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  • - Answered
    af Henry Augustus Boardman
    123,95 kr.

    Of all the doctrines taught in the Bible the teaching that God has exercised His sovereign goodwill to choose certain individuals to save and to pass over others is perhaps the single most controversial. In this introduction to the subject Boardman does an admirable job of answering the most popular objections to this doctrine.

  • af Ra Torrey
    168,95 kr.

    In this entirely biblical and eminently readable book, Dr. R. A. Torrey first carefully describes who the Holy Spirit is, as He describes Himself in Scripture, and then how we must come to know Him as a person, as real as Christ Himself. He emphasizes that the Spirit is the Christian's ever-present, loving and guiding friend, mighty helper, and comforter, who is always with us. He then continues on to describe the work of the Spirit-in the world and in the lives of Christians. It is impossible to come away without a fuller understanding of the Holy Spirit and a deeper desire for the profound spiritual blessings that come only through Him.

  • af Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    88,95 kr.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    183,95 kr.

    Nothing fascinates and grips the imagination more than the Bible's portents regarding the "last days" and "the end of the age"-but of all Scripture, the passages dealing with these events are those most frequently misunderstood. In this classic volume Philip Mauro deals most thoroughly and precisely with two of the major aspects of end-times prophecy-the timeline of Messiah known as the Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9 and The Great Tribulation. A proper method of Bible interpretation is the key that unlocks these mysteries and Mauro has gotten it right. This key work must be included within the library of anyone that seeks to explore these prophecies seriously.

  • - The Principles of Maternal Duty Familiarly Illustrated
    148,95 kr.

    The Mother at Home was particularly written for the mother who is employed full-time at home in the work of raising a family, but the principles are applicable to every mother and every father as well. This classic book has served to raise godly children for generations. Mothers everywhere have found it to be of vital help to them in their awesome task. Full of wisdom and practical teaching to be cherished by all-read it often, as it isn't possible to glean everything in one or two readings. You'll gain timeless biblical guidance and successful parenting practices, -it's full of practical advice for running a successful home, raising children that love and worship God, and avoiding the most universal parenting pitfalls. Written before the "politically correct" days, when parents were not afraid to discipline their children in the admonition of the Lord. The Mother at Home will prove to be an enormously helpful and encouraging manual for Moms emphasizing the need to be diligent in parenting as slackness in this God-given responsibility will heap up trouble in years to come. Give this fantastic book to any mother of young children as a valuable aid in reflection and course adjustment while there still remains time to impact the lives of their children for good. It's far more effective than the modern books which erroneously encourage a child-led parenting methodology. Raise your children God's way

  • af Michael Rotolo
    98,95 kr.

    This important, historical book was actually written simply as a private letter to a personal friend of Henry Scougal's. It was not penned with any intention of seeing it published, but God has been pleased to use it in a way that made it quickly a classic Puritan text and one of the most widely read and influential treatises ever put into print. It has served faithfully as a comfort to the saints of God for hundreds of years.Just before his death, at 27 years old, Scougal allowed this private correspondence to be published. Nearly 70 years later, a young George Whitefield would be brought to a true knowledge of God by reading it.

  • - A Tale Illustrating the Thirty-Second Psalm
    af Charlotte Maria Tucker
    98,95 kr.

    This is the heart-warming story of young David Aspinall, a true prodigal, that learns of the mercy and grace of God and the love of family only after his brush with the law and an arduous journey through the wilds of Africa. David, like many young men, believes that life back home with his family is just not exciting enough for him and that he will surely do well by leaving it all behind and seeking his fortune and adventure in far-off exotic lands. He learns too quickly though that the world is not as inviting and agreeable as he imagined. David soon meets with hardship and life-threatening dangers when he finds himself stranded in Africa but God has other plans for David. By His grace, David eventually finds both his God and his way back home to the loving family that has patiently prayed for his safe return. This is a wonderful, life-affirming tale illustrating the goodness of God through the motif of a story which parallels the 32nd Psalm. Your whole family will enjoy the message taught through the story of David Aspinall-- The Wanderer in Africa.

  • - A World of Love
    88,95 kr.

    An explanation of Heaven as only America's brightest Theologian could deliver.

  • - The order of God's decrees
    af Michael Rotolo
    98,95 kr.

    The Plan of Salvation is the result of a series of five lectures delivered by Benjamin B. Warfield at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1914. In these now famous discourses, B. B. Warfield thoroughly analyzes all the possible soteriologies and emphatically concludes that, - "There are fundamentally only two doctrines of salvation- that salvation is from God, or that salvation is from ourselves." Warfield skillfully arrives at this determination through an enriching and edifying process of argumentation which is sure to convince the reader that truly- salvation is from God alone.

  • - In its Relations to the Covenant, the Priesthood, and the Intercession of our Lord
    af Michael Rotolo
    213,95 kr.

    The Atonement is the most significant aspect of our salvation wrought by Jesus Christ on our behalf and this book which deals with the atonement in depth is the most significant contribution to the Christian church by the nineteenth century Scottish Calvinist-Hugh Martin. He was a theologian of extraordinary grasp and great power and is considered one of the masters of Covenant Theology heralding from Scotland. For creative brilliance paired with reverent orthodoxy Martin outshines them all, on both sides of the Atlantic. Martin's keen analytical mind also distinguished him as an outstanding mathematician. At a time when the preaching of the cross has been displaced from many pulpits by a therapeutic-moralistic deism, and where experience-oriented, utilitarian teaching has eclipsed sound doctrine, Hugh Martin's exposition of the atonement as it relates to the Covenant, the priestly work of our Lord, and upon the intercession and the mediation of our Lord is a work that demands the attention of every pastor and lay-person as well.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    213,95 kr.

    Octavius Winslow was one of the foremost evangelical preachers of the 19th Century. His deeply Christ-centered works exhibit his love, wisdom, and pastoral excellence. Richly devotional, -they warm the soul and fan the flames of holiness with sincere love, and praise to the Lord. This book, Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul, deals with the Christian who finds that his heart has cooled to the things of God. We all experience dry periods in which our feelings become dull and our obedience wains. Winslow deals realistically with exposing the reasons for our declension in love for the Lord and gives us practical, godly advice to revive our souls to new love for Him. This classic volume is of enormous value to all Christians.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    88,95 kr.

    A concise treatment of the Sovereignty of God as pertains to the salvation of men. This excellent work is from the pen of one of the world's leading theologians, Jonathan Edwards. Edwards deals with the definition, scope and working of God's sovereign decision-making in his plan to save a people for Himself. After reading this historical work you will have no doubt that salvation is entirely a work of the good-pleasure of God and that we as men cannot contribute to our justification.

  • af Robert Lewis Dabney
    98,95 kr.

    This is a newly typeset edition of Robert Lewis Dabney's classic book explaining the doctrines known popularly as Calvinism. This concise primer to the doctrines of grace is a perfect introduction to reformed soteriology suitable for all interested in the subject and excellent as the basis for a Bible study or church handout.

  • - A 31 Day Devotional of Thoughts on Christ, The Gospel and The Church
    af Michael Rotolo
    98,95 kr.

    A useful devotional book comprising 31 brief essays regarding Christ, the Gospel and the Church. Suitable for Christians and non-Christians alike. If you want to evangelize your family, friends, or co-workers this is a great, "quick-read" to hand out.

  • - Considered in relation to its Mode and Subjects
    af Michael Rotolo
    213,95 kr.

    The Church has been divided with respect to many doctrines over the previous 500 years since the Protestant Reformation but one of the greatest divisions centers around the doctrine of baptism-its mode and its subjects. There are those that dogmatically insist that the word "baptizo" and its cognates as found in Scripture means "to immerse" and nothing more. Given this view they must conclude that to be properly baptized, as God commands, then a person must be baptized by immersion-and only by immersion, into the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Are they correct though? Since the majority of those that hold to Reformation theology, hold to a differing view of baptism-namely, that baptism should be applied by sprinkling or pouring-the Church of Christ remains at odds. And who should be baptized? Only those that are old enough to credibly profess their personal faith in Christ-or as the Paedobaptist believes, their children born into the covenant home? In this classic work, Archibald Burgess deftly tackles the issues with compelling logic and Scriptural support. Although unabashedly Paedobaptistic, Burgess writes in an irenic tone that makes this a valuable addition to the libraries of all Christians regardless of where you currently fall out on this issue. Every Christian must wrestle with this matter and come to his or her own settled conviction. This approachable volume is an excellent basis for studying this important doctrine as it deals with the original language but not so deeply as to confuse the layman. Whether Baptist or Paedobaptist, everyone will benefit from exploring the Scriptures along with Burgess as you study the doctrines of Christian Baptism.

  • af B B Warfield
    113,95 kr.

    The Westminster Assembly of Divines was a council of theologians and members of the English Parliament appointed to restructure the Church of England. It was formed in 1643 during the lead up to the First English Civil War by the Long Parliament. This is a concise history, written by Benjamin Warfield, of The Assembly's work between the years 1643 up until sometime about 1660. From its efforts were produced a new Form of Church Government, a Confession of Faith or statement of belief, two catechisms or manuals for religious instruction (Shorter and Larger), and a liturgical manual for the Churches of England and Scotland.

  • - Last Words of A Dying Man to Dying Men
    88,95 kr.

    This unique book is a series of 5 addresses as given from the heart of a man lying upon his death-bed, facing the very shadow of eternity. May the reading and contemplation of these five exhortations prove valuable to prepare each of us to face the day appointed for all men.

  • - With Explanation and Luther's Preface
    98,95 kr.

    Luther's Small Catechism should be a part of any Christian's library. Its brief, clear summaries of Scriptural teaching allow individuals and families alike to use the Small Catechism as a powerful tool and prayer book. Although Martin Luther wrote the Small Catechism in 1529, its question and answer format serves as a timeless guide book for Christians of all generations. It is easy to use and applicable to all the various callings we have in life. The Small Catechism explores the six chief parts of Christian doctrine: the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confession, and the Sacrament of the Altar (The Lord's Table). It also includes helpful daily prayers, a table of duties for Christians, and a guide for Christians to use as they prepare to themselves for the Lord's Table.

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