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  • - with Full Scripture Proof Texts
    148,95 kr.

    The Westminster Larger Catechism is well worth our study. It unifies Presbyterians who use it as one of their church standards. It gives us all Christians the meat of the Word of God. It places a greater emphasis on, and gives fuller explanations of, doctrines that maturing Christians need to hear. It emphasizes aspects of the gospel and draws directly from Scripture in a way that other catechisms do not. And the Larger Catechism emphasizes the church, the ministry, preaching, and the sacraments at a time when all Christians-need to hear of them. Spurgeon, a Baptist, found the use of the Westminster Catechisms of tremendous value, even drawing from them in forming a catechism of his own. He extolled their use in the family as a valuable tool in discipling our children. This edition is newly typeset in larger-print and in a large 8.5" x 11" format with wider margins, lending itself to study. It is complete with all full Scripture proof texts supporting each question and its answer.

  • af John Charles Ryle
    88,95 kr.

    In this concise book, author J.C. Ryle delves into five common dangers that he considered especially plaguing to the young men he observed. Pride, Love of Pleasure, Thoughtlessness, Contempt of Christianity, and Fear of Man's Opinion are all specific perils that Ryle deals with in his direct yet pastoral style. Despite its original target of young men the precious truths and timeless advice drawn from Scripture are also very valuable to our young women as well. Ryle speaks in a very approachable and useful style that resonates today (perhaps even more so) as it did when first published. The problems that threaten young men are just as real and even stronger now than ever. We live in a modern world that is at war with the things of God and young people have very particular vulnerabilities. I would strongly encourage any man (or lady) young or old to read this as it will prove to be a tremendous help and encouragement.

  • - including "Turn or Burn" by C. H. Spurgeon
    af Jonathan Edwards
    88,95 kr.

    Jonathan Edwards' sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is arguably the most famous sermon ever preached. It is an eloquent but passionate plea to take God's displeasure with man as the dire circumstance that it is. A profound love for sinners and a pastor's heart motivated Edwards to preach this immortal address, a message as relevant today as it was then. His comprehensive urging of "natural man" to be born again is a masterful exercise in addressing all arguments that God's judgment and condemnation of sinners to hell can be averted by any effort of mankind. He speaks of man's schemes and man's wisdom as utter foolishness. Edwards backs up every claim he makes with Holy Scripture. He well knows that there are people in the very congregation he is speaking to that will scoff and rebelliously turn their deaf ear to it and thereby die without excuse. How about you dear reader? Will you harken to God's fervent plea to you through His faithful servant Jonathan Edwards and be saved by His grace? Will you rejoice in the power, love and mercy of God, and no longer be bound by fear of death? To read this minister's powerful warnings offers yet another chance to be saved from a God that is both justly angry over sin and yet still willing, able and ready to save us through the atoning death of His dear Son the Lord Jesus Christ. The message is a fiery one, but that's the point. Read it and live! As an added bonus this edition also includes the famous address by C. H. Spurgeon, "Turn or Burn".

    143,95 kr.

    An easy to read, but totally devastating attack against the heresy of Arminianism. There was a day when Christians knew the Scriptures well enough that the error of Arminianism was recognized for what it was-a heresy, another gospel-that is no gospel at all. Today, it is not uncommon in churches that are ostensibly Bible-believing and Bible-studying congregations to find sitting in the pews, beside one another, those that confess a biblical belief in God's sovereignty and those that self-identify as Arminians. On top of that there are countless less-knowledgable professors that know nothing of the label and doctrines of Arminianism but nonetheless hold the same man-centered and decisionalistic false belief of salvation. In this work of Ness, these unbiblical concepts are laid bare and exposed for the grave errors that they are. Recommended reading by John Owen, John Gill, and Augustus Toplady.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    98,95 kr.

    In this classic tale of faith we find little Milly has been left an orphan after the sudden death of her mother. Of necessity she is sent to live with her uncle, an affirmed bachelor who dislikes children, and considers little girls even more irksome. Milly at once proves bothersome and tries her uncle's patience with her constant concerns for what she calls "probable" sons-her word for wayward young men since she cannot pronounce "prodigal" correctly. Despite this little quirk Milly exhibits a tender heart for God and God's lost ones. She prayerfully seeks God for all his probable sons to return home. As the days go by, her uncle's heart cannot help but warm to his endearing niece who radiates innocence, love and hope. Probable Sons is a delightful story of forgiveness and reconciliation. Can such innocence and love penetrate even the hardest of hearts, perhaps even that of her very probable uncle?

  • af Michael Rotolo
    88,95 kr.

    A thirty day topical devotional to help consider issues of life from a Biblical worldview.

  • af James R White
    98,95 kr.

    "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one coming to Me I will never cast out....No man is able to come to Me, unless the Father, who sent Me, draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day." These statements found in the sixth chapter of John's gospel are among some of the most striking and challenging statements made by the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. James White implores the Christian to listen to the words of Christ anew and to ponder them in the light of the wonderful grace and sovereignty of God in salvation. If we fail to study to show ourselves approved, especially as regards these vital truths, our Christian life may well become one characterized by confusion and erroneous notions about God's plan of salvation and the Gospel. In Drawn By The Father, you will learn what Scripture teaches about these matters and better appreciate the Father's will, the Son's work for, and promises to His people, and man's role in the eternal plan of redemption. You can come to a settled conviction and a thankful realization of the marvelous love of God for His people.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    98,95 kr.

    In the Smalcald Articles, (at the behest of his patron, Elector John Frederick of Saxony), Luther summarized what he regarded to be the most important teaching in Christianity, these Articles were prepared with the intention of being presented at the Schmalkaldic League's meeting in 1537 primarily to address concerns pertaining to the office and power of the Roman Catholic Pope. The League had been organized in 1531 as a union of various Lutheran territories and cities, to provide a united military and political front against Roman Catholic politicians and armies, led by Emperor Charles V. After some argument, the league ultimately determined not to adopt the articles Luther had written, instead adopting a treatise by Philipp Melanchthon. Although they were not adopted at the meeting of the Schmalkaldic League, they nonetheless gained wide acceptance and use and were eventually incorporated into the Book of Concord in 1580 as one of the Lutheran Confessions of the faith.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    88,95 kr.

    Words to Winners of Souls is essential reading for the soul of the minister, but will do great good to that of the layperson as well. After all, every Christian is called to be an evangelist. Bonar puts forth probing and convicting questions to those who would seek to be used of God to lead souls to Christ and to the pastor whose responsibility it is to always be communicating the Gospel to his people. When you read this book you will necessarily take time to search your soul before God, and repent of the sins that so easily ensnare-sins that cause us to grow lazy and dull to the awesome message of salvation in Jesus Christ. This classic needs to be on the shelf of every pastor and should be read periodically as a reminder of the awesome duty, privilege and responsibility of being en-trusted with the words of life. May God heavily burdened you to pray for the souls of the unsaved and preach the good news.

  • af A W Pink
    158,95 kr.

    The grand truth of election takes us back to the beginning of all things. It predated the entrance of sin into the world, the fall of man, the incarnation of Christ, and the proclamation of the gospel. A correct understanding of it, especially in its relation to the everlasting covenant, is absolutely essential if we are to be kept from fundamental error. If the foundation be faulty, then the building erected upon it cannot be sound; and if we err in our conceptions of this basic truth, then just in proportion as we do so will our grasp of all other truth be inaccurate. This classic text on the subject of election is an essential for any Christian's library but especially that of the pastor or clergyman.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    228,95 kr.

    A comprehensive study of the last things (eschatology). Designed for all earnest Bible students, but especially for ministers, seminary students, Bible college students, and others who are exploring or revisiting these theological concepts. The major thrust is about the second coming of Christ and events that are closely connected with it. Read the book for a fresh insight into those events, soundly based on meticulous hermeneutics, and biblical exegesis. This volume is refreshingly devoid of the sensational type of reading that presently floods the market.

    158,95 kr.

    In this enlightening treatise, Andrew Murray explores the difference between two covenants, namely the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. Murray's discussion of covenants is instructive, describing the nature of a covenant, the difference between the two covenants, and the transition between them. His ultimate goal, however, is to show "what exactly the blessings are that God has covenanted to bestow upon us." In this volume Murray's spiritual insight and ability for profound teaching shines through. His instruction to the believer can have a renewing and transformative effect. Two Covenants is a must read for anyone desiring a better understanding of the biblical covenants or one's own personal sanctification.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    113,95 kr.

    Who better to teach "How to be Soul-Winner" than C. H. Spurgeon. Known the world over as the "Prince of Preachers", Spurgeon is the master of the evangelical sermon and perhaps the most prolific communicator of the gospel the world has ever seen. In this classic manual on evangelism, he lays out the most biblical, and therefore effective, methodologies for leading sinners to the Savior. Before buying into any of the so-called "new & innovative" systems of evangelism- learn the basics of sound Bible teaching on how to share the good news from the pen of a master evangelist.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    83,95 kr.

    George Whitefield was the greatest evangelist of the 18th century in America and was a major contributor to the Great Awakening. Whitefield criss-crossed the countryside of Colonial America boldly preaching the message of salvation. Crowds packed the churches and outdoor venues whenever Whitefield appeared, bubbling over with eager anticipation to hear his great oration. His preaching was described as bold, purely gospel, and blazing with an intensity of evangelistic passion. His voice was so powerful that 30,000 people could hear him at once, and yet still so musical and sweetly toned that he could, by the grace of God, bring hardened men to tears of repentance. In, The Method of Grace, a classic of revival preaching, Whitefield shows the way God has provided for a person to receive true, lasting peace for his soul. See how this great preacher of the Great Awakening brought the Gospel into intimate connection with people's hearts and not just their heads. For those who preach the Gospel it will have a profound impact on how you preach the message of peace.

  • - and select sermons on the doctrines of grace
    af Michael Rotolo
    158,95 kr.

    There are many books explaining and defending the doctrines known as Calvinism but there is none like that of this volume from C. H. Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers. Spurgeon was not only a theologian but a Pastor, and it is with the heart of a pastor that he defends the doctrines of grace. This quintessential classic work by Spurgeon is fortified with select sermons on the individual doctrines as well as a bonus sermon on the issue of whether extolling the grace of God as taught in Scriptures leads to sin. A must have for every Christian's library.

    113,95 kr.

    This is the inspiring true story of Elizabeth Wallbridge, a young woman who was born, lived and died in the village of Arreton, nearby the Parish of Brading on the Isle of Wight, England. Her family were of the poor hard-working class. Elizabeth lived an unremarkable life of a mostly worldly character. Though never immoral, she was by her own admission, a willful, proud, selfish and irreligious person. Her heart, however, was dramatically transformed by a sermon she heard at the age of 26 years old and as a result of God's saving grace she became a very devout Christian lady. Gifted with exceptional intellect and memory, and because God would set her aside through frail health, she devoted her time and strength to mastering Christian classics and to the study of the Bible, becoming remarkably proficient. After a prolonged illness, she went to meet her Savior at only 31 years of age. During her illness, Reverend Legh Richmond, the Curate of Brading, and a religious writer of the period visited her often and the discussions they shared compelled him to write this now famous book.

  • af Charles M Sheldon
    123,95 kr.

    Of all the books ever published, there is an extremely short list of those that have had as amazing success and popular reception as Charles Sheldon's In His Steps. As one of the bestselling books of all time, selling over 50,000,000 copies over the last century, this perennial classic was the book which first asked, and then made popular, the now famous question, - What would Jesus do? This page-turner tells the story of a small town whose residents are challenged by their pastor to ask this question before everything they do and every decision they make. The challenge will ultimately transforms their lives as they discover the unexpected consequences of aspiring to live like Christ and always doing good unto their neighbors. What does it really mean to be a Christian and a citizen? Does your church and its members reflect the teachings of Christ in daily life or are the Sunday sermons and worship song lyrics merely virtuous platitudes? Follow the lives of seven Christians as they wrestle with the profound implications and practical consequences of faithfully living the gospel in Sheldon's classic In His Steps

  • - A Treatise on the Interpretation of the Old and New Testament
    af Michael Rotolo
    298,95 kr.

    This practical textbook is "the most exhaustive single work in our language on the history of the interpretation of the Scriptures." So affirms Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, well-known Bible scholar. Milton S. Terry's book on 'Biblical Hermeneutics' (the science of interpretation) is conveniently divided into three main areas: Part I - Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics Part II - Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics Part III - History of Biblical Interpretation This ideal standard textbook abstains from dogmatism and adheres strictly to the method of scientific and conscientious inquiry. It ranks as a classic in its field.Adapted to meet the practical needs of most students studying the Word of God, Biblical Hermeneutics by Terry is a model text for interpreting the Bible.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    158,95 kr.

    Geerhardus Vos devotes this work to a discussion of Jesus' greatest focus in ministry -- the "kingdom of God" (and the "kingdom of heaven," which Vos takes to be referencing the same thing.) Vos begins by connecting Christ's teaching on the kingdom to the Old Testament and its concepts of a Messianic king. Then he moves into the conception of the kingdom during the New Testament with a cursory analysis of the pertinent Greek phrases (but largely accessible to a layman). From there, he moves into the kingdom as it is now, and as it will be in the new heavens and the new earth. Finally, the remaining chapters detail specific aspects and characteristics of the kingdom as it currently exists including the church as it is also compared to the kingdom, and as the means by which one gains entrance into the kingdom. Vos' enlightening treatment of this important theme in the Scriptures ought to be read, particularly by pastors, to assist in preaching and teaching on passages dealing with this vital subject.

  • - or God Reconciled in Christ
    af Michael Rotolo
    168,95 kr.

    The single most blessed truth of all time is that God forgives sins. What would the destiny of mankind be if all were to perish in their sins? The fact is that every man and woman (except Jesus Christ) that ever drew breath has transgressed the law of a perfectly holy creator God to whom they must give an account for their sin. Only that which is perfect can occupy heaven with God for all eternity. So then how can a man be saved from the penalty due his sins? In this volume Henry Law treats in great detail the marvelous truth that sin can be forgiven. There are many aspects to this truth and to mistake one at any point is to corrupt the gospel of Jesus Christ. You will be richly blessed by the glorious truth that Henry Law expounds concerning our blessed hope of salvation from sin--in and by--our Savior. This book is an excellent resource for evangelism to those that do not yet understand the gospel and a deeply devotional work for those of us that do.

    158,95 kr.

    A concise biogpraphy of the life of the great Protestant reformer John Calvin. Calvin was without a doubt the single most influential theologian of the Protestant Reformation. This account of his life is told by his contemporary and dear friend Theodore Beza. Beza was a prominent figure in the reformation and continued as successor to Calvin in the work of the ministry. This bonus edition also includes a brief biography of Theodore Beza.

  • - Being a Collection of Sentences, Illustrations, and Quaint Sayings from the Works of that Renowned Puritan Thomas Brooks
    af Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    113,95 kr.

    "Brooks scatters stars with both his hands: he hath dust of gold; in his storehouse are all manner of precious stones." So wrote C. H. Spurgeon in his preface to this book. He counted Thomas Brooks among his favorite Puritan authors, and it's not hard to see why. Brooks' popularity lies both in his subjects-practical truths, central to the Christian life-and in the manner of his presentation. He is consistently direct, urgent, fervent, full of Scripture, and able to choose words which make his sentences stick in one's mind. This book is a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint sayings from this renowned Puritan. Gathered carefully by Spurgeon out of the entire set of Brooks' Works, it remains an excellent introduction to both the man and his writings.

    133,95 kr.

    It's an awesome privilege to be a parent. This is a profound stewardship and we are insufficient in ourselves to faithfully carry out our duties without help from the Word of God. Who better to seek advice to parent from than He who made us all. This is a classic for parenting because H. C. Trumbull has mined Scripture, the all-sufficient and preferred source of wisdom needed to raise, physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy children. Here is a manual we can trust. In thirty short chapters, rich in biblical counsel, Trumbull will equip you to be a better parent and have a happier child. Read just one a day, and in just one month, you will learn godly parenting principles. Cherish it as a trusted resource in your parenting library.

  • - and the Smoking Flax
    af Richard Sibbs
    113,95 kr.

    The Bruised Reed is the masterful exposition of Matthew 12:20 by the famous theologian Richard Sibbes, known in his time, as "the Heavenly Doctor Sibbes" and of whom the renowned C. H. Spurgeon wrote "He scatters pearls and diamonds with both hands." It was Sibbes' desire to expound upon the grace of God in the work of redemption and though he was eminently qualified to produce a text of a dogmatic nature expounding upon the cross of Christ, he chose rather to create a work of application respecting sanctification and assurance and to do so with a tender pastoral tone. In doing this, Sibbes explains what the reed refers to and what it means to be "a bruised" reed. He unpacks the metaphor of bruising to describe the process in which God humbles sinners by giving them a view of sin as he sees it. God often must wound before he can heal, and yet the goal of his bruising is always to lead us to a deeper love for Christ. Few literary works persist past the decade in which they were written, and even fewer persist past their century, however, The Bruised Reed lives on. The fact that readers today are still cut to the heart by the profound truths of which Sibbes writes, even in a time in which our society is barreling beyond postmodernism, is a testament to the quality of its author and of the timelessness of the material. "What a support to our faith is this, that God the Father, the party offended by our sins, is so well pleased with the work of redemption! And what a comfort is this, that, seeing God's love rests on Christ, as well pleased in him, we may gather that he is as well pleased with us, if we be in Christ!" --from The Bruised Reed Speaking of this classic exposition, Richard Baxter wrote, "It opened more the love of God to me, and gave me a livelier apprehension of the mystery of redemption, and how much I was beholden to Jesus Christ."

  • - Christian Love As Manifested in the Heart and Life
    af Michael Rotolo
    228,95 kr.

    Jonathan Edwards is widely recognized as probably the greatest intellectual and philosopher the United States has ever produced. The depth and power of his intellect was such that every year new books and articles on his life and work are published. Above all things though, Edwards was a Christian thinker. His life's mission was to know and glorify God through Jesus Christ and to be used by Him so others might do the same. It is in his sermons that we see the true heart of this godly man-he is a philosopher, a watchman, a pastor and a theologian all wrapped up in one. This selection of sixteen of Edwards' most powerful sermons collected together as Charity and its Fruits is a classic collection of Edwards on the subject of the love of God and the fruit it produces in those that are His. It will undoubtedly, lead you into the presence of God-which was his great ambition in preaching and teaching, and you will be forever blessed by your reading of it.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    98,95 kr.

    This concise work will serve as a wonderful introduction to Calvin and the Christianity that he believed, taught and more importantly, -- lived. A pithy treatment of the Christian life presenting summarily the truths that are dealt with at considerable length in his massive Institutes of The Christian Religion. So important is this book that it was the first of Calvin's writings translated into English. All Christians old and especially new, will prosper by reading this guide to the new life and securing a special place in their library for its periodic rereading

  • - An Exciting Tale of Adventure and Faith on the High Seas
    af Michael Rotolo
    113,95 kr.

    The crew of the Dolphin encounters countless dangers on the high seas! Venturing forth on a ship that may not be what it seems, the crew is assaulted by crushing waves and vicious winds. And yet greater trials of character may prove more difficult still. Through all the storms of life we are encouraged to see that God holds the very seas in the hollow of His mighty hand! Those who call upon Him will be heard!

  • af George Alfred Henty
    148,95 kr.

    The Fall of Jerusalem by G.A. Henty tells the story of the the first century Jewish revolt from the perspective of a fictional young Jewish man, John of Gamala. Revolting against imperial rule, various Jewish factions struggle for control of the city of Jerusalem and its spectacular Temple. Meanwhile, the Romans are moving quickly to crush the rebellion. Can John and his followers help save the Temple and alleviate the misery of their people? In this adventure you will meet several famous historical men, including Vespasian, Josephus and Titus.

  • - The Stone Lectures of Princeton
    148,95 kr.

    The Stone Lectures were an annual lecture series at Princeton Theological Seminary. Internationally-renowned speakers were invited to participate. Among, if not, the most notable was Abraham Kuyper. These are the Kuyper lectures of 1898 on the subject of Calvinism. They form the outline of his Calvinist theology and its impact on every aspect of society. His first lecture is "Calvinism- A Life System," and the remaining five lectures relate Calvinism to religion, politics, science, art, and the future. Kuyper is an important figure in Calvinism and a leader in theology development. His passion for education resulted in the founding of Amsterdam Free University and numerous other colleges.

  • af John Charles Ryle
    113,95 kr.

    This book is Bishop Ryle's clarion call for the careless believer lax about prayer. It is characteristically warm, and readable- but poignantly urgent. Prayerlessness was a problem in Bishop Ryle's day, but it is endemic in ours. Almost no one is passionate about prayer anymore, swept up in the activities of life, sports, entertainment, and myriad diversions. This work is a potent remedy for spiritual apathy and weak Christianity. If you heed Ryle's advice, your walk with the Lord will be energized by an infusion of vitality and spiritual power you never imagined would be possible.

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