Estás listo para viajar al lado oscuro de Hawkins, Indiana? Únete a Eleven, Dustin, Max, Lucas y sus amigos mientras exploran Pennhurst Asylum, la espeluznante y antigua casa de Creel, y posiblemente incluso Upside Down. Las decisiones que TÚ tomes decidirán el destino de los personajes y conducirán a resultados inesperados, emocionantes e incluso mortales. Are you ready to travel to the dark side of Hawkins, Indiana? Join Eleven, Dustin, Max, Lucas, and their friends as they explore Pennhurst Asylum, Creel's spooky old home, and possibly even the Upside Down. The decisions YOU make will decide the fate of the characters and lead to unexpected, exciting, and even deadly outcomes.

  • af T. Kingfisher
    223,95 kr.

    Después de ver a sus hermanas sufrir durante años a manos de un príncipe maltratador, Marra --la tímida hermana menor criada en un convento-- se da cuenta por fin de que nadie vendrá a rescatarlas. Nadie, excepto ella misma. Entonces, una poderosa bruja le ofrece a Marra los medios para matar al príncipe, si primero es capaz de completar tres tareas imposibles. Pero, como es habitual en los cuentos de príncipes, brujas e hijas marginadas, lo imposible es sólo el principio. A la misión de Marra se unen la bruja, una renuente hada madrina, un excaballero caído en desgracia y una gallina poseída por un demonio. Juntos, intentarán liberar a la familia de Marra y a su reino de su tirano gobernante. After watching her sisters suffer for years at the hands of an abusive prince, Marra--the shy younger sister raised in a convent--finally realizes that no one will come to rescue them. Nobody, except herself. Then, a powerful witch offers Marra the means to kill the prince, if she is first able to complete three impossible tasks. But, as is usual in tales of princes, witches, and outcast daughters, the impossible is only the beginning. Marra's mission is joined by the witch, a reluctant fairy godmother, a disgraced former knight, and a demon-possessed chicken. Together, they will try to free Marra's family and her kingdom from her tyrannical ruler.

  • af Antonio Malpica
    268,95 kr.

    Vélez es un anodino oficinista maniático de la limpieza y poco aficionado a los sobresaltos que un día recibe la invitación para reunirse con los exalumnos de su antigua escuela preparatoria. Pero el reencuentro se convierte en pesadilla cuando en el yate donde están celebrando la fiesta, Vélez y sus compañeros son abordados por unos piratas que asesinan frente a sus ojos a una de sus antiguas amigas. En ese momento, Vélez descubre que ha sido elegido para desentrañar un juego macabro con el fin de evitar nuevas muertes. Abrumado e incapaz de resolver el enigma, Vélez recurre entonces a la ayuda de Pereira, su antiguo profesor de la preparatoria. Juntos forman una cómica y singular pareja detectivesca al estilo de Sherlock Homes y el doctor Watson; y poco a poco irán descubriendo que Vélez está implicado en una trama donde el verdadero protagonista, el anónimo autor del juego, utiliza la sombría obra de Edgar Allan Poe para mover los hilos de este misterio. Con su inconfundible sello de fino humor negro, Antonio Malpica vuelve a demostrar que es uno de los narradores más interesantes de la escena literaria en lengua española. Vélez is a nondescript office worker with a cleanliness freak and a little fan of surprises who one day receives an invitation to meet with the alumni of his old high school. But the reunion turns into a nightmare when on the yacht where they are celebrating the party, Vélez and his companions are approached by pirates who murder one of his former friends in front of their eyes. At that moment, Vélez discovers that he has been chosen to unravel a macabre game to prevent new deaths. Overwhelmed and unable to solve the enigma, Vélez then turns to the help of Pereira, his old high school teacher. Together they form a comical and unique detective couple in the style of Sherlock Homes and Dr. Watson; and little by little they will discover that Vélez is involved in a plot where the true protagonist, the anonymous author of the game, uses the shadowy work of Edgar Allan Poe to pull the strings of this mystery. With his unmistakable seal of fine black humor, Antonio Malpica once again demonstrates that he is one of the most interesting narrators in the Spanish-language literary scene.,

  • af Mary Shelley
    153,95 kr.

    «Si no puedo inspirar amor, desencadenaré el miedo'. Robert Walton es un escritor fracasado que se propone explorar el Polo Norte con la esperanza de expandir el conocimiento científico. Durante el viaje, la tripulación rescata a un hombre casi congelado llamado Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein ve en Walton la misma obsesión que lo ha destruido a él y le cuenta su historia, la de un joven estudiante de ciencias que crea un hombre artificial a partir de fragmentos de cadáveres. Esta escalofriante narración gótica que comenzó cuando Mary Shelley tenía sólo dieciocho años de edad, ha pasado a ser la obra de terror más famosa del mundo y sigue siendo una exploración devastadora de los límites de la ambición humana. Robert Walton is a failed writer who sets out to explore the North Pole in hopes of expanding scientific knowledge. During the voyage, the crew rescues a nearly frozen man named Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein sees himself in Walton and tells him his story, that of a young science student who creates an artificial man from fragments of corpses. This chilling gothic narrative has become the world's most famous work of horror and remains a devastating exploration of the limits of human ambition.

  • af Hayley Kiyoko
    198,95 kr.

    Es verano y Coley, de 17 años, está sola otra vez. Obligada a mudarse a la zona rural de Oregón después de perder a su madre, no está en posición de arriesgar su ya frágil corazón. Pero cuando conoce a Sonya, la atracción es inmediata. Basada en la exitosa canción y el video musical viral GIRLS LIKE GIRLS, la novela debut de Hayley Kiyoko trata sobre aceptar tu verdad y darte cuenta de que todos somos dignos de ser amados. It's summer and 17-year-old Coley is alone once again. Forced to move to rural Oregon after losing her mother, she is in no position to risk her already fragile heart. But, when she meets Sonya, the attraction is immediate and undeniable. Based on the hit song and viral music video "Girls Like Girls", Hayley Kiyoko's debut novel is about embracing your truth and realizing that we are all lovable.

  • af Chloe Gong
    298,95 kr.

    Hace cuatro años, Rosalind Lang fue rescatada al borde de la muerte, pero el extraño experimento que la salvó también le impide dormir y envejecer, y curarse de cualquier herida. En resumen, Rosalind no puede morir. Ahora, usa sus habilidades como espía, cuyo nombre en clave es Fortuna. Rosalind investiga una serie de asesinatos en Shanghái. Sin embargo, para reducir las sospechas, debe hacerse pasar por la esposa de otro espía: Orion Hong... Four years ago, Rosalind Lang was rescued from the brink of death, but the strange experiment that saved her now prevents her from sleeping, aging, and from healing from any injuries. In short, Rosalind cannot die. She now uses her abilities as a spy, codenamed Fortuna. Rosalind investigates a series of murders in Shanghai. However, to not be suspicious, she must pose as the wife of another spy: Orion Hong.

  • af Traci Chee
    268,95 kr.

    Es una fantasía de influencia japonesa sobre demonios, aventuras y planes que salen mal. This book is a Japanese-influenced fantasy about demons, adventures, and plans gone wrong.

  • af Alexandra Christo
    238,95 kr.

    Selestra lleva diecisé is añ os atrapada en su torre de la Montañ a Flotante, prepará ndose para ocupar el lugar de su madre, Theola Somniatis, como Bruja del Rey. Cada temporada, durante el Festival de los Presagios, se otorga un nuevo destino a las almas temerarias que esté n dispuestas a arriesgarlo todo. La muerte los perseguirá durante todo el mes. Si sobreviven, les aguardará una gran fortuna y la oportunidad de vivir para siempre. Pero nadie logra sobrevivir. Jamá s. Nox, un soldado del ejé rcito del Rey, se presenta como candidato con la oculta intenció n de robar la inmortalidad del Rey y matar a toda su corte, comenzando con Selestra. Sin embargo, cuando Selestra toca a Nox en su primer presagio, sus destinos se entrelazan y só lo uniendo sus esfuerzos podrá n sobrevivir el tiempo suficiente para escapar del destino oscuro y del Rey inmortal que los persigue.

  • af Matthew J Gilbert
    153,95 kr.

    "Prepare to visit the darkest and most chilling corners of Hawkins. Dustin, Lucas, Max, and their friends want to rent videos one night. But when a blackout changes their plans, they swap seven twisted tales based on their hometown. What secrets lurk in an old asylum? Does a mutant creature live at the bottom of Lovers' Lake? Is a harmless teddy bear actually controlled by a supernatural force? These are just a few of the monstrous mysteries in this creepy collection ...: "--Provided by publisher.

  • af Katherine Applegate
    173,95 kr.

    "La tierra es vieja, pero nosotros no, y no debemos olvidarlo."--

  • af Victoria Aveyard
    823,95 kr.

    Victoria Aveyard's medieval saga is now available in this complete volume. The complete Red Queen Series complies over 2,400 pages at an incredible price. In a society in which people are segregated based on the color of their blood, the Reds fight to survive under the control of the silver-blooded super humans that have terrible powers and exert complete control over the world. When a Red, Mare Barrow, is discovered to have the same powers as the Silvers, she is taken to their world, where she discovers that power is a treacherous ally, and betrayal is to be expected.

  • af Tae Keller
    223,95 kr.

  • af Brenna Yovanoff
    188,95 kr.

  • af Pablo Neruda
    114,95 kr.

    « Puedo escribir los versos má s tristes esta noche. Escribir, por ejemplo: " La noche está estrellada, y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos" » . Publicado originalmente el 15 de junio de 1924, este poemario se ha convertido en el má s vendido y traducido de la historia en lengua españ ola, y catapultó a Pablo Neruda a la fama mundial cuando contaba tan só lo con diecinueve añ os de edad. Fruto de su juventud, pero tambié n de una madurez y destreza inusitadas en el uso del lenguaje, Neruda parte de la influencia poé tica modernista para crear una nueva expresividad. En estos poemas, donde emergen los paisajes naturales de su Chile natal, el autor proclama la tristeza y la angustia, pero tambié n el gozo y la sensualidad que provoca en el ser humano la experiencia del primer amor.

  • af Angie Thomas
    223,95 kr.

    "En Garden Heights, ser niäno implica, desde muy temprano, demostrar que eres un hombre. La lealtad a tu pandilla, a tu familia, a tus ideales, es un peso que amenaza con derrumbarte cada dâia. Maverick Carter lo comprenderâa de la manera mâas angustiosa. Angie Thomas explora la masculinidad y el doloroso trâansito a la edad adulta en la precuela de su âexito de ventas El odio que das. Si hay algo que Maverick Carter sabe es que un hombre de verdad se ocupa de su familia. Como hijo de una antigua leyenda de las pandillas, Mav lo hace de la âunica forma que sabe: traficando para los King Lords. Con el dinero que consigue puede ayudar a su madre, mientras su padre cumple una condena en la câarcel. La vida no es perfecta, pero gracias a su novia y a su primo, que lo protege, Mav parece tenerlo todo bajo control. Hasta que se entera de que es padre. De repente, tiene un bebâe que depende de âel para todo y ya no resulta tan fâacil vender droga, terminar sus estudios y criar a un hijo"--

  • af SUSAN EE
    198,95 kr.

    Translation of: Cinder & the prince of midnight.

  • af Rob Harrell
    233,95 kr.

    "Ross es un chico normal que debe enfrentarse a una situaciâon extraordinaria. Un dâia, le diagnostican câancer de ojo, y a partir de ese momento, su vida cambiarâa por completo. Descubrirâa que hay partes de âel que se alterarâan, pero tambiâen sus amigos, sus compaäneros de colegio, su familia... Todos mirarâan al "niäno con câancer" como un bicho raro, y sâolo âel podrâa tomar la decisiâon mâas importante posible, demostrarse a sâi mismo y a los demâas que es capaz de escribir su propia historia. Basada en la experiencia real del autor, y llena de viänetas câomicas protagonizadas por el insâolito superhâeroe "Baticerdo", esta inolvidable, divertidâisima y conmovedora novela es una inspiradora historia sobre câomo hallar la magia y la alegrâia en la ruleta de la vida."--

  • af Victoria Aveyard
    298,95 kr.

    Mare Barrow's world is divided by blood--those with common, Red blood serve the Silver-blooded elite, who are gifted with superhuman abilities. Mare is a Red, scraping by as a thief in a poor, rural village, until a twist of fate throws her in front of the Silver court. Before the king, princes, and all the nobles, she discovers she has an ability of her own. To cover up this impossibility, the king forces her to play the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons. As Mare is drawn further into the Silver world, she risks everything and uses her new position to help the Scarlet Guard--a growing Red rebellion--even as her heart tugs her in an impossible direction. One wrong move can lead to her death, but in the dangerous game she plays, the only certainty is betrayal.

  • af Crystal Smith
    273,95 kr.

    Series information from publisher's website.

  • af Joseph Coelho
    173,95 kr.

    ¿Sabes lo que sucede cuando dejas una manzana en un frutero sin comer? Pues que, al cabo del tiempo, se estropea. Eso es lo que ocurre con los libros que se quedan olvidados en las estanterías: se llenan de polvo, se agrietan, se hinchan, se arrugan... Lo mismo le ha sucedido a este libro que tienes en tus manos, ya no es el dulce cuento de Cenicienta, ahora se ha convertido en el "cuento estropeado" de Zombicienta. Sal de la tumba y súbete a tu carruaje de hongos venenosos para vivir esta inquietante y divertida aventura de la chica no muerta y el príncipe vampiro que sólo querían terminar su historia como todos los cuentos de hadas, viviendo felices para siempre. Do you know what happens when you leave an apple in a fruit bowl without eating? Well, over time, it breaks down. That is what happens with books that are left forgotten on the shelves: they fill with dust, they crack, they swell, they wrinkle... The same has happened to this book that you have in your hands, it is no longer the sweet story Cinderella, has now become the "spoiled tale" of Zombicienta. Come out of the grave and get on your poisonous mushroom carriage to live this haunting and fun adventure of the undead girl and the vampire prince who just wanted to end their story like all fairy tales, living happily ever after.

  • af Judy Blume
    163,95 kr.

    "Margaret is a soon to be 12 year old and likes long hair, tuna, the aroma of the rain, and things that are pink. She has just moved out of busy New York to a small town in New Jersey where she gets to know her new friends: Nancy, Gretchen, and Janie. Together they form a secret club to speak about private subjects such as boys, bras, and their anxiety surrounding their first period. But Margaret is different from her friends in something. She doesn't participate in any form of religion, and it causes conflicts with her family. However, what no one knows is that Margaret has a very special relationship with God, with whom she can talk about everything: her parents, her friends, her desire to be an adult as soon as possible, and even the boy she likes. Margaret is a fun and authentic girl, and when you learn her story, you feel as if you were talking with your best friend."--

  • af Victoria Aveyard
    298,95 kr.

    Translation of: Broken Throne. A Red Queen Collection.

  • af Traci Chee
    293,95 kr.

    Sefia is determined to keep Archer out of the Guard's clutches and their plans for war between the Five Kingdoms. The Book, the ancient, infinite codex of the past, present and future, tells of a prophecy that will plunge Kelanna in that bloody war, but it requires a boy--Archer--and Sefia will stop at nothing to ensure his safety. The Guard has already stolen her mother, her father, and her Aunt Nin. Sefia would sooner die than let them take anymore from her--especially the boy she loves.

  • af Julie Kagawa
    313,95 kr.

    One thousand years ago, a wish was made and a sword of rage and lightning was forged. A weapon powerful enough to seal away the formidable demon Hakaimono. Now he has broken free. Kitsune shapeshifter Yumeko has one task: to take her piece of an ancient and powerful scroll to the Steel Feather temple in order to prevent the summoning of the Harbinger of Change. But she has a new enemy now. The demon Hakaimono, who for centuries was trapped in a cursed sword, has escaped and possessed the boy she thought would protect her. As the paths of Yumeko and the possessed Tatsumi cross once again, the entire empire will be thrown into chaos.

  • af Ana Frank
    153,95 kr.

    La memoria encontró su camino en las páginas de un diario. Escrito en la oscuridad provocada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, El diario de Ana Frank representó un verdadero refugio para los sentimientos, pensamientos y la esperanza. Las palabras que nacieron ocultas en el día a día sobrevivieron al tiempo, y son la voz de que no hay muro o perseguidor que detenga el anhelo de expresarse. > Memory found its way into the pages of a diary. Written in the darkness caused by World War II, The Diary of Anne Frank represented a true haven for feelings, thoughts and hope. The words that were born hidden in the day to day survived time, and are the voice that there is no wall or persecutor that stops the desire to express oneself.

  • af Lev Grossman
    193,95 kr.

    Kate y su hermano menor Tom llevan unas vidas aburridas y poco interesantes. Y seguramente sus padres tienen algo que ver con eso. ¿Por qué Kate no puede vivir aventuras extraordinarias y salvar el mundo como lo hacen los protagonistas de los libros que lee? Incluso su undécimo cumpleaños parece que será igual de anodino, hasta que su misterioso tío Herbert, a quien no conocía, la sorprende con el regalo de cumpleaños más inesperado, impresionante e inapropiado que se pueda imaginar: una colosal locomotora de vapor llamada La Flecha Plateada. Sus padres quieren devolverle el regalo al tío Herbert, pero antes de que eso suceda, Kate y Tom viajan a tierras lejanas a bordo de La Flecha Plateada y en compañía de toda clase de animales exóticos que, al parecer, pueden hablar. Armados únicamente con su curiosidad, ingenio y la emoción de lo desconocido para guiarlos, Kate y Tom se encuentran de pronto en la aventura de su vida... ¿y quién sabe? Quizá terminen salvando el mundo después de todo. Kate and her younger brother Tom lead boring and uninteresting lives. And surely her parents have something to do with it. Why can't Kate go on extraordinary adventures and save the world like the protagonists of the books she reads? Even her eleventh birthday seems like it will be just as nondescript, until her mysterious uncle Herbert, whom she didn't know, surprises her with the most unexpected, impressive, and inappropriate birthday present imaginable: a colossal steam engine named The Silver Arrow. Her parents want to return the gift to Uncle Herbert, but before that happens, Kate and Tom travel to distant lands aboard the Silver Arrow and in the company of all kinds of exotic animals that, it seems, can talk. Armed solely with their curiosity, wit, and the thrill of the unknown to guide them, Kate and Tom suddenly find themselves on the adventure of a lifetime.

  • af Victoria Aveyard
    278,95 kr.

    Save the world or end it. A strange darkness is growing in the Ward. Even Corayne an-Amarat can feel it, tucked away in her small town at the edge of the sea. Fate knocks on her door, in the form of a mythical immortal and a lethal assassin, who tell Corayne that she is the last of an ancient lineage--with the power to save the world from destruction. Because a man who would burn kingdoms to the groun dis raising an army unlike any seen before, bent on uprooting the foundations of the world. With poison in his heart and a stolen sword in his hand, he'll break the realm itself to claim it. And only Corayne can stop him. Alongside an unlikely group of reluctant allies, Corayne finds herself on a desperate journey to complete an impossible task, with untold magic singing in her blood and the fate of the world on her shoulders.

  • af Katherine Applegate
    273,95 kr.

    To learn if she truly is the last dairne in the world--the endling--Byx and her friends must travel into the snow-covered mountains of the country of Dreyland, where they hope to uncover the truth behind the legend of a hidden dairne colony. But the threat of war across the lands continues to grow with each passing day. As the group confronts untold dangers at every turn, they will ultimately uncover a treacherous plot that involves the other powerful governing species. With both her dreams and all the creatures of Nedarra on the brink of extinction, Byx and her friends are determined to never give up hope. Soon they find themselves the unlikely leaders in a simmering rebellion that risks everything they hold dear. Byx may be the last of her kind, but will she also be the first to lead the revolution?

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